The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 06, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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20 pages
PAGES! to 8'
rnvENTY-nrra year.
' Ppi v'i v v o ri'
1 : ID I1 ill I f '.
y 7
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! 1
W L: : 7'V
Wenatchee Is Hit by Rushing
lojrent of Water; Many
Are Missing
Thrf Story , Building : Carried
; Cp,Fet by Flood; Passen-
Traln - Narrowly '
Escape. Wreck
WENATCHEE. Wash., Sept. 5
'(By" Associated Press.) Seven
known dead., three injured " and
ten unaccounted for was the toll
taken when.,, without warning
cloudburst swept" down Spring
water canyon anij; flooded . the
South Wenatchee Great Northern
railway terminal at 4:15 o'clock
thi' afternoon. The rushing tor
rent smashed five houses to kind
ling wood and the Springwater
hotel, a three-story frame struc
ture, was hurled 60 feet across
the main street by the force of
the flood.
Of the seven bodies taken from
the wreckage, four had been iden
tified early tonlghtr They were
Prank Petty, brakeman: Mrs.
i.. . j. . -1
hi ii - i
- . - - , i
Great ; International Question la
"' Placed Before ) Audience -by
Air Service' Flayed Severely
For ActiQns;' War Debart-
LEWISTON, Idaho, Sept. 6.-
(By . Associated Press), Of V re
markable interest was, a meeting
J ; a ! 1 IV.
opening of the debate of the inter- INCOMPETENCY CHARGED
court, with an address by a rep
resentative of the American peace I Former Head of;.AlrTXt(Dl vision
Declare. Administration of
Naval A(r Affairs Ijs
award. Chester H. Rowell. of Call'
fornia, who is to be answered on
Sunday night by. Senator Borah, of
Idaho, speaking in the same place.
The large audience, Heard t a
strong argumentative plea for thei r SAI, ANTONIO. Texas, Sept.
American participation - In the I (By The Associated -Press)
world court, the gradual develop-1 Declaring defiance of. the war de
ment and growth, "of .? which was l partment,. Colonel . W illiam Mit
iracea oy we..-speaaerr wno ire-icneii toaay oroppea anoiper oomo
quently - referred to- his distin-linto air service, circles and then
euislied opponent: seated upon the 1 departed by airplane, ' for some
same,ilaUorni. : referred tol tarpon fishing at Ar'ansaa Pass,
the subject as the one great inter-j He spent ;'the afternoon prepar
national, quesuon Deiore -":ilnjc av-fiflhinr trin Sundav
American people; and to the court
as an Institution that had. been
established with American ap
nroval and In - accordance: with
morning and refused further to
comment on' his statement! in de
nunciation of the practices and
systems obtaining in the adminis
American principles; and now anP-jtration of national air defense by
norteri hv Dress, nubile ana an
peace . organizations,... those, who
oppose, participation standing al
most alone. - :- j.-"
He reviewed the nature of the
court and' the manner of electing
Mountaineer Refuse to Move His
House to Blake Way for
New Highway
Domlck MacDonald. Mrs. Cleve- its members, of the; qualifications
or judges, oi wnat u is asea w
do, of the "bugaboo" of entangle
ment which; its opponents offer,
of the arguments in its favor and
of the objections that have been
raised against it. In closing, he
paid his respects to the two lead
ing opponents, Senators Borah and
Hiram Johnson, Baying: .y,.
.-"They are fcrllliant leafiers'Tjet
haps the two most skilledlor this
m t..tu. ..-i- I fv nf nnnnnitln'B. tT tne senate.
cover; the missing. " It Is thought j They nave witn tnem oniy a, smaii i j.ihii rllutu ; I it t ncur
that at least eight bodies were In! minority or the senators but un
land and Margaret Smythe about
10 years old. - ' ' -"" ""'
Those Injured were Esther Han
son, 9; Mildred Hanson, 7; Doro
thy Hanson, 6; Paul Hanson, 4;
Esther Palmer, four months;. Ed
ward; Ross and Pearl Ross, all of
'Wenatchee.' ? - ;. ;;; r - ;
At- 9 oclock this eyenlng 100
rescue workers,' beaded ;br' doc
tors, firemen and, police, officials.
the war and navy .departments
In commenting onv: the fatal
wreck of the Shenandoah and the
failure of the Hawaiian ilight
with its possible los of life, Col
onel Mitchell said:
"These accidents are the direct
result of the incompetency, crimi
nal negligence and almost treason
able administration of national
defense - by these two v depart
ments." .y .
Colonel Mitchell's- view ..' were
set forth in a written statement
covering 17 typewritten , pages.
filled with biUnsarcasm- and
(Coatia4 a paf't)
the wreckage.
Miss L. iL Lovegrore, a clerk
In th roundhouse at the terminal,
probably averted . "k wreck "when
she notified the station to stop the
iVsenger train No. 4 Just as the
waters swept a mass of tangled
learns over the tracks.
J The train was stopped barely in
time to avoid a seemingly certain
' crash. ' ' .. ;' . ... : ;v
Little groups of laborers hud
dled together in silence tinder the
red glare of torches this evening.
der the peculiar constitution of
the senate, that minority, under
their resourceful leadership, may
succeed.-; M '
"They cast their V9tes and wield
their great power to turn this
nation backward, when its' known
will is to go forward. Those votes
are in their power to cast, beyond
our power to prevent. All we can
do, ia to make it-clear to ,them
and to the world, that those votes
are not ouf voice that we follow
not their, lone voices, in the wild
erness of doubt but the ripened
They, were anxiously a waiting, the I opinion. of mankind; and that we
recovery of musing wives or little are willing to accept for ourselves
ehfldren. Meanwhile the workers j What the rest of the world ha al-
5. William V Crosby, ' mechanic.
was killed and Howard Blanken
ship, mechanic, and William Har
ris; store manager; were seriously
injured when an automobile, driv
en by Crosby went off the' road
north of Dryden early today.
" " The men, who " were employed
here," were thrown into an irriga
tion ditch. Crosby's body floated
several miles down stream before
it was recovered. r
SANTA CRUZ. Cal Set. .5.
(By the Associated Press.) De
clining to be dispossessed of his
on room cabin, which blocked the
path of a, new road, because he
had studied sea currents and
knew that all of Captain Kidd's
treasures were burled there."
Paul Woodside. Aptos Beach rec
luse, today killed Under-Sheriff R.
II. Roundtree and wounded Sher
iff H. V. Trafton. . Woodside died
from a bullet in his 'head fired
by Sheriff Trafton after the of
ficer, had been shot by Woodside
Roundtree died from two bullet
wounds in the' abdomen, inflicted
by Woodside, with a pistol he
seiied from Sheriff Traton's pock
et as the two officers struggled to
handcuff' him. Woodside then
turned the gun on Crafton. shoot
ing him beow the heart, but the
sheriff, despite his wound, took
the gun from Woodside and sent
a bullet into his head
Workmen building a roadway
for a real estate subdivision were
driven off this morning by Wood
side with a gun. Soon afternoon
Trafton ; and . Roundtree reached
Aptos, a few miles from here and
found Woodside seated at a table
in his one room cabin a shotgun
in his hands.
You can kill me if you want
but a hundred men will be out to
string you up," the sheriff told
him. The two officers held the
recluse in conversation or a mo
ment and then jumped on him,
taking his shotgun away. They
had succeeded in putting a hand
cuff on one WTiat when he rrab-
l. 1 1 i m . . " . K
yu a pwioi irom Traiton's pocket
and began shooting- at his cap
tors. . ' ' '
Ronndtree died a few minutes
after he was shot. Woodside's
death was about an hour later. At1
the hospital a .38 caliber bullet1
was taken from Sherlft Traftoa's
body close to his kidney.
Woodside is believed to have
been mentally unbalanced. After
he had received the bullet wound
In the head which proved fatal an
hour later he was seen fumbling
in his pocket, from which a stick
of dynamite with a fuse attached
was removed.
The warrant for Woodside's ar-
All Ramon Investigated; Fate of
. Crew of P-N-9 Is Still
Ia Doubt
HONOLULU. Sept. . 5. (By the
Associated Press.) The fourth
day: since the disappearance.
somewhere in the boundless Paci
fic," of the navy seaplane PN9 No.
1, and its crew of. five assed to
day, but the officers and men still
continued their weary, search for
the plane or its wreckage. ' j
Operations tonight were center
ing off the island of Nlihau, one
of must northerly of the Hawilan
group. .This , was on the theory
that the plane, if It alighted safe
ly on the water after running out
of gasoline last Tuesday while
uying from San , Francisco to
Honolulu might have at that time
been oa the north base course. It
would then have drifted to -the
northwest. , - .
Officers of the air station- at
Pearl Harbor still . clung to ' the
hope that the five aviators would
be rescued despite their hundred
hour battle with the waves
Officers pointed out that the
sealane was stocked 'with suffi
cient water to keep, the five men
alive indefinitely. and that i they
could if necessary survive without
food for several , days. ' The situ
ation was compared with. that of
Lieutenant Locatelll in 1924.
when he drifted several days ton
the Atlantic between Iceland and
Greenland until found, by an
American naval vessel.
An offer of the Japanese fisher-
.men's association to send severs
fast fishing sampans to aid in the
search, which was placed before
J the naval officers today, was re
jected "with, profuse thanks.
Severe Disciplinary Action Is
Expected As Result of
- Statements
Fault Not la Construction or Op
eration, Head of Station 1
Declare - '
waf 4 explained that there are al
Movement to Follow EatablUhed
Military Practice; Officials
Say Investigation
t CALDWELL. Ohio. Sept, 5.
(By Associated Press.) 'Carry
on" was the tenor of the official
FORMAL! "INQUIRY - MADE .tt?.m"t .' b6lf"d.0.l InTe-
uituua miu IDS WrVCK OI IBf BITJ
dirigible Shenandoah. Issued 'to
night by CapL George Washing
ton Steele. Jr..1 commandant of the
Lakehunt, N. J-. naval air station,
"The navy department will need
the support of the country and
the press to carry on at Lake-
hurst." said the statement. "Cap
tain Lansdowne and his officers
and men gave their lives for the
cause. Let the country give Us
support to the navy department
and their sacrifice may not be
in vain."
The battle with the elements
early Thursday morning which
left the once proud "Daughter of
the Stars" broken and scattered
over the terrain of the Allegheny
foothills and which brought death
to 14 members of the gallant crew
was declared by Captain Steele as
constituting an epic In. the annals
or aviation. I am sure every
thing was done that could have
bfen done by the officers and
crew. That she met disaster I be-
WASHINQTON, Sept. 4. (By
Associated Press.) The consen
sus tonight among the tew war
department officials available over
the week end was that the charges
In the statement by Colonel Wil
liam Mitchell in San Antonio were
of such a serious nature that
disciplinary action against him no
longer could be avoided, provided
the statement was officially .sub
stantiated.' It was taken, for
granted that steps would be taken
Immediately to establish the facts
reported in press advices from
Texas, in the absence of any state
ment to the contrary by depart
ment officers here.
Result of Psychologist's Test
Shows .Convict's Mind
On Par. With Average :
Kelley Found Kqmal to High
School Graduate; WIDoa
Below Norma); Lloyd
Above Average
Major General John L. Hlnes.
chief of staff, and acting secre-l llev was no fault of her constrnc-
tary of war In the absence of As-1 tion or of her, operators." t
sistant Secretary Dwight Davis. I The issuance of the statement
conferred late .tday with, Major I marked only the slightest pause in
Tom Murray, convict-slayer of
the Oregon state prison, possesses
mental alertness equal to that of
the average college graduate, and
with proper training would be
qualified in personality and will
as the executive of a large bad
ness firm, according to One An
derson, criminologist connected
with Northwestern university, wfcq.
Thursday and Friday gave mental
tests to the three convicts at the
prison now awaiting trial for the
murder of two p rosin guards la-
tne break of August IX. The testa
were made for the sumose of
furnishing information of the re
salts to Governor Pierce. '
Saturday the same tAta wer
given to William R. Lloyd, con
fessed slayer of Clinton I. Baun.
independence taxi driver Prof.
General DennlsE. Noun, deputy line inquiry being conducted along I Frank M. Eric k son. Instructor' la
chief of stalL Both oliicers ae-iiwo separate unes oy the navy i mental measurements at Wlllam
dined to say whether any decision I department. Captain Steele and
concerning Colonel Mitchell's fut-1 Commander Jacob H. Klein-and
ure had been reached as a result! their fellow officials Immediately
of their meetinr. I or P tneir worg again. Rear
f twi u ri.d to nstnrn I Admiral c, W. Dyson, inspector
otrlf nt week from Forest Hills. a i vy department
ette university, assisted In making
the examinations. .
Using the army alpha test.
forms number i and T. which
place ths mental age of a person
of ordinary -or average Islelli-
ready so many fast ships and air- the Davis cup tennis matches. It
lanes engaged in the search that was regarded as probable that in
use of the sampans would only be the meantime. Major General Er-
an unnecessary expense to the nest Hlnes. commanding . ths
Japanese. The fishermen promised eighth corps area at San Antonio
their cooeration ia reporting un-1 would be In accord to obtain from
N.Y.. where he went to of lle bureau of engln- jence at 14 years, the examiners
r."' '""'"J " a-irouad that Tom Murray had men-
;,uui I laiuy or is.6 years, uausnally
usual lights or wreckage.
Sept. 6 Demanding an increase
in prices protected by canneries
for fish. 1.00 Fraier river fish
ermen presented an ultimatum
following a mass meeting here to
day.: The fishermen are demand-
Col. Mitchell a statement as to the
authenticity of the. press reports!
It has been the time-honored
practice of ' ths war department.
In dealing with problems such as
ly. He will report directly to Sec
retary of the Navy Wilbur. His
pecia observation is to bo con
centrated on possible weakness In
the construction of materials of
the wrecked dirigible
It was definitely established In
the investigation made today that
the airship buckled amidships by
the farce of the gsle and broke
t A A t M -
SSi Qt by,"-'hack salmon, six cents a pound
"m, Mortan' ot the forcohee,anI 25 cenu apiece for
iContinnxi on v,r ? ' ' chum salmon.
ere making every ' effort to re
cover more bodies which are be
lieved to'lie under the , wreckage
and water. At a late hour this
afternoon six feet of water was
stUl sweeping over, the. terminal
yards and on Into the Columbia
river, f l ; " ; "
More than 60 yards of the
Great Northern main' " I!n wn
washed out by the flood down the PRISONS OVERCROWDED
canyon and railway officials said
ready- accepted from as a World I
court, where :we - can settle our I
differences by the orderly adju-
ditioa of the law instead of by the !
wrangling, the brawllngs, and the
eventual violence wmch are its
only, alternatiyes, whetherf be- i
tween men or between nations."
tonight that it. will be impossi-
" bit to repair the tracks until Mon
day at least, i The'; east bound
train was delayed here tonight.
The water was four feet deep just
! (Continued oa pass S)
TACOMA, Wash., .Sept, 4. (By!
Associated Press ) .-Congress Mil
ton Shreve of Erie, Penn and
I S TALKtU j district. New York, members of a!
house subcommittee on; appropria
tions, arrived, here ' today ' to in
spect the McNeil Island federal
penitentiary. f,: ; '(.-, .-, ;
They were met here by Finch
R. Archer, warden of the peni
tentiary, who will take them to
tne island prison Sunday.
'We found thej Leavenworth
prison greatly overcrowded on our
Fear that friends of G. F. Baun,
murdered Independence taxi driv
er and World war veteran,; might
take the law Into their own hands
and cheat the gallows at the state
prison of its rightful prey, caused
th Polk county, officials to piace.n.t tl . ,f .
WJ R, Lloyd, confessed slayer of S ?t? T
the taxi driver, in the Multnomah
county ! jail for safe keeping. Joe
Helgerson. Polk county district at
torney, said yesterday. . , "
i "Sayr It a good hard wind came
long or thre husky men leaned
against our county jail the build
ing would fall over," Helgerson
declared., "We are ,not able" to
keep it desperate character in the
jail, - let. alone keep1 anyone from
tearing it to pieces -fronv the outside.:-
"7 ,-- , Jr " - . jr,W-
' A 13-page confession, replete
.'with details of the crime, wag ob
tained, from Lloyd, the district at
torney said. ' .'. . ;5 Z' -r; '
, Since the apprehension of the
ex-convict an kiile,r there, have
been persistent rumors that should
he be returned to Dallas Baun had
derstood by our committee that
all the government's prisons, have
more Inmates than they can care
for properly said Representative
Shreve on his arrival here. "The
object of our tour is to make a
special study of the conditions for
the purpose of recommending con
struction of an additional prison
at some other point or enlarge
ment of the present institutions."
Mr. Shreve attributes the pres
ent conditions to criminal legisla
tion enacted during the past few
Sept. 8. (By, Assotiatedl Press.)
Reports from America that
sufficient friends to save the state eiht tet Tal Were removed
tU cost of a trial, and a short ,rom.tll, Sbnandoah is rejarded
trial before" "judge lynch" has t the Zeppelin works here as a
heen'discTissea. - - lexical exiransa'crtia crater.
m - cm . j ; . .,
; fm .-., -bin
are presented by the latest Mit- nto two sections, on stian tr-.
cheipronouncement, to aetermme ballooning over a hazardous and
tacts in tne case oy oiuciai circuitous course to a hillside rest-
tlgaUon and then proceed along inif Uce 12 mne. tha
lines Uld down la army regula- settling more Immediately to the
"one. (ground. Further breakinr no of
Colonel Mitchell has been called the portion which dropped more
upon several times lately to ex-1 directly to the ground waa caused
plain statements attributed to by the contact it could not aviod
him. Secretary Weeks directed I with high tree tops.
Come of these smaller fragments
(CaUa4 o pr 2) I we lodged In the branche of
trees that covered the stones.
MURDER. CHARGE FILED CapUia Steele's statement, the
I first formal pronouncement by a
SLAYER OF OFFICER IS NOWnaT official concerning the wreck
"Tne cause or the disaster is
TACOMA, Sept. 5. Should W11-TT apparently due. to the effect
liam Charles, 27, slayer of Dollar
La plant, marshal of Eatonvllle,
win his battle with death at the
county hospital here, he will live
only to face trial on a charge of
first degree murder, which was
filed against him here today.
Friday Charles appeared at the
home of a relative in an intoxicat
ed condition and when Marshal
Laplant attempted to arrest him.
tired a fatal shot at the officer.
Laplant returned the fire; sending
a bullet into the base of his as
sailant's brain.
Attendants st the
of forces which the alrshlir was
unable to withstand. I have sailed
with Capuin Lansdown and I
know. how careful a navigator he
was." !
i t
high; Ellsworth Kelley. 17 years,
above average; James Wlllos, 11
years, or below average, and Wil
liam Lloyd 1C.9 years. Estimates
were made of both the mental and
emotional responses of th men.
"Murray's mentality could be
compared, to that of Leopold, If
such a comcarison could )
made," Anderson declared. "He
has an lndoralnable will, aa af Ca
ble disposition, and rapid mental
response." His emotional resoons-
es were described as "Intermit
tent." rapid with some emotiots.
but less so with others. Murray
exhibited aa aptitude for mathe
matics and In all comparktlvily
simple problems made no errors.1
ins reasoning was shown to be
above average, vwith a record of
six errors out of some 80 ques
tions requiring reasoning. Ia sew
quired knowledge, he rated far
above the average high school
graduate, although he has had but
a year and a half of high school
Kelley is described by Anderson
as having slow mental reactions
knd deliberate but active emotion
al responses. He exhibited an
ability to fixate his attention over
a long period with increasing ef
fectiveness, although the usual
tendency U for decreased effective
ness, over a period of time. Ills
answers- to Questions, revealed
moderstely well developed erao-
hospital reported this evening
that, the injured man's condition
was critical and that no change
in his condition had taken place
during the day.
Marshal Laplant died this morn
ing at 5 o'clock with a bullet
wound in the lungs. He had serv
ed as. marshal for only four days,
having taken office September 1.
SPOKANE. Sept, 5w (By the
Associated Press.) Reorganixa
tion of the districts In the Pacific
northwest conference of the Meth-
Eatonvmeiodlst Episcopal church south, ef-
NEW .YORK. Sept, S. (By
Associated Press.) Reinstate
ment of Babe Ruth for the New
York Yankees series next week
with the Red Sox was expected by
the exiled home run. king tonight,
after Manager Miller Huggins had
announced be would take the sus
pended outfielder with the team
to Boston, tomorrow. Declaring
he had privately accepted Ruth's
apology for criticism of his man
agerial ability. Huggins said he
had' made up his mind to put Babe
back in the lineup, but declined
to ssy wnsl day tbe restatement
would take effect,.
fected at today's sestloa of the
annual meeting, transferred the
eastern Oregon churches from the
Inland Empire district to the Port
ias d district and combined the
Montana district "with the Inland
Empire churches. Rr. J. M-
Dills is presiding elder of the In-
isna empire cistrict. but a new
elder will be chosn for the Port
land district. Rev. J, C. Jones hav-
ing been placed on1 the . retired
ministers list at his own request.
The conference will, close San-
day evening with the assignment
of ministers.
(CtU4 par 4)
L . "
Associated Jr ess) "A very sharp
earthquake" was recorded be
tween 1141 a. n. and .2:30 p. n.
today os the . aeismograph at
Georgetown university. rather
Tondorf, seismologist, said tte
maximum disturb see was record
ed" between 1J:1$ o'clock sad
12:18 o'clock. He estimated tbe
distance at 5.50 miles frc-i
Washington, bat was usable to
determine the direction.
The Great Koran, actentlfie mind rcadlag wizard, who apr
at the Bllgh thia weHr, ThrongU sporfal trrsnrmrDt with Th
Stateem&n, Koran has wnd'-rtakrn to atuwer all questions nt to
him care of Tti KLatnuuan frw of charge. Clip out thU nsoanrA.
mnit and snX it with your qur-vtlun aad a self addrcniK-il lUiuni-Ti
envelope to Koran, rare of The KLt-maa. - Korso hn a won1--.
ful reputation in the world of mrnt;l vi Izard i The sit-mj:
take pleasure la praxmtlr.;r thla cj' Jlon wrvl-r to ii r .wt
frr of charge,
CorrwpoBKViits muH confine lU'.r ;ucrln ta o- quc;ion c-.uli,
as that Is all that tle C-ct Koraa undertake to aaawer 1 r
one prnoa.