The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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. FRIDAY MORNlKG, AUGUST 21, 1015 Tn 3 tz?-.-. :Z 1
1 .
G. W. Johnson &
Attractive ; Patterns in
all the latest shades. You
can't help but find some
thing . that will ;- please
yoiu: Our prices are very
reasonable.! "
Here Is a car -which should
be sold today. "It's a bar
gain." '
1923 Oakland Touring.'
"with the tmproyed mo
tor," quite a few acces
Boriea onjy $475.
The Schools of Falls City Open on September Uth, With
Good Teaching Force The Comings and Goings and
General Doings of the People of the Western Section
' of Polk County
Fall Oty School to Open Sept.
14th Several Changes In the
Teaching; Oorpn.
Both high and grade schools
win open this year on Sept. 14th.
There are a number of changes in
the teaching personnel this year.
VrA T Paltna m milmt. si
Wednesday morning for a trip to wnUm;tt. Orally. come,
Portland ana men up tne uoium-1 auperlntendent of school. Mr.
bia river highway. They got as I Patton taught last year at Enter
ing $85 under the mattress at
their camp. . They left the camp
far as Hood River before the loss
was noticed. They returned post
haste to Slem and the auto camp
only to find the purse missing
from its former place of conceal
ment. It was restored to them,
however, by H. S. Poisal, care
taker" at the camp, who had taken
the purse into bis rtistody to await
the claim of the owner. ;
For Sale, Cheap-
German police dog. pedigreed.
Phone 1C57. Mr. Stewart.. a23
I Generally cloudy with probable
thunderstorms In the mountains
east oortion;, continued warm in
central and east portions; light
variable winds.- "
I Maximum yesterday, 80: mini
mum, 54; river, - 2., stationary;
rainfall, none atmosphere, clear;
wind, southwest: 'F" C
was; nearly asleep when he heard
the -shriek of brakes and the first
thing, he knew the car was on its
side file believed the driverj had
dozed for -a tevr seconds. - Both
men live in Portland and said they
were on their ,; way to Roseburg
where they were to : meet their
wives who had been visiting id Los
0 ;.. m
'! Grand Dorothy . Phillips,
Herbert Rawllnson, lElalne
Hammersteln in .; '"Every
The Theaters Today
- ff; t ff. -
Oregon Nazlmova sup
ported I by' Jack Pickrord
In !My Son." - . - -
Mat's Wife,'
. " j ' ' J "' -: 1 "
Bligh Lefty Flynn. in "O
U. West." .. ?V.': ' -;
. ' - ir
t : ' - 1
Cows Ordered Killed ;
! Since August 1. 14 tubercular
Camping Equipme:
Stiff's used furniture store.
iri J
Gas the Prune Borer Now
ICitl the prune borer now
Paradfchlorabenzine. - Cheap;
easy to apply. Peary Bros,
State; street.'
UM - ! '
Thiee Licenses Issued r
Three marriage licenses
applied for in' the county c
office Thursday. They were taken
out: by Ellis Carl Charlton, route
6, box 1, an engineer, and Luella
Jake I
M. iPaton, 883 Court street;
Baa man, a retired farmer.
cil of Scouts here. Of the 85
who attended the camp, 44" were
from Salem, ks compared with 14
Scouts last year. . The remainder
of the number were from McMinn
vllle, Corvallis and Albany. A
fee of $11 was charged for the
trip and from, the total fees re
ceived all expense of the camp
were met and several' improve
ments ail the camp made. -A sur
plus of $8.16 was left from the
camp account, the report declares,
Choice Gladiolus
Funeral designs. D. H. Upjohn,
964 S. Liberty. Phone 1700. a21
Poppies Igc j Attention
Eight lAJredale puppies in the
window of a! local sporting goods
store attracted considerable at
tention from passersby yesterday.
The puppies' kept up an almost
continua) : entertainment with
their antics throughout the day.
More Reward Offered t
,Wlth word received here yester
day that Mayor Baker and Chief
of Police Jenkins of Portland had
offered a reward of $500 for the
capture, dead or alive, of Tom
Murray, Ellsworth Kelley and
James Willos in Portland, rewards
for the three convicts now amount
to $3650. Governor Pierce will
recommend to the 192? leglsla
ture the payment of $3,000 for
the capture' of ' the trto. while
there is a standing reward of $50
for an escaped convict and the
$500 offered by Portland.;
prise, being engaged in high
school work there. Mr. Patton
will be athletic advtser and coach.
Mrs.' Mabel Hatch will be assist
ant -principal. Mrs. Hatch haa
taught a numberof years in Falla
City high, and everyone knows
her work.
The department of home eco
nomics will be in charge of Mrs
Phyllis Palmer Patton. who had
this department In Falls City high
last year.
Dorothy Ostrander, whose home
is in Salem, and who is a gradu
ate of the University of Oregon.
will have the English department.
Mlsa Ostrander was a member of
the faculty of the Falls City high
school last year.
The grade school will have as
principal tnLa year Mrs. Kate G
Boyd, who comes here from Port
land. Mrs. Boyd is a graduate of
Idaho State Normal, with a life
sons Ernest. Cecil and Hathaway.
with their respective families at
tended from Falla -City.
On Saturday the Henry Bnell
home was the scene of a gather
lug of cousins and other members
of the Buell and Tocom families.
Mrs. F. E. Tocom, with her sons
Grandall. hU wife and two sons.
and Paul came over and rislted.
going on the next day to the re
union near Ballston.
Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway Buell
are here for the summer.
" Family Revnton i
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
M. Cole had as guests the follow
ing relatives of ; Mrs. Cole, who
drove down and spent the day at
the Cole home: Peter P. Colgaard.
wife and mother-in-law. Mrs.
Erickson. from Elmlra. Oregon;
Elmer Skoog. wife and daughter
Dorothy, from Veneta. Oregon;
B. Freed, wife and son and daugh
ter, Walter and Dorothy, and
Mrs. Anna Dewey and daughter
Dorothy, all from Eugene; and
by N. Mosler of Lafayette. Messrs.
feebly of Lafayette, and Coffy of
McMlnnvIlle. passed " through
Falls City , "Monday,, their. Objec
tive being the Hazel Dell and
Mountain View" Coat Ranches, and
the Roquefort Cheese plant. All
of these gentlemen enjoyed their
rtelt very much. They are all
owners of milk, goats. Mr. Mosler
is also the owner of ft nnrsery at
Lafayette: Mr. Campbell has
been interested in milk goats ever
since his .return, from Qhlna
bout ten years ago,. taking up the
raising of the goat, and Investi
gations regarding milks goats to
have a hobby to keep him out of
doors. Hla Investigations have
proved so interesting that he has
written a number of articles for
Goat Journal&T'
: Mr. Campbell is the father of
P. W. Campbell, who taught com
mercial subjects in the Falla City
high, school for two years. Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Campbell recently
visited DayvUle, in the John Day
country, and Mr. Campbell will
teach there the coming year.
: Mrs. W. W. Ward, daughter
Opal, Chester L. Ward, wife and
children, all returned home Mon
day from Portland, where Mrs.
Ward and daughter have been at
tending camp meeting for the
past ten daye.
The many friends of Mrs. Wil
bur Rhodes will be pleased she
has so far recovered from the re
cent severe operation she under
went in Portland that ahe is
leaving the hospital on Monday.
town Tuesday on Ms way hone t J
Yalsetx, having. enjoyed . fllV
i Son. trip through McKenx.e
and other scenic, points -laso3'Ji
ern Oregon. -
'Mrs. Henry Crirfin returne.l ?o
Portland Monday, after n)nyir.
a short visit with ht-rmottcr.T
Mrs, Walter Clark. - -V. -John
Booter and family of Me-'
Mlnnvllle have moved into tke
Cora Page property on Sotlx
Main etreet- Mr. Booxer '.iaa .
employe of the Southern rad!ic;
and will be employed on the rec
lion force under A. G. Adams. .
Rev. and Mrs. II.' A. Walter
and family returned ' home Moa-.
day from attendance at tbW Freo
Methodist camp meeting h ' t; b
tween Portland " and BeavciloaV
They were gone over a'weekaad
enjoyed the time very-mnch. At
their services last Sunday it 13
estimated there were - probably
eight hundred; present -at-tiST'
morning service and over six hun
dred la the afternoon. About 110,
teats were on the grounds.
Orland Walters ' returned to-
work Monday, following a month')
enforced idleness following ma In
Jury received to his riht Land
while employed in loggia: opera-
fCowIm4 f S)
Mrs. McAlister, from Bolce, Lis-J goii,c to the home of her brother.
Direct Kactoty Branch
510 Court Street rime 2C2
Typewriters Rented, Sold,
Repaired ,
Special rental rates to student
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Meyers,
tmall son Jody. and Mrs. M. Huff
man, Mrs. Meyers mother, were
in town Monday, transacting busl
a'ploma in that atate. Mrs. Boyd I end calling on their friends.
Time to Can Salmon
Fine fat deep sea troll fish at
North Twenty-third street, and
street; James Wayne- Macki a ,. ! -t
pharmacist of Hubbard, and Mary I S&ndgren Improving
Winnifred Rinehart of SalemJ
Fof Sale, Early Crawford j
Canning peaches. $1.75 bushel.
Ph4he 6F3. -rL. Townsend. f26
il -V: T
Lebold Pays Fine
' Speeding cost Eugene , "Lebold,
a fine of $5 in police court yester-
I day when he pleaded guilty to a !
Gus Sandgren of Portland, who
was injured in an automobile ac
cident Wednesday night, was re
ported to be making satisfactory
progress, yesterday at local hos
pital where; he is receiving treat
ment. Sandgren received a brok
en right 'arm and a fractured left
arm in the accident.
Furniture Packing and ;
Refinishing. H. L. Stiff Furni
ture Co. ' i a21
OAC Picnic Held '
A large and enthusiastic crowd
of students, alumni and prospec
tive students of Oregon Agricul
tural college, held an enjoyable
picnic at Broadrlffle beach last
night.' This is located across the
river and just south of the Marlon-
Polk county bridge. Everyone
had a good time, according to all
reports, and there was a sufficient
quantity of food to apease all ap
petites. - Julian Burroughs, north
west diving champion, gave an ex
hibition. .
uerved as superintendent of
schools of Owyhee county, Idaho.
She has tauzht In Oreeon also.
!rs. Boyd will also be supervisor
of music and art, which will be
added to the source of study In
the eighth grade the coming year.
The other teachers employed
for the grade school are as fol
lows: Mrs. Eunice W. Logan, who
has taught in the grades here in
former years; Mrs. Frances Speer-
stra, from Monmouth . Normal ( Friday from a visit with; her
Hclool, but who has had practical daughter, Mrs. R. L. Spaeth, and
They were on their way to New
port. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers will
have a five piece orchestra dance
at the Independence armory dur
ing the hop picking season.! be
ginning August 22nd. every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday even
ing. They will be at the Riverside
park for the last time Saturday
evening. i
I '!
' Mrs. A. A. Muck returned last
complaint filed by Traffic Officer I Davenport Sale
ATTLE. Xug. 26vFuneral
services for James Wilson 73, vet
eran railway construction engin
eer, " who died suddenly et his
home here Monday evening will
be held here tomorrow.
.; t.
t ' V
II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. a21
tows in Marion county have been Uear Mapy , vitcheshalh
condemned and ordered killed, ac
cording to reports In the county
clerk's toff ice.- lOne man. with a
herd of seven," lost six of his anl
mals from the disease. -
School girl orator and evange
list;" ;iT the Armory tonight.
Room-Size Rags
! Stiffs used furniture store. &21
Road Befmjr Graded
i The new Keystone excavator re
cently acquired by Marion county.
is. now; being used on the Fruit
land road and .is reported by J,
W. Culver, roadmaster, to be do
ing excellent work' This road will
be graded ' from the . end ' of the
pavement east of Center street to
Fru itland, , -. , n .
Here-From Clackamas
R.iRoy Putman, wife and little
daughter -of : Clackamas Spent
Thursday in Salem visiting some
of the leading hatchers and poul-
tryinen of this district, and were
also fguests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs.. W. C. Conner of the
Northwest Poultry Journal. Mr.
Wheel ami Hammer Stolen
Someone stole a Harley-David-
son bicycle from the front lawn
at he fcome and also took a sledge
hammer from the back porch, Mrs.
Blanche Slaven of 1098 Thompson
told police Wednesday
Pillar Replaced
One of the pillars at the sonth
entrance; of the Salem Christian
Science church was removed yes-
Pujnan is one Uof the leading terda t tn.k. ... for new
poHiiryiuen or viacKamas county.
it; 5 :';,f:"-" H . 'lt .
Woodry Buys Furniture . j
Store at ' Summer and Norway
streets. Phone 511. - J15tt
one. The , old one developed
crack that i extended from top to
Gladiolus Blooms F
Funeral pieces made to order.
Phone 58F5. . i ; . a21
Divorce Is Asked
! Leda Joy. has filed suit for di
orce from Claude Joy, charging
cruel andjinhuman treatment. In
her complaint she charges that on
numerous occasions her husband
voiced j the desire that she would
die or at least ; go away and leave
him. She alio alleges that he re
mained "away , from home at late
hours and loitered around pool
halls. They were married in Hills
boro In February.-1925. uMrs. Joy
Io-a Picnic . Saturday 1. . .
The committee is planning for
a big time at the Iowa picnic, to
beheld at the state fair grounds
Saturday. . There are several; hun
drejdi.Iowans living-in Salem; and
vicinity and all are expected at
the picnic. Each family is re
quested to bring a well filled bas
ket; and the necessary tools to eat
with: ' The lable commlttea will
furnish coffe sugar and cream,
Improvements Being Blade
Work was begun -yesterday In
the construction of two classrooms
in the balcony of the gymnasium
at Willamette university. The
rooms are ; for use by classes In
physical i education and athletic
j coaching!. . Work will be completed
by the time that school opens this
fall. .
Get Rack Purse and Mone
Honesty is the policy at the Sa
lem mnnicinal nfn mn Tiipa-
A fine program has been arranged day nl,ht a famUy by tbe name of
for, the afternoon. ; Come audi meet I Hunter stonnert th Mmn nd
your former Iowa'neighbor$ and
help to make the occasion a pleas-1
an$ and successful affair. I
while there put a purse contain
asks to. have her maiden: name of ToniKht i(Friday)
Leda Ramsey returned to her.
For Sale .
Four pass. Maxwell : Coupe.
Good-condition. Call Mrs. C l.
Miller. 117 or 1 G86-R. a21
Dubois' dances. Crystal Gardens.
Crewent "Bike Found .
Officer Thompson early .yester- j
day .morning brought to : police
headquarters a Crescent bicycle.
found ' on Chemeketa, ! between
Commercial and Front. The bike
now awaits the Identification and
cliitn of 'its owner at headquar
ters, . '
McDonald Cleaners
783 Highland Avenue
j Telephone 2217 ..
Work called for and delivered
Mrs. Susan E. Rons died at her
residence 703 North High street
on Thursday, August 20, at the
age of 84 years. She is survived
by five sons, E. C. Scenter, of
Kansas Cfity, Mo., Bruce Ross, and
A. M. Ross of Redding, Calif., R.
L. Ross, of McCloud. Calif., and
P. L. Ross, of.Chemawa. The
body is at the Webb funeral par
lors. Announcement of funeral
will be made later.
experience in teaching; Miss Dor
i thy Cooke, a Monmouth Normal
school graduate; Mrs. Jessie Mov
er, whose work ' in the schools
here is too well known to need
mention;' Pauline Jobes, who
taught successfully in our grade
school last year, and Ina B. Gra
ham,, who will again teach the
primary grade. Miss Graham has
taught continuously In the schools
here for, fourteen yeara. having
been principal of the grade school
during a 'part of that time, but
always having in 'charge the be
ginners in school.
J. C. Frink will be Janitor of
the high school again this year.
while P. H. Gottfried has been
elected . to serve as janitor or the
grade school and of Victory hall.
Family Reunion August 16th
The Buell. Yocom and Thorp
families held a reunion' on Sun
day, August 16th, on tbe Yam
hill river, near Ballston, at which
there were a hundred present. H
all those related to tbe three pio
neer families bad been present it
U probable the number would
save been. three times as many.
Mr.-and Mrs. Henry Buell, their
family. In Alameda. California
' Mr. and Mrs. Willis Frink and
Mrs. Scott Leavitt visited rela
tives in Newberg Monday, j
; Mrs. J. F. Dunlop had as a
week end guest her father. F. W.
Goodrich, of Portland. x j
! Among other notablea visiting
the Epworth League Institute
were Dr. Clarence True Wilson, a
nationally known figure in prohi
bition work, who was here two
years ago., and whose headquar
ters are In Washington, D4 C.
and Dr. McCoy, pastor of Cen
tenary Wilbur church of Port
George Campbell, accompanied
George Sullivan, in Vancouver.
Washington, where she will re
main until next Sunday, when
Mr. Rhodes will drive down and
bring her home.
Mrs. Daisy Hunter waa up from
Portland a few days last week, the
house guest of her mother. Mrs.
Wm. Alderman, and sister. Miss
Rltta. .. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rogers, Grand
pa' Treat, and Uncle Chaa. Travis
came up from Monmouth Sunday
and spent the day at the Gordon
Trtat home.
Coye Morris passed through
" Lale 1921 ; .
, - .
Duco finish, snn vtior, shock
lbsorbers, swipe, rear 'vUton
mirror. All equip ped. $495.
Biirdett-Albee Motor
Company v
27 State Street, Corner Fpont
Bay it on emy terms
Victor Sales Agency
Adding Machines for Sale
or Rent
Victor Users Get Service.
: We Stand Behind
Our Machine
247 N. Com'l StJSalem, Or.
Buy no adding machine till
you try Victor.
At tbe home, 925 Madison St..
Wednesday. Aug. 19, George T.
Keeton. age 37 years, for 27 years
a resident of Salem, son of Mrs
T. L, Keeton;-" husband of Mrs.
Mattie Keeton; father of Miss
Dorothy Maxlne Keeton, brother
of Mrs. Elisabeth Scheibner and
Mrs. Jessie Page of Salem. Mem
ber of the M. W. A. of Salem and
the Woodmen of . the World of
Ballston. Funeralservlces Friday
Aug. 21, at 3 p. m., from the
RIgdon mortuary, the Rev. J. J.
Evans officiating.
For the right kind of materials
and the very best workman
ship call us.
" Powder and Supply Co.
175 s. Commercial Phone 723
Action, Ts Filed
;Dr. O. L. Scott has filed action
against Dr. H. BScof field In the
telrcult coprt for the return of an
elejjjic sign, made in the shape
of 1 a human form,, and equipped
with a small electric motor. Ac
cording to the complaint, Scoffleld
now is in possession of the device.
although Scott declares he owns
it. He places a yaluatlon of $250 scout Report Made"
You Telephone t's, 110
We'll deliver It, no matte how
small the Item. Capital Drug. J22tf
on the sign.? Both men are local
! -- : . . ; . '
cuiropraciors. .
Dodge Sedan Bargain ' -
See; this at Certified Public
Motor, Car Market or, phone ,8851 waV8ent recently to national head
Eighty-five Scouts attended the
summer camp at Camp Cascasan,
near Cascadia.' this summer, ac-
cotding to the report of Harold
Ware, local Scout executive. Jwhlcb
la rraaclK. a way, ll&ja
1-KwuUt Trip,
es AnsalM, en way, 9ST.AS.
, IXoaad Trip, $60.00.
SpMlal tU U TmxMm mt
i i Zixbt r Vor
Tor Zafematlra aaa Xrvstioas
fkoo &, r csU at
- i j .! " -
i Salem, Oregon
Pays Cash For Furniture
Res. and Store 1010 North
, ' Summer
Phone 511
Swimming Daily
1 to 10 p-m
tor demonstration.
' Anto la AVrecked -
While coming south on the Pa-
t clfic highway near the Hayesville
school about 9 o'clock last night
an automobile driven by Charles
Knight went Unto the ditelu The
driver, escaped uninjured but his
'. companion. A. W. Stelger. received
-several cuts on his head, necessi
tating several stitches to close the
twoonds. Accordlcs to Ste!ger he
alblII quarters in New York city. I The
statement' was Included, in the of
ficial report er the Cascade j coun-
Wooldry L Woodry
Ut --:V. :T " ',' 'I ..
5? ray Cash for Furniture
" rbone ?&
LADD &. BUSH, Banlrero
EstablUhed 28C3
General Banking Busines
Office TJovra from 10 sum. to S p-ia.
A Fit for Eevery ;
Type of Foot by Ex
- pert Shoe Fitters
John J. RotilG
415 Stata Street
Make our store your headquarters for supplies of all kinds. We'oarry only
the! best standardized merchandise obtainable
! '
Canvas Gloves
Light weight canvas hop picking
Gloves for Men, Women and Chil
dren, only
Leather Gloves
. - . . r
All leather jxauntiet Gloves for. Men,
Women and Boys ; . ijvaa'.
HOP, PICKERS9 TAPE We have two sizes, '4-ounce and
8 ounces. 15c and 25c. Makeyour gloves wear longer. .
Men's 220 Denim1 Union-made, full
cut, all sizes i $1.3$
Boys' and Children's Overalls with
double knee and seat Union made
98c to $1.39. '
Shirts ; Sid )
Men's blue Chambray Shirts;- alt
sizes : F. , a.12c
Men's triple-stitched, '. fine ' .grade
Chambray Shirts, all sizes- L-93c
TENTS Our stock of wall and auto tents is complete. See
us ana buy tor less.
Khaki Knickers Knicker Suits 1
Very best. grade-fjust the. thing for -
hop picking. Regular ; $2.25 value. Very best grade Blouse and Knicker
Small sizes : ; . - combined Regular $2.75 all sizes
'"- 98c! r S1.49 .' !
' . : " ) .
stoves and gasoline stoves.
Your Satisfaction is Our Success
189 N. Commercial Street
Salem, OrcC3
: fl