The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 05, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. W. C. Tillson, Mlaa Iiora
Terapleton, Mrs.;A. A2 Underbill. tr,N
Mrs. Elmo S. White. Mrs. Arthur
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Guest at Portland Wedding ;
Mrs. J, L. Stockton and Miss
Zoe Stoclton "returned home on
Friday evening ,from Portland.
having gone down on Tuesday to
attend the wedding of Miss Marion
Lock wood Farrell to Mr. Freder
ick Alva ; Jacobs. The ceremony
was performed on the evening of
September 2 in the First Presby
terian church, with Dr. W. V.
Youngson, an ftfccle of the bride,
officiating. , ' 1: ; !
Home From Npskowin '
Mrs. Edwin L. Baker and her
house guest, Mr3. Llna Delahoyde,
who is visiting here with her sia
tr ,tfila. summer, Returned Wed
nesday from a short vacation at
NeskoWin- Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs." Taylofr are 75 years" day evening when Mrs. James Im-
6ld now, and in the !besi of health.
They came from England to the
Delafioyde's borije
Win Cplbrado.
- . i . .
Gohten Wedding
Ttelatives. friends and neigh
Vhors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tay
lor all gathered on the evening pf
Sept. 1, 1925, to celebrate in a
rtfamorable manner the annivers
ary of their, golden wedding. The
group gathered, at the home of
the honor guests, 460 Xorth 23rd
street, Salem. Mr.' and Mrs. Tay
lor .were married hair a century
ago at the St.'; Stevens church at
Rochdale, England, , at . 10:30
o'clock in the morning. Rev. E
f, Lewis performed the ceremony
The young couple, enjoyed break
fast at the home of John Russell,
immediately after which ttfey left
Trtr their honeymoon in - the' To
nnona Gardens Manchester, YEng
-u. .. , . , ii :' i4 ..1., . . -
United States in 1877 and settled
in Ohio. From there theyjinvei
to Kansas in the spring of 1883.
In March of 1 904 ,they returned
to England to see their old home
and remained there ifive years. I In
coming back to the! United States
they stayed a short! time in Kan
sas and then went to Illinois and
remained there until four years
ago when they came to Oregon,
where they have since made their
home. A beautiful' solor scheme
of " old gold was used throughout
the rooms. The honor guests re
ceived many lovely gifts and the
best wishes of their j many friends
A light luncheon iras- served in
the late evening. '.Mr., and, Mrs.
Taylor are the parents of five
children, but only one daughter,
Mrs. F. M. Hill, is still Using.
In the group Tuesday evening
Guests in Harrisburg
Mrs. Maton Myers. Mrs. O.
Steiner, Mrs. George G. Brown and
Mrs. II. II. dinger motored to
llh f-Tl t prta In Tier hniinr Ttio
rooms were attractive with a vari-1 HarrIsburg Thursda3r 'wh9r lhey
were Mr.- and Mrs.
of McMinnville. ..Mr
A. Hill of Turner,
C. W. Wirtz of Salem. Mr. Ross
Hill of Salem, Miss Mary Miller
of Salem, Mr. Dale Parsons of Me
MInnville, and their
husband, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hill
of Gervais, -together with many
John Parsons
. and Mrs. M.
Mr. and Mrs.
Linen Shower
Miss Anna Peterson, "oriderelect.
whose marriage to Mr. Leonard F.
We nger will be ant event of the
nefcr future, was the inspiration
for a lovely linen shower Thurs-
ety of early fall flowers, and can
dles burning here and there.' Sup
per was served at a late hour with
the pink and "white tones pre
dominating ip the place-cards and
favors. In -the group were Miss
Anna Peterson, the' honor guest,
Miss Edna Worden, Miss Magda-
Hn a Peterson, liss Irene ; Boje,
Miss Nadine Smftht and the' hos
tess, -Mrs. James:Jmlah. ' .1
BAR toMeeti&y 'fr
iMembera of Chehiekela chapter,
Daughters of tlje. American Revo-
luuon. wui open-ine new ciuo sea
son with a ljo'clock luncheon to
day at the Cray Belle;
'The rsidnt-personneJ of, this
enire .urgnizaiion is a3 ioiiows:
Miss Lillian-"Applegate, Mrs.' C.
Lillian -A pfilegate, Mrs C. C. Beat,
C. Best, Mrs. W. H. Byrd.
Mrs. . Russell Catlin, Mrs. O. A.
Chapel, Mrs. C. C. Clark, Miss Ola
Clark, Mrs. Frances Cornell, Mrs.
K. E. Dent. Mrs. S. C. Dyer. Mrs.
J. Ti. Kakin. Miss Eva Feree, Mrs.
Asa Fisher, Mra. J. P.' Frizzell.
Mrsl Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Homer
Goulet, Mrs. W. C. Hawley. Mrs.
W. E. Hanson. Mrs. J. W. Harbi
son, Mrs. Kate Hayford. Mrs. J.
G. Heltzel, Mrs. E. M. Hof fnell.
Mrs. C. A. Holmstrom. Mrs. A. D.
Hurley. Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs.
Edward Jory, Mrs. W.'I B. John
ston, Mrs. Edna B. Leedy. .Mrs.
Mary Lusina Lisle, Mrs. X. II.
Looney. Mrs. Davis H. Looney,
Mrs. Marian Looney, Miss Mar
guerite Looney, Mrs. E. L. Loos,
Mrs. H. T. Love, Mrs. Carey Mar
tin, Miss Minnie Morris, Mrs. C.
B. McCulloush. Mrs. J. W. Orr,
Mrs': L. W." PotFety Mrs. Hplen
nam. Miss Frances M. Richards.
Miss Ruth Ttnlifson. Mrs. M. II.
Savage, Mrs. IT. G. Shipley, Mrs.
H. H. Smith. Mrs, F. H. Spears.
Mrs.- B. Ifc ' Steeves. Mrs. II. M.
Styles. Mrs. Karl Stiewer, Mr3. II.
B. Thielsen. Miss Ellen Thielsen.
were the guests of friends for the
Ninetieth pirtliday .--,'
Mrs. I. Fl Brown entertaineI at
her beautiful country home on the
Kingwood Heights road on'are-'
cent afternoon honoring ber moth
er, Mrs. , Jane Boles, on ..the oc
casion of Mrs. Boles' 90th birth-;
day anniversary. Relatives -rfld;
friends -wero present for the birth
day' dinner which "celebrated' 'the
event. The' afternoon 'was spent
visiting and Bight' seeing. In the
evening before the guests depart-i
ed- tor Brownsville ice cream and
cake were served. '
, Those present were Mrs. Jane
Boles, Mr. and Mrs.:'Oren' Strat-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Strat
ton, all of Brownsville: Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Robertson of Ashland
Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph T. Robertson
of San Francisco, and the hosts.
(Continued in ; 6)
- - . -
Stages, Salesmen ami;'
leliverles Vms Them
Do You?
Chemeketa chapter ot the
Daughters' of the American Revo
lution. 1 o'clock at Gray Belle.
.Salem Heights Community club
cooked food sale at Southern Pa
cific office on Liberty street.
T. A. club dance. Crystal Gar
dens. First Presbyterian church.
Cooked food sale. Neimeyer's
drug store. -
Tuesday N'
Yomarco class of the First
Methodist church. Pot-luck sup
per. Yomarco club room attho
church?- " ' ' -
Sill 1.7 I l
1- 1 . ' i ' i; Tomorrow - ;T I '
' ' in . I ! ;.
'The Main "Who Foundf r ! '
,-. !! X Jlimseir' I
1 gaiiBiiiaiBi
A)lH h a n n n n n n n n II II ti&Sl - ,
f' OREGON ; , ;
SUNDAY . i I j fcj&T
M! ' f MOM AS i ri I '
il 1
' UWrt y Mayt.aFe.ttm.
' it . - I 1 Washes fatter. 4 Eaalyadjasttd
f , tt J Y i I 3 Largest hourly 7 Clothes can he
Ai , K r; 3 -I V I capacity in the pat in or taken
V4 1 j-A ' the
t r t I 4 Most compact washer nmning.
I - i. - ferCv '1 'nl' 'tahunum wringer. Self-' W
I ! ? Wlt A -WJVah-en't justing.
I ' warp, rot, nreD, stant tension
' VIRGINIA torcorrode. rele.
' I j Story by ' ". . ; ' '1 3 i
I 3 ' t-: '" .-'"- : U . ... .
. .TARKINGtON f i 4 yXFh
I j OyJyJin I to aailabU utth Mda-
i s n n n n n n n n n n i mou auachminL
I J IS II II II H I 1 r ! Tfm famm Maytat
I I Catolim Malar.
: If It's" a Paramount I , i
) i I Picture - I s
I ,Ifs th Best Show ' f
I V ; in Town! - . I ' ? . - i'A-
I I nnnnnnnfinm. 1
' vl
Store 4SI' ' - '
.; ..jj ...
SfiZc Mixed
Quality purch as l of New
fancy Crcpeo in fcK-k dot, floral
and other good patterns. Values
to $1.75 yd. Se them today!
JL F GnodCood J
Falem'3 leading' Department Store
Smith & Watldns
" Snappy Serrlc
4 ;;t
A PHONE caH wifl bring the
Maytag. Gyrafoam Washer
to your Home. ' - .
; Wash with li. ; .
If it doesn't sen itself on its
super-speed performance don't
keep it.
If it doesn't sen itself , on its
highly-energized, turbulent water
action don't keep it!
- - f J ' :'- ;
If it doesnt sen itself on its un
surpassed nicety in washing chif
fons, georgettes, and other dainty
things -don't keep it!
If it ' cloesn't sen itself on the
way it cleans grimy, greasy over
allsdon't keep it!
If h doesn't sen itself on, its '
complete elimination of hand-rub
tang even of wristbands," cuffs
and collars don't keep itl
If it doesn't sen itself on its
self -cleaning, seamless, corrodeless,
yi satin-smooth, cast alumi
nmn tub doa't keep itl
If it doesn't sen .itself on its
patented, self-adjusting, . mstan-
taneota tension-release wringer
don't keep it!
hut 16 docs seU tself'
i t you wont go another
day without it! .Dent delay CaU
NOW do obligation.
, r- j
V? t
J :
0 UU'JirO fOj
Gynifbam RVasher
- 169 South High Street Telephone 2218
Jt-: i . i : I. MX!
Driving at night, perhaps for greater comfort or to avoid j
the congestion of traffic, or under stress of necessity, de-
pendability of your' motor oil is of "vital importance. For 1
service stations and garages are closed and aid for the ;
stalled motorist is extremely uncertain. ;
You can depend on Cycol to protect your motor'every inch
of the way. For Cycol is refined to produce correct lubricat- :
ing "bodies" for various motors and operating conditions.
Dependability in Cycol results from' the refining treatment, j
which starts with the crude oil itself during the very
first stage of distillation plater, perfect filtration of the dis
tilled oil; then irdistiUadon and;firially, a mechanical ppa
cess which forces out any possible lingering impurities. All
this is in addition tb the usual purif'ine processes rccoc-
rtiTtrl rxr trtinf: ' I hire lT -rrl tttttr n W.ll nrA m f -
arn n n in rnl Vf )
Service is essential- i
- ... .... g
a in; night driving
V - vA4 M f (
Stistamed Qitality
i 1
1 (. v
Cm 0 mm m r " 1
f Attend the State Fair. Sacramento, September 5-13 , ful( rigidly sustained . .
.Celebrate California Diamond Jubilee " t: ,thxocbouttheyef ' '
San Francisco, September 5-12 s " ft? r4
r'i) Sustiined Qualirf ia
means a standard of
'worth and character
! I -