SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1025 stem's Great Market Plac lassiiriea e THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON .:i Sect V e V v 0 4 1 a t : i i V 63 VACANT HOrSKS IS 8AI.EM ARl NEARLY AlJ. RKN'TED If yon iafen4 te live in Xalem, come in b4 let as solve Tour problem. 392 S room bonne in North Salem for $1500, or will it An for larger Juu in Bales. '43. 4 room bonae on North Front, ctoae in for 2200. 4S7 B room houae and 1 acre In Al bany to trade for Ralera property or acreage near Salem. 40012 acre with 5-room bouse, barn, and ether building. lree S3S00, will trade for bonae in Salem. 421 Sew 5-roora modern bungalow on North Liberty at 9310O. Terma. 11 A 6-room bouse. Modern exeept fnraace, in North Raleni. LTga lot. Plenty of fruit. - A rmd bay at S3800. 421S A fillinf station with two pump and a confectionery in n good location for S13W). a a ... iuul &iAeb nt raeeriae and 6 renfertiouerv in a Mlen4i4 location. i ThU ia a money maker. ' Invoice or aell outright at '-'00. Act qnieklr. n.RICH AND ROBERT 122 X. Com'l St. Phone 1354 r : i 632 5 room bungalow on X. 24th St., tared, bath. etc.. $2500, with $150 rah, balance eaay payment, paring paid, i - -,. : ' M-room bungalow, basement, well locat ed lo aehoola, paved St., $3750.00, easy navmeota. . 6 room new bsnralow, north Salem. REAL ESTATE near car line and school, garage, good j , buy at $2200, terms. Beautiful bungalow on North 5th St ' liaaement. furnace, hardwood floora. fireplace, east front, garage. $5500, . terms. - Furnished houses "' for rent. ; H. E. Brown or Jirlrin JoJinMn, 109 S. Com ' mercial fit. 3n30 A WIDOW WITH HER LITTLE SOX live, in a - large 7 mom houae only a few blocks from the State Houae ahe wants to sell it for $50O0 or trade it for a small acreage with a nice little houae t 40 mighty nice re and all good land with 4-roo a plas tered house and good barn worth $10,000, to trade for a Salem borne: : 30 well improved acres all good land, to trade for a small place: 1 aero on the Silverton road close with 4 -room I houae worth $2.oo to trade lor a larger tract out and cheaper; an auto mobile to trade for a vacant lot; a nice 4-room home and garage with Vt arre of good land worth $2400 and will take n lot or a car aa part pay meat: 12 V4 fin acres fairly well im nrnved and nraeticallv all in fruit worth iCOOO to trade for a larger farm. We have a client for a good modern S-roora borne. ' - MeOILCHRIST PEXXiXGTOX V 9t V. R. Bank Bide. Phone 140 1 ' 63a28tf f .ilmrtrn uni'KV CV 1 P tkn town M V district, good f v V 1Sl l"g Piopoaition. t lX; 11 ll VYiir sscrifice. F Vrf i Bechtel. 340 " l moxpaI 1 5 EIXE i c district, good furniture, leaae. A pay- uwner muat go es&t. See my agent. Child, State St. 63s30tf AT'S 8PECIAL- 5 EIXE iOTS $1250- Only $250 caah, balance $15 month. apartment: hocsk snap Practically new, well built with four apartments all rented, paved street, fine location. Price $5800, terms., - . - ROOM . HOUSE $4500- With furniture, has several apartments, rents ; for $50 per month. i.arge lot, barn, paving paid, eay terma. -CLOSE IX BXir- Houae 9 rooms, ' suitable for a room ing or apartment house, 2 large lots, corner, both streets paved and paid, best ef terms. . -WHY PAY RENT- $300 rash, $25 per month buy a good house. 7 or ft rooms, garage, fruit ard shade trees, beat ef aoil.l Price $1COO. ANOTHER GOOD BUY- Houae 6 rooms, . 4 lot, barn, chicken 1 house : and park, $250 down, balance $25 per month. Price rat to $1600. If you can't handle either one. buy this room, housa. two lota for $500 en eaay terms. See Chi Ida ft Bechtel, 540 State Street for teal, real eatate bargain. 63a30tf GOOD BUYS IX HOMES 7 $2000 Small - caah payment, ' balance : eaay terma, buya a good borne near school, paved atreet, abundance of fruit and shade trees. $3000 Only $300 down, balsnce like ; rent, buys a good o-room bouse located V near Junior High school and grade school, paved s ; street, garage, east front, fine '- shade trees, let us show you : this. ' - -,. ' $1250 Boys a J-room bouse nnd '3 ' lots, abundance of fruit, grapes, . 'cherries and English walnuts, . est front, rhls is a bargain. 132506500 down buys n 6-reom modern house on paved street, I aidewalk. M block from car line. Basement, gas. Balance like rent. ' . - $2650 Buya a 3-ioom modern hodee, paved street, near school, Vt block from ear line, $1000 ! down will handle. 2800$5O0 down, balance tike rent. ! buys a new . modern e-roora i house, full basement, paved "t street, well located, let us bow ' you thia. $4300 Terms, buya a double con- atrncted 7-room : house near ; aehoel, paved street and side - 1 walka, fine large ground with :! fruit trees and garden. ' $6850 6IOOO down bays a fine bouse -: in Fairraoiint Park addition, f beautiful large grounds corner ; lot, faeing east and south. LET ! US SHOW THIS TODAY. $3500 $1000 down, buys a new 5- room houae, basement, garage. i 1 acre of. ground, abundance V ef fruit trees, English Wslnuts 1 and grapes, S mile from city ' t tot it. . city water, Eleetrie lighta. This will make yea a i fine suburban home with low t Uxe. W. H, ORABEXHORST ft CO. Realtors. 275 State St. .Phone 515 j , 7 - 63a30 CAR FIRST PAYMENT OX CLOSE-IX , homo. Immediate possession. iJ3w.uu. Balance exactly like rent. nrKF A HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Bk. Bid. . 63a23vl ! mu otv t.ortcwn unnrey notsE. close to school; large eloaets, furnace. garage, fruit. Wonderful buy. Call at 1140 X. 15th. r y . bJsa SEE US FOR BEST BARGAINS IX GOOD SALEM CITY AXD FARM HOMES.- WE HAVE OVER 73 FOR SALE-' AXD EXCHANGE AND HAVE ALKEADT CLOSED SEVfcKAlj ..V- cksng and aale deals recently very I i aataifactorily and are getting more m , nuiriea everr da V from peraon want ing- to change locations and proper-j i;e. Therefore we desire to lis more city nnd suburban homes for sale and exehaare and will appreciate -any op portunities given ns to help yon to match un veur wants. ' See Well Tun- man At Kon 216 Masonic Temple. Phone CI 8. We write insurance. i 63a30tf FOR SALE OR TRADE V " 70 sores near Sublimity, sixty-twe acrea tinder cultivation, balance good, oak , : ' timber. Good well, family orchard, fnll bearinar: fenced and eroaa-fenced. Eight- room bouse. Barn 60x50 aad 16x30 ga- I rage. One block to school. Paved road. All farm eauinmrnt s-ae with the place Six cows, four heifer calves, three good horses. Will trade for good farm, in Nebraska or Iowa. Price $13,000. . Good hotel and 13 lot in Northern Xebraaka. for farm in the valley or T city propertv. What have you t 33-aerea adioininc Monmouth, good building, aad th best of land. Prise tUOOO . Term. - 10 acres with good building, all dear of incumbrance, nearly all aader eulti- vat ion. Trade for good city property ' or small ranch clone to Salem. A ' new five-room bungalow close to fapitel street, cement walk,' all mod ern and a nice little home. Price $2700. - 130-Acre farm near Dall, good build ing, on -gravel road. 55 acre under cultivation, lot of timber. Will trade eiuity for lot in Saiem and mirht eon--ider West Salem. ' Price $90OO. 0. W. IJtFLAR - 4 REAL ESTATE S3 ROOM BCXGAIXW, FDRXACE, COVI- pietely! furnished including eleetrie stove, well built in. aa exceptional hay at $3750. Very eaay terma. room and breakfast nook, new, oak floors. 4 excellent construction, well ar ranted, garage. , furnace and fireplace, you cannot do better at $4500. room and breakfaat nook, mednro in every way and beat of location, thin it in nnnanal homo and ran be pnrehaaed entirely furnished for $11.- 750 or will ,ell anruruished. WIXN1K PETTYJOHN', Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 6a2 tf fOR SALE A SEVEX ROOM VODER homo. 1 Excellent location. - 1 14 block from State home and block- from Pacific highway. Lot 65x165. Ad dreaa owner. 1051 Cbemeketa atreet. Salem, Oregon. C3al6tf flOOO CASH TAKES 13 LARGE L0T8 mat are in way or new atreeta. sew er, etc. Look ahead a year and come now. BECKR HENDRICKS tX. 8. Bk. Bid., ; 63a23tf SPECIAL BUTS ft iEXCHAX0E8 SO acre cleared, fenced, barn, $3000 very easy term or trade. 20 acre. 19 cleared, timber,' small barn, $2250, terma. . 40 acre, 37 cultivated 3 timber, good nut land, $3200, terma. PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 40 acres .all . cleared, bouse, 2 barns. stock, machinery, feed, toOOO. terms. 157 erree, 16 cleared, balance bnrned over, -booae, barn. 80: acres fenced, for ouick sale. $1800. I PP PP PP 8-room modern, pavement, barn, ga PP PP rage, fruit, liooo. easy terma. 7 -room anfinished, 8 lots, $2000, PP terms.: SOCOLOFSKT PP PP PP 341 State. Real Estate Loans - ! - ! 63a27tf GOOD BCT8 AND TRADES 1 4-room Apt. bouse for acreage. 5 acres close in. bldgt- fruit, $2800 PP .7', 4 acres, suburban, bldgs.. ' $1800, 40-acre farm, cows, team, feed, $3200, Want residence same value. 5 -room bungalow and garage, $1700, 28-acre farm, good bldg., fruit, stock. tools, feed, snap, 5jOO. 4-room bouse, good let. $1050. Nice 10 acres suburban for residence, 2 acres suburban, new modern bunga low, - 'ine location. :I3000. terms. For rent Acre tract; close in. double . , garage, ben house, fruit, near school. paved road, $2Q me. , If yon want to buy, sell or trade, SEE PERRtXE MARSTERS 312 Com. Club Bldg. i 63a25tf TWO HOMES OX LOT OSE FIVE rooms, the 'other smaller. Lota of fruit ' and garden. Price $3850. Pavfcd with view.- Reasonable terms. BECKE HENDRICKS U. 8. Bk. Bldg. t . . 3a23tf BRAXD NEW COTTAGt-FCRXACE AXD fireplace; 4 rooms and nook. $3750, Immediate possession and reasonable terms. Bee vacant at 235 Brooke ave- i nae. i ! BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. 8. Bk. Bldg. . 63a2Stf A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors Specialise In Oregon farms, Salem homes and write Insurance. "147 Xo. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 63al3tf FOR QUICK SALE BY OWNER WHO U' leaving city, new modern 4-room bouse, aoon ready for occupancy, ce ment basement, breakfaat nook, built in kitchen. . Well located in South Salem. East front,! Price $2675 tertii. i-oone ios-v. - -- dsii CAMPGROUND FOR SALE, SEVEN COT- tares and five tentbouses, completely furnished for light housekeeping. Party wishes to sell because ot too great responsibility for one: person. A good paying proposition-- Addre&s Mrs. Wm. Flaningam, , Newport, Oreg. 63a28 GOOD VALUES! IX LOTS . Lot on Xorth Cbnrcn St., near Mar ket, price $850. i Lot on Trade St, Lot 50x165, price $500. i J-.ot on X. Winter St. near "D", price $1200. ! 4 block corner Norway and X. Front Bt, price $1600. SEE -' KRUEGKR, Realtor ' r 147 X. Commercial, :i f , Phone 317- 63a30 . GROCERY STORE WELL LOCATED IX prosperous neighborhood, IMOO -. Gro cery; store and general merchandise, the only store in community, making good : money. iarage and a great eomhina Hon ef buaineas included, making ex fra good money in good locality. $10, 000. Trade old houxe for new one in Salem. Trade Portland property for Salem. Gertrude J. M. Page, Realtor, 492 j X.. Cottage. j '. 63a30tf HALP PKICE FIXE FARM 80 to 1 - yo acres cultivated: some pas- lure; 7-room houae x barns; all other outbuildings; big cement reservoir; a springs; water piped across place; fam ily fruit; beat grain in vicinity this year; one of the best farms In fina farming locality; adapted for grain, dairy, chickena : about 20 miles. east of Salem; good macadam to pave ment. 69000 take all: iuat half price; $3500 down; balance 6 per cent long as wanted. Hurry. , fVj pyx BEST COXSTRUCTIOX. 6 11 L TV room, sleeping porch; cement ; basement ; Pamah Grove Addition ; paved street; halt block from Parrish ecnooi ; f aooo.uu. ; . MCtir MODERN One block . from -" Parriah arhool: 100 feet from Capitol atreet; built by owner for bia own nae but now going to live with daughter: 5 rooms down, room for np and atairway ia; cement basement furnace, fireplace; very best construc tions finest material: inspect it with microscope, yon. can't find a flaw; lot 55x156; price $5750. J CENTRAL. ' 2I0L' j wtiiX 1 I.rba Sorta LOT 66x165, Summer near Center: 8 room houae; fine big bear ing walnuts, English and native; sev eral varietiea grapes and other fruit; big bara; all for the price ot. the lot. Easy terma. - HARRIS ' Masonic Temple Phone 795, ' MINUTE MOVIES COKEDy ! TllEe miss io4 Any I j i - -- I , . . . , ...... . .. , ; It-B RHTECAJS MAM W0UIP.VWK-1 ,n A IOrHEV ? WV.HONjy MAKES N ' yf j BU OTHER , AH D0AN )-'lv V'"Szk9 r - ( 1 : -rl U Vou maws zhcugh j FT 0 vi fjQW" ' mWI0 fp & y c-vif ; RKAtt ESTATE 63 Nothing Succeeds Like Success Dandy sew four-room and bratfl Book i peagalew. baa a at. t uraace, paved 8t.. $3OO0.(K. Terma. rive aye. all in fruit and berrio. Cloae i to ear lino, electric light. A nap. $3500.00. V caah. 80 acre, paved road, limine stream, fino fisb. good toil. 13 mile from Salem, Ore.. $4500.00. caah. Rich L. Relmann Realtor. 147 W, Com'l St. Phone T36-A 3l?ot RSAIj ESTATE TILDES 63 WHO HAS A CHEAP HOUSE TO TRADE for a i 5-aera tract, good for bog and chicken business. Xo buildings. 8ee V. Fleming, 341 State. 65a23lf PPPPPPPPPPPPP'ryt1PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 220O EXCHANGES 3200 EXCHANGES OO DIRECT TO "EXCHANGE I HEADQUARTERS , Offices 8alem and Portland The " demand or exchangee ha made neeeasary onr GREAT MARKET PLACE where te requirements ot all can be matched. We have just- what yen have ia mind; Just where yon want it; just the right prie. Our list of exchanges (the largest list ing on the Pacific Coast) PP PP PP PP PP rnaranteea yonr complete sat- PP iaf afactioa regardleaa of your ro- PP PP PP Ojuirementa. If yen would like to : exchange- your nropertv PP PP PP PP TODAY., come ia TODAX. PP Open .Teniae. ' See PP PARKER FOR PROPF.RTT PP i 408 C. S. Beak Bldg. PP Com'l at State. - Pheae 2343 PP PP PP PP PP i - 5i26tf PP PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ?PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPP RJUL ESTATE Farms 67 J ! A GOOD FARM Owner retiring account of age. : Will give a man a good deal, or take mailer acreage or a town house. See Wm. Fleming at S41 State SU for par- kralars. 6Ta23tf NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IX - good farm landa. We have all kind at all prices. A, C. BOKRXSTEDT Realtor. Losiu and Insurance 147 Xo. Com'L SU Salem, Ore. 67a30tf SMALL ! FARMS RIGHT HERE ARE a SO and a 22 sere place at $4750 and $3250 respectively. Well finsnced and terms to snit. . Immediate po&eaaiott on either. . Both near Salem. The 22- I acre place admirably suited for email dairy, i hog aad chickena, excellent burn with concrete atanciona. etc. BECKE ft HEXDRICKS U. S. Bk. Bldg. - , 67a23tf FOR SALE CHEAP 8T ACRES OF fine land, six miles from Salem. Good new building. , about half cultivated balance paatur. Running water, some i limber. Will give good terms. Might accept some trade. . J. Math is, own er. Telephone 105F5. Salem. Ore. Rt 7.1 67sl6 -FARM LAND BARGAIN S- Good improved 198 acre farm $75 per acre. Terms. 10a. acre stock farm. good large barn, fair boose, price $30 : per acre. Pine 70 arre good improve ment, 1 5 milea north of Salem,-prire I fo per acre, best or terms, to acres all plow land, no building $100 per ' acre, terms. Dandy 5 acre best of ' soil and location, fair building, tool. crop, chicken, aomo honaehold good. Owner i leaving. Price $3250. terms. 'Fine 4 sere tract not far nnt $1100, 'terms. For land see Childs ft Bechtel. 540 Stste St. 7s30tf WANTED REAl ESTATE 71 PPPPPPFPPFFPPPFF P P P P P P PP PPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PASKFJI - ' START PACKCfO PP PP PP PP P P PP PP PP PP Selling service witbwut eanaL PP r V Uur ystea. never fails.- Heiaa- P F Y P tifie selling, hacked by . clean, P P r tr intelligent salesmanship meaaa V V P P RESULTS for TOU. We tarn I P PP Prospects" into "Buyers." PP P P We turn "FOR SALI" signs in- P P PP to "SOLD." 411 city property PP P P inspected, nbetorrnnhed and sold P P P P without aggravating delays. Open P P r- f evenings. ee r r P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P PP 409 U. 8. Xat'l Bank Bldg, PP PP Commercial at Bute P P PP i . Telenhoae 3343 PP P P Offleea in Salem aad Portland P P PP 71ml7-tf PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP P P P P P P PPPPPPPPP TRUCKS AXD TRACTORS 1-1 FALL SALE USED TRUCK 8 In order 1 to clean np our stock ef nod trucks we are offering truck of all sixe at an- near of price. These truck ore not junk, but real serviceable jobs at one half the uual price. Herp are a few aampiea. r.asy terma; - , 1 tea Chev. ranopv body license $350 1 ton Chev. 8-in-l body $300 1 ton Republic, license $350 1 ton Republic, Pneumatic , canopy body, license u,-v .. $Q" ton Traffic, bed. lieenae .$275 SH ton Wiether, bed. licene......$00 TRUCK CO., 267 Pacific Bt. Portland, Oregoa. , 73a30 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co, - We pot eti fire PnrA T7w1tff USED CARS FOR SALE r 79 FORD ROADSTER1 MODEL - 1921. starter, tr t e-ess condition, $150. Xo term.. Box. 121-A. , Rt. 4. .791' f". f CaU MT . THE St jj - w- ; srnj lSLANt - Or kel.inwS r- wlM H A J I - - - ! i . i i l .. i CAES FOTl SALK 79 PACKARD HCDSOX ESSEX Prices Are Always Lower at Powell's Car always BETTEB s Be snre and ee them before yon bay. IT PAYS. Kaex 4 touring Tnew paint, motor over hauled; good tires and yon will agree it a a buy at . $300 Late model Chaadler Conpo. Tbo own er drove thia car n few thenaaad milea ' ia all. So line ia appearanee, perform ance, equipment and mechanical con dition that yon can not possibly find any fantt with it. Call early before somebody eUe gets it for 1 1 1 'HI Bniek ff touriag. Here yen are. New paiat; license, good cord tires nnd com pletely overhauled. It'a a knock out. This low price calls for action .$175 j I .ate Hudson Super Six touriocV Just the car yon have been looking for to 1 take that trip in. Lot or power aaa a peed. Mechanically right and it look rood. Plenty of extrn equipment. All thia for $50 Mitchell touring. Jat the car for a large family. Looks too.1, runs good and is good. Why walk when this ear is only .. $100 1923 Ford Coupe. Nickel radiator and radiator bar, motomeler. ann visor and many ether extra. It a ! n earn for $ We nlae have several Chevrolet rtag rng from $60 up to $2i0, ale 12I Ford Coupe that's a dream. "Ask Morphew" Fred M. Powell Motor Cars ; .150 X. High St. Phone 2126 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79s29tf LATE 1923 FORD TOURING CAR IX A-l ah ape. The ear will have to be aeea to he appreciated for 4335. BURDETTE ALBKK MOTOR CO. ' Gardner Diatribntors 217 State St. 79a29tf CERTIFIED BARGAINS New" Available 1923 Ford Sedan .. . $350 1923 Cleveland Roadster . j ..$ 1024 Star Sedan too 1923 Overland Touring 6370 1924 Star Tour nr. 647 1924 Star Sport Touring f i7i j 1921 Hupntobile Touring $485 1921 Stndcbaker Big 6 Sport ....". 19-4 Kaaex i $650 1923 Eaaex We have a number Of good cars with atartera and battery ligbla for less than $200. - CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 235 X. Church St. 7a30tf Eiker's Twe pen-starter touring Fords with license. $45 and $55. Toe much serv ice in these cars to wreck. Both in good running condition. Eiker Auto Co. - Phone 121 79jSltf 1924 Ford touring $32 1920 Mitchell 260 1920 Oakland .$150 Maxwell touring, balloon tires - $250 J921 .Maxwell $150 1919 Dodce tourinr ; $323 1917 Dodce : $18. 1917 Dodge touring $150 '1920 Chevrolet roadster . . $125 Bakk "4" $125 BOXE8TF.ELE MOTOR CO. Visit our need car lot. 79a30 OXLY TWO USED CARS LEFT There's a Reason Why! 1925 Hudson Coach has been used for demonstrator $1250 1923 Paige 8even-paaaenger fully equipped Price $12vO. Formerly owned by prominent Salem eitixen. Our regular guarantee ia on tbeae cars that's the reason we have very few naed cars on hand. We have the beat terma in the state ' , Pav While Von Ride. MAC DONALD AUTO COMPANY Msrmon. Chandler nnd Cleveland car Corner Cottage and Ferry. Phone 409 . 79a29tf Guaranteed Used Fords 1923 Coupe 9325.00 1924 Roadster $315.00 1924 Model 4-deor sedsa, $100 worth ot extras ....$525.00 Other Modela Under $100.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Authorised Ford Dealer ' Phono 1995. 260 Xe. High. ; ' 70a25tf I EIKER'S USED CAR8 1923 Touring . $245 1934 Coupe $435 Our Vaual guarantee behind all cars. Eiker Auto Co. Liberty Street at Ferry. Pheae 121 7jl8li . - . - Used Can at a pnee aad with quality that will please too. 1924 Gardner Sport Touring.... $800.00 1B24 Overland Touring 4o.ti 1933 Chevrolet Coop.., .v.imi 1920 Dodge Roadster 225.00 1920 Bniek Roadster.. 4 0.00 192J Maxwell 2i.0 We else have Fords and Chevrolots at $50.00 aad -ip. "After We Sell We Serve" F. W. PETTY JOHX CO. 365 X. Commercial St, Phone 1360 T9a23tf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR leas. Why pay meref Money back guaraate. Scheeiar Ante Wrecking Co. Look far the orange front. Dey phone 819. Night phone 60S. 1085 X. Commercial SU . "Bail to save money." - 79-JlStf USED (All right protected hy TV orcw MntSeww ArVsro POOR UNfORTU- jrlwc rev. TbVJPUFT TreEELAlfeD HttAmens 1 1 N . I CLASSIFIED Of Kellable Business AMBXXUUrCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 AncnovEru F. X. WOODRT i Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate ACCTIONEKR Res. 1610 X Summer Phone 511 for aale date. WOODRY ft WOODRY Expert Livestock. Furniture, Real Fo late, and Meerhaadiae Ao-tiers. 16 years' experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed, uuwe 371 N. Cwa'L Tel. 75. Kes. P96 S. Commercial, TeL IMl W for aale dates. ACCOUlTTAjrr O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And Iter, lam State. Pheae 3096-K. alT-56 BATTERY AND BLECTXICLUfI B. D. BARTON EXIDt, BATTERIES etarter and generntr work; 171 South Commerctal Phone 19 COURT 8T BICYCLES AXD BXPAIXIHO IJX1TD E. RAMS DEN DAYTOX B1CY eles and repeirinf. 187 Court. BKAKB BXLDnsO V IKE PAX EK 375 SOUTH COMMEB eial St. Phone 103. )Mf CHIBESE BXHXDT L. L, DICK L. M. HUM Chin Medicine Com oa a v Help aay kaowa deae. 4i0 426 Bute, B-8tt CHIROPRACTOR Dr. O. L. SCOTT. U80. CHIROPRACTOR. Temporary address, 1960 Be. liberty Phoae 828-1. ' H. B. SCOriELD PALMER CHIROPRAC- tor. U28 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 3194. mitt BXXssxAxnro PRIXTED CARDS 81 ZK 14" BT TH werdinr. "Lressmakiag;" price 10 eenta each. Slateaman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. atamping. buttons. Room 10, ever Millar- Store. Phone 117. PBUQ STORES DRUGS. CHEMICALS. TOILET ARTI- ciea. perfume, expert preaeripuoaiats. Capital Drug Store, coraer Slate aad Libert. ELECT XICIAXS I SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co Phone 1994. 32'e X. Liberty. FLEEXE'i ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring i.y hour er contract. Estimate fnroihed. Phone WHO 471 Court M. rABM PAPER IP TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper sead I5e to the raeiiM Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for n thru month trial tubecripiioa. Mention . thia ad. POTJLTRYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO cent etempa .'or special three month trial tor the best and oJWt Journal in tha waat. The art.rles sad adveiliae meats -are ef special intereat t the poultry bmedera ef the ortnwoat Kerthwesl Poultry Journal. 311 Com mercial street, Balem, Uregon. , rrxAxciAZ. POR BALE FIRST AND SECOND MorV gsgos. Trust Deeds, Contracta en house WiU net to BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Xat'l Bank ... J1 If FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY T loan en good farm security. CITY LOANS Wo are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money en eilv residence and buaineaa property nt 54. plus a commission. Hawkias A Roberta. Inc. 205 Oregon Building , d I4tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Bnilding FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS. funenl wreaths, decorations, I'. Hreith.tipt, florist. 123 X. Liberty Phone 880. " rrjXXRAX DISJECTOKS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC 2 in Ceatee. pieee HAT XL0CXXXO l iii WORK GUARANTEED. ELLS- eannuannaamnun worth Hat Shop. 847 H Court, npelairs - HXXSTTTCHTXa SALEM ELITE HEM STITCH I NO, Pleat ing, button, stamping aad needle went in Orercn HMi. t'hone n f. rXIOXAXCB ,: Insure Tear borne er enr new rhooe 161 BECKR ft HENDRICKS U S Bank Bld! KODAKS EXPERT AND INDIVIDUAL ATT EX lien srive) to vonr developing an printing. Capital Drag S'ere. BeeHei -Trnde Mark TOeaiirtre V. C Virilism D JOE WILLIAM! SAVED c 1 - ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference LAUXDXIX SALEM LACXDRT COMPANY 263 8. H gh street. Phone Vi. oldeet, larg est and B-eU Eatabliehed !. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAC dry. Pheae 171. 1356 B Street. jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Pboee 15. Service with a amile. Qnabty work. 1264 Broadway. Jletf XJkDIXS TAILOKTbTO D. H. MOSHEli TAILOR FOB MKX aad women. 474 Court St. MATTXZtSES MATTKESHES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol Cty Bedding Co, t ll Kerta Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All wrh guaranteed. Phone l flott ItXDICAX MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY- Pbou 51T-W. 14XXXXKXBY BARGAINS . THE YEAR AROUND. tells and leather hats sa.oo aad np. Ellsworth Hat Shop, 347 Vb Court, ap stairv. MTJSI0 STORES SHERMAX CLjY ft OO PIAXOS Sveiawava, Ioo-Art aad others. Meere Mnaie House. 415 Court street. GEO. C WILL PIAX03. PHONO- grapha sewing machine, kheet nauaie, aad piaae etudiea. Repair ig phono graphs aad sewiag machines. 433 State street. Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIAXO FOR A XEW Victor or Brunswick. 11. L. Stiff Far ntt'ire Co, Music lept. KEW1PAPERS TILE PtJRTlJtXD TKLEORAM. BALEM Agency The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGOX STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your hone early each meraiag. TeL za or . KTJXSZRT STOCK FBUIT. NUT AXD SHADE TREES Pearev Rw, 237 R'at FACKUfO AXD SHIPPIXa roR EXPERT FURXR1TURE PACKIXQ nnd shipping, call Stiff Furniture Store. Phone 941. PATBRHAXOIXO AXD PAIXTtXQ PHOXE OLENX ADAMS FOR HOUSE deroratiag. paper haagiag. tiatiag. etc,; Helta hie workman. PIAXO TTJXXU EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Mill a Music Store pgrxnxa' POR STATION ART, CARDS, PAMPH- UtV programs, books er aay kiad ef printing. Call at the tttatesmaa Print ing Itepartmeat, Hi 8. Commercial. Tel. SHS. PLTJblMXO PU'llBIXd AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Craber Bre 141 Liberty nt. PKoeo 5bO. fltf RADIO SPUT1XIRP RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any price QTJAXXTT CARS lligb aad Trade naif RADIO DOCTORS , SALEM EI.KCTSIC CO. "' P. 8. BARTON. Propriety , Vaaenie Temple Pbene 110 Radlolas Per Every Purpose Every Parse All Standard Site ef Radio Tnbea " IIALIK EOEP ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 4S XZAX. KITATX IF YOO HAVE PROPERTY TO 8ELI er if you are looking for a pewa, far r bumee property. ee a. HECKK A IIEXDKICKS . r. S. National Baak MaiUiag itf SEPAlSDfO AI.VIN B. STEWART I'.URRELLAA. CITI.ERY AVH KEYS Mimuvift, raaor awJai, acissocn, knives aad tool hreaed 8CAVEXOERS BOOS SCAVEHOER SERVICE Garbage and refuse ef ail felads removed li month. R in able rata. Coaa poela luuJ and dead animals removed Phone Off) SS er V7. Re. 20 SXC0XD HAXD OOOD8 amiKU EVbKYTrflNU IN CLOTH Ing and sbeea. Bet price paid. Cap ital Earhaare. 4 berth Commercial. phone 1.-C 8T0RAOB WK STORE TOCR HOCSEHOLD 6eed m a.rUiu ven bnve. by the week. month or veer. P. A. Efker. corner r.wtv ..d rerrr. Phone 111. 4 Mtf Say It With a Classified Ad R. Pateal OfOco) QM , My BROTHER , IT A .SIM TOR VOU TO a tr t-tw m rrOTXJ AXD 8TOTX BXFATXnfO STOVFS REBUILT AXD REP4tHEn 46 years' experienee. Depot Natleaal teeco. ie X as in. ajga. rauuk la and vamiabea, e, loganberry and bop book. Balena Featce aad Sieve vrka. ;.(! fttmrt aleeet. Pbane 12 4. TRAJftrXB AXT HAUUX0 CAPITAL CITY TRXSPT.R CO. 326 Stale St. Pheae 933. DiatHbatiag. for wardiag and average ear specialty. Oe WE MOVE. STttRK AXD SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our aneeialty is niaae aad furniture moving. We a.eo make eeoav UT tripe. We haadle tbo boat coal ad Call en a for prieee. We give Beaawr.' good quality aad gd aervare. urart 1 raaal.r Cev. Theme IM TRAXsrr.R AND 1IACUXO OP ALL lull. Pkonc tn. WATER SALKM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO, UffH-e M4 Honlb Cemssereial gt. Tea per coat discount on domoetie flat rales paid in ndvnnro. Xo deduction foe ebMce er nny cause paleee water League of Nations Look for New Emigrant Fields BUENOS AIRES Colonel Ja.! Proctor has completed a tour of the Interior of Argentina on be half of the Labor Uureau of the League of Nations in order to In restitute conditions i for " settling what are estimated ! to be more than 200.009 Russians and some German refugees. The labor bur eau plans to ftend them to South American countries la order to re lieve some conge-ted districts ln Europe, especially the Volga re gion In Russia. In a memorial presented to the' Argentine secretary of agriculture. Dr. Lebreton. High Commissioner Proctor says that the labor bur eau of tbe League of Nations is studying the possibility of direct-; ing a flow or Russian and Ger man emigrants to other countries where labor Is scarce. After expressing appreciation for the courtesies, extended by the Argentine authorities. ' the me- 1 mortal says that the labor bureau wants a close connection with the Argentine government in order to facilitate tha nlrm r a m I . grants h,to Argentina and that ntirh vrnnl.l ., - wwttt vh7 eyas a n after proper guarantees are ob- tained concerning their labor value and morality. The bureau asks the Argentine government to send Information and Instructions re garding the selection of emigrants. Rome Will Revive Old Baths for Young Boys ROME PupIV b.Hhs. which rnnstlfuted part cf the greatness of anrlent Rome, are. beginning to come into vogue again with the ever growing interest In athletics on the part of Italian youth. Inspired partly by the grand- lose pomposity of the ruins of such ancient structures as the baths otl Caracalla and Diocletian and part - I V, nBMtlit.ltl1ll Af mAAM gymnasiums. , Italian architect have drawn up plans for tne erec - lion oi two massive structures hich are decided to serve the! lioman pauitc not cuiy as Datnsi ut al.-to as ainietic ana sport cen tern. One of these Is to be construct ed In the Pi air a Rlsoslmento. In the center of one of Rome a most! rapidly growing res'dential sec Ions. According .to tbe archt - tect's plans it will be rivalled spleadid oratenesa only by such XOTICE OF RTOCKHOLDLTW siEi-rrLNU TVe, the undersigned incorpora- tors ot the Oregon Linen Mills. Inc.. herebv call a meeting of the subscribers to the capital atock of said corporation to be held at the rooms ot the Salem Chamber oi Commerce In Salem. Oregon, on the 14th day ot September. 1925. at the hour of 19 o'clock a. ra for tbe purpose ot organising said company, electing a Board ot Dir ectors, adopting by-laws and tran pact ing such other business ar may roperly come .before the meeting. E. TV. PAGE " T. A. LIVESLET . T. M. HICKS. Aug. 23 to Sept 24 Inc. r -r XirTTCTCf A V t5y CAJ WnllXlWi ,S LOAF new bnlldinr aa th jilar rt Jutlce t tb riaxti Cavoar. Tbe new public bath entabllnhrtirnt will run tain. arntnK otbrr thin., a hose awiratulPK pool. 0 meter by 20, as well a a rx ryiunasiuiu. reading and loungjinf; rooms and other vxjaipraent ralcaUtr-d to at tract athletically Inclined young men. The it for th other building now la project haa not beu def initely chosen, but It probably will be located In the K.wuillne quarter of the city. Miner's III Luck. Brings Aid to Make Dreams True prrrsnruGH iidor roriia now believes "It's an 111 wind that blows nobody good. for a misfor tune that befell him helped bint to realise a dream of years. Forlin. a mine laborer at Illalrs vllle. Pa., had an ambition for a Jjng time to return to hU home In the Tyrolean Alps sad establish a tourist hotel. The savings mounted slowly, however, and the goal seemed far distant One day a pile ef slate fell on him in the mine and caused an In Jury to his back which Incapaci tated him for further work. The Work men's Compensation Board awarded him 12 a week for Soft weeks. Forlin applied for It la a lump sum. The board granted his request, and with the money be Intends .to make his dream come true. Cheaper Beer Urged by British tor-Aid Laborers BRIGHTON.. Eng Cheaper beer has been suggested aa one remedy for tbe -unemployment In - "1"? lMl D!B . " 1 v lucvcuiiv KUiriuiucuii aiuic mw war ended. At the annual meeting of stock holders of a large brewery recent ly the chairman said that the country was still overburdened with taxation and that the crying demand today waa for cheaper beer, which, he contended. couM only be given by reducing the tax upon that beverage. The chairman said that there are very few. Including members of the government, who realize the number of Industries which are fA?1 n h " rruuej uuuos on oe-r and, that reduced taxation on beer I M . amlnav a - it . " , a..i aiiirsn.rr, but would go some way to meet the unemployment problem. 3IOTOU FIRM: MAY I'MTC LONDON. Aug. 2 Sir Herbert urlTt. chairman and managing director of the Austin Motor cam- pny Ud- do,b tanijht mai Decollations - resigned to amalgamate the General Motors corporation of the raited States and the Austin Motor company are in pro ire. He expects to make a more detailed statement text week. I N!"" or Anwrnwtriewt fnr Tet ImproTlitaj rwlvemJty street 1 From Mill Ktrret to RclWue I Kfref j Notice Is hereby given that tha - l Common Conned of the , taiem. Oregon, win. at or about 7:30 p. ra. on the Slh day of Pep- tember. 1925. or at any sub- - iiuent meeting of the said connell Thereafter, in the council rbira. - 1 bers of tbe c'.ty hall at Ralem. Or- I gon, proceed lo assess upon ami ' against each lot or part thereof . - IMable therefor Its proportionate l hare of the cost of Improving Cut- j lalveralty street from the south line , I of Mill street to the north line of Beilevue street. In aald City of, Salemi. Oregon All perons interested In thn said assessment are hereby notl- ". fled -to appear before" the said" I council at said time and place and I present their object ons. If any ihey have, tosald assessment, and PPly to aald council to equaUiA , their proportionate ahare of aame. . By order of the Common Coun- . ell. August 17th. 192S. M. POrLSEN. City Recorder. , Date of first pubiicitlon hereof Is August 2S. Date of final publication hereof f will be August SO. a 28-29-30 of ice of AjnaeMtment for Ctmt of Improvlnat South Charrh Ktrret From Irfrlle Mrect to Howard Ktreet. Notlca Is hereby given that the Common .Council ot the City of I leni. uregon. win, at or abnut I 7::o p. m. on tbo Kth day of Sep tember, 1925. or at any subsequent meeting of the said council ther- ftr. In the council chambers of the city ball at Silem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon and ar,alnt each lot or part thereof, or parcel tt land liable therefor. Its propor tionate share of the con of im proving South Church treet from te south line of Le'elle street to the north line of Howard street. In said City of Ralem. Oregon. All perons Interested In the ?al! aiseRsment are hereby notified tr appear before the said council ct aid time and place and prf-srt their objection. If any they 1 iv. to said ae.rnent. snj fnr.'.y f.-i said .council to eiuallze their j rcv portlonate sLare of same. T.j order of the Co run? a Cc - cii August i7th. is::.. M. TCA'ISZS. City r-'.-cr ?r. Date c.r r:r:t iui::.-3!-3 tcr 'f I Ausat 2'. Dale cf f ;m1 f.' ::--t;.-n "- V.1U te An;-: t Z 0. a : I 10 Oreg. Bldg. eSsl