The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 25, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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are good Hats
That's ; why we sell and recora
i mend them ; I
' All the latest
New Fall Styles at
i i '.i -.. ' -"?.
Why pay more?
469 State
a. i w i r va
"Hcrr Betora Sack TbIms'
1323 Willya fcnifM Taaxlag
ait fw axtraa $S5S
12J Oaklaaa Taulac lots
f txtraa S4TS
1I2S MaxwtU T aorta. HM
extras 155
1923 Oakland Caapa, mw
paint, vrtra waaaU. a tnaa .t75
TTT(j (ft
uu m w
Will MB Ub principal speaker. Spe
cial music will be furnished by
the mens' choir from th Church.
Prior to the senrices the stilt
boys' training school band will
offer a sacred concert. Owing to
inclement weather conditions last
Sunday the services were hell (a
the First Methodist church, with
the mala floor being filled. ' Dr.
E. c. Hickman, president of Kim
ball college, . was the principal
For Sale, Karly Crawford-
Canning peaches. $1.7 S bushel.
Phona SF3. I. Tnsnuml
I L J U II u v v v v k if X II I Xf II D II II It 'J II 1
9 '" "
fk Fair and warmer; ngni west
V Vl winds. ' Maximum yesterday, 78;
rMI minimum, 145; river. -1.9; ris
king; "rainfall, none; atmosphere.
.1.... ..ntliaiiot
The Theaters Today
: J -
rrgon 1 Colleen liooro
In "The Desert Flower." -
tJiand Cecil B, De
Mille'sS "The Ten 'vCom-.
mandments," with star
cast. X I '';X-y-A'..JA'--
TlliKh -Hippodrome
Vaudeyllle and Pictures..
it '.'
pencil and a check book while E.
L.' Coffey, route J, Reported a coat
containing his driver's license and
a bill fold was stolen from a build
ing at Thirteenth, and Marion.
Dr. White, Osteopathy
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment. a23
Mt. Angel at Champoeg park Sun
day. -A picnic dinner was served
while talks were given in com
memoration of the service of the
veterans. 1 Judge Peter H. DArcy
spoke ; on "Champoeg and te
Early.- Settlers., of the Oregon
Country while Major Hotchkiss,
United States marshal, talked of
the services . rendered In various
' .o.-.-: .Thrift rinnnlo
t I Heres mlehtv nice noma rirht
Every llomscwife down town where 11000 invested
rti c A.tmt i a. I
onouta visit oiui s ..vuieni wilI -aTe your rent and then
household department. ' 23 some. Furnace, firenlace. cement
basement ' and rarace. Tliree
Salem Man Injured . I rooms and garage arranged for
A. D. Anderson, of Salem,' re-1 renting out. Place has $26000
ceived painful but not serious in- mortgage at 6 per cent to run as
juries Sunday night when he is long as you wish, the balance, ex.
said to have stepped in front of Icept the $1000 to pay by month
an automobile driven .by Homer say $20.. Total purchase price
M. Walker of Eugene. Anderson, J right now $4500 over all with
it is said, stepped from behind an-J pavings all paid. There are some
other automobile and was : not! things that go and extra ulumb-
seen by Walker until too late
Drive to the Orcbard ! , - ,
: For your canning peaches. Egan
Bros., mile North b Hopmere
on Saicm-Champoeg road. Phone
ing. Immediate possession. Beck
& Hendricks, U. S. Bank -Bldg.
Albany Maa VUitja
Ed Barrett, connected with one
of the Albany banks, was a Salem
dent commission has ruled that I visitor Sunday, calling upon Mar
bank tellers are employed in a I ten Poulsen. city recorder.
hazardous occupation and as such
are entitled to come upnder the !,.. Marshall. Otitropathk
m .a a - -
'tate worsmens compensaiion aci.
The frequency of holdups in which
the lives of tellers are often en- AUrjcr 1)rtlllk Hcl
oaugerca was arguea uy ids ou-
ers as entitling the teller employ
es to come under state compensa
Phjrsiclan and Surgeon. a23
Buy Your VictroL Now
H. L. Stiff Furniture company.
, 2S:
governmint dredge Mataloma be
ing put la -condition. II .tnis u
available in a short time the Sep
tember date Is assured.
Time to Can Rata
Fine fat dee? sea Jroll fish at
Fltts Market. J25U
le l!nn(la litrmew
All overseas veterans, with
disability of not less than 10 per
cent are entitled to a free hunting
aBd fishing license for life, al
though ato examination oi we rec
ords of the couaty clerk discloses
the fact that few nav i" -vantare
of the offer. AppU'0,l
for the licenses may he made to
U. G. Bover. Marion county ciers
or to the state Sne commission
dlrectl. ,
from the tavement and crashed
inta-the side tit the automobile.
Rineharfs . iajarietareT not seri
ous and heisexpected back on
the job In a short time.
. ;r
Anotlkrr Joins rorce
Mi, and Mr'Jam.ea Sovereign
are jreceJvMs-&cratulaUons over
the arrivsl tr a baby girl Monday
morning. ''This Is their eighth
child. Mr. Sovereign fcj a linotype
operates, ai. Thtatesmaa office.
This is the second birth reported
by a member of The Statesman
famllyln te rasrwcek.-Mr. snh
Mrs. Dlbb havinf (comeMh4 r..'r
enU of anolhrr tl-Ul a uw.uj
ago. Mr. Dibbis machinist at
The Statesman oriice. v
: via
BibU? Htdy CI- Ftrt - -
Baptist-chunh ccry Turdays:
8:00 o'tloclu. . tZl,
-ScTatrh".-it Agmiii
The second aumbor of tire 1I f
Vine Scratch. puhlUhol . ai ..lh.
CCaliaB4 MS )
Though he was dressed up and
apparently on his way, a man glv
ing the name of C. A. Shupe.
Portland, was arrested at the Ore
gon Electric station on a charge
or drunkenness about 2 o'clock
Monday afternoon by Officer Geo.
White. He was taken to the po
lice station to await soberness
W. W. Kimball, Davenport
Treacy, Bush & Girt pianos 1 Werrearath; MrCormick, Gluck
latest models in Grand, reproduc-l Homer, Kreisler have' any or
ing grand; players and Upright! all of the famous musicians In
at Moore's Music House. a23 1 your home when you want to hear
them. At less thsn halt the reg-
Mm. Smith 111' uiar price. Moores Music House,
The mother of T R. Smith of 9-15 Court. " - a23
Salem is seriously ill in San Fran
cisco, according to reports which I Runaways Sought
reached kere yesterday. Attempts I Police were notified that George
were being made yesterday to I Chambers, 12. and .Elmer Rambo.
communicate the message to Mr. J 12. had ran away from the feeble
Smith, who is now on a vacation I minded school Sunday.' Both wore
at Yellowstone national park. He overalls and jumper's.' Chambers
has left the park and reported tot weighs 93 and Rambo, 90 pounds.
be on the way home, expecting to
reach Salem Friday or Saturday. I You Caa Save Money
By purchasing your davenport
One Dollar Down (this week., H. L. Stiff Furniture
Puts a new phonograph In your I company. . r a23
homefrom Moore's Music House
the balance payable $1 per IChein bit Rotary Speaker-
week. See us before this oppvr- J Prof. Florian Von Eschen. of
tunity is gone. - a23.the chemistry department at Wil
lamette university, will speak on
Foe RmUVacaat-Drive By
1C20 Yew. 2 rooms $15. 101$
North 21st. S rooms $21.50. 1120
Chemeketa, rooms $30.- fill
Marlon, 5 rooms $40. Beck .
Hendricks, U. 3. Bank Buldg. -
- - . a22tf
Rala Helps Hon
Hopyard owners are pleased'
with the heavy rain Saturday, as)
this has served to help fill out th
hops and the prospects are bflat
for a tamper crop. Hop plcki&l
is" being started in several ytrtf
and by the Utter part of he wev
or first of next all the yards v"1
be engaged In the annual harvl8-
3 Miles South of AiinuvDIc -BertKa
Carlson, Owiier
Park Scrvictit to Clone
-Next Sunday will 'see the clos
ing Interdenominational outdoor
services to be held in Willson park
this season. ' Rev. E. II. Shanks,
pastor of the First Baptist church.
Chemistry the Science of Ser
vice." at the Rotary club lunch
eon Wednesday noon.
Auto Reported Stole:
Someone stole bis brother's
3F11. ' " !, a23 1 Chevrolet from in front of the
Shanghai restaurant between 7:45
Wants To Be Arrested land 11: 15 o'clock Sunday night.
Police are holding Edward W1I-J Chester Mulkey. of Silverton,
Hams, , 27; self-confessed parole! route 3, reported to the police.
violator from Newark, N.'J who
' Hep Iee
Loo Hop Lee, age 67 years, died
In Salem August 22. He had been I Building.
a resident of Salem for 40 years.
Survived by his wife and nine
children. Funeral services will be
$30 Down-Xrar ScImmIh
' Plain 6 rooms with bath and
hot water. Cement walks, paving
and Mn car. Price $3300. Balance
all like rent. S per cent Interest.
Immediate possession.- Some trade
Becke & Hendricks. U. S. Bank
Choice Gladlol
Funeral designs. - D. H. UUJnn'
964 South Liberty, phans 1,0-.i-
i ' K
Newspaperman Backv
..Stephen A. Stone, Salem "re
spondent for the Portland Tele
gram, returned from tha' coast
yesterday.. Tb remainder0' bta
summer vacation f'wllt be &otti
to the removal of his tdnstl Mr
Stone and family are reilnin
at the coast until the last oI the
week. , .,'
Traffic Officer lujttred v
Roland Rinehart. belter known
as "Pets' Rinehart. state- traffic
officer, is spending, a few days at
a local hospital as a result of an
accident on the highway Monday
morning. Officer Rinehart was
rounding a curve about eight
miles north of Salem when he
found an automobile In the road.
In turning out the sidecar lifted
5 Roomed Bungalow and Furniture
1895 South Church Street
This good S roomed bungalow with wood shed and garage.good
lot racing east and In a good neighborhood, to be sold on trrms
of $300.00 cash on day of sale, balance $30.00 per tuosth which'
Includes interest at 1 per cent.
Good Fonjitnre, Ranse, Ruxs, etc., as f olkwsi , -
Round oak extension table and C oak diners; 1 large leather
rocker; 2 oak rockers with leather seats; 2 oak dinner seats;
oak sewing rocker; Ivory dresser; oak dresser; Verness Martin
bed. spring and mattress; Ivory bed. spring and mattress; oak
stand table; mahogany'musie cabinet: drop head Singer sewing
machine; Axminster rug 9x12; a No. 1 steel range with base;
2 kitchen chairs; kitchen table; wash tubs; lawn mower: pic
tures; 39 piano rolls; 4 volume encyclopedia with case; garden
hose; empty fruit Jars; kitchen utensils and many other articles.
Terms on personal property cash.
load Easily' Found
Kingwood Heights road may, be
raslty found now, since there is a
nice attractive sign-near the main
javement, half a mile from the
iridge on the Salem-Dallas road.
where the Kingwood Heights road
turns from the pavement up the
hill. The sign has been there for
ithe last two months and has been
a great help to the fruit pickers
in finding the berry fields and
cherry orchards along that road.
At present fthere are several peach
bearing orchards tofbe picked, and
later there' will be prunes, filberts
and .walnuts to harvest in the
many orchards on that road.
Certified Public Motor Car
Market has some bargains In
closed cars; Phone 885 for a de
monstration. a29
4 'Y ; - i - T . 'Xi:-
Llcrasc Is Obtained - . - r
Frank Aim, an accountant of
Longriew, jWash., and Helen O.
Currle of iiacleay were issued a
marriage license. In the county
clerfel's offifce' Monday.
. r I. - -
First Moving Pictures ..
Of Tom Murray's return now
Showing at Bligh theater. . ' a25
claims to have been converted and I You Telephone Us, 11
wants to be sent east to answer to We'll deliver it, no matter how
charges of violation of the prohi- J small tke item. Capital Drug. J22tf
bitlon laws. Pending word from
the east heis being held in the I Joins Marine Corps -
city jail. Williams has waived! Hall Davies left Monday for
extradition. I San Diego to begin training with
; - I the marine corps, having recently
Few More Washings f I enlisted for four years. He has
Wanted;-men's washing a spe-l lived here for the last -12 years.
clallty. Phone 2064-J ; a25 was graduated from-Salem high
school and attended both Willa-
Pastor Due Soon S "-. I mette university and the Univer-
Word was received yesterday I sity of OOregon. He is the oldest
from Rev. Norman -K. Tully, new son of T.'W. Davies, proprietor of
pastor of the First Presbyterian la confectionery, store. According
church, that he would arrive in to Davies he will enter the service
Salem about the first of the month
in time to get i located ' before
preaching his first sermon on Sep
tember 6. 1 The trip is being made
by automobile. .
with the determination of making
it his life work.
Woodry Buys Farniti
Store at Summer and Norway
streets. Phone 511.. ; ,, j!5tf
Visit SUfPs Tscd Furniture
Store opposite Court house on
High street. ." 23
Valley Motor Picnics
i Nearly 125 employes of the Val
ley Motor company and their fam
ilies held their third annual pic-
! X-nlc Sunday. Original plans were
;v i ;Af0r Rickrealf, but threatening
weather seat -the picnickers to the
fair grounds. The shopmen de
feated the salesmen In a basball
game,- while, tugs of war, variety
races and numerous contests for
men, women and children rounded
out the day. A,. Johnnie " Jones
feed was served at 1 o'clock.
Apple and Peach" Boxes-
Guaranteed spruce. H. A. Hyde,
5090 Portland Rd. - Phdbe 2J20.
County Judge Back ;
County1 Judge and Mrs. T. J
Hunt ... have returned Salem
from a twoi weeksMracation spent
at Belknap Springs and visiting In
eastern Oregon cities. ,
Rotarians Plan Picnic-
Rotary clubs of three Willa-
Want Guarantee Extended
The Silver Lake irrigation dis
trict of Lake county yesterday
filed application In the office -of
Rhea Luper. state engineer, in
meue vauey cuies are maitmg which it is asked that the state
plans for an Intercity picnic to Del ruarantee on it 2275.000 Irrira
held at the state fair 1 grounds tlon bonds be extended for a te-
lnursaay, sepiemoer viues ioiriod of one vear.r .
participate are Salem J McMinn-J 1 , - '
Ville and Corvaius. t - , ' I Notice The Williami
Hop yard ht Eola will start
picking. Monday,- August 31. - . a25
Gas the Prune Borer Now
Kill the prune borer now with
held Tuesday at 3 p. m. from the I Paradlchlorabenzine.
Rlgdon mortuary. Rev. E. II. I easy to apply.
Shanks officiating.
State street.
Cheap and
Peary Bros. 227
La For
At Lemoore. Cal., August 22,
Robert La Fore, age 4 1 years.
He wss a brother of Mrs. J. E.
Maddlson of Salem and Rowland
La Fore of Newbury port, Mass.
Channel Being Dredged
The river steamer "North west
ern'' will be able to reach the
dock at. Salem by September 15,
it was announced vesterdar bv
Fred Carr. head of tho Salem
The remains will be brought to I Transportation company. With
Salem for funeral services and in-1 work by. the dredger continuing
terment. Announcement of fune-l fhls week Wheatland ferry will be
ral will be made later by the Rig-
don mortuary.
Card of Thanks
We wsh to. thank the friends
for their kindness daring the ill
ness of our mother. Ross Brothers,
: . a25
Gladiolus Blooms ; -
Funeral pieces made to-order.
Phone 98F5. ; a25
t. Vestal
Mrs.' Minnie Lee Vestal died at
her residence at Glendale, Ore.,
August 23rd at the age of 4S
years. She was the wile of W. J.
Vestal of Glendale, Ore., daughter
of Mrs. W. H. Wood ef Salem.
Funeral services will be held from
the South, Salem Friends Church
Tuesday, Aug. 25th at 2 p. m.
Interment will be In the City View
cemetery. Webb's Funeral Par
lors In charge of arrangements.
. i - -
WRIIam Newton McGllchrist
died in Levingstojx, Mont. Aug.
23rd at the age 'of 12 years. He
was the son of Mr., and Mrs. Wil
liam McGllchrist Jr.; brother of
Josephine, and Grandson of Mr.
and 'Mrs. Wm. McGllchrist Sr.". and
Mr. and Mrs. vWilllam Newton
Savage all of Salem. Funeral
announcements will fee made later
by Webb's Funeral Parlors.
reached by Saturday night and
only Rice bar, about five miles
below Salem, to be removed. Un
til the channel Is cleared the
"Northwestern" is being docked
at Brentano's, about 22 miles
down the river. The dredge
Monticello is working and the
roRTLaaxt, ormor -
arrl mhi mlrt to-j
iHa ! MvaaUfva mm4t
Mni tralaia a. Oat !
. aaatrtaJiy at w fS. '
-Direct Factory -Branch
pit Court Street - Phene 202.
Typewriters Rented, .Sold,
i Repaired' ;
Special rental rates to students
r t Varrv II II
Cold Cream
Face Powder
Jonteel Face Powder with the
new cold cream base blends
with the complexion perfectly
and is so soft and clinging that
you will like It. Let us show you
your favorite shade.
. . .
Peny Drug Store
115 Booth, Commercial
Salem, Orrgo
Bank Job Hazardous-
Replying to the query of several
bankers, the state industrial acci-
Petty Thieves Active - ; ;
Tnree- reports ,ot tnerts were
made to the police over- the "week
end the heaviest losers being
Barrett Bros., of the Texas gar
age. 1999 North Capitol, who lost
about $30 from the cash; register.
Frank C ; Aetcaga, wno . had a
room at the Belvlew hotel, report
ed the loss of several articles of
clothing, a fountain pen, silver
McDonald Cleaners
783 Highland Avenue
Telephone 2217 .
.Work called for and delivered
Dance Tonlle "
Independence Armory.
Chamoeg Is Popular
Nearly 500 persons attended
the annual meeting of a crowd of
veterans of the Spanish-American
war and Knights of Columbus of
PIionc 727
Woodry & Woodry
Tay Cash for Furniture
... Phono 75 i. -
Baa rraaeiM. aas vay, f 1SJI
Su& Xrta, IS0.0S.
Im Aasalaa, one way, S27.4S. .
Kob4 Trts, 160.00.
gpacial KatM U Partly wt .
Elfht W Jfaia
7ar Xofernatlea and Baaarvatleas
Fhaaa S96, n call at
Salem Oregon
Pays Cash For Furniture
Res. and Store 1610 North
- Summer - . -
Phone 511
Swimming Daily.
"" .
- 1 to lo pan
For the right kind of materials
and the very best workman
ship call us.. I
Powder and Supply Co.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
. Established 1S68 " j
General Banian Bmincii
: Office Hours from 10 avm. tq 8 pua. '
.When You
To Move
- Call on tss, forre baTi padded Vans and Fkece
lined cotcti for jimr framlture and piano, Flrit
' class piano and' furniture Borers. -
. . ' : - - .
. - , .. -
: Wc also handle Brooder Stoves, Furnace
Coals and Diamond Briqucttea
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co.
' -
PHono 920
Mrs. Jessie Robertson
Owner, 1805 S. Church
Salem's Leading
, Auctioneer
Phone 511
Not connected In business with any other Woodry'
. .... -. . . - . .i
At F. N. Woodry New 'Auction Market
and Furniture Store
Corner Summer and Norway Streets.. A lot of $rooi J
Furniture, Ranges, Heaters, Dishes, etc, Trivatc sales
. daily." . , ; . - .
This Thursday, August 27, 10:30 a. nw u
Located 7 miles east of Salem on Ten Road
Consisting of high grade. Jersey cows; 3 horses and 1 pony:
Poland China boar: 5 shoats. weight .160 ' earn: roiana
China sow; doten riymonth Rock hens; 3 geese; a fall liao vZ
good farm machinery and household furniture, ;; ,
Terms cash unless time is arranged on day of sale,
Salem's Leading
Auctioneer- ;
"Not connected in business with any other .Woodry- -See
me personally about your sales. Residence and stouc
1610 North Summer Street Phone 511 .
Giving Up Farming
. This Friday, August 28, 10 a; m.
Located 10 miles Northwest of Salem, in Pc!k Conr.iy,
on Spring Valley Road : .
- . . - : - " " )
Consisting of 1 team, weight 1400 lbs., age 12 years; 1 mare,
weight 1300 lbs., age 9 years; .Shiga grade Jersey cois t,
freshen In fall; 1 heifer rising 2 years old to freshen in e-.iriur;
1 high grade Jersey heifer 1 year eld; 1 Jersey bull 2 tycars
eld to be sold for beef; 1 7-foot Dcerlng binder; 1 6-foot peer
ing mower; 1 11-Ioot Deerlng hsy rake; 1 T-foot doobla disc
drill; 1 li-lnch'Ollver plow; 1 H-lnch Oliver plow; 1 3-scxtloa
lever hsrrowj l hay sled; 1 JU-lnch Mltchel wagon with; doa
ble bot and gravel bod; 17 -foot din: harrow; 1 merry go round;
1 &-ehovel cultivator; 1 hand cw.yator; 1 set double brewing
harness; 1 set plow harness; 4 10-gallon , cream cansplicb.
forks, shovels, tools of all kinds and man? other xnlaccilaiicoas
articles. .
Terms cash.. If you haTcn'l the cash arrarc with your
' - Ranker for it " ' '
Clarence Blumbell
, . Owner
Salem's LeaciLr
This i3 the Woodry you-have known for the i?.zl
years. I am in t:o way connected in br:sir.cs3 "with r
other Woodry, eo don't be t;:c:iv. . See rr.e rcr. r:
about your farm and city ra!;.'. :iv f tore r.r. ! r: 1 :
is at 1G10 N. Summer street, ll.J, Ore I..:: - :
1T5 S, Commercial Phone 28