The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 05, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Labor Day and Community
hair Are Demanding Con
siderable Attention
SILVERTON', Ore., Sept. 4.
(Special.) Silrerton is Yery en
thusiastic brer plans for the two
big events . coming next week.
First of these ' Is the Labor day
celebration in charge of the Loyal
legion at Loggers and Lumber
men. Each year 6n Labor day the
Four-L organization has its an
nual' picnic at Silverton, and each
year the celebration is better than
that of the previous year. Accord
ing to the program the committee
has given out the annual improve
ment will hold good this year also.
One account of one of Us mem
bers being out' of the state, the
royal rosarian quartet will
feing as at first announced,
stead the Pacific Telephone
Telegraph company quartet
furnish vocal selections for
day. , O. B. Gingrich of Salem will
also sine. Other "music will be
f urnished by the Four-L band.
Rev. W. S. : Gilbert of Astoria
has been secured as the speaker
of the day. '
There will be free dancing from
2 o'clock until 5, and from 8
o'clock until, midnight. A sports
and contest program will begin at
2: 30 in the afternoon. This will
consist of 12 events including the
customary races, diving contests.
tug of wars," nail driving contest.
.and the annual horseshoe pitching
contest between Silver Falls i
teams. The committee has also!
announced that free coffee, cream
and sugar will be furnished at
. noon. " j :
, The second big event, and this
is the biggest annual event at SH
verton. i the community fair
which begins on September 10 and
Carl & Bowersox
Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fresh Fruits
I and Vegetables
Specials for Saturday and Tuesday
New crop Amber Honey, 12 oz. combs...,. 20c
2 for 1 35c
Pure White Honey, 12 oz. i combsj v-.; 23c
Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs 25c
Pure Cane sugar, per cwt $6.20
Polar white. Laundry, Soap, $ bars..!r....r25c
383 Court ' - Phone'437 - Tree Delivery" r
----- -' .- f' :' - " '.'
Rubber Stamps
Adding Machines
We rent! Typewriters at
; $3.00 per Month
'Buy a
on our
Easy Payment Plan
Atlas Book &
Stationery Co.
465 State St.
lasts; for three days. Mo"re atten- given to the artistic
1 . .. . I . . '
arrangement of displays ith'.M sea
son ! than in previous j seasons.
More displays will also be entered
than in previous years as the fair
Dr. O. L Scott, D. C
- : -
Now located in new; roomy, fully equipped
i . .offices at : . .
256 NortK High Street .
The public invited ib visit my new qff ices
The only one in Salem 7
I , y . .
25G North High St. Phones: Office 87 Res. 828R
I . Fine line of J
Baby Beef
: and a fancy lot of
. i
At Special Prices
Complete ' stock pf - all
kinds of meat thje best
money can buy at satis-.
factory prices.
People's Market
L. E. Stapleton, Prop.
155 N. Liberty Street
Phone 994
Labor Day is a double-purpose holiday. First, it
emphasizes the importance and nobility of Labor;
secondly, it is summer's last call to Sport; Sport in
the wind-swept open as well as the jolty "jazz-bo"
committee has arranged for more
room this year
. . .
A boys' and girls livestock Judg
ing contest is already creating a
great deal of interest. In the eli
mination, teams to represent
Marion county at the state fair
and at the Pacific International
will be selected. The judging will
start Thursday, at 10 o'clock. H.
W. Baily will be in charge of this.
Last year the F. A. Doerfler sheep
club won the northwest champion
ship at -the Pacific international.
A special feature of the fair will
be the flower show. The commit
tee in charge of this division re
ports that ifj local gardners take
as much active interest in I the
flower show as outside pevjple are
doing, the result will be a display
at least twice as large as that of
last year. Professional dahlia
raisers, gladiolus growers, : aster
landscape gardenera: have all list
ed exhibits. , A .very special fea
ture will be the display of H. E.
Weed of Beaverton. He will have
Stamped Goods
The Petite Shop
Room 5193 N. Com!
Come Upstairs and ' "
Save Money -
September Seventh, 1925
on display the proposed plan for
the development ot the local city
park. He will alj show a variety
of shrubs, perenials and planting
plans. Mr. Veed has been a con
sistent winner at the state air and
his, display at Silverton will at
tract a great 'deal of attention.
Two robberies have been re
ported at Silverton during the
week. The first of these occured
in the Anderson hotel annex when
Mark A. Paulson, a local attorney
was drugged and robbed. He
awoke in the morning to find his
door ajar, his clothes scattered
about the room and $14 gone.
His current check book, three
check book stubs were found in
the hotel lobby table.
, The second robbery occured at
the Hansen hotel when someone
entered the room occupied by O.
B. Germond, mill worker, at night
and took an .old silver watch, a
ten' cent piece and two pairs of
shoes. . . I
Robert Forgey, the little 10
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Forgey. died at the family borne
Friday morning. Spinal meningi
tis caused his death. No funeral
arrangements have as. yet been
Missing Seaplane
(rontinavd from page 1)
plane continued systematically to
day, with surface craft, submar
ines, and airplanes each assigned
specific areas of the Pacific ocean
to. scan for some -sight of the
floating flying machine or its
A delightful place to meet your
friends: Talk it over, and have a
sociable game of cards.
We have a modern, airy card and
pool room with full line of con
fections, cigars, tobaccos and
'magazines. ,
- 120 8. Commercial St Salem, Ore.
Cut Glass
Gamboa Glass
See Our Windows
LUTHY, JeWeler
110 N. Commercial St.
sport of casino and dance palace.
Whatever your particular preference may
these advertisers are ready to help you enjoy
Labor Day week-end to the utmost.
wreckage. Several ships were
added to the searching forces and
the cooperation of private ships in
several cases was pledged.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 4. (By
Associated Press). The navy de
partment wa9 advised tonight by
Arthur Alman, amateur radio op
erator at St. Augustine, Fla., that
he had learned from the wireless
operator j of the USS Litchfield
thai the; missing seaplane PN-9
No.) I 'had been found, but offi
cials on duty placed little credence
in the account.
They were mystified by Al
man's report of his conversation
witfr the Litchfield, which the
operator said gave his position as
4 00j miles south of Samoa, and ex
pressed doubt that the ship could
have sighted the seaplane.
The destroyer Litchfield is with
the j Pacific fleet steaming from
Samoa to Hawii and new is about
six hundred miles north ot Samoa.
Navy officials said they were
unable at present on account of
the j heat and resulting static, to
reach distant points by radio and
were unable to understand how
Alman could have talked with the
ii rwn i
j THK nilAM OF
What Is a materialist? The
dictionaries display their u-uial
limitations with the definition
that a materialist Is one who
"takes Interest only In the mater
ial; or bodily necessities and com
forts of life."
i - i
Frank Palm
! Tailor-
Suits made to order.-Get
your FALL SUIT now
y Suits Cleaned and
; S Repaired
I 481 Ferry Street
Xfjr Salem Hotel Building
t h Castle
j;: I Hats
N $5.00
p i Why pay more?
G. Johnson & Co.
1 4G9 State
E1 Howe, the Sage of Potato
Hill, Kansas, provides a much bet
ter definition:
' "A materialist is one who be
lieves In the known history of the
world, proved by long experience
and investigation, and does not
believe in fables which have never
been proven in a single instance.
"If you do not believe a woman
can sit In her office in New York,
and, for a fee of two dollars, cure
a sick man in Minnesota, you are
a materialist.
:'lf you believe men are born
according to a well-known law,
and live and die according to the
same law, you are a materialist.
i"If you believe there Is always
answer to chloroform when ap
plied to a man's nose, and doubt
that hypnotism is an equally prac
tical and effective agent in sur
gery, you are a materialist.
.-"If you believe an industrious
man should profit more than an
Idle one, you are a materialist.
"If you have an important mes
sage to send, and send it by means
to get your
231 North High
FfMUirs MilllMcry Ktor
New Fall Hats at
Reduced Prices
: Come Upstairs
and Save
T Money
Expert Hat Blocking
i - .
Labor I Day Specials
for Saturday, September 5
Men's Dress Shirts, values $2 to $2.50
Sale price 75c to 95c
Men's Dress Sox, 25c values
Sale price 15c
Caps, $2.50 values
Sale Price $1.65
It pays to look over our prices
on Clothing and Shoes
Open Saturday 7:00 ajn. to 10:00 p.m.
342 North Commercial ' Salem, Ore.
winter and school clothing cleaned
and in condition for use
We have a reputation for
Thorough Workmanship ,j
r . . j: j . . .
in cleaning, pressing, altering, relining and repairing
Cherry -City Cleaners
Street j '
Be sure and
today for Sunday andMonday
We Are CkMed All Day
Moadar Labor lay
If you're not in the habit of buying here Gie
us a trial. We can save you money on
good Quality Meats
McDowell Market
i Where) a Dollar Doe It Duty,
173 South Commercial Phone 1421
of the telepgraph, or the tele
phone, or by mail. Instead of tel
epathy, you are a materialist.
"If you believe In social order,
and security from the Idle and
vicious: if you believe In every
principle tried out In human ex
perience, and found best for all.
yon are a materialist.
"If you believe In parents di
recting children, you are a mater
ialist. -If by a life of worthy Industry
you accumulate a modest compe
tence for the days when you are
no longer able to work, you are
a materialist.
If you believe la education. In
progress. In bettering the average
condition of everybody by accept
ed methods, you are a materialist.
"If you provide Christmas gifts
for your children, and know that
Santa Claus did not come down
the chimney at night and leave
them you are a materialist.
"If. when you loan money, ynu
accept security, you are a mater
ialist. '
"If you believe in Industry, ex
perience, having taught yon that
idleness Is punished; if you fear
to tell a ie. or do a dishonest art.
because you have learned that
honesty and truthfulness are bet
ter, you are a materialist.
"If you refrain from shooting a
man when angry, you are a mater
ialist." Materialism is the base of sci
ence, which knowledge and wis
dom, and whoever denies It. butts
his head against a stone walL
To have positive convictions
about a subject all a man has to
do is to be profoundly ignorant
of It.
Success Is largely a matter ot
making the expenditure ot your
energies cuunt for something.
Phone 934
buy yoir meats
-. i