The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 23, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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u s ID
Shenandoah Crash Blamed
to Failure of Brace to
. Stand Under Strain
! Oregonlana Paid More Money by
California Declares Superin
tendent Hug i
Confirmation of teachers and
auditing of bills were the princi-
'AIR nmninf Q RPPflRT Pa matters attended to at the
night. Several requests for in-
rrpiupii In ulDrlM MrurA Krnncht
Entire Forward Frame Collapsed t0 tDe attention of the school
V When Girder Broke, Tee- I board, hut action In regard to the
thuony Shows; Inquiry I Increase was deferred until the
Is Continued I next meeting.
I Floyd Sigmund, special vocation
al -man -. fcin Inatttnta nl fho
UAWBMUKST, . J., classes in the city schools In draft
ing and shop mathematics, how
ever, was voted a raise to J 1800
Mr. Sigmund Indicated his inten
tion to resign from: the teaching
force on the grounds that his sal
ary was insufficient, lnvestiga
tion on the part of j City Superin
tendent Hug revealed the fact that
a man could not be obtained to
replace Sigmund at a satisfactory
(By Associated Press.) A failure
of one or more girders forward of
amidships caused the wrecking of
the "airship Shenandoah in the
opinion of Commander Sidney M.
Kraus of the special Investigation
board who testified today before
the naval court, of inquiry.
1 Basing his opinion upon a per
sonal observation of the wreck and
upon" such. Information -about the
disaster .as he could collect, he
said this, failure occurred simul
taneously with or shortly before or
shortly after some very consider
able rotational oscillation of the
ship in the line squall near Ava,
Ohio, on September 3
Naval OfficialsYined Up Sol
idly Against Col, Mitch
ell's Proposal
Former Pulp Wood Discarded Is Smallpox Patient Is Sent to Office I,,, ' ,! , , P Declare Wife of Friend Tried
Sufficient to Keep Mill Run- I Through Street, Declares ncajjun -uiincu uv Llli" to Poison Him; Husband
worm Keney Nignt or
Prison Break Located
nhig Indefinitely
Also Held
Here is a niece of news found! In reply to the protest issued
by the Slogan editor for tomor-py Dr. Clements against the city
NEW TORK. Sept. 22- (Bj
Associated Press.) Charged with
WILBUR. VOICES PROTEST row'a oaDer tnat ia to 8 -to health officer. Dr. William B. Mott II P GIVEN TO CONVICT tttffInC Mrs. Sophie Poleskl. the
wiie oi a cioae inena. into a oiax-
keep even for a day. .1 wisnes to state for the enllghten-
At Salem's paper mill, red and men or Dr- Clements and the pub-
IDonrlaa fir wood U now hefnel i" cuy oramance o.
1922 provides that everr doctor
rial Bmi in ma ww i,jrH or a A responsible for the quarantining
naner , j I Ul 3 cases oi aeportaDie or con-
aa vi.i .k , ".ml 1UU disease; runner, uai sec-
In V a IJ .VI. .VI.. I. - -tAlVU '
being done. ' ( ,'
C. F. Beyerl, manager, and J. B
ing furnace in a lower East Side
I 1 v . M m - a. w
Statement. That Gnn Unloaded .... .7 I ulul wnu
Stand Taken by Navy; Say
Change Would Hamper
Disproves. As It Contained
One Shell; Has Bear
ing Upon Trial
gon states: "Whenever any labor
atory or clinica 1 diagnosis dis
closes that any disease is of a
was still alive. George Symuk. a
giant fireman, was held without
bail today on a charge of murder.
He will be given a bearing Sep
tember 28. Police who went to
The shotgun taken from the lh Pl nome the slay-
state arsenal by Ellsworth Kelley M0 fUQd the husband. John, in
on August 12. when he. Tom Mnr-Id "offering from a badly cut and
ray and James Wlllos shot their I bruised head.
' I (firoa l)iil.'lna atmlwalM atnnVntl
..W ..4 l ....V . C-1 ,wii, cuitiuatr
mund has shown himself capable
of the ; work, the ! school board
voted to raise his salary if he
would etay.. ,
E. E. Bergman, head of the shop
department, asked a raise in sal-
WASHINGTON. Sept. 22. (By
Associated Press.) Hizh officers
of the navy testified today before P111. eulphite superintendent ot communicable nature, the person
the nresidenfs air board and lined the Oregon Pulp & Paper com- makinc: such diarnosis shall im.
up solidly In opposition to any ma- DaDy, nave succeeded in oeveiop-1 mediately uke sifch action as helwT IO reaon. was round la tbel "The deTll got into my head
terial chanee In tba oreantiatlon ng a process whereby this wood may deem necessarr in orrtpr to woods near the Wlllard school- and I did It," 8vmuk told Assist
of the nation's; air defense, al-n BT De 80 mppya. a easny apai prevent the spread of such disease nouse yesieraay wnere Keueylant District Attorney Ryan In re
though thev differed slightly as neaply, by the sulphite process, and shall make a report of such cached 11 after leaving the com- frd to the murder. "She brought
to the administration of minor as wnue ur Bna nemioca. as a action to the state health officer. naeerea auiomoDiie in wnicn me gome wine last night, t She had
consequence an almost unumiteai such Derson shall, in addition to " convict trio escaped after . Kettle fllld with rncn stuff too.
quantity of pulp wood which wasj8ucn report, be prepared to take Moving three dead men behind she wanted me to drink some of
lornieriy consmerea unm or any such further steps as may be inem- 1D "una Dy a lt but j thought she was trying to
iulci, viviu iu us irmuuun nmir. oemeo necessary by ,tne state I twupusea oi oner poison me. I (ought with her
Patton and Johnson Busy
Putting Teeth Into New
City Ordinance
Mayor Gieay Favor Action;
Working Prisoners Provid
ed for fa Ordiaaneo
Enacted to 18S9
matters of the naval air service
Secretary Wilbur, supported by
a department of. national defense.
as urged by Colonel William Mit
chell, former assistant army air
chief, would be a "well nigh irre
parable mistake"! and ' that the
present system "ia working
about staying with her husband.
I hit her over the head with a
Poleskl was unable to clear up
; ThU breakage resulted in the 1 T, "clently and econom
fBr" "u" "uus - jfied to a Buperintendent at a
frames holding the control cr up gh ore
F-EZSPZSSSa salary he draw, at the school,
le said, adding ; tkaf the control ecor refiearcn
car iaca yiuu.uij " and p-nidanr In thi thrpn imecial "0' - " "
after control wires which sheared othe citv asked fir a ins that "the close relatlon8hl f0 haVe b
off a number of frame before it !?"eJ?S;" SrJ! aviation to the navy and the ab- years to
tention must be divided : between
the three schools, Lincoln, Parrish
and Grant. . In order to prepare
himself for. these cUsees, Mr. Mil-
last V a o jfanta4 ft I. as foot torn ssss m
testified that the aluml"m.a"nmers to the study bf the special placed them squarely in line
.hi.h tTia trlrrlpra and beams I . r . I t.v. - i i. a . i-
y o . Inroblems involved in hia work. I ulaJu' ll7 i iuv mvwj uui-
The janitors at the schools aek-ciai8 "wno appeared yesterday on
fell, carrying Lieutenant Com
mander Zachary Lansdowne and
other officers and men to death.
Officers who salvaged the for
ward and ', after wrecked sections
is now available to keep the mill health officer and shall report ,f' Bower, Bert ; Smith and Roy
running indefinitely after all the such cases, and an connoted Premmer, deputies, and Officers
Athnw ti'Ana f a va Wn nvrin n at a1 lav .aL..iiv . . . I riAMan nn1 F4 vn A . VA .it.l "
" ' "-I merewiin. io any person or insu- mj bottle then tne deTll ,ot nto my
ine slogan eaiior nas a ioi oi i miion oesignaiea Dy tne state I - utuuicuv, n. jirniomu - . . .i (. n
new ana mieresung mings idovi uenia omcer. I'enamg oinciai I m wu1v.u n.vnr7, uiuiacii.
Salpm'n hiir nsner mill for the I action hv th 1iirlllrt!nnal health I accompanied the Dartv was no-
Sloean columns of -tomorrow's officer. th attendlns- nbvalelan nr availing, although the run was the mystery surrounding his in
" " " 1. .... - . I I I M m. a . .
paper. ; I other person practicing the science "una in tne place Kelley said he juries. inuiauimwuiMi-
But the outstanding thing I ' baling shall establish and 'tu. r enea in oed eany tnis morning
a separate air department be es- the fact that the Salem mill Is maintain quarantine rules and reg- ""'f" w" auicoverea un- 7 17 ,
tabllshed or that the air service doing the thing that the paper Nations as prescribed by the state der a log. and contained one shell. hU head. This explanation failed
be made a separate corps, assert- manufacturers alf over the world board of health : J 1"L"L
been trying for years and I AU,S c"y oramance ana siaie 1 -vu.- v uiu, uo luaiu-i unuuucu
d0 , llaw are very clearly stated and tamed stolidly that the gun had I . "George was a great friend 01
solute inter-dependence of aircraft I I " V Tery mettr Ti v " P'"' u lu,u lu
and chlnn In warfarn at ui. haa I " I fc ouuu'u tro buic 10 dbucdudu i . ivu mg iiicuu jay wur uua iu uiw.
iifanA anAn AAiiafii I . a m. n tf... j .m.m i t h .... rt.. I . t . i .
mnnitntul tlma anil I M tAU?4 LAHUK . LUUNUL UBU,t " ueciares. sun. 4 Knew iMi nigni lae wn tuiai
He opposed, also, proposals that
The testimony or the navy lead-
in spite of this tact, the smallpox
The recovery of the shotgun islto see him."
The burning
of the victim
might have been completed and
all traces of the murder obliterate
were made was much more brittle
near the sections where ; the ship
broke than in other sections. They
said there was no visible evidence
that there had been crystallization
or any errosion of the metal and
they offered no theory as to the
cause. . . ' ; - '
Commander Kraus, who observ
ed the construction "of the Los An-
J- BOEHIU.NGER SUCCEEDS the doctor's office to my office for Attorney Carson in his prosecu-
TlKAKK; fclHTOll Is ITS , disposal, and after he was on his I tion of the charges of first decree
1 " o-y a tt as uvuiicu jt uuuud mil I . icucj aa uiiii i . .
F. J. A. Boehrlngec. a steam there was a smalloox case on his and Wilios. The three men were DnI" aierxness 01 a
. - . --lm I th inhlAPt nf lraati vuirmitifo. I eneineer. wm ltrtnd nrenldent nf I -vi . t. j, I i.i..t n.i. v I man wno neara a woman scream
ea ior an increase 01 iv per ceiii 1 - -- - -- IT . : ' 1 lw mj cjij urui- vwuv uj m vc-1 . . f .
i .v.i ii .1 - tion or the air service. I me aaiem iraaes ana Laoor coun-i and tat law nnnt.t I clal session of th rrand 4nr d l """" v-1'
were laid on the table. - -Mr. Wilbur was accompanied cil la8t to fIU tbe remaInder to the doctor, requesting that he will go on trial in the circuit Jn,i.faU lBlb!r!r!
Superintendent Hug claimed the before the board by Rear Admiral 01 ine ierm 01 "lce ne,a eomply with both, which he re- court here, on Octobers. Each P41 m p", "TT" I
j v Y VT f .m1 m I them are unable to find positions a
said that in his examination otj the I t $sm y.& of b)
' c-ool board eipressed- their '00-
anw uSi.c-LAT v uiatciiai v ui.c-
(COBilaMMd OA PC ?)
wall and ran to the lumber yard
building where he found Symuk
Symuk at first denied there had
been any woman in the building
with him. but when the officer In
sisted that la creams mast bare
come from the building, the flre-
181 or u IC lna Vaf w.; .kU.Ish nnlJ Iva I -i . -. 1 I'nnn tnntlnn rt W TT Phaao I I . . - .. -f I man mail a a daah for HhertV. The
wnrVmanahln He also said I -... - uu au milieu BKtjii uui ptrwui" - - " - I I iwo memoers 01 tne Kappa I . L V . .
live woramansnip, ne. aiso sam I ji.-m- - h. s1am nnMIx I -tt. I nalntor tho rrmnril vrttA fn nm. PIRP U'llVTvr.a icciTn ivn r . . hutmlmiB fired twn abnta at Mm.
of tha bi-l " " ". --'. i tug iu iicisuuuci uuuiuuiuuui ' ' I - ........ ... rmm , uammi Kno. IOCS! Willamette I "
reason for the shortage of teach- Edward W. Eberle. chief of oper-James Tnrnr butcher, who has I fused to do. He then called Dr. I will be tried separately, with Mur
ers in Oregon can be attributed to atlons; Rear Admiral WUliam A. m0Te1 10 land. Clements, who came to my office ray's case leading the calendar.
the fact that graduates from Ore-1 Moffett, chief of the bureau of CM. Rynerson, managing edl-and with insulting remarks at-
eon iinlvArRftv and OAO rn to Pal- aeronautics, and Rear Admiral I tor of the Oregon Labor Press, tempted to tell me that I was
tiornia to teacn, wnere lew ox josepn airauss, ouaget omcer ana i vuuu-
. . . . ' . .... I . i' . . . . I t ( 1 fK A t.flA. M AW AM. AW . . 4 K A
a inemuer oi ut navy general i " "-"
board. .1 1 "tate bettet .now Jthan aUaiy
The"officere were tn : agreement I Ume In WstorT. ne 8ald-
Upon mouon of w. H. cnase.
a t a a 1 if -a.
f,n r.AihaA,,rt because of the 6 per Admiral Moffett asserting that test against action by the execu
iium gas cells had burst due to in-1 . 1vi I .... .. . Uu. kn., ct.t. ro.otinn
j.uiu rr" cent limitation, it is impossible to complete control over the air ner- tlve board of the State Federation
lernai prware, aauiug ui. u.w ... ft fh th. .vu v - "v of Labor relative to tne reinstate-
" ww. i qvuu;i ouuuiu w 51T ou stj tun wu I
Teachers confirmed at the meet- reau of aeronautics. The differ-1 ment of unions.
ing were Harry E. Rice at Parrish ence was developed when Admiral
In the stern and bow which, neces
sarily were subjected to the great
!. prcuio, t,- Hnnlor hrh arhool ftpnlah Kcott at VW,. a .v
'"' I elren thA "wrnna (mnrtadnn1
fraternltr. were eaii.,, n ,- attracung two otner poucemea
net br PreIdnt ran nr,rv,M. to captured the fugiUre
As if ashamed for Itself, Sum- of the nnlrersllv m . f
Kraus and the salvage officers,
the court received a detailed re
port front Commander Jacob H. I
(Continued on paf 3)
Search was made and Mrs.
mer made Its official departure their smoking cigarettes in public Poleskl body, burned almost be
Tuesday with a sample of its best I where they were detected by the Tnl recognition, wa found la De
VMT- A lllMB A A. A f AA A Al J A, A Ak I I A B Al .
wovuer. wear naitra iuu wi ui i university president. 1 Dialing iuroace
day were offered as a farewell Both men r. n
ULLU.-VUHAM, wasn., aepuigirt to Baiem. the ramnn. and hnth
to how many of his recommenda- (BT Associated Preti).-- PI" warnings were Usued from bers of this year's football squad. MANY DRUNKS ARRESTED
tlonoe had been rejected by the i "umaicu . lUB viwc OI me uiomti lousier n was reported that the men were
vitU SCH00L GM,S SH0WN Wean 7f Nation which 17- was caused by a fire of unknown in" Portland y'esterd.y and the .",2
hfaif Vhf IKS.' S SS oiw 4 " ' b miral Moffett is responsible. o-"11" tnat destroyed the main are prospect, of a smoky fall. Low of the unlTerslty and that the
L JnSMSS RECHECK REVEALS INCREASE Admiral Eberle opposed placing ?art ' tbve Iant of tbe E K nMty. fair weather and east- threw away lighted cigarette stubs
In . checking over the registra
tion for the first day of school, it
was found that enrollment
amounted to one more than that
surviving officers which corrobor
ated in the main the accounts giv
en by the large number of officers
end men survivors who passed be
fore the court in quick succession
at the opening day yesterday.
fTt. 1 jv .4 a 'arl fnASaaa 4 mm a
A Uv last ui iud nihucoeco uuwv- . J - " .
-.-n-hi- w ... Mf on the opening day of, last
jrcu. a umwn was icyviwu;
Monday, but this Iras due to the
fact that the enrollment of two
full classes, one it Parrish and
one at Lincoln, were not report
ed. Lincoln now has over 300 en
rolled, and shows! an increase of
38 over last yearj while Parrish
now has an enrollment of 840, an
Increase of 62 over last year. ,
- George W. Hug, Iclty superlnten-
comDlete control over air nerson- company nere eny wmas are in prospect ior me
" IIaJ... ; lHAAAll. ...1.1,1... .A. A. A. I . a M 1 al I
w va uv a" . . , - , I . a . . a
lieved tlie bureau of navigation unaDie 10 cnecK ine aze wnicn nas 066,1 8me rain' I0re
must keep all of Its complements 8Uriea ia ine WBMl 0,n3 nettr re Ba,a IO De euuicienuy ary io
. I iue nr- ruuius juai as iub cm-1 iotoitb a oaiara ll nuniins parnes
(Continod oa pz 4) ' ployes were quitting work. grow careless.
(Continued oa'pac 7)
Out pt 121 freshmen who took
the English ' qualifying examin-
tlnii T ITIll.m att a H.I Aottv
Monday,. 55 failed to pass. They dent predicts thatj before the end
will fcel required to take three t the week the registration will
o,,r nf lih mmm.r a week amount to considerable more.
for which they will not be given Earllness of opening flay and the
credit. i jOnlT 18 inanazed to at- excellent weather Salem has been
tain arades rood enough to place enjoying were given as the rea-
them in the class of composition eons for large number of stu-
1A.- The class of composition IB I dents who have railed to register.
will number Z2. and 16 were pass- Registration at Salem high j
ed on condition, and will: be re-1 school reached , 9l by Tuesday
anired to take an extra hour a ( evening, and even more are ex-
week for which they will not re-l pected before the end of the week.
ceive credit.
gressed slowly Tuesday although I UUftrf-K NU
It Jln.nil Vl VA 1.
, r "1 . .....A :;. metiiodists to hold annu-
4d: i al meeting .n ecgene
liuu. ayiucuuj im biuucuu miv
waiting till the last minute betore EUGENE, Ore.,j Sept. 22. The
they go through, the process of annual Oregon conference of the
registering. The registration that Methodist church iwill be held . In
has been Wade tap to the present J Eugene, September 28 to October
indicates - that - the enr6llment at I 5, it was announced here today by
the university -will show a. de-1 rjy, s. A. Danf ord; district super
crease this year, although the law J intendent, , who has charge ' of ar
school promises to show an in-1 rangements. The! program as an-
1 rrcaaa. i '. I nnnneeil hpdni M find at afternoon. I
Today is the last alfowed for September 28, with examination
registration at the .university, and I of candidates for the ministry and
classes will start Thursday; . Any lends Monday forenoon, October ZA
etudeflt who desires to register with the announcement of minis-
after Wednesday will liave to doltry . appolntmentSj., , Bishop Wil-j
so through the registrar's office, jliam O. Shepard jot the Oregon
conference will (preside at the
(By Associated Press). rifty EUGENE, Or., Sept. 22. The
Tien engaged in a search for Alvah 13th annual Late county fair
Cilbourn and Joe Ward, two of opened here today and wllleon-
ix prisoners "who .escaped from j tinue' four days j The exhibits of
e King county jail last Tuesday, all kinds are more numerous this
bandoned : their efforts here to-l year than ever before. .Horse
ght after 38 hours of continuous races hegin, tomorrow al con-
arch- , , j l t;u9 trea tzji,
- TOTHE Lrtiri &r
Jnst as the college president
walked up to them.
As far as Is known no drastic
action has been taken either by
the school or the fraternity, al
though the Kappa Gamma Rho
have a long-standing rule among
their student regulations which
forbids their men the use of to
bacco in any form.
Mention letters to Darrell My
ers these days and he becomes
real peerlsh. .
Sunday night' burglars visited
the residence of Frank G. Myers
and ransacked the house. Mr.
Myers lost a diamond stickpin
valued at .$110.: All this means
nothing to Darrell.
In a small tin box-like affair
Darrell had placed two bracelets
and a package of letters from a
girl friend now , In Kansas. The
bracelets were found but the let
ters are. gone. When asked If
these contained anything, he did
not want read, he merely gnashes
his teeth and mutters.
The two boxes were found in a
corner of the yard.
Arrests made by the Salem po
lice during the month of August
touted 117. according to the
monthly report submitted Tuesday
by Chief of Police Frank Mlnto.
Arrests for traffic violations were
the most numerous, being 19,
while 21 were arrested for being
Intoxicated and one tor the pos
session of liquor. The complete
report follows:
Number of complaints and re
ports on the police blotter, 234;
total number xt accidents report
ed. 145; number of arrests on
felony charges. 5; number of days
in Jail sentenced, 70; number of
meals served to prisoners, 287;
number of people given beds, 84;
number of burglaries, 1; reports
of larceny, ,12; total number of
autos stolen, 11; total number of
autos recovered. 9; automobiles
recovered from other cities, 1;
number of bicycles stolen, 7; num
ber of bicycles brought In, 10;
total number of officers' special
reports. 68; amount of fines Im
posed for traffic violations, "J 2 17;
total amount of fines Imposed by
tbe police Judge, 8982.
According to press dispatches In
Portland papers from Oregon City
several Sifem residents recently
came to grief in that city.
C. O Apple of Salem was in
Jured and his car wrecked near
Milwaukie Saturday, he reported
to the Clackamas county sheriff
, Monday. Machines driven by M
Harris of Salem and H. H. Mar
itln of Oregon City collided with
out damaging either.
A. C. Lace of Salem paid 115
and lost his drivers' license for
15 days for traveling 40 miles an
jhour between Barlow and Canby
Charles Nelson of Salem for
feited ; ball la the police : court
Monday. . lis was arreted on
charge of btinsr drunk Suaday
night, . . .
Hard labor sentences for all
those convicted of driving whlla
intoxicated Is advocated by Alder
men Hal Patton and Paal John
son, and to show that they are
firmly convinced that hard labor
Is the antidote to the access of
drunken drivers, they will Intro
duce an amendment at the next
meeting of the council to the ordi
nance passed Monday night by the
council providing for mora string
ent punishment for 'Intoxicate!
drivers. The purpose of the am
endment will be to make hard la
bor compulsory In all Jail sen
tences Imposed for the offense.
Mayor Glesy, when asked it he
would favor the amendment of the
ordinance which was originally la- -
troduced by him, declared:
I will favor any action that
will give intoxicated drivers the
limit," The mayor declared that
he has a love for humanity, but
that the thought of drunken driv
ers running loose and endangering
the lives of others Is one he can
not tolerate.
It was held at the council meet
ing that the city recorder has pow
er to add hard labor to Jail sen
tences at his discretion, but up to
the present time no hard labor
has been imposed in any case by
Judge Poulaen. When asked if he
had the power, Jud.e Poulsen
stated that he did not know
bet her the old ordinance giving
him the power Is still valid or not.
The ordinance was enacted it
1889, and provides that the Judgt
may Impose hard labor "on ssj
male person submitted to the c'tj
Jail" in default of payment of free
at the rate of 32 a day. Chru
Kowits. elty attorney, declare? -
that the ordinance is still valid,
and states further that proviilcm
is made in the city charter for
power for the city recorder to Ira-,
pose hard labor along with any
jau sentence given to msie per
sons. Judge Poulsen claims that It
would not he practicable to work
the city prisoners, giving as his
reason that there are never a suf
ficient number of them oa hand
to psy to work out. He claims
I V A WmAa Wa A Va .1...
an additional meal, which would
add a cost of 25 cents a day per
man. and that a warden would
have to be paid to watch the men.
Taklug these things Into consider- :
ation. he claims that the city
would have to have seven men
working at once in order to make
it a paying proposition.'
As for the new ord insure that
provides for more stringent pen
alties In esses of driving while
drunk. Judge Poulsen said It was
his opinion that the more severe
the penalty is made the harder it
is to get convictions. Bat Indi
cations are that a stiff penalty has
ta effect, as the city recorder aays
that the police of Saltm have
never had a repeat case of a
drunken driver."
Incidentally, the new ordinance.
which provides for a- fine of not
less than 8100 nor more than
8500. and a Jail sentenca of net
less than 80 days nor more than
six months for all persons convict
ed of driving while Intoxicated,
went Into effect Tuesday, ax it was
an emergency measure.
The new ordinance follows
closely the state law for the same
offense. Judge Poulsen declares
that during the last slg Doatti
there have been more cases of in
toxicated drivers in Salem than tn
any other town in Oregon with
the possible exception of Portland.
Expressing great satisfaction
with conditions at the Chamawa
Indian school, Hon. L. C. Cramp-
ton, of Michigan, chairman of the
house committee on appropria
tions, visited the Institution yes
terday and made thorouzh in
spectlon of the buildings with i
view of presenting his findings to
the national appropriations depart
ment for the annual report on
budgets. ' -
Expressing his opinion that the
Chemawa school Is one of the best
conducted Institutions of the kind
he has ever visited, Mr. Crampton
was especially pleased with sani
tary conditions there. The trades
department was also heartily en
Mr. Crampton eaa cdy a siort
time to spend at the school, and
expressed regret at hU Inability to
see" Congressman Hawley of this
district. .
Stoehholders'of the new Oregon
Linen Mills. Inc.. will mrct Thurs
day morning at 10 o'clock In the
Chamber of Commerce eudi'oriun
for the purpose of selecting mem
bers for the boaM cl .iliroctorj.
and adoption of br-iawi. it 1
likely that officers wi'i cloetel
at the meetlcr.
Colonel liartrara. who h"b!i
In the eat Intp-ctlng anj n-
tlgating mill eanlraest. r-ort
he had found a drier tf 4 an su'o
matU; scntjher tat vr'. t?t f.slr
cut down oa ttho overhead ft
pene of the ml.'l. bnt will rVe
oprtIr.-- nijfh rljcrlr. TI-s
found tfcet trrvo n rni-h'rrv
can Te tnse r.i ranch less tl?.zi
planned originally, it i rroba:'
that the new rrS.l wr.I I - li ----.
ailoa wi.: erea cr t' t ; Y ?