The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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home lu' Australia.'aBd sae'la l
lag. starred by a Melbourne cora
pany In a 10-rceler.
r.hil "Rosen, .the. mjgi Eo. di
rected "Abraham Lincoln." Is to
wield the megaphone on "Buffalo
Bill.'j another big historical opus.
"Old Swimmin'. Hole" Now Tilemoriil to Poet Who Made it Famous
Ruffles Lend- -
Youihfut Note
The Old
. :r SwimminHdlet :
By. James AVhltcorob Riley
Oh! the old swimmin' hole!
"Where the ' crick so ' still
' btoch 4
' - ' PhOM 106" '
NE OP THE MOST FETED of i planned tea from
the 'season's i brides-elect is
Miss.' Luella Patton, whose wed
ding date Thursday, August 20
was formally announced at the at
tractive 1 o'clock luncheon last
week at which Mrs. Louis Lach
mund was hostess. At the formal
a'nn6uncement luncheon, with pink
gladioli la a crystal bowl center
ing; 'the table? covers were placed
for Miss Luella Patton, Miss Helen
Moore,' Miss Valerie 'Briggs, Miss
Marie. BrifgsMIss Molly .Schwab
bauer and the hostess. Mrs. Louis
Lachmund. Miss "Patton, the
fiencee of Ellis Carl Charlton, is
the? h'f factTre'daughfer of TBr. and
. Mrs; E. Cook Patton. J
At a pre-nuptiat shower of ex
ceptional loveliness, with MrsJ R.
L. White' and Mrs. -Armini Berger
entertaining la Derby hall. Miss
Patton was again the" honor guest.
Innumerable, tall baskets of pink
-and whits gladioli transformed
the place, with a lavish "shower1
streaming from a great, spreading
Japanese umbrella. Miss Molly
Schwabbauer and Miss 'Valerie
Briggs cut the ices while assisting
in. the serving were Miss Maxine
Myers, Miss Cynthia Delano, Miss
Pauline Marnach and; Miss Lucille
Pettyjohn. r ' '
Guests for the delightful affair
were Miss Patton. Mre. Herbert
Haid of Portland. Mrs. Elwyn Cra
ven (Dorothy Dick) of y Dallas;
Mrs. C. R. Knickerbocker of Me-
Minnvllle, Miss Jennette Meredith,
Mrs. Oral" Lemmon, " Miss-,. Fay
Wassam. Mrs. Florence Leed, Mrs
iteed Rowland, Mrs. George W
Nelson, Mrs. E. Cooke Patton, Mrs
II. L. Briggs. Mrs. Harry Wels
Mrs. Paul Marnach, Mrs. Margaret
U Montgomery, Mrs. Frederick Deck
ebach, Mrs. Richard Slaterr Mrs
W. R. ueagarf-Mlss Audrey Pom
. eroy. 'MissAThanda'Sehwiibbauer,
Miss Junette Jones. Miss Molly
SchwabbauerMiss Valerie Briggs
Miss Helen'Moorel ' Miss 1 Rulh
Moore, Mis? Edna, VogtV" Miss
Bertha Babcock. Miss Amelia Bab-
cock, Miss Pauline Mfnach, Miss
Florence Cartwright, Mjss .Lucille
Pettyjohn, Miss " Maxine -Myers,
Miss Cynthia Delano MiaaTEtheI
Rupert, Mrs. Prudence Prunk and
the hostesses, MrsV , Berger and
Sirs. White. u
. Mr. a,ndMrs?Roy Luti and son
Afestin left last evening for their
home in Harlowton, Mont., after
a .week visit with their aunt and
fthcle. Mr. and Mrs? Ellis' Bennett
ti i F trie -avnTm.Ther "were,
accompanied by Miss Vivian
Chain who will stay with them tor
an indefinite period.
; . .; I'"'
Contrary to earlier plans, the
Writers' club will -.hold its regu
lar meeting as usual, tonight' at
f. the home of Prof, and Mrs. J. d.
Nelson. 104 -East Wilson street.
The meeting will be in the nature
of a porch gathering with a group
supper at 6. V : ? i '-
j 'i , .
Miss Carolyn VWilson was the
guest Jaati week of j Miss Carol
Rahskopf In. Portland
v 1 . :
Miss Marie Churchill returned
home last week after a month's
absence in southern California and
northern Mexico. Re made the
trig from , San Francisco- north hy
2:30 to 5:30
o'clock.! Though largely a re
union, he affair was.' also a com
pliuient to Miss Genevieve Find
ley, whose marriage to Mr?George
Oliver ylll be. an event of tomor
row.. jSome of the. choicest flow
ers in the Von Eschen gardens,
Japanese gold band lilies' and
Mount Hood lilies, and gladioli in
pastel; shades-decked the rooms
andsun-porch. An additional
guest of the afternoon ' was Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney.. At five o'clock
the hostess served delicious re-
Ireshmenta. ' ' '
Invited for the" tea were: Miss
Genevieve Find'ley, Miss Margaret
Legge Miss Cooley, Miss Louise
Findle'y, Miss Pauline Remington,
Miss Marian Emmons, Miss Kath
leen LA Raut, Miss Jenelle Van-
dervort,! Mlsa Mary! Findley, Miss
Mary Jane ' Albert, Miss' Beryl
Marstlrs, Miss Ruth Vechter, Miss
Gladys H Mclntyre, Miss Frances
HodgeMlss Carolyn Wilson, Miss
Carol ; Cheney, Miss Hulda Hag
man, Miss Faye Sparka, Miss
Marie Rosteln, Miss Mildred Hah-
sen, Misa Ruth Ross, Miss Mary
Gilbert, .Miss Edna Jennlson, Miis
Ruth Bedford. Mis Ruth Helnick,
and MJss Elois Heinick.
4Mrand Mrs. John D. Caughill
are entertaining as their house
guests; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard
J A ... t'i t
Y ;) ' -.- ' ' V.
Vl) I ' - I - . .:..- r.
" . -: o.- v 1
T , , SZ?t:?rj , t -"jA -' - is i ;-V Ctrl PkotM , Utfimy
of Log' Angeles.
tTheJ Auxiliary of the Sons ot
Veterans will have an afternoon
today.Tuesday,' August 18,- at
the home of Mrs. Florence Shipp,
1162. North Fifth street. A large
attendance is desired. j
,: --.!!',
The Barbara Frietche Sewing
club wm meet pri Thursday after
noon 8ti the home of Mrs. E. E.
Gllliam.1,176 South Tweixth stjreet.
The meeting has been postponed
from Tuesday, the regular day, on
"The old h imniin' ole- which w r
spired James Wiiitcoinb Riley's fa
inous poem, and (inset) one of the
last picture? of the late poet.
- - . :; . ' ' -u..-.-, :'
Greenfield, Ind.,' Aug,, 17.--(By
Central" press, )-r-Thia little Indi
ana, town has at last realized, its
dream..'. s,; . . . - ,;
, For years H has wanted to erect
some sort, of lasting memorial to
its favorite son, James Whitcomb
Riley, th,e Poet who is often called
"America's Robert Burns."
AnaV. now the boyhood Play
ground of Riley is beingthrown
open as a public park. - ;
The 40-acre tract includes the
'old swimminn.hole" made ,fam;
ous in ioetry by the Hoosler laur-
The para: Is along Brantrwlne
creek, which was the favorite
haunt of Riley when a carefree
youth." . " ' -,v ;
"A' poet of the people, his own
people, was r James Whitcomb
Riley." says Greenfield. "Dream
ing their dreams, singing : their
songs, sharing' their Joys, sorrows
and fancies, he touched ' these
things with the' wand of his great
genius and enshrined them in the
heart of the nation, '
! "He was ; to American poetry
what .Mark" Twain was to Ameri
can prose. .
"One measure or his success,
but by no means the greatest, may
be. gauged by the fact that he was
one of the few Americans who.
having devoted their lives to po
etry, was able to gain a' fortune
by it. " . "i .' .' ' ' -
"Not only in America, but in all
the world, having children claimed
Riley, as their own.
"All the sorrows, the happiness
and the joy of existence, have been
exercised in his pages, and count
less thousands have laughed and
cried over them. .......
"He is the most widely read and
best beloved of the singers of
America. i
"Riley never . married, but he
was a lover of children, whose
spirit he divined so intimately."
Perhaps some of the "Literary
Critics" do not agree,' but, Green
field observes, what, deos it mat
ter what the critics think, if the
children love Jim Riley?
Looked like a baby river that
laying- fast asleep, x' y j .
And the gurgle" of the, worter
round the drift jest below
Sounded like the laugh of .some?
thing we onc't.ust t know
Before' Wf could remember any-
-thlng bat the 'eyes' '
Of the angels lookln out. as we
left . raradist i ;v . , - , 1
But the merxy days of Youth la
. beyond oar control. I
And It's hard to part forever with
the old swimmin' hole.
Oh! the old swimmin' hole!
the happy' days of yore.
When I ust to lean above it! on
'the old sicamore.'' r j
Oh! it showed me a face to fts
warni sunny tide
That gazed back-at me sogay and
It made me love myself ms I'leaped
to caress - ' 1
My shadder smilln' up at me with
.- slch tenderness.
But them days is past and gone.
and old Time's tuck his toll
From the old man come back to
the old swimmin hole.
' '
Oh! the old swimmin.' hole! When
I last saw the place.
The scene was all changed.
. the change in my face;
The bridge of the railroad now
"" crosses the spot
Where the old divln' log lays sunk
' and forgot. V j
And I stray down the banks where
the trees ust to be
But never again will theyr shade
shelter me! " '
And I wishln my sorrow I could
strip to the soul.
And dive off in my grave like the
old swimmin' hole.
B . '
- i ' ; . K
'Uil;X:; ' -''v
ti-, -iJ C- " VI
Bands of . red velvet lend a
ruffle effect to this demure frock
'a - M "
it sand-coiosed taucta.
r ny
. J
"The-. Cost - of Folly." "Stage
Struck" by Frank Adams will be
her next. It will be directed by I
Allan' Dwan. 1 r,! j
'- Auxiliary of the Sons of ; Vet
erans. Afternoon at home of Mrs.
account of "the death of Comrade I Florence Shipp, illSi N. Flft St.
Mr!and.'Mr..E.A chaeter
ana aaugnter, Donmo, hare re-1
turned from a trip to Mexico, Call-
iornia,: ana Canada. They were
gone two and'a'hiir mofiths:
.' ' v. ?; a v.
- W'CTU. Health . Program and
Silver Tea. Hall. 2:30 o'clock. -;r
Writers' Iclub. - Mrs. J. ,C; Nel
son, 104 East Wilson street,: hos
tess. 6 o clock. "'.
' Thursday '
' Wedding. of Mlss.Luella Pattbn
and Ellis Carl Charlton.
The members and friends ot the BarDara ,Fr)etcnte sewing soci-
local WCTTJ are Interested in the ty- Mrs- E.: E. Gilliam, 76
South 12th street.. j .,v
"Mr; and Mrs?. 0ii's Hixp arid
Mr; .and Mrs.T P.; p.; Quisenberry
hav' e "goflae. to Seaside for a 'two
weeks' tffationi "
. Twenty university girls were
the guests yesterday afternonof
Mrs. Florlan Voir' 'Eschen'at '"her
horn on Court "street' "when "shei
entertained with a ' - delightfully
l . Presenting. V .
health program , announced for
2:30 o'clock this afternoon ii1 the
hall on South .Commercial street
AnA Interesting feature' in cob ne'e
Hon will be the silver tea with the
proceeds going to the Children's
Farm home at Corvallis.
On Saturday afternoon, August
15, at. the home of the ' bride's
parentsldr and Mrs. J. P. Alex-I
ander, Miss E. Marjorie Alexan
der rant J. Verne 'Chandler were
united j In marriage, Reverend
Thomas; A. Acheson officiating.
Only elatives and a few intimate
friends were present lor the cere
mony! "Miss Alexander, who has!
an excellent position as a teacher
of ; domestic science and art in
California ichools, I will be- remem
bered by many as ar graduate of
Salem ' high school and . later -
the v. Oregon Agricultural ; college
The groora . : is well-known Jusi
pess map -of Salein i After return
Inirqm a honeymoon trip up the,
Colum'bia- River "high way, Mr. and
Mrsl Chandler will be at home to
thir.4rlends;!n Salem. :
"Sir. and Mrs. EN. Starr, Mr.
C. II. Long, Miss Jessie Starr, and
yirgil ; Starr 'are home from " a
.week's'i ivaeatloa at - Ocea-nslde.
During; the early part of the week
membersVot- the : party . .were . Mr.
and; Mrs D. L. Spalding' and
daughter, Misq Lena S.paldlng, and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Spalding and
three children. Miss Lena Spal
ding remained throughout the lat
ter part; of the week as the guest
of Mis Starr. ' . ;
Mrs S. C- Dyer : has taken "an
apartment at the Court for the
winter ' - " - ,7'
Mr. and Mrs. WHllam'il. Findle
are stopping at the Hotel Montl-
ceno while in Longview, wash. r
Mr. Jand Mrs. J. P. Smart and
children, Margaret and Jimmy,
are home' from a tea days' vaca
tion oyer the Mount "Hood Loop
and to the beaches'. I " ;
State Fair-
.Wisconsin Picnic.
grouhds.l 'r;'i
Iowa Picnic? State Fairgrounds.
Eva Miles of Salem sang "Be
cause." She was accompanied by
.... - . ! " - i
Mrs. Robert Dann, also of Salem.
The wedding march was piayed
by Miss Bernice Goehring of Mon
mouth. ; - l " ,
The bridal party stood before
an Improvised ; altar of f lowers)
ferns and other greens. -"
The bride appearea on .the arm
of her father and was lovely . in ,k
gown of white satin with a veil
or emoroidered ; net. , held .ty,.a
coronet ot orange blessoms She
carried a. shower bouquet of pink
rosebuds, Ulles-of-the-vailey r.and
maidenhair, fern. .-', ....
Miss Agnes Erlckson of ;Monv
mouth was. bridesmaid. She wore
a gown of pale pink georgette and
carried a sweet peas. i
J. B. Butler of Monmputh was
best man. ' - ' i ;
Bowls of, blossoms were placed
attractively about the rooms. -
A reception was held after the
ceremony, ! More .than ,75 friends
and relatives were present; --j
; Ihei'Jjrlde. is. a i graduate kv.of
Franklin high- school? Monmouth
State normal and has been-a mem
ber of the normal faculty for two
years.' V " . ! '.'
-Mr. Bell Is also a teachef. - .
Mr. and Mrs. Bell left later for
two weeks' honeymoon at Yachats
Beach. They will live in Mon
mouth. ' f j .f -.'"- j
i ne oriae s going-away gown
L was jot powder blue crepe with
fur trhrimed. coat and hat to
.Among the out-of-town guests
at.the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank" Bell, parents of the groom;
fTitfan Taylor'of the normal," Misses
Blanche Clark and Lavelle Wood
Of Monmouth. Portland Journal
Open confession is good for thel what was effective on the screen.
soul." was evidently the thought 'They emphasized the Importance
of the popular Florence vidor
ot exaggeration, of the use of con
trasts such as gold and silver lace.
spangles, etc, etc. When later I
would Bee myself in one of these
"inspiraiiona'.Ivwould he,CQriA
ed that my schoolteacherish ideas
were a great improvement over I sent from tile screen for more than
ot.Dempseyys Ex-Stepmother Accused I
1 . . T?---- Tilt
in uivorce orLcve vi yiuiriu&v
for the Woman
" and Miss
JASXE. ...
Fait Opening
. Mlsa Ella M? Bennett from dak-
land, Cal., arrived la-Salem Wed
nesday evening for a month, visit
with aer parents, Mr and Mrs
Ellis Bennett on Falrview avenue
She w&s accompanied by Miss
Marjdrie; Porteohf,76f San Fran
cisco. ! " ? :;":.-..- ':
A beautiful" wedding of the late
summejrand 61 Interest to many
throughout . the state. wa that ofl
Miss Abna Eugenia! Ulen and Mr
Burtonj C. Bell, at &:30Saturday
evening August 8. at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and. Mrs.
IL E. Vlcn, No. 742f 82d street
southeast. Rev. Charles P. John
son of I the MontaTlllajrMethodlst
church ;ot!iciatcd using the double
ring ceremony. -.'
(pronounced -Veeder) when she
gave way to the following confes
sion:. . . ' - -
Torn-years the clothes I have
been, obi led,tp. wear, in. my var
ious 'movie Iroles have been my
greatest bugbear. have been
criticized, for the type of dresses
I have worn la my pictures because
they, were said to be too .conserve
tive "school teacherlsb" they
w:ere called." '
"Several times against my own
better' Judgment, I yielded when
some gown designer wonW tell me
. Mr. and. Mrs. Roscoe Marsters
of. Roseburg.who recently, motor
ed to points In Eastern Oregon,
stopped over in Salem one night
to visit with Mr. and Mr. Lane
Morley. Mr.rMorley to a sister of
Mr. Marsters., They will return
to Roseburg ; where Mr. Marster3
is engaged in the Monument bus
iness, and Mrs. Marsters is em-' chief to match the odor of Oriental
Dloved as a teacher in the. itose-1 perfume.- He iooks more liae a
burg schools. . I Yale fullback.
- "I hope the gowns that Mr. Ban-
A congenial group ot intimate lion has designed for" me In. my
fiiemls mostly Tennesseeanj met I latest pictures "will please toy
Sunday at Clate Pleasant' s home j friends as they are advanced fash-
in Dallas on the occasion of a re-1 Ions conservative enough for my
covery from a very severe sick I taste but surely not "schoolteach-
itnell br a brother. Ronali Pleas-1 erisn ," says norence.
ant.. Thirty-two were present.!. Miss Vidor most Recent pic-
comlnc from different, sections. I tures are "Are rarents People.
neither, group knowing the others I with Betty Bronson and Adolphe
were coming. ' JVIany. in the group I Menjou; "orounas lor Divorce.
nrir met- before. Others I "Marry Me." .ana "The Trouble
bad been friends from. one to 20 1 with Wives." v" . - .;. T
years. ". '., I '" .".'.. - ..' -
4 . - .nt I Anatole France s "beven wives
Mre; .Clate Pleasant. Ed th Pleas- of Bluebeard "ta to be screened V
ant. Ruth Pleasant. J. C. Pleasant. E. M. Asher for First National.
nh.i-t-PiM.ant-'nonaii Pleas- Corinne Griffith will probably be
'Don't rebuke the , man who
fails to remove his hat in the hotel
elevator." ' says Be be Daniels.
"Pity him.' for he may be bald."
Bebe had to wear a wig for pic
ture purposes and one lock of hair
was very unruly.1 Bebe had the
studfo halrdresser.cut it. but when
she removed the. wig at the end
of the day she found that thel
shorn lock was her own hair. Now!
Bebe is wearing her hat until the
tress grows out.
Thomas Meighan has gone
Ireland to make a picture..
1, ' Hr
Love, ' .il-enture ahd la
itrluc with a bMrkgrouud of
Urninc mjhterjr. :
' Comedy News
f 1 Today Wednesday
Louise Lovely, who has been ab-
tbose of the designer.
"When, I signed a contract ,for
Paramount 1 found . that- .Travis
Banton. the designer brought over
from Paris to design the gowns
for 'Dressmaker From Paris,' was
to make my gowns. He confided
to me that the day has passed for
theatrical clothes. 'You are play
ing the wife of a wealthy Parisian
in 'Grounds for Divorce? he said.
'Your' wardrobe "should be what
such a man's wife would wear, not
the clothes of a screen actress."
Mr. Banton. by the way, con
trary to' popular belief aboat Paris
dress designers, does not wear a
lavender 'necktie ' with handker-
two years, has returned to her'
Gloria Swanson has finished
are toon wppdln tai
withont "doMngby aa
.r.arlanfl Dallas: starred in the picture.
Mrs Bertha Marsters. Hazel ! 1? Prospect
Marstera and Kehneth Marsters,
Roseburg; Aaron Campbell, Alice
Campbell.- John" Campbell Hobart
Campbell. Laura Campbell. Edith
Campbell and Elwood Campbell,
Oallie .Mullini and- Wiuford Mul
lineEtigeneMri and Mrs. D.-W.
Morley? Josephine M6rley,- Danny
and Tommy Morley. Mr.' and Mrs.
W. IV Morley; Oswald Morley. An
eeV? Morley? Ellen Morleir" Lane
Miiey.-iLaurence";'Mdrley and
Ells wort horley, Saleni;
i'" i t 1 " i, 1 w V. . V
Mr. nad Mr.- Otto .WHsonare
receiving, a' yisit from, Mr. and
Mrs. A D. Rrowney.. of Fresno.
Cat ai; d their daughter; Margaret
Kathcrine, -5 Mrs. Browney and
Mr. " WITson'lre cousins : The 'rls-
Itor Jfe former residents of the
city and ara on their way home
fr6m racation trip through the
lenoweigne, iionat jKtrn. f
the daring kins: of the saddle in a great exhibi
tion of riding skill, whirlwind fights and speed.
5HOW OF 1924 AT
With tens
o f thous
'an d s of
pe ctal.
oxt, real la-,
iatf Ctltih
Ca7a, rV-
ty. gWa, aui-
UoaalzlM as4
"tie gnaUit
r a a .rt '
caofbi by .a ,
motloa plctara
'cavarat Ta
wlll arvar aaa
tta Ilka -or li
aala ii . T
aUaa tklaic-.
tara." :.-
s s m
Tod-ay TamorrQW : Thursday
'Lottsi Dexter Dempsey, former stepmother of Jack Dempsey,
champion priaeftehter, denies she was the sweetheart of F. Harold
Fretaaa,"as charged hy 3,frs. Lncy StclJe Frcman in a divorce suit
iueu m ios Angcies.. xoe alienations were made on the eve of
MrsDempseyV dfparture for New York to wed Kirk .Greenley,
sportsman. - She was divorced from Jack Dempsey s father some
Starts f August .25
of the Sore3n
tel.- ; ,
v.. 1
rtrf -'ivw inn
'ill I M II lil iil I I 1 I r-
" I :' At Popular Prices I
- - j '
' ' .
' .Preceding . the ceremony Mis$
tncrtis a so.
853 ChcEiekct rhouo Jt?03