The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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) St,
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7- cr'A'f jiPirr
Phone IOC :
CULMINATIVB , in the social
events of a lull summer sea
son .wasT theVdlngi-ati 3: 30
'clock, yesterday afternoon of
Miss Luella Pattern, the attractive
d&ugbter of Mr, and Mrs.lLCooke4
Pdtton, to Mr. Ellis Carl Charlton.
The Impressive service was read at
the Court street home of the Pat
tons, Iter. Charles E. Ward, pas
tor of the First Congregational
church, officiating'. - 7; ' jj
Lovely baskets of zinnias' In the
golden ' and ochre shades blended
mm ia ; pairas ana xerns in a
pleasing effect for the background
The bridal party stood before an
illumined window . ornamented
iih a profusion of zinnias, and
fern. Immediately preceding the
ceremony Mrs. Merle Rosecrans
sang "My Desire" (Cadman) and
toat lovely bridal number, "At
Dawning, trs; . Florence -Teed
followed. , with i Mendelssohn's
"Wedding March," improvising
softly throughout the ceremony.
The tride was" beautifully gown
ed in an ensemble mode ofrose-
1 cociai; CAixrnjiJT 8end TJie coupU? vere mBUe"
Wisconsin Picnic. State- Fair
grounds.; - p; - -'. -.,
f Mixpab "lasa of . Jaspn Lee
church Sunday, school. , Picnic at
home of Mr. and Jtfrs. C. A Gies,
2440 Fairgrounds Road. T
JuTerilies of Women of Wood
craft. Business meeting at WOW
halls. -
made; known, this . afternoon to
Miss JJqines' Portland friends fet. a
'"Seea for; which her sister Mrs
Eugene P. Steinmetz, gave for! her
and for Dr. Steinmetz' sister. Miss
ray steinmetz of New York. Miss
Jonesf &r spent " CKf past "three
yearajj in Egypt, and her engage
ment! was announced Jn' Cairo in
Aprli before her departure for the
United istates. ; Mr. Hart Is Che son
of Dr. if and MrsJ S. G. Har of
Catron Egypt, xi date has been
set for; the wedding.;.; . .!.
About 100 society matrons land
maidf called during the tea h6ura
to meet Miss Jones and Miss Stein
metz.! 1 The tea table' which was
Centered with" sweef peas',, was-in
charge Mrs. J. C. Elliott King,
Mrs. Arthur W. Chance, Mrs. W.
W. Allen of Mill Cltrv and Mrs.
L. E.1 Steinmetz, assisted by Mrs.
Williaat Steiwerj Mrs. Adolphe
Neu, Mrs. Robert Jones." Mrs.. U
S. Anderson, Mrs. Estes Snedeeor
and the Misses Margaret Rodgers
of Salem; Constance1 King, Ethel
Mitchell' of Honolulu; "and Mildred
Steinmetz. Portland Telegram.
Jl,;'.:,5--':;k' ! '
Theijuvenlles of the Women of
Woodcraft wilt meet 'this after
noon at 2; 20 o'clock in the WOW
hall tot their business meeting, r
: ' '4 p ' . A. j-;
Mriand Mrs. T( A. Livesley1. aid
daugfitiers,' Dorothy and Mary ,Pa-
tricla; and sons Tommy and Rod-
erlckjare home from a two weeks
viiit" la Vancouver and Victoria,
B. C.
Saturday , -
Iowa Picnic, State Fairgrounds.
WRC and GAR.; Annual all-
day picnic at State Fairgrounds. .
ed- Oaly; the immediate relatives
were in attendance. ,$ir.,ana sirs.
Bauman will, be at. borne to their
friends after September. )'t-,
Mrs. S. Levy and MUa Elizabeth
Levy are, home from a ten-day
vacation at Tillamook and Sea
side, At Tillamook Mrs. Levy. and
Miss Levy were domiciled at Lake
Lytle Hotel: they were also
guests of Senator and Mrs. Ar
thur Beals. They motored home
from Seaside by way- of Portland
i Sundar
Reunion of the Descendents of
Jesse and Ruby Looney. San
tiam Park at Jefferson.
Mi .: .. ...
. Miss Josephine j Baumgartner is
the guest at Newport of MissiEva
Randan. ; r
1 ii
wood twiir, adorned-wifli strmmef
squirrel, s She wore a 'becoming
hav of the same- shade. 5 Her cor
sage Was . of Cecil " Brunnef and
Ophelia roses. Mrs: C. K. Knlck
erbocker ( Polly. Haid) of McMtnti
Hie, attractive in green .sa'uri"-
back . crepe, attended "the days
bride as maid of honorr Mr. 'Asa
Fisher attended the groom as best
man. 1; ..
Forty relatives aud friends of
the young couple, were present for
the ceremony and the reception
that followed. , The dining room
for the occasion of a study in old
gold and bronze, snapdragons, zin
nias and asters filling the basket
that centered the table. Mrs. Hal
D. Patton was hostess in the
rooms. Mrs. Rt. L. Guiss of Wood
burn presided, at the urns, while
Mrs. R. L. White' cut the ices. Miss
Valerie t Briggs, .Miss Mollie
Schwabbauer and ! Miss Helen
Moore served. Greeting the guests
at the door were little Miss Jean
ctte knd lUtle Miss Marie Pattori.
After their wedding trip, Mr.
and Mrs.; Charlton will return to
Salem to make their home where
both are prominent In a large cir-J homeione evening this week Were
cie of friends. Mr. Charlton is I Misa .Francos Tucker, Miss .Anna
connected with, the engineering re-1 Bolaitder and Clifford Hulseyir
, - iV,
Mr and Mrs. John Canghill and
their i house guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Howard of Los Angelesi
at Yaxhats for the week.
Mrs; Henry B. Thielsen and1
Nell Thielsen are
weeks if period of
Walldwa lake, in
tains.! . '
enjoying a . two
recreation at
the Blue mbtra-
Guests at IbeH F. W, Launer
A. Gallo
partment at the Oregon state pen-1 . i IS .-
Itfntiary. while Mrs. Charlton has! Mrf jand Mrs.
been connected with many local returned home. Sunday f evening
activities of interest. ; from 'a week's motor trip through
r ;. - ' ;. BrltlsixiCoInmbiaJ followed with a
?Mr. and Mrs.,B. C. Miles have weekat fffSy Fotey
-melt inline snesi. raBsmon i oim mgs m uaiioways were joinea
KIklnton and Miss. Rebecca Elkin-1 by -MiA and Mrs. T- W. Fox.
ton of Philadelphia. Ths -visitors
were honor guests aVan attractive
Informal reception early In the
week, when 20 called for the. oc
casion. ' ''!
i' '
?. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Hall ar
. rjved home on Wednesday from a
sin-, weeks' motor trip into Cali
fornia. Leavlne July 3. the Halls
The iMIzpah" class ot the Jason
Lee fMethodlst ichurch .Sunday
school! will hold a picnic at46:30
.o'clock this evening at the' home
of Mrs. C. A. Gies. 2440 Fair
grounds road. . . - - j .-. :
The ; marriage (of : Miss
Darling Bruce,, daughter of
made stops at Santa Rosa and I Grace E. Bruce of Portland
Santa Barbara en route to Holly
wood and Los Angeles where the
greater -part of their time was
spent, although they .also made
many other interesting visits in
Pasadena, Santa Monica, and espe
cially Riverside, their old home.
In Hollywood -Mr. and Mrs.; Hall
enjoyed a visit with their daugh
ter, who has the interesting ; po
sition of; critic and ; corrector for
stories and continuities . for the
Universal Film corporation, ;jQ'n
their way home Mr, and Mrs. Hall
made stops at , both Fresno and
Sacramento-; making a stop at the
Indian headquarters In the latter
place. ' j j. ; . ;
:, , "1 .,' '. .'-.,;,
.The engagement ' of Miss Helen
Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Willard N. Jones.; to Walter R.
Hart of Pittsburg, was formally
Prof.' C. E. Pierce, sorr of Mr, and
Mrs. Pierce of Junction Cityj was
an attractive affair of last Tues
day evening at the Seventh! Day
Advehtist church. Elder X. C?
Ernston performed the ceremony
beneath an arch of pink roses, fern
and other greens, - Preceding the
ceremony Mrs. Carl Hartley sang
"At Dawning." accompanied ' by
Miss Alta Harmer. Mr. Jack Ran
flail of Portland sang "Oh", Prom
Ise Me." He was accompanied by
his brother. The wedding. march
was played by Miss Alta Harmer.
The bride made a beautiful Die-
fur e in her weddinsr robe of white
satin back crepe caught at the side
with orange blossoms. Her wed
ding veil of embroidered tulle was
gracefully draped from a crown of
orange blossoms., She earned
shower f bouquet of pink rosebuds
and sweet "peas." -.Miss Olga Bruce
of "Victoria, B. c.. ilser of the
bride, was the maid of honor and
was very attractive in her gown
of salmon pfnlfcrepe fle chine. The
little iflower fgirl, Ruth ,Cfettie.
was la canary, yellow georgette
fndcarrled a bask.ejt of jjlnk ipweet
peas. - Little Marion Pierce, broth
er, of the biidegrobm, wras flower
boy. Glenn Pierce acted as best
man. A .reception followed in the
parlors of the Kappa Gamma Rho
fraternity house, with Mrs. Grace
E.. Bruce, Mrs. Edgar Thrane and
Miss Muriene Lawson receiving
the weddjng: party. Mr, Jack
Randall of Portland sang, - and
Miss Hazel Hawkins gave a read
ing. Refreshments were later en
joyed. ,P :
After a wedding trip Professor
and Mrs. Pierce will take charge
of the Yakima school, where Pro
i fessor Pierce , has the position of
principal. p . '
The sixth birthday of little Miss
Jewell Minler was the occasion for
the, delightful lawn party of Tues
day afternoon: at which Mrs. Wal
ter Minler was the hostess in her
daughter's honor. After an after
noon of games the group gathered
at the' tea table for birthday re
freshments. The appropriate nam
ber of candles gleamed on the at
tractive cake which was cut for
Jewell Minler. Maxine Holt, Carol
Potter, Daphne Potter, j Peggy
Thompson; Loren Jiirks.jDorptht
Dillon and Billy Dillon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. 'Albert
and two - daughters, Mary Jane,
and Josephine, Mrs. J C. Griffith,
and Mrs. Glenn " Sigel and little
daughter 'of Portland, are on a ten
day vacation at Twin Rocks, f
Reverend F. W. Launer per
formed he I ' wedding ceremony
which united In , marriage Mrs.
Nellie - Townsend and Mr. Jake
Bauman, 4he impressive service
being conducted at 8:15 o'clock
Wednesday evening at the home
of the bride's' son, Clifford Town
SILVERTO.V. Aug. 20. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) Robert
Wales, who was killed at the Sil
ver Falls ! Timber company camp
Monday afternoon ' by having his
head crushed, is still at the Jack
, Ekman mortuary, and as yet so
trace of relatives has been found
All the information anyone at Sil
verton has of him is that he is 28
years of age. , ,,
Fifteen acres of the Frank Mor-
ley hop yard lay down Monday af
ternoon. Silverton folk claim the
hops were overcome with pride
Mr. Morley is the largest individu
al hdp grower In the state and the
Silverton yard is saldo have the
heaviest yield of hops that any IThursdajr. - Jt yot.;k,dow-of, any
yard in Oregon ' has . this season, creditable grain .yields, plsasa re-
Endeavorg are being jaade to raise I port them. Or if ybu can help the
the hops sufficiently for picking. 1 Slogan editor, in some-other way,
Picking in the early-hops in the! please do so.
Morley yards began today. I , -
FTlia VfUnnn and hr mnthrr
rsrtaaau wno u.Tisiimr vBw tmmt . nn'i
herer from Arizona is being quite most notorious outlaw, who. died
extensively entertainer. ,wednes-dayAafternoon-
Mrs. Randall was
guest, of-honor at a little. party
given, at the home ot Mrs. Daniel
Dybsetter. , Other guests for the
afternoon were Mrs. O. S. Hauge.
Mrs. Esther Weaver; Mrs., Gilbert
UnderdahL Mrs. M. G. Gunderson.
Mrs! Hans Jensen. Mrs, Elnter Ol
sen. Mrs. John Goplerud. Mrs.
Christine Hansen..; Mrs, Andrew
Hall. Mrs. John Moe. Mrs, Clara
Baltimore and Mrs. "Martha Gun
derson.. '..W v. iv!
I Bits For Breakfast
' It keeps right op
V. . :
Salem's building boom
And the growth will be Justi
fied, if the Increase in the din
ner bucket brigade Is continued.
And it must be.
Slogan man must tell - about
grain . and- grain- products next
with his boots on a number of
years ago, when he was a very
small boy In Colorado. - He was
holy terror when he was, five
years old. His mother nursed
him up to that time, and when she
was a little slow about It. the
little fiend would curse, and kick
her. . His father was a drunken
good-for-nothing. Few desperate
criminals get that way all at once.
They, 'generally grow . up to ;.lt
getlng hard boiled ..gradually,
But they all die , with their boots
on. . - , .
It is a crowded Statesman this
mcrning (with ads) and business
In this respect for August Is
keeping up much' better than
did the same month of last year
Salem is going to be still
prosperous; will grow faster and
tatter.. . .
have a material, body because
tnan Is one. ' According: to ner
statement she started "preaching"
when she was four years- old with
her grandpa rests as her audience.
Though Utomght up In" the Bap
tist faith. Miss Vitchestaln. . who
travels with her mother. , Is en
raged In undenominational work.
Local musicians and a choir
furnesh the special music at each
service. More than 100 persons
attended the opening . services
Wednesday night with: a large
crowd list night. . Her subject
for tonight is "Evolution."
NOME. Alaska.. Aug. 20.
Seizure by Siberian authorities of
the cargo of the . Nome trading
schooner Ram. and arrest of Sam
(Malsage, well known Russian
trader, and two members or., ine
morel crew of the Ram, was related here
today by Captain Victor Jacobsen,
and the Pacific northwest as the
vM '-
The Rain, which was teumtt J-
ed : by. Captain. Jacobsen; as
wrecked oa the Siberian roast,
Captain . Jacobsen arrived '. here
last night on the gasoline trading
schooner Blue Sea from East
Cape, Siberia. ,
Mllsage and the sailors, were
charged wim taking furs out or
Siberia Ulegally, They ari to be
transported to Petropavlosk oa a
Soviet freighter for trlaL Captain
Jacobsen said the only reaoa he
could assign for his release by the
Russians was that he talked long
er and louder than hlsxaptors.
The crew ot the Maud. Captain
Ronald Amundsen's Arctic explor
ation vessel, which is at East Capo
awaiting refueling, are well but
are anxious to return to civiliza
tion so they can get fresh vege
tables attS ftntf to eat. they have
been living on tinned foods and
such5 animals ' as they could kill
since 1922 when they were sent
by Captain Amundsen to attempt
known throughout Alaska to drift across the north pole.
; 1 115 N. Uberty ....
; ? ' j Presenting
DresdeG i
I for the Woman I
.R 4 and Miss R
II !!".,
TASTE. . .
Fall Opening
rJ Jl JLiA Wil 1 1 A X K)J
. -I . -; I r '.;.; ',. .. . .
Arid; when Director xsays Speciklshe means that the,
Li-. 1 1 1' . v. J i.' J ' rt .. '
prKes nave oeeir reuueca so ii wm nay you to come to
our store baturday.
I &:-it. GLOVES
Canvas Gloves for
Women and
(Children 4.
- v
- -
Cotton Socks,- blue,
I gray and black
I Boys' Overall
1 15 sizes
I Coveralls
s up to
Children's blue or red i San-
I dais, :
!52 to 8
u t a i
W o men'slor Childreif s
t white outing
Shoes i
ivaa, wm u
200 pair Women's JOd Ox-
" ifords, regular Q 1 CQ
iJf "-price-. $4.95 LAJU
Men's Peter's
I Shoes for .
r I workout .1...
all leather
. Men's blue, heavy-
i work Shirts......
! 5-
Men's Defj't;
Fiber Si& Uhfon Suits Atfi-
Ietfc style' -; Cj6
RegulaV1.50 L: - JOC
1 - i 1
Dress Shirts; f8l6
Madras 'Reg. $1430
Corduroy Pants'' tif '7P
Regular ! $4.50 v' v
Dress Pants
Regular! $7.50
Dress Shoes
Regular $7.50'
i Hats
Fine Dress Caps CQ
Regular $2.50 OJUU
r -
i j I'm
, . - i - - t
Corrrtr Court and Ccmmcrcial Strts's
1 1
j Starts
ljy j Aug. 23 j
' 1 4.
1 M
f -xVv2 ? t
1. - k mi Mini 1 1'ir i ' Tin ii if tn i-fr 11 1 ' 1
vkiiiiw . 1 5 .; I . f .
' I , ' , Aft
i . i j MIX i i
' at ; W. v
! Popular Prices. g Ml v-1
' ' GRAND -jki :
Evolution is not a science aad
God created man in His own im-
age, not . monkey's according to I
Mary Agnes. . Virchesttain. 1?
year old evangelist, who Is. con-1
ducting serrlces- at the Armory
esch. evening., She ia the daughter
of the editor of the Labor Trib
une, ot Pittsburgh, Mass.
The girl evangelist, who. has
held her hearers spellbound from
coast to coast, thinks Cod must I
Enjoy Your Food
While Xou Eat ani
Don't Regret It
Afterwards. '
. Don't punsh yourself I If
yc'u bsve had lo eat' hurriedly
or have over-taxed your stom
ach, take Rexall . Dyspepsia
Tablets to Increase the activity
of the bowels and to stimulate
the stomach: .
They contain 'no harmful in
gredients and have no unpleas
ant after effects. - They help
you to get full -value and. pleas
ure from your food by making
digestion easy. . , t
Perry Drug Store
. 113 South Commercial j
Salem, Oregon
' . I I
.- ' ' i
1 '
f300 Male Voided
Two Grand
, . &t Hit
Public Auditbtioift
PoHlandy Oregon
Saturday Evening'
"August :2&
and Sunday Afternbbn, 3 p: nu
Miss Mabel ftfenelinori
Ticket For Sale AC
TUT A ci TbflSeiiK
409 Court St. Salerh, Of e.:
Last times today
lght at Yoir,
Like Wildfiref
C O. d
Matinees ) ' rrnlags
(Sunday 33c ( XXM- ) 'A ( -
1 . iTT .. . - . : 1
C V I '
is the new shades for. fall wear and we afe the first io sh6r thj3
New- and Exclusive; Shad6. We have had the Pumps in both
leather and satin made up over the very latest lasts-each
pair, show the finest workmanship and are. radiantly, beautiful.
. They also' carry the new heel, a high spike which everybody must --
wear if she i3 to look her. best.' . - - :, .
'.- v i J '.. !' - ' ' ' '' . " " -'- ' ' ' '
TKis New Shade irt all the materials will besKown
. in a number of 'dif fereht styles and patierns
(' '- to -please everx taste. .
.'. ' Prices will rane from r.
$9.00 to $12.00
- Don MuilaUy's stige succss.
KATJ5 TtlCZ. .
' ' .
, 1 tw-C Uk IA4 1 1 ii ' .
) -
- '