! I v .;5 " 'V 'V '. , I r " v -Whether Home At the Beach i d ? -; - Look Your Best Newest Styles e if-.1 Lowest Prices Always at GiJoIinsqnl Company 469 State sir raw fittM ' ft l ift II H-ku 192 Tr Track eaipped with, solid Urn ea remr. ' Steel eh end stake Mr. Alee -ku (pedal tiaaaarfeaioa which jrea the track itx apeeee ahead. ' Jaat right in real hear? )oe4a toep grUea. WU1 eU a Bly SIS5.00. Very liberal terau If, ' seeded. PRISON ESCAPE ' " EVENTS VIEWED 1 R. Peterson, street. 185 South Winter Eugene. 3Ian Preaches Services both morning and night at the 'First Presbyterian church today will be in charge of Iter. Bruce J. Giffen. of Eugene Kcv. Giffen is student pastor at the University of Oregon and is au interesting speaker. Special music is also offered today. Time to Can Salmon Fine fat deep sea troll fish at FItts Market. ' 26tf Services Postponed There vrill be no services at the First Congregational church until September 6, due to the extensive Interior ' renovation " which the church is undergoing. - - - - 500 Pounds Ice With every refrigerator, s H. L. Stiff Furniture Co'. ' all CITY NEWS IN BRIEF rr i ' " Cloudy on coast and fair and warmer in the Interior; decreasing humidity In the interior; gentle' north and northeast winds. Sat uracil Max. "77; Min. 49; River -1.9: stationary; Rainfall none; Atmosphere part cloudy; Wind SE, ' 9 At - tme Theater Today . .v.,,;-:;,:,.;;; Oregon Buster Keaton in TSeven Chances'! by David Belasco. v I Grmd-om VldJlxcrrohy; f iHdrseliii ' Duke -IBbV " y in Teeth," ". .. ' .. t. T Bligh Hippodrome : iVaudevllle and Pictures. .;(. . . if ) -a- o Sim Phillips. ' Calls were made for 49 women while 40 were refer red and 38 reported, placed.! There were 173 calls for men, 124 refer red and 116 laced. Agricultural laborers headed the. list, j there being 93 men" and 37 womn reg istering with; demands for- 100 men and ' 42 women. Sixty men and 33 'women were placed; Com mon labor was sought by 64 with 45 in demand. Thirty-nine . re ported placed. . r , j Kindergarten Opening ilSeDtember 1. 1925. Lata waters 1S70 Court street. . I al6 JcCor- 65c While .Tbey .Iast . M f "Mother Machree" by mlck; DBa" by Wenenrath, "Banjo ' Song" by Homer and many others on Victor Records at Moore's Music House, 409-415 Court, " I i al6 turbancelastTweek It "whs deemed best by Manager Carey to post pone the jiame. An effort will be made to meet the Portland eain later in the season. ""' Is ""," Ianjr Useful Articles OAC Picnic Is Planned- All former students, alumni and students contemplating registra tion at the OAC for the fall term are urged to attend the annual OAC picnic at Broad Rlple, across the river and south' of the Marion- Polk ' county bridge , Thursday night. Through arrangement with Captain Spong, free' boat service will be maintained from "the old In Stirrs basement i household hp thhouse on this side of the riv- department. ! al H' to the swimming resort on the! in the guard towers aind to block successfully carried out. Owing to the necessity of em ploying trusties in and about the guards' quarters and houses oc cupied by prison' officials .no firearms are permitted in any of these with one exception that of a double-barreled shotgun hidden upstairs at the warden's house. The shells are placed" elsewhere. so that If a trusty should be able to find one it would prove of little use until the other equipment was discovered. " With the exception of two or three un-armed ruards who were Inside the iron fence about the time of the escape, the only men on duty were the guards on reg ular posts and the turnkey. All guards oft duty were at dinner in their quarters and the first intima tion that these received that any thing' was wrong was the' sound of firing. - Warden Dalrymple was waiting for dinner to he served. The table was set with everything but the hot foodstuffs and having a few minutes decided to go to the book keeper's office to write a sbort letter. Looking' out of the'win dow he saw Tom Murray, convict. in the yard. Knowing that there was some thing wrong his first thought wss to bar entrance to' the turnkey's office and thus protect the arsen al. Besides a solid wooded door the turnkey's office is protected by a heavily barred iron door which is also protected with a pad lock.' If this door could be closed It would have been Impossible for the convicts to enter the room con taining the arsenal. Before the warden could reach the door two of the convicts, car rying knives made from steel files, enierea inrougn tne soutn en trance and the others from the north, eliminating 'any possibility of closing the door, j In the hopes of cutting off escape from 'the institution the warden turned and ran for his home across the street to get the only gun ontside those of, the. tower. Guard Savage realis- months. It was known that they ed that the trapdoor 'in the floor had been smuggled but by "whom of the. tower' and at the head' of unknown. The smuggler was later the 'Stairs wss open and be at- convicted and sentenced to a long tempted to enter and gain posses-1 term In the prison. aioa of one of the rifles. .He was unarmed .' contrary to current rumor which has it that be fired several shots from a revolver. Be-; fore he could reach the tower he was stopped by a rifle bullet a bo at half an inch beneath his heart. lie became sick and dropped 'to DEFINITE CLUE IS . - LACKING IN CHASE (Caiune froai pc 1.) . ?! - i said. ' .' ' -! Savage, sickened he had ' received. the pavement In front of the 8ar-ptTement. sc. vuara ravage saia yesieraay that he did not know whether It was Murray, Kelly or Wfilos who fired the shotgun fn Guard Hoi- man's face, deliberately murdering him. : Guard John Davidson, on daty. is believed to have dropped Bert Oregon Jones from the wall with a "bullet through the head.' Guard Sweeney was killed fn the tower presumably' by a ballet fired through .the window from the turnkeys office. ' Warden Dalrymple in the mean while, and the interval was not as long as It takes to read this) had obtained his shotgun And am munition and came out of the side entrance of his house to see two of the convicts fleeing toward the state hospital. He fired both bar rels at long range and as he sto ped to reload. Murray, who had lagged behind, stepped from the corner of the wall beneath Post N'o.'l. and was fired upon by the waruvn. .Murray wavered as though hit and then proceeded af ter his companions, it was re ported later that he was bleeding from a cut on his forehead, arm and chest. His injuries are not thought to be serious. . Five or six shots were fired at him before he was struck. Guard Savage said yesterday. Several were fired at the warden .bar racaded behind two oil barrels beside the garage. At least one shot from the shotgun was fired In his direction, the barrels show- ng signs of buckshot. Years ago when armed guards were stationed In the cage at one by the blow dropped to the Because of his condi tion he was unable to notice which of the three convicts fired the shotgun in the face of Holman as he mat sittinr near the foot of the stairs. The veteran guard is well on the road to recovery' but ' com plains of being bed sore, as he Is forced . to lie on his right ' side continually. 1 A -visit to the home of James Nesmtth, turnkey, found the pris on man slightly Improved, it was stated at the residence,' but still la a serious condition. ! Since the escape Wednesday Warden Dalrymple has not been to bed. An hour or two of sleep snatched on a lounge has "been sufficient. The telephone, until yesterday, has been ringing every few tainutes. The intervals be tween calls was noticeably longer Saturday. - j Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock In (he morning from the Rigdon mortuary for J. M. Holman. with Rev. C. C. Poling, pastor of the First Evangelical church, officiating. Special music was offered with a vocal solo by Hallle Parrish Hinges, accompan ied by Viola Verkler Holman on the violin and Mrs. Walter Den ton at the piano. The casket 'was banked with floral offerings, from the many friends and from the penitentiary gardens. Interment was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery at Dal las, bis old home. Members' of the Elks' lodge and guards from the prison acted as pallbearers. ' I Funeral services for John end of the dining hall to watchl- .1 - . , as WM tu ,wr e, with Rev. J. J. Evans." pastor of have tot beta rtaj -wlth'T a-ur j by the much wider ! audiences j reacted by our; newspAfs- I j will add that the army.asd "bavy, ; referring to some remarks made last night, have never been and ! are not deterred -from approving! the reduction In armaments by a fear of 'losing their own Import ance. '. Nor ysa the main purpose of the United States government In calling a conference for Ihe Imitations of armaments to re duce taxation. ' , " " "Here I want to .say almost every allusion to the military forces of the United State's has t.evn critlctl and nnfriendly. I believe that this Is the only coun try in the world In which, before an audience of this class, such a condition would exist. Other touatrles generally. show pride In the cervices of their army "an i navy. I claim that the record of the Cnlted"SUtes"arm'y ahdThAvy Is not without credit, and that w should not be here on the de fensive against our own country." Dr. Rap pa rd then said: "I Kimply'wish to thank Admiral Huso for the admiral temper in which he referred to my remarks, and I am sure that he and the friends who listened to me if not the much larger audience quite j understood the sptrlt In which I made them.' Salmon for Canning I ' . .Ti4c per lb. sliced; 2 lbs. for 23c. Midget Market. " al5 LcttTCH For SpoKane , Frank Kellrgg.i public accountj ant, .will leave. -for Spokane and Coeur; d'Alene '..today, where hs wiiiJoin hia family who have been spending the last six, weeks in that' locality j They are expected back in Salem sbout August 25i other . side. Julian Bdrroughs, northwest diving champion, phys- icial instructor and swimming ex pert at OAC. will. give a, special exhibition. . Swimming- races be- tween active students and alumni are also on . the program. .. Plenty to eat is assured. - ' The trip is being made by auU damage. No one was injured. mobile SUverton Store Files ThrW Siltertbn . men, W. C. Peer,' George L. Goar. and Ralph A, Coan have tiled papers with the ounty clerk announcing their Intention of opening the Women'5 Spesialty Shop. Inc.. in Silverton. The store will handle women's cl6thlng exclusively, and fsi&cor porated for $5,000. W. .W. Kimball Mano ; line 'now complete at Moore's Music liouse, 409-415 Court. a!6 Iowa Picnic Planned j J f As Veeetlt meeting of the Iowa Picnic Committee' arrangements were made for the Annual Iowa ip,iftJleldiJfce Fair Grounds,- Saturday, Augusts. ' ' All Iowa people In Salem and vicinity 'are Urged to be 'present. Aj picnic dinner will be served at noon and a fine program is being prepared for the afternoon. Mr, Glenn Adams is ' president of the association, Mr; T T. Croset.,, vice pfesident, and U.' S. Dotson, secretary. - ; . A !;' Sfercliant's Lnnch 45c f Choice ' of 4 entries Valley Grill. ! al6 prficlal IJght Testing Station, Open to- p. m. al the exit. The. guard in the first tower north of the entrance, which controls the locking and' unlock ing of the prison gate, evidently saw the "warded and pressed the buzzer , automatically unlocking the gate. Contrary td advices from former ' governor Oswald West, the gate was not left un locked Tor it also automatically swings shut and requires a strong pull to open. ' John Sweeney, guard at the first tower known as Post 1, had Just relieved Lute Savage for din ner ana evidently was the man who opened the gate. " Details' of Just what occured may never be known for the men most concerned are dead and In the subsequent riot men were too excited to render a. lucid account own power. The touring car was Urnkey, witn fIsts d a ht.zr; over the convicts at meal times1 the guard on duty and his rifle and ammunition were never taken Into the dininc hall together. The guard with an empty rifle would enter the case and securely lock the door. After which another guard would bring the ammuni tion, wnen the meal was over 1 the rifle would be unloaded and! GIB IS AT FOREIGN Stage and Car Hit i ; ; ; A Portland bound stage and a small touring car crashed near! Gervais last night without serious According to reports the driver of the touring ear was blinded by headlights' on machines approach ing, him and he is said to have moved 'over to' the wrong side of the highway. The stage was not seriously damaged and was able y SUm&;W4itt4n to-Ttfoceed- to Portfcrnd- under its Hop Picking- 1 f in the Mlnta . yard Monday, Aug," 17th. i n - -v .v.,.. !..." Moore To Make Trip j "Will.' Moore, state) insurance commissioner and fire marshal, is. slated, to make an address be fore the convention of the Fire Marshal's association i of North America ' at San Antonio, Tex. I September . 17 to 21. He will speak on fire prevention. thrown into the ditch by. the . im pact and is said to have been damaged considerably. Instead of sealing it 4 French I radio expert has mounted a high power vacuum tube on a. vacuum pump that It kept in operation while the tube is In use.; ! will start .S3 OBITUARY Contractors and Wood workers ! ' I 'have a four-in-one woodwork machine and motor almost new for sale reasonable. Terms. See O. J.- Hull. -Top Shop, -rear Fire Department. i t al6 Genera White Improving . i General George A. White, who has been confined to his home by illness tor several weeks, -isi great ly Improved nd' Is expected to.be back aV. hia office in a" few days. - - ' ---- -- All Slakes of . Cameras Repaired f Duke's musical: Instrument re pair shop, room ' 3,' "McCornack Salmon for Canning.' 14c per lb. sliced; 2 lbs. for 23c. Midget Market. 1 alo Park Meeting Slated - Regular " 'Sunday afternoon unlrtn larvlM in Wlllann Tiarlr t 4 o'clock will be continned today ferrell of Salem, brother of with' "Rev. H." F. Pemberton,' pas- ; Ferrell ' f In this city on August 14, Charles L.. Ferrell, age 44 years. Husband of Mrs. Cora- Ferrell. and 'father of Ronald and Zeda Ferrell. Son of Mr. anf Mrs.1 D. bldgrover Mfllers. alG tor 'of the f( Wesley I Methodist church, as the. principal speaker. Mrs. W.; J. "tintoot will be the soloist, with TOcal selections oy C. R. Muston, who will lead the I In. . k T 11 Takes Teaching Position r s 6'-s- v ; f Robert fcittler, ; who ? atended Preside. , In p.se the weather does Willamette -: university, fdr the I ot '".?w air meeung. ar- 1n. in Years, has accented a I rouscmcuis ua,0 d" inuo w uo Mrs. Esther Strickland of Salem, Mrs. Marguerite Hart and Mrs. Delia Lamb, both of Portland and esse Ferrell of Seattle." " The de ceased was a member of the Cen tral lodge. Knights of Pythias, and brass enspidor and disposlnr of one or two other onarnted guards. the convicts obtained the keys to the arsenal and obtained rifles. one shotgun and revolvers togeth er with plenty of ammunition.- It Is probable that they fired the first shot, several of which were aimed at the guard In Post No. 7, the tower just south of the en trance, and at Post No. 1, which was the point of attack Hearing the sound of the battle Lute "Savage lumped up "from the table and headed 'for the prison garage, across the street and west of Post No. 1. J. M. Holman.. on duty at Post No. 2, the tower at the northwest corner of the wall hearing the shots, evidently came down the wall In support o Guard Sweeney. He received two rifle wounds, one in the arm and one. in 1 the leg. that in the arm shattering the bone: Feeling fain he descended the steps inside the SSyoSha. fnedlpition, to teach political ?ctence the First Methodist church it the Farmers' Store Opei -ti . - i , , Tfi 1 tuversnv. j oi. hwili" uuiin wi ticumcu ouviness namni.' . -'v - m . t- ii;;A..i'. ji..!..! Littler has been . attending ; Stan- inn 1 no 1 in nnon in rirmnmiwvi umnioiu .Vi Supp'y store Jn .Mount Angel. The shop will be ready tor business at ones. '," V" : ' '. - 1 v Planer Trimming Wood Immediafe deliveryV'OTder now. Spauldlng' Logging Co." phone 1830. - -', al9 vlans' andi wasV graduated this SprUfg.-He Is a graduate bt Salem hlgl. school. Woodrv Ru vs Fnrnlt H6tdr,kt Summer and Norway itreetsv Phone 6tU i H5 Used Dishes and Cookl Vtenslls., Stftf's Used tufe Store. T'. . . al Furnl- ' al - ' - Pay Cash for Famitmre - Ttaoiie' 7S ' 1 ' ii the First Christian church, offi ciating. Final services at the mortuary and at the cemetery were In charge of ' the . Masonic lodge. Interment was made at the City View cemetery In' Salem. School Bay the ammunition taken away. After this the guard and the empty rifle wuold leave the cage. This made it Impossible for any convicts to gain possession of both gun and ammunition. How the escaped convicts man aged to gain possession of. tools with which to cut their! way through the roof of the building Is not known and perhaps never will be known. When and how they or other convicts . found sn opportunity to manufacture the knives Is not known." Every few weeks, without warning." the con victs are lined up in the orison yard and subjected to a minute search. This never falls to reveal contrabrand of various sorts. In cluding money. The "shake down" general yields a motley' collection of knives of all kinds, varying from a pocket knire that the aver age man carries to crude weapons made from bits of iron to danger ous weapons fashioned from files of all kinds. ; Owing to the tem per of the file the knife thus made has an exceptionally sharp cutting edge. , How Tracy and Merrell. who killed three guards tn an escape from the prison foundry within the walls the morning of "June 9, 1902, obtained possession of their rifles was a mystery for several POLITELY CRITICISED (Continued from page 1) It has been done In a pleassci vein and the gentlemen from othT countries who hare thus spoken have kept entirely within the bounds of propriety. I offer co criticism of their actions, but it Is a matter of surprise' that their ridicule has provoked laughter and applause. If one of us were addressing French, Italian or almost any European audience. I feel sure that Such ironic criticism would receive a cold reception. "I believe that the remarks arc drawinc near . j The best time 0 j h a v e s o ri . ,br. daughter's cyrs ' examined is NOW i We are equipped ' to give you 'any will not be' furnished un less needed Morris Optical Co. - .-. - J01-4 Oregon Bids. Salem Oregon Dr.i White, Osteopathy Electronic diagnosis and, treatment,- ' . ' ;:" : 16 i For "Rent to Responsible I Hi Women., 7 Well equipped, ' down 1 r . ... 170 N. 91900. Rare Date Is Set .' t v.-p Motorcycle races will be held at Independence next Sunday, Aug ust! 2 S, it was announced yester day.' Eight events are scheduled for the Trogf ami with some of the best. riders. Including Cody Evans, of Salem, participating. The track , has- been -entirely ; , reconditioned and is in excellent shape. . particulars tion. ; For YMCA. Victor and Brunswick' '.i 0 Records at H. U Stiff Furni ture Co.' :H ;. " :Z I 1 Fifty Dollars Win sell , bungalow at 23rd St.; en Monday tor Terms : 9 250 : cash", balance $25 town loca-1 monthly. See Ralph H. McCurdy. I ferment oiuce over Aimer s store. ais street car operator. Funeral I tower and sought the open air at norvinp. Mnn Inrmf 17 at'lOlthe fOOt Of the StatfS a .in. RIadon fe Son mortuary. Seeing Guard, Holman come out Interment in City View cemetery. '-Fry ' MIrlan R. Frye, at the residence 1140 South Twelfth, August J15, at the age: of S3 years. Shells Survived by four sons. Charles, I of salem, A. A. J., of San Fran cisco, T. R of Camas, and W J. of Idaho, and by two sisters. Mrs. A. Gardner, of Salem, and Mrs.' A. Bell, of San Francisco. The body I will be shipped Monday by the Webb funeral parlors to Lewiston, Idaho, for funeral services and In- L. C. DEMAEEST MFrrnororiTAV Life Insoraace ' Co. Res. 140 N. 21st " 'Phone 1100 address vn al8 Von Telephone TJa, 119 , i , We'll deliver it; no matter how Ismail (ha item. Capital Drug. : Victor Salmon for Canning S4c per lb. sliced! 2 lbs. for 25c Midget Market.-i al5 Inquest Begins Monday 'j The coroier's 'inquest ' into the death . of J. M:' Holman, John we'eney and Bert Oregon, Jones. the two guards and one convict who were killed during: th escape Court. of three other convicts at the tate prison i Wednesday j night. will begin at 2 o'clock Monday at ; ternoon. Supremacy! j - -- "In quality of ; workmanship, tone, and now price. . 65 and up tor upright and 'period models, Moore's Music House, '09-415 i Now la the Time to Get Rid of I Those Tgly Spot 7 5 TWre'i rut loocrr th Blizfite! seed of frelinr aKhmmed s( roar (mrklea, Oth iaa donbU trenrtli 1 fuarsntead t rn tbe kemelr spot.- . T -McDonald gleaners - 0 ' : .709 Highland 'A venue . V telephone 2217 r Wo iTe called tor and delivered Money to ! By payment of lS.CO per month f Gladlolus- ; for lio Tnonths a wan or ll.un Funeral designs. 'D. H. Upjohn,' way ivujbu, -9v'' IS64-S. Liberty Phone 1700. al6 terest. see. Raipa it. Mcunray.i sj. ;- -. ..- : r v - t Miller's store. Phone 96, , k iliavi: t "r -..-'v " " 1 ii u. .'t . Dodge Sedan Bargain , See'thls af Certified Public Motor Car Market b? phone 885 'lT't Moore Cleans "3Ibs1c ; Latest 'hits .Tn records. music- at rioore's Ikluslc House, '4M-ilS Court.,? t. . i 1 al6 'L On his vacation and his erf ice sheet l" oc .tiiuw; , wuu evening nnxu aepi. ;isu ? . ao ; 3Iany! Seek Work - ; ..- .. : J3ni. hsndrc t and. - nlnety-stx - men And "4 wornVnTeglsteretl at tfie" iCA'' 'cmpfoym'ent bureau ast week according to tho report SixLlcenses Issued i U G. jBoyef' , Marion county clerk, issued, six mar riaro license! yesterday. Those making applica tions " were Rebcr G. Allen, post master of Silverton,; and Lora Ames. 518 Main street, Silverton; J. 'Verne Chandler, carpenter, and E. Mar jorle Alexander, both of Simply ret mm uaet ot OtWe 4tfVto ttTvatk from any 4rog-r 4vpartaiiit tor and kd1t a little of it sirkt -and Mrainr tad Tn tbold gea :m that Tm tae wont froekVt hTolfC while the tighter -. vaa. entirrlr. It i ldr that more tJ ae-owaee ia oeededu. 1 'templdtely clear tthe akin aad cai a teali(ul com plexion. - l., - Be inre to atk for the kmk!trrvfit)i OtMae as thla hi aold under rwaraatee- of ntener heck if it tails to remeve yar . Othine Laborateriea, lee - Buffalo, . If. ASt. REDUCED filbDIEli RATES v t - : TP CIORXLA " BY PICKWIClt STAGES i -, 4Ua rraactaea, aas way. flaJt ,. . Xa tzlpk 3.M. - : ri i "Xae"AaeIa, a w, 1279- ' BeaaA tup, 1 50.00. Bpecla! Xatea te Parties f" X- tig at r Mora . ler Inroraiatlea aad7 aeeerraUeaa , Phase 9,-er aU M t- CEyTR.iL STAGE TEIGIEfAL V Salem. Pregoov ; CRYSTAL POOL Swtexnujg Daily Protect Your Health Don't let that summer cold get the best of you. Get a bottle of Schaefers Herbal Cough Cure All lrrtrHptlons filled by men ' ' wh know how CCHAEFER'q U DRUG STORK O The Yellow Front The Tenslar Store 133 North Commercial Street , Fhoae 197 PC DOWN AHD 4? Q MONTHLY Buy any make of TypewrlUr t Typewritera Heated Impaired We make Rubber Stamps, 1 Sesls. etc. Ask us tor prices,. aaaa Atlat;Boclc & Stationery Cp. - '4 65 State Street ' - i i 1 to 10 p.m Fainting and Decorating by V . Skilled Mechanics - , Kcrmefly. Pant Shop .... .Now .located!' at " 4Gabriei Powder & Snpply I fVmnnn w ' -173 ethComaaerdal - i ' Telephone 728 1 Residence and store 1610 N: Summer Street Phono SIH f r EsUblished 1916 ;' ' . - ' ' "' ! ' - i . -. - ' . - - - - t " i. n IlaHame rostponed-- . schclutc4 1 basebaH tm be- pute,7 SalenlOral R. Rlx, a twen ths Priion nine sndjhat Jjf Isawtnlll worker ojtSilverton. and. i!fe 'ntaved at the penitentiary this jorin LansOn Stone, 1037 North aheraooa.-iBecatts ot : the dls-lCapltoI, a . niotormaa and . Lauce. f.Wwoodry -tays 'Cash For iTuraJtoVe " Re, and Store 1610 Nortb. ; Summer Phone 5J1 LADD Cz BUSH,3anIcers V ' - -TlsbUAed 1M8 f. : .; 1 . - f v ; v 1 General Ban!dnfujncs , Office Hoars from 10 a-xa. to 8 p.m. Specials on iWood' Largo load l-ln. slab wood.. J .7 - Cord 4-fL slab wood $l.r per tor'; Cord large second growth fir O If. 50 per c Cords large second growth rrr r? I 00 ptr r o r 1 i 1 1 4 14 iqcb old fir 4 FU oak . 4 Ft.: akh . . 4J.fr,. Maple .... ii.di mi sx.&o per f 18.00 and $1.50 per Q 7.0 and t'.OO per .O J7.C0 per 1 i ccr c: . FRED E. .WEttS. PnOXB 1543 'A..'