The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 25, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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' Fit one 10 S V
tertaining as her house
guests Mrs. Lilburn Boggs and
daughters, Jean and Barbara, of
Sacramento, ral" who ' will be
here for a short time before leav
iiig for Portland. Mrs. Boggs Is
a former; Salem, "resident, having
been prominent In local social cir
cles. Yesterday Mrs. J. ft Cradle
baugh entertained, informally in
Mrs. Boggs honor. On her way
home Mrs; ! Boggs will atop In
Roseburgifor a time. She visited
with friends In Eugene before ar
riving here.
..''-J .(.. . -. -V
; ' A happy group of people gath
ered at the home of Prof, and Mrs.
W. W, Ilerman --Clark on North
Church street, August 16 to cele
brate the 50th wedding ,ajinlver;
flary of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M, Clark. Thosel present
were Mrs.! A. P. Scott of Salem,
Mr. and .Mrs, . Homer Clark of
Ryan Place, near Portland, MrrH
James E. I Clark of Ryderwdotff
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Clark of Salem, which includes all
the; living children of the old
couple; also-Mr. and MrsI Hubert
G. Scott or Oswego,' Miss Audrey
E. Clark ofVRyderwood, the little
Misses Corliss VA. and Carol G. of
Salem, and baby Theresa 'C; of
Ryan Place, which includes all the
grandchildren, Wre present in ad
dition; to the honor guests, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Clarke The only
absent, near relatives were the lit
tle Misses Ruth and Joan Scott of
Oswego. , i .' '
The decorations were carried
out with golden glow. The anni
versary present was a beautiful set
of dishes jfrom the children, and
a golden dish from Mrs. De Long
and lur daughter from Portland
Profe jior ICIark made and decor
ated; hti wedding cake, which wad
in orramld shape,, eight inches
freiV'baaej to top of cake, with
tr fee Inches of decorations at the
tOp; The old folks win long re
imember with grateful hearts' the
lery happy two ; days that "' their
children and grandchildren jnade
for their two golden- days. A re
ception At' thY. Free Methodist
church on Sunday morning, Aug
ust lq, which was suggested by
the pastor j Rev. M. C.' Clarke.'was
held In their h6nei. ;
The Book and Thimble club
met at the beautiful home of Mrs.
L. F. Brown , on Kingwood Heights
road last Thursday.: This meeting
was planned as a surprise on Mrs,
Charles Schwartz, who had been
on , the sick j list for some time.
The rooms were beautifully decora
a ted with . dahlias in pink and
white. - During the .study hour
Mrs. Emma Beckett,; gave minute
instructions, for putting- p dill
pickles successully and Mrs.
George Trott gave Infallible rules
for salads. Mrs. Fred Kubin read
an original paper on "Migration
of Certain Kind of Birds to the
Hills,", which -proved very Interesting;-
- - ' ; . . - -
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
George Trott and Mrs. E...W. Pat-
tison in perving" luncheon in her
summer dining room. During the
social hour members tried their
luck at solving some of Mrs. Ru
bin's original enigmas, which pro
voked much laughter. The rest
of the afternoon was spent in
Visiting and inspection of Mrs.
Brown's yardf which is a veritable
mass' of beauty and -bloom, being
one of the most attractive for
many miles around ahd well worth
seeing. .;; ! ;;; . ' : ; ....
The following members were
present: The honor guest, Mrs.
Charles Schwartz, Mrs. C. N. Hath
away,.! Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs.
Mary Beaver j Mrs. M. Gehelehar,
Mrs-w;?attison, Mrs. Emma
Beckett, Mrsj George Trott, Mrs
Fred'1Kubin,.J,lfobby and Danny
Adams and the4 hostess, Mrs. L. B
Brown.: :! -... ':. ' - . -"-r
r ' ; " . - ,'" . :, ' -Comrade
Earl Race was delight
fully honored last Thursday eve
ning by 'a group of Daughters of
Veterans who gathered at his
home on the Garden road In cele
bration of his 80th birthday. The
affair was in the nature of a sur
prise. A bowl of pastel-tinted
sweet peas was attractive on the
table. In token of "the Occasion,
Comrade Races was presented with
a delicious birthday cake. - An ad
ditional hooajutaest of the eve
ning was Comrade . Harris, who
has reached his 87th milestone
and still favors with his informal
musical numbers.
In the group " Thursday were:
Miss Julia KyfyVebster, Mrs. Alice
Salem Arts; league council tneet-
ing. Home of Dr. Mary C. Row
land. S o'clock.
Joshua Smith camp. Sons of
Veterans. Social - meeting. Arm
ory. . t
Ladies' social circle of Central
Congregational church. Church
parlors, 2:30 to 3 o'clock.
Barbare Frietcbie tent -No. '2,
Daughters of Veterans. . Armory,
8 o'clock. I
Fischer. Mrs. Mabel Nash, Mrs. F.
O. Bartholomew, Miss Gladys Bar
tholomew, Miss Avis Hicks, Mrs.
Bertha Bergman, Mrs.- F. L. Wat
ers, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, Mrs.
Alma McWhorter and grand
daughter, Mrs: Wilson, Miss Helen
Race, Mr. - McWhorter. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Race and Mr. Harris.
Mr. and Mr. Stephen A. Stone
and family are' home from a 10-
day vacation at Seaside, ,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lauter-
man enjoyed i a week-end motor
trip to the Tillamook beaches, re
turning yesterday from. Rockaway.
-Salemites who spent the' week
end at Agate! Beach are Mr. and
Mrs. Asahel Bush and family, Mr.
and Mrs. David Eyre and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Slade and fam
ily, the E. Hbfer and the R. M.
Hofer families, Mr. and Mrs. Hal
D. Patton and! daughters, and Mr.
and Mrs. F. D. Thielsen and fam
ily. !
A pretty weddinfrof last week
in Vancouver,! Wash., was that'of
Miss Marcellne- Goddard.' daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. H. F; Goddard.
and Edmond Turner, which took
place at the j First Presbyterian
church, the Rev. Charles E. Bask
ervllle officiating.. Miss , Beulah
Delloney was; the maid of honor
and Willard Wells, also of Port
land, acted as best man. : The ush
ers were Richard Montgomery and
Ogden Johnson.
Banked autumn leaves and glad
ioli were used in decorating the
church. Preceding the ceremony
Miss "Leona Mourton sang "At
Dawning" and "Until," accompan
ied by Miss Lillian Nordgren, who
also played the wedding march. '
The brideV gown was of white
satin ' and ; real point la cl Her
veil Was arranged in a coronet of
orange blossoms and her flowers
were Ophelia J roses andi lilies of
the valley v Miss ' DeHoo'eyl wore
orchid georgette Uh-silver trim
mings and a bandeau; of -silver In
her hair. She' carried pastel' weet
peas. .. . . . ; '
After a brief reception at the
church Ih'e wedding party motored
to the country home of the bride's
parents for a wedding supper.
After a. wedding trip to- Lake
Louise and Banff, Mr. and Mr.
Turner will make their heme in
Portland.' Out-of-town guests at
the wedding Included Mr. and
Mrs. ' John J. Roberts of Salem
and their daughters. Miss Helen
and Miss Mildred Roberta.. Mrs. J.
C. Wakefield of San Francisco and
Mrs. Gertrude L. Cameron of Sil
verton. .
V ; ..
Mr. and Mrs. WllburNF. Daily
(Dorothy Esch) left last Friday
for their home in Oakland, CaL,
after a two. weeks' -Ldt with
frionda and relatives in Salem and
-. --,""
August Loske and Bertha Rot tie
of route 6,' Salem, were united in
marriage Sunday at 2 p. in. at the
Evangelical parsonage of the Che
meketa street church. Rev. F. W.
Launer read the ceremony in the
presence of rlatives and close
friends. "
The ladies' social circle of Cen
tral Congregational church will
meet Wednesday. August 26. in
the church parlors for their regu
lar monthly meeting, from 2:30
to 5 o'clock. The hostesses will
be Mrs. H. P. Chadwlck, Mrs. Les
ter Mosher. Mrs. C. Van Tatten
and Mrs. T. W. Hall.
' Charles Bruce arrived August
11 and took tip his residence with
Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Kilen.
Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn was a guest
of her , brother and sister-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Miner, In
Portland over the week-end.
Miss Carol Rahskopf of Portt
land was the guest of Miss Caro
lyn Wilson ,at the C. F. Wilson
home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Herrick and
daughter have just returned from
a week-end spent at BHdge Creek
where they were guests at "Trail's
End Ranch." the summer homer of
Dr. T. A. Williams and family of
Fromberg, Mont. Dr. Williams
will be remembered by Salem peo
ple as Dr. Williams of the medical
corps during the World war.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey F. Martin
and children, Carey, Jr., and Fran
ces, are spending a large part of
the summer on the McKenzIe.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mlnier and
little daughter. Jewell, are plan
nmg' a two weeks' vacation trip
,!nto southern Oregon. They win
leave by motor Thursday, of this
week for Roseburg where they
will be guetsat the U'TCCoD
ley home', going .then to CoQuHle
where they will be g nests of Mr.
Minier'a sifter. Mrs. Grant Corley.
They win spend some time at. the
Bandon beach before retarnfng
home. ,
Mr. and Mrs.'.Byroii F. Brunk
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Itoss
are home from a week's recreation
at Neskowln.
Mlsa Elizabeth Macleay, who
has been -the house guest of MIas
Lenta' Westacott since the first of
Aagust, returned to her home- in
OlympLa .late 'last Week.- Mrs.
Westacott. accompanied: her guest
aa far as Portland. .
Miss Kathryn 'McCarthy of
Omaha, Neb.; one of Salem's most
Popular summer visitors, will
leave this evening from Portland
for her Nebraska home. Mlas Mc
Carthy, who baa been the house
guest-of her, slater. Mrs. G. E.
(Coatia4 par )
. 115 N. Uoerty
for the Woman
and Miss
TASTE. , .
Fall Opening
Begins Tuesday, Aujist 25
Ends. Saturday, August 29
40 Inch Satin Char
muese. a iustrious and
drapey material In
Black. IVrowB, Navy
and coral. Month-end
sale. fcl 7Q
yard Vv
. 59c
14 tl inch pleached '
Teqttot S h e 1 1 be
Month-end saU fft
yard OJC :
Crepe 1.98
40 Inch Crepe Just tha
cloth or Fall and Winter
wear. Does not wrinkle.
Colors in Black. Brown,
" Navy, Tangerine,' Coral
and Antelope. Month-end
Voiles :
38 Inch Imported English
Vol lea 'in Black and
White. Blue and White
Plaids; also Flock dots
and Floral Design
Month-end sale. nn
yard ,A 5aC
-Sample Fall
A special purchase of high
grade joins the Month-end
, .sale, . of . .Fur Trimming
Coats. Regular values
SI ".'.v..; $27.75
u s
t -
" - i. v . .
- fc SlTlcs and -.
An odd lot' of JLi Silk:
altoSUk and Cotton Mli
tarrs and tLayoa Crep,
Monthad sale, 'flQ '
yard .OV.C
. Bed Spreads '
. The new colored Krinkle .
Spread. Gold Blue and
Rom, tlx90 with Bolster ,
to match; a ad IO1IO8
Month-end 40 fo
sale ......... $3.)JO
. . . -51.CD
42 Inch all wool. . fiaa
tveave French Serf k
, 4aeU. la Navy. Biack -and
Old Rose, Month-qd
"S5 ..$1.60
Reg. Values.
$35 to $40
All Thi$ Fall aiid Winter Style.
s a .... vrD
Sampe Fall
, Dresses'
The new- Flared fcklrt
Mode and .varied triia-
A Special... $24.75
400 Mate Street , . MM Alder blrrrt
QictureJ xt&
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