The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1925, Page 9, Image 9

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Section Two
'Pages 1 to 6
Society ; Classified-
Better Homes
' ' " '
111 FlffilS
Mechanical Contrivance
Furnace Proving Effic
ent: and Popular
; A distinctly Oregon product' is
the ."Iron fireman," manufactured
by the Iron Fireman Manufacture
ing company of Portland. The
Oregon factory Is the only one, in
existence, and is run exclusively
by Oregon capital. ; J. C. Parker,
of Parker & Banfleld,- building
contractors whv built the Elks
temple of this city, is head of the
company. .
According to Otto Hillman of
the Hillman Fuel company, -who
ere handling the iron fireman in
this, region, the new automatic
fireman has advanced a long way
toward solrlng the problem of
firing. .:. :;:
I Seven of the iron firemen hare
been already, installed ' in Salem;
and Mr. Hillman reports that he
has orders for three more; besides
several prospects. j
I The fireman is simple in con
slruction, and is so built that
there is only one part that must
standi wear, and that la the gear
caste. Coal of the slack variety.
Is fe(t into a hopper. Prom there
Ii t is ' fed into a' worm that is
driven by electricity into a special
grate that is part of the equip
, jncnt of the fireman. There are
only two regulations on thejwhole
' machine, one for coal and one for
i. w ... . ..... . . . .. .. .1
a regulator sets tne.notj water
temperature at any heat desired.
and Is automatically arranged so
that the heat will not fall below
or go above that temperature.
A new1 feature of the iron fire
man is a thermostat control which
operated from any part of the
building desired in'whlch the. fire
man is located. .There is a clock
attachment which can be set as an
ordinary alarm : clock, and, this
starts the fire at any time desired
without attention from - any one.
, By making ' use of the gasses
that are created - by : the burning
of coal, considerable heat is save
that is ordinarily wasted, and it
is the claim of the company that
several dollars 4s saved by the
fireman on ;the fuel' bill alone.
besides dispensing with the serv
ices of a stoker.
- as proor mat this is not an
idle boast. Prank Bligh, who has
had two 'of the machines installed.
one in the Bligh hotel and one in
the new Salem hotel, asserts that
he expects the machine in the
Bligh hotel to pay for Itself in
one year by the saving on the
fuel bill. Besides which' he claims
.he will .have a steady flow of hot-
water and the even heat he desir-
es. .,. nauue ueue, wno.nad one
of the I firemen Installed at the
Cray-Belle last April, -l also - ex
presses himself, as highly pleased
with the results of the machine,
- At first the firemen were made
only for large commercial boilers,
but recently the company has. de
veloped a smaller fireman. for use
in appartment bouses ' or resid
ences using furnaces. The first
machine of this kind to be install
ed ' in the United States was in
stalled at the Adsitt apartment of
this city. ; ; -
Demands for the machine
the east has reached large propor
tlons, and Indications' are that the
manufacturing "of the " " machines
will do a great deal toward the
advancement " of the prestige
Oregon manufacturing.
Gain Over Previous Year; Is
38 Percent; Tendencies '
; Pronounced Upward
August permits' in 376 : cities
and towns established a new rec
ord for that month, .with a gain
of 38 per cent over August, 1924.
The total was $391,458,707, a
gain of $107,547,538 over August
last. year. .Every, region of the
country, nearly all states, most
large cities and hundreds of small
er places," showed gains. I
In the East 111 cities had a
total of $188,237,946 compared
to $118,114,895 in. August, 1924.
an increase of 59 per cent. In
the Central. Ill cities, had a total
of $108,393,816 compared to $89,-
586,270, an Increase of 21 per
cent. In t ie South. 5 cities had
a total of $51.062.322 'compared
to $33,S?lv437, -an increase of. 51
per cent. In the Pacific West 179
cities vaA a total of $43,564,623
compared to- $42,335,547.' an in
crease of 3 per cent, .,
Feven of the , twelve strictly
Ida, which had a gain. of over
fifteen iand a half million dollars:
Kentucky, Mississippi, S o u t h
Carolina and Texas.
Clearwater, Fla., which is for
the firs) time reported, in the sufi
vey, .had an August increase . of
1166 pr cent, the highest pro
portion te gain of any place in th
country The twenty-five leading
Southern cities as a unit, had a
total of $43,782,000, a gain of
per cent over Angust, 1924. Miamj
led in vplum'e with a total of ove
,vvu,tuu t or me nonifl. xiuua
ton wa4 Second in volume. West
Palm Bach third,' Tamia fourth
and St. Petersburg fifth.
Some bt the notable percentages
of gain H ere West Palm Beach.
97; Orjjijndo, G37: Hollywood
ozo: .Miami iseacn, is- i. in-
ersburg.s 238; Tampa. 20"
Houstcn 1145. ;
Some other cities showing sub
stantial I percentages of Increase
were New York, 1S3; Chicago, i;
Newark. IN. J , 185; Miami. 77;
Tamoa. 207: Houston. 145: St,
Petersburg. 238; Minneapolis, 82;
Long Beach, 4 76; Boston. 5;;
Cblumbuff"Ohio, 2C5; Washington,
. i
Plans Are Completed by Spe
cial Commission; Natur
alness Is Stressed
A government censor is present
in every newspaper office in Italy.
Some issues hawe to be "made up"
five or sac times before they are
approved. The result of this sup
pression is a secret press opposed
to Mussolini.
eluding Alabama, Arkansas, Flor- 'Classified Ads Bring Results
SILVERTON. Or.. Sept. 25.
(Special to The Statesman.) The
beauty of the SUyeton , natural
park is to be enhanced, according
to the report submitted by the
park commission to the city coun
cil and accepted by the latter
body. For the past six months
the commission has been in con
sultation with landscape garden
ers for the improvement of the
park. Plans are now completed
: The Silverton park is said to be
one of the finest natural parks in
Oregon. It contains about five
acres of fir and oak trees. On
one side it Is guarded by Liberty
hill and on the east side runs Sil
ver "creek. A year ago a swim
ming pool was built into the
creek. Cement steps for seating
purposes were built along the
banks. Dressing rooms and shoots
were added. Besides i these im
provements comfort- stations, a
cement tennis court, which is also
used for dancing and roller skat
ing, a children's wading pool, are
among the other improvements
added during the past year.
The new plans call for the plant
ing of 137S shrubs of various
kinds, the erection of a new
speaker's and band stand, a side
hill seating arrangement and a
number of scenic walks and by
'-,The park was' a donation of the
Cool Id ge & McClaine estate, and
Is fast becoming the mecca of
Willamette valley" pliickrt.
Among the picnics held here dur
ing the past summer were the
American Legion, the Southern
Pacific, the Loyal Legion of Log
gers and Lumbermen, besides a
number of annual lodge picnics.
Newell Williams
111 Masonic Elds.
TeL 1108.
Classified Ads Bring Results
Table D Hote
; Sunday September27, 1925- -
. Sea Food Cocktail
Chicken ala Neopolitan . ,.' Consomme Puritan
1 Heart of. Celery v. ' ; ; Mixed Olives .
Finnan Haddie Delmonico en Caise
. Shoe String Potatoes
- ;V ?v..r..,,-..;v,,-- ,-. ,
y !''.'( Choice of: . ... - ,
Filet of Mignon Aux Champignons
Roast Milkfed Chicken, Celery Dressing '
Roast Prime Rib of Beef Natural
Baked Potato Cauliflower Au Gratin
' Combination Salad, Roquefort Dressing
Fruit Salad
Apple Pie, Cheese
-. , .... .. j. . . .
Lavif tar VtrfTkm, If tUby
Convenient to
! the twitch iiiat is fine enough for you
You can buy now, the Gruen Watch that
iyou will always be proud to show in any ,
company and one fchat,wUl give you many
years of excellent tirnekeeping service.
By our new;! Divided Charge , Account .
Service yet cart have a Gruen Guild Watch
tomotrow upon payment of only part of the
purchase price. Ohe balance will be divided
1 Into equal amounts payable monthly. ; - -
"No neetl to wait "to" withdraw from .your
salary ot savings the full price of the watch
you really want This plan. enables you or
. your loved ones to enjoy theuseof any.Gruen
CuUdiWatcli hUeiypu'-re.payttlfor-it.
And it costs no more to buy it this way.
l See , 7
Marion Mk- - -Vfys
I WJ res d J?nrr W7M
JA ' ur : f ffyjyA
,t; -, ,, if p, . "mple fn.. MiA'Mm
3c2 u n 1 s I si Jf
. . I Wn)F5) a 7 SWT
5I1III - : . -!t . : i . I
buy nou)J I , TIlFee
Ice Cream Nabisco Wafer
.Pumpkin. Pie Huckleberry Pie -
Demi Tasse .
Canottch f7 WKiM
gold Jinorcetl, hwiMfi
iUy tncntd cow. )jj
v Hartmah Bros.
Jewelers' and .SUversmltha
State and Liberty, Salem, Oregon
Just Completed
Located on Silvertori RoVd in Salem Highway Tracts
Each 4 Rooms Hvitli Breakfast 'Nook
Balance only 525perjoibhthty HghU,mcity afer,in fact
j ; all city conveniences
: : , :: SEE ME7 AT ONCE ;;. "
jMoia Xi.- meisiniaEiii
j i , ,
117 N. Commercial,' Room 3
500 Pairs "Allen A" Fint Quality
Silk Chiffon HosieFy
On Sale Monday, the Last Day
!',!toIorii i
. piack'
Gun Meal
1 Biscuit
Autumn Blonde
Maple Cream
This is the Famous Fifteen
Point Hose "No Seconds"
Evey Pair Per feet-14 Col
ors on Sale for 3 Days Only
Sheldon-Sherwin Co.
"Quality Merchandise Only" -176
North Uberty Telephone 263
' " " ' j" t 'r
The Prices Are Exceptional
For These
of 'FasfeloM
-.. .TV K
We are showing this group of Dress
Coats in . Velours, Bolivia, BroadcVith
and Buckskins, fully lined and trimmed
with Mandefl, Fitch, Sealine, Squirrel
and Manchurian .Wolf.
Tailored SpoFt Coaris
With collars of . fur or self materials. The ideal Coat for business or motoring
$16 S22;l8 S24.75 S34.73
Greetincs'to American Legion and E-Scrv!ce visiters quests cf Cfipital Vczt ICo. C,
-; Oregon SUte Fair, September 28, 1923 . .