TIIE OREGON! STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTE2IBER 13, 1025 7 Market Place ale IB s ectiOE Classified Great t U-o: -s. ;-V;r 'I I .w - 3 ac I I' FOR SALE 37 NOW PICKINO GRAPES FOB JL'tCE i and Jelly, Fiala visards, three mile north ia Tolk county, 3724 FOB SALE- RECLEAXED OATS AMD vetch. Inquire F. E. Schaefer, 170 S Com" I.- 8711 SELL U8 YOl'B l'8ED FCBNITUBE- H. I- Stiff Furniture Co. Used Good Dept. Opposite court house. - 37m22tf FOB SAL. OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEX reat a bundle. Circulation department FOB Oregon Statesman. 3711 H- , - RECEIPT ROOKS SIZE'S" BY 8 jO receipt forma Jn book, IS cent per honk, or two tor 25 cents. Statesman office, 215 South Commercial St., Sa lem. . 37t25tf GOOD WATCH - DOG FOB "SALE. . .,iB4. 273 State an - cine Highway.; 3725 j FOR BALE Livestock 30 TvKTERIXARIA.V- PR. PATTERSON. f f Mione 9253. Rt. 2. Box 28. Stfjitf hlKU W. LAXOI J Office 420 8. Ci E. VETERINARIAN Commercial. Phone It 98,' es. Phone 1666. 39m23tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 FOB WOOD SAWIXO PHONE 1091.; i . - . 43ol"l WOOD OF ALL K1XUS FOR SALE. John H. Scott. Phono 854 or 622. . .4330 . BEST GRADE OF WOOD ' 4 ft. and 16 incn. lry mill wood. i " Green mill wood. . " lry second growth fir. Hry.and old fir. . Iry 4 ft. aah. maple and oak. FRED E. WELLS. rrompt delivery and reasonablo price. 240 South Church. Phono 1542. 43in6tf 10 INCH OLU FIR SEOOXD GROWTH oak and ash. Phone 19F3. M. U. May- field. .. ... 43fl8tf ; GOOD COAL- PBT WOOD " PROMPT DEMVEBIK8. 11ILLMAN FUEL CO. ' TELEPHONE 1S53. 43j89tf MISCKLLAXEOUS 31 LARGE trEXTLE W0BK TEAM, HAR nees, to let for keep. Reference. Phone 61F12 or Ladd and Bush bank. John Braphy. 51sl9 1L B. 8EAGROYE FVBNACF. AND sheet metal shop moved to 661 Mill St. . '-t ..51a6tt i- a SALEM FL'EL AND TRAXSFEB CO. ,.' 752 Trade St. a. Wood. Coal. Briquets and Transfer. " - Prices risht. Service the best. Day a phones, 13 and 529, Night phono 1606. Tl Call as. 51s2tf' -t- ALASKAN BLl'E FOXES AXD SILVER blacks Pupa taken now are .easily handled, quickly adapted to new homes. Safe delivery guaranteed. Do not wrrific quality, for price. Ref erences over 25 year period be aix basks. Get oar proposition. Cleary, Bros. Fox Farms One Of World'a Laig est. 4 .'00 Acres), Seattle, , Ask for Booklet A 1. 51sl3 l'ERSOXAL 53 - HI7.Z TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS "It-T-Wonderful." Free informstion Address Hiss Co., Portland. Oregon. 55a 16-1925 MONEY TO LOAN 57 ' ' 1 ' FARM LOANS Iong time, easy payments, low interest no fees or commission. PERRIXE MARSTERS ' - 212 Com. Club Bid., Salem, Ore. 5Tj2tf I 1 1 1 1 i 1 t , THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE Company will make immediate, lean on farms in Oregon. Reasonable interest, in cost except small appraisal fee; It interested write immediately to I. C. Cunningham, 409 X. V. Bank Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Homo Office Rep resentative here all next week. 57slltf WANTED LOANS 30 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP pprpppppppppppppppPFPPPPPPPPP P PP PP PP WANTED Private money for1 well secured; first mortgagd loans'. Any amount. ; PP PP PP ! virp 'f pp PP PARKER REALTY COMASY 409 U. S. Bank Bldg. J ' Telephone 22 12 I PP PP rp PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE j 63 Own Your Home FOR SALE o-ROOM IfOUBK. NEW garase, acre of ground, 2173 States Price: only $2475, terms, vtiere ean yon beat thlf See eiwnerv. A. White 169 B. High. Tel. 1718.' 63sll? n a 14 . i K E W H OU SE. I F YOD ARE Tired ol paying . rent and would like ! to move to a new heme and -pgv" foil,' it- 0s essy term. Phone lt(s-K. f -3l TnERlTS ' A NEW 6-ROOM; STRICTLY j moil era ' home out' on ' Soutlt 'tfhtir-cb MreeO and the owner is in "-"s pbM ion thstjit needs selling and yon can buy it for $55tM: we have, a mighty higl class .home close on Chemeketa, large and modern and- nearly new to show . yon at $9500; a modern 7 room nouse . on North vhu-rcb with Urge garage ' and 4ut 66x139 for $5000 with good term; a nice 'modern 5-room house! - on the creek for $4200: an elegant 5 , room, atiictly modern home of the Eng lish type and all the very beat for $7000; wo have a 5-room I house to . rent 'either fumUhed. or not; , we, aelt : ir-eee. 't S'nrts. JJciSILCHRIST k PEXXINGTON 09 L. S. Bank Bids. Phone 140 63sllf POSE' IV ON STATE ST RE FT A o- 1, . ' 1 I t. i? 1 T A , ruoia, an luraianea eow. n . "splendid buv. Easy payments. - " Another 7-roorn fumiahed house, bean tifnl indeed throughout,: $6750. Still another furnished house. 10 rooms, lars lot, close in, $6500. i ' -ronm house, large lot. $2200. "n-rootn house, $2750 I '"i ft room house, close; In, Itifh street, t.-.m,, .. . . ., t , ) - Service station well located, $5500. " (iarase. - blacksmith shop, i Grose in come, annually, 917.000 . f . Grocerr store, wetl loeatd, 95600. . ..,.- GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE . f .Realtor ' i 493 ,-Jf. Cottago SL u o3sl2tf IK YW: WANT A 5 or 6-ROOM Bun g.ilow with little down, picas) see m. I call be of Service.- Or if flush of cash; ran get yon a good discount nn a bungalow. Also have a good town house elo in to exchange for a small acreage chiefly for cows ai chicken business. Alao have $2000 t. Inas at on extra good farm semtriiy only. See iWm, Fleming 341 State Street. - - ' ' 63sl3Tf BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES So acres, eteared.' Improved. Tor real iIpbp m vacant lota..S3500. So acre 4irr. all cleared, clone In." svaitt smaller ranch for equity not over 1 1.000. . - , ' 1 " acre In Canada, want screagr ; her not Over $2500. .- i- t'yr ' ' " 2 47 acrea - river bottom, 20 cleared. 2"7 pasture and timber, want Canada land not ever $8500, $3776 to bo a aunied. '...' , 2 room house with 2 lots 9900, term. ' 5 room house. 2 lo's, garage, fruit. 7 room modern, double garage, 8 blocks '-'"' Lidd ft Bosh. $4300, terms. Hudson coach as part paymant , ea ' houe, what have you I i SOCOLOFSKY. Sit State. 63 SALE STRICTLY I MODERN j 5- 7- loom bungaluw. Furnished. 6 blocks front Bush's hank. A anao to the right party. W.. A. Litton, 41 Court M. , ; " . - v : . , 631$ BOOM MODERX HOME'lX East Salem. lurnaee, fireplace e a race, eak Doors, Tariety o( fruit. Tbie place 3 year old and (nod bay a 9 5251. . Beautiful modern hoti-e of 6 rooms, new and i.ry close in, an unuaua.' home priced to sell at $97 50. I Several attractive creek properties - that ran he bought rigjt. ) 4 Portland hoaiee toj' trade for Salem- homes.. 'Several good hames i it Salem to trade for suburban home ana , a few acres, j WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bid. G3kI3tf - ! SPECIAL 5 acres with good buildings, 3 miles east. Some fruit andj berriea. Price $3000, trill take small house, not over $2000. Balance, term. 2 Va acre; ft room house; barn and Ohic house, fruit ana berriea. A bargain, for fJIOO. H room plastered house. Snap ior 1600. j ! , TUOMASON, 331 State Street.! i ! 6315tf FOR SALE SEW MOIEBN Bt'XGA low. good location, 825UO. easy terms, Six-room bun c low. patted street, close to achool. fruit and I shade, f 3500. Apartment bouae with (furniture, good location. fooOO. Rooming bouse, S2500. Small atore 91500, For rent 7 room houso close m, also apart merit bouae, furmanedi 7aree teres and ; modern hnnae eloae in, a Ho j 11 acres with buildings. I F. h. Wood. 341 State St. , 63sl2tf A, C. Bohrnstedt i Victor Schneider ! Realtors ; Specialize ia - Oregon l farms. Salens homos and write Insurance. 147 So. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 63a3tf FOR SALE A SEVEN ROOM MODERN home. Excellent location. 1 Mock from State house andj V4 block from Pacific highway. Lot) 65x165. Ad dress owner. 1051 ChemekeU street. ' Salem. Oreron. - 63al8ti I Bay 7 a ' six-room plastered bnnga- : . mw on Cottage street at S2400 I Terms. A i -good clean sck of groceries on X. i'apitot St. Invoice stock. Kixtnrea and fl months' rent for f 1400. ; See this. It is n good uuy. -- r . - ! HOME ia n place to enjoy and ! which to rest. We have a fully ; modern 6-room home for yon. Fine location. At $3600. S500 will handle, .balance $25 a month. IN order to prove that yon ; ca own a good- acreage with good house, let ns show you 8 acres east of Salem. 8 -room house. 3 springs. Year's wood in base ment. All for 32500. ' i SALEM is a fine city; to bo near.'. We nave ISO arrea with plenty of buildings. Spring, and wall. 100 acres in cultivation. Sell for' 965 per acre. $500 j down and 9200 a year at 6J . Only 6 qiiles 1 . from Salem . What . more i can i you askt -v j - ' : A furnished 10 room housje to - ; rent for $45. Good location. Can I be used as an apartment heuae. tLRICH AND ROBERTS i 122 X. Com'l St. -i Phone 1354 , 6316tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP i i PP PP PRICE $3,000 $200 CASH, i PP PP ; balance eay paympnts A 5-'l PP PP room modern bungalow, cement I FP PP basement. See I 1 PP PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY ! PP PP 409 V. 8. Bant BICc. I PP PP Com'l at State. Phone 2243 i PP PP i - T 3sl8 I" PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPpPP WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO TRADE -We can match mott anything ! yon have to exchange. Call anytime! day or evening. - ! 1 HOME REALTY CO. ' Phone 1718. 169 S. Hign. r -j -'. - 63sl$ i f 'HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES $2000 Sew fo'ir roonl home located on . - Xab Hill, basements garage. fireplace. Cement porch. $1000 , down, balance mortgage at 7 per cent. i , t $8400 ituys a new modern up to date home, locatedf on Fainnount ' V 1 Hill. This prpperty ia well k " v ; rated and a good buy fot! the ! . money aaked. Terma. I See ! ns today. ) '..- - f- $7000 Modern five-room home in first j ... class repair in every war. lo i rated aix blocks out and V L ; block from oar Bne. Terms cash. . I - ' I 1 $3250 New Spsnish i Stucco home lo- 5, carted on X. Summer St. 'Terms - 81000 down to handle. Imme- ,j 'diate nossesa ion. - ' ! $3800 New stucco btmgalow home on Fairmount Hill. Term $750 m down-, balance: 930 per month. $5300 8-roora home I located at 1258 Chemeketa St. $300a, down - balance mortgage. i ; WE WRITE FIRE IN8URANCI5 W. H, GRABENHORST ft CO. - Realtors'. '. ' ' - f . 275 State St. ' Phone 515 : : I ; 6318 : ; 1 BEST BUYS I HOMES I 5-room bungalow. large lot. pave!'' and - paid, located on.X. 5th fctM lor with $IO casn. Dsiaice use rensj 5-rootn bnniralow oni X. Cottage! St, like new. a-arage. lawh. shrohberyi aud flowers, now vacant for $3150. Beat .of . terms. I ' I 5-too:h cottage on . 20th St. with furniture for $2300, part rash. .. ! 5-room cottage on Fhirgronnds Boad, paving paid. Iarge Irtt for $2000. ;$500 cash, balance like rent. M acre tract close inlwith new 4 room house, city water oust elre.rlc light. for 2100. Jjisy term. s ; Another 4 acre irarf close in at: city limits with garage bue. for $-150 with 93..Q down, balance !esy. 3 fine large lota in IN. Salem, almost 1 acre of ground. $1250 takes them all. With 9250 cash, balance 913 no.! and interest. . , To buy your home See 4'HILDs BKCUTtL f t 510 State St. 318: :t MINUTE MOVIES' 1HE Wei?lM(V HAND i WAT i &EEIS s ED TO I ACCEPT ' yib my ' aaanuannannBnnn REAL ESTATE. GOSH -"Sey OPTA 1 V WtARTEDj 63 BOOM MODERN HOUSE. . LARGE schools. Owner tearing town. Call at schools, wner leaving town. Call at 1140 X. 15th. 63c20 REAL ESTATE BEAU THIS ONE SALEM HOME. 7 plastered roouis, fireplace, basement, bath, good condition, six. large lota, all in bearing fruit, berries ana large grane artor. nice ahaded lawn, ever green and walnut trees, poultry honae. garage, barn, between Junior high and gi-ainmar school, few blocks tw street car. - All ,fr $:;Oi. fcy terma. 849 Rural avenue. W. C. Conner, Salesman Office, owner. 63litf NEW BEST :WX STRVCTIOX. ,6 baemvtt: l'arri-h l.rore Addition; paved afreet: half block from Parrisk achool; f3d00.UO. MCiy' MODERN OX K BLOCK n"Tf from Parriah school: 1O0 feet from Capitol street; bnilt by owner for l-i own ii m bnt now aoing to live with daughter: 5 rooms down, room for 3 u o and atairwav in; cement basement furnace, fireplace: very beat con struction: finest maerial: inspect it with microscope, you ran't find a flaw; lot 55x156; pr'ce f5750. HARRIS Masonic Temple Pbone 795, 1942 J. 6318 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPrPPPPPPPPPPPrPPIPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PRICE 83B30 frtOO CASH, PP PP modern 3-room bungalow, Plast- I'P PP eifd. full cement basement, PP PP Kuilt-tns: on paved street. Wee PP PP PARKER FO R PROPERTY PP PP - 409 l & Bank Bldg. PP PP C6m"l at State. . Phone 2242 PP PP 63sl PF PI'PPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPrPPPPPPPPPPP GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES Well improved. lo-acre eastern Ore. wheat ranch . foa. vajlcy ranch., vv 4 room bun gk basement anirjtnt, 210, easy, trti tv Good 5-room king H tndfgnrage, 91750. essy trust. Tk,Jo4.--e! , ' Good Star car'to exchange for'vot, in Fine 200-scre "iarra VicaflEucene for utiem -acreage.--. - -: ! 13 acres' suburban" hmife"'tor residence See our list of curhangoo, . -. PERKINEJ MARmTERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 631 8tf THE PRICE ON THIS IMPROVED 141 acre in the Tnrner-Anmsville District hae been reduced from 9100.00 to $n5.00 an acre for quick sale. Easy terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT - Realtor. Loans and Insurance 117 No. Com'l. S', Salem. Oregon. 63e9tf LOTS FOR 8ALE - Just $300 With $50 rash, buys east front lot with alley and sewer. $350 burs a corner lot on Gravel St., only $50 cash with balance to suit. Vacant lot 50x165 in east Salem, dis tant owner, writes ns to sell for $500 with terms. - 94(H) buys good east lot with cement alks. near the Richmond school. TAKE NOTICE:!! On Market St. large lot with cement walk, paved treet. sewer, all for $600. Xeer Grant sehoou corner kit; price flO.iO. with paving paid. 4 block on X. Front St a factory or warehouse site. 16.000 square feet. Price HfiOO, $300 down, balance your own terma.- , SEE KRUEGER. Realtor, 147 X. Cora'L Phone 217. - 6318 rOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE, GOOD Lo cation, east front:, corner lot. 94x74, paviag in. bearing walnut, fireplace: exceptional bargain for qnick sale. 705 X. 17th St. Phone 1726-J, 6320 OWN YOUR OWN HOME! - The instinct for a home ia aa natnrat in humanity as the ins'inct to mate. A young couple beginning family 'life in their own home, secure at once a back ground, an anchorage. , Children brought up in their own home have the supreme advantage of a domestic sentiment that is - one of the most valuable of spiritual Posses sions. ( W ithont their own house, there is an inescapable sense of being trans ient, of hsving no firm foundation for family life. - We have aeverat new bungalows, 4 room and breakfast nook, we will sell, just like rent.. - RICH L.; BEIMANN. Realtor 147 North Commercial cit. 6313tf RSAL ESTATE TRADES 63 FOR EXCHANGE 10 ACRES NAVAL orange grove located at ' Porterville. California, to exchange for farm prop t erty in vicinity of Salem. Price $16,500. Clair, 1078 Chemeketa. 320 ppppppppppprppewppppppppppppp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP 220O s . 2200 PP PP EXCHANGES EXCHANGES PP PP GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGS , PP PPt HEADQUARTERS Of noes Salem and jrrtlandi The demand for exchange PP PP PP PP PP ;or axenangea FP has made necessary our - PP PP GREAT MARKET PLACE PP PP . where trn reqniremeat of all PP ff ran be matched. We have ..PP PP lust what Ton have in mi nil? a just what you hare in mind; "PP just where yon want it; jnae) VP the right price. Our list of . PP exchanges (the -largeet list- PP log oa the Pacific Coaat) PP guarantee your cemple'e sat- PP isfaction regardle of your ro ' PP quirement. If yon would like PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP change" .r property pp f. coma TODAY, PP to ex TODAY, See PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP 409 C. S. Beak Bldg. ' PP Com'l at State. Phono 224 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 7 rAKI M A VALLEY FARM FOR TRADE 40 acrra in lower Yakima valley, all under irrigation. Vegetable and alfalfa , land, line buildings good road, school bnis passe door. Will trade for fi-n in Wiliamrtte valley. price $14.0OA. AVe sold a . $1'.0'W farm " week ; and ran sell yours if priced right. fi.V-FM REALTY iXK 462 State St. Phoae K04 720 AN' SO I UUZ LlTTltCAERtT DANCER .O0M- Ta.'0 weevs Uj LUCK H$ HOUSE AJESt BACK W Hl-SCAett RCON-.EE REALIZES TLJAT V41S pvnLAN- . IHrCPriAS LETT HIM ALMOST GOSH. - RE.IL ESTATE Suburban 69 FOR SALE 16 ACRES BEAUTIFUL country home, well improved. Only 1 mils from Salem on paved highway. Black anil. Worth o50O, priced to sell, only f 4750. terras. See owner, A. Whilci 169 butts High. Tel. 171. 6!sl ' A.N TED HEAL ESTATE 71 AUTOMOBILE FOB HOUSE 03 LOTS. pppppppiPKrprpppTrpppprpprppp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPtVpTM'Pr-PPlPPFPP HP WANT ACTION f , PP P Do yon aut to a-U your prop- I'P PP ertyf Are yon roiaj to buy FP P some other property after yon PP PP sellf If you are. a H NOW. 1'P i'P Me compute both deals in one PP PP transaction. Mo trade what I'P PP yon bare tor EXACTuY PP PP what you want, thir service ia PP PP aurpriaingty different. 220O I'P PP trade for yon to choose front. PP PP See I'P PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY I'P PP 409 U. S. Bank Bldg. 1'H I'P Telephone 224 J I'P PPPPPPPPPPI'Pl'l'PPPi'PPPlVPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTPPPPPPPPPPPPP AL'T03iOElLEt WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. We pay cash for Fords. 77ml 2tf USED CA1W FOR SALE 7tf PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX We have n variety of RELIABLE USED CARS: it ni4 pay-yon to look over our stock. Fred M. Powell ' Motor Cars 350 X. High HUDSON PACKARD ESSEX 79sl7tf CERTIFIED AUTOMOBILES 1924 Mar Tonr-ng L. .9175 1921 Star Boadster :.'.....; ;..$475 192 Star Rd tf i 300 1922 Maxwell Twih' (Chryslet Built) .. 473 1924 Ford tonring. balloon tiees. Knxtel AxK bumpers; spot light, mirtor i ; 373 1923 Ford coupe, new battery and generator .- 350 "AS 18" AUTOMOBILES 1914 Paige 4 tour, good tires... $10O 1917 Buick touring ... 133 1920 Maxwell tonring 135 Fords without starter, good tirea 50 2 Ford deliveries $50 and 990 CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET I Block North of Post Office. Phone 835 i 7913tf QUALITY USED CARS These car carry a REAL guarantee: . 1924 llaynea Brougham. 1923 Paige, 7-passenger Touring. 1923 HnptnoKiie Touring i 1924 Franklin two-door Sedan. : 1920 Elgin Touring. 1921 Franklin Roadster. '1921 Moon 5 passenger Tonriii;. wire wlieel i. -f 1920 llupmobile Touring. 1919 Stndeliaker KpeciaL ' 1921 Ford Tonring. 1922 Ford Coupe. 192 4 Ford Coupe. -'1922 Auburn Touring. 1920 Cleveland Touring. - The above cars are sold on a very rea sonable down payment with the bal ance ia monthly payments to auit the buyer - ' . . - These cars ore going to be sold- re gard less of price, as we do not keep used car long. m The price is right. MAC DONALD AUTO CO. Cottage and Ferry ' Marmon 4,'leveland and Chandler IValer. 79sl7tf STARTER TYPE FORD TOtTRINO 973. Come quick. 2105 No. 4.h St. 79sl3tf Two non-starter touriag Fords with . license. 945 and 95. Too mach serv- , ire in these cars to wreck. Both in - gooil- running condition. -;. '. - EIKER AUTO CO. - . Phone 121 . 79j3!tf FORD TON TRUCK AXD FORD START- er. type, tooimg cuexp terms. 7a N. Commercial St. 7920 1 ' Guaranteed Used 7 Fords ' 1922 Conpe ; 9310 1924 Roadster ..j. . $2H' ' 1924 Model Coupe . . $425 Term' to auit rnrehaser. VALLEY MOTC CO. - . Authorised Ford dealer Phono 1995. 3C0- No. High. 79alet.' ; KIKER'S VSEP CARS 1921 Touring jI $315 , 1924 Coope .--fc ....$433 Our usual giiaraaief Vrnind-all cars. . Ford Sodsn . U , s ..$250 t.lU( At 1U (.41. Libert r Street at Ferry. Pbone 121. - 79jl8tf GOOD IiSED PABT8 FOB HALF OR (lea. ( why pay moral Money or gnarante. Schoalar Ant Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone . 819. Night phone 503. 1083 N. Commercial St. "Built to aava money." - 79-jltf I Dependable Used Cars 1 r New Essex Coach at a special discount. Earr KiMjrt Toar-ng . . 9550.OO 1921 Chevrolet Coupe $525.00 192 4 Gardner Brougham $"50.00 1921 Overland Tonriac : 9450.O0 1924 Overland Blue Bird 6:"VOl 1922 Maxwell Touring 942S.x We also have Ford Chevrolet nad other strait cars at 10. and up. "AFTER WE SELL WB SERVE F. W. Pettyjohn Co. $65 X. Commercial St- Phone 1260 7stttr A system of mathematics was evolved by the Maya tribes of Mex- ico at least 2,000 years before the first system recorded nl India.: s (AH rl2jbU protected by The George Matbewa Adama FIRS PAH' rtemt jhe, vjoRry- 'V 1,3,7 - N0"a) S ryAc rvonriP II 7UV t x U ILL haVE TO CUT bOUAl Mm nRtAM ? CLASSIFIED - 9 - Of Reliable Business . AKBULAJrCB OOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 ami H3 h. ly r night- servtce fMlt AUCTIOKEZt-S T. K. WOODSY Expert 1j restock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONKr-R Re. 1610 X buutacer Phone $11 fog sale datea. WOODRY WCXIDUY Expert Livestock. Furniture, Real Fe tal, and Merchandise Auctioneer. 18 Teara' eaperieoea. Satiafactiea Guar anteed. Of .'ice 271 W. Com'l. Tel 75. Ben. 996 8. Commercial, TeL 1.43 W for aa datea. (i. H. BCRE Farm sales and purebred livestock. Catalog compiled and pejigreea ex tended. Corrali is. Oregon. ACCOTTNTAXT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And itor. 831W Suto. Phoae 2098 B. nlfJt BATTEBY AXD 1UXCTBXCIAJIS hV. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial ; CWiUSrtO Phono 198 COURT T JOE Wll.l.lAMa- BICYC1XS A1TD BIPAIJUNO LLOYD E. RAU8DEX DAYTON BICY- clea end repairing. S87 Court. BRAKE RE LINING MIKE PAX EK 273 SOUTH COM MER etal St. Phene 101. jtf CHIHESB BEMXDT L. L. DICK L. I. HCM . . Chines Medicine Compsay Bh any know diseasa, 420-42$ But 4 P-J"I CHIRCPB.ACT0B Dr O. I. SCOTT. CSC. CHIROPRACTOR. Trmpoaary eddress. 236 X. High. Phone J-K or 8. ! H. IS. 8C0FIEIJ PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phono 2194. m5U FOtt RHEUMATISM. PAR.4.LY8IS, Xenritis, Indigestion. Constipation, Lumbago, Heart trouble. Obesity. Kid nry and Liver disorders or Sleepless lenes. call at 249-253 8. Cottage St. S. II. Logan. Pbone 2214. Oct-l DBESShfAiTNO PRJXTED CARDS 8IZE 14" BY If word irvg. "lyressmskiag ; price to eenta each. Statesman Butinesa Office. ireu nd floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER. HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Bonn 10, over Mil hjr'a More. Phono 117. . LADIES TAILOR WE DRAFT OUR own paterna for dresses, coats or Stilt. , Jlra. 8. H. Logan, 2 49 253 S. Cottage St. Phoae 2214. OCXS ;1 ?i i DIX'GS," CHJ rles, perfuu DRUO STORES tJ4ICALS, .TOILET. ART1 porfuweJ. expert press ripuoni at Capital Drug Store, ooraer Slate aad xihertv. ELTXTBICIANa jALF.M ELECTRIC CO, MA BOX M building. Phoae 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES: AND SCPPLi Co- Phone 1934. 22 X. Liberty. FLEENEH EtXCTRIC : CO. IIOUSI win oz iy aour or cooiran. r.iiaiie fumiihed. Phone 9e0 471 Court 6t Z ARM PAPEB IF ""YOU WANT TO GET TH2 BE8T farm paper send 13c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three months trial subscription. Montioa thia ad. . i POTJLTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp .or special three months trinl for the boot aad oldest jouraal in the west. The article and advertise moots are of special' interest to the poultry breeder of i the Northwest. Northwest lWtry Journal, 211 Com clal street. Salem.' Oregon. TTaTANCIA-L FOB SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort g agoa. Trust Deeds, Coa tract on heuae Will "net 6' to 07. J , 4,BliCKK ft HENJJltlCiCi ,, U. 8. Xsfl Bank ' i . i l!ltl FARM LOANS PLENTY 5'P MfNJjT TO loan on good taxm aacnftiy. . I CITY LOANS We are loaaini Prn dential Iasoranc Company money oa City residence ard business property at SVsr,i. plus commiasioa. Hawkins ft Roberta, Inc., 203 Oregon Building , a ii Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT . 406 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWEJtS. FLORAL DESIGNS, ehet dah ias while in bloom. lien nett Sarsery Co . Fairground Koad Tel. 12BC. - . su. CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQOET funeral wrea'ha. deooratioas. C. r. BreithauDt. florist, i2 N. Liberty. Phoae 380. : . rXTXEBAL DIRECT0ES SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC- tors. JIO Center. Thone IBir, .-, . jlh.T BliOCKINO , WOI.K nt! a ra steed, ells- . rth Hatop. 3I7H Court, npetairt. Berric Trwde Urk r-stered I KNCNJJ WCMJ n IS IM VJP tVSAiWo't T tTM) VDhK TRON (-Win io "TrV TO Stli SOTS. KKOCWCt lf HAD NO 1l S 1 - v. f BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged ia Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference HZMSTITCHTjeo SALEM ELITE H KM STITCH I Ml. Pet- ag. buttons. iUas( and t-rdle work. 32 (irrgea Bldg. Phono 379. HEM. STITCH 1 NO. BITTONS AND Sleatiag. stiafartioa guarantees, lail order proasptli filled. C'rrglowe. t?'.1 f'ae Si. a!5 1 IX3T7XJLXC3 Insure Tour homo or ear now r-hone 1(1 BECKE HFXIiRICKd I' t Raak M- XODaXS EXPERT AND 1NDIVIDCAL ATTEN- tion given to your developing and LAtrSDXIXS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 S. High atreet. Phoae 25. oldest, larg est aad heat, - Established 18a9. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LACX- dry. Phono 171. 1354 B Street, illlf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDBY Iooo 16. Service with a aatilo. (Jsality work. l-.'4 Broadway. JUtf LADIES ' TATLOXIVO D. 1L MOSI1ER IAITjOR FOB MSN and women. 474 Cnurt Hi. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THK Capitol Cny Beddiaga.'osll9 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. AH work gwar steed. Phone 19'- flatf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM VOUUH HEM ED Y Phone S17 W. . . MXLLDTEXY BARGAINS THE ! YEAR AROUND, Felts and leather hat $2.0O aad np. , Ellsworth Hat Shop, 347 H Court, np- hTOSIO STOXSS GEO. C, WILL I PIAN03. PHOXO- grapha aewiag marbina. sheet asnsie. aad piano todie. Kcnoirig nhoi graph and aewiag achiaea. 433 State atro.t. Salens. i TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Bmnswi-k. II. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Muiie Isept XXWSPAPEBS THE PORTLAND TELEdRAM. SALEM Agency The Aco. TcL 919. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to yo.ir home oa'ly each morning. TeL 23 or 53. HUBSEBY STOCK FRCTT. NUT AND ' SHADE TBEEi Pearee Bros . 87 rHaie .. PACKING AMD BKIPPDia TOR EXPERT' FUKXR1TUBE PACKING gad shipping, call Stiff a Furniture S'ore. Phone 91. PAPEEHAKGINQ AND PAISTTNO PTIOSE GLENN DAMS FOR HOUSE Worsting, paper haajiag. tiatiag, ale. K.-i lil. workmaa PXAMO TT7SXBS (lilVitRU WELP EXPFRIEXCED nan txner. Ieave orders Mill's Music Store pxnmna rOR STATIONABY. CABDS. PAWPH leta, programs, l-ooka or aay k.nd e printing. .all t ine btaieemaa rnii ing lepartment, 315 8. Commorcial TeK 68A. i i PLUMB IX O PLUMBING AND .'GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsbor Bros. 141 Liberty Bt Pk.s. ,sn. . fi9tf BASIO SPL1TDORV BADIO. BALES AXD 8KRV1CE Xo better radio mad at aay price QTJALITT CABS High and Trad finr RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECT UC CO. F. S. BARTON. Proprietor Masoni Tapo Phond. HV0 Rad!o!as m m r. .'el All. UrJ, Si f.i;aX.IC'lbes UAL IK ft EOFF TXFCTRIO "HOP 337 Coert St. Phone 4"S XXAL ESTATB IF TOO HAVE FR0PEKTY TO SELL or if yon -are hsoking for a booso, la or bus nes froparty, see na. BECKE ft HENDBlCKS r.'S Nonl Snk hailmer. tf XEPAXRIX0 ALVIN B. STEWABT 347 Coort St. UMBRELLAS.. CUTLERY AND KEYS. lawaiaewera. rsier bladea, acuaora, Isitm and l"o' sharpened ICAVEXOEBB 800A SCAVEKQER SERVICE Garbage and refaae aw nil aano remove ny tee month. Roaaaaable rates. tra poola cleaned and dead animal removed. , Pheaea Off-o 95 or 979. Be. 2058 TJ. B, rBtent Office.) ; HCurvER , tvE STiLA- ?OT t.PT SO ,vcu -na ivaJ (SET 'aether hi ,ntvif w - ii i a ! rv a YAYTW ArO Th2 NEV.T MOBBING BEM rOR.Tr4 CPRiENCE d3, HIS ARZLFi- A . BECOJTO- HAND GOODS WAXTFD EVERYTHING IX ClOTIl tag'an4 tSws, lU-at petrea paid. Cap Ital- Ear. S42 kerth Caaaercal. Phone 1164-VT. STOVES AJfD ITOVE X CP AIX 1X0 STOVES KKBC1LT A.M BEPAIRED 40 years' ntrwoea. Depot X stive al fence, is 26 to SB la. high. Paints, nila aad varniahea. etc. Ingaaherry and hop hook. falem Fence and Pvavt Weeti. Co .n ' Pi tjl. TKAJISTZX ABO HABLIXO CAPITAL CITY TR9rE CO. - State t Pbooe 933. Itnbtiag. tee warding aad storage oar tPoctaJty. Get or rate. WK MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold reode. Our specialty ia piano and larnitara moving. Wo alee make eon try trip. Wo handle the heat real navd wood. ' Call on na fee prlceo. Wo give good saoasnm, good aaelity aad g-d aervtce. umrt iraasler Co. t he tJO TRANSFER AND H t CLING OF AIX kada Phone lrt WATER SALEM WATFR. LIGHT ft POWER CO. tlff.ro 3i) SMth Comasereial 8U Ten P-T cent d'scoent oa aVeaestie fla rale paid in advaaco. e dedaetoa for abaenee or aay ano naleaa wlo la shot off rwf yeeaiea - PRKER STtOE UXFS ANNOUNCING lMItKTANT CHANGES in the Salem to VrMinavilur Time Schedalo Eiteclire brpt. 15, 1925. ,M. Sah-.n. Lv . :.rf McVinnvCle. tr. . t 4. MrMinoville. L. V:l." New berg, Ar.lo.23 AM. Newherg. T.v McM nnsi:ie. Ar. MrMinnville. Lv. . 7:10 halcm 8:43 PM. 2 :IO 3:23 - " :25 PM. 1:1 1 :55 9:40 3:55 PM. 3 : 1 . -:35 " 7:4V :23 PM. 3:1V; :35 ;41 00 CHANGE IN THE S M.EM DALLAS SCHEDULE Leaving Salem fog Dallas: 7, 9. 11:23 a. m 2:ln, 5:11 p as. laviag ll!aa for Sa'eas: 8, 9:5u n. 1. 1:10. 6:15 p. a. Call 16 for fun' er iifornn'oB ttlcle Garrtnno's . .few ITus of REVEIT10NS OK A WIFE "opjTf ht by Newspaper ; Featm 8emca CIIA1TKH FU3 TIIE NKWS JIM GAVK MADGE .- ACOUT UI3 INTKRVIi:V 4ThtJ door to which Mamie and 'he flaah-Hght ti e offker had lent her had brought me was that of the khchen she pattntly did not onsider ahy blher point of egrefsl r Ingress and when I had open - d It I found myself in tlie midst of cheery bustle. Jim was placiuK aisnes upon this small table where Katie and he take their meal, and Kctle was busy dishing up the remaining contents of , the cooking ; utensils. That the two were about to hive their belated dinner was apparent tnd t waited only for a single luesticn. "Did the officer bother rou with 4uch questioning. Jim?". "Xo. XJa'ain." Jiui a face snone mwmm LBV E with the 'consciousness of a dread- -ags appear upon my face ns I -d ordeal successfully passed. I ,r"w chairs forward for my mo told h'mlabout tacklirg the man. 'hcr-jo-Uw and. Katherine. If I tnd hter I couldn't hold bim and he said he wasn't surprised that he wan a big brute It would take! n xtrriCE 1 of KTOCKIIOLDER3" SfEETlXa We," the undersigned Incorpora- tor$ of the Oregon Linen Mills. Inc. be re by call a. meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock ol said corporation to be held at the r.oo ins of the Salem Chamber ot Commerce In Salem. Oregon, on the 24th day of September, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m for the purpose of organizing said companr, electing a Hoard of Di rectors, adopting by-laws and tran&articg such other business as may properly com before the meeting. E. W. PAGE. T. A- LIVES LEY, ; T. M. HICKS. Aus. 23 to Sept 21 inc. By ED WHEELAN U-eTcH fr Hev- HwTtM7 Kr-RCaJ III aV'l j? 3- two rjen to hoM. 1 howe-d Bjm jlhe ilirertion the fellow went olf that way. . ' Mr. pointed In a dircct'on di rectly aouth of the r.!J aced.nnd, ltb lla citrnnrt? i-o loac markr-I by un-lergrcnth tht It hd rrt rranfrally forcottra by thr ttclgh borheod. ar1 1 rttist-d tbat niolM Jiu from somewhfro br. fonnef cnongh initUlive to Veep the of- flrrr from dlncoTwing tb trark of the rr tahlch Harry lrder- wood tad brought tbroucb li- old wid ruad and la whcB be Lad takfit away the i-rc. -d xo' logger for what purpo-r to one could 3ct I least of alL ' "Let Him Flp.' ' -' - ' "" "I'm rlad yra rot orf no fanlly. Mm," I naid. Igaorin Kat;e'a aJg nifirant Milff. .o hurry ati4 it your dicoer. Yoa nait be gtarTlnx." "I o eropry dot xny backbone" nhaViDS handt rrit my ribs." Kat'e repllesl with Uugh. I left the kitchen relierpd rt the. to a ad of my little ' malJ'a " mirth. Neither Kather'ce per Mother Gnham wai in'th- living-room when I entered It. aad m ulanre at the coach told me' that Junior's little flcure no longer lay npoa lu I ran up the at a Ira to my mo-Iher-ln-4w "a room, and found her torh'.ng the 8till-leepln thll.I into her. bed."" Katherine n landing by wilh rrrfesaiQnii im mosility. but I.; wUojknew; her o well, distinctly icnred anUnoriletlr dlapproTtl n ficr Hps. iacrc. tightly elufted'than u-aal.-, "There!. I .think b- will be. all . r!ght new: Mother Graham raid, straightening; herself after draw- " In an extra - blanket oyer thr: Ueeplnx child's tthouldera. She ra t a practiced eye over the bed and mored a screen which tood at Its foot. ."He non't get any draTt Bow," she raid with satisfaction. "I'll raise the window a trifle when I set into bed. or I don't know. If pretty windy there'll bo enongh air romlng through the? r cracks. Come away now and let him s'eep. We'll fo Into jour room. Margiret. I led the'way with my mind filled with forebodings. My little lad had net been undressed, and he was so warmly wrapped that I aa. ' ra aa nnPn a at-ntiM . . f kl. b, coVerlngs before morniir an l' get thoroughly chilled, t'nder the circumstances. I wag. just as glad that my mother-in-law did not In tend to open her window, even though 1 am what I!cky duta th "flendiest of all frenh air ficn!." I'.enldes. I knew that it Mae Use less to protect. Madge Tells Her Story. Mother Graham had ben bur dened with the care of the child -trer since I had sone to the apurt- mem In the city on acccoLt of l Dicky. I could not dispute her I Jlftura concerning him. especially as I was to go. back to the city so won. IJy my heart felt the eter nal struggle betv.ecn the welfare of my husband and that of my child, which is the lot of so many women. 'I ara not' responsible for my husband's being In the world. I ild rebelliouslr to myself, as I ctered ciy room and switched on "he light, "bit I am for my baby. md I 'ought to be here with him." But I l"t no trace of my feel- I ou'd Qf Se.my Lt by from ths I Trendmotherly care which I felt o b mistakea there Boihil. ow of i sia'Delng J0tMng but I astjuiescently cheerful over the ar rangement. To be tw that she aoudglei'a imI auspk loa k(-my real feeling. I plunged at onre into an account of my last TU't ti the bouse across the road. I omitted nothing save my di.t- ' otery that my next-door neighbor n the New York apartmeat wm a half-flster of the man who had imn taken to jail that day. I fell inequal to the rcelodramatfc con-' jecturen in whkh my mother-in-' 'aw would indulge should the 'earn the strange coincidence. (To be continued MIGHT CLASSES DECIDED YMCA rLANH FOR FALL AND yi.ti:r nknsio.vs C!ase la f aleiriansh'p. public peaking, aooclatiou forn-'t. riti xenship. and Knclish fr for' -:-irs to open Ute Tall ses.lDn oi lii ' YMCA ntght nctool were -jfclil".! upon Thci-?dy by the eflucstiorial committee of tJie locul YMCA. Those present at the meetlrS of the committee were Co!, f.j-rl? Abrann. Ho8 IHes. Allan Ka foury and C. A. Kells, fmrvl f retary. I . When the YMCA mores Inlr It t new home, geyeral other rlax-s will be aded to the turrirulum. The asoc'afion crdeavors to suiv-, ply the courses, thst r wanted, so as soon as encash have s'zrif fied their d-Ire to-stndy a certain subject, a cla.sa is org.nl7.-d foe that purpose. Such tlvi a salesmanship and rmbllc aidXiu' clashes, where paid lrttrnrlp"i i nd, are self-support ln. n-r,-bvrs of the clsis fcharlrg ! osl of Instruction. Clan-.s s u h association forum. KdjI!i fir foreirners. in1 iviiijutlua. ar conducted frc-p of charge. Non -of the rour- nrrrl ip wta thut giTpn hr tier l:.t;'.u tiocs at t'.sht pes!or.s. Say.lt Willi a Clarified Aj 41