t i I1D.L1KIIITS , BEARCAT ElEVEIi Willamette to Put Green Ag- gregation infield Satur v day, Says Coach A rain of hard lack has be fallen the Bearcat team, just when the first same of the season, that -wltlk University of Washington at Seattle, is looming op next Satur day! ; Fasnacht has an injured shdnlder and will not be able to takMhe trip. Houston, upon whtfffi Willamette has depended for efficient work at center for threes years, is in bed with the fin. u. ..Baker, a rook from Illinois whe has been showing a great i ;j of promise at practice, wrenched his back and wiUnot be able to place in the lineup, j j If the; list of Injuries keeps multi plying at the present rate, it will no be long before there will be more; on the crippled list than tlie'reare In the game, according to Coach Rathbun. I Willamette will start against " Washington with the ; greenest team it has had Jn years.- An Qix. tlrely new back field .will be out pnVthe field, and the line will be composed largely from green ma terial. In fact, Rhodes, Stolzheise ana hartley will be the only old men fin the lineup at Seattle. Hartley reported for practice Tues day inorninjrr and his a.drent has ad.lrd considerable strength to the ttajmj ;; .- !' . - .-j 'A streak of. silver is beginninr to Mow Itself through the cloud that jhorers over Sweetland field, camp of the Bearcats,, however, now that Schweining ns reported again for; practice. Schweinlno thought he . would be unable1 tr tup out because of the amount oi tlui,e he must devote to his studies and bis work, but has finally seen nil ray clearj to turn out for thf reason. Hev played quarter Knd fun last year and did most of ithe icklng. He showed up well at Halting in practice Tuesday ; jpollingsrorth is developing rap idly and shows promise of exw lent. back field material. He is fast and tricky, on his feet and can be relied upon, practice indicates tc uaa bis head. Buck Winslow. ;12J pound sophomore. Is show inf. promise at end, his reserve' oi flight making up for what he lick in weight. .;. . -.. Jt is hoped that the game witl Washington will bring out jth possibilities for a team that wil be&t the Whitman,. Faciric ano College of Puget Sound teams Iatir In the season. Last yea Willamette was - beaten by al three, and the Bearcats feci it it hUt turn for thr long end of the ores this .year. j TENNIS FINALS TODAY :; 4 : , , . - - '. ! A OKERBEru; AU EMMElJ IX C1T CHAMPIONSHIP fh final of the fingles In; the citf tennis championships will 1m played off this afternoon at ? o'clock on the state bospital curt between Roy Okerberg ami I Te Emmel. The winner of this mate! wBli be awarded the city troph' cup.: ; j, ..- r jYeste.dajr I the finals in; thr men's doubles was played, jwith Okerberg and Bates winning fron cmmei and Mickey. A large "iw attended the meet. , NKW PLAXs LAII 'Geneva.' sept. h.OjyHthe Associated press.) - Confirming thi plans of the leaders, the league 0C nations assembly in plenan er.lons of the commissions today - laid the foundations of future in ternational disarmament and eccy nqniic conferences. i . Thinking of V'j Chocolates? mI-aS. ink of quality land M yng that nothlngould be ftjore delicious. FOR CANDY DAY f Saturday, October 10th JTHE ARTSTYLE KED BOX Contains an asjtortmonf and qruality that is unrivalled ai the frice. Thirty-nine pieces. Nineteen kinds, all generously coated with incomparable Art fciyle Chocolate, the finest gat ing that can be made. j . Artstyle Chocolates signed to fit every Uste. de mand, occasion r pocket book. 1 The ReJ.BoT Am a A 1 Tcr rooad l.UU Perry Dnigf Store THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON Hf -f Wi 1 n ti a "rr ' T-HE WHY AMD HOW OF THF Pi II K NOTE Thi atries on th football! ruiea, ey Itonaan E. Brown. rItirat a iport authority. i attrartinz n-l Waal interest. Thi article deals! witn the : nafety, one method of! (coring, which confute many follow-i era i me game. fcditor. : By Xorman L Brown Our last article dealt with the touchback and explained in a gen erar way the difference betwefen It and the- safety. Because both are registered behind the goal llbe they are confusing. V . As explained, the touchback. generally speaking, is. made when the ball In possession eof a player guarding his own goal is declared dead when the impetus which seiit it behind the goal line was fur nished by the opposing team. The safety is scored when the impetus, under the same condi tions, is furnished by the' side t e fending the goal. This impetus can come in maiy. way a kick, a pass, a fumble by an incompleted forward pass lie hind the goal line, a foul or Illeg al " in me possession of the tem behind the goal line, or a kick made . by the defending teim which crosses the side lines b"biid the goaf lines- before it Is touched A safety counts two Doints. The procedure after jthe aafrtty is scorea is much the same as that mm a mw lETOIETSSU RetCira Match Likely in Viiw 0T-U0.SB uecision; Mickey ' l UMI! T NEW XORK, Sept. 22. dBv Vssoclated Press). Negotiations ror a return match between Mick ey. Walker, world's welterweight ihamjioni. and Dave Shade of California, were opened today by fex Rickard, promoter. The In lecisiveness of Walker's victory 7ver Shade in a" 15-round tjitle -lash at the Yankee stadium last light. Rickard said, prompted him oe start j dickering for a return natch to be held during the rin--er season in the. new Madifeon jquare Garden. - Although no contracts have ;cen drawn up, Rickard said tihat fack Kearns, WalkerV manager. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO PAY CASH AT TH . cosmop6l- . ITANj STORES To tKe firt n : j ; AlumSon These percolators faaaaa n V-4 fTinware Is I t2-qt.. Galvanized cme Flour Eiftera Oust Pans 2-qt. Covered Buckets l-lt. Measures M-It. TnbelCake Mxl2 Sanitary Drip 1 0-inch Cdlandera L Water Pails 5-cnp Muffin Pans 10-qt. Dish Pans 1 1 2-qt. Wash Baslna S-qt. Dairv Pans 15 H -inch frying Fire Shovels Bread Pans r-, I, ... r.,.. .. . i ' I ! . ! . i after atouchback.. The ball is nlaced in nlav the 30-yard line of the team mak ing tne safefy that is the team wnicn had had possession of thp ball. . . . Study this and tho tnnrhUanlr explanations carefully. itTomorrow About Uneups) is willing to sign for the match but that VaQ .Flyn.Ti,.. manager of St ade. has o.Ve4ern ajlproach ed. -Flynn. however, is expected toseize the opportunity for an other chance at the title. Official figures of last night's show reveal that a crowd of 32, 000 paid $185,156 to see the fight. With the stale acd"federal taxes deducted RJckard emerged with a net gate of $159,906.80.! Of this Walker is understood to "have re ceived a flat guarantee of $100, 000 with Shade getting a 12 Mi per cent cut. ; -' BABE HERMAN W1XS i CLEVELAND, Sept. 22. (By Associated Press) Babe Herman, Pacific coat featherweight, to night decisively outpointed John ny Farr, Cleveland, in a 10-round go. Newspapermen gave Herman five rounds and Farr one, with the other four even. - The Chinese seem to think that China belong to the Chinese. First thing we know they will be talk ing of restricting immigration to that' country. . ! . - t . 1 Y TO? iO V' WE ARE W ksS flV ..'JJ , II HEADQUAR- V2k W frn v JJ ters for y rxl WEDNESDAY 24 WS ne only Electric Percolator for $1.00 Cornplete with six-foot icbrd. ' retail fo'r ?5.00. .-. Sack of'sugar excepted in fiiis deal ' . See them in our window ! PURE CANE SUGAR i at i 100 ib. SENSATIONAL Tin and Enamelware Sale 1200 PIECES IN THIS ASSORTMENT Never before have such values been IliE ASSORTMENT CONSISTS OF TO Pails Pans Tans - Pans , LON CHANEY IN THE UNHOLY THREE' JjON OiANEYTHE UNHOLY Now at the TOOTH OF PREHISTORIC " MAMMAL IS DISCOVERED FIXDIXG OF SrECIMEV CON TRADICTS OLD THEORIES '. Beliefs Relative to Geological His tory of Coast Declared I'pset HOQUIAM. Wash.. SeDt. 22. The tooth of a prehistoric manunal at least 3.000,000 years old. was turned over V Rev. J.' H. Geoghe gan today by a fisherman who found it on the bank of the Hump tulfph river, about 10 miles west of here, last week. , Rev, Geoghegan, who several months ago declared that a large skull found In the bed of the Ho quiam river was from a similar animal, is 'authority for the age given, and declares that the sec ond find proves -conclusively that long-accepted theories as to the geological history of the Pacific coast are in error. Both speci mn ;wer from land animals which existed prior to the glacial or pleistocene period, proving that the coast could not have been sub merged In water hofnra that nr! od. as has been assumed by scien- wsia. ine nearest similar discov ery have been at Viah ming. : Mr. Geoghegan will search the vicinity where the tooth was found for additional specimens, and will send his find to the Uni versity of Washington for verifl- vanuu oi nis siaiements. The tooth weizhed Wn -nmtn. and five ounces, and is in a fine state ; of preservation. Part of the enamel, nearly one-quarter of a '"" tnicK. 13 still in good con FRATTTRFS "s jw.uu or more in our Urocery 8 cup Panelled Style, Seamless , ' sack offered tp you at this price Enamelware Mixing Bowls " 2-qt. Sance Tans 12-inch Wash Basins r 3-qt. Dairy Pans 1 -qt. Dish Pans ' '- 4-qt. Sance Tans 8-qt. Rinsing Pans . . 4-qt. Pudding Pans Ladles Drinking Cups 10-inch Deep Pie Plates THREE" Heilig Theater ditlon. though the grinding sur faces were largely worn away. The greater part of the specimen is composed of roots five inches long. The grinding surface measures nearly seven Inches by more than three inches, and an exposed nerve indicates that the giant animal probably suffered severely from toothache in his declining days. The tooth is probably that of a raastadon or mammoth. Mr. Geog hegan believes. In Washington a monkey badly bit a boy who was teasing it. It all happened because the boy did not spring from the monkey in time. ; - This ttThetfest J I. A I.. - Lone Eared nnd iiv.n braying (some say he's the missing link). Cynic and Iconoclast; "This Love Stuff Makes Ma Sick." be said. What a Pest he was! Always In the way when Lady wat being wooed by 1 BLACK CYCLONE C oramanly - ii i WEDNESDAY MORNING. T US PROGRESSING Salem Rod and Gun Club Sponsor for Event at State Fair Next Week i i Plans for the registered shoot at the state fair with cometition keen amount experts of the country are nearly completed by the Salem Rod and Gun club, sponsors of the event. , Cities sending men in clude Portland, Eugene, Corvallis and Albany, with local men out for some of the prizes. At a practice shoot he'.d Sunday the following scores were made: t Caldwell ;. 54 ou, 9, K-rkmaa 41 otlt0;o I'rar.on . 42 oul f 5(i Race 3q on, ( 3o Karne 17oDtf.,o Kiiifwatd 2H out of 50 J ira fatrrxia Jour . Y. Iiie Kadrliff 1.. lll.isdell Ilaarltina , l'rimr Jim i. Oarrnre Ho ... 19 out of so Moot of 35 SU oat of 50 IS out or 23 .'2 out of -i 47 oat of 5' 4 1 oul of 50 . 1U out ot 23 40 out of SO 45 out of SO Frri . n I out of .' AN llitam i-k .. 31 oat of 50 T 0 D A Y Eva Novak AND William' Fairbanks is "TAINTED MONEY" A Thrilling. IWk lexs Action Story of the North M oods "LOOK I1EFORE YOU SLEEP Comedy Wolves of the North LI G H n- (MM. tn It a111 5''T REG STEREO IT t I f " ' ' r i if iff j II II 1 LV Ll3 flnir! nu'Anp.h. u t. .... y-. 3-T SEPTEMBER 23, lD23-: K. Tlk W'hcatoa 43 ol of SO IS vat of 15 4ut of 2i Dr. Prime and- Hatelton tied for honors in the doubles shoot.' The first 24, ended in a tie at 21 and the second tied at 18. Results of the others, Looney 37 out of 48; Farris 14 out of 24; Pearson and Viesko 13 out of 24; Prime and Hazelton 39 out of 48. SLAYER RELIEVED LOCATED PEORIA. I1L. Sept. 22. (By Associated Press.) Joseph Stem as, slayer of a sheriff and chief of police. Is believed to be in a 320-acre field of corn near the scene of his crime. A posse of S00 citizens scoured, a large part of the field until nightfall when they placed a guard around It to await for daylight. 20 TO 30 On Federal and Vikinj TIRES A series of fortunate purchases dous buying pover enables high grade tires as follows: 20x3 Vi I'.lue Pennant Giant ...... 30x3 M Oversize Cord 30x3 Vi Regular Ccrd 31x4 Blue Pennant Cord. 32x4 Elue Pennant Cord....... 33x4 Blue Pennant Cord...,.'.. 32x4 V Blue Pennant Cord 33x4 Blue Pennant Cord 34x4 Vi Blue Pennant Cord. ..... . 33x3 Blue Pennant Cord i Balloon Tires EXTRA SPECIAL 29x4.40 Balloon Cord $135 30x31 Giant Cord, regular $15.50 . :.$11.75 32x4 Oversize Cord, regular $29.40 L...nJ50 BARGAIN Raincoats an.l Top Coats. ..... .1.95 to f 16JJ0 Drlre In for Free Service See us before j-ou buy C03LMERC1AL w'o and COURT STS. Portland Broadway and Davis Streets TODAY AND TOMORROW Lon Chaney in His Greatest Role more thrilling than "The Hunchback" more touching than "HE Who Gets Slapped" "XfYSTERY, arprise, romance, are -LY'- packed without let-op into this amazing underworld picture! The Unholy Three the Ventriloquist, the ' ' Giant and the Dwmrf band together in a life of fantastic crime. -untit a girl tf the thaicmrt, fhxmg for the man she loves, croue their path I It's Exciting! It's Dramatic! It's Great! i-V Y v Til y "rOIU'ST-H. coa!d throw SC COUld OVCrDOWer a dozen cuuiu ci.mo mxo locKcd EY . M av I I av mm - r tn r u ft fHA c..g S till WteW .MATS; Sts. v - " " r j BASEBALL By Auciat4 Praac Pacific Vernon 2; Portland-1, (10 in nings.) Oakland : Seattle 0. San Francisco 11; Salt Lake 9. Los Angeles 2; Sacramento 1. American Washington 3; Cleveland 2 Detroit 11-7; P.oston 8-2. St. Louis 1; Philadelphia 0. New York 11-2; Chicago e-4. National : Chicago 3; Drooklyn 2. (12 in nings.) . Pittsburgh 14; Philadelphia i.t Boston at Cincinnati; no game, rain. ' . I New York-St. Louis, both games postponed; rain. mad e possible bv our tremen- us to SAVE YOU MONEY on Popular Price Sale Prlc . $15.50 12.00 OJIO . 10.75 7.03 27.00 21-V) 29.40 21.7." 9.73 223 29.00 27J." 39.85 20i. 4 0.50 29.25 51.85 S0.OO Also Reduced ' ONLY 'A VP 'km m rnn production toilk MARWlSr.H MATT MOORE TXJcniflU tja LOUIS D.SlAiTR Story by C. A. ROBBLNS Scenario by WALDEMAR YOUNO his voice from bd,WW mrn places. r Hear our Kimball Unit Organ t 4 Fox News Comedy Variety ' 113 ftooth Commercial . 1