- "4,. ? ?moi:rn:r .'H'iciK r.'.!':;:;:! 6 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON WEDNESTJAY MORNING, SEFTEMT3ER 3; 1025" (Continued from jao SA 1 ter's house-guest ; while - at the I beach i was her sister, Mrs. John I Buchanan of - CorrallU. Of In terest In connection with ' the i- Waldport resort which la growlag I Increasingly popular la the colony i of OAC professors who are build ing tbelr cottages in -the vicinity, s three haying added summer hoaes i :ecently.' ' - i Sibbalds Are Guests .'- Mr. and. Mrs. WiUlam Slbhald I and family' of . Kelso Washington. f pent the Labor day week-end at ' the home of Mrs. Ora F. Mclntyrel I Mr. Sibbald will be , remembered ; by a large number, here from his connection with'the Attorney 6en- eral's, office. -Mr. Sibbald -.and r Mrs. 'Mlntyre'iare brother V and 'sister.. .... ':. . J., . . .'' ; .. 1 Miss Gentry Is Married Mr. James Costes, a farmer at Turner, and Mlsa Grace Gentry of 1 Tortland,-Oregon, were quietly i married bn Monday, August 31. : The young couple will make their i home on a farm near Turner. 1 V' i Willing Workers to Meet J The Willing Workers' class of ' the First Christian church will eet at 2:30 o'clock Friday after : noon at the home of 'Mrs. A. B. I Selee, 255 Center street, for the f regular meeting. " . ' ' " : ' ' i . . . , I Comvtons at Keskowin Mr.-and 'Mrs.i Heary-V! Comp- ton were among, the large- group f of 8aiem people" who- motored to Xeskowia tar the nreekenL ns.-, . . ur u vj - v. , , Mrs, Hawlev Is Guest . . ( Mrs. V. C. Hawley spent, part ': of last week at the Gelsendorfer j country home at Knox Butte. near - Albany. . ... - V' Labor Day Week-End Mh and Mrs. U. G. Boyer and Mr. and 'Mrs." Chester ' C Clark were week-end guests at Neko .' win, remaining orer Labor day. ' Siva fford8 Take Trip v Mr. and Mrs. E. J., Stafford ,re : turned the evening of Labor,, day - from two days in Tortland and .a motor trip over the Mount Hood Loop. On Saturday they attended : i Plenty of Novelty i r:. Fall Co.aits THE TAILO.RED..M.0PELS : Ilcrd are the Coats that serve as; the utility " . gannerit. : . Fprmotoring, traveling,; and dayi -.i- . . time. street wear ; ' (t v. JJade of inanish coatings they are trimmed .e'T Vith fur .collars or collars of .self materialsL -'V -The invert or flare back is always :'- .prominent. ,;,v:',j,vft' i ..V ..... - I HE:DRE:COATC; ' .. ifatenal3 such . f novplty. mixtures ' t sleeve, . the side These Coats are ' muxft of; collar and sleeves t ? j u ' , . adding 4he last :,:m 1 524.75 to 554-75 KIPDIESVCOATS k , , We are showing gressman Rna JIM. y. . C wawiej Wjete also' present' for Xh& Pioneer meeting, C6nsressmatf3awler .be Ing the appreciated apeaker of Ihe day.u i y, . ::i i v' ''';-V xA f Guests at NeskOWW , j Church parlors. ..6: SO o'clock. -: Mr. and Mrs. Pan 3: Trr,:3rJf jr - Friday v and Mr. and Mrs. - W. A. Dentoi I are spending the week at Jfeskop I win. Miss Lange Is Guest ... I ? Mrs. H..B Thlelsen entertained as "her. guest over theTweek-end; Miss Anne vM. Lange, Tietf preste dent general of the htata. Daugh ters of the American RotoI utionl Mies Lange was the" honor gust at the luncheon last Saturday of ChemekeU Chapter:;;! House-Guests From Euaene Dr. andMr?. Winnard of Eugene were house-guests i over the week-end of . M'r a.&d UniyL- A-' Underbill.' " Guests at East Home Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garrett of Medford spent Labor day and yes-. terday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. East, i Mrs, Garrett and Mrs. Hugh Kyle (Gertrude East) were colleg frjends together, I Guests Over Labor Day ' Mr. and -Mrs. William a. smart and little - daughter, Mary Jean, of Bakersfield.i: California, : and Mrs W. M. Smart, and Mlss Marjr Smart, of Santa .Ana. California, were, house-guests over Labor day weel$-eaJ ' of. Mr. and Mrs. J; P, Smart. Mrs. W. M. Smart is Mr Smart5inotherj while Miss Mary ?martr is. : . slater, and; Mr," and Mrs.Winiam A. . Smart brother and sister-in-law. , . -H ChufcKDinner Club to Meet The; Voaner iMarried , People club,. of the First Presbyterian church ! will meet ai ' 6 : a 0 o'clock this evening for their Tegular monthly, dinner. The arrange ments- for, -the i evening, are In charge . of Dr. ; and .. Mrs. Bates. JJach family la. asked to bring CQvered dish and rolls. To Tell of Travels ,'Slrs: L. O. Clement. will tell of some of the impressions she re ceived j while ; on her. .trip abroad at the meeting at - 2 13 0 o'clock Friday afternoon of the Woman's 1 these garments, are supreme. - i ?! s Veloria, Bolivia, Velour, and are made up with the loose flare and circular bottoms. fully lined assuring "the max! oh with buttons and embroidery touch of superiority. , -a large selection of ,Kiddies I SOCIAL, OAIXIIDAH . A m.i : TODAY: . . ; Woman's Foreign , Missionary society of the First Methodist church. ? Mrs. J. ? D. McCormick- Kimball Apartments. " "'TounS Married People's club of the First - Presbyterian'-' church. r rirst Congregational - church Missionary meeting." -Mrs. L. H. McMahan. 791 N. Front street, hostess. 2:30 o'clock. : First Presbyterian church Mis sionary meeting. Church parlors. 2:30 o'clock. Willing Workers' class of the First Christian church. .Mrs. A. B- Selee, 255 Center atreet, hostess. 2:30 o'clock. . i, Saturday Salem Woman's club. Club Jiouse. 8 o'clock, - . Missionary society of the FlrBt Presbyterian church. Mrs.' Cle ment was in "Europe for ' three months this spring. - All are cor dially invited to attend. v To Attend School Miss Elizabeth Blackwell of Sheridan, Montana, arrived on Sunday to spend the winter at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing. Miss Blackwell will at tend school here.! Another guest at "Playmoor"- on Sunday waa Mr. Harley Blackwell of Seattle, Mrs. Kletzlng's brother. B 0 U WTjLJ, 0 VV ":R ED U,C ED ilOX HUNTERS TO BE PAID ONLY FIFTY CENTS PORTLAND . Sept. 3 Bounty on sea Hons killed In Oregon wat ers was reduced today by the state lis a commission from f apiece to fifty cents. ,The' action came at ter the commission had approved payment of bounty on 333 sea lion scalps claimed i by four hunters, Bounty on all sea lions, killed be fore today will be paid until the end of the month on presentation of the Bcalps to the fish commis sion. I : , The bounty on seals will remain as at present, 15. - The reduction was .made be cause there was considerable I doubt as to the wisdom of killing orr sea lions. in fact, it ..was pointed out that the government protects sea lions along the coast. BAIL WILL BE REFUSED LIQUOR AX1 l)OlK PKODLERH SAID NOT OOD RISKS SEATTLE, - Sept. 8.- Bootleg gers and narcotic peddlers need no E longer apply for bail bonds: at the offices of the National Surety com pany, Gt'orge W. Allen, Pacific coast manager announced here to- I night. ; Losses through bail-jumpers and the odium connected . with furnishing bonds to persons cbarg I ed with such crimes were respon sible for the announcement Allen said.. i ', Other companies are expected to follow suit, it is said. . . CHURCHMEN GATHER YAKIMA, Sept. S Church men land laymen of the Columbia river conference of the Methodist Epis copal church opened their . fifty second annual conference here to night with 150 persons Jn attend jance. In one of the opening ad dresses Bishop William O. Shep- ard of Portland advocated the un ion of theiptth andouth branch es of the methodist' church as means of building a-stronger or ganization.: : ' i .,.----..------ , II m iiiiai mm - - , , - j , : . . -mmmmw oILLT d UnULc - -- - - t -. . ...... , . - . . . v. . I . jKIHMMMa V r - ' - i . , , ......... - A Ij T I . . ..1. . - -, . w . - , -- - i ' - , '-- . . , - . -! ' . 7 " TT uvuuiux VAiuiii :yiiryvr..: iSiy?' . 1. ';. :. ; ,t ' " ' :V ' " I 'V r -T- " S . . By Charles BIcIIuj i wwrwr , - ; IT .11 l TVTr I BO-TT1.E OP t-5raME . I'HAO.J'OA 6R0KUI I I THAT? I I - t l,r rtr.f 'W WlUDOYf & -f"" ' U CAVE f 1 L MY NECK rJ H- 3 ' ' ' Wimm IIIDIFIMEI1 Man Ties Ship Up - When House in Danger; Thank ed by Officials . CALDWELL, Ohio. Sept. . 8. (By Associated Press). A hero of the Shenandoah - disaster last Thursday morning was found among the native sons of Noble county today. He Is a little, grlx zled farmer who - raises turkeys. geese and. some crops on a farm near. Sharon, but, he is the man who grabbed the ; navy's giant dirigible by the nose ring and pulled It to the ground. Many v time Ernest Nichols has tethered . an . angered bull to . a fence post but . not until last Thursday morning was he ever called upon to tame a rampant dirigible. ! Late today tales began drifting' over the country side about . a man who had helped to stop the plunging of the Sbenan doah s nose over hills and valleys, after it broke from the middle and aft sections an hoar earlier near Ava, 12 miles away. Immediately the' board of in vestigation which is handling all phases of the disaster, which re main to be cleared up, became in terested in the story. The board recalled suggestions- made by Lieutenant . William Mayer and others who were in that portion of the ship Xhat.. supported. Nich ols' story. -Commander Jacob H. Klein, chief of the Investigating 1 board, said .today after : .hearing the story that the Noble county farmer had done "a .good job and great service. . Ernest. Nichols was found today in an .obscure corner of his barn yard feeding his turkeys and was appraised of the fact that he had done Something important. . The story that the farmer told. The Associated Press ,1s as follows: "Well, sir, I can show you bet ter than I can tell you. I was in the house (he pointed to a three room -dwelling) when my neigh bor called up on the telephone and said an airship was headed for my house and that I had. bet ter stop it. , I ran out and here it came , right .through our orchard, headed straight , for the house After drifting, all that way after It broke up, it was getting pretty close to the ground. "It sure enough was coming right toward my house. - IJopked up and there was my oldest boy I have six boys and, one " girl- sticking his head out of the, up stairs window. , I knew, I had to stop that thing or the - house would be smashed .and my, kids would be killed. Then, too, I heard the fellows up there (in the Shenandoah s. drifting nose) yell ing: Grab hold Grab hold! Turn her south! Turn her south!' so I grabbed ahold of the cable that was hanging down and drew It around that fence post. The post snapped right of f. , I grabbed the . cable again and threw . it around that old maple stump The stump had two prongs on It and I thought sure it would hold, but It . didn't. By that time the nose was so close to the ground that the underside had me backed up against the fence and I had to run. It was headed away' from the house then, but It knocked off the top of that shed and the wheel on that . well and then bowled over that grape arbor. I kept fol lowing it and -finally , threw the cable around that tree. " "All that time I didn't know what the thing waH. ,1 didn't Union Roster VTgAT fUTTEB'a XnnOTf KO. J80 . Mt MOBd fomrl WidMMir. Pnsidrat VT. X. Kalbva; MenUry. CAPTTAIi TTPOQ3APHICA1. XTSIOX KO. 210 Prraidcat, V. JT. tbi ; Mrtary, V. TK Fllkaatoa.. Macts keom4. gttu- 47, :00 . to. CARPENTER'S C5JIOX KO. IMS VhU Tour. rcBlars. Arthmr Tack r. snudnt : Via. Pattit. ercUrr. .killed mwwny farmiiha. Ph 179. Lodge Roster raATZBKAL ORDEB 01 21GLZ8. m4 lit aaa ira waa. w. u. w. b. jt. know It was - so big.' "Why, It's over 190 feet long.? . "Soon my kids came , running out and helped tie it, up. Then the men began climbing out. Even then it didn't stay where it was. For we had to tie It again several times during the day and the men borrowed my shotgun and punc tured the gas bags. 'My little girl said when she first saw me pulling . at it she thought It was a big bird. My oldest son thought It was all a bad dream.i I've been too busy taking care- of people who came out here to see the wreck and looking-after m familvi and farm to think about It until today." MITCHELL URGES BUREAU - mnnL OF NATIONAL DE FENSE DECLARED NEEDED SAN -ANTONIO, Texas, Sept. 8. In addition to consolidating the whole national defense under one bead, holding one man responsible for the act of any branch. Colonel William Mitchell. Eighth Corps area air officer would also create a council bf national defense to consist of the secretary of state, secretary of the treasury and the secretary of national defense, he said today.l In Issuing his latest statement he said it outlined a "construc tive policy for the United States to: adopt." j He had Just returned from ' Fort Arkansas where he went- last Saturday soon after re leasing his broadside against the nny and i navy, departments and whe.re he spent Sunday and. Mon day angling for tarpon. Capital as well asMabor should be; conscripted in time of war or threatened emergency, he said. He also recommended that the gov ernment not be permitted to con struct airplanes, leaving this to civilian corporations, thus keeping alive "competition, invention and tttltjatlve by the people." T NEWS BRIEFS ' ML Birth Is Reported- ' Born st the Salem hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Shade, 345 Seuth Twenty-first, Monday, Sept. 7. a son, to be called David Hobert. Talks to Grangers W. A. Delzell, private secretary to Governor Pierce, , is expected back from Prlnevllle today. Mr. ueizeii represented-the governor at a grange convention attended by grangers . from . Deschutes. Crook and .Jefferson counties Labor day. Slake Long Motor Trip . Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Shanks. Miss Barbara Shanks, Mr. .. and Mrs. Harry E. White and Gladys White, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Pickens made the .ML Hood Loop y ester- 1 111 e Plia4 crary Mania- (azerpt Mm- S7 al Baiaay VM aapitai 1 Uracoa. ! Local Rates For Classified i Advertising Dally r 8aaday l aaata ar aard Oaa tlaa- Tkxaa .a aaata par vara Six I aaata par vara Oaa Bontk. daily aal Baaaar , . , .19 cull w vara la araaa ta aara taa aaara thaa aaa Una rata, a4vartiaaaMat aiaat u la aaaaaeativa laiaaa. Va Al Ukaa far laaa lata II aaata. Ada. ram So oar Q&LX ciiraaa at aaa-tlaa rata. ... AdvartlaaaMata (azcapt Panaaala ad Sitaatioaa Waa tad) will aa takaa avar tka taUphaaa If Ut adrartkaar to a raVaaribar ta paoaa. ' Taa futttau will rata It a adTar tiaaniaata at aar tiava at tka day ar Bi't. Ta la i ara arapar alaaaiflaa tioaa ad a. taocid ba la bafara T a. av. ! TXLXrnOSI Z ar MS floney to Loan Oa Rl E.tata T. K. FORD (Orar Ladd A Baia Baak) BErOBX TOO I.KATE TOTJB E0KS ; I OR GAR UAVX IT - . Insured Properly Paoaa lal. Baeka.Jk Kradrlcka. TJ. 8 Baak Bldr. 4-SS-tf AUTOMOBILES BALEiC ACTO WRECKISO CO. AAhw!. Tirea. Klraa. Frodtra lUIf Prira .aad I-aaa Parta for all rare, eaah fot old eara. 402 8. Chare h Faona 2159 I. t . laJtl SCHEELER AUTO WBFCKIKO CO, win bar yoar aid ear. Hlghatt easa pria atl. 1 J0K5 N. Cwimrrta! F. 1 ) 1 3tr ! AUTO REP AIRES Q .3 GENERAL. REPAIRING. TIRES AND ' rubaa, aeeasaoriaa, faa aad ail. MED LER A LEBENGOOD GARAGE. Pneaa 54. ' Millar and ft. Commercial 8U. Wa aaaciaUia ia raeoaditiaolnf Btatora. i : -- Satf AUTO TOPS SEE CI TOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. 3. IIbU AaVa Top Jk Pal at Baea. Raar fira dpartiant. S-alStf day. ! jThey went as far as The Dalles, and 'returned by the North Bank j highway. Before they reached Vancouver they ran Into a heavy downpour of rain. The streets of Vancouver were flood ed. Going up over the south side of the Loop and crossing the Co lumbia river at Hood River makes the whole trip 340 miles. It is one of the finest drives out of j Salem and can be made in one day. The j party was on the road. 18 hours including stops. MAIUCETS . f t oeAZM No. t whita -11.54 - 1.48 No.; 1 red, tacked YORK. Top I aofa SrUTTOH AMD BEEP .1 Bow -18.50 10.50 .19 Dratted kora , Tea i staara . .OS Cow , , ... 1 2.50 5.00 Bnlla , , . .- s K Gt Sprioc lamba. 60 lba aad aadar 8iiH Heariar .0H "aal : 7e7H AJrauaa aal . .is P0T7T.TRY I.I ill t kna .13 ..33e34 -23e35 Heavy hena Broiler XOOS. GUTTER AND XOTTEXyAT Botterfat . .53 Creamery batter 53eQS4 .as .28 .S3 Ftaadard FeUctB . Milk, per rU -$3.40 CHICHESTER S PILLS t til tk 1 tHtmrnrntHwrnm tAC futm a aad kt tTTiTWj I mw4 Mai at-a-Kirtia. T Tu aw axatv. r a r-r w pracr. Af iiw ri.xiraTi iHM.Ms auka riiXa. a- ad Mkaeualol,tiM,tiMii aantn 5DUJ BY DSlCntSTS lMaTEH i HII-WANTED -Male . U WANTED gO M E MES TO 8H1GUK: Jit aaea. Call 41 or ori3. nw WANTED SCKX AXD TEAMS TO BASK at woo4. - TL 1F3. litis WOOD CHOPPERS V A XT ED S1.7 r rrd. Call TMCA. lla WAKTEI--A HOT TO DELIVER A Bvaraia roata ia East Balaam, a apiaa did apportanUj ta tt a baiasa traia lar aad aaaka moj. Apply circala tiaa maaaitrr Orvsea Statnataa. 119 TOCNO MAX WITH BOOKKEEPIXO aad ttaaacraplita xpneara vaated far aa aat at tava paotiaa. Oppertaaitr lor aaraaevaiaat far tka rvxkt part;. Uira in aad nnrinr lint itvr. Aldmt 171 rf StatMinan. llOtf SALESMEN 15 WANTED A REAL, ESTATE 6AXES- aaaa. aiaat hat a car. Koaa 1. 41 Ktat. J HELP WANTED Female 13 WANTED AS EXPERIENCED WOMA3 far gaaeral bavaawark. M laaaary wnrV. Tr. I01-J. i WANTED EmpJoymcat 19 BASEMENT DICaiSO AXD LAWN graduia. Paaaa 12S4-X. ! 17 TEAROLD HIGH SCHOOL, BOT nada work ta aa abla ta attaad arhaoL fhona 361. . l15 WOOL, GOLF - BOSS CHILDREN 'S ntmrt ana a. katt ta ardar. Hand kait- tias. Paaaa 177SJ. la0ti CITT AND 007STTT WOOD , Paaaa 1091. 8AWXNO. laaiia roa gardes plowinq. basxmx5t dirciaa aad taaai wark. Paaaa lgrt. IPnlaif FOR RENT 21 I PRINTED CARDS. SUB 34 BT 7W wordin "Por Raat." ariea 10 aaau aaea. - Btalaamia Dasiaaaa Otflea, aa Sroaad dear. - - FOR RENT 3-AC RE SUBURBAN HOME J room plaatared koma, road : bara. aljr 1 mlla- from rlty limita on pared Mchway. onlr 9-i ivrr ananta. "or Rent 13 acr aaharbaa konta. S-raaaa modern plattared aaaae, cniekea boat and larja bara, a dandr cnickea raarh. Cloaa la, aalr S30.00 pr rooatk. " for ruit 5-room r BMdera koaaa, fall baaemeat aad faraarc; bard vood 1 loo re, sew rarar. $4.00. 1IOMK REALTY CO. 1ta S. Hird. Hop Market l NEW YORK, Sept. S tlops firm; state 1925. 40r50c; 1924. 30035c; Pacific coast 1925. 28 32c; 1924, 24 f 27c. - , General ' Markets I I PORTLAND. Sept. 8 Hay. buying prices: Valley . timothy. $17(519; do eastern Oregon, nora Inalj alfalfa $19(119.50; clover $17; oat hay $15?16; oat and vetcn f I7.5u; ". straw J7.50 per ton.- Selling prices $2 a ton more Grain futures: Wheat, hard white. BS. I Baart. September $1.54: October $153; soft white September $1.51: October $1.47; western while. September $1.50; October $1.47; hard winter. Sep tember $1.48; October $1.4$; western red. September $1.47; October $1.45; BBB hard white. September $1.57; October $1.55. Oats. No! 2, 36-pound white feed, September $29; October $29. No. 2. 38-pound "gray, September $28; October $28. Barley. No. 2. 46-pound Septem ber $32; October $32; do 44 pound. September $31; October $81. . " , . Corn. No.. 2. EY shipment, Sep tember $43 October $4 3. Mill run. standard, September $31;.October $30. ...i Portland Dairy Exchange: Bat ter, extras 50c; standards 49c; prima firsts ,47c; firsts 454c- . Eggs, extra 42e; firsts 39c; pullets. 36c; current receipts FOR RENT Apartaemts S TWOROOM FTRXISHED APARTMENT 110 Oart el. TWO ROOM fTRJflSHED APARTMENT. . a . . 91.11 IMI o. J OH RXXT APARTMIJCT8 S91 Jt. Coa TOR RENT Rooms . S3 rrKvisnro jTOUSxvu:EPiyQ rooms, TOO K. Hifk St. 21J SICE ROOVL. CLOSE IN. Paaaa 5SW. p-tlXTED CAkOS. 8IZB 14- T. voraoac 'a(aa fca ataat. priaa It aaata aaca. ' Stataamaa BaaUaaa aUa, (7aad flaar. - BOOM. FOB RENT W MODEM H0M8. , taraa bloaA traam atata - aaaaa. ,AJ aaraaiaaraa. ..Caaliaaaaa prat an a a. Plaaaa titi rafftraaaaa aad Aadraaa addr cara Svataaaiaa, ISiiai rOR RXXT ROOM 8CTTABL8 TO atadaata, arlU aWpmif pare a prtTUafaa, Kvamaiaa an lira, juiaraaeaa ara ra Olrad. Aidraaa raaat, aara StaUaaua, aaaaaaMaaaaaaaaBHHBBBaaBiMM4 FOR HENT Hoi 8T I SIX ROOM HOIPK. INQUIRE 41S N. Slat St. TaL 1331-M. S'all riVE ROOM rCRNISHElJ. . HOCSE. claaa ia. CaQ 1189 W ar . 37il X RENT ROOM MODERN IIOCSE. riraplaca. laraaca. alcctrta raaf aad kaatcr. Adalla pralerrad. Paoaa 18 1W. - 7al FOR RENT d ROOM NEW MODERN tome, kardvoad flaara, erryth:m e.ec- . ' trieal. will leaaa. 7 raoaa abaolaUlr aad era bam a, claaa la, will ' leaaa. ft room kaaae, farauked. t35. Varaat koaiea -for rvnt: alaa Data. Gcrtrada J. V. Par. 492 N"-)a rmiir. 37Atf KO It RENT Fanna .".. I HATE SEVERAL, 1RRIOATED FARMS far reat. P. R. Taaaaaaa, Taraar.: Ora Paoaa XX. 1 39alt( - ; - WANTED TO RENT - , SI - WANTED TO RENT FR 6CH0O1, Tear. - by tkre adalt. amatl aoadera fuTBtsAed cottaca wita saracet Ad draw A.'B. cara Orecaa blatcaamaa. ' WANTED--Iicllaneoua S5 WANTED 100 SACKS Or POTATOES for immediate delivery. Fkoao 310. moHzrr prices paid for uses rta-ea, too la. I ora It ara. StUf'a Laad Oaeda Dapt appeal Va aoart kcaaa. CASH PAID FOR FAL8B TEETH fviu. puiiDSB aaa -aiecaraa jawalrf. Heka Saaluaf aad Rf 'aar? Oa- Qtaaia. Mick .pa. 3Sj3 WOODRT rn inrmnwrra rr tmraitara far caak. . Pkaaa 61L - . t&aai WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOl - farm laaaa. W kava aevaral a celiac 4aaa aa kaad. Ha-klaa a Rabarlf Ia.. OS Oreroa BMf SSdlat FOR BALK S7 RECLEAXKI virrru and P. E. Skafer, OATS. 37 Phone 411. ComL RECEIPT BOOKS SIZS ' JT Ua. SO racatpt forma la book. IS aaata pal .book ar rwa for 35 aaata. Etatea- afiiea, SIS SaaU Oammarrial St. Salam. , - 7f35U SELL CS TOCR TJSED FCRXITCRE u. l BiXl rarmttara Oa. - Daad Oaadi Dept. .Oppaaita aoart koaaa. . 37.111 Trespass Notices For Sale Trarpaaa HoUeaa. a taa 14ifl larke. ptiatd aa road 10 aaaea caaaaaa bar ar warda. "Natiea Ia Haraby Oi n Tkal Traapaaaiar ia StrieUy Forbid dea Oa Tkeaa Pracalaaa L'aOar Paaalf af Praaacatiaa." Prieo lia aack or I tor 35a. Sutaamaa Pak. Oa, Si lam Orarom. . . 17,t FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TES aaau a kaadla. Ciraalatia. dapartmaat Orraa Sat w im - atrf '""'"""a"-" FOR SALE .Livestock 1 S3 PUREBRED POLAND CHINA GILTS Alaa brad icvi. Pkaaa JOiril. 19il3 FOB SALE 3 GRADE JERSET COWS. .1 reciatered Jerr raw. 1 recutsred Jeraey keifer. 1 grade heifer. 7 trade ' ewe lamba. 4 ar toaa af aat bar I.ia 1 mila aaat af Pratam. Lka M. Jahaatoa. . r - 123 VETERINARIAN DR. PATTERSOK Tbane 223. Bt. 1. Ba !. g;-if . Coats.made just.like mothers. All sizes,, 4,98 ta 512,48 SJ 7 mm-cm ferns tm- -vm. . ! " I 8 CamtmaBaaaaM - -. , . , mmm :-. v . f HI m ... 1ML s - i ! . I