FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21 102.,. atkel Place: '.. Classified all em s eat - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON Section Gr M t i 1 X 1 1 X 7 ,J n FOR SALE Llrestock 89 VETERISARJA DR. PATTERSON, i lTwt a028 W. Rt. . Bo 28. t9j prt.d w. lange, veterihariah. - : Offie 420 8. CommarciaL Pba 1198 i Rh. pha 166. , . 89mSS POTi SALE CHEAP TEAM OP YOUNG Belgian .aiarre. wt., 2900. : Team of Oietding wt. 3000. Two good set of harness. Will Mil eprsle. take aay 1 re sons bl offer. 110. Prvnt tinrt. ! Tel. 1021-J ' 3923; I WOOD FOR SALE 43 WOOD FOR SALE, SECOND AND OLD fir. ash and dogwood, aad eld fir i.mb. Jeha H. Bcott. 805 Ore-. BHg. Phon 554 ar 622. . i " 4327 BEST GRADE OP WOOD 4 ft. and If Inch, ! ' i i Dry mill Wood. I 6rea mill wood. ! Dry aeeead growth fir. Dry aad aid fir. ; Dry 4-ft. ash. aiapU aad aak. Prompt delivery aad reasonable prl-s ISO Boat Chares. Paoaa 1542. 43m6 Sl6 IKCH OLD PIR SECOND GROWTH oak aad aak. Paoaa HP. at, D. May field. AsflS. GOOD COALDRY WOOD PROMPT- DELIVERIES. - hillma rem 00. r TELEPHONE 1855, 48H9vi nSCELLANEOTJ8 .51 U. B. 8EAGROVR PUR SACK AND : sheet 'metai shop movad ta 81 Mill , ' BU : (' ;' '-'',:-., . - .' 5U6tf : .. iii i BATTLE -CREEK SANITARIUM Mat bad a ar used ia th health Imtt lata at 258 8. Cottar St. 8. H Logaa. Phone 2214. 61s8 SALEM PTJEL ft TBANSPER CO, TSI ' Trada St- Sales. Let aa aaota to aa wood, aoal aad traaafar, meviag aad drarar. Day naoaea 751 - aad 18 Night phone 180S. Sli?tf ALASKAN BLCE FOXES' AX D SILVER Black Pupa taken now ara easily handled: ouickly adapted to new hornet. 8afe Delivery guaranteed. Do not sacrifice qnality for price. - Ref erence over . 25 year period by tin hanks. Get onr orooosition. Cleary Bros.; Pox Farm, (One of World1 a I Largest, 4200 Acres). Seattle, ask for booklet A-l. (-.. 51B21 1 LOST AND FOUND . 69 LOST N EAR SALEM ON PACIFIC . Highway,' black bag containing ladiea' loth inf. Phon Adventiat convention. Gladstone Park. Reward. 63a23 HOITND LODGE OR CLCB PIN. OWN- er may hara heme by identifying and paying -for thia ad. Call Statesman office. - S3elt( lERSONAL 65 HIZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS "It-la-Wonderful." Fre information. Address Hixt C.. - Portland, Oregon. 5316-1925 HONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOANS. P. L Wood. 841 StAa St. . - 871 $100O PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON food residence .eeurity . .1 ; ROBINSON i Ore. Bldg. . 57a23 - - FARM LOANS Lnf Urn. asy payments, .low tetersm e fee or commissions. PERRJNE MARBTER4I tit Bray Rtdg.. Salem. Or 8Ttt WANTED LOANS ; 58 . PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPpPPPPPPPPPf PFPPPP PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPT pp PI P PI pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp WANTED-Prlvat 'nftouey for wwll aeenred - firet mortgage loans. Any amount. Ope avvnings. l-. . PARKER REALTY CO MP ANT 409 U. 8. Bank Bldg. PP I PP PK PI PF PPl ) eiepnona iiu pp 5911 ltf PP ppppppppppppppppppppprppppppp PPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPF n BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 01 000.00 WILL BUY A NICE LITTLE corner grocery. Good location. ' Bua- inesaican be. doubled by handling feed. i A. C. BOHRNSTEDT - Healtor, Ioaas and Insurance '. 147 Ko. Commercial SL Salem, Ore. j 61a20th i 1 V ' r i i i i i ' i . AN INVESTMENT. OP 37,300.QO WILL purchase a growing business wbica is paying a net profit of better than $1500.00 per month. $10,000.00 will handle the deal. A rare opportunity for one or two men with executive ability. . - i A. p. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor, Loan and Insurance. 147 $. Commercial St., Salem. Ore?. o ia i fv h REAL ESTATES .1 . : Own , Your Home 3 LOT$ ON NORTH 18TH EACH 50x137. I pavement being laid. Price $233 each with terms. See Harrison, 1470 N. 17th,. i . 63a25 HALF BLOCK. SIX IiOT8, 50x120 EAST I front, sewerage, water, lights, only i tWK $100 down. baUac easy. W. C. Coaner, Statesman) office. - 63a21 I AM t A BOUT TO LOSE MY EQUITY ' in one of the best little farma. for the money,- ia Polk county, .therefore I am prepared give someone a dandy deal either cash or trade for anything i i value. . Bee my ' a seat. Robinson. Ore. Bldg. v 63a21 "f ! AN EASY BARGAIN ! ' il V6 buys a 5-room plastered house, list hi toilet and electric lights, $156 ia pavement which can be assumed, $200 down and $15.00 mo.: and interest. A -V room house and large lot. at a lorgsin, $1600. $300 down aad $15.00 . jntii. . I SEE J. A. MILI.8 - J. . V?li State St. ' i. .( . i : 63a23 1 OK SALE BY OWNER MODERN 6 rons house, pavement, abundant fruit. - near; Farnsh Jr. High. Some far . Will trade . for 6-room bungalow and pay difference. Phone 1049J. . 63u23 TAKE NOTICE OK OUR BARGAINS IN 8 A 1.1.8 AND EXCHANGES 209 A fully modern 5-room bungalow . near North CapitoL : A apleadid buy' ,. at avv. , -: -. O A stock or dairy- farm of.. 104 ' aeres, equipped. 5-room house. AH .. tor $450. ... B 1 93 'a acrea close In. . Equipped for . thickens. "- 6-room house. Will trad for town property. C77 12 acres 5 mile from Salem. 6 ream house' pra'rtichlly new. $4'KI0. , ti JO 2t acre, near-small town, 4 room l-ovso' and , ether .buildings, i . Some I. !uipment. i r;'i : 1 .12 4 room plastered house for $1275. n78-A fine heme ia Sooth Salem. Two V"' Ics'itiful lots. . 6-room house. Only 57-a7V acre with modem hutld- i"(. V Family fruit.; $6000 including crop. , 99 A modern horn in Hillsbof to trsde for a house in 8alem. 1 A S room hows ia Dallas to trad f or aa m .Salem, or to sell cheap, .. A stock et groceries aad fixture tor ssie. ILRICH AND ROBERTS U3 X. Cia'l 3!. Phone 1854 f es BARGAIN- NEW BCNOALOW. BA8E- ntent, built in kitcbea, breakfast aook. goad lot. Sonth Salem, $2500. Term WZ&Q eaaa, oil a ace tmontniy. - Bee me Friday aa I expect to be out of Iowa for about tea day4 after thia -ek. P. L. Wood. 341 btata St. - 632 lit ! POR SALE A 8EVES ROOM MODERN Mama. Excellent location.' Vm block from State houea aad block from Pacific hifkway. Lot 6oxl65. f Ad dreaa owner. 1051 Chemeketa atrt. Sslen. Oregon. 63al6tf I i HOME SPKCIAt.Sy Good 8 room plaaterad houae, tinjf, X laree lot. Pared ttreet. 1 blork to nrhonl and car. Price $3730; cah ftjOO. real . to auit. .! 13-room down town hotel, fine'loca-j fioa. payinz baaine. Price $2250; iaU caiih payment, reat eaay terms. Will connider mll honoo aa parti HOME REALTY CO., 169 S. HiSh St. i . . i . . -- 43a22 REAL BDY8 IN HOLTS E8 j 8 room, modern, larce lot fruit. p ineDt. 83500, 3o0 cah, balance $25.00 moathly. j . i- .-.i . - I , p -room modern bonpalow, corner lot, hade. $3150, $500- caak, balaaea $25 ninthly. ! 7 room hnnralow. 'garage, paremeat. 3500,. $500. caa!4 balance $35.00 Monthly. I- - - I ft-room atrietly modern new bungalow, , alio a 8-room honte, lot 66x87 feat. 44750, $1400 rath and assume, f ; SOCOLOP8KY. 341 Stat Street I 3a20tf 8SAP- Gnod four-room home on pared xtreet, with plnmbini and lee- trie nsm. imca isuu. ; ! down, balance pa; alW $2( , month,' Int. ? W. II. GRABEXHORST CO. i? " Realtora. 9575 per 875 State 8t. - - j 63a21 n SPECIAL 2-house, and 2 large lota, price for all. 83300. Will trad lor 1 oodimoT- em honae. Small grocery atora j with . -Tiring Tooma, fine location.' for sale at a bargain. l ' THOMASON. 331 ii Eute Street $1700 BCYS .'- i: ' ;: ' - I . A good aix-room bonae on pared :i j. . afreet aad-' rar line.' with lot I I 75x150. Terma $730 do we. bal 3 I -; ance time. I S i ! W. H GRABENHORST ft CO. j ' Realtora I " 1275 State St. . I - Phone $15 I r 63a21 : ' I 1 1 - POR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE. GOOD location, east front, corner lot 94x74, 'paring in, bearing walnuts, fireplace; iefceptional bargain ifor quick salei 70S IN; 17th St. Phone! 1726 J. ' 63a21 5f ROOMS, ON CREEK, MODERN WITH Ifarnace, Eaat Salem, $3600, $500, caah land terms. i 6' rooms, north, full basement, furnace, I a good home, priced right for a quick lasie at fjoo, very easy terms. 1 4j rooms and . breakfast nook, Ktucco I : I with tile roof. Capitol street, electric I f stove installed. . oermaaent boa I eliminate upkeep and thia ia cheap -at j I $5800, two close in properties that will pay 10 net ou the investment. I IMTIXXIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor ' 1216 Oregon Bldg. - - 63a20tf PbR SALE THE HOTEL CHRISM AN, Silver Lehe, Oregon. - 45 furnished 5 rooms. Hot and cold baths, electric I light. One acr of ground on; mata H$. Bent paring hotel, in the state. i Price $16,000. Owners wish to retire. I Would take 88,300 rash., balance in (trade. Address N-M.' Lewia, ;Silver Lke, Oregon, L. 11, No. 6. ;63a23 I A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors i Specialise ia Oregon farms, Salem thfmea and write Insurance. 147 No. I Commercial. Street. -1'hoae 577. 63al3tf t. t-1 t I I SPECIAL - I i A good 5-room horn on State ktreet. I' Larg - lot ' with all kind of j fruit. I Price - $3200. ' 4-room new house t 91650, with $200 down. 2 good small farma near , Salem.! Both have good improvemants, will trad one or both i for large farm. ; 5-room house aad 4 1 lots, a good buy-fat $1400. i . ( : THOMASON. 33114 8ta; Street -1 63nl9tf Cjorner: 122x110 .i artaK - '. 4$2250 Porner. 80x78 ... L.'- - SI arm t Corner, esit, north) front .:..i$2200 j Iota clos fn 1 .. .81290 S Lots close in l : 1100 1 Lota clos 1n 41750 ! 1M clos in .4 ........ ,82200 p 7-room house, lot 66x165, street and ' alley paved, all kinds of fruit J trees, shade trees, eloae in1 $3800. ; j large corner,. 199 eat front.' 163 north I front, fruit tree aud beautiful shade I trees, $12,500. f - . Attractive bom for trad for' Smaller I property. -- i . i 9 Areaea for trade for citr nrooertv. 1 4; room hous clos in, cast i front. , Si'OJO. . - "i J 6-room house, close ln. larre lot, $4500. I GERTRUDE J. M. FAGE 493 N: Cottage. 3a20tf fOR SALE I : . 7 -room bom n corner lot. Price $1500. $500 down, bal aaea $25 per me. ! ( W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State SL ; I '. i 63a21 Nothing Succeeds Like Success Dandy new four-room - and breakfast t neok buagalew. baaemeat. fumaca. I paved St a.. $3000.90. Terma. I Viva aerea. all iai fruit aad berries. I Clos to ear UaeJ alec trie Ushk. A i saap. $3500.00. ft eash, . i I 80 aera, paved rnd, lWiag latreass. j fin fish, coed soil, 12 mile from I 8toa, Or, $4500.00. caak. 1 Rich L. Reimann Realtor '. (- . i I 147 V. Com'! St. - Pkon 726 R ,63j32tf 8U09 DOWN - I i $30 aer month buys a good five- room bongatow horn inj 8. Sa il I lem. PTK-e I30W. W. 1L GRABENHORST ft CP. Realtors. 215 State St. 63a22 ' MINUTE MOVIES faSOUTH SECRETX , tpvsevz, T , j lIoesope FROM HER I 13 FOftCED; Tb LEAVE, ; REAL ESTATE 1 A ACAKCij REAL ESTATE 63 1200 BARGAIN . . New three rxwn home located ear N. 5tk St. aa Shippiag. $:iOO down, balaaca 920 par tenth. W. 11. (i KAREN HO R&T CO. Reai:ara 275 Stat St. Phan MS 63a21 S-ROOM BCNGALOW, OOOD LOCATION $1700 Term, take lot for part. Grocery atack, fixtarea, leaae, fin lar : ration. lirioz rooma. aaan. 8250O. 6-room bungalow, large lot, anap, $2700. Good tenna. j 28 acre near Salem good bid re. $5000 term 85 acre farm eloae In. a ice bWga. fruit, bargainj $&000 aaay terma. awi acrea am eep ranch for Salem acreage. See our list of exchange PERRINE UARSTtK3 212 Com. Club. Bldg. . 3a8tf POR SALE I 6-room ' ajdera home located at 80 North Cottaga St. Price $4850.1 Terma. W. 1L G RA BEN HORST It Co. Realtora 275 State St. ! rboae 515 - 3a22 BEST BUYS IN BUNGALOWS Housea Cottage and Lota. Small payment down, balance lik rent. By Child ft Been tel. $3150 Only $250 doam. buya brand r ew bungalow, 5-room, basement, $1500 With $300 down, $25 month. Good honse. 5-room, large lot. Fruit $1800 Dandy cottage. 5 room. $100 down, bet buy in north Salem. $1700 Honse, 7 rooms, 22nd St. $3000 Good house. 7 rooma,. paring paid, near State. $5000 New stucco, north Bummer a tree t. A real bargain. CHOICE VACANT LOTS $450 Paring , paid near Stafe. $550 Paring ! paid. 24th Kt. $1750 -On State and 16fi M. $1100 Pairmonnt Park Hill. If it's a home " REE CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State Street. 320tf FOR SALE 1 ; Modern 7-mom home very close in on Mill St. $1000 down will handle, i -SPECIAL I Prie reduced from $6000 to $5250. ' New adern atner home located ea North Summer St.. large lot, full baement, fire place, furnace, garage, all pave- - . ment and walka ia. hardwood floors. Terms $1000 down to handle.' Immediate possession. W. li. OR ABKN HORST ft CO. Realtor. 275 Stat St. i Phon 515 I ' :tal3 REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 if tqU HAVE TOWN OR SMALL uburb itreaga and want a good farm, com and talk with us. Wa may do bnainess. The flaming Kalty Co $41 State pt.J 65a6tt WE HAVE 50 FIXE HOWELL PRAIRIE acrea right on the Silverton road for - $11,900 and the owner will consider good bouse: in Salem as part pay and this is a real farm and an op portunity to turn -your town house int country estate; we hav 30 mighty good acrea 5 mile from 8alem on good road and -only hi mile from pavement fairly well improved aad all tillable for $8000 and they want a smaller farm ; A " good 5-room modern Salem home worth $5000 for a good farm: A iee little home ia the edge of Salem with k acre of land and worth $2650 nnd the owner want a ear; Large house near the Stat House rented at $65 per month to permanent renter and worth $8500 to trade for farm of equal value; 10 good fruit acre bare, 7 mile out. te sell on easy payments or trade for city lot. price $1500; We hav a buyer for good 5-room house, will pay .half. easb. - McGII.CirRI8T.ft PENNINGTON r 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phon-140 5al8tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPr-fe-PPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 2200 l EXCHANGES 2200 EXCHANGES PP PP PP PP PP GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS Offices Satem and Portland The demaad - for exchanges has made necesaary our GREAT MARKET PLACE wkere t requirements af all can he matched. W hav just what you hav in mind; just where you want it; just tha right prie. Our list f exchanges (the largest. Hat ing oa the Pacifio Coast) guaranteea your complete sat isfaction regardlesa' of your re quirement. If yoa would like to exchange your property TODAY,- com ia TODAY, Open evenings. See PARKER P O R PROPERTY 409 C. 8. Bank Bldg. Com'l at State. Phoa 2242 65j26tt PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP . PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 07 FOR 8ALE CHEAP 87 ACRE8 OF fin land, six Bailee from Salem,- Good new buildinxa. about halt cultivated balane pastur. ' Running water, some timber, will giv good term, align accept some trade. J. J. Mathis, own er. Telephone 103P, Salem. Or Rt 7. 7al0 SMALL ACREAGE , ' 1 acr tract. 8-rom houkc, near ear- line nnd acbooL arth Satem. Price $4500. good terma. 4 lots. 8-room house, just outside cit lunits. 1'rice j 12300. terma. 1 8-4 acre tract. 4-room house at Clax tar station 2 ; miles north . af Salem Price $1200. terma. 2 k -acre tract. 3 miles out. new 6- rowa buse. fireplace, baaemeat. water syatem, bath and garage. Price $4-O0, irrma. , ' -acre tract j 4-room hons. 1 mile' to ! lera, running water: owner hrnvin Salem. Prices $2650. KUL'EGER. Realtor. - 67a2 A REALLY GOOD PARM Over a 100 acrea. Owner ae makes a smsller place desirable. Will take a small suburban acreage or a good sown nous, part pey. Be me. WM. FLEMING. 341 State St. 67afttf TFiC SAVA?E i " ; THE FfXLOWER? .V . - O rts. wikCi X&a- mt- 8 "aj w - ' i T 0 'a , " -aw . r m CP THE ATPsCK ziai1 ANO LIE H ! AV LiV5 fAnc? von ' J I v t ' f . M WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 ppFPPPFPPPPrpppp pppppppppppppppPP pp rr P.P CALL PP PP rr PARKXB. . PP PP H PP AND PP PP rr PP IT ART PACKliQ PP P P SelUag aernce -witkwnl eeaal. T r i P IVuw arstem never fail. Cx P f P P tife aelliag. backed ay clean, r r PP Intelligent ealemaaehip xaeana PP P P Rr.5UTl.TH Inr YOU. W turn J P PP "'Froapoete" late "Buyer. r r P P W turn POR SALE eigne in- P P PP t 'SOLD." All city property PP P P Inaoeetad. Dhoterraohed and aold P P P P without aggravating delay. Open P P P P arm tax. See r r PP' P4EKKR FOR PROPERTY PP PP40 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bid, PP P P , Commercial at State P P PP Teieohon 2242 PP P P Office km Salem aad Portland P P pp 71ml7-tf P P PPPPPPPP P P "P P P P P P P PPPPPPrPPPPPPPPPP TRLiKS AND TILtCTORS 75 FOR SALEDIAMOND T. TRI CK. 2 ton. ' Fint clasa condition. Will aell heep. Addre Box 1147. 75a23 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. We pay raan for Porda. 77n lltf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX We believ we have the best eteek of ued car that can be found ia the eitvi ' 1923 Hudson Coeeh 900.00 1924 Light Six Stndebaker 750.00 1921 Big Six Touring 650.00 1921 Twin Six Sedan 1500.00 1920 4 Cylinder Eases Tonring 375.00 1918 Bnirk Touring 230.00 1918 Mitchell 125.00 1918 Oakland . 130.00 lord Touring u 50.00 Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 330 N. Hick. Phon 2128 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79al4tf FORD TOURING CHEAP. A BARGAIN at $60.00. Phone 11F21. 79a23 USED CARS ' 1924 Fard Coup. 1924 Gardner. Viele, in good condition. Oakland Tonring. Some good buya in Ford. BURDETTE ALBEE MOTOR CO. (iardner Distribntora 217 8tate St. 79a20tf OR SALE GOOD SEDAN. AND TWO other light cars. Want aom cash. Balane time or trade. Consider piano r lota. 1970 S. Church St. 79al6tf BUY U8ED CARS TROV Certified Public Motor Car Market 255 N. Church St. I Ask na about the 2 Cbevroleta wa will aell for $75. Magneto lights will not pas the new law coming into effect Sept. ltU Oct atarter ear. ' 4 lords $135 to $285. Overland, X175 to $370. Stars $300 t $475. 1 Hupmobile-T-n dandy $475. Chrysler built Maxwell Tour. $17$. Dodze Sedan. 1 yr. pM. $065. : Used Cars With a! New Guarantee ! Phon 885 for demonstration. ?9al6tf DEPENDABLE "USED CARS Dodge Roadster 822S.OO Chevrolet Coupe 550.00 Maxwell Touring 450.0O Overlaad Touring -- 42"i.0O Buirk Roadster 4OO.00 Dodge Panel Delivery . 750.00 "After W Sell We Serv" P. W. PETTYJOHN CO, 865 N. Commercial St. .Phon 1260. 79altf Guaranteed Used Fords ! 1922 Coup . ! SS'J.VOO 1924 Roadster $323.00 1924 Model 4 door aedaa $485.00 Other Model Under $1004)0 -VALLEY MOTOR CO. ! Authorised Pord Dealer ' 1 Phan 1995. 260 No. HiSh. 79ltf PIKER'S USED CAES 1928 Touring $245 1924 Coup .$435 Our aual guarantee behind all cars. Eiker Auto Co. Liberty Street at Perry. Phoa 121. 79jl8tf Eiker's Tw noa-stsrter teuriar Perds with license. $45 and $55. Too mu-b serv ice ia these rsr -1 wreck. Both ia good running condition. Eiker Auto Co. 121 79i3ttf 1 GOOD USED PARTS POR HALP OR lees. Way pay mwret M.ney brh guarantee. Schevlar Aste Wrecking Co. Leb for th eraara front. Day phone 819. Night phaaa 508. 1065 N. Commercial Si. "Built t money." 79 JlStf 1-ton Do!ge Trurk. good shape $38 1923 Oodze Tourine. balloon tire. Rex enclosnre .-. $-82 1921 Buirk Touring ... $3H) 192 Ford Tonring . $32 Chevrolet Delivery . 35 find- Deliverv 822 Dodre Touring Chevrolet Roadster I"' Buick Roadster $1 Dodge Touriaz $:t.V Ke Tourinr. xuod hhaDe 8 85 Ford Touring $ 50 BOXKSTEELK MOTOR CO. Visit our used car lot. ' 793 ltt (AD righta proteicted by Tke George. llatliewB Adjuna OBOlt PAtTHFUL CfXS RIS AKt RUSH "lb MEET mIeanwile CRUISER, . -mAVESTy- BEAFvtM(j AND . ;U RFSCVIEI FROM , r - ArRrVES AT TAECO - 4fv CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBTfLAXCS GOLDEN AMBULANCF PHONES 809 and n3-K. J,, or n,r,t service. fltf AUCTI0KZIR8 P. X. WOODRT . Expert Liresteck, furnitur. real tate AL'CTlONbKR Ree. 1610 N Summer Phan 511 for al date. WOODRY ft WOODKY Expert LiveatM-k. Puraitnre. Real Ea tat, and Merrhaadis Aa-tiaera. 16 years' experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Otfwre 271 N. C"" I Tel. 75. Kea. 996 8. Commercial, TL 1A43-W lor aala dates. CCOUVTAJfT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And iter. $31 m SUte. Phoa 2098 R. atT-'6 BATTERY AMD SLSCTRICLUTS ! R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES ktarter and geaeravor wrk; 171 South commercial Phnn 188 COLatT ST JOK WILLIAMS BICYCLES AH7 EBPAXRIVO LLOYD E. RAM SDEN DAYTON BICY- ele and repsiring. 3"7 Court beaks xxLuroro MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMES rial Rt. Phono 10i. jMf CHXNESB REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM -Chine Medicin Company Hah aay known disease. 420-426 State e-suit CHIROPRACTOR Dr. O. U SCOTT. C8C, CHIROPRACTOR, Temporary addre, 1360 Bo. Liberty, Fhoa 828-K. H. B. S COFI ELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3194. m5tf sREssicAxrva PRINTED CARD9 SIZE If BY TH wording. "Dressmaking: price 10 ceats each. Stateemaa Busiaesa Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEM STITCHING, atampiag. buttoas. Room 10, aver Mil ler' Store. Phoaa 117. PR7JQ STORES DRUGS. CHEMICALS. TOILET ARTI- cies. perfumes, expert prescrtptioniata. Capital Drag Store, corner State aad 1Htiy. ELECT XICIAK8 SAI.EM KLKCTRIC CO. MASONIC baildinj. Phon 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND 8UPPLY CoM Phoa 1934. 22'e K. Liberty. (fLEENEH ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiping uy hour or contract. Estimates fnrbUhed. i Phone 90 71 Court St. ARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper eead le t the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for n three months' trial subseriptioa. Mention thia ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three xeoatna trial for tba bat and oldest journal ia tha wasL - Th articles and sdverti so men t, ar f special ialerest to the poultry breeder I tb nnwet Northwaat Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial atreet, Salem. Oregoa, TTXAJfCIAL POR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort- ffagaa. Trust Deeds, tJ.n tracts oa bouses Will net 6'U M (). BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. 8. Nat l Bank it tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY TO loan ea good farm secarity. C1TY LOANS We ar loaatag Pru dential Insuranc Company money eilv resideacea and business property. . at oVi'. alas a commiesioa. Hawkiaa Jk Bobarla. lne 805 Oraxoa Building T d 14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregoa Bailding rXORXSTS CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS fiawara for dareratioa. Benaat rs erv Co- 2238 Pairgiwaad Road, Ph.n. .1380. 49a2 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaiha. deco ratios, t'. - Breithanpt. florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone Sn. rUKBCAI, DIRECTOR a SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL. DIREC- tors. 21 Center. Phone in. HAT BLOC KIN O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ELLS worth Hat Sh.p, SI7H Cart, upstairs HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEM8TITCHISG. Plet- iag. buttons, stamping and nedl work. aa Oregon BMg. fnoae 3ir. XXSTJKAKCB Insure ' Your boas r ear now rha 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS , U. 8. Banh Bldg. Serrii (-DOWA4 Be XTaVae PlftrK AbrnBTT-oa u. o. rawai viuc - s.a a av a a h ToffToe? r -1.-1 h w c a. i v v a X irw-'ivn I I . V ' 1 T I . I 1 A TWE BRXX?t OT TtC &A7TLE- , , . J . -" r , ' her i - BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Qaick Reference gJITTUlO WKL GOLP HOSE CHILDREN'S anwrt he, kn't to order. Uand kaii tie Ph 17? J lit :t KODAKS EXPERT AND INDIV1DCAL ATTEN- tin glvoa to year developing, and pnwlier " Capital Drwg W'wre. LATJSDBJXS SAI.EM LAUNDRY COMPANY 26 J S. H gh street. Phone ?. IJet. targ et aad brtL UibliiM 1889. ' YR Y THE HOMI WET WASH LACK dry. Phon 171. 1356 B Street. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Pha 16S. Servic with a amile. Quality work. 1364 Brdway. , JUtf LADIES TAILORING ! LADIES' TAILORING. COATS EN eembla snita. party aad bu draa. Aaaett Bmita, 94 rta liberty. asgl6 D. H. MOSHER TAI1XIR POR MEN Bad women. 474 Court St.- MATTRESSES MATTRE8SES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol 'City Bedding Co, 1199 North Canitol. Called for and delivarod. All 1 work rnarsnte-od. Phoae 19. fltfl MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone SIT-W. MILLnfERY BARGAINS THE YEAR AROUND. Felta aad leather hata $2.00 nnd up. Ella worth Hat Shop. 347 H Court, up-I tairs. KTTtlO STORES SHERMAN CLT ft CO.. , PIANOS Staiawaya. Duo-Art aad other. Moore's Music lions, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHOXO- grspbt aewiag machiaes. sheet maaic. aad viae atudiee. Repair ig pkon- grapha and aewiag machine. 442 State atreet, Salem, , ! TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW ' Victor or Brnnswtrk. H. L. Stiff Pnr- niture t'w Mnsie Dept. ; KEWIPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, ; SALEM Agency Th Ac. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your horn eMy ea"B morning. Tel 7a or rwx. rURSERY STOCK PRC IT. NUT AND SHADE . 2S7 Stale. TREES tearey Pros. PACKXKO AMD SHXPPIXO POR EXPERT PURXRITURK PACKING and shipping. : rail Stiff a rurnitare I "jMjPkjtMIl PAPERHAJIOIHO AND PAIHTTRG PHONE GLENN I ADAMS FOH HOUSE I deroratiag. pa-er haaxiag. tinting, ate tveliahle workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Tiaa tuner. Leav order Will a Music Store rRiirriNO FOR STATIONARY. CARDS. PAMPH let, program, book or aay: kind of I printing, t all at tie statesman mil iag Department, 215 8. Commercial Tel. t. ' PLTJMBOIO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR I work. Grsbvr , Bro, 141 Liberty Bt. I Phone 550. f!9tf RADIO - 8PLLTD0RP RADIO. SALES AND 8ERV1CE No better radi mad at aay pr. QUALITY CARS High and Trad flSu RADIO IXXTORB SALEM KLKCTRIC CO. ' P. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Maeanie Tempi Phone 1200 Radiolas . Por Every Purpose Every Puree All Standard 8iss i f Radi Tul-e HALiK a, tAfY EI.rCTKI"' ".l'Jr r.a7 Court ft -I" i'.- 44 RESTAURANT! It yoa don't eat at th. Laach Bos w. both kM. 11 S. Liberie. 1 XEAL E3TATS I ir TOO HAVE PROPERTT TO SELL r if yoa ar laokiag for a home, farm ar baaiae property, see ' -BECKE ft HENDRICKS . n. 8 NstionsI Bsak Building. tf XEPAIXIMO . ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Ooart St. . 1 Umbrallaa. Cutlery and Keys Lawamowera. rnr blade. acira. knives and toole abarpeed SOAVaUrOEXS 8008 SCAVENGER 8ERVICE Car bate and rslsM of all kiada removed by Lb month. Pea nam Ms rate. "Ja pa . cleaned nnd dead animal removed. . Pbonea Offia 85 r 979. Re. S05iJ (AtT DAJUf4 , " , . . av -aam 9 rAlAMA, 'r-C I' A.ry-ii.r-v.coic- THT-VCPcV : " 'i MEN HAVS BEEM RE- , M ... .. ' Tui-HA PUANI. I- . w-- C r,o Swaiurr Caaa ' - I i SECOBO RAJTD GOODS WANTED EVERTTHIXU IN CLOTH- ing aad haa. - Beat arte paid. Cap ital Exrhaega, 843 Xorth VommeraL Tlwe l"t r STOXAQB WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOI-D Gwada or aaytbiag yea a have, bv th ' week, math v year. P. A. Eikar. eornar Uherty aad Ferry. Paoaa 2L d 14tf rroTzs avd btotx RZPAixrvo STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 0 years raawriewe. ! pat NiaJ fenee. ai I t 54 ia. high. Paiat. aim aad varaiahea. c- tscaahrrr aad hop hook. Bale Peace aad Stove M"ts. ISO Cmirl street Pttona H TXAjriTXR AND HATTLCrO CAPITAL CITY TRKNSPER CO. 228 Slat St. Phw 938. Distnhwting. fr- wardiag aad storage ar specialty. Ut ar rate. WR MOVE. STORE AND SniP B0C8S hold gwada. Oar pcialty m pis a aad lurattnre aveviag. Wa aUo mesa try trip. We haadU tha boat roal and wood. Call aa aa for prie. Wo giv assure, g d woabty aad gaad lrmr Traaafer Ca. Pbw 93A. TRANSFKH AND HACLINO OP A Li, hind. Pbowa I9P TXAJftPORTATIOV VACATION DATS ARE H ERE! That mesne trip I ton beacbaa. Th Parker Stag Lines f(or to ree I xrby baaehea. Daily aarvte frw Tillameek m Bay City. GaribaldL Raltair. Rbekaway, l-ssa Lytla, Man hattan, N she lem. aad Seaaida. Biagsa leave 8alm at T:6 a. mm 1:19 p. as, asd 5:10 p, as. OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Bilvertoa: 7 a. a-u, 11 a. sa 8 . sa. htt. Aarel: II a. m 5 p. as. laaWpeadenro: 7 a. m, 9 a. m 11-18 ' a. as, 8:10 p. as, 8:15 p. as, atea days nl 6:30 . m. Monmwath: Ha; 11:15 a. as, 8:10 - p, m, 5:13 p. as. Saadaya ealy a:80 . m. Dallas: 7 a. as, 7:35 a. m, 9 a. m. Jl:2 a. m, 1:10 p. m, 8:19 p. as. aad 5:15 p. m. Palm City: 7 a. m. 2:10 p. as, B:1S p. m. j?otf I WAlHJJfO MACHINE I FOR ! RENT ELECTRIC WASnER with Sas burner. S3 t 65 per moath. Ask for Elmgren. H. L. Stiff s rural- tnre o. - at Itf I WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Ofir iOt Keath Uaaifill St. Tea per cent diacoaat en domvstt flat rate paid ia advaec. dedeetioa fur absence or aay cans aniens water is sbnt off twr ,fW1l,M. dele Garrtaoa'a MYHUSeiO'S . LOM E I V Ksw lham taff OPVri A-rinvc nr a wipvlln,nd ho,dln n Pn wr you ! 'opyrjht by Newspaper Featnrt Sarrlce I j CHAPTER F50 The "Hunch" Madjre Followed i ! and Wlutt It lisclosrd I felt thorouthry ashamed of myself as tha ten-year-old Willie (broke into frightened sobbing upon .realizing that he had be- .rayed the manner of his cousin s escape from the houre. I had to steol myself with the Vrowicdge that the man. he- and iis tamlly were protecting was a dangerous criminal, to capture horn almost-any strategy wat Justitlable. . , The young officer had no-mla-liln?t. hoeTer: "Say!" he .ejaculated boyishly, distinct admiration .in his vote. "that was a slick trick! Now you little der I stopped him summarily; "You can't get anything more out of him he'a too frightened and jit wouldn't do any good if you did. In fact, he doesn't know any more thamwe do now, -The things we must consider are that the man was here only a few min utes ago. and that he cannot be far away." . "That's right!" He struck hie hands tor-ether. "And I can't leate here until my buddy comer bark- he's in charge. Run along in to your s bier, you" he turned t6 the sobbing Willie "and stop your noise. Nobody's golns to hurt you." The Broken Window. " . By ED WHEELAN OSl VARRtOfe-T AE IM -. ga-. a-- -Bams m a.- ft Jbamx a MJLU KCIKCOI YWw VWSTt FLEE. FCR -SOUR. I IvJ A - 6.- TMwiiVP'V r aa... .1,1 Ai-rovm? '" To-" -, The boy.acudJed my and tba' ytnnr otticrr turned to tb win dow and pat bis arm slater! through the broken pane. "I'll bet 70a eatt track that fel low by the blood.- he M. -When he couldn't Ret the window open and smashed thl pane he must have stuck his arm thronch nd rot a pal-chase on It that way! Look at these Jar; red etljei. They must hare son rl;M into hits. They're like Indians far bearing pain, tho fellows." I shuddered as I looked at the broken wlndjiw s'-ass. . and I turned away with the vague terror I think etery sheltered woman feels at too clofie contact with tha seamy side of life. Eren my work with Lillian has never familiar ised me sufficiently with unpleas ant thiuita to make, me retard, them with equanimity. But I had . walked no further than the door when sudden Intuition made mi. turn back a tain. The window ' was" still shut. I wasted lo ac ' It opened. ' "I wonder how it happened that nobody heard this tlasa break," 1 ohacrTed. T'j you as officer stopped short and looked at me. "It Is fanny, he said. Break ing; kUm usually can l heard above every other noise. But the d"t wag barklnr and growllnr and lrplnj( at c-when W rod a aa m a, 44 E7 an tuv atasmikiav tuoit hare, taken- Jnst that min ute ta set out. The man who lires here ran out and quieted the do- and shut him up when he saw us. I tuesa he had sense -enough to knov he couldn't mon key with us." l"HaTe.You Looked?" I aupprettaeHl a smile at his an-, coneclous capitalization of the pronoun and went back to the window. "If he not it open it isn't stuck any more, surely." I said. "Can you lilt It by the sah? "I cues so. The boy put his hands on the window cinterly., "Why do you want" IL opened?" " Hare you looked outsldn this window?" I countered. "Why, we went around the house!" He stared at me with dawning; comprehension ta bis face. "There'a Just a mass or vlnea and trass there, but a man couldn't possibly hide in them." "I don't expert to rind him" there." I said with a ml'e. "bet , we may rind somethlnt (hat will tell us how he man a ted to put up this window without ruttinc hla arm,'-m w first thoatit. Tor see. there Isn't a trace or blood ; on the outer sill. If you don't through It and look over the Tines below." "Just wait till I brush the glass away," the boy said frallanfly, holding the window open with one hand while he snatched up a dis carded shirt from - the bed and brushed the broken glass off the sill- Then I leaned through the window and looked at the mass rl Tines below. - . My first cursory glance showed no trace of the ecaplng marauder. I fhe Tines; tough and thick. did not look trampled to the casual tate. but as I. looked closer and taw where some.of the leaves and .mailer twigs had been severed 1 oald a menial tribute to the fore- and qnkknesi of thought ot he man who had dropped Into .hem. .'.With Ihe certainty that capture was but few minutes behind him, he had taken time. to pull up the Tine, again. and yen hidden on. ler a small barb, where he had hastily thrust It. I saw the corner f a small and dirty pillow. (TO BE CONTINUED) 1 SALEM tlARKTJTS f X. 1 whit -$1.4T . 1 49 K. 1 red. aarked porx. anrrro-iAjro axzp T hog . tewe . ta II0IAM hog j e-4 .$2jtias ro $ S, ar Sonar WmW, 89 lb aad d 9c U Heavier - - n, POULTRY Urhf km Heavy ka .18 .20 ?2 PM eM Brwitera i4:i EGOS. BTTTTSB AVD TrWTTERPAT Butterfat - . u rreasaery h attar "ifl 't r.etw . . j landaed . ,j "ecis 1 l per eet .82 8 T.XPATKM XOT1CK The board of canalization meets cm the second Monday ia Sepfera wr of each year, for the parpni of examining and endallilng tbe sc8ircnt rolls of Marlon county. urrson. All persons desiring lo protect any ikf--men on eaii rolls mast do s accordln; to the followlnc provlrlons ot law. "Tetltlons or applications for the redaction of a particular a nefstnent ahall be niado In wr!t- int. Teriried hy 4th ot tlr a .re cant or his attorney, an 1 be fi. ! rlth the board durlnr the fir ; week n by Jaw. reialred to t ? lr -sIoh. and any p'-tltlon or u plication not. so' made. Terl.': '. anl filed.-shall-net ccnsll:; . or actel ujca Yr V n - - jri." o. a. stezliia," ::ir:. ft ii-2. s 4 r r- ' .i; i i ,: 63a23 l-u. .