' -( SATURDAY -MOilKlNG; SEPTEMBER 51925 STTRSftM FOR OUR BUSY HOUSEHOLDS - Does Your Family Like esx V ' By Rath Clapp ; Apple Croquettes Perhaps one reason why your To add variety to a noon-day family does not eat as many ap- meal a croquette made from ap ples as yon think they should is pies is a satisfying and healthful because there is little variety in dish. , the .way in which . apples are served. Isn't it true that most of the apples used in the home are eaten by hand or made into sauce or pie? Apples are particularly appetizing In hot dishes. ;, Even apple pie is much better served hot than cold. ' -; .. By way of introducing variety 1 cup boiled rice cup thick, tarf apple sauce Salt 1 teaspoon lemon Juice Grating of lenron peel 1 teaspoon butter. , ? ! Mii inrredients; well. When cold, sha'pe into croquettes. RolI ? in the use of afrples try Including the croquettes in crumbs and then .w i ' I in beaten egg. to which has been j Vr meal plans.' Apple muffins are I i! particularly good for breakfast or supper,.. , t , i Apple Muffins ! 2 cups flour - , teaspoons baking-, powder , r A 1 teaspoon salt ' rl tablespoon sugar 1 1 cup milk i ' ' .': . 1 egg i 1 , ;l 4 tablespoons melted fat f ; 'Cooked and ; sweetened apple- ' I sauce. ' ' . Sift the dry Ingredients. Add 1 s th milk and the beaten egg, and i j nix well. To this add the melted t . fat. Drop spoonfuls of the mlx- I . i ture separately ; in greased muffin V .. ; tins.' Add one tablespoon of a p- ":; plesauce to each muffin, and then j cover the sauce with the; muffin ; mixture. ' Bake from 25 to 30 minutes in a moderately hot oven. This recipe makes one dozen muf fine. . .;' . . ' Apple breakfast cake is a novel ty in breakfast breads. It takes longer to make than other hot K-' breads', but the family's apprecia ; v tion repays the extra efforts. . Apple Breakfast Cake , , lJi.cups. lepid water f X j'fiil 'alte compressed yeast Jections were for -quality, except 3,666 pounds which were rejected for being below the government standard In parity It Is Import ant to note, however, that the im purities did not consist of , arti ficial color or facing material. - . . l 1 again roll them in crumbs. Fry in deen fat. and drain bn soft paper. Serve with cheese sauce. Cheese Sauce ' 1 cup milk u- 51 tablespoon flour " 1 tablespoon butter- Salt and paprika to taste 3 tablespoons grated cheese, i Heat the milk. Mix the flour and butter and add to the hot milk, stirring until smooth. Add salt, paprika, and cheesa. Just before serving, beat the sauce with a Dover egg beater. j '-; Ham1 en Casserole With Apple Have you ever wished for a new way to 'cook ham? A ham and aDole casserole - dish solves the problem. ,; I I Select a slice of ham 1 inch thick, rub well with brown sugar. and place in a baking dish. Stick 2 cloves in the ham, and add ; 1 tablespoon of onion juice, core, and quarter tart tail ' i. -I 'uuft .cup sugar 1 i teaspoons salt !;3 (, cups flour 4 tablespoons melted fat, r Dissolve the yeast in the tepid jwaten Mix and sift the dry in .-ftCH&iUs and, then add the yeast and water,-mixing well.' Add the fat, and beat thoroughly, set the mixture in a warm place in rifle, anil when it has doubled its bulk stir it well and turn into dked . shallow, greased baking tin. Spread the dough -evenly over the pan. . -Cover .the top with good,! tart cooking apples, sliced thin. When the dough has doubled its bulk, bake it in a moderate oven ' (3S0 to 400 degrees F.) for about , 4-1 minutes. About ,15 minutes b-fore it is done, remove the cake from the oven and pour over it a syrup made by combining and boiling for 5 minutes 1 cup brown sugar, A cup of water, 2 tabled spoons of butter, and 4 teaspoon ' nutmeg, - Return the take to the oven to finish baking. - Serve hot. This cake may be baked the day before using, and heated by , . sprinkling! it slightly with water and covering the pan it is in with another pan before it i put in tthe oven. Allow 20 minutes for ; re-heating. ; 5 Apple Rings If bacon is on the breakfast . menu, why not serve apple rings with it?; These are excellent with bacon and liver, roast pork o pork chops, v Select firm, tart apples.: Wash and core, but do not peel the ap pies. Cut them in rings or slices about -Inch thick. Place the rings in a frying pan (do not crowd them). with a small amount of bacon fat. and sprinkle them with , brown ;. sugar. , Add:' Just enough boiling water to cover the rings, f Cover the uan and cdok the apples until, tender, browning them on both' sides. "'Lift them on to a hot platter and serre them with a border of crisp.bacon. Peel, apples Cover tha ham withj apples. Sprinkle with 4 tablespoons 1 of brown sugar, and add 1 table spoon of butter, cut Into pits. "Add 1 c'up of boiling j water.ifd bake in a covered dish until the meat is tender, v ' ' Apple Salads Apples may be used In salads in a variety of ways. Here is a meat salad in which apple is used to give succulence and flavor 1 cup cold veal or poi;k,xcut in small pieces 2 medium-sized tart Vt cup celery, cut pieces. - :. j 1 pimento cut in small, pieces. . Mix well with mayonnaise or boiled dressing. Garnish with slices of stuffed olives apples, In small The report shows that the per centage of black tea imported dur ing this year increased, that tb? percentage of gTeen tea Imported decreased to a very noticeable ex tent, and that the percentage of Oolong tea imported remained about the same. The largest In crease, In black teas was shown In the .Ceylon variety. There was also a considerable increase in the percentage of India and Java black teas Imported, and a decrease of more than 62 per cent In the im portation of Congou teas. The only variety of green tea which did not show a decreased importa tion was , the India green tea. which showed an increase. The variety which showed the most rejections 4.8 per cent was Canton Oolong, the tea which is consumed principally by the Chinese in this country. 1 The vari eties showing the next largest re jections were the Ceylon green and India black teas. These teas were not found below" the govern ment standard in quality but were damaged en route. San Francisco showed the larg est percentage of rejections, ow ing to the fact that much of the Canton Oolong tea, which showed the largest percentage of rejection, was examined at this station. - Many rejectionswere made be cause the teas had become dam aged by water or by sweating' en route. Very Tittle tea was reject ed as being below the government standard. During the past fiscal year there was imported more than 11.500.- 000 pounds, or 11.50. per cent less than was imported during the fis cal year 19 23-24. This decrease may be sttributed to several causes: O) There was a small surplus of tea on hand at the be ginning of the last tea season. (2) With an increased consump tion of black teas from the British East Indies and the Dutch East Indies, much less tea Is needed by tea drinkers who drink with their eyes; a smaller quantity of the heavy-bodied East India teas will produce so much more liquid of a certain color than the non-East Indian varieties, especially green The Equivalent for Milk ' The well balanced diet should include the equivalent of a quart of milk and plenty vf green vege tables daily. One of the . best equivalent for milk Is cheesy be cause It contains all the elements of milk in condensed form.' In food value it is equivalent to three pounds of lean beef. When purchased in cans there is absolu tely no waste, not even the rind, and no danger of its getting hard. of peas while heating gives an un usual and delightful flavor. A slice iOt bacon chopped fine, also may be added to the peas, giving s splendid flavor and saving but ter. Cheese With Potatoes Take 3 or 4 medium sized pota toes, half a small onoln. half a small green pepper, a teaspoon of salt, a pimiento, diced, two table spoons butter, two tablespoons flour, one and a half cups milk, which , may be made from evapor ated or' powdered, and a cup V)f canned cheese rubbed through the rrater. Melt the butter, stir fn the flour, add water and milk Cook two minutes, add the cheese And stir until melted. Add onion, green pepper and pimiento. Place layer of diced potatoes In a but tered baking dish, then a liyer of sauce, repeating alternately. Put sauce on top, and bake twenty minutes. String Beann and lirnion Jnlrc ; Add lemon juice and a sprink ling of nutmeg to the butter sauce when heating a can 'of string beans for the table. This makes a . . . m t a remamaoiy gooa comuinauou. For ImMinpi and Other Pcjwwrt: Puddings and other desserts made with milk hold such an im portant place in the menu that the housewife should never" be with out Jnilk. She may obviate this danger by keeping powdered or evaporated milk ' always on her shelves.' inch thick. Put Into a shallo buttered pan. pressing well on the sides. Pare, core and slice thinly sx apples and place them over the cake in even rows. sprinkle with a half cup of well- washed and dried currants and the Juice of half a lemon, dust with a half cud of sugar and a level teaspoon of cinnanron. then pour over three tablespoons of melted butter. Bake a half hour In a medium oven and If the ap ples brown too quickly coTer with a buttered paper. Prime Choice HOUSEHOLD When Mixing Powdered Milk To liquify ' powdered milk, al ways place the powdered milk on top of the water, and stir or shake It until thoroughly absorbed. Four level tablespoonfuls should be used to make one cup of rich milk. . teas. (21 An ever tnrreaslnv For thoe who like onion flavor I amount of tea is being sold In tea orange andlbaes. a form nf narkiner which, it in salad an apple. onion salad will soon become favorite. . I 3 large, tart apples 1 orange j 1 medium-sized Spanisb-onipn. One-third cup choped peanuts Salad dressing. Salt. Dice the apples, orange onions,. and add the salt and the nuts. Mix thoroughly with boiled Serve in With Canned Apricots ; To extend the mayonaise for lettuce sajidwiches and give it a distinctive flavor, , add canned apricots with, the luncheon souffle fn place of .salad. The nutritive value is about equal to the salad. and the apricots combine quite as well with meat or cheese. For Soup Stock If spinach is drained when used from the can, the liquid should be utilized as stock for soup, as it is rich in the mineral salts for which spinach is noted. No food value should be wasted. SUGGESTION' - Quite the smartest tea sets of the hour are those of glass used over the lace cloths. These sets are fragile, of course, but fascin atingly dainty. Whether amber crackled glass with handles and lined rims of a solid color, or deli cate colors with ' frosted white hunriloa Mich I n rtalntr It is Hlftrr I I hard to decide which is the pret- The silver tea pot and kettle are usually used with the glass sets, yet many prefer the pots and jugs to match. The sandwich plates and cake plates come to match, as do the Jam pots, the latter figuring so generally on the English tea table or tray. The black Basaltes ware having gold handles and linings always makes an unusual table. It will pay you to take advantage of prices we offer you this week. Quality and fresh ness guaranteed. 0 MENU HIXS j Breakfast ! Oranges Cooked Cereal with Top Milk j Popovers Sliced Apples ; Cofree ! ! Luncheon i Baked Potatoes Tomato Salad Warmed up Popovers j Peach Pie Tea Milk , Dinner i Meat Balls j Boiled or Fried Potatoes j Buttered Beets Apple Cake combined ar salad diced or mayonnaise dressing, lettuce cups. i Apple and pineapple with celery is a famil combination that is always a' deli cious treat. ! - 2 large, tart apples. )- -1 cup celery, cut in small pieces 2 slices canned "pineapple cut in pieces or two tablespoon shredded canned plneaple. j Mir the Ingredients with apple mayonnaise dressing and serve on a lettuce leaf or on water cress. . To 'make apple niayonnaise dressing add 1 2 . tablespoons of bright colored apple Jelly to 1 cup of mayonnaise . dressing. Mix lightly and serve at on je. Recipes from "How io Use Ap ples as Food. by Lucije Brewer, school of home economics, Cornell university." is believed, checked much waste in the process of preparation. The quantity of liquid tea consumed in the United States probably has not actually decreased " "Although the' ilercentage of, to tal ' tea imports examined at tho Puget Sound district remained and I about the same, that in New York made a substantial gain, and that in San Francisco, in Boston, and in Chicago showed a slight de crease. This decrease at Chicago is surprising because all teas for merly examined at St. Paul were examined at Chicago. Statistics of the department of commerce show that during the past fiscal, year 1, .8 17.2 8 5 pounds of tea were exported from the unuea states, nearly twice as much as was exported during the fiscal year 1923-24 Something New In Sandwiches If you would like to prepare something a little out of the or dinary for the picnic or a light Sunday night supper, try tomato and peanut sandwiches. Drain the liquor from canned tomatoes, and chop enough of them to make a small cupful 'of tomato pulp, or you may buy tomato pulp canned. Work the pulp into the contents of a jar of eanut butter, and add salt to taste. Spread between thin slices of bread. ; .v ' Unusual Flavor For Pes"; A sprig of mint added to a can TODAY'S RECIPES Iopovcr This recipe makes twelve popovers. Break one fresh eggj into a cup of sifted flour add onehalf teaspoon of salt and one cup! of rich sweet milk. Stir well with a' wooden spoon. Heat the pans hot and butter : them well. Fill; the pans full of the' batter (only half full if the pans are small); put into a hot oven and bake for fifteen to eighteen minutes- If they brown too quickly cover with a brown paper until they finish cooking. Serve at once. i- Tomato Salad Cut cool, peeled tomatoes in rather thick slices and arrange on crisp tomato leaves. Have ready some cauliflower tips and arrange on the tomato slices. pouring a thick golden mayon I naie over the vegetables. Sprinkle a very cnoppca picaie over ine dressing. i ! l Apple Cake Sift into tho mix ing! bowl two cups of flour, four level teaspoons of baking powder. a heaping saltspoon of salt, and a tablespoon of sugar. Rub In lightly a tablespoon of butter then mix to a soft dough with a cup of rich milk. Turn onto a floured board and roll out about a half Peerless Bakery 170 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET OLD-FASHIONED SPICED APPLES Pare, quarter and core six or eight large apples and place them In a pipkin with a cup and a half of brown sugar, a teaspoon of mixed spices, a teaspoon of butter and a cup of cider or juice strained from the boiled down peelings. Cover and cook gently until the ap ples are tender, but not boiled to pieces. A thinly sliced le mon may be added if the ap ples are not very tart. This makes an excellent breakfast dish. Sirloin Steak, pound 5c BEEF ROASTS VEAL ROASTS 12 l-2clb. 15c ib. POT ROASTS "VEAL STEAK 10c lb. 20c lb, BOILING BEEF LEGSOFVL i 7c lb 22c lb. ( Freshly Ground HAMBURGER VEAL STEW j 10c lb. 12 l-2c lb IMum Catsup One-half peck blue plum, one pint of vinegar, one I teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon cin namon, one teaspoon allspice. Tie the spices in a muslin bag. Pour the vinegar over the plums in an enameled pan, add half the weight I of the plums in sugar and the spice bag. Boil all together until j the plums are . soft, put them throuKh a colander and cook again until thickened. Seal. IMcf f ftmafot.Tl:a f vrillc mm I nsual, add .half a cum of cooked rice, season, fold in egg whites beaten stiff and rook as usual. Pure Lard, No. 5 pail ....SSc jBest Shortening, pail 1 . :.80c j i When in need of Fish look over our varieties- all treshly caught midget marke , - Originators of Low Prices 351 State Street NOT IN THE COMBINE We will be closed all day Monday, Labor Day mi i Four acids, useful in the, h n man w I l system, are provided by fruits. In ine process rof digestion these acids are oxidized and. this process releases potassium, sodium..-, and magnesium, which are changed in to carbonates and overcome the acid in the blood because of their alkillnity. This process explains the reason why certain acid fruits as prescribed for rheumatics such Beneficient Acids in Fruits SAIXM MARKETS " f oBaur 1 whita i... Ko. No. 1 red, stektd .. .$1.5t 41.48 t PORK. HXTTTOV AST) BZEf Tap hog .. .1 Sowi kia.50iO.50 Drsid liofft ,1 Top tawt . . . .OS Cow 2.50 5.00 BolU 8fe4e Ppriitf Iraki, 80 lbt sad noder Bctf9H Hfrier : ; - .08 H 7e?7tt .15 VmI f . MUX.TKT . ' i, :jV I4rM lien, .4 .15 Hry hen ...23eW24 B r oi Irri 'I tfe g "J 5 r.OOS. nuTTCS AJT W0TTEKTAT Buttrfiit 53 , f'rtamerjr butter ..... ;.. 53c54 ' Y.fZ . .28 Standard! ." . .3 ' KelocU t ...i.. .32 Milk. pr ewt. .. $2.40 ruit, as lemons, limes,! grape oranges, apples, " pearsl peaches, apricois. gooseberries, currants. rhubarb and tomatoes. . The acids ; furnished; 'by these truits are as follows: ! Citric . acid Lemons, oranges, grape fruit, limes and bitrons. Malic acid Apples, pears, apri cots, peaches.; gooseberries, cur rants, strawberries andj tomatoes. uxaiie acid Rhubarb. Tartaric acid Grapes. BLlCK TEA IMPOUTS GAIN; RKE. TEA DDIIMSHKM An increase In the percentage of black tea imported and a mark ed decrease In the percentage of green tea imported r daring the fiscal year ending June) 30, 192. is reported by' the supervising tea examiner of the bureau of chen- Istry, United States department of agriculture. . ; . The text of the report follows: A compilation of the tea ex aminers' monthly reports for the last fiscal, year shows that 92,- 925,470 pounds of tea "were exam ined at all of the stations. Of this tea 81.137 pounds, or 0.09 per cent was rejected. All of the re- A Beautiful Skin is Possible to Every Woman The proper care of the com plexion ' is only a matter of knowing the right preparations to use and follow the directions. CAR A NOME SKIN CREAM is in every way a Beauty Cream. It Is used for massage to smooth out the lines and : . wrinkles, and should be left on the face when re-. tiring to act.-as a. tissue builder. . You should use Cara Nome - Skin Cream all through the trying; tall months. Perry Drug Store 7x0 IRoxatL Sty MIS ponth Commercial Salem, Oregoa Our regular Prices of Bread, I 1V lb. loaf, 13c 2 for 25c; 1 lb. loaf 9c, 3 for. Cookies, 2 dozen for Butter Horns, 6 for Apple Turnovers, 6 for Cakes, all varieties Doughnuts, Cinnamon Rolls, per dozen . Pies :... . . 23c 25c Jj 1 23c ..J.. 15c up to 50c Tea Sticks and Buns, .... : 20c .J 10c and 25c Milk, Bread, French and Rye Bread, 3 loaves...23c We Serve Coffee and Lunches Try Our Krausers Candy U. 8, Government nsperlrif MEATg Steuslof f Bros. Market Corner Court and Liberty Phone 1528 j i When You Are Ready To Move Call 'on tm, for we have padded Vans and Fltce lined covers for your furniture and piano. First class piano and furniture movers. We also handle Brooder Stoves, Furnace Coals and Diamond Briquettes tarmer Transfer & Storage Co. Phono 1930 A few of the many values to be obtained at Pigly Wigly where price and quality are supreme. Serve yourself and save. ALUMINUM SALE SATURDAY ONLY :( j ' , A nice assortment of; fancy Aluminum Cooking Utensils Per colators, Dish Pans, Kettles. Saucepan Sets, Double Cookers, etc., $1.25 to $1. 50 values for....1. .: 89c Ball Mason Fruit Jars Pints Quarts Vi gallon ....33c 6.1c ...1 93c Ball Ideal Fruit Jars Pints .. Quarts ...69c .83c Kerr's Mason .Fruit Jar Caps Wide Mouth, dozen ...32c Regular dozen 27c Economy Fruit Jar Caps t Per dozen .i 27c Jar Rubbers Two dozen .L. ,..11 c i Citrus Soap Deal 1 Citrus Towder 1 large Citrus Gruuu lated Soajp Both for ..LJL ...50c Pinnacle Rock Minced Clams 3 cans ... ..... I3c Crystal White Soap G bars 1 21c P. & G. Bucket Soap Deal $1.33 value .99c Baker's Cocoanut Vj lb. Premium Shred U lb. Southern Style Both for . 23c Saturday wc will pay 37c for Number One Eggs in Cash or Trade - Brinr: them in V7m 456 STATE STREET PHONE 14 v - V VAt your dszlxfej - i " -:-r-rC - v 1 ; 23