r " r w v it i IT- THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5. 1025 Classified Market; Place Section Salelii's Great r "" X t i f I 1 i 1 1 J Vf, Vs- REAL ESTATE 6S 6 BOOMS HOME. VACANT: ROCTH. with garage and modern. $.1000 ' on mighty reasonable terms. Large east front lot with garden and fruit. Beck Hendricks. U. 8. Bk. Bide. 63s4tf IF TOC HAYEFOCXD THAT MAKIXQ living sa from a to 5 acres was pip .dream we can trad it in en a splendid -10 acre farm only 5 miles out : we have an acre, close with plas tered 4 room noose wertk $2,000 to trade for something bigger; 40 im proved aeres at Alsea with good house and barn and a small orchard and a lot of fine timber worth 92000 for a Halem home and will assume: 80 In- r proved and equipped aeres right near Newport highway sad worth 93500 for small tract er rialem heme; 50 of the best Howell Prairie improved aeres -and ' worth . 811.000 to trade for Salem home; 12 " fruit acres with a bice 4 room house and other improvements and worth : 960O0 for a larger farm; a splendid 7-roora modern house : in Helens worth. 95250 for a few acres with smsll Improvemens near street ear. MeOH.OHKIST PKXNINGTOS 20 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone J 40 . 63s2tf 110 DOWN i-i'i'' 910 per month buys 2 lots, one of which faces on paved street and car line, Price siou. YY. II. GRABENHORST , COJ Realtors. 275 State St. Thone 515 ' : -!,.- 638 YOU, THOUGH OP LIM ITED MEANS, may reap the benefits of Investments in - rapidly-advancing close-in property under a plan Intel) begun. Others have and are pleased I fifllKr 'T'-room bungalow with fire LtVrvrjIV pije aa4 irodern ronven ! ilui dandv little nlaatered 2- roan house with toilet, city water and electricity; ground 92x144; well ' lo cated: all for 9200. Larger rents I now for 930 and smaller ' for 910. Stoves, beds, tic, included Buyer could occupy one and rent the other; very practical. 70x90 ON CEN'TEU BETWEEN L1B- ertr and High: business prop erty: rapidly advancing value. Price fH400. Income better than 10 per rent. ' Will accept 6 room house up to 93000 In exchange. Home rssn. . 1- Cf7V GARAGE HOUSE AND FINE J4U I .... ,. i0 lo Parrish Grove ' Addition, Salem's most central and I beautiful residence loestiou: only half block from Pacific Highway; corner. .n.wlv naved. near New Parriah high ' school. Easy terms. Beats renting. -in ARRIS Masonic TVple Fhones 795, 1942-J. ! A REAL BUY Modern duplex home, close in location, price 99500, income tlOOO oer vear. W. 11. GRABF.SHORST 'ft CO. Realtors. 275 Stste St. Phone 515 f 63&8 SPECIAL BUYS ft EXCHANGES Soft-err well improved an all clear arrsneed for dairying. Good build ings and silos; in Willamette valley. Will exchange for 1 or 2 smaller ' ranches up to $;6,0O0, will consider lsnd anywhere. 40 seres all cleared, house, two barns, stork, machinery, feed. $5000. terms. 157 acres. 16 clesred, balance burned over, house, barn, 30 acres fenced," for quick ssle, 91800. H room imiderrj .pavement, barn, garage, fruit, 92500, easy terms. - KOOOLOFSKY : Real Estate and Loan 34 1 State, i; t . 633tf GARAGE HOUSES 915 A MONTH will buy. interest included. Water and lights and ready to occupy. - See at 1020 and 1C32 Yew street. Just souih of Cm. Bceke' ft Hendricks, V. S. Bk. Bldg. 83s4tf GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES 5 room bungalow on paved St. Paving paid; with some furniture, for 92300, part cash; d-reora bungalow, has fireplace, ga rage, large corner lot, shade trees lor 2250; 9850 cash, balance like rent. - Pine 8-rOom 'bungalow on paved St. ad paid, with small house in rear, of IM. owner anxious to leave ana oners property at sacrifice. ' Price 92555.00. Pine 10-acre tfsct 1 mile out, good bldgs, electric lights, part in choice fruits, rro,' stock and furniture to go at 96500, best of terms. D-cre tract in Liberty fruit district, 8 acres in , berries, and prunes, house and 'outbuildings, good spring. Price 91500. Vil exchange clear and pay difference 'or assume for e-roora house in Salem. a-4T acre tract mile out, 4 room . . hiuse, well, most all in berries, price 9lioo, will assume or pay difference for home in town. - - ' To buy your- home see - CHILD8 ft BECHTEL 640 State SU , . 63s3tf THREE ROOMS-- HOME MODERN r Harare. For Sale right Vacant Sep ' teniber. 10.-: 9300 down, balance like rent. Price 92100. Becke ft Hen dricks. V. S. Bk. Bldg. ' i 63s4tf ,. - - FOR SALE ' 4 room hense. N. Front St price 91000. Vour own terms. - t Oiew 4 room house on Norway St, near Ath St. Price 92300. Terms. 7 rooai house and 3 lots east front near ear line. North Salem. Price 94500. Will take small house or lot as first payment. 5 rooms on paved street, city wster, lights, sewer, hot and cold water, east front. Price 91600. and asimme pav ing; 9200. rash, balance to suit. . KRUEGER. Realtor 147 X." Commercial, ' ; Phone 217 63sS 1XK1K AT THIS ONE Fine S acres close in, 6 room house. new barn, chicken house. Oiie cow, 50 chickens, all farm tools. Bst-n full of i bay. Trade for house in town. Don't fail to see this. New 4 room house and two lots, 91400 with 9100 down and easy, terms." , Want houses and farms to rent. r SALEM REALTY CO. 462 8tU 8t. " Phone 1004. - ' - - - 63s6 fi-ROOM BUNOALOW, FURNACE. COM , pletely furnished , Including electric stove, well built in, an exceptional buy at 93750.- Very essy terms. --. .'i n rooms sng breakfast nook, new, oak v , floors, excellent construction, well ar ranged garage, furnace and fireplace, ou cannot do better at 94500. ' in every way and best of locations. tills ia an unusual homo and csn he furehssed entirely furnished for 911,-50- er will sell unfurnished. - WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor " 218 Oregon- Bldg. 63a28tf FOR BALE A SEVEN ROOM MODERN home. Excellent Vestion. IM blocks , front State honselond V4 block from raeif higHway. ' Irfit 65x185. Ad- . ifret owaer. ' 1051 Chemeketa street. Salem. Oregon. 88ltf I ; FOR SALE OR TRADE InO-arre fsrio. abent R0 arres under! eiiiiivation. balsaee timber and pasture. Anout 100a eords of wood, 1C0 aeres pasture adjoins farm, rbesp psMurstfe, - will trsde for lots in Salem. Drno In and see me. This farm has very fine 'Mdrs. -i Hotel nesr Salem to exchange for rity pHiperty or smsll rsneh near here. . 40 sere with rood bides. -room hnnxe. mod barn, machine - shed. ' rbirken tmnse. Wood shed, 34 aeres in diversi fiej fruit, prune, strawberries, black berries, balance pasture, this is ' idesl Place. Equity 8B500, will trade. lor 1 larger "form.- . -71 acres, 15 acres fine prune orchard. - -warres strswherrles, 5 aeres loraa lerriev food 7 -room - modern . bouse. ; flood barn and O'.her - ont-buildinrs. .Trune dryer and etc. Equity 8 12,000, traite tor urcer farts or eity property. fe me for trades and. city or farm ' lonn. .- . j . " O. W; -TJLTtML 410 Oreron Bide. REAL ESTATE 63 FOB CITY HOME WITH COCXTRY ADVAX- tagrs lot 150x200 (half block) fruit, berries, garden. Can keep cow. Gar age. 7 room plastered house, basement, fireplace, bath, toilet, eoodahed, poul try house,, barn. Good iview; ia South ftalem, priced reasonable, terms, 849 Rural avenue. Nesr I two schools, churches, street rsr line. See owner, V. C. Conner, Statesman of I ire. C3.2tf WE are offering fine pla ered 6 - room houie in-a fine lo ratinn en a large corner lot and a double garage for 9-1 0O. HAVE selected your suburban home! If not, you let us show some of eiirs. 8 acres with a good 6 -room house, full basement: 3 yeafl-rouud springs, 140 young walnut trees, shade trees, and! own i wood. Yours for 92500. i BARGAINS do not always last. 5 - room plastered house, full base meat. Near Center St. at 92250. fca.y terms. I IN order to appreciate a (certain really rood fi-room house on X. 15th St.. near the IParrish -Junior High, yon must go through it. A large lot. Plenty of fruit A bargain at 93700. SALEM HOUSES AND grocery stores are money-makers. We re bffering an es penally - good one . Wilt Invoice stock or lump at 92300, . J . - In Salem are near ly all filled. people have Just begun to move in for the school yesr W hy not buy one and i pay for it like rent! 5 -Tootn plastered buncnlow close In. Esst terms. A new 4 room bungalow at 81180, 9200 down balance like rent FARMS nest Salem are rood value. We have 10 aeres mile south of Sa lem.j 100 acres rood grain and fruit land under . cultivation Large buildings. snap; at 965 per acre - ULRICIT AND ROBERTS Realtors 122 N. Com'l St. Phono 1354. 63s8 SOME WORKMAN TWO LARGE LOTS on sewer, lights and wster. Close to car and schools. Priced; 9400 for both. Good garden ground. Bonded Abstract. Everything clear. Reasonable terms to "responsible party. Berke ft llendrii-ks. U. S. Bk. Bldg. i , 63s4tf FOR SALE 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, close to school: large closets,' furnace, garage, fruit. Wonderful buy. Call at 1140 X. 15th. I 636 A. C. Bohrnstedt ' Victor Schneider Realtors Rpeclslise ia Oregon farms,' Salem hemes and write Insurance. 147 Xo. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 63al3tf GROCERY STORE WELlJ LOCATED IN prosperous neighborhood! 95o0O Gro cery store and general merchandise, the only store in community, making good money. Garage and great eombina v tiou of business included, making ex tra rood ooner in food; Iocs lit v. S10.- 000. Trade old house for new one in Salem. Trade Portland! property for Salem. Gertrude J. M. i Page, Realtor. 492 N. Cottage. - I 63a30tf NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, "GARAGE, naved St.. only S370O. easy terms. 10-arres snburban, 9 acres ' Vcaring prunes and strawberries, bldgs. Snap, S4000. 94000 stock of groceries and fixtures in rood , valley town for Salem rest denre. 6 room modern bungalow, $2800. Good lots. 9250 each, .investigate. For rent 10-acre tract close in, good bldgs fruit, paved road; Citr property farms. Arrears. PERRIXE ft MARSTERS 212 Cora. Club Bldg. f 63s3tf LARGE FAMILY RENTING WE HAVE two 8-room homes with lot and half each. Loads of fruit and garden; 93250 and 93000. Reasonable terms I Becke ft Hendricks, U. 8 Bk. Bldg. 63s4tf Nothing Succeeds Like Success Daady sew for-rooan jd nreskfsst . nook bungalow, bnsemeti, furnace. paved 8 La.. 93000.00. Term. Five arrea. all in fruit anil- berries Close to car line, electric light. snap. 93500.00, essh; 80 acres, paved road, fine fish, good soil. living stream. 12 mile from Salem, Ore 94500.00. essh. Rich L. Reimann Realtor 147 . Com'l St. Phono 726 R 1 63i22tf FOR SALE . New 3-room bungalow with H acre, beautiful shade trees. Price 82100. 8300 down, balance 823 ' per month. I ' L W H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 373 State St. I "Phone 515 I -- 3s6 MINUTE MOVIES I waU'e ft -a f AV-T jr ft I sJ r Fuller vwn's ctiety i - . L THETRiMNWG- flA fWCT TOUR 3 ay AaA. 'tfc e A 1 A f0R TVCyCAN -TrCr4 MTU2E THE. TRAINS TO CARRV TVElR TrOCPS ACROSS "WE BRttxSE. TO ATTACK li yZ es SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE. GOOD LO- I ration, east front, corner lot, 44x74, paving in, bearing walnuts, fireplace; exceptional bargain for quick sale. 70S X. 17th St. Phone 172i J. S3sU ROOM HOUSE. WOOD SHED AXD donble wail cellar. Some large cherry trees, 3 blocks to school, 910 on easy term. Cood building Int. East front, paved street, 2 ' blocks to car, aame distance to school, $M)0, 92OO down. 6 room plastered house, modern except basemen . Paved street. I V blorks tv car, 93500, has large lot-and fruit trees. SKE J. A. MILLS 331 State St. i e.1i SPECIAL . Hirocery with 5 living moms and ga rage, good location. 91500; 6-ronnt bonne. 917iM), will take light car, bal ance 925 per month; 100 acres, a dsndy farm, will trade for small tract or city property: 80 acres, most all in timber, small house. 12 miles out on paved road, $75 per acre: will trade lare 9 roora hooe and 8 lots, renting for 935.00 per month; will trade for small THOMASON, 33lVi State Street. CSs.'itf CAR MAKES FIRST PAY M EXT ON 6 room home, 1 120 Chemeketa. Bath. hot water, cement walks and paved. Close to everything you want. Imme diate notftession. Price 83300.00 Becke ft Hendricks. U. S. Bk. Bldg 63s4tf REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 TOWN HOUSE OFFERED For n small farm on good road. If yon have it see Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. W ill give vou a fair exchange, 65s3tf ppppppppPVppp.fppppppppppppp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP 2200 X2UO PP PP EXCHAXGE8 EXCHANGES PP PP GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE Pi' PP HEADQUARTERS PP PP Offices Salem and Portland PP PP The demand for exchanges PP PP ha made necessary our PP PP GREAT MARKET PLACE PP PP where tie requirements oi all PP PP can bo matched. We have PP PP Just what you A are in mind: PP PP just where yon want it: just PP PP the right piiee. Our list of PP PP exchanges (the largest list- PP PP ing en the Pacifie Coast) PP PP guarantees your complete sat- PP PP isfactioa regardless of your ro- PP PP auirements. If vou would like PP PP to exchange your property PP PP TODAY, com in TODAY, PP PP Open evenings. See ! PP PARKER FOR PROPERTT PP PP 40 U. S. Bank Bldg. PP PP Com'l at Stste. Phone 2242 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 SACRIFICE SALE - HO acres part In timber. Price 92700 rash, located 10 miles south and 1 mile from paved road. W. H. GRABEXHORST ft CO. Realtors. !75 State St. Phono 515 676 NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN good farm lands. We have all kinds at all prices. A. C. BOHRX STEDT Realtor. Loans and Insurance 147 Xo. Com'l. St- Salem. Ore. B7s30tf SPECIAL BAROAIX 5-arre borne located 4 miles east 1 of the Fair Grounds with good S-room bungalow. Price 92100, terms. , W. II. GRABEXHORST ft CO. Realtor . 27i Stste St. - - Phono MS i 67s FOR 8ALE CHEAP 37 ACRES Ol fine land, six miles from Salem. Good new buildings, about half cultivated balaneo pasture. Running water, aom timber. Will give good terms. Mign' accept soma trade. J. J. Mnthta, vi er. Telephone 105F5. Salem. Ore. RL 7. , 6710 FOR SALE 5 acres of good land located on . , the . Garden Road ner the Swegle school : 5-room house, ga rage, has berries, young fruit trees, and walnbts. Price 92625 93H5 cash: balance terras. W. H. GRABEXHORST ft CO. Realtor 275 State. St. Phone M5 - BARGAINS - 8:oek ranch, 700 acres. 100 acres clear, ' balance timber and open pasture. 40 acres bottom land; spring and well water. Two houses; Urge barn and out buildings: fenced mostly woven wire. Good gravel road to the place and only 3 miles from small town on Pacific highway. No hills to climb. Price 930.00 per acre. Might take city prop erty to 910.OOO.00; terms on balance. 40-aere dairy ranch, 30 acres riven bot tom land in alfalfa. - New. . modern bungalow, good barn, apring water. .piped to buildings. Located on main road close to Salem. Price 912.500.00. half cash or tske homo part pay. F. L. Wood, 341 State SU 67s3tf 910 DOWX 810 per month buys s H acre tract with bearing fruit trees. located one block from car line and Taved road. W' JI. GRABEXHORST ft CO. Realtors. - 273 State St. Phone M 7s6 WANTED REAL ESTATE 7 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP - WANT ACTION I PP PP Do you want to sell your prop- PP PP crtyf Are you going to buy PP PP some other property after you PP PP sell I If you are. see us NOW. PP PP We complete both deals ia one PP PP transaction. We trade what yon PP PP what yon have for EXACTLY PP PP what tou want. Our eervire is PP i'" sumriaingly different. 220O PP PP trade for you to choose from. PP r PP PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP ft out t . 8. Bsnk Bldg. PP PP Telephone 224 - TP Say It, With a Classified Ad ( Kui TVaS TUFT fflHC HEXT MEAD G0CS To A LESSOM vr4 HlLTAT? CJ S4J REAL ESTATE NJJE CWST RESORT T6 teSrWATE MPASJRE - ArJt CARS Ore Aaw AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 Elker Auto Co. W pay-ease, for Fords. T7mI2tf USED CARS FOR HAIJt 7t PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX Real Values 1923 Dodge Roadster - ltt24 Ford Coupe 1920 Essex 4 touring . 1921 Mrtdebsker Big 6 142U Over lsnd touring 1920 Chevrolet touring 9475 425 3m) touring ... 9550 l"v 85 fe.ex 4 Sedan. ew paint a dandy ., , and 9650 ASK MORPHEW t i . Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 350 X. High 81. Phone 2126 HUDSON PACKARD ESSEX 7v4if OakUnd Touring. 1920 9150.00 Overland Tour. 1924. extras 9425.00 1 lodge Touring. 1919 9-1-'5.00 Chevrolet Sunerior Snort Tour. 1924 model i 9485.00 I Chevrolet Roadster. 1920 9150.CO Dodge Roadster. 1923. Balloon tnvs : (.. 985.00 ! Dodce Delivery ! .. 9225.oo Mild ell Vouring. 1920 S250.00 Overland Tour J 9U0.OO ' BONESTKELE MOTOR CO.. Visit our used car lot. 796 1B24 GARDXEIt COUPE The famous five ' bearing crank shaft motor, leather trimmed, bumper, no. light, motormeter. license and other equipment. A city owned rsr, esreful- ly nsed. 9973 on essy terms or your light car taken in trade. Bl'RDETTK-ALBEE MOTOR CO. 217 State. Corner Front. 7a6 FORD BUO WIRE WHEELS. TWO EX- ti-a wheela and tires, plenty extras. Will sell cheap. B. M. Griffith, 1295 McCov m 79s3 WILL TRADE GOOD CAR FOR LOT " city. Call 311. 7s8 CERTIFIED BARGAINS Now Available 13 Ford Sedan 9310 1923 Cleveland Roadster 9695 1924 Star Sen an 9700 123 Overland Touring 370 1924 Star Touring .9475 1924Jitar Sport Touring $575 1921 Hupmobile Touring 8485 1923 Stadebaker Big 6 Sport ... 9ttS 1924 Essex 1 950 1923 Esaex 9590 . We have number of good cars with starters and battery ligh'.a for less than 9200. CERTIFIED PUBLI4- MOTOR CAR MARKET 233 N. Chorch St. 79a30tf I Hiker's Two eon starter touring Fords with Itceuae. 45 aud 956. Too wurh serv ice in these cars to wreck. Both in good running condition. Eiker Auto Co. Phone 121 79j31tf 1924 FORD TOURIXO. 9325 Here is Ford in excellent condition with some extras. Buy it on our essy tetms police. BURDETTK-ALBEE MOTOR CO. 217 State St Corner Front. 796 VELIE ROADSTlflt, 9275 A late model with the Red Seal Con t'nental motor, good tires and paint. Easy terms. B V RD ETT R-A LB EE MOTOR CO. 217 Stste St, Corner Front. 79s8 7 0NLY TWO USED CARS LEFT There's Reason W"hyl 1925 Hudson Coach ha been nsed for demonstrator . ...91250 1923 Paige Seven-passenger fully equipped. Price 9 1 200; rormeriy owned by prominent Ssleta eituen. Our regular gusrsntee is on these cars that's the rciuaot have very few nsed csrs on ho We have the bo ins in the ststi Par While! nu Ride. " MAC DONALD AUTO COMPANY Uinaon, Chandler and Cleveland car Corner Cottare and Ferry. Phone 409 . , s r 79a29tf Guaranteed Used s Fords 1924 Roadster .9315 .8425 1924 Model Coupe . 1920 S-dan 9230 Term to auit ptirchaser. - VALLJsY MOTOR CO. Authorised Ford Dealer Phono 1995. 260 No. H'rh. ' . 79s4tf FTKKR'S TTSr- eARS 1922 Tourinst 9245 1924 Coupe 8435 Our nsual guarantee behind all enra. Eiker Auto Co. Liberty SUeet at Ferry Phone 121. 79jl8tf Used Cara at a price and with quality that will please you. 1924 Osrdner Sport Touring 9900.00 1924 Overland Touring. 400. t-o 1923 Chevrolet Coupe f.'W1.Wi 1920 Dodge Roadster ... S25.00 1920 Buick Reodster 41M.no 1922 Maxwell 42..00 We also have Ford and Chevrolet at faO.00 and up. 'After We Pelt We Servo" F. W. PETTYJOHX CO. 863 N. Commercial SL Phono 12C0 ?9a23tf GOOD USED PAKT8 FOB HALF OR 1ms. Who pay morel Money back guarantee. rubeolar Ante Wrecking Co. Look tor the orange front. Day phone 819. Night phono 503. 1085 N. Commercial St. "Bail to save money." 79-J18U I (AH rights protected by The George Mathews Adams IS APlPE.&VCOy,' ALL yA -v -zGoT lb do IS USE. THE SHALL WE .TAKE. Fathead i S I; ELECTET j TbAMSofErl TrEFlR3T j S a 1 S I rtZ 1ai jr 1 III ihrtuuwi. & 1 lsrr f - ?ir?T Vt?UMr X'. CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMSUUUrCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHOXES 909 and NttS-K. Day or night service. fl4tf AUCTIONEERS ! F. N. WOODUT - i ; Expert Livestock, farnitnre, real estate Ai.CTIONr.rK I Res. lit 10 N Bummer Phono &11 for sale dates. i WOODRY WOODRY Expert Livestock. Furniture. Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years' experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Oflu-e 271 X. Com'L Tel. TS. Kes. 9 S. Commercial, TeL 14J W for ssle dstes. ' ACCOCMTAMT 10. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Asd I; Itor. 231 Vi Suto. Phone 20ve K. SIT- 3 BATTERY AND KLECTRICIANS B. D. BARTON EXIDK BATTERIES li starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND KSPAIRIXO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY I cles and repairing. S87 Court BEAU KELINOra MIKE PAX EK 275 SOUTH ! risl St. Phone 102. COMMKR CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK U M. HUM Chinese Medicine Compsny Hels any known disease. 4o-42 State. a SOtf CHIROPaVACTOR r'. O. Ten Phc L. SOOTT. U8C. CHIROPRACTOR. mporary adoress, sao . Jliga one K or 8. K. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 928 uregoa oiug. mono zivs. man TOR RHEUMATISM. PARALYSIS, Neuritis. Indigestion. t onstipstion. Lumbago. Heart trouble. Obesity. Kid ney and Liver disorders or Sleepless' lessness. csll at 249-253 S. Cottas St. S. H. Logan. Phone 2214. Oct DRESSMAKING! PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY TH ; wording, "1reasmaking;" price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Utlice. Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. 1 stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil- lvr'a StoreT Phono 117. LADIES TAILOR WE DRAFT OUR own paterns for dresses, costs or suits. Mrs. S. If. Logan, 249-253 S. r Cottsre St. Phone 2214. 4Ht.3 SKTJCt STOKES DRUGS. CHEMICALS. TOILET ARTI- clea, perfumes, expert prescriptiooiste. Capital Drug Store, eejraer Slate and Liberty. ELECTRICIANS AALKM ELECTRIC ' CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1300. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AXD SUPPLY i go Phone 1934, 22a-N. Liberty. - fLEENEX ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring Ly hour or contract. Estimate famished. Phono 9SO471 Court St 4 ARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST . , r . -w- f i i I arm vapor aveo iac 10 tnv I Homeatead. Salem. Oregon, for n tores t months' . trial suhscrip.ion. Montton ! this ad. .... POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps .or special taree memos trial for the best and oldest Joarnet in the west. The articles and advertise auonts sre of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Xorthwesk Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com aaereiel street. Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL ITOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mert gagee. Trust Deeds. Contracts en bouses Will net 6w to SO1. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U 8. Nat l Bank : Jl U FARM LOANS -PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan rood farm aeenntr. CITY LOAN'S We are . loaning Pro dential Iasuranca Company mvuey on citr residences and business property, t 5ViA. Dins a cemssisstoo. Hawkiaa ft RoborU. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building. d I4tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 4U Oregon Building rLOEISTS CUT FM)WERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS. tuners! wrea:hs. decorations. U. r. Breithsnpt. florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. rBXEEAJ, DIRECTOKS Salem mortuary, funeral direc- tors. 210 Center. Phone I65n EAT XXeOCKTJfO ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ELL8- ! worth Hst Shop. S47M Court, upstairs S HEM8TTTCHUIO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. Eleot I ing; bat toss, stamping and needle work, i 828 Oregon Bldg. faoae tiv. HEMSTITCHING. BUTTONS AND : pleating. Satisfaction guaranteed 1 Mail order promptly filled. Creglowe, I 1253 State St. ' 23 Berrl -Trade Hark Registered U. . L. as. omr nOT Trt CLASS IS EV "THE CAP SOCKED WNt H0) MrOni IT BE TO SsTtAK MTb THE: RAJLWAy TCM AND TEAR UP THE TICK&T5 ?? Haw 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranceid In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference 1H8URANCR Insure Tour homo or ear now -v rasa 181 BECKE HKNDRTCKS S Bank BIJg, KODAKS EXPERT AXD IXDIVIDUAL ATTEf tion given to your developing, and prmtinr Capital lrr W:ore. UkUSDRIZS SALEM LAUXDRT COMPANY 283 8. H.gh street. Phone 25. oldest. Urg est and besU Fstsblished 1(89. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171. 1358 B Street, J17lf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phono 15. Sertieo with smile. Quality week 12i4 Broadway. J14lf LADIES' TAILOXXNO D. H. MOP HER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTXEISES MATTRESMES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 Xertn Capilul. Called for end deli vend. All work ruaranteed. Peene 19 flVlt MEDICAL MOCK TAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MILLIhTERY BARGAIX8 THE YEAR AROUND Felta and leather hata 83.00 and up Ellsworth Hat shop. 347 V Court, np stsirs. MUSIC 8T0RZS UEO. C. WILL PIAX03. PHONO graphs sewisg machines, sheet ansie. and piano studies. Kepairig pkwno grapba and sewing machmea. 4J2 State street. Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOK A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co, Music Dept NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAXD TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 9J9. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home eorly each morning. Tel. 23 or ana. VUUERY STOCK FRUIT, XUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Brea 237 State. PACKINO AXD SHIPPINO FOR EXPERT FURX RITURE PACKING nnd shipping, csll Stiff Furniture Store.. Phone 941. PAPERHANGISQ AJTD TAINTTNO PUOXE GLEXN ADAMS FOR HOUSE derorating, paper hanging, tinting, eve. Reliable workman. PIANO TW EES EDWARD WELP EXPKRIENCED Piano tuner. Luit orders will' a Muaie Store. PEDTTTjrcr UK KTATIONART, CARDS. PAMPH lets.- programs, book or any kind of printing, vt'ell at the SUtesman Print ing lfe-partmrat. 215 8. Commercial Tel. 5H3. - PLUatBINO PLUMBING ' AND flKNEKAL REPAIR work, (iraber Bros, 141 Liberty Kl Phone 556. f lt RADIO SPUTDOBF RADIO. BALES AND SERVICE No better' radio at any price QTJAliXTT OAKS High and Trade n si RADIO DOCTORS RALEM El.KtTKIC CO. F. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Masonic Temple pbeno 1400 Radiol a 3 Tor Every .rrpose Erery Parse All 8Undord Si tea of Radio Tubeo HAI.IK ft 3.17 V ELFCTR'C SHOP rt St. Pbono 48a P.EAXi ESaCTB F YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if vow are looking lr home, f or fens. nets property, see as. nKCKK A HENDRICKS U. 8. National Bank Building. S8tf EEPATEDf O ALVIN B. STEWART . 847 Court nx. UMBRELLAS. CUTLERT AXD KEYS Le-nuMwrn. rasor blade, scissors, knives and tools sharpened SCAVXXOEKS SOOS SCAVENGER 8ER VICE Garbage and roiaso of nil kind removed by the oath. H mm able ratee. Ceoa pool cleoaed and dead animals removed. Phooea Off 100 85 or 7. Res. 205a SECOND HAND GOODS VIKTF.D .EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- ing and shoe a. Best priee P. Cap ital Esehange, 842 North Commercial. Phone 1988 W. B. Patent OfOoe) U'Er ARE SHOULD HAVE 3TA - .' :taisvi ooo- Z0b VESTERDAy tr-i ALL STOEAOE We 8TOKK YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods or anikiag y have, by the wek. Bienth or year. p. A. Eikee, corner Ijhertv end Ferrv. Pboee III d I4tf STOVES AJTD STOVE REPAIEUfO STOVK- REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 years' exporieneo. Depot Nat weal fence, mm 24 to fta la. high. Paints, ie end vara x See. etc.. loganberry and hop hwoks. belem Fence end Stove Works. S0 Cert street Phase 12 1 ! TRAJIsrER AJTD HAUXINO CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State Ht. Phono sue. DistribalUg. t-r wsrding aad storage our spciUy. Got our rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE noM goods. Our specmlty is piano nod rurniture moving, wo olao make coun try tripe. We handle the boat cool and wood, (.all on oa for pxieeo. Wo give good measure, good quality nod good Bwrvwe. l-arm-r Traaafer Co. Phone 910. TRANSFER AXD HAULING 0 ALL kinds Pbnee 1F. I WATER SALKM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Uifico 304 !eoth lomnsemal Su Ten pen rent discount on domestic I '.si rate paid in advanco. e deduction for absence or any cease us leas water is shut off your preaiseo. - I General Market I Hair)" Kvrlianr rORTL.,.Nl). i Sept. 4. Butter, extra. 50c; ntandanH. 4 9c; prime rinta, 47c: firstn. 4 5e. Krrb. extras. 42c; rirstn. 39c; pullelM, 37c; current receiptn, 3 3 He I I PORTLAXD. i Sept. 4. tlnyins price, valley timothy. l?i$19; da eastern Oregon, nominal; al falfa. IH.50j$19; jloter; $17; oat hay. tZ(lC; oat and vetrh. $16.506K$17; ftraw. $7. SO per ton. Selling prben $2 a ton more. Grain ; Futaree) PORTLAND. J Sept. 4. Wheat. hard white, blue stem and Raart. September and October, $1.53; oft white. September, $1.50; Oc tober. $1.49: western white. Sen- tember. 9 1.50; October, $1.49; hard winter. September. $1.48; October. $1.47:! northern spring. September. $1.4K; October. $1.47; western red. September and Octo ber. $1.45; II Bit hard white. Sep tember, $1.56; October. $1.55. Oata No. 2! 36-pound white feed, September and October. $29; No. 2 3s-pound gray, September aad October. $2S. Rarler So. 2 4-pound. Fep- temlier and October, $12; do 4 4 pound. September and October. $J1. Corn No." 2 early" 'shipment. September, $32.25.' s Millran, standard, Splember. $30.50; October. $2S. Ilopq NKW YORK, Sept. 4. Firm: 1924. 240 coast 1923. 2Cv 30c; 2C ' ; I ' 1 . - 1 MEMENTO SEEKERS STRIP SHENANDOAH (Continued from pat 1) - - I .he!r final resting place, thre 'of :!iem bound for the national cem etery at Arllnrion. Two more ho- iies were to be aent from the Ira p toy bed morgue t Belle Valley on their way to toe keeping 01 their relatives. The naval author- itles gathered here were awaking further word as the disposition of l ho remaining four bodies. Lieutenant Commander Zachary XtrTICK OF STOCK HOLDF.RS I SIKETIN'O i We, the undersigned Incorpora tors of the Oregon Linen Mills. Inc.. hereby call meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock of said corporation to be held at the rooms of the Eilim Chamber of Commerce In Salem, Oregon, on the 24th day of September, 1925 at the hour of 10 o clock a m for the purpose of organizing said company, electing a Board of Di rectors, adopting by-laws and transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. I ! E.; W.' PAGE. I TV A. LIVESLEY. ! T. M. HICKS. Aug. 23 to Sept 24 Inc. : j By ED WHEELAN ;X? LJECH TD-LW NULL DEAL JfiTH . STRATEG !" EMEry S ADVANCING to ATTACK VS - VP. TMy RtACH J .TUf RAiLUAV SRiTOn t 1 - LOST- FINISHED TrCy FAT i ATTEMPTS A STRANG w ZZB MCM H!l HAKES CMT g".-n3. rV P1 J I Bachelor Giving ' Away Millions 1 p i A. E. McNlcho!, C3. WlnrTi peg, ftIanitobt btvcbelor, tlocsa't want to die rich. He is firing . 8waj hU $8000,000 fortune to ebftritks ftnd relative. A cLaia of Boev-ie theaters made Lis for tone. Landsdowne. In command of the dirigible will sleep his last long sleep In Arlington among the na tion's heroue. The bodies of Lieutenant E. V. Sheppard. Wash Ingtnn, and Lieutenant J. It. I.aw rence. St. Paul. aWo were on their way to historic burial grounds. i In a Marietta hospital C. J. McCarthy, who was injured -In the crash. Is reported as still In a serious vendition. Ills Injuries are broken pelris. his fractures and internal injuries. Raymond Cole, the other Injured member of the crew, is recovering; rapidly. Commander Klein was reticent In giring out any information as to the canse of the accident. He declared that If the cause were known he would be bound to with hold the information netil Its re lease was sanctioned by the navy department. If any salTaglnir of the wreck- sue Is. done. It will be done for the purpose of nth ing np the duro aluminum framework In the opi nion of Commander Klaln. STATE or OEEOOV liEPARTMEVT OK STATE Salem XOTICE IS rlr-rU.BT CIVrC thai pnrkna.a .o tfc jiraieus of ett( 272C-272 (hrn IJv I he felWiel slt wirfsvte lveO for a per od 4 mce J Hen - eo .yeorot prior o JnHr L 19H. wf.l h declared void srd (illnrM thereon reed bf fhe Stsie. toserer at -goo. pr prrseBtrl for. jatal at he "ffi-e of tte Mlate Trurer. Salem. ihegeit. e ll in itr sin from the ( s-nimh-T. JO'i. is -dale mt Ik. firt paklicatien of Ikkm aeti-e: General TaBi tr.rtet Hate la U hUe ""- le - -r.vao s et '5.ov. . IOIT, iUnneM. K. II. 8 S3 ! reo. 11 jjie. lnhiM of rveI'oge - -. .. . r, fW 3H Var. 1 I1S f o,.Uv. W. J 'J ' Indastr al Aeeldeot Fund niCtJm w-t:. 1817, JJ. Ed- srd . - 9.0 124-S v,l, '-r... lei-. f;t, jk nei s o. - ... c 4-.7i' -o- II. 1917. IKi'a... H.rrr ; . r . 1.T2 2 Alt 71 472..1 Or. - J. IH,. o. C. 4ro. Or't. t. is it, tmw Iir. O. , IWker. Ir. 4115 Ort. i9 H . M fTf ev. I, loir S aek. Wa?t-r 20 77 Via-; l-e. a 7. Xeorotm. T. H .-2-,o IW. mt. Kherritt. Ilie . .. as Vme .lek . 2e 1017 r nar r.L : . s.- -.fcS4 !ie 1. 1917. Kaodj I Jim "T- CO- -i . " J,n ,,, p.t, IJ, ,, ,a SI9i iw. . ISIS. Haedv 1j"- Wf r. 7sg SIM Ji 21., 114. Henderson. " . . . lilt - 6U12 rh. m. lMS. . lle.Kaad. . P. .- . . .. o fr7. TeW. -n ISt. Tl-ea. J.h 111 62445 . 3-,. S. Ratavama. . . M1 i.K T,V 2V Il J rreoV It no V.. t. 1SS. Pettiogetl. Ceorge .. TiSl 53o:.t r,h. 1 11 a, JUsMlr Im- r C. . .. S.82 SS12 2. tl. Cent A Ron. fioon 1II7 '. 2". 181 . Olio A'Su-se- h-sck : .. 12 3",SI Var. . 4. . 1SI8. McTe41so. ' ttwteHek . .. 4 0t 4tl Wse . ISM. Msrhe. fH- o-ald : 9.Ct VS f,r. 18. ItlS. Xw-helaoo, J awes .... 1e) 'ar. 2t. 1S. R. Jka . 50 V 1V24 sr.. 2. ISIS. Fbillips, R. . 8.5 1T V,r. jr. 181 hT Co. Sondy l-mm- S 45 e. oj. e. . JT. HIS, Borns A . ""eo , t3 M.r. f. 0. Rimhy A Ap-. r'emj -. . , " Vir tote Kstss rroao wr4 MVt'tt... 18.1T Tlt Aor. a. toto.-iTTWk.- Far! . 7i6t Ar.., IflS. rolhoetaon. I. o 8778 1 aVe.isiS. no'nTjs'l'o" V4eV . S7 A or, IS. JOIS Coo.. We Sr-r :mK !. -ea 4e4e r7 Aor. "1. 4t rteiw. rjwerd S9SHS se. ?A toi e rfc.ri.ieoseo ' . Ufii r. r. m A-r. RuuVv A Ap- Wroe . '21 or. 2C..I4IS, Oooda-L D. ft. - - : : . 24 -:. SIS." HeuOralio 4 82 8.t .1 4. '.5 .11 ll itre.r .. 1 7 7!0 V--r ?(1 1 0 1 . Rrrew. Ke- w .r .. ...... ..' ! t -107 Vy orl. Si, r.iw. f--,. "I7S SOI .m a-v ve 01. . ! i.a 23r a 2T.. ins. rrsndsIL U. Tt. . . "27 'sv 20. ISIS. Os-airke. ft. M JM 3 -n"e" 2 "1 I . "fk esTe lit W." tt . - - 2-.4t o S. 't.. raVl. -4.1 . 7"!7 - e m. ISIS. Vahsmed. f er '.I. ! .. . . . 74125 to. tots. Sssrlner. -- 1 1 tts o.v. vi., '-o i,w )Q iWf- rt 7JJTS --e- OV 1SIA no tdeti. : O 4A TV TT.muvT vr"ror. 1 havo eS v e -4 ee4 tHe " of Fui of freer to bo rmt s'rt4 thte 24 djy t? . . fv a. Korrq, 8-5-1J 18 t. . Seeretary of tst. .1 1 -1 .'.1 l.TS ew 12.12 ej .ot 4 '1 .Slfm, Oru: .. -. -... 63S 1 I 4, ' .(.. -(. : ' ' .- -