?THE OREGON STATESMA;"SALEilrPHEGON rraDAY!i6NGrUGlOT0. 1023 516.045.71, v Under th .treasury fijsUm of, escalation, late rest 1 figured'at M per cent, un, this total from tberdiffereBt-Tflaes ,at walca part of the loan were kdk all made,. taut adding. 870.040.- 04.S to the principal as accrued Interest. making the total to be fanded. from the American stand- point. 4.tl0.55S.48.t7. Calcula tions or the Belgian Indebtedness on a similar basis had resulted in a total cf I4S0.S03.983. 'JL " They are T)isllnctiye iiTStyle ani" Colors SHIRTS L 469 STATE STREET (GfTF iV BRIEF 00 u it j n Here Is a ear Vhkh should J pe ' cold -today. "It's a bar gain." . rr" .1923 Oakland Touring, 'with the ImproTed mo tor. "Quite a lew acces-; . sories only 475. . . VTTW t) in 4palnaiH5eiv;JUe4ol4 In charge.) finer-girls anywhere than' those in DOOKeoTbyTfarncomcer Edwards I ft, ArJO re8Uurant. The waiter yesterday at-poltce Seadaxrartera. ' . , "i .."-. I it- Bits Fotf Breakfast Genevieve Findley, a teacher, 225 North Twentieth street; Eugene Franklin Nochols . an insurance man. ana Annie aiae neasey, rom of Conrallis. Hear Mary . Agnes Vltcheetain " Evangelistic orator In the Ar mory tonight. . 20 rjafl Sentence Given - Benny Stevens, charged with the theft of a motometer, was sen tenced to 30 days in the county Jail yesterday when he appeared before Brazier C. Small in the jus tice court. Another charge against Stevens, of receiving stolen prop erty, was dismissed. FAIR lrirj exeeDt clondv along the coast; continued warm in the in terior; light northerly .winds. : ftf Tewum. 52i -river.! 2.0. falling; ftlainfali "linnP: atmosnhere. clear: Wind, southwest. At : The Theater Today - -' - ".- f - v 4 , Oregon Naxiflaova sup ported by Jackr Plckfwrd ? in '"'My Son.' ( , Gran Betty Compson In VThe. Ra.Mshackle House" ' by Hulhert Footner. BUh ttoot Gibson -Let 'Er Back." in : . - Just north of Aurora when he be came;, blinded by, the Jlghts of an approaching : Car.. ? The ' Portland man In trying to stay as far ovr on his own s'de of the road as pos sible .went, a Jittle 00 far . and two fcosof peaches -in-the-back seat were caught on a guard Tailing railing' with the result that they swnng around and knocked Sand' gren. front his seat, j Davenport Sale - Thlsi week:"wH. Utlff FurnU ture store. V: v I . . - i a2Q dog to pass inffront, and "when he had done so was struck from the rear by the trek. , M - For Sale- Four pass. Maxwell , Coupe. Good condition. Call Mrs. C. . Miller, 117 or 16 8G-R. a21 50O Poands Ice Fi Vith,.ewery refjigeralor Stltr Fttrnttare'YJci: ' sold, j 20 T3ICA Wants Magazines ; . A; KeUs, secretary of the TMCA.Tias issued a call for maga zines which are wanted Tor "distri bution .among the 'hop - picking damps, during the season which night in JaiL; spare,; readable magazines I art asked. to bring them;ti the YMCA building or to telephone the asso ciation, after which someone will call for them. Serious Offense Charged Drunkenness and driving while intoxicated-. Is charged against J D.. Hurd, 1450 North Fifteenth, lit a complaint booked at police headquarters yesterday. Hurd was arrested on Court street between Liberty and High by Officer Ed wards after Hurd had driven his machine into the one aheqd. Un able to furnish ball, he spent the More live stock ' And more and more That is what we must get. Let us get beet 'sugar factories, and the live stock industries wiUXJourr ish. and the fertility of the soli will be conserved and built up. . S There is no other one thing that will do as much in. this respect; and. .that is wonderfully important In building up a solid and well balanced prosperity that will en dure; a Gibralter prosperity. I Hare you seen Upjohn's gladioli at 21st and Chemeketa streets? If not, you owe yourself the treat iast corner nas been made a beauty spot worth going a long way to see. Mr. Upjohn has the growing of the glad flower down to a rme point. lie has gone throngh the'mil! of experience. V-V;A . ' 'When girls receive less than a 13 ring wage they -must sponge off their parents or -often use "Other means to live." The quoted words are those of S. B. Davidson, busi ness agent of the Salem Trades and Labor council, referring to the girls working in the Argo and Home restaurants. The ihsiuation Is a 'dirty One. It Is uncalled for, It cannot be excused, short of an open apology, which in all decency ought to be made. There are no girls there receive 312 a week for six days work of about six and a half hours. Three of the kitchen girls receive $15 a week. One 117.30. and three 120 a week: for six days' work. And they all re ceive their board. Any decent person will agree that such wages warrant bo such insinuation as Davidson made . And If the state ment were founded on Facts, the insinuation would not be warrant ed. It is uot borne out by stalls- ics. The fact Is, It Js al- lie. through and through, and common decency dictates that it be ac knowledged and atoned for. --- Distinctive mm mm au u nc mw. Footoear ABE CURABLE. If you suffrr from Leg 8or- or Yricoe Vlfcru, I will rnd you absolntelT FBEB m copy of my fmou book that tells hoar to bo rid of the troubles for all time by using my remark able painleiks treatment. It is different from anything yoo ever board of. and tno result of oer 8.1 years peeialiiinf . Sin pIt end your name and addres to lr. H. .1. WH1TTIKR. Suite 1176. 421 East 11th Street, Kansas City, Mo. Adr. HJC. M-llUUSftUftt. A Fit for Eevery Typejof Foot by Ex "pert "Snbe" Fitters John J. Rottle 415 Stats Street ! VXION LABEL FAVORED SEATTLE. Aug. 19. (By the Associated Press.) Union labels on all electrical products were fav ored In a resolution passed today by! the International Brotherhood of I Electrical Workers In conren tion here. A resolution srotest- Ing the proposed sale of the fed era! Muscle Shoals power plant to private Interests Is to be brought up for discussion by the conven tion tomorrow. FRENCH DEBT PARLEY-IS TO BEHELD NEXT MONTH J (Continued from page 1) 1 uement la ducharce of soma of the accrued Interest, having r. aucea tne former total of the ireasury s flebt figures. Of the 20 nations which borrowed.- onlv v . " euoa nas paia all of the debt and interest maraed up against it. while five others Great Britain. Finland. Hungary, Lithuania and round have entered upon fund ng operations and the Enrlish debt, by far the largest of the war account, has been reduced In large amount. The French. Italian and Russian obligations are the largest yet un innaed. France received durinr and after the wsr, in actual loans irom the United States. JJ.540. Lemons Breach the. Skin White. The only harm-, ieis- way -to-bleach the skla white Is to mix the'Julce of two lemons with three "ounces 'of Orchard "White, which any drug gist will supply for a few cents. Shake -weiria a bottle.;and yo have a whole quarter-pint of the. most wonderful skin whitener, softener and beaotlfler. Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon bleach into the face. neck, arms and hands. It can not lrr tate. Famous stage beauties use It to bring that clear, -youthful skin and rosy-white complexion; also as a freckle,, sunburn, and tan bleach. Ton must mix this remarkable lotion yourself. It ca'n not be . bought ready, to , use, be cause it acts best Immediately aft er It: is prepared. Adrr " Painting Under Wy . The job of painting white guide lines on the streets called for by the new parking ordinance, was begun yesterday morning under the supervision of. iWalter . LoWe, city street commissioner. Lines were 'completed -.yesterday along the south side of State, between will Wnnll ln Hfikh th Inh,.rwunus.i.umt:. nuoif v , ZZ1 'T i iThe Salem playgrounds will close for the summer on August 28 and Speeding Aliened; Operating his car at an exces sive speed is the offense charged SATURDAY IS THE DAY OBITUARY Ton Telephone Us, lift ; ; .We'll deliver it. no matter how small the Item. Capital Drug. 9 100 Cheaper .Will' sell house-at .170 N. 23rd on Thursday for 1850. j Terjus, $250 cash.-balBee $25 .per.montn. See' s:tlalp1i H McCurdaT, : office AVer Miller's sore. j . i20 null Set at-26o CO. Walde&Delhaxaedby lift- files with druhlienneis afid operat ing 'a car 'while intoxicated, was will complete at that ' time, two months of satisfactory results." Big programs af lhe Fourteenth ahd ihe Lincoln school playground a rural mail carrier. Vet Litchfield In , this , city early Wednesday, Aug1;19, George F. Litchfield, age 48 years, a native of Salem, hus band- of Mrs. - Susie Litchfield.1 father of Claude M. Litchfield. brother of Mrs. Alma Schindler, Mrs. Cora Holman, Mrs. Gertrude Scott and Miss Helen Litchfield, son oi the late George Jr. Litch field, Mr. Litchfield was for 1 'TrUT,rT?T ,K . released from police custody' yes Three b 'th feirt, U tetf tUlK,i neaitn oiiicer uesay . umuvuu brought the number reported" dur will1 feature the closing bay tlnie te Can Sahboa '. FIrfe tat deep' sea trolt fish rat ; Fittg Market. . ; J2tf eran M the Spanish-American war. Funeral-services will be . held Thursday, Aug. ,20, at 3.:. p. ..Ufa".", from thf Rlgdon mortuary, the R,ev.,E. it., Shanks officiating- SATURDAY I I IS THE DAY J COLL C Cs N -yVw V i v (Gettln?Ready) rssw" r- ' M OREGON 1 ' VSMBMBMSsI imss.- t ft w S200 set by Police Judge Poulsen. Ing the day up to 1 .Reports late In tna afternoon announced the arrival, of Kent Rodger to- Mr. and Mrs. R: S; McVery on August 18; VUrlrtta frnir Ift' Mf. and .Mrs. . w B-a - a- I fi,? George : 13, Tbmpkins on August v 5ir, fand-Dorothy Ludltle- to ;Mr. Albers oh Aug- Dr. Marshall Osteopathic' - - Physician and surgeon. a20 w 3 Jf ir, and , Dorothy : Li ifUnd Mre. Fred H. A1 .Afist 13.: .v- I iW -VI':!' i r ft Many fse'ul Articlt Tor:ieis"1itSnrrs Used Furnl ture Store. 1 a20 Loses Motometer " i Ivan! Banks of 1294 North Fourth' reported to, police- yester day the loss of a motometer fro.m his ' car. ; The; meter ,was stoleo some time - during j the rm6fn,ig rront" his car which he had narked near the corner of Front and Ferry." " J." " . ' Card of Thaikks m -We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our TrieMs r-attd neighbor. f or Iheir kindly -of flees during ..our recent, .bereavement and for the many beautiful floral offerings at the funeral of our be loved Husband, father end' brother. " Mti Isthnii XVovna fifnn ' Wayhe fid ward Seftcra. ' Fred C. Set ton, Sr. . ; J9. I v llor-IHeld Dean Thompson.. 1 2, ; who told police that his home was in Hills- boro. Is lelng;-hd by otftcerS pending investigation to discover the reason1 for- bis. presence in thli city. He wa-rought- to -police Wadquarf ers Ju.eday.ight by Of licer Oavls. .who found him walk ing the streets, ifter 1 o'clock. Wanted 1 ' Three 'experienced "waitresses. Steady emproyment, ' Gray Bellei ... . a20 Ilfar "Mary Afeile Vitchestain- In- the "Armory tonlghCfhe Var- j gest bHldlngs 1n ,Jew York . and Boston xere crowded when she Doke there. a20 Gas the Prune Borer Xow Kill the prune borer now with Paradfchlorabenzlne. . 'Cheap and easy to apply. Peaty Br os; 237 State street. a26 Kecton At the home. 92S Madison St.. Wednesday, Aug. 19. George T. Keeton. age 37 years, for 27 years i resident of Salem, husband of Mrs. Mattle Keeton. father of DorOthy Maxine Keeton. brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Scheibner and Mrs. 'Jessie Page of Salem. Mem ber of the M. W. A. of Salem and (he Woodmen of the World of Ballston. Funeralservices Friday Aug.; 21, at 3 p. m., from the Rlgdon mortuary, the Rev. J. J. Evans officiating. .:watt:KiuuajBiaina3tmiii mtwrnrtiricrgiintiMtgig: b ttzmmtEi racaaa aucanuaramg 4 4 cience o r ervice J 9 1 f Through the Experiment Station, the Extension Service, I and Resident Instruction ' i Oregon Agricultural College Serves the Farms, the Homes, and Industries of Oregon It offers a college education in r;AgTicnltBre, Commerce Engineering, Forestry, He mics. Mines, Pharmacy, Vocational' Ed oration, . Dance Saturday Xight 1 Stayton ; Community s club - open air pavilion.- A wonderful place to dance delightfully cool. Tal- madge's All-Stars playing. a20 Forfeits Ball Mjller Comments, , j t ; -Mfltoa A. ' Miller, was a Salem visitor yesterday. When asked by a representative of The Statesman if; he was got4g to enter the race for .governor, next year, he said; ; ,- . i...- y 1 U mvr lU ICII " UCII IS ICIlUlf , ;,n.yreLeieuce io appearing oe-l BMrj, ,v ,,. laT,, i wv fore Police Judge Poulsen on a I n n. . -.ir . v - r ; V. T. v teitbook, commi9U)n.1 ? to be forfeited In police court yes-1 ' - - ' - v terday. i I rwA Tfa.M-.ir. i ' see this at Certified Public Motor Car Market or phone 885 tor demonstration, . i lilStf le Lorne Near Chemawa. Aug. 18. Sam- Uel De Lome age 18 years. The body will be forwarded from the Rlgdon' mortuary to Tekoa. Wash.. for funeral services and Interment. 4 lome Koono- Chemical Engineering, Military Science and Tactics a 3 F. N. WOODRY ; IPays Cash For Furniture Res. and Store 1610 North Summer 5p Phone 511 Tbev Schbol jof 'BASIC ARTS ASD. SCIENCES pro- ' vldes the foundation for all the technical course's'. The training includes Physical Education, Industrial Journalism, Social Sciences and Music. -' r -': " . " Fall Term Begins September 2 1, 1925 For illustrated booklets and specific information, write to THE REGISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural College . ' . j Corrallis, Gxrgon e:.w. (m Ji All fill fill R t r 1 S& . . " 4BsBBbw 1 4SBBBfaw 1,4 chon Dates Reserve this List for Reference Every Wed. Night 7 p.m. F. X. Woodry'a Xew Auction Market a ad Furniture Storr, Summer and Norway Klrertii. F. X. TAOODRV, Owner Today, August 20, 1 :00 p. m. .located on .Grand Island. 14 miles north of Salem or 4 mIIu & Bw S mm Hi.ii-a iwnn jji iiopeweit or 10 tulles south of Darton In Yamhill Count), consisting of 09 acres improved farm, beinr bottom land suitable for gartl en ing, fruit growing, grain or fcUx-tc. ALw farm utork and machinery. Cood terms. W. A. WHITE, Owner Monday, Aug. 24, 1:30 p. m. OOO Sou tit l'Jth Street, 7- roomed house; rug, range, furniture, too lis, etc. . MAT "OXltJ, .Ovtuer 1MM Two foPrH"lnisued - R. C. Chuxchllwas issued per- -mHs from the" office of the city Get You Luggage Xow At H, L, Stiff Furniture Co. Hop Picking to Start i Hop picking at the Livesley ya,rd at Lakebrook will start next Mon day, with, many other yards open ing at the same time and others to follow before the end of the week. The health and recreation program will be conducted at the Two Obtain Licene Two marriage licenses were Is sued in the county clerk's office yesterday. They were taken out by George Lloyd Oliver. Y. M. C. A. secretary of Moscow. Idaho, and tV- 1 j-- i - i program win oe conauctea at ine recorder yesterday for ..the con? r.v.v,. .,-. .v L . ' tructloa of two homes at,J.3o ahd I Ma . .. . , , . X1A 1 K. 7nFtii vKi 200. resoectfvelr:4 A" -perraJt-rwas also ftTauedf to 'Frah'k TI. Xoose. fo? the construction of a dwelling at 380 Oak. to cost 15.000. Buildlni permit$ issued during- the ""iirstl three days of thir week totaI $33r Dog Causes Accident- Woodry Buys Furnlti :. Store at Summer and Norway streets. Phone 611. Jtf McDonald Cleaners ' 785 iligbiand Avenne ; Telephone 2217 ! ; Work called for and delivered 820 ' J. R; Van Osdol of 1425 Fir blamed a dog as a contributing factor to a minor accident on Xorth Commercial Tuesday when his machine was struck. by a Sa-j lm Ta rnmnillr trnplr In ltla ra. Member's of te TtqtarrV Kfwanls to p0nce yesterday. Van bs id Lions' clubar'will slcnlc to-lni iuiaroii t,. his machine down to permit the Experienced Waitress Wanted at the Spa. - Threo fJibs to" lics4c- and Lions' clubarwill sicnic gethcr 'toxlar1 tn" a" froflc. at? the f i I state fair eroundi beglnntng at 4 o'slk. -"Bail 4 games. ; hors;sfioe gamesuand a card of. varied sports Is prinaed to afford a tttel;tim to all present.'.are . sc"hedul"edv - A picnic didner Is-to be-. eervet- Jonnny " Jones ;atyle at 6 f 5(J o'clock. - v., :i;"- Portland Man Injured GusSaTrtlgTen' or Portfand, wi? brought to a local hospital Tues day itfg'fif whercchqrTJged'lre'a meet fur IVD "lucluiRl HJHiT uU nante'rour bruises-ajJthO' which, "ner'recelvedla an .accident netf Aurora. Bandgren wT'f lyi ing JUiXar8o.u.th, jn:teJ'hl:Tr.ai and was. approaching the bridge ' 1 . . . . - ABOUT RAILROAO TRIPS: ' j . Phone 727, N OREGOH ELECTRIC w REDUCED SCiDtER RATES TO CAUFORXIA . ' BY PICKWICK STAGES laa Tnndam. aa wy, litis aaad Tdrv 130.00. , ; tea Anol, a wsr, tST.48. Kaaaa Trip, 950.00. eUl XatM U TartiM af SUM sr Mm Tn Znfanaatioa ana XMamtloas noas 090, n eaU at ; CEXTRAL STAGE TERMINAL Salem, Oregon CRYSTAL POOL i L 'Swimming Daily 1 to 10 pan -4-1- Bleeding ' Gum Me stW -v ' P w i . TTiursday, Aug.'27f h r 410r30'a;m; - U e mllra K. or Salem on Pen .roau. Jersey , cows, s bone, pony, ' machinery, oats, t urni- lnrr. trmla r-tr -' A. W. llllCK, Owner Fainting and Decorating by Skilled Mechanics m3sti6ce! Kennedy Paint Shop j Now located at Gabriel Powder & Supply '; Company il7S South Commercial - Telephone 728 .Wpodry.&Wtf6af?J' !hober75 1L '.1 :t LADD & BUKi Banlcera ..ltsbUsbioJi , ' ! ij General BanJifeiS Buiineis Offloe17er from iff aJm. to S "'f DR. PAINLESS PAUKZn i GUMS that JJlccd pdsUy hc the teeth Are Wni'shedTjf a- thpIck is used arc a sign of pyorrhea, and .pyorrhea is a very dangerous disease. It cats under the gums along the tooth roots, sets up inflammation and causes a poisonous pus to form. Some of this pus is absorbed in the blood, and is the direct cause of rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, liver, heart, kidney and blood dis eases. ! Some of the pus is swallowed with food, and leads to serious stomach; and digestive disorders. Pyorrhea, if neglected, causes the teeth to become loose and eventually they are lost. Very many people have pyorrhea probably 70 out jpf every 100. It isTi disease that can be largely-controlled and. SBmerimea cured, k Registered JJeritists using the E. R. Parker Svtcra treat many cases of pyorrhea, and have much success in con- trolling il.If.your gums are not firm and healthy, if fhey 7 uift-u cawij anu nave a uiuisn rca coior, ana you are not feeling very welL you are invited to can at any of the offices using the E. R. Parker System and have your teeth examined free. It is high time to look after both your teeth and your health. Painless Parker Dentist Using the E. R. Parker System Tueiday, 'Aug. 25, i0:00a,m.. ,Iocated 14 mllra 8. . K. of Kalem or 3 miles S. of Anms- vtllo or S milen X. of AVeat Staj-tpn. , 10 .high crap Jer- Mey rows, bull and 2 belfen, I borse. hay an farm ma- cnmcrj i . arm i ure, eic Terms,' rah. BERTHA CARLSON. Owner r FHday, 'Aug. 28 J0;Q0.: m " Tioeate -10 miles ,N. -V. of Salem In Iolk county on Spring Valley road, 3 horses, O head Jerttey cows, machinery, tools, etc. C. BLU3IDELL, Owner F. N. WOODRY I'ays Cash for Inmiture PHONE 511 Friday, SepL'4, ' 10:00 a.m. Ideated 1 miles I-L of SmJ lem or miles north of Kul) imity, 10 acres improved fram, 3 rows, reaistered Jrr- -y bull, 23 head registered Ilerkhire hoes. 4 head Toun heavy horses, 15 rrade Khroo- ; ahlro ewes, a reritered bucks, j inaiumyj, i urn u are, etc. . a. iuuku Owner; Tuesday, Sept, 8, 10:00 a. m. Located H mile K. of Amity 37 Jt arres Improved farm, 9 rejrWered Jersey rows, 2 ree- i-si ere i dujis, o grade? rows, 1 good team, poultry, farm ma chinery, etc. II. J. HOMAXX. RALPH CAiOTJELL. ' Owners Thursday, Sept, 10, 10:00 a. m. 3 miles K. of . 3IcI Innrille, iO- high grade fresh HoIstHn rows, 2 high grade) fresh tlwwmiimw, t V. I ft. Jersey heifers, 5 head heavy horses, farm machiaery, house-j hold fural ture, etc. J , e 4 . 11r.ujLi.1n, irwaer Friday SepL 11, il0:00 a. m. Located Turner or 4 4. miles south miles north of of Marion on , Marion-Turner road 17 .high . grado.' Jersey eowsi 11 .liear heifers, registered JlTtfr ttnTl- .iljnpwl t... old Jnvr tiifnnt A Knnyx 11 ! kiads of farm maehinery, 3O0 V. L. chick ens, 23 acre of com in field, tools, etc. I. 3L KOUT, Owner Tuesday, Sept, 29 10:00 a.m. Located 7 miles north of Pallas on the Salt Creek road, 10 high rrade Jersey cows to freshen at time or sale, A1 milkers, 3 Jersey heifers, Jer sey bull, 4 horses, SO ewes, 17 lambs, 1 buck. 3 dozen hens, 27 white reese, Fordson tractor and n full line of good farm machinery, tools, etc. CARL 310RRISOX, Owner A Number of Other Listed Sales to be Advertised Later State and Liberty BtreeU 8a lea PUBLIC, NOTICE See F. N. Woodry, Salem 'a Leadinc auctioneer for T'fliVpas 10 years about your farm and city sales. i Text -JTTj i:-L . - .wfc tuuinvicu wnn any oincr iixm. . "Don't be Decerfed,, ) Expert Livestock, Merchandise, Real j Estate, and General Farm Sales j Auctioneer zzi Appraicer SALEM niONC. 311J Ilcsidcnce and Store 1610 North StncT Street