THE OlGOZllXgllAlT, 3 ORCQOri r;. TUESDAY SIORNINC, SEITEIIEEII -S, 1025 : f i. t : " I f t t S.J f i 1 i ffiWEttLliE nrvn aba! w Meeting Held in Detroit Ac- qtiaints Bar Association '"Vith Advantages : i DETROIT-loser relations bo twteen1 bar associations of' the c'cffntry and the prees were urged tf Julfas' Henry wCdheri of Nei yorK lit his address as chairman, opening the conference of bar as sociation delegates' today. "The progress that has been made ' In the formulation of ethi cal' standards," In the improved machinery and administration "of the law. In the raising of stand ards for admission to' the bar, could ''never have' 'been brought ah6ut' except through the cooper ation 'tat, the press," said Mr, Co hen.' "But the press is not or ganized ' as Is the profession ot medicine, or even as ours is, though as we have pointed out, our own organization' Is still In IIA'VTz -with v. ' "5 IH 3fU-'":i'.':;., ;" RIKERASOC is a . splendid preparation . for keeping the .skin soft and smooth. Makes 4 woh 'V 'derfal treatment for beau-k- ttfying ,'the arms, lace, f . neck' and hands. - 25c Perry Drug Store 115 South Commercial Balem, Or egon ' yhenYcu AreftMady ToMdye . rn n.Tn iTTnn iulu iu un III III II I Illl an , . ' ..... v -P"llrmli : iff GUARANTEED yxi- V$$P M - v . . Iff . ; , A r iviiciiD'rjGiiT . 7,' I" ? ' - ": '. f . - .1-.. rf 1 J -f '.-.s i . fl - . W-T"!'' 7 ' - "l ' -" ' - ' V1 .V ft V.:t iV-i'. l'.!!i ' '. Kff. '' " j ' -- ' I t ' " - .Call on ix for we have padded Tans and Fleece- lined covers tor yorif 'ftirnitare and 'piano, First . . . - - - ' . class piano and xornitare raoTers. Coals andiDiamond tjriquettca " ; . - ' " ! . . - .. , . ro . VI " ll". Larmer " .Storage Go lr PHcna 030 the making. Newspaper I publish-j ers are- men of Business- News"? elation can; through Its own bu paper editors airet, beginning., to j'rean, bring itstto the attention of evolve Jus now; rorm ;of ass ciattonal activity, tesetfbuf afc. tempt; made last" year to bring about ' a ' format Ve:atI6Tnntjf T- tveen the two iflbW was irn- successfuL ,Tho two professions ate not yet prope'florganjjsed, for formal cooperaudn. ' There . must j be cooperation between" th Cress I and the bar. but for some time to I come it will be cooperation of a different kind." J-- Mr.!; Cohen referred to a com mittee1 report to -be made1 which would outline a plan ;'o,f cooper ation between the twprofessions by closer relationship between' the organized' bar iu each - stale, and he newspapers of that state. ; "What the ba; s doing la' the improvement -of, machinery for the administration 'of "Justice ;f6r'.the raed era izl ngr t legal- instltalioiW, for the maintenance of high char acter quallflrations fqlr admission to- the bar and 'for the disciplin ing ot those- who offend, are "all r 4rroro -" o Fv nini nlK- h T O bar 'ofgtuiizatioB will 'find.: the cress of its state oniytob witting to inform the pu tile 1 and to'aid In I th formation of ausnortine- wnh- ltB?pdift;rin.1ljaef,cJnrt3tt.b- ed. ' ---'' w;f' ; "The modern newspaper ;has so many fields to cover, the changes tawnrplatfe Trdnf day tq day. are no kaleidescoDic. that na newstia- nof- fcX Mfi,l,:Bii 'intirm.,1 or how well organized, .'oan keep c M, only 88.88.3 peo ht 'rf -ha- flrttvitio, f fhP ?,e Ieft to lake P residence in the abreast tf the; Activities of ithe bar asBociatious of the country un less those activities-arfe: brought to its attention. Every state bar as soclatloh should have 4 committee wnoee business It is"toseeithat the press of its state is kept .fully in tnrmaA nt DcnUhHnKal' nMtkitl The uggestion.fTecenUy',mafle - - ' . . - . - - Dy ion u. seitz or ttie JKewvYork NVofldr that in every 'bait 'ai&ocla- tlon there be created a bureau -f Correct Tnormation,t is A valuable one. puca-bujeayuld titnish tne jress witir cyrrctf miorma tion regarding pending casetftne issues involved and decisions ren dered: Conducted bysj bar asso ciation and -speaking )g jits name, there ; would be no danger tof its Improper use. - The " newspaper could rely upon receirlng disinter ested : intormation,'-; uneolored by desire to favor one side or an other,1 and free from suspicion of self-exploitation or advertisement. .mc"1' The existence of sucn a bureau! would in Itself prevent error from occurring In the first 'instance, provide for' Its correction 'if .it did Occur, and avoid its' repetition. "The modem newspaper is" keen for news all much i news, news. " There is much - interesting news in litigated cases, inore than the public is aware of. " But if the lawyer brings "his case fo' the at tention ot the press, he is open to the charge ot self-exploitation. If,' however,- his case' be" one of real Transfer & ' -.. ' :VlV -V-i.x . ,. ' ... Interest or moment, his bar asso- the local press." 5 The properties can be observed, yet the public Is informed."! r Mr. Cohen reviewed the uro- gress made by the.-legal jrofes- slon, its relations. with the public, the efforts to creata and maintain sianaaras 01 legal education and rules for admission to the bar that wui protect tne public from In comietent legal adrteers. 1 : BRlTDr'S REEUSETO Slowness of Emigration Is Cause of Worry. to Great. ; Britain Officials emigration from ngiana and Scotland .to ; less crowded parts of the empire : is lesg than ialf s great as, before w despite the fact that the mwne country is overcrowded and opportumtiesfor workers seem to f"w isi year, aespue Je Srwth of unemployment and "Bemcui giren to emi- through government fin aommions and colonies. In 1913. when no financial help was offer ed by the state, the number was 223,581, y , ine natural increase of nonnla tlon on this island averages about 300,000 POrsOnS ft TEaT St DreSPBt. unier morf pePIe .depart, over I rrnwinv una nAVhana r 1 crowing and perhaps r nnemnlov- ment will steadily - become more severe . . , In 1913. statistics given by the Colonial Secretary, , show 1C4.566 people emigrated from this coun try to Canada and Newfoundland, but last year the total was only 47494.-- For the same years" the number going to Australia dwindl ed from 44,500 to 30.300: to New Zealand, from 11,800 to 8,740 and for other parts of the empire, from 2,340, to 2,000. Only Sonth M Africa showed an increased mag netism ior migrants, but the fig ures are Insignificant 375 emi- grants In 1912 and fiia i rt, . - wt am causing serious nonderings among many who feel that trade will never wax large enough to absorb all the idlers in England and Scotland unless their numbers are vastly lowered by wholesale migrations to those parts, of the empire which are under-populated. There are some who feel that emigration never can be made properly attractive so long as persons -can stay at home and make a living doing nothing. P?i j?.XhUhMoAj3uuat 16. In thtreyes, and "there .are. about 1.300.000 persons on the dole, re ceiving their hand-out from the state each week they are without ork. The unemnlovd it ia lenaea, prerer to stay where they are, rather than wrench themsel ves , away from this Island and gamble .on a little more glittering lumre in pastures new; 1 . x uere nave been - many efforts to organize parties of cmlmnl. from villages and townships, but few have met with success. The people simply won't bud?. ri, Morning Post says the most m- quleting reflection which this ex perience suggests is the "decay or the spirit of adventure in our peo- auu iae spirit by ylrtue :Qf wmcn our whole empire has been lounaea and peopled. - - Pennsylvania!! Who Was 1 Prominent in Islands, Dies ; BAOUIO, P.k i;f-George F waignt, one of the picturesque ngures i or the Philippines, died recently in the military, hospital -amp wonn Hay. A native of j Pennsylvania. Haight came to the x-auippmes in. 1893. as: a soldier m a volunteer - regiment and served during the insurrection. "TakenUll after ' hia'vdiscftaree from the army he believed he was snrreiing from tuberculosis -with little chance of recovery. w went to Mount Pawin 8,000 feet above sea level,- where he eventu ally regained his health and. de termined to spend the rest of his life in the mountains. , Haight established a rest house which became known throughout the Islands. It was -visited bv I many persons, notwithstanding it required,, a 20-mile ride on horse back to get there. - He leaves widow and three sons. ; . :.,.; It I i - - ; - - - .... i II z . 1 HI T)fiT?fiTTTV Tl ATKTT - - . ' . - ' ,. . , T! ! : T ! I ii i i a . . -- s x ii . a . .-r ' w 'ii r . ri i i , v v i . C LTL: 't "X: ' !CETTBinOAD?.0 IS Governor: of North . Dakota Takes Hand in Boosting : : His Own State BISMARK. N. D. Governor A. D. Sorlie, 'who waa a salesman be-, fore he organized a business ot his own and which he' deserted for the executive chair, has put some of his advertising practices into state use.' " ' In the state highway bulletin. which' hopes to aid in developing popular support for a statewide better roads campaign, a whole page is devoted to what is labelled "An ad by the Covernor." An other title says "A. O. writes to the,boys. , ; The advertisement is a letter which the governor has sent to every employe, of. the . state in which .he said in part "We are in the public service business you and J let's do our part to put our products on the sellers market and, merchandise our protein wheat. We have en exclusive wheat that is raised only here, 'The Best of the West. It makes the best flour in the world. The people of North Dakota have created a state : laboratory called the Mill and Elevator, "it is a research bureau that makes tests on a large scale and there fore must be conducted as a com mercial enterprise in order .to fully function... For the economic l welfare, of the. agricultural sec tions it is essential that the labor atory succeedr " '.."" A You and 1 are. state employes who get our living from the same People; who have, provided Jhls la boratory and who must defray the costs of these' researches not met by Its commercial earnings. "Dakota Main, the product of our" state laboratory, is the best flour from the best wheat. If North Dakota is to prosper, then- Da- kotans must use its products first : ' HEN proba Mistakes ; ! w ...... . ! .-- I . : ' ' , . - - ! ..; ; . . " . - . I and all the time. . As state em ployes'we owe It greater loyalty tlrtn the average tltlien. ' , j "The tata mill and elevator f to V&ich the governor refers was one of the enterprises into which the "state-plunged following " the rise to political power of the Non partisan league. It has failed to show profit to date but one of the governor's campaign promises was that he would put the 13.000.000 concern on Its feet and make It pay. : He is the manager of the In stitutlon, its direction having been placed in his hands by 'the last legislature.' Cor. So rile was elect! ed as a Nonpartisan.' ana fob test Carrier, Allowed Commission on Deliveries Under Pres-j ent Experiment DALLAS, Ore., Sept. 6- (Spe cial.) Dallas rural route 1 has been selected as one of SO in the United States by the . postmaster general for an experiment to de yelop and encourage the transpor tation of food, products directly from producers to consumers and vendors, according to notification received by Postmaster Coad. It Is the only route in Oregon design ated for the experiment. 1 The experiment, includes all mahnerof food stuffs prigjhailng on j the rural route for delivery to the patrons on the route or in th city or town at the regular local rate or five cents for 'the first pound and one cent for each addi tional two pounds..' Packages originating la the city or town: for delivery oa the route are not In eluded. F. H. Morrison, mail carrier on the route, will be allowed 50 per cent of the postage -on the food products mailed directly on the route and collected and delivered 'by! him, in addition to his regular DEU1S ROUTE S ere minutes '" " are g you read ' your f newspaper, you 7 aly. think of it as informative, inter esting enjtertainment as a source of news I which keeps you abreast with people and what the world is doing. . ' That is ajl true but your newspaper serves still another j and equally important purpose. It brings toyou hews which can vitally affect your home, your mode of living, the clothes you wear, e menu for your dinner. Advertisements. You aren't spending time when you are reading advertisements. You are saying both time and money. Each day . advertisers ; help you to compare values and prices. They tell you where you can secure the best and most serviceable at lowest cost. . Advertised goods are more dependable than 'goods unadvertised. They must be exactly as claimed. 7"hey can't af ford to be otherwise. Make a daily habit of reading the ad vertise - ments. It pays; il 4 " r . , s in buyins are, costly avoid them hy reading the advertisements Union Roster UEAT CDTTtR'8 tntlOM KO. tfto Mrt arrobil aai loan W44my. 1 President W. . MUra; Mercury, ; Bobert Ped. I . CAPITAL TTPOOBAPHICAL TJ3T10M MO. 110 PrMHiaat. U. P. Evaaa; Mcretary, U. D. Ptlkaatoa. IfeeU mco4 Btr 4j. S:0O p. at. 1 CARPESTER-8 CKIOX KO. il6i- Umii Tkura. aaiBC- ' Artaar Tack r. pmidnt; Wat. Pcttit. eratarr. Fkill4 mM-lianira faranhrd. Pltaa 179. Lodge Roster rRATZRXAl ORDIR OP ZAGL.XS, bm lt aaa Srd Wad. W. O. W. HU, B. M. Wlllett. y. Tel. 13S-K. ' salary as carrier. He is also al lowed to solicit business from the patrons on the route and to de viate from the official line of travel to collect or -deliver pack ages so long as the deviations are not extensive enough to interfere with the regular carrier service. The carrier must also see per sonally to the delivery ot packages collected under the experiment either to other patrons on the route or with the city or town where the route originates. Per Ishableproducts must be delivered on the day received. ' The experiment lias not been In progress: a sufficient length ot time to determine 'a whether It will make any material increase In the parcel post business origin atlng on the route or not. The experiment apparently is designed to determine whether .there is suf ficient demand among farmers to market their food products direct to consumers to warrant extending the provision to the entire rural carrier system of the country. - ' Pan.-European Competition : Urged Against U. S.j Films BERLIN. Pointing out; that it is "useless for Europeans to com pete with the United States In the motion picture film business. Dr. Roland Schact, one of the leading German producers, advocates 'a joint European emulation ot 1 t - olden i Pmbliaaed vary aarnlaf (except He 17) a SaJea U capital ai OragM. i i t O Local.Ratcs For Classified Advertising Paily r 8as4ay 1 aaata pee arard 5 eeetta a-ar ward 6b ti Tare I Six Uaiaa .1 eeau par wars Oae aiaaU. daily a ad Baaday-, . .10 taaU aar arard I la ardar ta aara Ue aare Uaa aaa fiae rata, adtartiaeaaaat mast raa la aBaaeatfva lanea. Ad. Ukea tot laaa tkaa If earn la. I Ada. raa Saaday jXLT aaarsad at aae-tiaa rata. ' Advert Waieate iaaeapt TSraaaala Sad SiMatiaaa Waa tad) will a takaa rear ta telepkaaa It Ua advartiaar U a beer! bar ta paa . Taa ftuteaamaa wiU .raaalre a4ve tiaeeaaaAa at aay tlaaa al ta day ar klgat. T latora prapar alaaaiTUa tiaaa ad a. s aaa Id aa la bafera 1 p. xa. TZU:?H0XX SI r CIS fdoney to Loan Oa JUal ttate -T. K. PR (Over Ladd A Buk Baak) BtrORI TOTJ J.EAVB TOX7B BOMI j OR CAR HAVl IT I Insured Properly Paea 161. - Baak db Eradricka, 17. 8. IU-ild4r. 4-teH AtrroaiOBTLES I SAtEK AITO WRECXIXO CO. , Whaclm. Ta. Klaia, Peadera Half Price aad , Parte for aU aara. cah for old rare. 401 g, Cknrab i'baae X1S9 1 . laStt SCHLfOJEK AUTO WKfXKlXO CO, win I bay year old car. Uifheet caak price ' Tad. 1QKS X. CwnerH1 Ht. 1l8tf ACTO REPAIRING! erMJiAL. RZPAIR1XO, TIRES AKD : tabaa. aeraaaoriva. ra aad ail. V EI- 1.CR dt I.EBCXOOOn 6AKAOE. Fkana ! 664. ICUler aad A. Caauaeraial 8t. ! We specialise ia reeoaditioaias aaetera. acto Tors SIR C8 FOR TOP AKD PAIJTT WOSX. O. J. Hail Aat To dl Paiat San. Hear fire dpartnat. 6-aldrf HELP "WASTED tRXTSZ PICKERS ROOMS. STOVES, eprinf and elertrie lights furniihed. Samait Ilea. Koota 6, Bex Z6-A M' 25 HOP PICKERS WASTED. PAY S1.J5 par 100 pound. Geoee lka. S mitna artk af Salem. Cuoal accomadatioBf Adarea Adata. Pknae S. ("" HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED "31TS AND TEAJ1S TO BANK aat wood. Trt 1SF3. 1U13 WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED $1.75 r- rrd. C! T1ICA 11,9 ' BATiKMTETI IS WANTED A REAL ESTATE 8.VLK.S- aaaa. ataat ear. -Rooaa 1. Sal Htat. 15t HELP , W ANTED 13 GIRL. WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK. Call between and 1. 1279-W. 136 WANTED AS EXPERIENCED WOMAN . for feaeral fcoesewora. 5 laaadry wnrlc. Tel. 1901-J. lt9 WANTED Employment 10 WOOL OOLP BOSS CHILDREN'S apart boaa, kait to order, llaad kalt-tlnr- Paea 1776 J. 19ad0t CTTT AND CO"7NTT WOOD SAWLVQ rnoaa 1091. llr TOR- OARDZJt PLOWINO. BASZKZNT dictiag aad team vark. Saaaa 19 PS. ' - - iaii4.f FOR RENT ai PRINTED CARDS. Bin Id "BT TH woroijLf '-rar aveat,- yrtc 19 aeal aatk. Ptttaaaiaa ttmaiBaM Otilf, a. treaad floer. PORREXT 5 ACRE RrUUHBW HOME 6-rooea plasterrd hone, goad bara. only l ml from rity limUa pared hichwey. only $25 prr aaoata. Por Kai 12 ara aalMirbaa baaaa. sew 5-rooa aioderm platlered baaae. rhirkea boose aad large barn, a dead rhirkea raarh. Clae la, aaly ..$30.00 pr Por rral 5 fo-ia Madera aaaa. TnH baeaet and fornara; bard wood lioora, n-w rarer, t OO. ' ' ITOM E kEALTV CO. POR RENT-AjmrUnemto S3 TWO BOOM PCRMSMED APARTMENT. . Call 250 8- Cattace. : . 3311 rOR REXT APABTMX5T8 91 X. Co- American film prod action. "ETery one for hrmsif. bat all for Ea 9pe, ti the motto he reeoramead$ Dr. Schtct bats American film producers peraLrtently outbid Ear opean rlrals and bar or erect agencies or theatres and hare managed to acquire a controlling Influence In many of the largeit foreign companies. It U high time, he urges, tor Etropeaa pro- dneera of all countries to Join forces lo the matter of their pro ductivity, rsther than the market ing of their prodextev FOR RENT Room CS JCICE ROOK, CVOfK. IX. Paea SSW. . Jill PRTXZ CARDS. aUZB 14 vardiar:. "Boaaaa ta &aat. BT tH pria 11 eaava aara. 8 la rraaad -fiaar. fiOOX POa RXTT VODXBjr BOUt, tare alacxa trvm atai kaaa. All ' aavaaiaaeaa. Oaatl n preferred, Plea si raferaaeee aa4 addreea A ara 8ta taamaa. tVdiSti ro rxxt noon suitable rot etadeata. vita eUpai parea prltlaoa, ZTarytaiar aaadera. Slaiaae are r paired. Addrees mib. care ttataamaa. tys . FOR REST noose ' 87 riYK-KOOM Pl'RNlSHFD COTTAOC far aduite aaly. fall at 116d Oak. tadey. htwm S aad S. Peaae ISfte-aW MODEUI T-SOOU MOUSE. 1J 8. Caimerriat. Xea firlare. faraaro. aaaemeac rarad'a. laqaire at 1234 8. ('oaanritL :7aS SIX WX)U Ol'tiK. ilODEKN KXCPPT aeeaa4. garara aad woodheowe. H hUtrk aff rar liaa aa pad ilml, at J 920. MtUmntU. lM N. Wiater. Z1t 'ft'" 5R ItEXT 8CBURBAN HOME A , reom kiu. aix acre raad ettaa F FOR ItEXT 8CJ reoia . eix acre raaa iac water. 2 aiilaa frvaa iUWn. lis par atoaia.- ( aa e a(bt eaay ttaaa. Pkaa TSKS. JUT POR REXT 4 ttKM SEW klOlRX me. bard woo: flaara. aaarytluAC -alec-tnral. will Wale. 7 . room abaeloteiy drr kaaie. -elaa lo, win teaaa. S rooa 1taer feraUHad. 35. Taeaat haaaa far rat: ala f lata. Uertrade J. M. Par. i Xortb (Vttara. TTatfif FOR JIEXT Farnu . t HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED PAJLMS for reat. P. R. TbaaAaaaa, Taraar, Ore Pbaa eEX. ' S9alU WANTED Vlecyllaaeo S3 HIOHZST PRICES PAID POIt C8KJI terea, voaia. rarailara. atn 9 Load weeda Dept, appaalt aaart a aaa. - CASH PAID POR PAL8B TEETH eaiai gate, aaauaaai ul aear4ad Jewelry. Hebe SaialUag aad Rotaery Co, Otsegaw Kiebiga. Iljlr WOODRT THE AUCTIOSIKB BUT$ rarsitar Sor aaaa. Pkaa flL WANTED PRIVATE , it OX XT POI farm leeae. kare aeraral appliea ea ksad. Hewklaa RoVer lae 0S Vrroa BMt. tl4lv FOR SALE 87 FOR 8 A LB CHE A P MATT AO rtJT. I trio Weaker. Phone 1649 J ar rail 8t:mr oa 23. J7,g tf? FOR 8ALK OR EXCHANGE POR OOW. W V J C wki . aai - V- rw. I., Ayera, RL 6, Box lZd. Pkoae 100PS. Ta ALFALFA. GRAIN. HAT. TIMOTHT. aata. barley aad wbeet, gaaraataad quality, praaapt aolpaieaC Prteaa wpo aoplKalioa. Richard Nyaa, Walla WaJla. Waab. 7M RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE ' BT 8H". ev raoatpt low ka book. 1$ aoata poj bk ar two far 15 aeata. StaAoa aaaa Uia. 818 SaaU OaaaaMrcial St. ... iima SELL CB TOUR fSED PCXNTTCRX-. a. i. biui raraitare Ca. Caad Oood Dept. Oppaait eoart bwaaa. 87S3al Trespass Notices For Sale , TreepBM Kotfcoa. su Idz9 tarbaa, frtatod a good 10 aaaea eaavaas boar lag jUa wards. "XeUoa Is Hereby iw ' aa Tbak Traapaetisg I Strictly Forbid d Oa Theaa Praoilaaa fader PeaaJn at roeoatiev Prta lb aab or for 85. Sin nana Paa. Oa, BeVaa Orerea. tTa FOB SALE OLD KTWSPAPXRa, TES eau a has die. CireaiaUoa dopartavMl Orag BUUtua. its FOR SALEIjTtock 19 PUREBRED rOLAXD CHINA Jaa are aowa. Kfcoae 10SF1 FOR SALE BOSTON BULL DOO. . "lea asoaiaa tl4. AAelr et 871 N. Coaaaaarrlai. 992t( FOR SALE PCREB RED REGISTERED IloUteia rawa. freeh aad epriagvra. Ed Katberlaad. Caaby. , ell FOR SALS S ORADE JERSET COWS. 1 ragiatered Jeraey aow, 1 rrfleterod Jrraey heifer. 1 grade heifer, f grade laaiba. 4 ar 6 taoe af aat bay. Lira 1 attire eaat af fntie. Lake ' at. Jahaetoa. - 39a9 VETERINARIAN DR. PATTERSON Iheaa 83&a. Rt. . Ba g. jaU CIIOW PTPS TOR" SALE EXTRA rboer aporteoaa frwai tarpoeied eiek. Ala trataad iwfoaadlad doc PU Ve e Prtlaad, Z13 SUt aad Pacili l!rh aray. . f(t FRTTJ W. LAN'OE, TTTEXEARL4jr OfOoo 4M a. CmmmmnL Pbooe lllb RP fbeae 1666. ' - - . f OmlPd WDOD FOR BALE BEST ORADR CP WOOD ft. aed 16 lack. Dry jja wood. . Green arfa wood. . fry seeead frewib g. Dry aed aid fir. Dry rt. . euala a4 ak. Wr-V-k aat or... eabB) m v m. tr.iaiel. t MaaMbdi ie'laaei .&JS . r w af" 'f I l am. m eg ga9aBaBBSS B gdV Smndtk fwt Cbi.rt-V PWwia WOOD. FOR RXL12 WOOD OF AU KtXDS FOB 8AL Jab H. Scott. Pha 25 ar S3J. dJOt t$-rxCH OLD .FTR MCOXD OROWT1 ak a4 aoa. 1'kaaa ISF. 1C D. W - dliiaaj OOOD COAL PUT wO"D T-ROMPT DElJVtRJga. XTILLKAN FLEL- COl v 4; GILTS V V 1. tl2 4 i