G SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6. 1DC5 ' , BDIIMN&;RE OF AUGUST SHATTERS LAST MARK 1 1 1 Total of $131,000 Will ie Spent on New Dwellings : Tind Improvement. . . v -:.,'( i.. ' ... r... . '. Newy. building- construction in the $lty of Salem during the month of August' eclipsed by f 7,- 300 the value represented by the building permits issued during the month of August last year, records of City Recorder Marc poulsen re veal. ' Forty-one permits were issued ; during the past 'month of this year, representing a total con structlon cost of $131,600. Of the 41 permits issued during ine past montn, zi were issued ror the erection of. new, dwellings to cost 170,350; -two for atore;build Ings to cost $12,000; one concrete mill, i . 135,900; one apartment boase,1 16.400; one tile warehouse. 91500; one sign board, $50 and eight permits ' for the alteration B - 1 . 1 1 1 t ' ,: ' j, (, A A ana repair vi ouiiuings, foauu. During August of 1824, 46 permits were Issued, Incfudjngr 32 for the erection of new dwellings at a cost of $99,150; 'one" apartment house, f $12,000; one' warehouse, $6,d00;.one store. $600; fourgar ages, $1650; one meeting, house, $700,' and six-permits for the al teration and repair of buildings, $4200; total, $124,300. ,'. j-,- Construction, during the "first seven months of 1925 on August 31 was $230,800 ahead of that for the corresponding '.period of 1924. During the first . fire -months of this year the value of t new prop erty lagged ' considerably "behind that of the preceding ; year, but during the past three months there has been a. sharp Increase over that of 1924. ' " v j 7 GAD rnun CUuUi HES1 nfT r n IDI fill MLES Hi! Oil ! Lots, Home and Farm Acre age Are Included in List " . Just Made Public ' THEATRE PROGRESSING ' ii i - WOKK ' OP ' REMODELING THE GRAND UNDER WAY SEATS MADE TO SIT ON J " . ; i. . SOCTHERV PACIFIC SPENDS MONEY FOR PLUSH COMPARISON OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MJf SALESt , , DURING FIRST EIGHT MONTHS AW) 1KB ; , ' v . : 1 1 . ' 1024 January ' . . . . ... - $ 112,050 February . . .'. . ......... . . I .--- 163,000 Mawh 174,500 April' ' 35,300 May . .. ..... .'. . .'. . - 161.600 June - 59,405 July 92,700 August .... 124,300 ' : rToUl' $1,252,853 1823:' $' -76.415X - 154,950 155.600 268,67$ 120.0501 . - ,38517001 189,73ft 151,600 $1,483,655; Local Real Estate Firm ; -Will Occupy New Office 'V . r . . ' After .September 15, Becke & Hendricks, local real estate firm who hate occupied offices in the United' States Fank building , tor the last five and one-half years, 'will-open new offices on; the aouth I side of the Heilig theater lobby. Extensive ; alterations, including the, removing; of . a, portion qf -the To - show -that real . estate is moving and. that Salem, is rapidly coming to the front, the following sales have been reported by W. H. Grabenhorst it Co. George I. Pack a recent arrival from Montana has purchased a 42 acre' farm three-fourth mile south of Independence from G. W. Henkle, consideration $5000. r - , G. J. Berger has purchased a fine lot from the Bligh estate, lo cated on North Capital and Center J for $3500. . John G. Heck, a newcomer from Iowa, recently purchased a fine 10-acre tract from E. N. Hoffnell, consideration being $3300. K. J. Lathrop buys a. lot m Winona Addition from Mr. Hoefer for $8.00. - - ,--. . - Nels Hanson, lot in 'Oakburst,' consideration, $809. I H. Baldwin buys a- fine lot in -the; Findley fruit and garden tracts from M. C. Findley for the sum of $1500., Lee L. Gilbert. sold, his home. located at 374 North Summer, to D. W- Eyre, consideration. $4500. W.'H. Harris purchased a home on North : Twentieth . from M. C. Findley, consideration being $1, , Ralph Shanta -purchased ' a . Jot Work of completely remodeling and. enlarging the Interior of the Grand V theater, which win be re opened September 12 as the Heillg theater,, is now. well under way. The repair and alteration permit for the work was $6,000. The stage is being enlarged and the seating capacity increased by two crews of, men who "are busy day and sight. v Several improve ments, are, being made in the en trance." " - ' ! . "-' Posts that 'have partially ob structed a full view of the stage will be eliminated and the lower boxes v removed for more -v seats. The installation of a modern or gan and , a new; moving .picture machine is now under way. CHURCH IS: REMODELING CONGREGATION WILfV-OCCUFY NEW ROOMS TODAY east wall M the building between the entrance .arch, and the, Tertnj I rom :.Mrg. Emma Murphy Brown, located in North Salem for the sum inahhotet and the installation of a' .'glass- enclosed side along the lobby." are; the" main features! ' of the ; new? location -; X.-1 ; Building paper : Doors jmd sash Screen doors l- : Cupboard doors Window frames AVall board Lath Shingles Lumber , , White sand' Firebrick Sewer Tile Barrelled lime ' '.- ; - Plaster Cemenf . Vitrified sewer pipe TVe deliver anywhere J ; . filAsKSwUlfllUGioCGKiOfe - -i v!okttb - - I : ,) -. r. ' ' 11 .- ' w Salem -tt of $500.V ' . L. ' .E. Oberer ; sells ; a 4 modern home in South SaUm to T. H. Jde for a casht consideration of $2,' Mr. and Mrs." Buckles purchased from Ralph ShaoU a modern bun galow Just being completed for, the sum of $ 3,000. V s The ars. Sarah Downing farm. located in the Sublimity district containing 240 acres, was sold re cently for a consideration of $15, B. L. Steeyes buys the old Meth odist church property,' located on South Liberty adjoining the Bank of Commerce' building, from the Hurst . estate, for a consideration of $16,000. . Th apartment house on the cor ner ;ot Union and North Liberty, belonging to the Bligh estate, has been sold to John Meuchel tor consideration of $8,000. E. N. Hoffnell buys a new mod era five-room' English colonial stucco home in Parrlah Grove ad idition, consideration -$7,000. Also E. N. Hoffnell sells a fine 10-acre tract, south o the main Pacific highway," for $3,000. Remodeling of the. church par lors of the First Congregational church will be near enough com pleted so that services will be held thisvunday for the first time for month. Sunday's services will not be held In the main auditor ium, but: instead , will ,be ' t held in the Sunday school rooms. A new velvet carpet, ;to cost $900. has been' ordered ' for the auditorium .and will be .laid some time next week: The floors, wood work and furniture inside the building have all . been .reworked and the woodwork .has .been changed in color from a natural tint to ivory white enamel.' The? auditorium will be ready for use September 13, according to plans. ; The entire cost -of the al terations is estimated at $2,000. Southern Pacific expends over $10,000 annually to plush-line the public's foot-rest. This was the substance of a re port made; recently by George Mc-j Cormick, general- superintendent ! of motive) power of the railroad, in which Jt was revealed, that In 1924 the company spent over $10.- 140 for plush cloth to reline car seats .worn out through use as a foot-rest, j Over 1449 seats were foot-worn' during that. year and had ' to ' be . repaired at a cost of $1.33 perj seat. ! Railroad officials .disclaim be lief that the manners of the trav eling public, differ radically from their home manners. They main tain, however, that they are at a loss to explain the disregard of some passengers for, the proper use of -seats and 'their sanitary condition.: i Former 'Kansas Resident Making Home in Salem !' : Leo Smith, formerly of Pratt, Kansas, has purchased a residence at 1780 North Cottage and will make his future home in the city. Two Stores Make Ready -i For Coming Fall Months ! . ; - Two local . stores are making preparations for the winter. The AA Clothing company is remodel ing the front of the store on North High, Just north of the Masonic Temple building, and adding dis play! space, while the Pickens & Haynes grocery on Court, between High and. Liberty, is getting the glass enclosure back in place, in stead of the open display portion used during the summer months. Garage Is Purchased By . Miller on -Worth Capitol v Purchase of the Clark it Vin cent garage, 660 North Capitol, by W. II. Miller, was announced last week. . Mr. Miller will oper ate the establishment with the, help of hls'son, under the firm name of Miller & Son. Mr. Vin cent has accepted the position as membership secretary in the Berk eley. Cal., YMCA. and will leave for California about September 15. Mr. Clark will be connected with the Union Abstract company of Salem. 3 No woman is as young 'as she thinks she looks. ' ' ' - Lone Star ; Service Station and Camp Ground Yoir Let UsSupply UMBER mi 1U Buildisig Materials You will find ours the very best you will like our service and you will be satisfied with our prices Cbbbs & Mitchell Go. A. B. Kelsey, Mgr. 349 South Twelfth j Telephone 813 BUILDING i BUNGALOWS irCURDY ? STARTS .- WORK OX EIGHTH STRUCTURE A Simple, Yef tPicturesque ; :e The ; construction at once of eight bungalows with a garage for eight ears on a-150 by 200-foot lot- recently purchased and bound ed by Fir, John and Miller streets. is announced by' Ralph H. Mc- Cnrdy. ' - - . The bungalows will be four and five-rooms In site, each with full basement, furnace, fireplace- and equipped with electric ranges. They . will be of Dutch colonial architecture. It Is expected that they, will be ready for occupancy by November. The cost of con struction is estimated at $25,000. 1998 N. Capitol'Street I : John Williamson Prop. Also Builder of Homes for sale on easy terms. If you are looking for a. home call on us. ; What the average public sneak ier lacks in depth and breadth he usually makes up in length. Fisher Apartments Are 1 Given Coat of Tan Paint Finishing touches are being given the exterior of the new Fish er apartments at South Commer cial ana t uaic. - Tne smooth con-, crete" exterior was completed early last week and painters got a good start. The building, three' stories and basement, is being painted a tan color. . iPearcy Brothers Change 'Location of Old Office Pearcy Brothers, who hare been l located on State Just west of the United States National bank. moved into their new location at 178 South Commercial, last week. ; ;ty-t - ' vv: recommended! l."T , I I -r V IfF. J.7m A X WORK IS- Xi- irr-' 111 V "T Plan NJ60 NELSON BROS. . . UtiooK j . : 1 " ,, ' I Fire-Rcsm. Fleer Ptn : 4' ' - I. OV't'-4 8 : fb'XZ'O'' Jl! 'pCONOilV as well as beauty of "'.'...J . ' L . ?). I v ; " design ruled in planning f his . " - i- 'y J l . : . , J f , and dining rooms serves a double j - l ii purpose or emDnasizine SDacious-i l j W I - - r ' " II I 'I : Golonial Gottas ; 1 S J nvtfxn-v i y hall? IA.. : 1730.141 i rAesigwrfAsrBBiiliim racwCVM Am flirts i . .. . I " 7 A. - Stop heat loss at the roof -line! It yoor home Is already Vu2t let us show yoq how too caa effect a considerable fuel saving and get greater all-season com fort by lining your attic with Celotea Insulating Lumber. . Celote brings to the simplest home comfort only costly once have had before. It enables home bunders for the tint tiip to ob tain complete Insulation practi cally without extra coat. xPbofi ,M tor mors Information Oregon Gravel Co Hood at Front St 3Pt IITCMJl i i I, 1 1 f-tAfZ'O, - ' 4. five : room - bungalow. The . plas tered archway between the living and .dining rooms serves a double purpose, of emphasizing spacious ness and enhancing available heat ing and lighting facilities. . tThe kitchen Is so arranged as to save steps for the busy housewife.' The adjoining breakfast nook: is of-generous size, and ..will serve 'admirably "for an average ; family. - . , . - - " - ' The central hall.'wlth openings to. the "two bedrooms, bath and stairway, is a convenience which any ' housewife will '. appreciate. The . bedrooms .are equipped with ! wardrobes. ' which occupy less : epaco than the average Closet. v Floor arcaof fne house totals 1024 square fceU j ." , Firep Two seta of clu prints and tT-ei?iUa4. f or the abovt. house or other housas will b iu roof Soundproof w Not affected by any kind of weather condition. Easily appllfd. .Has an excellent, surface. Call In and see this and compare with, any other wall board. Galois! - Powder and. Supply Co. ' . ' Ehohe ' , 723 175;- . ' South . Cpmmcrcial HIS design splendidly Illustrates that charm and picurresqoeness can De attained in a house -with the simplest motives. One is instantly struck by the coziness and horniness of this house. Its appeal is so direct that one doesn't have to stop to analyze it.' j ! The big diimwbr.tf perfect end, the pleasing roof slope with its dormers, the latticed entrarxedocrsrayand wefl-proportioned iiadow3 are all bo gkUlrulry put together that they btend- into one hatroonioua mass.' And therein lies the fine art of architectural design ing - c- ; ' ' Special, outstandicj features in a house may strike one's fancy for the moment, but it fa the hot; in which all the features cornbine to pro duce an effect that holds an admiration over a period of years; and most of us who build .are tiry to Eve m a house for a goqpl many years. i The simrie Arnerican or Rurining Bond would be most lUTpropriate for this house. Airy range of brick red, buff or grey 'wccU be citable. The house would lookwrll on cither en inside or a comer lot. and may be placed ckx to the street or well back on the lot. It b 34 feet 8 inches across the front and 23 txt deep. Dca't build it on less than 50 foot fcpcErge and chreit more frontage if yoa possb!y-can.It nscch a homey house hat it tiacctxries'tor-aa cli t f iiW-a-tM garden. "f; There fa more room intir texzs thzacne would think. , A study . dCja -Coor p'-ira t ill show how spnckxxsandcocp'-te it fe fcr a small house. The Irrina uxjuiizctfae properties., of pood sizeand LaJgs ca tree slcs. liote ths trrassncil of kitchen end Hrir-t room and the abrmrirrrirr of storuyepece in t2 pan, try, doacta and rear entry. ; . The second floor fa as compete . and rm enient as the first. The bedroom rrs all vcH'. Hghtcd and hare good crocs vcntilcticti. Frrnr every point of rby tils h Z2xzs,Lirr.V,T Lzi eis-rocca bocae. - , HOUSES BUILT OF PERMANENT MATERIALS COST BUT LITTLE MORE THAN THOSE CONSTRUCTED. OF. MORE TEMPORARY MATERIALS i See us for- But the) Upkeep Expenie of Such Houses Is Small :ommon hrick, face brick, building tile, partition tile, silo tils, drain tile, .1 . crvruicu tewcr pipe.' S&IiEM:' ElilGK TILE CO. V ... piled at nominal cost upon application to , , ' " . - : SPAULJ3!f IG LOGGING CO. ' - . ' :. '. ' ' TLTj;r;;o:-n on