The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 09, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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1 ' i
Every Careful Dresser Gives Special Attention To
: . His Outfitting During the Fall Season
Stetson Hats $7
Colors $30
Castle Hats $5
Fall Suits; New Styles, $25 to $45
. W Johnson &
He has a new Red Clrtl. first
tires show no wear, all kinds
of accessories, new extra tire
and . tube. This ear new.
sells for $890. Our price
with new ear guarantee
Thomas II., Conn In gs of 110 Di
vision, September 1; and Irwin
Nell to Mr. and Mrs. James Clyde
Smelsen of Aumsrllle on August
31. ' I
the coming year and to dhwursllng of the month and the regular
methods of enforcing the new rul-'schedale will" not begin until the
For Quick Cooking
And fuel economy, get
Opal- range. Hamilton. I
lng of the Salem school board
abolishing secret and semi-secret
social organizations In the high
school and Junior highs.
throiga . somhenv Or?-e. -Mr.
Koter made eeral iul.U?d
dresses while aay from. the citr,
according to editorial- eamtseat
along the line, these were In the
nature of a pre-campalrn subject.
es received are from the largest
peach orchard in the world. They
measure, from 8 34 to 1 1 Inches
in circumference and are of the
Yellow. Cling variety. While,
however, the size of this variety
of fruit Is outstanding, the quality
o( flavor, it is said, Is not quite
eqnal to that of the locally grown
Suffers Painful Injuries ; '
uienn Koiuna of Salem had a
leg severely burned In an accident
at the Northwest Fruit Products
company plant recently when he
thrust his leg into a vat of boiling
water, A. large, tray of cana was
being drawn out of the water add
Rollins was attempting to shake
the dripping water from them
with his foot. His foot slipped
off the tray and went Into the
boning water up to within two
inches of the knee. He was rushed
to a local hospital. The burn was
so severe. It was said, that the
skin of his leg and toot peeled off
wnen his shoe and sock were re
moved. Rollins expects to enter
Salem high school this month.
The "Opal" lUnge
High class and a moderate price.
I Hamilton's. s3
Loses Two Tires
J. Bressler of route 2 reported
to police yesterday that thieves
had taken ' two Sampson tires
from a car at his home some time
Monday night.
Any Range or II
' la our Immense stock delivered
to your home on i (3 payment.
Hamilton. a9
Pears For fanming
Fall pears now on sale at the
Wallace farm, 50c per box. Bring
your boxes. s9
Tonsg People To Meet-
There will be a meeting of the
Young People's Society of the
i First Presbyterian church tomor
row evening. S:30. at the church
Eats will be served. Everybody Is
urged to attend
Victor Red Real Records
12 inch single faced
L. Stiff Furniture Co.
I 42 Piece Set ; !
Of guaranteed dinnerware given
iree with every fuel range pur
chased this week. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. I i s9
Salem Clinic Laanrheri 1
Three Salem physicians an
nounce their, association togetner
as the Salem Clinic, with offices
on the second floor of the Masonic
Temple building. The physicians
In the association are Dr- C A.
Downs, Dr. H. K. Stock well and
Dr. D. R. Ross. 1
first meeting in October.' Plans
for the state fair, at which time
the local post will be host to vis
iting drum and bugle corps of the
state. .
m a a.
""I . I DrniiV.asra fVttfa C 1 1
K.' Hover of Salem raid a. fin
of $10 la police court yesterday
after he had been arraigned be
fore Police Judge Poulscn on a
charge of drunkenness.
i . , j
Alleged Speeder Nabbed t
Max MacLaugblia of tb Kty
apartments here was na!4 Into
police headquarters last rw?bt by.
Traffic Officer Edwards -on- af
charre of speeding. It was aN
Koaer Retnma 1 . . v . i..r ...viu . . ... v-
, . I irtru lull nnbn,iiwii - -
Sam A. Koaer. secretary of: 31 a bour on Nnrth
stata, returned to Salem yesterday j Capitot. He waa released ra-fca!l
after a week's vacation trip 'of $10.
. Wanted Girls
.For ushers for the new Heillg
theatre. Apply Miss Cave, room
201 Terminal hotel between 2 and
4 o'clock today. s9
f Our WeatherMan 1
. Fair
Generally cloudy on the coast
vv. i -. .., i
v . , f Hiiti . lair auu nsi iuci .u. - wv
. rr tenor; genue cnangeaoie wwus.
Tuesday Max., 74; min., 56;
Tivea, -2.1, rising; rainfall, .01;
atmosphere, part cloudy; wind,
"northwest. ; '
Eugene Man Injured .
WItten'- Swaf ford of Eugene
BflCsored a broken cheek bone and
severe cuts about the face and
body. Monday afternoon -when his
e&riektdded on the Pacific high
way, while he was en route from
Eugene to Salem. jWet pavement
was assigned as the principal
cause of the accident. His condi
tion; is said to be not serious and
it is expected that he will be able
to leave a local hospital in which
his ; injuries are being treated
sometime today. j . ,
afternoon. His trial. has been set
for Tuesday, September;. 15 at 10
o'clock. Ball, placed at $500 was
not furnished by Deitz, and he is
now being held in" the county jail.
The case will be heard before
Brazier C. Small, justice of the
peace for the Salem district.
Complaint Is Filed
A complaint was filed yesterday
against John J. Roberts, promin
ent Salem hop man, charging him
with not picking hops by weight,
las is required by law. No action
has yet. been taken .- on the com
plaint. ., ) . - v -v- S j
Here For Visit . M
Edwin Macy came up from Port
land Saturday evening and spent
Sunday and Monday with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. Macy at their
npme 193 Miller street. He re
turned to the metropolis Monday
evening. I
Apple and Peach Boxes ! i
Guaranteed Spruce H. A.
Hyde, 3090 Portland Road. Phone
2120. ! s9
Legion Meetings Start-
Capital Post No. . American
Legion, will hold the first meeting
of the fall and winter session at
McCormack hall next Monday
night. This will be the only meet-
Elsie ' Lletur. beloved wife of
Levi Lie! nr. died at .a local hos
pital September t at the age of
37 years. The remains are at the
chapel of the Salem Mortuary.
Funeral notice will be later.
42 Piece Set "
Of guaranteed dinnerware given
free with every fuel range pur
chased this week. ! Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. . s9
Demonstration All Week
Of the Opal range at Hamil
ton's. 89
Not I
Can use a few more hop pickers
at the Minto yard. Phone 1267-J.
Jerald S. BarkKtrand, M. D.
Announces the removal of his
office to the third floor, Oregon
Bldg., rooms . 303-304. Phone
239.: . , ! sll
v a -
The Theaters Today
-in. ; ;
Oregon Thomas Melg
han, Virginia Valll in "The
Man Who Found Himself
by Booth Tarkington.'
Bligh "Koran' and Jack
Hoxie in red Rider."
Furnished House For Rent
, Modern '""bungalqw, hardwood
floors, three- bed rooms, full base
ment, furnace, electric range and
washer, references
Ralph H. McCurdy,
Miller's Store.
required. , See
office over
Son iof Suicide Visits
yf. F. Hannlver of Los Angeles,
son ; of ' William Hannlver who
committed snicide On the ban's of
the Willamette rive- here the first
week in August, arrived here yes-
, terday. The body i will be disin
jtuys New Car ;
.Walter.F. Downing,, residing at
19 83 ' -State: street informed The
Statesman editor that he Is pos
sessor of a brand new six cylinder
; Overland. J -
terred and will be shipped
1 San Francisco for burial.
The Opal Ranse
"A fuel saver", burns wood
coal, Hamilton, j
Here From Seattle . i
John A. Evans, of Seattle, ac
companied by his wife, spent the
week end at the home of his bro
ther, W. D. Evans, of Salem. They
motored back to Seattle yester
Return From Trip-
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conner and
son, Clare, returned home Tues
day from a combined business and
week-end pleasure trip to Eugene
and Cottage Grove. They say all
of the labor day picnic parties up
In that district were caught in a
drenching all afternoon thunder
Divorce Is Granted
Hazel. A. Moore was granted a
divorce from Howard Moore yes
terday in Judge L. H. McMahan's
court. Cruel and inhuman treat
ment was alleged in, the ' com
plaint. Mrs. Moore was awarded
the custody of a minor child and
$25 a month for Its support. They
were married In Albany in 1917.
Moore did not appear in his be-1
halt x.
Dance Thursday Night-
Independence Armory.
A 32 niece Set of Dishes
With each range sold this week.
Hamilton. . -. r s9
For On Vacation . ' j
William W. Fox. Marlon county
rural school supervisor, left on his
vacation yesterday. He expects to
be gone about a week. Mary 1
Fulkerson. county superintendent
of schools, will be back at her
desk in a few days. . ;i
Health Demonstration Moved
! The new quarters of the Marlon
county health demonstration ; on
I North High street next to the sen
ior high school building, were
opened yesterday.
At the residence of his daugh
ter. Mrs. L. W. Gieason, 325 soutn
14th street Monday. Sept. 7th.
Professor Ralph Harr. axe 81
years, a musician by profession, a
resident of Salem for 15 years.
veteran of the Civil War. father of
Mrs. U W. Gieason and Ed Harr
of Salem, grandfather of Clifford
Gieason. Fuheral services Wed
nesday. Sept. 9th at 2:30 p. m.
from the RIgdon mortuary. Inter
ment City View cemetery,
Wanted Girls ;
For ushers for the new Hellig
theatre. - Apply. Miss Cave, room i
201 Terminal hotel between 2 and
4 o'clock today. s9 1
Miss Helen Rudolph
Will instruct in social dancing
and swimming both In classes and
private. Studio open to visitors.
428 Ferry St. I I s9
at i . . I
Auction aie looayw. :.,:.,( i
,1-30 p. m at the home of Mrs-
Schwab, 533 N. 16th St. F. T.
Woodry Is the auctioneer, phone
511. b9
42 Piece Set
Of guaranteed dinnerware given
f ree ! with every- 'uel range pur
chased this week. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. " :' ' s9
42 Piece Set
Of guaranteed dinnerware given
free with every fuel range ' pur
chased this weeks' Giese-Powers
j : ... -
Furniture Co.
Miss Helen Rndolph
Will hold registration Wednes
day ; afternoon, - September-. 23.
Russian Ballet class at 4:30. Stu
dio open to-visitors at 428 Ferry
St. ; - - v: !. , - : s6
Mrs. White Returns
Mrs. Nona White, county Juve
nile officer, has returned to her
office, after -having taken a two
weeks' vacation.
lightning Hits Barn !
Struck by a bolt of lightning
during the Monday afternoon
storm, a large barn owned by
Frank Bernard, St. Paul farmer,
was totally destroyed by a result
ing fire. His entire supply of hay
and some grain burned. !
New Home Planned
A city building permit was issu
ed by City Recorder Poulsen Tues
day to A. W. Lathrop for the erec
tion of a $2500 home at- 2010
Warner street. r !
I? - f
Victor Red Seal Records
10 Inch single faced, 35c
L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Visit Hop Yartls nt
The local forces of the salvation
Army will visit the Wigrich.hop
yards tonight for their? ! regular
weekly meeting. Vocal selections
by Miss Hattle ' Meggerr-et-tlie
Nazarene church will be one fea
ture of the program. - r
Paving Petition Filed
A petition was filed with the
city recorder yesterday for the
paving of Cottage from Lafelle to
Cross, r A petition was filed sev
eral days ago for the paving of
Gottage from Cross to Wilbur.
Prices Transposed
In Sunday's Statesman the Vic
tor record advertisement of Stiff's
Furniture store and Moore's Mus
ic house read 12 inch 55c 3 for
$1.00; 10 inch 35c 2 for $1.00
It should have been 10 inch 35c
3 for $1.00; .12 inch 55c 2 for
Immediate Delivery ,
'A On :16 inch mill j block wood.
Phone 1542. JFred E. Wells, sll
Wanted A Real Estate
Salesman. ' Must have
Room 1, 341 State. .
See The "Opal' Range
Cooks and bakes perfectly,
Three Licenses Obtained -Three
marriage licenses were is
sued in the county clerk's office
yesterday. They were taken out
by Smith Wm. Allison, postal
clerk of Portland, and Ethel
Thomas Gittens, 816 Mill street;
Charles O. Still,, telegrapher, Al
bany, and Gertrude SUffe, Silver
ton; Paul Townsend, farmer, and
Reta Austin, both of Gervais. .
ijig a improves vuarters- -
Aroom of worshin for the Will
amette University; TMCA in the
basement of - Waller HaUen tb
campus is soon to! be remodelled
preparatory to the opening of
school. A new lighting system
which will Include a new Indirect
light; bowl and a new picture lamp
is to be installed and a sign plac
ed in the window announcing the
purpose of the room.
Bonds Are Received-
Two district school clerks filed
bonds with the Marion county
school superintendent's office yes
terday.: They were sent in by G
W. MacAfee, Hayesville district,
$3000, and Eva F. Jones, Oak
Ridge, for $800.
At lebury Visit Herf ', ,
Ray Attebury, well known here
as a former prominent student at
Willamette University,' left! Salem
Monday morning after a short vis
it here. He was accompanied by
his wife and small child. He was
ordained as a minister last Tear
and Is now located In the east. He
made the trip west by automobile
by way of California. He left here
for Everett, Wash.
Woodry Buys Furniture-
Store at Summer and
streets. Phone 511.
Don't Miss The I
Silvertoa Community Fair, Sil-
verton. Oregon, September 10. Ill
and 12.' Big auto, floral, textile.
livestock and industrial exhibits
Three big days and nights. All
under cover. Rain or shine. s9
Principals to Meet
Principals of the high
and the junior high schools
meet with Superintendent
Schools George Hug today for the
purpose of discussing plans for
LrmmoB '.
The funeral of George W. Lem- l be held at tne weoo
Funeral Parlors today at 1 p. m.
Rev. Pemberton assisted by the
G. A. R. will have charge of serv
ices. Interment will be In the
City View cemetery.
Help That Aching Bad .' . ,
IS a bad back wearing you out! Arc hrrj; a-J rcr; i
nervous and depressed? Do you suffer h.rsJar!Ks;d
, riness and disturbing bladder irrecularitic I. Then you -should
know that these are oitensigntof kidney disorder
and kidney trouble Is too dangerous to reject. Ycur.lidr .
ncys keep the blood stream pure, Once they. sit w i p in ...
their work, poisons accumulate ana caus an upsetting ot
the whole system. : .......
Why, tberi,rUk neglect? . If you have reason tosu?rxt
your kidneys, give Doan't Pills a trial. Doan's ruvc bcrn "
used succesfulh for over thirty-five yerrs. They arc rec
ommended by thousands. Ask your neighbor!
Here x Salem Proof:
Mrs. Delia Livingston, 12 IS N. 5th street, says: "I
have used Doan's Pills with benefit when my kidses .
were out of order and I had backaches and felt dull and,
tired easily. My kidneys acted Irregularly and annoyed' "
me. I read of Doan's Pills and used them as directed. "
They soon relieved the backaches and other signs ef
kidney complaint. '
Doan's Pills
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney
60c H dcsJera. Forte.Milbtirn Gv, Mfg. OxmWts. DuW. RY.
Woodry & Sox
; Buy furniture. -1 Store,
Commercial. Phone 75.
For Prompt Scavenger
Work phone 167. Salem Sca
venger Co., Cummins ft Trotter,
props. all
Births Announced "
Seven birth reports filed with
the city health officer yesterday
announced the arrival ot Kenneth
Harold to Mr. and Mrs. H. " M
Deacon ot 710 Cross. August 30;
Agnes Ora to Mr. aad Mrs. Jesse
Wade McCormick ot 2365 Maple
Avenue, September 7; Ef fie Joe
to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edwin
Tanner, Jr.,' of 1590 Lewis, Sep
tember 6 ; Melba Pauline to Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Tracy ot 890 Lo
cust, September 5; Reita CyTell to
Mr. and Mrs.. Herman H. Relsen
of 585 Js'orth Liberty, September
2; Peggy Mae to Mr. and Mrs
Woodry & Woodry
Pay Cash for Furniture
Phone 7 .
By Usinff
- 1
Schaefer's Herbal
Cough Cure
Its the best and most
economical Cough
Remedy made j
271 N.
Home Near Schools
$3700, terms, i New . 5 room
I house, built-ins, cement basement.
furnace, cement walk, pavement.
I between elementary , and junior
high schools. North,-1 block to
highway. At 1065 Market St. In
quire at 1895 N. Church St., or
phone 1563-J for key. S9
Peaches Arc Received-
Mrs. J. Lucus and Mrs. J. O.
Stevenson of this city are the re
cipients each of a box of peaches
from Frank Tebley of Atwater,
California. Mr. Tebley Is a former
Salem man, now supervisor of
peach' district number nine ot
Mercedes, California. The peach-
AacttoBMrs sua FsraUnrs Ilrt,
pay cuk far Ud rsrsitus. SUrs
S71 lertk CosunardaX
Office Phone 75 or Res
idence Phone 1843-W
Trial Is Demanded
Jacob Deitz, charged with driv
ing while intoxicated, was arraign-1
ed in the justice " Court Tuesday
; Jtwtlert
, Salem, Orecoa :
Pays Cash For Furniture .
Ree. and Store! 1610 North
- f ; Summer .
Phone; 511
" UnIdEUV66d
Direct Factory Branch
SlO Court Street Phone 262
Typewriters Rented, Sold,; -Repaired
. !
Special rental rates to students
Today, 533 North Sixteenth Street ......
Orbia Cem (-hole range with nickel base, white enamc! birk
and oven door, polished top, coiled and Just like new; cast iron
fire place heater, board and pipe; S good dressers; 3 beds'rorh
plete: drop-bead sewing machine; water power wash machine:
Craft leather and oak davenport bed; fluff hall runner 15 fe-t
long; fluff rug 9x12; Axmlnster rug 9x12; tapestry hall runner;
large oak library table; square oak extension table; rak
diners; lady's writing desk; Ivory commode; fir sewing table;
3 pedestals; S odd diners; 2 oak rockers; all leather nxarr;
breakfast table; 3-sectional book case, like sew; sanitary
couch; water power wash machine, like new; hand vacuum
sweeper; set curtain stretchers: oak stand table; 3-apartment
flreless cooker; fruit Jars, casserole. ! bean pot. griddle, vastf.
pictures, steam cooker. Ice cream freezer, tool box and a lot cf
other miscellaneous articles.. Terms cash. '
...... . , ... . .if
,F. X. WOODRt"
Salen's Ixlinjt Auctioneer
sa rtsis . wsy. iiui
Mmni ins,
lM Asfl i way, fSTa,
atosaa tub, $6.o. , :
aUl mats te Tmxtlas et !
ElSfa sr Mm i
Tmg IsfarmatlM ss4
faaava , ax aU t
Salem, Oregon
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
EatabUahed 1863
General Banking Businesi
Office Hours from 10 sua. to
Swimming Daily
1 tO 10 PJB
Are agents for
c On display1 at theiir store 5
27 1 North; Commercial
Phcno 75
Va 3a fj 0) U Y
) - . nuiG'uiJorjEZiZR .
t Residence and store 1610 N. Sunnier Street
For the right kind of materials
aad- the very beat workman
ship -call na. ; ;
aasaaaBSaaaB I
- - I
1 I Unntm CTnnrk;
in . v,w- 1 11 Miw. r. e. Rnrn'An .....
I TW Vpllnw Fronf 1 11 Own-, 51 X. KUteenth St.
Ill " " 1 11 Xenr Center ...
I The Penslar Store li ! L '.-..' i . L'J
11 I'll "ar7 "js uasa tor Lira lurnuure 1
II 135.rthmmftial I II Another Auction At Ms'tore This Wednesday Night. 7 p. rn. I
1 Street Phone 197 I
xaMTTssisas 11 n: r, 1 sr?' -j-- 1 ij y 1 - . . k
II Ml l il
vt: . v (on h :
W Everybody's Comfort l S.-
: ' is taken into consideration by thU
r - YA ' ' organization, and the friends who . (A yK .
111 ample room as well as every con- yi vV$'' '
i ! ij ' vemence ior tneir comion. ? t JQj v,
' ' k The use of our commodious fun- - K,. x" p
I . eral parlors meets with universal j rD t 6
p ij
Established' 1316
Pcrrdcrxri C-7;!f Co. '
its r. r ----! rv 7:1
"S II - ' "SuDcrioriTunerjl Service" VA WJ v -r" A .
I ' ' ' . PI--120 1