, t t ,j JHE .OREGON STTESM, SALEM, OREGON, ;-." :T -: ; f ' - ' ' - WEDNESDAY 'mORNIKG, SEPTEMBER 0, 1925 r? r V tl! Trams -W T-.TTt-TIt JL. ap I . j " '! By ATJDRED BUNCH, Phone 106 Return From Motor Trip - Mr. and Mm. S. P. Kimball and 1 Mr.' and Mrs. K. B. Kugel re turned home on Sunday night from .a deUghtfnl four-day motor trip which ' took the, over -the Mount - Hood Loop 1 and back to Portland and thence to Longvlew, j Astoria, Seaside Cannon Beach, and i Gearhart. At Astoria they ! were5 domiciled at the hotel for a time; ; rl : - w ! Ruth Mase Is Bride Coming as a complete surprise to;heir -many friends, was the wetfilng of Ruth Mase of this city an8 Adrian ,Houlow t. of : Astoria, atjMgh noon Saturday, in the St. Jo$eph Parrlsh with. Rev. Father Buck "officiating. Catharine Vincent and Edwin . Armstrong were the only witnesses off the ceremony. The young couple left imme diately for a short trip before re turning to Astoria where they will make their home. ' . v Both Mr. and Mrs. Rous'ow are popular members of their set. The bride is well known in both Sa lem and , Astoria. She attended high school and Willamette . uni versity in this city and also a year at, O. A. C. Since then she has held positions in Astoria, Pprt lalrd and. Salem. Mr,-Rojiglow at tended TJ. of O. .wherVhe'was a member of the. Sigma Alpha Eps.llon 'fraternity.: At present he ls'etnployed in the Clatsop Coun ty! Court House In Astoria. VFMSto Meetl ' : 4 .The Woman's . Foreign Mission-, arjr. society of the First Methodist church will meet at 2:30 o clock afternoon at the home of Mrs. McCormick at the Kimball partments. The officers for the new year will be chosen at this ! ;uuii.u this afti - -wA upartmi Smith,- Miss Bernice Mulvey, Miss Valleda v Ohmart,' Miss Helen Brelthaupt. Mlaa Irene Breithaupt. Miss Rosalie Bureh, Miss Imogene Gardner, Miss Roberta Yarley, and Miss Muriel Rowel . K ' ' ' Week-End at Brooks r. Mrs. G. 1 Curtis and Mrs. Curtis' mother, Mrs. Ada Gibier were guests over Labor day week end at the homo, of Mr. nd Mrs. Clyde Harris ai'Brdoks. - - - McCalls Return Sunday' ; r Mr. and Mra:(,1viniam - McCall returned home : Sunday evening Xrom helr . lovely I summer home, McCall Inn" .which is situated between the junctjlon o' Siltcoos Lake and the river which flows into the sea three miles west. Mrs. IcCall entertained as her house guest while at the Jake, her aunt. Mrs. M. M. CusickJ T. A! Dance - More than one hundred Invita tions were issued tor the delight ful dance of last Saturday evening at which the members of the T. A. club -were hostesses. ; The affair was in the nature) of a fareweU party. I' Acting as patrons and pa tronesses 'or the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. L. pj Campbell, Mr." "and fIrs. W. A. Delsell, Mr, and Mrs.,Xi WV Elgin, and Miss Beryl Holt.1 ."Pat and Billy Campbell had cnarge 01 me puncn dowi. I Th hostesses ot the t evening wereijt 4 . ' p : , Misses Jean Shipp, Mildred Gil Jert,I)rothy Kezair, Helen" Brelt ensteiiv Helen ' Campbell, t Jean Campbell, Rosalind Rqdgers, Rosalind Van AVInkjle, Hope Crow ther, Kathryn s Elgin, t Jenny Del zell, Pauline .Johnson, Josephine Albert, Minnie Shrode, Rosalie Buren, Claris Baker, Marguerite Bailey, Lael Lelchty, Geneva Sun din, ; Carolyn Lambirth and Paul ine FIndley. . Missionary Society The First Congregational church Missionary society will meet for an Interesting gathering at 2:30 j o'clock, Friday afternoon, Septem ber 12, at , the home of Mrs. L. H. McMahan, "1 N. Front street.1 Mrs. Vera Shattuc will have charge Of the- aevotjons: " Mrsi-M. D. Mc Callis'tr ill present the topic, 'Eliis'islanll," assisted by a group of girls from her' Sunday school class, by means ot a clever playj of which Mrs. .Wljliam. Fleming Is the author. ' . . ' . , : V 4 ; Return From Seaside I Mr.. and Mrs., J. Frank Hughes and son, John, are home from a two weeks' vacation at Seaside. ; , 1 , 1 , , j " ','.' , ! Miss Marshall at Coast ' : Miss Nina Marshall, book-keep er at, the Oregon Statesman, Is on a ten-day vacation at the Tilla mook beaches. Miss Marshall lert Netarts early In the week for Rockaway. She will return home late .this week for the marriage of her sister. Miss Blanche Marshall, to Mr. Walter Schwlenlng. i D. of V: to Meet Barbara, Frietchie tent, Daugh ters of Veterans. will' fmeet at 8" 'clofcls this eTening for the reg ular meeting in the Armory. ' i : '-. ' Home From Waldport 1 Mrs. M. D. McCal lister and children, vMar jorie,, Doris and Allan, returned home Sunday evening from a two weeks vaca tion at -the cottage of Mrs. Maude Cauthorn Cady t Waldport.-- Mr. JlcCallister was with the family for several days. Mrs. McCallis- I Aeotfier Bfe 1 If :- ' ! r. r : i n I k ' " I A ' i i t (f ' ! k fih P 1 a ' ! ; ; ' r i Coatinud on page 8) yroe. ; Mrs. Charles . J.. Lisle will 'lead in the devotions while Mrs. H,, F. Shanks will have the. pro gram. : 1 f Miss Roive Is Honored -.Attractive amdnglhe 'affairs of the 'early autumn weeks was the line party given on ,the evening of Iabor Day by the members of the Grax club as a farewell .favor "to Miss Lilias Rowe who leaves this morning, for Pray, , Montana, where she wUl "makeher home.' After seeing the Booth Tarking ton p'ay at the Oregon, the group assembled at the.YWCA for an att-er-theatre supper party.! Aliss 0'T wno has been a member of the drax club since its organiza tion, win be greatly missed by. her associates. '. t ' In the' group on Monday even ing were: Miss Lilias Rowe, the honor guest, Mrs. J. LI Batdorf. Miss Marian Wvman. iMisa Mahol Savage, Miss Erma Meeks, Miss Erma Richards. Miss PanHn. Welch, Miss Evelyn Hebel, Miss Esther TUof funhgAh -trla T ..int. I f:, -V Buirgy, Miss Ruth Stover. Mi Loretta Varley, Miss Myrtle see r LAST TIMES TODAY r III! THOMAS MEIGHAN VIRGINIA VALLI behind ' j Ihe Man Who Found Himscir ! . BY I , Booth Tarkington , and - 1 J FRIDAY i.'.1- . . f DOROTHY GISH llll ERNEST TORRENCE llll ROD LA ROCQUE llll r ' GEORGE HACKATHORNE in "XIGHT LIFE OF NEW YORK' is beauty. And the first hand--f. maiden of beauty is Boncilla Beautifien This blue-gravt magicbalm is food and drink to aainty complexions. Makes Your Face Feel So good! And this is why I Bondlla Beautifiet trMn out every lmpuriT and imperfection by absorption. i liks magic, it btoithei that look of weariness and make otve'i fc fed o good I Th sldn and complexion appear as refreshed as a wilted - I flowet after a shower but It does more! It re moves plmplaublackhead. lines and wrinkle makes skin soft, smooth, and ftrmiy textured. Only One Thing More Than i You9 Used Before l bet oh! wbtt a trsnsfotraatlon. Crems and powder soothe and protect the skin, but ttey cannot perform the function of Boncilla -Beautinet . ; , - - - - And when you add, for the dally toilet, the use of Boncilla Cold .and Vanishing Qeams and Boncilla Face Powder, Am complete Bon dlla Beauty Method, you need nothing else on font toilet table 4 0 , , ; ' Bondlla does Its wonaertul work quickly td surely. - YouH note th improvwaent after the fertt few treatments. Continued use, twice ' a week, will tntur the completet success of perfect facial loveliness. feONOUA tABOXATOXIEa, 1 i i i ( i1 f rr ... CLASM1C BEAUTLFIER i SptcUl Combination , Uffer t Pmcky v- -. f I 50c L GaskkMHm latssdociarT sb esckstts mt alt ! tout Haas la th crmrAwm Booeflk Method. Atreut BomciUs Crtmd j Fc Powder TMs wtck we of fer tn staples for tboss whs esU fsr tbeia st Cos ns'te ssctloa, and with each t 7 Ac parcbats of Boa dlla fac powder. sr banish is f snl c!d . cream wo wUl giro abso lnUly froo ono 60c tat of sow .-'Skin Jon.", TBis offer holds I good aU this wk. i i Announcement Last February we held a similar Royal Society Sale with what w thonsht was snfficient qvanlities for oar customers. Eren thonch we had nearly 2.000 pieces they were soon sold and not a tew patrons were dlsrppoint-. ed. In this sale or Factory Clearance merchandise we will provide ample quantity, we beliere. More pillow rases, more lnnchon sets, .more .bed spreads, more towels, underwear, baby dresses, and other desirable stamped iccods. AU are guaranteed first qual ity; no seconds or factory rejects. .With Kilt siring time approaching, one will find many articles In this tale for .the "Hand Made" gift now la the oppor tunity to purchase at a great aarlng. We Advise 4. - Early . Shopping NONE SOLD OR RESERVED BEFORE THE SALE BEGINS BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9th 1L Special Purchase of Stamped Goods at One-Half, and Less, of Former Prices! 4 ' t NOTE: ,Mrs; Frances AVeber will demonstrate Boncilla Beauty Aldsl . aJl this week. -Free '.Tacials" given Jn, private at Miller ,to prove f d . thehigrh Quality ot Doacllla products.-' . . ! - , .. kilt - .1 We Quote " r. , - ' A Few . r. Comparative Prices t ' T ! i v Iany COc Articles selling at 29c j ' Many $125 Articles selling at 49c . ' - - ix - - Many $1.50 Articles selling at 6Sc Many $2.25 Articles selling at .. ." !"',." a .' -f. - H ' ' '- ; . v - . Bedspreads-at i. i- Half Price! -- - ... t r-r' : ' ' . - t. " , - . ' '". ; '" ' 1 .- Pillow' Cases, at less than Half Price! COME ; EARLY GROUP TWO 29c ! f Scarfs Huck Towels Centers Napkins l :. Pillows Dresser Scarfs Console Sets Buffet Sets Curtains Vanity Sets f T Napkin Sets GROUP THREE 49c Turkish Towels Baby Dresses Combing Capes Fancy Aprons Lunch Cloths . Linen Towels Dresser Scarfs Ecru Scarfs Card Table Cushions 7 Covers . Linen Boudoir Pillows GROUP FOUR 69c GROUP FIVE :98c i t v Pillow Slips House Frocks Curtains Linen Scarfs Baby Dresses GROUP ONE ' : 19c White Rompers 3 6-In. Centers" Lirien Centers Unen Lunch,, Cloths 36-In 45 Inch'Lincxi Lunch Cloths, 45 Inch Linen Centers, Felt - - -. Centers, Curtains, Children's Dresses. ' GROUP SIX ! $1.49 Linen Lunch Cloths Bed Spreads . i I 1 GROUP SEVEN $1.75 to S2.50 gtamped Bed Spreads Values to $5.00 j Boudoir Cushions Vanity Sets ; lcia Leading ..Department' Store NOTICE A majority of Royal Society stamped goods come made up and In some instance as towels, pillow cases, bourn drenaes, baby dresses, come hemstitched. . . t 1 1 f r J j ' OREGON - I