THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY MORNlKG,: AUGUST 18, 102$: r 4$ i X w Whether Home At the Beach! . v -iv 4.;!:.''-:-;" -v-;!--::-. Look Your Best Newest Styles Lowest Prices .V- Always at (tt.., G.Jgteii&Gompany 469 State OursaiKerMan.! IBS Portland- man for speeding. The complaint j alleged that . he drove his car Similes an hour on North Capitol street. ' He was . released on 15 bail.. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Ml 77 Look' thMo oTr. llo think tkey at good has. . ' JLal 19 -"J Oakland roup Mili 'n I93S. only . .. .RT,0 13-J1 Ovrrlan4 roaaitc-r, haxa't ran 200ft mile ..1423 Lata J9J2 Oaklaad touring ear a taaa : .. $473 1024 Chevrolet touring car only $400 Coma ia and aee them today. trial .and was released on bail of $50. Meyers had his case continued,-and Janit was fined $25 by Brazier C. Small, justice of the peace. The hearings all took place in Justice court. I - McCormick Scion Drops Dinner Pail ' fai . vr; ; Generally cloudy .with mild tem peratures; light west winds. Max imum yesterday, 82: minimum. 48; river, 1.9, stationary; ram fall, none;? atmosphere, wind, southwest. : ' clear; At The Theaters Today. , !! , - Oregon Buster Keaton' In 'Seven Chances" by David j.J3elascoJ - T t&kh- 4 A. i v.' " ' r.Mi .ttattv fnmrmon In Possession Causes Arrest- . E. :"A. jLounsbeery was taken in-' to ponce custody Saturday nignt after a bunch of Yale keys and a "Jimmy' had ' been" found on' his person. '. . '"'".. - -a Inmates tscapc s t C The escape of Robert . Mackey, 17, aad Clayton Irkley,? 15, in and a considerable number ! of guns. Most of .the ammunition has, been delivered to the pen! tentfary but a large number' of guns and a large amount of am munition, especially shotgun shells have been sold ; to farmers and pOBsemen. Many more guns have been borrowed , and ented than have been bough V one store re port. r . - Not Holy Rollers Thruogh error it was recently stated that the meetings "con ducted In the' tent on South Com mercial, were held by the Holy Rollers and in charge of Rev. XL D. Bullock. 1 This is erroneous as he has no connection' with the Holy Rollers but is 'in charge of the Full Gospel Mission, an en tirely different organization. The reports that those attending the meetings ' threw there arms and legs about and rolled .on the straw i are also, untrue, he declares. The meetings are conducted in an or derly manner and' are being ad journed, promptly at 11 o'clock, he says,-inobeyance to the re quest 'of the police who had re ceived complaints that singing kept residents awake until after midnight. The meetings will probably be held for another month. V r, y y - 7 X. I Bits For Breakfast I - Luggage for Every Vi H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Fowler MeConnick, grandson ef John D. Rockefeller embar rassed by the publicity thrown en his adventure as a day laborer in a harvester plant in Milwau kee, is giving up the job to go on an African scientific expedi tion with Dr.. Carl C. Jung, fa-, mous Swiss psychoanalyst. This is young McCorpaick's latest photo. ... ; genson'and Jack Hanson for be ing drunk .-over j the , week-end; Rudolph Douglas, disorderly con duct; Herman Viesco, speeding; Carl Wunsch, careless driving. a!8 Leaves on VacAtion Stephen A. Stone and family left f Sunday ' for Cannon Beach, where thev will SDend their va cation. Mr. Stone is Salem correi-l to Mr. and Mrs- Clarence C. Stnith pondent for , the .Portland, .Tele-1 pnes". and" one-halt miles east of gram. Wanted an Experienced ' i I Saleslady for Millinery gowns, coats. Must 'have had experience in selling high class merchandise. mates' of the state school for the. Address 1652,. care Statesman, r feeble-mjnded was reported to the local police Sunday morning. Sun day s night; the' : police were asked to cooperate In" a search" for Paul Schwab, 314, escaped from the cot tage farm; 'The Ramshackle House' nilgh Hoot Gibson "Let Er Buck." J r. In : a), a) ... Returns to Office ! ;; - - Chief Justice T. A. McBride of the Oregon aupreme court return o tnr . ihArt visit trt ' hlaL of flee here yesterday , from the bedside j 1 3 0 of his, wife who is sick in a St .Helens hospital.- He left late in ! the day. . Mrs. McBride has been seriously ill for two' months and it is said that little hope is held for her recovery. " Visit Our Household Dep't . " "i In thesemteirtrf1 fK""KStnt Police Investigate Theft B. I. Stephens of Salem was. be ing heidf ly police yesterday fol lowing hl arrest at a local pool hall Sunday, night when a stolen motor meter was round in his pos session. The arrest 'was made by Night Sergeant Edwards.' 4 Swimmer Injured ! B. E. Sisson received a gash on his head while swimming at the new pool at the corner of Ferry and Liberty streets Saturday which required treatment at a , lo cal hospitaL' He was discharged yesterday morning, " - Speeding Case Filed '; . j i'-.K. Barnhardt of Portland was arrested for speeding yesterday by Kenneth Bloom, stat traffic, offi cer. Barnhardt asked trial in the Justice court. Bail was fixed at $25." - Planer Trimming Wood ' Immediate delivery. Order now.' Spaulding Logging " Co., - phOne Bl9 Money to Ioan By payment of $13.60 per month for 110 months a loan of $1,000 may be retired,; principal and in terest.- See Ralph. H. McCurdy, over Miller's store. Phone 96. Investigate Actions The peculiar actions of Judson Hoover Sunday night attracted the attention! of police and resulted in his arrest He ia being held for investigation. " Dance Tonight (Tuesday) ! DuBols' dances,-Crystal Gard ens. ' ''"' . ! ' al8 Blaze Calls Department- Traffic Case Filed . v I Arrested for operating a motor Vehicle for hire without first ob taining a public! service commis sion permit, G.f C. Dickson! of Woodburn was. fined $25 In the justice court yesterday by Brazier C. Small, Justice; of. the peace.! A small fire in the bicycle shop j Rebuilt Used Ranges- Careless Driving Charged A charge of careless and impu- of Harry" Scott sent the police de partment but. for a brief battle. The firej started when one of the mechanics' Ray Newman, lit a Stiff's Used j Furniture Store al8 dent drtvirig was booked against cigarette; ; His hand was eovered Carl Wanch of Oregon City -at p-1 wlth rreaae anil if ranrtt lice headquarters Sunday night by He dropped the match hastily Traffic 'Officer Hickman-He was whIch f into more grease on release n.i pan.. - the floor and started a blaze. The " T" flre'r begatt "to spread, and when Car Reported Stolen water proved ineffective fo check A Gardner car belonging to the it the fire department was called. Burdette-Albee 'Motor . company was stolen from the firm's place I In a short time. at 217 State street sometime dar ing Saturday night; it was report ed to police Sunday morning. Births. Are Reported Reports of the following births have been received; James Court ney, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I Jones, 396 Hoyt, Aug. 10; a son Back From Trip A. L. Lin beck and - family-' re turned home Sunday from .a JO day trip to Crater - Lake and southwestern Oregon points. Mr. Linbeck is - Salem correspondent for the Oregon Journal and a poultryman of the Auburn dis trict. . .-" : i Salem, Aug. 13; a boy to Mr. and Mrs.- Russell A. i Mohney, 914 Saginaw, Aug. . 13; and a son to Mr and.) Mrs. Floyd E. White, of Portland, at the home of Mrs. White's mother, 24 6 North Seven teenth. Aug. 15. 1" Writers Meet Today -A. 6 o'clock porch party will be held Vy the Writers' club at the ' Knma nt Mra T .P Molunn 104 t r. - " " w ...... - . - bition is commissioner, is back j W" - . r - , . . . at the capitol after a few weeks r""f ; ' ' .L V, , in KlaaatkFalls. - where' reasrftenron bot the tin If. is -a wonder . . . That the fellow who knows Just where the escaped prisoners are does not go get them. S lie could make 3000; easy money. There is only one thing certain, up to the time of going to press. That is, that the men will be either killed or raptured. When? That Is in the laps of the gods, as the ancients were wont to say. i Hop picking is on - Several yards commenced with the fuggles variety yesterday. The" main variety Is likely to be little early. s s s The state park at Champoeg' Is getting to be a very popular place. On Sunday last, hundreds jot people were there. Albert Tozler has charge, and everybody knows what that means. He is the man who has been mayor of the ca&tvp ground city at the state fair grounds ever since the woods were burned, and has been elected to that position for life. He was much distressed on Sunda'y-over the death of a good neighbor, Mrs. Ben Smith, on the grounds, from heart failure. There is bo phone at the park, therefore j a doctor could not be summoned. It was thought her life might have been .sated had there been op portunity to summon a physician In time. The state ought to prir- ide for a phone. . It there Is not money enough, it should be done by private subscription. in you know which Is. the oldest - church in Oregon, still standing? It is the one at Ft. Louis, a few miles west of Ger vals, and only a dozen miles from Salem. It is about 83 years old. and it is in a very good state Sof preservation and a most beauti ful building, especially In the in terior. The timbers from which this church was built were hewn. There was no saw mill In Oregon men. ine original seats were hewn. Other seats have taken their place. This is a Catholic church, and the resident priest ,1s Father Kraus. For a long time. Father Lane was In charge there. He is a grandson of General Joseph Lane, and a son of La iayeiie Lne, once congressman from Oregon. He has charge at Albany now. The first church built in Oregon was at St. Louis, Marion county; Catholic church. But it Is not standing now. The third church built .in Oregon was the Catholic church at Oregon City. themselves with shouting the re- fralfluof a ribaLJ. .song Throw out the Jw-and prothblngto Tepeat these tactics tomorrow. The trouble tonight arose out of the determination of the Hak- eakruezler and other antiemet ic elements to hold a meeting In protest-agaiast the congress de spite poll prohibition.' . r ' FreauenUrt the police were obliged to'ehaee groups which congregated dispersing them with drawn iwrds.. BXIIIBTTS ARE MANY SEATTLE Anp 17. (By the Associated Press.) The Paeitic northwest merchants exposition opened here today with hundreds pX.exhlWU; front: alLnolysla f.o northwest lon dtila. ..t'liar Matzger.-chalraiau of the fpw tion. stated, that -he expected OTio. of ' the largest eroa-ds In the Lis tory 'of the exposition to attend, FIELD TO TJE VIEWED - I SEATTLE. Aug. 17 Congrer men John F. Miller and Jpbn.,W. Summers, members of .the. Jionff.'j naval affairs committee, are " la vish the Sand Point aviation, field . on Lake Washington,! on an of ficial inspection tour tomorrow -i;. was teamed here today. called in answer, to an indictment by the Klamath .'grand Jury, for larceny of a revolver taken from the home of a Mexican during a liquor - raid.- v - ; - :; -.i-i-V.. plans were again I changed at meeting Monday noon. Phone 'System Installed HnstaHation of ; the new tele phone system- was made at the Elk's', temple -yesterday. Several phones will be installed in various Bail Is Forfeited ; Bail of "$10 each was forfeited In the police court. yesterday for 1 parts of ! the building. a variety of offenses. ' jack OBITUARY Waldora R. E. WaluoYs died in this city Sunday the 17th. Funeral an nouncement later by Rlgdon & Son. fowjre -Hug Rack After an absence of more than two rweeks at Ocean View, George W. Hug, superintendent of schools returned to the city from - his vacation Monday. 1 . 69 Acre Farm, Etc. - SCJCtlON SALE J . Thursday, August 20, 1 P, M. Located 14,. miles north of Salem or 4 miles north of Ilope--i . well or10 miles south of Dayton, Yamhill County. . Consisting of 69 acre farm, 25 acres of which Is under u! tlvatIoh, balance white fir, ash. and maple timber. all.rivr . bottom soil bordering oa the Willamette river ..being .firt class gardening, and graln land with fair buildings. , Sold ' On terms as follows: Purchaser to make a rash payment of $500 oa day of sale. $2,500 on approval of abstract" -ad balance of purchase price In five years from date of sale at ( per cent interest. ; '." "'' ' ' ' 1 Also at satae time and place the following personal -pro' perty:, 4 head of work horses. 1350 to 1600. lbs., 6 to 9 years old; 5 head of horses, ages from 3 to Syear. from 1,0 0T) to 1,200 lbs. weighti'4 Jersey cows, now mllkfng"and to freshen this. Call; double tadem tractor 'disc; two ,14-lnch.r sulky, plows: sew Deerlng mower; 2-sectIon spike tooth harrow; 1918 "Ford roadster with delivery1 body! '7-foot roller; . 6-ft. disc 'harrow;- 2-horse orn cultivator; 'two ,1.4 inch walking plows; good 3-inch wagon; set double work harness; set single harness; new force pump;' good 3-lnch farm wagon; hack; double harpoon hay fork; home collars, traps, blacksmith, tools, including vice, drills, dies, etc. Fruit Jars and other numerous articles.. s . Farmers Bring in what you have for sa!e" ' ' TERMS: On personal property, cash, unless ' ;' otherwise arranged.' ' ' W. A. Whke, ' F. N..WoodrytJ i . Owner . . . ? Auctioneer I ''.-.-. 1610 N. Summer SU Phone 511 PUBLIC NOTICE: ' See F. N, Woodry, Salem's . leading auctioneer for the past, 10 years' about-your farm' and city sales. Not connected' with any other firm. "Don't be tie-f celwed.-. - . r !x MANY INJURED IN RIOT .XTI-JETWIRII CLASH IN VIEN NA DECLARED SEVERE Vacation Is Taken j Mary L. Fulkerson, Marion county school superintendent, left yesterday for a two weeks'. vaca tion, the first she has taken 'since she assmued.'offIcer five years ago. Mrs. Cora Reid, county truant of ficer, returned from ber vacation at Neskowin on Saturday and is ..'f-;r Faulkner . William C. Faulkner . died . in Roseburg. Ore., August 16,' at the age of 82 years. He was the father of Charles -V. Faulkner: of Salem. He ! was a member - of Sedgwick Post No. 10 G. A. R. of Salem, Ore.; Accacia Lodge No. 10 A. F.' & A. M. of Marshall, Mich Funeral services will J Tuesday, August 18, at 3 p from Webbs Funeral Parlors. Rev. Mr. J. J. Evans officiating. Inter ment in the City View Cemetefy HaroM Ware Return Harold Ware, Boy- Scout ex ecutive, returned , Monday . from Seattle, where he was Called last week by private business. Chemicals extinguished the 4laze now ,n chlLTg9 ef tne em whIIe Thne to Can Salmon- Fine fat deep sea troll fish at Pltt Market, v i Dodge-Sedan Bargain See this at Certified Public Motor Car Market or phone 885 tor demonstration, j aletf A'- Traffic Tlolaflon Alleged : 12ltf I HIKl Inslrnctor Improving uarnet Harra, Instructor in the Salem high school, is; making aat-i tatatnrJ. .o-i .I.J . ..-.-- ,i ... . i omvvii icluicii Hum ma recent A charge of speeding was filed I onpratini m- M LiH 11 1 X ' f J -v.v..a w i yuim . unuiui wi buhuh; ' i reoorts JTanic .orncer iuawaras agaiuBvi Herman ; Vieako of Salem. The alleged 'offender .was released af- tefe'payf n g. $ 1 0 bail. High School Improved- Several; minor Jobs are being done at the high school by way of lmnrovenientA . before' thn nnoninr iuki .oimiucl .narKi I of schools this fall. One "of the iDIsofdetly conduct Is alleged In 1 reCent imbrovements ba wn . a complaint filed by police Sunday I new coat of naint beine riren to against' Rudolph Douglas. Thethe p0wer part of the walls In the cbArge waa nooxea at neaaquar-i hau. t tets by. 'Traffic Officer Edwards who reported that Douglas - had I p0- nt: to Reenonslbli not conducted hlmseii property i Women, Established cafeteria. while in Willson park. ; ! I Well, equipped, down town loca- Mrs. Fulkerson (is away. Ton Telephone V a, 119-1. - We'll deUver it. no matter how small the item. ! Capital Drug. ,: . y ' 11 ' J22tf Police Investigate Record j After being! r held -overniaht while police locked into his .past record George Chalupsky was re leased from police custody Sun day morning, ' i He was arrested Saturday night; and held for In vestigation. -; . ; Hop Picking Ktarts - - . Fuggle picking started In sev eral of the valley hopyards yes terday and by the middle of the week hopplcklng will be In full be I blast. The harvest of the cluster m. I varieties will begin about Sep tember l.f r apparently sufficient'plckers available to take care of the crop this season. Woodry '& Woodry . Pay Cash for Furniture ? Phone 75 " If In Need of Luggage Visit Stiffs Luggage ment. ; I H -; depart-al8. i tion. For r. w. c. a. .particulars Building: Permit Issued A permit was Issued from the office of City Recorder Poulsen nirth Report, yuat yesteraay io unanea resseuueu for the .erection of a one-story home at 1425 North' Seventeenth street. $3000. address al9 Fires Said SUrted ; T. Oprls, Wniiam : Meyers and C. N. Janlt, all of Silverton, were arrested yesterday by J. W. Fer guson, deputy fire marshal, and charged with setting fires withont a permit.-- Oprls asked a Jury . McDonald Cleaners 783 Highland Avenue .Telephone 2217 Work called for and delivered CRYSTAL POOL VIENNA., Aug. 17. (By Asso ciated Press.) No fewer than 60 or u persons were injured in I a clash tonight between the police and antl-semetic rioters. Some o' them were severely injured. Many women were trampled under foot. The riots were preliminary to the assembling, of the 14th con gress of the world sionlst organ ization. .. The Jews left the streets at an early hour and the stores and cafes put up their shutters. Socialists were also absent from the streets. 1 A second band of demonstrators tried to rush the bridges leading to the Jewish residential district, but were frustrated. - Balked In their efforts, the mob contented few 7 roBTuasjo. on hnM a-vlstav HtaalatM When You ; . ' . ! ' i Are Ready To Move Call on os, for we haye 'padded .Vans and nce lined coyera for your furniture and piano, First" Hn S3 piano and furniture movera. We also handle Brooder Stoves, Furnace Coals and Diamond Briquettes .! . , "';.-. L'armer Transfer & Storage. Co. Swimming Daily t : '.' ; ' ' : : -' " ! 1 to 10 p.ra Two birth reports reported to the health officer yesterday an- . I vuy .1111.1 VU . M U V The structure is w ci of William, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. William i Frederick- Perlieh. and i the arrival of Winser Paul to Mr. and Mrs' OPauI Hobart Acton Jon August 8; ' '"' rV- '-i.;- FOR rJVFOIUIATION AJDOUT RAILROAD TRIPS - Pnonc727 v OREGOfa ELECTRIC Woodry Buys Furniture . Store at Summer and Norway street. Phone 811. J16tf Speeding Is Charged ' J. A.,Leatherman'-?of Portland was hailed Into police headquar ters Saturday night by Traffic Of ficer "Ed wards who booked the Guns Selling Fast f : . ' Local sporting goods stores have profited by the recent break at the prison here, cor telnoe Jast Wednesday, night ' they have '.sold some 2,0p0 rounds of ammunition vF. N. WOODRY Pays Cash For Furniture Res, and Store 1610 North Summer Plicns 511 REDUCED STJMMER . RATES TO CALIFORNIA ' BY PICKYICK STAGES '," ama rraacfiea, wy, 1SJ0 : aoa4 Trip, 930.00. Leu Aagal, oa ay. $27.41., SoaU Trip, 060.00. ' SpacUl Satas to PaltUs ef Elzbt r Mora 4 Tec Information and Battrvatioaa ' . raaaa CM, ar call CENTRAL STAGS TERMINAL Salem, Oregon ' Painting aad Decorating by Skilled Mechanics Kennedy Paint Shop ( Now located at Gabriel TPowder & Supply r Company ! ... ITS South Commercial Telephone 728 LADD &. BUSH, Bankers Established 1S6S i General Baziliinjj Business r , OfSce XXonn from 10 Jn to 8 pi2U ' J mT J II . . ... - II tH ai, n ' ' II g 1 ; ; '-II - I . . ..... ... . 1 : "What Mam' The Years? k ??. A The number of years that one has jy vC$ ' k been in business mean-nothing, as lyf - M")Vf!M , ; such. It is only when one consid- )Jf Itj o VA - crs that it Is through long exper- ) Ip! " " " ' Kl ' . ience that one learns best how to j " ' h,t " serve that a long record assumes M Cr W ' a certain significance. ( 13 .M - Ifc is for this, reason that we l 'T j , ff ) mention the fact that we have been M .-' r D i - - WEBB'S - - mW 1 ' ' s STX : FUNERAL PARLORS lHVA!'fe) "JT' 205 SaCurcIi ZtrzzV yS&c b ' ; - phone no y - " ifw ; -