10 TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY !' SEPTEMBER 01023 M Si if 1 ' i i -1; I "i Si tflKtA 4v- rrr -v -v iMoeA Daily Except Kaaday -bf I - THB ITATXfMAJf PUBLISHIS3 COMPAST """ """in Saa'H Commercta! 01 4 Balaa, rge t j J. H-adrle.a f - Manaa-i $ irn4w:rMc' . . J iBg iiiio : i tnAX, K.Logaa.' :1 . Cite rVitor ! jj Lealie Smith ...... Telegraph Ed.fcer ! j; Aadrad Buaeh . . . feoeiety EdUer I W. H. BiMt . - Cirit!tiB Muimt Ralph H . KieUfng . AVdrtUing Manager Pruk J a koala . Jaaa?r fob lp. E. A. Ehote - a Ltock Editor W. ft Capa i . Poultry Editor . r. L eibbe cr m uooumni!i , r . i. Tt AerUtc-5 rrea i. axcUeeely a-ititled t tk im (r pabSoattot orauiew 1 1 patch. er.d 4 to it er t etherwiae credited iMLSTSSLyjK! 3 puUiibe'. herein. m w m oeii u-.r, o.ig norrriitr s at. Cortland on. . ' : rhoma. C!rk Co., New Tort. 128-136 W. Slit St: Cntaata. liinmM. tlMr Daty f.w sh.r, Bids, tomd Calit, BIbm OfflreSJ or SIS . Bealaty Edii.r' . . . ' TELEPHONES: - - f -;-. ''.-. . Clrcalatloa Off1ee..581 Xewi &65rtaMr .!- - 10 ' " Jo Dttttta.t ; , ; j y ..ggj Entered t aha Poat Qtfjaa j, QTagoa, a. eecocd elaaa, at. 1 : September 20,. 1025 ! SCRELT.WIIA:--Be re your ia will find you outr Xambers 1 1 s :IL ' ; HEST FAIR WEST OP THE ROCKIES Welcome to Salem; welcome to the best state fair west of the Rockies . , I , T t,.j The best, you may be assured, in agricultural and horti cultural and most other exhibits, as well as the greatest in extent, and the best managed. . . AtT,' ,--'f;'ys.i. .'. The people of Oreeon - . . - - w rr---v wwuvw. fair. It is, theif own fair, and they should appreciate it. Thev . fihould patronize it and encourage its constant improvement - For all this will mean a friendly comoetitlon to do thP K.?4"16"!11" else could to the solid upbuild ,Uig "t. this potentially greatest commonwealth in all the 91 . -n union; ,, '-j . v : v V 13 tt Uy aiiouiu a pjeasure ior loyai.uregonians, and especially Salemites, to attend. lit ht,;-'):et'nl trfiEfenT UPON PRECEPT: xine up6n lin PICI1T-BOUND BUREAU, Sea Wagh.' Sept. 17. Idleness Iri prfcHJ lthettou3e of touch misclifef. not only at the' time, but also ort'hen tdle prisoner have, sprved their terms or have other LJISe Kt' Pardon or, pfrole. This'ia the observation of, CnaHA'fiC Reed; from m experience of 30 years ;in prison and 'oolice wor' , rr Keed became chief .of police of Seattle-in 1894. and there afier served nuccessively as warden of the state; nenitentiarv at Walla aHa, warden of the Minnesota state prison at Stillwater and direc 'tl industries at the Michigan state prison at Jsickson. Last year he returned to Washington and is living on his fruit1 ranch near Yakima. 1 Industries that do not compete with the freei labor of the state of "Washington should at once be established in the Walla Walla peni tentiary, Mr. Reed said while vlsitirfg Seattle this,1 week: ,;His attention ?.& bfPn galled to, the .report of "Olaf L. Olsen; state director of f business control, that between 275 and 300 prisoner at Walla Walla .i..e dqw, compelled tof Idleness' every day. (Of this number fully ,200 j are fitted for work, the others being cither physically or mentally! ..deficient, or deemed too desperate to be trusted among their fellows. ; r Industrial plants. at the. penitentiary are now making the automo- bile license plates iwed in Washington and most of the clothing needed for inmates of Btate iiistitutlons;. and some of the . prisoners are . , eraploye,d in farming and game'farm work. Director Olsen has an nounced -.his. purpose .to- ask the Legislature, at Ihe. coming peeiat h ; session,-to. provide some means for the employment of many idle -f-prisonenrj -.' v k- :-: i-j, 'Keeping men in prison unemployed is'anlinjustk'e to them, and ' "in Injustice to the faipayem," said Mr; Reedi--'It is tremendously tasteful and wholly unnecessary." During the-six years as warden of V ,he prison of Minnesota, he said, these things were done: !'? 1I?nle(1 business of n.000;000'a year Jn the manufacture of tinder twine and farm machinery. ' ; . . .: i ' ? 'iv'.111 aU upkeep expenses of the. Institution); f:V'Tj'- ..Turned back $2,250,000 In profits to the state treasury. f?;:v PaId $100,000 In wages each year to the working inmates.. ' ; uaiaunnea au-aepenaent families of inmates, . ' : v "You can't reform a man byt locking hlmjup like a byena said , Jlr.vRedr , man has his liberty taken awy from hm by the state he becomes a ward of tbe state. The state mut assume responsibility, ( ot only ror his safe-keeping, but also, to some extent, for what his activities. are to be after he. is released: A prison should be something like a sanitarium.,,) When a prisoner is brought in his, case should be ;dl'agnaed and prescribed tor. In using these terms I don't mean tc encourage the theory that all criminals are merely sick In some way i-or others and should be nursed and coddled back to moral health. But f each prisoner's case should be studied, and1 the state should try to correct his erihiinal tendencies 'by work, disciplineor whatever means may -be necessary." . -. ..'! I . . . 1 , 1 he -bve ,s on a11 fours with what has been said, ovei v .. 1 r APd over again and acrain ami naam ttii; ;.:t I u I J tesmn ? but 11 ia M sufficient importance to be re- nt lir v -w Pcept, precept upon pre- hne here, a little; and thertrk "?i,.WAdecIad byth great prophet of old." 'i rh' iuw!, iiiipqriant iieiq o reform In our country, because it leads to the reformation of oir raUng with crime. It will lead to the drying up of the v .4. t J T1 It will involve the carrying of courses in penoii. inology in our colleges and universities And thus the men and. women of the best standing- trainincr will ru fnnrifi in tVi -fY-r ai)min!ciart'n ,..1 Ft - - ... UUMUlllkt Ail T Li I OKA interpreting the laws for punishing erime and reforming criminals and stopping the stream of crime at its source. The revolving'f und law for our Oregon Denitentiarv is copied from the Minnesota law, under which the Stillwater prison has become the best prison in the world; self support ing since 1905; with. a constantly improving program; with the highest record for reformations of any similar institu tion on earth ; . ' ' ' : t And .the opportunities are more favorable for such ac complishments in Oregon.; WTiat is wanted is a continuous sympathetic administration of. the present law; a course of just keeping on keeping on f J.. , Backed by well informed public sentiment. ' . There must' be no idle men in the Oregon penitentiary, and they must bei so employed as to heln the develonmpnt of our industries, and so as to make the institution entirely self supporting. . This can and by all means ought to be done. Union Roster ,-1". '. WheitYou Are Ready jut t 1 .A ? J )l To Move r. , - . if..:' - ' ' ' " . r Cl on ns, for we have padded Van and Ftece I . lined covers for rnur fnmifnr. V r, doss piano and furniture movers. We also handle BrooderStoves, Fumade , .. . r i Coals and Diamond Briquettes " s Storage Co. Phcno 020 - ,: : - , i.- ... . ... -1 H. F.WOdDRYaSON SALEM'S AUCTIONEERS . : . . ' And Furniture Dealer " ,18 Year Ilzerieace-atitf action Goaruiteed . ' " ST02S 271 H. C01OIEECIAL JHCJTZS 75 or 1843-W . ; ' We Buy, Sell or Exchange Fimdturf ' " ' Sole Agenti in Lang Stcyei ' CCTTEB'a CNlO.1 KO. SUO "-'l and fuarta Wdaidr. i. alalbara; mtwUi?, ....... CAf ""L CNIO KO. H. D. irx Kattur dy. :oo 'v. X CARPENTER'S t.M. r. prndnt; W. Pett.c.. . Skilled mechanic farakr4. i uj.. MMMMaSMaaaW j . Che Or ) .at bi ....I r .1 i C as east Mm tal af Or(a. t y acto hktaihenq j Lodge Roster rBATEENAL OKOXR OF Citiu. awl lit Srd Wad. W. O. W. Un H. ii. " . rr: 7. in. I O H . H An old artisan who prided him self on his ability to drive a close bargain contracted to paint ' a huge barn In the neighborhood for the small sum. of twelve dollars. "Why on earth did you agree to do it for so little?- his brother Inquired. "Well," said the eld painter, "you see, the owner is a mighty unreliable man. It I'd said I'd cha-e him twenty-five dollars, likely he'd have only paid me nine teen. .And if I charge him twelve dollars, he may not pay me but nine. So I thought it over, and decided to paint It for twelve dol lars, so I wouldn't lose so much." The widower had Just taken Ms fcurth wife and was showing her " j 'r1 M.,. " ' fd :. See Oi V ' wfJfA -' ; ' " U s., - ; 1 riK : i.Tunney;agaln . billts uncle- , ;r- mz?'i:Zx,i "fcir - -j:;::: - ' taxes -Stfauy ar siaaaay t Ma La aar ward - aaat par ward Ona tiasa Sis tiaiM S mm.rn.lM mmr MtJ Oaa aiaata. daily aad Baadav to t. la crr ta aara Ua aaara Uaa aaa ral. a.r-rUaaeaaal aaaa raa U aaaarativa laaaaa, ' Ma i aka aar taa vla aaata. KA4a. raa SaaAaj OKLT aaaraad at aaa-Uaaa rat. . AdTWr , , (,,caT Paraaaaia aad SiMtatiaaa Wtavaa X2 a takaa a- ua tatapaaa tf tka advarliaaa U aabaeriW ta a aaaa, , Tka Pti I ill - - ta-aau al aay iiaia at Ua day r a ib aura arapar alaaatXiaa tieaa ada. aVaaiA aa ta kafaaa iE-HO?S SI a 11 GENERAL. atPAIRIJiO. TJKE8 A?D tab, areaaaariaa. raa a ait Utl A I.nrSGOOI OAAAUK. haaaa SS4. ililUr aad 8. O auaarrial tit a. : Wa ipcialia ia raeaaA twaiag ta. 6tf AUTO TOl" 8EK C FO. C? .D PAIXT WORK. . nail iw lap ai -ua -"k- Kar fira aWpartMal. A-alat( VAXTKD--EnlploJllnt JB PRACTICAL MAX KL'RSE TOR WE. FOR OAU)E PLOWIXO, BASEKSNT difri'C aad taaa vara. ;Ua 19PS. , ltal4(t BASE M EXT OIOOIMO AK1 LAW! rradiac. Paaaa 1SS4-M. 10OS Money to Loan Oa Bal EiUta r. rot" (Otav U-dd A Baaa Baak) WOOL. GO LP EOSE CH!LDRKX'8 part kaaa. kvait ta ardar. Zlaad kait- FOR RENT 21 FOR REvVT Cloaa ia. farawkad kaa: ITS par aaaaia. Cea taaarbaa aaaaa, S acraa, 49 par avaalfc. SEE KRCTOER Pkaaa 217 512 PRINTED CACS, SUB 14 BT TH" wardiar "Far Aaat," priea 10 caata ark. Stataaataa Baaiaaaa Ofliea, aa rreaad flaar. BEFRB TOTJ I.XAV1 YUB BOMB OKCiB HAK IT Insured Properly Phna lfY IWVa A Haalrica, ntlic lildc. 140 X. Uirh St. 4 IS if 1 FOB RJEXT A pau rroTu 23 AUTO.MOOU.11 BALEX ACTO WRECKIXO CO. , Wbla. Tir, htmm. Taadara - Half Pnta mm. laaa : Parta for all rara. cash far aid cart, : 40 8. Ckareb pkena Slit . laStf BCHEELER ACTO WRECKIXO CO, wiU . k V 7"r aid car. Hicaaat caak prica twtd tna.S X fow.rH.I m t)itf around the village. Among the places tisited was the churchyard, and the bride paused before a very 'elaborate tombstone thai bad been erected by the bridegroom. Being a little nearsighted, she ask ed him' to read the Inscription, and In reverent tones he read: "Here lies Susan, beloved wife of John Smith; also Jane, beloved wife of . John Smith; also lary, beloved wife of. John Smith " He paused abruptly,' and the bride, leaning forward to see the bottom line, read, to her horror: "Be Ye Also Ready." As one of the great transatlan tic liners came up New York har bor the other day. a grimy coal barge floated Immediately In front of her. .""Clear out of the way with that old mud scow!" shouted an officer on the bridge. A round, sun-browned face ap peared over the cabin hatchway. "Are ye the captain of that ves sel?" "No." answered the officer. "Then spake to yer equals. I'm the captain o' this!" came froni the barge. " . J '- GIBBONS BOUT SOUGHT aaaaaBa-aaaaaaa j MATCH WITH KXK TtJXXEY TALKED BY PROMOTERS ' MINNEAPOLIS. Sept- 26. (By Associated Press.l a . who strengthened his bid for a fi3it with Jack Dempsey by 1 nocking out Bartley Madden In the third round of their bout here last night, has been 'offered $75. 000 for a match next summer with Tommy Gibbons of St. Paul. Uefore Tunney and his manager. Billy Gibson, left for Chicago last n'.ght Capt. Billy Fawcett. head of the Twin City Athletic association, made the propcsltlon. The contest would deoend on ; Gibbons' return to the ring. The bt. rani fighter has gone Into re tirement, at least temporarily, but nas expressed a desire to meet iTunney.again riKMSJIED APAKTMEXTS Cbaasakcta Stract. I I T 1 !3a4 nKXIS!IED APABTMEXT. PRIVATE balk. Hi Coert St. TaL 10S7. 3s30 THREE RAUM APARTMENT. PARTL.T faraobrd. 4IS X. tlit. $13. S3-al A WELL FURNISHED APT, CLOSE IX, for ad alt, tti 8. Libartr. i3M. S3.2B FOR REXT APART If EXT8 . Oaiawe'ai. - SSI K; JJtt LARflE TLAT.rOR RXXT 5 ROOMS aJ laraaea. SST.Ste Vara at October fint -Brka A HaadricV. Unlit bld( ln X. II irk St. . ' t.U24ir PRIXTED CARDS. SIZE 14 2T 7V4".' wardiac "Kooaa ta Baat.' p.-kra 19 eaau a ark. Stataaaaaa Jlaaiaaaa ?t OcaJ frouad flaor. . . l VATni-MLrlli-roHa S3 J WANTT.D lSEI S..NiE. ar!y . aiaa diaWf boa B. 8ataaa. . S1V8T nr. I a PCRXITCRE PACKIXO FOR SHIP- ti .aaa-'a vara larauaro a. ii.:of IIinUEST PRICES PAID FOR IPEB atavaa, taeU. faraira. SUff'a LaoA Ciaaa lpi, appaaUa caart baaaa. SSaj!lf WAXTKI) 8KCOXD HAND WAOOX arith bar. Ataat ba rbaa aad ia aaa bla raa4itioa. Siata prica a4 vbra roa aa r ba mwb. Addma Raata Ma. S. baa S3. IJ-al BAXD AXD OKCIIES--RA IXSTBti aaaata rapalrad. I'aka'a U aural I m. rtraaaat kUoair Skop. Roaaa S. Kc Caraaca Sldf, AUUar'a. PWaa 22 IS. . t'ala CA8U PAID rOR FALSE TTXTH daaUl (atd. platiaaai aaA diacaracA , JawairT. llaka Sataltiag aaA baiiaarr Ca, Otacr. Micbiraa. SSjSS WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOB fana Jaaaa. i a aara aaarai taaaa aa baad. Hawklaa A hi Jaa, 20A Orafaa It Ms. WOODBT TUB AUCTIOXEEB BHTI aaA tar altar far aaab. fkaaa SI L Sia: ivq a,"pLra- J fcabrt. S4l4d Vrl for halp: 37 FOB SALE BURBAXK POTATOES AND .rabbara. Pkaaa SIF1S. I7a5 IKOPHEAD SIXGER 8EW1XO MA ckiaa. S4.00. tSa-W. S7a: SHOE REPAIR SHOP FIRST baaa1 Mad vkoa for aala. prra. Jarab Vact, S?9 8. Caa CLAHS. Btadiaia jarrial S? at FOR SALE IS OAK TOP TABLES, Si frt vark. - la parfart aaadiUoa. Ro aoaablr prtcaA. T. W. C. A. 3710 COXCORD GRAPE3 XOW READS. FIXE TaL 11JS-W. araaiafa. ;: DOCTORS OPEBATIXO OIAIR. 94 X. Libartr. -. .. . SIaJ rOR REXT Rooms 25 HEATED ROOVo Wrril Cloaa a. 53 X. Cottafa. BOARD. 2SaX FOR REXT FCRXI8HED SLEEPING rooia aad S-raooi apartatenta. 444 8. Jlifk. Pkoaa 104 W. . 25 a2lf T rooms roa RrxT, wmr board. Cloaa La. Kcfra.-a. 940 MilL 25a3 FIVE ROOM FLAT FOR REXT RrrT able or iiiac ajaartcra ar affwea. Tcla pboaa 1825 or call at 11 X. 13tk. 254 MODERN ROOMS TROIC SOW. IX clndinf Fair wear. 9.O0. 1 blue fraa CapitcL Tal. 206C J. 25tJI ROOM FOR RENT TX MODERX LOME tkraa blacka from auto baaac All coarcawacaa, Gaatiaaiaa profarrad. Pleaaa fiva rafaraacas aaA addreaa A B., cara Sutaaaaa. . 25jJ8U FOR REXT ROOM SUITABLE FOB ttadoata. wit aleaplor porek pnilcf aa. Erarytbiaa atodcra. Rafaraaraa ara ra- , sairod. Addraaa raaaa. eara Sutaaaaa. 13 )2Mf .FPR REXTr-IIonsea 27 FOR REXT TCRXtSHEIl " HOUSE. Rcaaaaabla. 1245 Madiaaa. 27al S ROOM HOUSE, 898 X. LIBERTY. 25.00. Both ia good repair. TaLaiKSi ?783W RfHIMS FOR BEXT CLEAN. AIRT furniabed rootra for rent by 4ar ar moatk at Y. W. C. A. Board if d airad. Ladica only. 1730 COZY TWO ROOM HOUSE PARTLY faraiahed. Ooad locatiaa. Call 1794 J " . 2729 NEW XEAT 8IX ROOM HOUSE. BASE- frr, two blocki from acbool. ' 1730 8. Libarty. 27830 X YOU EX NT HERE'S S ROOMS aad n-rara right whara yon vaat it Cot ta H20O aaA Urai wiU haadla. aeant. TaTiag, walk, larga Ut acar fT.a'-,,l-.Bek M-riek, Heilir Bldf, 189 X. Hlrb St. 7.i,I FOR REXT Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED PA "MS JSL t1U Thoaaaaa, araar. Or . Phono 6 XX. .IPaltf WAXTED TO REXT 31 VTrnX, BUSINESS MAX FOR taaBf iBUl A Baf tar Iniaa aa.afc.. k a arftiag room and board ia a eocafort- aoia aoaia tkat baa atodcra coara. icarta. Box 123 fiutnai.. n.o Traapaaa Xatlraa. - art - 14. lacaaa. friald aa gaad 10-ataca raa rat boar, ag tka ward. "Xoiica ta Hera by wic a That Traapaaaiag la Strlctlr Farbid daa Oa Thoa Praaitaca L'adar Paaaltr af Praaaeatiaa." Priaa (Ir aarb or a far 23a. Suuaaaaai-Pmh. Oox. BaVaa. Oragaa. ta aa.i Statl i . 8EIA. CS TOTS USED FCBXXTURE 1L L. Stiff Faraitara Ca. L'aad Oaad Lap. Oppaaita caart baaa. 17al'it FOR SALE OLD XEW8PAPER3. TEX rat a baad la. CircmJaUoa daparlat Oragaa Stataaaaaa. J7tf ALFALFA. tRAIX, HAY. TIMOTHY, aat. barley aad wkcat. gaaraalaaA aalilr. Prompt akipotrnt. 1'rirr ap aoplirUa. Bichard Xyraaa. Walta walla. Wiib. S7-2S ott eALJC Livestock - 39 VETERIXARIAX , DR. PATTERSON. 2 2 3. K. 2. OOI XV. , SSIj'itf FRED W. LAXOE. VETERIXARIAX Office 420 8. CaataaarciaL Paaaa II IS. Baa. Pkoaa 1668. I9b2JU AUCTION SALE IS HEAD REOIST araA Jarttya. I grada Jaracy. aad aaaacToaa other art ic las, ta ba aold a4 publte aactiaa, Moaday. Sept. 28. at 10 , a. . oa Saa J. Mchla vlaca. S aiWa aaath. half nil aa, of Iadapaadaaca, Orrgoa. Art bar O, Rait, aw aar. I a. dapewi'nr. Orma. S9t?4 WOOD FOR SALE 43 FOR WOOD SAWrXO PHONE 1091. - 4311 WOOD OF ALL KINDS FOR 8 ALE, ; Jaha H Seou. Pkaaa 254 ar i22. 4330 18 INCH SLAB WOOD PER LOAD IX7S. lAiacb 2nd fir par load. SJ.7S; la lark 1A fir per load, 4u50. Proaipt daUrary. I'hoaa 1647. 4330 . . .' BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. aad 18 inch. Dry mil wood. Ore a win weoA. j " . I'ry aaaoad arrawth fir. Dry 4 ft. ah. aiapla aad oak. FRED E. WELLS. 280 Soath Charca. Phoaa 1542. 43a6tf S IXCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH V oa k aad ui tt.. ltri w t vr . " 'T- t 4Itlltf OOOD COAL- DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVT.RIE8. "lUJtiN FL EL CO. TEIKPHOVEJS 4t;s,f MitoLlty 8IOC1 4k' BULBS SPAXI8K AXD DUTCH IRIS. Surplaa blooming atack. All color. SO t 75a par do. CaU aftar & p. au ar Satarday. 1775 Caart fit Pkoaa -J. " 492.- M1SCXLLAXEOU8 CI CALL 2128 IF YOU WANT HOT WAT r caila pat ia tfaat raaga, ataa ar heater. , si02 FCRNITURE repair tag. SU-ra. UPHOLBTEoUirO AND Gtaaa-Pawara,, l'.raitar ii- .m.n "StalOll N 'i TO TUt iViVTAASJJ -WHO'S , CyO wLW CTS M. TUC I Tir-' mm9 W" T AfWr Cr.U.VKVC. r BOX OP -mm .". DOROTHY DAftNIT PXI r400h4 S rvt. Ua.tM a a MlfcV;KE.EP cl f r-Li b ' - r r S -fcT - - ar . Ja. Cooo iMORMlNG TO TOU. DOROTHV Do You FI WELL THI IPRKlllMC fTTj WIS! QUITE jv v wr-? ' . j Charles Mcilanuj them YO L.viT PRAPS Ynii Li no.m,f C K THOSE Tvvo WAiM -YrxV? O tiCRRovED fCOM OS - MONTH" 1 ? a 4) nr. . ta. i if I 1