r I. t; n't 1 v- v. r w v C J , Use ad Daily Except Moaday y"- ''1 , zbs iTATssauur inrxxisHxxo cokiixi ; s . tl Bot Cooifeereiat St. Salon. Cratoa j , " -t 1 Fred J. Too. ;. - JCaMjrtai-Editoe - LoaW. . City Kditor Loslia Smith Tslerrsph Editor ' th ... - Sooioty Editor ' fW. H. Roads Ciraalottoa Vntpr T Ralph H. KlaraiMt Aaiaoeiao W "" Fraak Jaakaaki - a Xaaas lob Dept. E A.Rota - - ! , liMtoak Kotoi W. O. Ojaraes- - i n1r Kditae . , . . KEKBE Or THE ASSOOLirKD FSB ,i ., iu. .v"'!W, hm ' aselusieeiy aatitlod to tk m tor raavoe u m UP"" ' eradited to it or tot cUmwUi credited this pa U tta Aca owa pabllsbad harem. , ..- ,j - - Ll 1 !j. I BUSINESS OFFICES ' I" ' Alnort Brw S3B Wareostor Bldf Portland, Ora. . Doty A Ptm, Skaroa Bid. Baa Fraaeiaco. Calif.; Hifriaa Bldr Loa ce Ualif. Bailaeea 0ffieaS8 ar 688 ooloty r.sumr TELEPHONES: . OirenUtioa 0fficJ8S Kaw .ICS Jok Department Eatored at-taa Poat Offiea U Sabot, Ororoa. aoeoad-alast wattt 3 3&i . v. :?.,. .. .j September 3, 1025 j ' j H'V'.' DA't-u wmws AsutKi': x win tootn lay me. down in peace, ad sleep: tor thou. Lord, only makest me dwell in safety., Psalm 4:8. . 'i ' . ' ' - ': ! ' i - ' - f SAkEM IS GROWING AND WILL GROW! FASTER lL: - '- i 'I - AC A t A VDrtT T PTTV t " .' ?r 7 1 :A great . toahypcrsofis from: California. are arriving in Oregon looking for farina the" Willamette valTey;'reiX3rts the state chamber of commerce. ' . This condition must be -"wormwood and gall" : to the California "booster whose chief pastime is lambasting Oregon generally. Why Calif ornians do not move vp en masse into Oregon's perpetually green fields to enjoy her welcome show ers, share her mammoth crops and splendid progress, passeth understanding. . ' lilt ir irii wr xxiot" ira -o- pTMidtnt W. X. Xalbaral aratary, Babort Poia. : -f CAPtTAL TTPO5RAPmCAC:CXI0!l KO. M. t. PflVeatoa. liocts aacoaA 8atar aar. :00 P. .. i JCAKPENTF.S'S - UXIOX KO. - Moeta Thun. veaiat. " r. praaidaat: Wa. Pttit. aeervUry. Skilled ai-h' fwrwi. PKow 1 T. CITY SHOULD RAISE MINIMUM ; It took Salem a good while to begin to get her gait as a payroll city, but she is going fine now, with je very prospect of constantly greater growth. The canneries ' of Salem in 1911 put up about 30,000 cases of fruit and vegetables, and we thought we were doing very well then but thejpack of the canneries of the Salem district for the present year, will be around a million cases. In other lines of imahufacturing there, has been great growth in the same peiioji, and it is not too much to say that Salem has already become a manufac turing city of outstanding importance as cities of her size on this 'coast go . . - i . ; : . " - : '. And her! more than $10,000,000 annual payroll for, a city of 23,000, and with her suburbs making up! ' metropolitan community of fiomethini? more than 25.000lrgives a Betterl showjiig, according to good authority, than is to the.cjredit of any other city of the size in all the Pacific Northwest.? ' Marion county uses about a third of all the cans'used in the Pacific Northwest in making up the total fruit and vege table pack, i '- - ! . , Salem: has the largest paper mill west of the Rockies for the making of the finer grades of paper; and this mill is con stantly growing; growing in quantity and average quality of output. ! ' i Salem has some of the largest fruit canneries in the whole country, like that of the Hunt Bros. Packing company and the Oregon Packing company. j Salem had and will have again the largest loganberry iuice operations: in the World. 1 ; : Salem has the only fine fiber flax industry in the United States, turning out fiber of the highest grades! for the worlds markets. The first plant to spin these fibers is' just starting; erected by the Miles Linen company, a home concern. This factory is to make twines from the yarns, and eventually will i ' iveave various linen fabrics. A second linen mill, to be erected by the Oregon Linens Incorporated, is being j organized now In due course, we will be selling $100,000,000 annually of flax products, and employing directly and indirectly in this ; industry " a ! million people. This .development which the writer believes is as certain as the rising and setting of the sun,; will ; justify a city here t of many more than 100,000 ; people.. ; - 1 . ' ; j: ; ! K- - : There is being built now the factory of the j Western Paper !Converting company, to' make boxes and envelopes and a great number of specialties from the paper of our paper mill, and from its by-products. This plant will no doub eventually employ several hundred people. . i . ; There is pretty sure to be built soon in Salem a beet l sugar' factory; perhapswo of them. , e have a prospect of securing here a potato starch and dextrine and flour factory. . j . All these things will bring many more factories. There will be a cumulative industrial growth. I Salem now goes to the ends of the earth with her prod ucts, bringing in new wealth year after year, and capable of ' being continued and increased throughout all the ages of the '"Tfiere is "white coal" enough available to fill all ther Wil lamette valley with the hum" of industry; a power that may be used and used and that will never wear, out, as long as the laws of nature permit the mists to arise from the ocean and to x fall in the form of snow and rain to keep the rivers running . down the, mountain sides. j - ' '" Salem will be a big city, and it will be an industrial city, so ptepared for by the decrees of nature. And thus it will be a prosperous city surrounded by a thrifty rural population- ' And it will be a Gibraltar prosperity, in the land of diver sity, in the country of opportunity, where there is seed time , and' harvest in air the twelve months of every year; some thing to-do and something to sell every day of the 312 'or . the 363.- ; ; . . j- j.! ' There is no such diversity in any other district in the world; no other district in which there are so many exclusive . opportunities, in crops the cultivation of which amount to a franchise. - , , . j V'Sq what we have done so far and what we are doing now fuqijsjv only -a glimpse, of what' our children and children's children will do, by merely "carrying on" and enlarging the , linear of endeavor that the pioneers and the . people of the present generation have demonstrated are feasible. . Saturday evening one Vincent McMahan was arrested and jailed, charged with driving a motor vehicle while intox icated.- He had run the car he was driving into another car injuring the latter. At midnight he was liberated under bail. When the hour set for his hearing arrived he was still at liberty. He was simply permitted to do what amounted to obtaining immunity from imprisonment, fine and forfeiture of his drivers license, with his bail money. The city law con temDlated iail and license forfeiture for him and fine. There are others convicted for, the same of fense who are in jail, after navine fines and forfeiting their licenses. This is not right. ' .:: 'v.: . . l . The recorder's court has shown increased determination to impose heavier penalties than formerly in enforcing the law although the penalties have been far below the maxi mum provided by city4ordinance. And these city penalties for driving while intoxicated are ridiculously low in comparison with the state penalties for the same of fense. The minimum penalty upon conviction for this offense is 5 days in jail, $50 fine and 90 days revocation of drivers license under city ordinance. The minimum under the state aw is 60 days in jail, $100 fine and one year revocation of license. That there should be these differences between the pen alties prescribed by this city and the state is ridiculous. These provisions reversed would be more reasonable than now for surely the danger to life and property is far greater on the crowded city streets 'than on the outside highways of the state. . The state law has the unanimous approval of sober drivers and is none too severe. And so long -as officials refuse to impose the' maximum penalties and the guilty are allowed bail in sums which represent less than the total min imum lcgal'punishmentthere is need tf increasing the pen alty by ordinance. ." ; 1 ; Union Roster Lodge Roster UCg PaallaaoA ovary atoraiaf (asrari afoav lay) at Saloaa, tka capital af Orafaa. UIGU 8CUOOL filRL WANT8 TO WORIl if board u4 ma. -tia aaaaJI par. llrtba 11 beat. Kt. a. 8a!eaa. rRATERAL ORIEB OP EAGT.KS, mm 1H aad 3rd Wad. W. O. W. Ball. ft. at. WIlUn tuy. ti. iaa if VALUATION IS 1NXKKASED OLYMPIA. Sept. 2. (Zy Amo- clated Press.) The total assessed valuation kf real and personal property In. the state of Washing ton as equallxed by the various county boards of equalisation for the current year, excluding steam and electric railroad and telegraph properties amounts to $1,010,- 237.800, it was announced at the offices of the state commission here this afternoon. The figures show a net increase over last year of $10,579,450. I Marshfield Pacific Venter plant reopens, with 40 men cm ployed. ! - I I it- General Markets ! PpRTLAND. SepL 2. Portland Dairy exchange: Butter, extras 50c i standards 48 He; prime firsts ilei firsts 45 He Eggs, extras 42c; firsts 38c; pullets 37c; current receipts 33Hc. f Local Rates For Classified Advertising Ona tiaia Taraa tiiaoa. Six tlaa Daily or BaaAay S eoata ao woH 5 aoata aav wt4 -M aoata a arora Oa ataata. Ut aa4 8aa4ay SO caata par vor4 la ardoa to oara tba aaoro tkaa aaa tiiaa rata. aaarHaaaiaat aaaat raa la aaaaoeativa taaaao. Ko AaV. taaoa far W tkaa tt aoata. Ada. raa SaaAay OtfLT tWaa4 at aaa-ttaia rata. Ao'vartlaoaaoatt (ai(Tt raraaaaai aad Sltaatioaa Waatod) win ko takaa ott taa talopaoao it taa adoartiaoff ta aabaariaar ta aaoao. Taa Statoaaaaa will raoolva adrar tiaaaaoata at aar tiaao af taa dar or aihi. Ta laaara arapor elaaaitiaa tiaa ad. tWaid W la Wafera T ft, a. TXLZPBOXV IS or t8t CITT ASI OOCXTT WOOD Paoaa 10B1. Money to Loari Oa BI Ettata T. K. FORD (Ovar Ladd Baaa Baai) BEFORE TOO LEAVE TOCB OS OAR HAVE IT HOME Insured Properly Paaaa 161. Boeka Jk Baak BUt. Baadricka. TT. 8. 4-SS-tf AUTOMOBILES SALEM ACTO WRECKING CO. Whe.la. Tia. Kinn, Fandera Half Prira and Laa Parta for all rara, aah for old rara. 402 8. Charrh Faoaa 215S lt3tf 8CHEELER AUTO WKFCKINO CO, win bay roar old car. Hifhaat eaaS arifc pid. 105 K. 0mraf-r(a! St. Ijntf IX OTHER DAYS . (Portland Journal of yesterday.) There is reminder of two fine old pioneer families In the burial at Silverton this afternoon of Miss Fields McCIalne, 32. Back in the old days, Coolldge and McClaine was a household word In Marion county. Members of the firm were leading business men, of Silverton who had the confidence of the people far and near. They were public-spirited and Silverton's substantiality and growth was widely expressed in their endeavors and enterprises. A beautiful park, one of the most picturesque in any city in Ore gon, was the gift of. the firm to the city, and it will stand as an example of their interest in the home town as long as time will last Members of both families, after all these years, still live In Silver ton. Miss Fields McClaine, who was laid awar in the Silverton ceme tery this afternoon, was a' h)ghly esteemed member of one of these families. Patient and smiling always through several years of suffer ing from an incurable ailment, she was an example of true .woman hood and a worth representative of the old pioneer stock of Oregon. PORTLAND, Sept. 2. Grain futures: Wheat, hard white, blue stem. Baart, September $1.50; October $1.4 84 soft white, Sep tember,! October $1.48; western white, September, October $1.48; hard winter, September, October $1.47; northern spring, Septem ber $1.48; October $ 1.4 6 western red, September $1.46; October a i.44; I3BB hard white. Septem ber $1.5 6; October $1.55. j . Oats, No.. 2, 36-pound white feed, September, October $29; No. 2, 28-pound gray, September,1 Oc tober $28. i . Barley, No. 2, 46-pound, Sep tember, October $32; No. 2.' 44- pound, September, October $31 !orn. No. 2, eastern yellow shipment, September $42.50.1 Millrun; standard, September $3; October $29. . I AUTO REPAmiXG HOUSE BURNER IS HELD HOME SAID FIRED TO FORCE WIFE'S RETURX ASTORIA. Ore., Sept. 2. Driv en by an infatuation for his form er wife, by whom he was divorced almost two years ago, and determ ined to reduce her to penury, Al fred West, Astoria carpenter, fired a house belonging to her, here last Sunday, after having discovered tat te Insurance on te structure that the Insurance od the structure cording to a statement made today by the sheriff's and' fire depart ment offices, who declare that they have a full confession from West in regard to the deed. - ' West told how. he had arranged wood paper and kindling in the house and after piling them in a woodlift had lighted three carpen ters' candles he had fixed togeth er and placed them on the debris. The flames did not reach the debris: The flames did not reach the debris until about 8 hours after West had left the house Fortunately the fire burned slowly and .was extinguished "after about $500 damage had been done. - -Officers assert that from con versations with West and his wife they have found he made threats that he would render her penni less and force her to return to him. PORTLAND, Sept. 2. Hay: Dylng prices, valley timothy $17 Crl9; do eastern Oregon, nomi nal; alfalfa $18.50 & 19; clover $17; oat bay $15016; oat' and vetch $16.50017; straw 7.50 pr ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more, i , AJ!- ' : j . ?! SALEM MARKETS f GENERAL REPAIRINO. TIBfS AXD taboo, aeeaoaorioa, f aa aad- all. If KI LCR LEBE3GOOD GARAGE. Vboaa 5S4," Millar aad 8. Coaaaarraial Sta. Wa apaciaUM ia racoadiUoaing atolara. atf WAITED EmFloxBieai 19 WOOL GO LP BOfe COTLDREjrB aport iw, kait to ordoc. , Uad kait tiag. Paeaa 1T7S J. - la30tl KAWTXG. I Sail FOR SAL23 37 rarsif cuisrETrra aT THS stai . Nona rortiaad hM. . Ta4 ALFALFA. GRAIN. HAT. TIMOTHT. aata. Vartay awd - waoot," - raoraaWod ajaahtr, provP ahipaaaat. Pnraa ! aplirato, '. Kiakard- Xau, Walla -W alla, Waaa. - SlaJ FO GAROEX FLOW IX . BAEEKEWT diESM W Saaaa work, faoaa lr. SCOAR SACKS TOR SALE, KO PHOXE orders, , aoao raaaraad. ao. drUvartra, rath aad carry. SO caata par ooa-a. Haat Broa. eaaaory. 3taS WANTED EXPERIENCED CLERK wtabat poaitioa ia rug alara. wrna Oraal t raidala, Tarr. Orcoa. or aro 6Utaaaiaa. Boa 118. 1S4 WANTED POSITIOX IH GOOD HOME8 for two hick fnat rtliplao aora aa work for rooaa aad board whila atad- inr far tha aainiatry. K1MBAM. SCHOOL OP THEOLCT ptinn as. FOR RHXT ai PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT H arordiaf ' -Pwr Baa.- wrtea l aaata aaa a. etataaamaa ttaaiaaaa Olfieo. oa d FOR REXrApavrtraeaU Zt MCE S RDOV eat. 4T5 N. rURXISIIED CoaawrriaL APART-J4 FOR REST APARTBEKTS SSI K. Coa al. IStl FOR KENT Hootaa XS SLEEPING ROOM. CIOSE IX. ALPO S a rata. 565 8. Libert. Pkoaa 17 R. 85a4 BLEEPING S8J-W. ; ROOK CLOSE IX. PHONE 3Sa ROOK FOR RENT IN MODERN BOMB tfcroo block troaa atato soaaa. Ar coaaoaioaeoa. Gaatloaaaa - p Ploaaa riaa rofaraaooa aad addraoa B, aara Btatoaamaa. . ts)2I EOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOI atadaata. witk aWopeif porch priTilafoo Eaarytaiaff aaadora. Koforoacoo ara ro Suirad. ddraaa raaav aar guuaavaa lS?ag FOR RENT Bo 27 HOt'RE FOR Stiot. RENT 265 8. ClUTWH 27. S FOR KENT Farms 2 ACTO X0P3 1 HAVE SEVERAJ. IRRIGATED FARM8 : far rrt- P. K. Tkofaaaoa, TiraM, Or..' Paaaa 6XX. 2alt( ,JlAXTED TO RENT 81 FOR SALE OLD KXwFPAPESs, Tr.n coaU a awadla. OrcaJaUam sopartioaait Oracoa Sutoaaaa. . S7U FOR SALE Llvmtork 39 FOR 6AI.E BOSTOX BrLL POO. rrialrrtd. Taa wioatkt old. Apply at 21 1 X. CoaaaaemaL S9a2l( Thorouohbreo North link. COLLIE PUPS. T S9a4 VETERINARIAN - Pkoao 12i3. Rt. D PtTrr-KSOt . bos Zt. Sfj2lf FEED VT. LANUE. VETEBINAS1AN OKioo 410 8. roauaorciaL Pka IIS", Ba pkoaa M. tH. WOOD FOR SALE 43 40 CORDS OF WOOD S3 SO PER CORD oa tka r raa ad. Ru . Boa 1U alaa. 4Jat . BEST GRADE OF WOOD (U aad IS laak. Dry Bill wood. . Groaa wJU aL ' , ' Pry aocoad arowtk fir. Dry aad old fir. Dry 4 -ft. aah. aaaplo aad aak. FRED E. WELLS, Prompt doliaary aad roaaoaakla paw ISO Boa Ik Ckarck. Fkaaa 1S4S. aa WOOD OF ALL KINDS FOR BALE Joka U. Scott. Pkoaa 154 ar C22. - 43M IS INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTt oak aad aak. Paaaa 18F. M. D. Mar fiald. 4II1SS GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL OO. TELEPHONE IBS.' dSilPtl inSCLXLANEOU3 01 SEB JDS FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hail Aato Tap Pauat Saop. Roar f'ra dpartiaat. S-a1f HELP WANTED Notice TTnppirVing at tka Williaaia yard naar Ftla will conraenca Kr tamhr Srd. Pa HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED FCRX I SHED APARTMENT iwith'tkrao moaia or aaoro aad alp- ' Inr pon-B. Phew 1139. atO WANTED Sllacvllaaeons 85 MASTED SMALL STEAM DOXKET j aafia. Vili lack. J. M. Stawart. Rt. I, tiarrala. Orrroa. ' sa5- H. B. 8EAGROVK - FCRNACE . AND skoal amatol akop aaaaod .ta oil MUI BU ' - ..:laatt BATTLE CREEK SAXlTACICM MalAoda ara od ia tka kaaiik laail; tato at 8.. Coltafa .&W S. II. . Locaa. Pkoaa 2114. . ' tlii' SALEM FL KL AND TRANSFER 0. 752 Trada KU Wood.-- CaaJ, Brtaata aad Traaafar. Prica ntht, tkmr, tba kaV.r- laf pkoaca. Xi aad S2S, 'i(kt pkoaa CaU aa. , . ' . , . . SlaStt WASTED C8ED CNDr.KaVOOD TTPE- wruer ia rood coadtlioa. Pkoao 2240. I 35a5 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USES atoaao, too La. faraitara. Stiff a Uaod Gooda Dapt, appaaita ooart Sanaa. WANT WOOD CCTTER WITH FAMILY Hara Kua aaw and rabiaa near arhnnl. II. I,. Mora. 415 Cnmt ll3'f AGENTS WANTED 17 r !' I QKAXR Na. 1 wkita No. 1 rod, sacked .11.54 1.4S ! PORK, Top hog Sows Droaaed koga . Top stoara Cows Bolls MUTTON AJTD BEEP .19 .9S.S0910.60 , .IS .08 2.50 05.00 -Sk4 . 8prif lamba, 80 laa aad aadar fte H KaaTiar Vaali Drassad vast ,,, . .,, .08 H -7e07V4 as WASTED General Aeaat to tak orcr Tcrrilory of thta 8tat for an AntotTaphad edi tion of a avw book. Larry Lawyar, Miaiatar and book loarr a anra pros pect. A aiaa who kaa a car or Kalea OrcanitatioB raa clroa up S1O.OO0.00 a rear. Writ now for foil partlenlars. PKOGRISIYE PRK88, 1152 Milwau kee Aae.. Chirafo. lit. 17S Light keaa Heavy koas Broilers POTJLTBT LIS :Srft24 ,2Jc'a25 BOGS. UTTEBkSI BUTTEBTAT Batterfat .53 53c 54 :.2 .24 .82 ... . $3 40 Croaaicry butter Era . Standards Selects Milk, per ewt. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING - We, the undersigned incorpora tors of the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., hereby call a meeting of the subscribers to the cspltal stock of aid corporation to be held at the rooms of the Salem Chamber of Commerce in Salem, Oregon, on the 24th day of September, 1925 at the hoar of 10 o'clock a. m I for the purpose of organizing said company, electing a Board of Di rectors, adopting by-laws and transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. j E. W. 1AGE, j T. A. LIVES LEY. T. M. HICKS. Aug.. 2 3 to Sept 24 inc. CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH deatal .fold, platiaaia, aad daearde Jewelry. Uako Saoluag aad Rofiaery Co, Otaaso. Mickicaa,. . SSJ1 WOODRT THE a aad faraitara AUCTIONEER BCTI for cask, faoaa Sit SSa WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOI f ara losas. biaa several applies tioas oa kaad. Hawkiaa h Roker Ie.. Orernn BWa. Mt4f FOR S.LE 37 CLEAN RAGS FOR AUTO WIPES AT Salvation Amy. TcL 1820. 37i FOR SALE VETCH SEED. FOR COYER crop or kay. B. Cuaatackaia. Pkone 21FX . i --. S7s8 SEI.L US TOCR USED FURN rTCRE - H, U Stiff Fwra'taro Co. Caod Guods Dept. Opposito ooart kooao. 8722tl RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8" BT SH 50 rocalpt farnia Is book. 15 aoata pot book or two for 25 caata. statoa aaa allies. SIS Sontk Coaamarelal Si. 8aloaa. . . 87f25tf LOST AND FOUND "63 FOrSD ROBE Phoe- 1V0 J. IN'CIR AT CtRCt'S. 51.1 PERSONAL TIM TREATMENT OR APPENDICITIS "It Is Wonderfal." e mforatatma. A ddraaa Htas" Co.,. Port load. Orer-. totl MONET TO LOAN 57 FARM LOANS Loaf tiaa, aasy paraaoata, Ww laW aat ' ao fees or oooiaiaaions. PERRINE MARSTERB SIS O-ay Bide, SoUax. Ore S?J2tt f WANTED LOANS t9 rTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTPPPPPPPPPPP" prppppppppppppppppppppppppppp PP PP PP WANTED Prirsta aaooay far PS PP wall aeaared first . aaortf-ara PP PP la a. Aay aatoaat, Opaa TP ' PP aaoaiafa. - PP PP PP PP PARXBR REALTT COMPXKT PP PP AOS O. B. Baak Bids. ., .-. .. PP PP TeUoeoee S142 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPJ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Trespass Notices For Sale Traspasa NaUeoo. sits ltxS laekoa Iirtatod oa rood 10 oaare eoaaaaa baor af tka words. 'Notico Is Hereby Gio aa Tkaa Traapaaoiar la Strictly Farbid da Oa Tkaaa Praaiieoa I'adar PaaaBy af Proaoeatioa." Price 15a oach ar I for 85a. SUtoamaa Pk. Co, Saloaa. Orogoa. 87atl Baainraa Op port on it ics 01 INVESTMENTS 81000 ON CP W raa abow yoa a rertsia aecarity ana a ratara of 0 to 20. Maoy income properties with bonded leases tbat aat 9 to It '4 wkero yoa know property ia rettiar better. First and gecoad Mot-t-races, eo a tract, ere- Beck a A lien drieks. L'. 8. Bk. Bldr. Slaltf BILLY'S UNCLE A GOOD PATIXG SMALL HOTEL rooasiar baaiacas.. Apply ta Wsa. Flew a. 341 gtato BU SU2tf SMALL GROCERY IN GROWINO 8EC twa of Nartk Salens. Basineaa raa ko doubled by eH l a r. feed. flOOO.OO. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT Realtor. Loans and laaaraaco. 147 No. fwwi'l pt.. Kaletn. Ore. la(rf Most of the people of our district will be surprised to know that England last year; took . about hal? J the canned loganberries fVthe .tJnited jSktes-Which'tncans bf Oregon and Washington. That her 40,000,000 people took about , L'00,000 cases, leaving ,ohl y-. about the -same number for our more than 100,000,000 people,!. That is a hint of wtat may be done with this wonder berry which "was originated.'in the Salem "district as a commercial product With thelright kind : of .'organization, a much rger acreage of loganblrriea than we have so far had in our calculations could be rriarketed'in various forms, including the juice, and at sucli prices as would stabilize the industry; Why not? Where Is tha man of vision and organizing ability needed for the job -one to the point of absolute success? VJtL..TVkVL CAStHCHTT 1 1 j I J I I I 1 DOROTHY DARNIT By Charles Mcilanus aw ' . "a - UlTUaClRL. CAKl VOO OlCcECT ME TO THE fAMOOS CASCADE I VtSlRl Co DoWM THIS Road TlLl. VOO COME TO THAT HOUSE . am ' .sw -v ar : m Voo'li. t A MAM STAMDIM IM THE OOORWAV OF THAT HOOE. 1 f - - i . I STAMDIM IN r- I et T-Jli" I Jl Tt T ........ I Slat, f 1 Kl .1. rr .Tti . l CM I SEE..H..U- r SMOW.-ME. THE H HE VJiLl- irVpO . WAoJT Hi eA TO OUT YOO JOT TAKt A GOOD iLOOK AT THAT1 MAJ'S FACE AS btLll"' .t-v fal a aa 7 V ., ' THE. CASCADE, rt I TAMt CoHIRtD to. r4? - THAT M AP r-J i ... y " - C ModAadOV 3 tf). Q lv0 1? At