The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1925, Page 20, Image 20

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    SUNDAY MORNING. SF.PTElinER 27. 102."
ill-' : vi
. . ' -'. Ml (-' ' ' j " '
ereat. Tuesday prsycr and tris aicct- J lor Christiaa f1
lag- Tridayr 3:3a Bit.! --" t Croatia t wUl lkr!
' I,. -...;..'... . ' ;
All rye hall behold our bavior fosooa
Il i coming s"in,
Not thi tin babe ia a manger, I
; , harkem ye children of men. ..
ty lilt-power and great Ktary from heaven
and the sound of the .JfCaiDpet aa load
A 'J kindred and Umgujtf moat heboid
i Him, the sinful tha haughty and
proud. ,j . - . - '
;.-! - --I - i .;: ....-.!
i I sign in jthe earth are appoarin jr, the
tliw people forgetting their Ood.
.(ejected, despised and forsaken, the first
i time, thin earth bis feet trod; :
'.Jut tow with angel attended, with, glory
and victory crowned. . you maile your peace with your
i eaviur. win ou Do wita thi -cob.-
pany fonnd. ... .
Thi tinner will cry for! t)im mountains
j and riwka to cover them ' i
;'rnm the faca of tba on who, died far
I u and all of Our sorrows h tore,
O fasten, to Jesus my brother for yet is
celle'd" today " .
There ia, airfni danger awaiting it taa
' t still in your aisi uiue ' awar,! '.,
ft .,... ,J . ,,jf lf,;
Toii rees-uiner toe vitt onrt were, took:
I .file for Jcsus Vihen 'first he came
ft tab ia a. lowly-manger; well, today
l 1 it ia jost tho same.
ha wine' m his word. ta hUi wisdom.
know1 the signs are now ii tba erth
as tho sign: in that da)', the. time
of hts virgin birth. r
the parable Jesus-has if rea there
were tire foolish. virgins,, you know
tne rrm wise - ones wans watcuing
and waiting; ;no ready with Jesus
Th fooling had. fto elV in their Teasels'
Ttieur ?o WW sinning, arj xpot-
Tlwe ifre Romany .kind of excuses hey
I make who reject. Him to dar
Of business, ami pleasure and things of
I the world, I'm a tood the Chri
i tiana th ar. . -
Tlutv when Xicodnmus' the ruler, came to
Jesus hr-Dieht te iaatura
The; wsy of salvation,- ho answered him
;tius, his trust and faith to inspire.
, .'. -'.-ijr a-
The wind bloweth when it listuth the
sound yoar cannot fear ,
So are they who are born of th tpirit'
wins forgiven sod tut more fear.
O repent and iind peace in Jesd and a
a joy) the worfd cannot five, ,.
Jiift; a blessed Joy ia living fiTkf kuow
illim b the way to five.
Imc as the days are aaesins and" Ei
romtZT drawing near , '
lie will help yom trr your burdens and
wipe away all your teara
Ton eaa then help a fallen, brother you
And find your own pathway illumined a
saperintendent. ' The Wesley aad Ep
worth (leagues will meet down stairs for
devotional services at 6:30 n. m. Meet
ing ara wide awake and ful of interest.
Strangers always welcomed. Due to res
turant enterprise at the State fair
grounds there will not be aar orarer
meeting this week-. There will b special
music by the olunr morning anf eventa.
ncepiHa 01 new memnera at nutrnmc
hoar, and Sacrament of lrd Hnpper. At
tne- evening .aoar- the) Paiter oreach
from the first text her used en becoming
Vaiito of thU jibarelr. yyear at., .
- 1C '.-''' If A2AE21TB- a I
Nineteenth and ilarion stiwts.' C. tL
Ifopkias. pastern retidAtcwi lSrU liarir
stret.a Mrs; . Hopkins; asriststiV-nr.
Services: l a.-m., and 7 :3 i.m. s trr-
uoa topics: ' irfie aim Ya--tti ' - an ;
"Send Them A." ' Special nuaie'end
singing, morning and' trreninav, iSauday
school: :45 a. m,- W. u. .1 isjy, upr
ioteodent. Young peoples n. -eta at 6:30
p. ra.. topic: 'tThe Call.'-'? ' Us. a'4s
V enarae ot- taeat"nnarr couj
mirte.- Junior Christian SUidrtavor"' at
flv45"fa m.-'-' Leader, Fraow "'AliUi-r
Wednesday evening at - ?-:30 pi er- aui
Vraue meeting.' 'i he pastor-will i -reach
rtunday rooruiatfv and1 41ra.-.JVpkiiiv . will
preai'h Sunday everiing. i lSerjbodyt Wel
come.' V . j--- r?'-.Vv '. V-
' v ' BET KANT BETO EMsb '
. Corner of Caeitol and Marion rstreets.
M. Denny, uastor, resMiene: 96? Marion
street, phono 45W.t . Services,! 1. a. .su.
Sunday school: 10 v m, ieif h. nrai
supennteadent. " l '
241 State Ueet. "It a the songs we
stna- and the smiles we wear, that's ft
mkiar auitshine everywaere.' Look Jtor
ihfi- tail wbita front -opposite were trart
eacs.atey on Statu. ; l)rop iov for bo'ine&s
mevtine' Sunday morning. 11 o'eloelt. You
may also attend Sunday school Tit 23 it
and young people' meet at 6:15 p. m.
And finish, up with the unda?t,evenin
, Meet eyery rtnndsy 10 to 11 and 3 to
- p. ra., for 'Bible studr, DeVby BUlg,
Court An& High street. Saadajr. Septem
ber 27. at 8 n. m. than will k rao
lecture by Chaa. C. Bess, subject-? "Mod
ernists and truadamentalista, ' "Qhristian
People Divided on the Nature of Jesus,"
Dees tba Bib to - Contradict Itself f"
AH interested to know the truth accord
ing to the Hchipures should not ail to
hear" thi lecture. Heat free. No col
lection. ; ' j -
' ' BAPTIST ! j
FIRST Liberty and Marion streets.
Ernest 11. Mbaoka, pastor, residence: 549
Korth Liberty street, phone 1920. Ser-
vua: 11 and ?:3U p. m. 8ennon Upiis.
Spiritual ' Progress." ' and "Living, the
7ifev" Morning, anthem: "Com to
!r Heart Lord Jesus." Ambrose, tulo
"How- Beautiful Upon the Mountains,"
Uarker: Mrs. Shanks. Evenink anth
em: . "Sun -of My Soul." Turner.
Duet: - "Have Thine Own Way, Lord."
' Collins. Mr. Chan. McAllister. Mr. V.
T. Jenks. Monday, sihool rally day 9:45,
Kdward Acbunke, superintendent. Toang
peoples' me-tingt 6JtO, Oroup IV lead
ers.. B.Y.P.U. Mission 'study group on
Thursday . evening at 730. Mid-week
pTarer meeting Thcrsdsy -evenin 7:30.
fttady ot UaJauans 5:1-:g1 luw in , tne
prayer' meeting. Prelude to the Monday
eveaiog worship will include. i tory : Amer-icao-
Inilueute. Baptism and ' special
music The ' church; .tliat.;; welcomes
strangers. ; .'..- ,0.
SCANDINAVIAN'. ttftentU .and Mill
streets Patrih DahlUt,- palter, ridence
209S Trade, street, phone 3t7J.v Cervices
(Swedish) 11 a. n, (Ene!iti . p p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m., Oust "Anderson,
soperintendanU Vessr Peoples':, meet at
t7:15 p. m. Thursday 7:30 prayer meet-.
Ing. us nday 7:3a p.'m. tne Sun
day, school meeting will be held in the
home of Mrs. F. Laliuso. 128(1 Jouth
LFifteenth street. . Yo are alj j cordially
invited to our services. . j ; j .
, v "... - VTOTAaiAS,
Cottage'' and Chemeketa atreets. Kev.
it. Kerenlretian, ' pastor, . residence 657.
.'hemeketa. street, phone 850. Service
11 a, m. Sermon topics: "The God of
saeciaL'.' .comraenrini-t -8. Thfrservioa Pfu ana tne o et tJii y Hunaay."
iavolvjflaT two Salem Babies 'Wilt be . both
unique and impiessive. .Another, impor
tant .event fwlll- atao -take 'place at in is
time--a litSle surprUa! Pnolic meetmge
of the week, at tt p. m. Open-air ser
vices at State aa Liberty T:30- on meet
ing nights,-i - - : i.r-
':''-'-- CATBQlJO ' - i
land avenue. "Kev. Tbos. V. Keeuan,
paator,.phone174. iiervitea : and , 1 j
a. nv if Af5s oa SanJay at' & aad' 10 I
o'clock. Rar. J.-'M.' 0'"arrel -oi Pert-i
land- Wile preach at both masse. In the
afternoon 'n 3 :3trthe dedicatioa" cer
mony and the blessing of the school, will
take" place, with Kt Kev. .Jiillebrand.
Admx officiatid IU. iUrv. Magr. Lane ot
Albany wjll preach. Benediction will be
vem .lBiSiaa jaieiy aner ta Diessiag ot
Jtil srra npeu - uvrmg tne woea
your feet are nearing the God.
. CST1B CHAPEX, V. B. " ,
Corner of .Seventeenth and Nebraska
streets. Our new pastor, Bev. Hoffman,
' ia on his way from Pennsylvania. Will
arrive about the middle of October. Rev.
W. W. Rosebrsngh wilt tilt the- pulpit
this Sunday morning and evening. Mrs.
J. Hal Smith, a missionary-' from Afric
will be with us Sunday October 4. She
i a woman of great faith and experience.
All are welcome to come and-hear her.
Winter and Jefferson' streets,' Thoma
Acheson, pastor, residence: 1060 Jeffsr
ar.n street, phone 1006 J; Leroy Walker,
assistant pastor, residence: 920 Oak
street, phone 1401. Services: 11 a. m.,
and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics:-"A
Worthy Friend, and "On The March" for
Ood."' The Junior church will .meet
down ' stair at 11 a. m. The Rev.
walker war preach, loung people up to I Sunday school 2 p.
18 year of age welcomed. - -Sunday 4 superintendent. - Young -peoples,-' meet
.school: v:3 a. m., iiarry carpenter, -Bartirday, evening, Howard vison, presi-
Mas wjll be at .8 o'clock and on Satur
day at .7- a' clock. - H;
:,--;1r s--: wi-s.'si-.' V
FrRST-'-Liberty, andr Center , atreets.
Chaa. C. Poling,, pastor, residence: 435.
Center street, phone 89 1J. Services: 11
a. m.- and 7:30 p. m. - Sermon topics:
"An yi Testamea Rally," and "Rally
Dtay Program.-' Sunday school: 9;45.
a. m. J. F. Ulrich', superintendent. ' 'At
6:30 Young peoples' meet., subject:
"Ctfristia-n yneadTtne to South Amer
ica, " leader. Miss Lillian Gsrnjobst. The
rally day program will be given by the
school and orchestra. Thursday evening
midweek aervice, led by O. K. Stover.
A. hearty all Who eaa com.
,TABERJIACLE.-Ferry Street. II. E.
Caswell and Mrs. Caswell, pastors, res
idence 173 South Cottage street, phone
434J Serviee&: 3 and 7:30 p. m. Ser
mon topics: "What is Your height!"
and "Leet." Cherry and helpful music.
Sunday school 2 p. m airs. j. Wilson
.11 tt -
B tt. a-
i 2S.
i Vaf';w
'is, ;ov7ner who
xfitops his high repair bills
siiyiuying a White Truck
alL the present prices. He
uces his' cost of havil-
Sunday, school 10 -a. m Miles McKey.
auperinteudent. . anerson-.. club meets
every Thursday evening at 8. This elass
has- decided to, study (lie history of phil
osophy so that later, on modern phil
osophical movement may be studied. All
are welcome. -v Lecture by the , minister
followed by free discussion. ' i j
1750 State street. U. Koehler, pastor,
residence 1750 citato street, phone .199 K.
Servicei lOJO, - Sermon 'topic: "God'a
Messengera of Peace." Sunday school i
9:30 a. m. Bible school on Saturday
Lcpra a. ia. and catechetical instruc
tion from 1-3 p. m. Service conducted
ia English. The church council meets at
2. p. Bl. - ',' ';. : .
f? FIRST Corner of Liberty and Chem
eketa streets. Sunday morning services
at 11 o'clock, Sunday evening at 8. Sub
ject at lassoa sermon, "Reality." Sun
day school sessions convene at 9:30 and
11 a. m. Wednesday evening : testi
monial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading
room, 209 Masonic Temple. 'open every
day except holidaya and Sundays- from
11:15 to 5:30 p. m. ; every evening, ex
cept .Wednesday and Sunday, from 7:30
to 9; Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5. All
are cordially invited to our services and
to our reading room. , i
FIRST Corner of Church and State
streta. Fred C- Taylor, ! pastor. Residence
636 State street, phone 974. Service
11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon
"The Conquering Church," a. m. and
"Guarding the Fountain of Life. In the
morning: Anthem "I Will Lift Cp'My
Eyes," and a aolo "A Voice in the
Wilderness" sung by Miss Aldeane
iimith. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., super
tntenaeat tt. t . Shanks. Xoungfeoplea
meting: Friendship Hour for old and
jiew. students at 5 o'clock. 7:30 p. m.
First Chapter Epworth League led by
tne president Mr. tlugh. Bell. .7:30 t.
Second Chapter Epworth League CHigh
School group) led by Dr. J. D. McCor-
mick. 7 :30 p. m. Third Chapter Ep
worth League (Junior High group led
by their- two student;' superintendents.
Miss Haxel Malmstea aad Misa Mildred
Hills. Week-day services Mid-week de
votional aervice tn ' absence of th naitnr
at .conXeranreT'wnt be led by Miss" Grace
fcj bmit-n. -All .foaJay: tehool tegeherk
aad officers -are especially' -orged- to ka
present as this is to be a "Consecratloe,
Service perpsrstory for Rally Day
Bunaay ana tne duties ot the year ahead.
l ne pastor 1 Jesves ' for conference at
Eugene and will be away for the greter
hare o the wek --..'.; v ;. .
T1RSTS Ou "Church --arreet" betweea
Chemeketa and Center atrets." . Norraaa
a.enoaii -iuny, J. v., pastor. tf:30 a.
Suaday scbol, Mr. E. Barrett, auper
.rsendent. All the school abo-v. the Jun
ior department will asemble.iit the a'udi-
fellowship and home Lka
help ,uul "lii.. la.ia
with o . Kt r n r ra and visiters especial
ly welcome. ? - - - rf - i
... t- ''.: r ';
i CRISTLjr, " . '
COCRTR STRKKT Court and evea
teenth street. K. L. Pstaanv, pastor.
Residence, , 1104 Leslie atraet, phone
1425J. Services' It a. m., and 7:80 p.
m. Sermoa topics: "Finding Jesus Cm
expectedly," and "Jesus Feeds Five
Thousand." " i Music furnished by Mrs.
Joy : Turner Moses' orehestCa, Sunday
school 9:45 a. m superintendent: Chria.
J. Kowitx. ' Young People - meetings':
Junior following the morning: coansiiea
service 11 o'clock. Volunteer will visit
shut-ins in afternoon. Christian En
deavor 0:30 p. m. Three sotrieties meet
at same time: Senior-Intermediate, aad
Jonior-Intermediate. Interesting meeting
for' young folks: There will -be no week
day services aa account of ti)e fair. AU
who are going to help ia the restaurant
ar " nrgef to let it te knewa " ' today.
Our fall campaign ia all plaaaed aad to
be launched the first Lord'a day ia
October. - Then there will be something
doing! We welcome yo to a live
rhart-h with a glad hand for all. Stu
dents, friends and - strangers ; welcoase.
CENTRAL. Caraer South Nineteenth
and Ferry streets. 11. V. St""--. !irtr?
residence 245 South Nraeteenth street.
The Merged morning aervice ot the Sun
day school and the morning worahin at
It a. rn. C C. Harris, saperiatendent
of Munttay aekeoL Morning sermea sub
ject: "Corsican." The Christian En
deavor at 0:45 p. a,. Evening aervice
at 7U10. "The Intelligence Office" will
be the subject of the evening sermon
Two special musical n ambers will -be
heard ia the morning service- aad the
chorus choir in the evening service. The
puDlie is invited.
ST JOSEPH'S Corner Chemeketa and
Cottage streets. ' Rev. J. R. uck, pastor,
Testdcnee: 751 Chemeketa street, nhoae
e. oervices ; a ana lu a. au and 7:30
p. m. p. m. ' Sermoa topics: "The
Greatest - CommeBdment. Special aer
vice: High maaa. 8 a. m. 1 mass, everv
day. The pastor will give (the regular
sermon an the series- of instructions on
Sunday morning at high mass, and the
Kt. Kev. Arthur Lane. P.A., D.D. will
deliver the address - in j the i evenng aad
give oeneaictioa. - everyone Us -welcome.
CENTEB STREET rThirleehlh . and
Center streets. A. F. Hiltner. paster:
residence, 6"84 North Winter street, phone
680M-. .Services; 11 a. !m., nd 8 p. ni.
Sermon topiv :-- "eiaving Power -of- the
Gospel," aad VThe ChuiSth ot Today
roresnaaowea n Keveiationft. " Sunday
Ischool lOat-m-.iai. 114 -GntUap, auyr-
innmiMI. cpworin LreagUtt at 7 :3a p,
.-rim atonmc upTics lal IB Uersnaai
AU .evening seer pea, ibj JLnglish.
313. Cnort -street J. O. S. Johnson, su.
'tor, residence r 1935 Maple avenue, phone
:ltltWv!' eTVices a'tid W:W p. . 8 tin'
" a p. mrf joerkey- saper
intendent. Friday evening Youna- Deonla
meenaa- Tuesday. Tharadav aad Saturn
day, evenia -snaij- ftod la blessing
our meetings, ., r , preacn privation for
tne sinner, healing for the sick-: br,:!m
with-the Holy Ghost ter the helhaveK,'
and the seiond .and aoea . coming . m(
Christ. ; , I , .'
EVANGELICAL . . .. , -, .
Seventeenth and Chemeketa reefs. ,F,
W. Lauder, pastor, residence: 2rt North
Sevententh atrees, phone 1008 Wv .-Services
11 a. m., and 8 r. in. Sermon
topics : "The Gardner." and "I Your
Train Moving." Buudaje schoolc Jo a.
m., O. R. Strausbaugh, superinteadent.
Young peoples meet at 17 p. m.. Miss
Lorence Comaaaaov leaderl 1 Weekday see
vice: Thursday evening. J . .
Mission street. Ra4ph u. Bc!l?ak,
paator, residence: 251 Mission street,
phone 145v.'; Sarvices: ?3:30 aad 7:30
p. m. Sunday school: 2:$0 pw on. Wed
nesday and Saturday nights at 7:30
Bible etudy aad prayer .meeting. ' . The
services Suadsy wHl be held lor the mt
time in the Foresters hall at 229 N'ert
Commercial street. - Next ! Sunday, Octot
ber 4, our new ground floor hall at 217
Stste street will be ready for service
Jesua Christ said to Hia true followers!
'If- y -were of tho worfd twho world
would love its own. hut because, ye jr
not of the world, but I have cboeent' -uii
out ot ! the World, therefore the werld
hateth you.' John 15:Uwf4UNmljrf
the . self-righteous opposerj ' of the great
Apettlcrl Taul-accused higi,' i beisg a
ring-Ieaaerof'a people that- werrf 'ee-efv
where epoken against." Axtvt8:22.
Read the "Beatitudes' ad 'classify
TDsnsu. , wo are living sia" days wtten
it pays to be honest witl vaurself- and
woo. it we walg tit ther.l ghf tha
v. ;mg for years to come,
..jcou can ouy . tne - mociei
v-,;you need now at the fbl-
lir Joving prides : :
rim li' -Toa :12.1So SU.T
Xii i J V fwTm . " ) inrt 4 tlTMTrWiA tl oaa
ft f"'2-To... ... ...$2AS0 5-Totu -.$4.S0O
! 1 IrVii J-Too (Dump) .$3,550 5-Ton (Dump) ... ..$5 JL0Q
' Kr . aH-Ton ..,.$3,750 Model 50-A Bua...$4 SSQ
' 3-Ton ......
.-.$4,200 tf-Ton (Special) .$2950
AH chassis prices f. o. b. Cleveland
We have booklets detsuUng the ezperiencee of owner of
White Trucks' in your line of business. Write j phono or
eaa.' ...
oa furlough, will bo. with jytfor the Sua-
a ay- wnir mmmrr : ao. A ruretat in
vitation ia-susea.te aU.wha-aa attend
the aervicev , . h 11 .
VkXS afTTUdtlST ' " '
MARKET STREET Corner et Xerth
TCintcr and Market . streets. Mortimer
f. Cikilstdr; residence t 12 iS North
v tater 'atraes, paoee 1 3 j6 tervices:
11 su,s '7:45 p ra, . ber mo a topics:
Israel y or,1 rower witf - Uod. aad
Value of the Soul." Claae saeetinr at
12:15. Mrs. Uara Cooler, leader. Sua-
dar school: 9:45, I'r. J'rank S. Srhuts,
superintendent. Toang peovm-s meet at
8:30 preceded by a' halt aa hour of
prayer. Luther D. Cook la the leader.
Cottage prxyer-meeting at the' home of
.Mrs. Caroline J ark son each Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Church praver
eltnt earh Tharsday at 7:30. Yea
will receive a cordial welcome to all of
these services and will enjoy the splendid
spiritual atmosphere of this church.
FIRST.- Center and High 1 street. J.
J. Evans, pastor r residence: 544 Center
street, phone 1972- ' assistant 'pastor:
ivian u. Whraer, residence 544 Center
street, phone IV72. Serviree 11 a. st
and ' 7 :3a n. m. Mrs. Uertrnde Cber-
ringtwn will sing at tha morning hour.
special music at tne ewntnr aoar aid
:-7 .'.rl .!. II. C.! Enley.
supertateadent. Xoaag peoples- anui
o:au - .-
FIRST Center and LibertT. - C. F
Ward.' pastor, -"tesideace: 41(1 Center
atreet. phone 59 1 R. .Services: 11 I. n
aad 7:30 p. m. .Sermon topics: "Reiiri
one Education." and "The Acts of the
Apostle in- Pictures ' . Mr. Charlotte
venn uoacne ot rortland. Maine. ' win
ting at the mormag - worship asing the
soprano aolo "These Are They'; from
Cool's Holy City. There will be other
special musie both tervices. p-rndsy
scoool: ii o'clock, M.- u. aleCallisttf,
upertnteadent. Thursday evening at
7:30 Bible study and prayer" meeting.
October' 4; will be our next Communion
k-aervice and ' reception of members. " Oa
Uetober 11 rally oar will be held ia the
Sunday school and "Old Folks and Home
Coming Day ia Church." -All member
and friends are asked to come en those
be mora, readily 'orienLLh.emaalve
to their. surroundings and accms-.
torn themselves to their responsi
bilities. Registrar .Carlton Spen
cer will outlineregistration proce
dure at the second. a.Kaembl7.. On
Wednesday. Walter Malcolm.- stu
dent body president,, and other
student body officers will discuss
undergraduate activities and tie
extra-curricular life of the institu
tion. - .- ,- - .;'
Registration, Upon, UnWersity
;of Oregon -Campus Will
Begin'TomorrqVt;"; "f
it pay
with I
blood w4U eleamie. 'J Joh4 JxT.-, AlfoJ
invited. - Come.. . .. . j 't,ry, f .T jl
torium of the church for an opening de- pecta to arrive -in Saiem about tie' m
votjoual program, after which tha classes. die of October.-e MrsV J.)Het Hmith-
Will -go to their respectivo places.; 10:45
a. on. -aornine worsnin - serinon The
Great' Confession" : hy-Dr. "Tullsi Thh
ehoir will sing "eW Every Morning It
tne iove, "-sutlar. Urgan- numberat
Meditation-Elegia,'. Borowski: "Peni
tence;' and "Stabat Mater Dolorosa."
Lemaigrv. 6:30 p. m. Christian K&-
deavor societies. 7:30 p. m. Evening
worship, sermon "So Room in the Inn,"f
by Dr. Tully. Anthem "Draw Me to
Thee," Nevui. Organ number. .."At
Twilight, "' Fry singer; Selected Orrertory
and ' 'Eestivat M arch,' - Kroegar. ' i M is
Rosa at the organ. .' , ; .. i
X.ESLIri South Commercial - and - Myers
streets.' Tastor, II. F. Pemberton, resr
dence 344 ' Myers street, phone 188-J,
Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, m. Sermetr
topic "Jiiot Oursilves bur- tins'
in. -:4. Christ s Xath for" Our-ins." Jt
m.' 'Leslie Epworth eagwe in fho church-'
ami xae iiigh. scnol i-pworth Lague ia
Leslie Jlall at 6:30. All young "people
will) enjoy this meeting. You are 1a.
tUiiy invited to attend all these mee
The principal and 13 teacher
at Moody's Korthfield Seminary
haye resigned, but' Jt A denied
that the action of the trustees In
lifting the ban against dances at
the school bad anything - to da
with It. , :
National Safety Congress to
4 Discuss Plans for Na-
tion-Wide Drive
Sept. 2. Am
erica's death rate due to automo
bile accidents leads the world, be
ing 14.3 fatalities for erery 100.
UQQ population a fain t 5.S In Eng
land and Wales, 4.3 in Scotland.
.XSTJ 2 ?
Canada, daricg 1925. Flfurps fof
1524 inoVmar for American
cities thfr- 'aatoraoltle - accident
de&tV vfciTlf .4Fer l060
popuIatlon'nCuSInfoC.Iesa than
17.400 "deaths' fa auTbmbbile acci
dents, not rountiac aet'denta
which InTolTed railroad, train. or
street cars and automobile-. The
total ot unman life taken by mo
tor vehicles last year In Uls coun
try was at the rate of more than
two persona for eTery hour In. the
day. These statistics ftave been
compiled, by the National Barely
Council for consideration at the
14th Annual Safety Conrresm.
which wUI open here on Monday.
September 2$.
-. . . . . .'
. At tho recent, eoaferewen held t Vaa
couver, Wash Ue..-A. Hoffmaa. vit
Pennsylvania. w appointed ,v pastor 'of
the 'Uaised .Brrthera. -bah, al.-teeettth
and Nebraska .avenue.-, Kef. .Hoffraai. rx-
IHat-Anits- r
payton.. O., .will . hold service in thi
church, October 4." She- Is a wonderful
woman with - a meaaaeei ' Khe wita a.v
bnahand . was a. missionary :'. in Africa
where Mr. Smith waa killed'some year
ago. ' She How represent the 'Woman's
Missionary aoriety. .This j'will; be a -joint
aervice, Hopewell and Batelgreen'pniting
witlt the -Salem' church.-for an All day
service. . The asnal aervicoo. will be hold
aptember-,27. Preachinir at 14 a. m.
and 7:S0 p. m. iy W. WXRosebraagh. A
cordial welcome avite jim -at all these
service. .? . ;
f - cutjrch or cni:-'--
1246 North Church- streets , J, 3. Cil
lenpie, pastor: residence 1315 Xarth
KChovch atraet, phone 18 73M' Service:
til B.m- Tt 7iHO1r ttu- iSorruQn toniea-
i'Mielt.nary evs.' aa4 "Experience
ill Japea'.'.' fcitthday school: 10 a. m.i
i Mriy Walter.iargus, - iauperinteadewu
,Totiff peoples' meet 6:43, aubject: Mia
sionary Lesson on Byriai Leader Her
man Prayer meeting. Wednesdav
ts. J eTcainr i 7 :30. . Hiss Zuda Lee Cham-t-
teT4w""k returned missionary from Japsa
Eurent. Ore., Sept. 19 (Spev.
ial.) Frel:r!!en who attend the
University of Oregon this fall-will
reporf Monday on the carnpns at
Eugene' for a busy week of pre
reglstratlon formalities.
' Next Monday will be devoted tp
phy'sicar examinations. Tuesday
and Wednesday the new students
will take the freshmen En gllsn ex
amination and the placement, or
intelligence test. Entrance to the,
University is not conditioned up
on, the showiuZ made in the in
telligence test, which vill be giv
en for the first time this year.
Rather, It Is. for, the purpose of
supplying the scholarship commit
tee and the faculty with informa
tion upon which it will be possible
for, departments voluntarily to sec
tion classes later upon intelligence
'and performance.,. ', . .
; Hi Registration material will be
distributed Wednesday. ... T. he
freshmen will consult faeulty ad
ysiers and have their courses ar
ranged Thursday, and will file
class cards Friday. Old students
will register , on , Thursday -and
Friday also. ....
. Three general freshmen assem
blies are scheduled for Tnesdya,
jWednesday, and Thursday. Dr.
.George. Rebec, dean pf the gradu
ate school and professor of phil
nsoohv. will outllnVaat the Uni
versity expects' ot tne smdpnt; In
order . that the newcomers may
now have with us the scrappiest
S J --!'" ' - V
ou yuu vc cvci uia eyes uu ucau
- . . .- .,.'.,,
- r-s- a--.- -
Hia- rlTi.f
This Jnew JCandne Six; can stand a
tifully detigpedf ' splendidly' built, I got the right stuff in every inch of
powered by one of the smoothest ' it' Slx-incli fzihe-' Stx'CTOmern
sutxiinder motors that ever palled
f. hard hill in high
The new Gardner Six
Member of a famous family-and
a - mighty ( htuky mernber .it is.
Needlessly stout and sturdy, perhaps,
for the mere byalevaxd tourist :
likes to take sand, jnud, gravel, j bile and you
WCMiofa ml. areen loMI. rKeo adaSSS tO See it.
come and lick 'em to a standstill, j Come in and make us prove it.
bers two of the tubular type, Rear
springs almost half the total wheel
base length. .
Altogether more beauty, more style,
more comfort, more power, more
performance, more durability, more
happy 'miles between, the front
bumper and tail light than $1395
ever before bought in an automo-
don t need . opera
Burdett-Albee Motor (Co.
"Full Display of Six and Elfrht-in-llae Open ana CncloAPd
Mo4lt at tl Stmtn Fair
- . -'
v 233 Sotaui Commercial
Telephone CG2
X w' - ' -----
Center and Liberty
:M :00 A.M.
7 :30 P. M,
ReIiovis -lu6n7iViv
The Acta pf the Apostles
in Pictures'
-Special solo in the raorning by Mr?. Roache
- 4 - . . "... ' ""? 1
-The Church With a Heart"
J5japHst Ghurclt
jaoertj ana jnariQn fctreeta ,
Rev. Ernest H. Shanks V;tJ:
A. M Spiritual Progress '
. ; Special Music Anthems Jby quartet , choir
Zlorning; solo "How Beautiful Upon the Mountajna"
T (Harker.) Jlrs.-L IL Shanks , :
Evening duet "Have Thine Own Way, Lord' KCollins)i
: Mrs. Charles McAllister Mr.'W. T. Jens
We Will Be At the Fair
With a Full Mine of - r
4 ! sV rrt :
Mmmm k
Our space will be the Annex on the Southeast Corner
cf the Automobile Pavilion
t V
TJjooti-The High Quality Six
V ". manna-M&Teer ofoiimghtb
i - ."-.;' '- . i I - . , -
. ! . t
, - . ..-,.-, -
'at . ' , .
Tt Tl T .
A. I. E0FF
Attend the American Legion Drum Corps Competitive
Drill at Fair Grounds Statium Monday Night,
7:30 o'clock
V.) J