; Z." LTI i B GEES IS CALLED "Economy AH Parts of County Expected Is-the: .r Art of to be represented bat- urday Afternoon WWWil 1 ! A 5 jWi rt!$:V ir. j;; .vsc - , tff My j6ut slow account aside ' ihfnking ihat the debtors will have a - change of heart and come In and pay They Won't Let us .tarn them into CASH. for you. ' '" j. M, Jitf CoHerf Km Ntf Charge h ' - . . " ' ' Orr Adjustment Co. Inc. 4 Oregon BuildinV PIIOXE 21 55 Salem, Oregonf St" New Fall Hat. ReducedP" Cortt Upsets dSave Money, HAT SHOP. Expert W:B11 Cotft Se6 Gr Wihddv for display of Higfa. Graded "Jtoilct'Articiis - 137 S. Cozaxacrdll Et j Mother's f Worer. Ch ttei of S5c fi - Z I I 'i? Tf&Sf , ; ''C ?7v r- A SC7' V; tCTV L(? READ SPtClAt FOR and SatUfdd ffeavy Glass Mix mg Bowl s per Set G8c at CHANGE ,1 "orth Conune 'rclal "llJ0" dollar Was M0l.e Cent - It is to.ietus.aaiustyouf Because tf r p, Vept'adiusted, TS they will Brake Stetio 27S So; ComT. S1- galem Oorrahce 2 If. Commercial St. . (Upstairs; , vf ills ;-cm f. ianff.-w"C of ",ae tft 8orefi . ad yon ai erg .. Capitol Barber -' Shop SO-i SUte Street ; SPECIAL ILf Efl Hair Cat ...S5c 'Bobbing; ...S5c. Shave 15c Shop fn charge of C. A. WOOD Expert on Ladles Work G. C. GIVEXS, Prop. Nine" Economy in Heeding That Ft Syrhptom ,...'.'.' :..,'. t Chiropractic, i, ,n; eco- "Health Is Wemltun1 ' Pr. Gof ftfer 226 -eoa Baling THRIFI? Granted you nave saved your first $1000. l ean putyou en to increasing it $300 in an 'absolute bargain of a" 6 room bun galow, well located, that must be sold at once 'at I take pride in proving my statements; the are usually accepted. XJU. FLET.lil'iG C j State St. noan Price $7000- . 000CasK 'ForPcrly V 40O J 1 ielep,0l,e J 1 icet Tour Printing Fort. ' I t 6tat Pair lW 1 I T From 1 1 1 J Bertetibh- Y Methane 1 it piioNiY79 VI It Commercial at Cheme- t , I I 4 keta Streets I at1 ot AleV Bosk IJaJ NEWi Price $7150 $1000 Cash Modern C room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, built Ins. full cement basement, on, pated street, and close In. t Se PARKER For Property 4od U. S. Bank Bldg. Telephone 2343 E. R. Derry, Pro9. 1 j E. 0. Jarman, Mr. I I VVe Save You I I money I J Hri Grade I I Auto J j fainting- HOP PICKERS ATTENTION . SpecUIs For! S : 1 nj B',Ynk Shirts OIl Metal J ' .....$2.95 aout bib S1.19 ny Wool L -Pecla, ...$2.85 Leathi r.- 1 . B'"- ..... $2.85 .Jill r. " i AtMetic rjnl6n ... SaI. special 40- , uxrordi a 1 $1.89 Kta'l Pint, ?'cw-," 98c 279 W! CoimnercU! si UICS i fl r a & Would you wear a Suit or Shirt until it was black with dirt? Then why not have that Saxaphbne clean ed arid adjusted? Prices i Reasonable I Mosical Instmment , Repair Shop ' i ! ' :TeIephoio JH$ I ' ' ' ! ftobm S, iicCornack Eldt. : Orer HUlerg Etora e.tirAtn ana .Electric -ost ffiS1 a&?aV Price $5000 . 51000 Cash 4 room J. PjUnlt- I I'.ooo I I I 1 I !a ,J.00(. I J ! OwCarda I snaing Wisely' Tha b'arjjains oh paj;o are real economy opportun ities. Don't miii thenw . TRY OUR Merchants' t ; i , Icnoice of 4 Entrees i Valley Grill I Sir. and Mrs. . i - Arthur Caldwell 156 S. Commercial St. Month's Needs in Medicines Coughs , Colds 1 Tonics" Aches Laxatives . : 4,Preventions, A multitude of ? medicines, al cf ch araetprioti I remedial value. ; ch E3 ft should be iresh. new, de- ; : pebble. Thd Capital brc'' : , , . w ' "The Store oa the Corner" I 7 Phono J J "I 2240 I I. ' 111 . ' ca sue. I I CHASE I jY SERVICE With the openlnr of the school yaarr the services of the Marlon county Child health, demonstration wui made arailable to erery coajmunitr . In. the. county on a ltrrr scale than herttofore. Ia order to come la contact with people from all parts of the coun ty who are interested la th health of children, a raeetinr has ben called at the Saleta Chaafcef of Commerce for Saturday after- nooa of this wfce. - Ia order to secure the treatast benefit from the treat ctfld health work of. the demonstration,, it. is desirable that the Demonstration staff work through exiting ortaa ixationa la each comaa<y. Officials of all community cf gaaliationa la the county, a well as those of joijes, church', -schools and ciVie bodies, bare ba especially arged to attend tt ' meeting Saturday afternoon. , Mary miker'son. county" aa perintendent of schools, who has been co-operating throughout the county with. the Marlon County Child Health Demonstratloft. wIU preside at the Saturday meeting! Marion county la one of the four fortunate counties In the Called" States where the children will hare the special adrantagea" offer ed through the funds of the Com- monwealth funds of New York City. According to tta program." four counties are selected, for a flTe year program. Other cities htTlng- the adrantage of this health program aro Pargo, S. D-. Athens. Georgia and Murphryboro, Tennessee Dr. Walter if. Brown, director . of the Demonstration, is regsrded In the eat as one of the leading child health experta in the coun try, in his work In Marion coun ty, he Is assisted by a start of twenty. . MANY FINES COLLECTED CITY COFFERS IKCItEASKD lit S139 WEDNESDAY- , Fines and forfeitures of ball swelled, the city cotters by tm through colectlons in the pollca court yesterday. The amount was diTided among it contributors, II of whom had been arrested for vio lation of the city traffic ordinance. On a charge of speed inr John Scbaffer Ernest L. Walk; Orrinr Towe, MaxMacLaagilla and it. II. Williams forfeited cash balls of HO each; George Weliy paid a fine of 15; Waysa L, Sawtelle a fin of $15; and Kenneth Pearson forfeited bail of 1 5. W. O. Steinhauer forfeited bail of 5 In preference to appearing' on a charge of operating. hts car with an open entout. IX Strijc forfeited bail of $4 on a charge of Improper drlTlag. Kenneth Coffey paid IS for the pririledge of one-arm drrrinr. Ball of $S0 was forfeited by Sidney Poweis who choser forfei ture to appearance la police court on a charge of breaking- glass in the street. . . Mt Pleasant-Cole Panl Belcoe and family spent Sunday at John Sandner Jr.'a - home. . Mrs- Ben Darby, Hariey, Earl and Charley Petera and family spent Sunday with Floyd Shep herd and family of Mill City. .Jay. Shanks, Ben . Darby and daughter Violet attended the aa--tomoblle races given at Salem Monday. 4 i . t . Irrin Parberry and wife, Maude . and Violet Darby, Ed Ambrosek and . Jay Shanks made a trip to Wheatland Ferry, north of Salem, after peaehea Sunday. Clint Trexler and family and : Mrs. John Sandner, Sr.,- and daughter Ida left for Washington last Friday to make a visit. George. Sandner and- family made a trip to Willhoit Sunday, also Will Herons and family ot Portland were there. SEEK WATER PEROTS s ' " t . . . AFFXJCATia-XS MADE BY r.EM DEXTS OP COUNTY . Among- the application, for per- -mils to appropriate water 'Hied la the office of Rhea Leper, state en gineer, are the following: , City of Gresham, covering the . appropriation of water fromHel ney Springs and seeptce fro a Caleb:- tributary of Wlliaraetta river for municipal purposes at a -cost of 115.000; B. F. rolger, Dal las, water, from- two unnamed streams for the Irrigation of 10 acres and -domestic purposes la, Lincoln county; F. A. , Garde, AumsvlUe. water from South Hea ver creek for Irrigation of Z acres snd school district No. 74, ?'aha-. ma, wster from an unrtmeJ, for domestic supply for school. , COOiT di:cisiox STAMM L03. ANGELES. Sept. i .ilj The Associated' Pre3) CaTles Araa2or, csce kcown In izz''zi j pictures a Charl A:'.:a. t-3f i raiR'l to obtain a rev! -".-a a re cent court decision ty :;:, h i. was rc::..ra!r.el ttC: !;.. ' Charlra Cl:;::3, ti t ' ' -..