The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 16, 1925, Page 18, Image 18

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he Bash J$BaselalV$ Nero;
tie tiaaies ivnue xariKS aura
Many Improvements in Pop
ular Uar Which Is Selling
7: ? at Lower Price
. DETROIT., Mich.. ; Aug. 15.
Following closely the recent price
reduction . on Chevrolet closed
carsr came the announcement to
day from'I W. L Knudeen, presl
dent and general manager of the
Cherrolet Motor . company, that
the entire line of both open and
closed models has been improTed
by the addition of numerous im
' provements. i-;r K:"fi .
. Included in the list ot improve-
ments are new and attractive
Leadllghts which replace" the for
mer type.s They are mounted on
a heavy tie-bar placed between
the front fenders. This arrange
ment affords better mounting' for
- the headlights and permits them
to be Interchangeable, eliminating
the necessity tor right nd left
hand lamps. The tie-bar also pro-
Tides a convenient place for carry
ing the front license plate.
The former steering wheel has
been supplanted by a substantial
walnut wheel with notched finger-
grips. The center ot the wheel
spider is ot polished aluminum.
' An Improved mounting for the
spark and throttle controls has
been arranged on the Instrument
The gear i shift lever has been
lengthened three inches
The .horn , formerly used has
been replaced by a motor .driven
Klaxon born. ;
. A heavier tie-rod ha been plac
ed between the radiator and dash
'Additional Interior" reinforce
ments have been added to the
Harrison radiator of rustless air
, plane metal. v '
Balloon tires are standard, on
all ejoaed models
Indestructible -Duco finish is
used on both open and closed cars.
The sedan Is In aquamarine blue
j and the coach and coupe In eage
green. The roadster, and touring
models are finished In gun metal
grty Duco with striping to match
aaa are upholstered In grey which
blends pleasingly with the body
"Chevrolet's unprecedented leap
i into favor "as the most popular
! gear-shift has brought production
! and sales to a record which en
-! ables us to! offer an even better
I value," said Mr. Knudeen In com
. i kit .m i' . a t " t
ij.'. 1 ' 11 ' 1
- f ,1 -4 Vsf-WCf1 11111 sW
(By Associated Press.) Major
General William II. Johnston,
LOCal Dodge Dealer Com- Camp Lewis; Rear Admiral.!. V.
monfc An Pnneictonro nf Chase, Bremerton; Congressman
Dodge Policies
Joe Bush, veteran pitoher. was
discarded last winter by the
Yankeest traded to the St. Louis
Browns with two youngsters for
Urban Shocker. Tanks figured
Shocker would bring them the pen
nant. Bush has won more games
for St. Louis than Shocker has tor
Tanks and can't feel blue about
it. Photos of Joseph in pitching
and fiddling moods.
trail for the intrepid iChicagOans,
the Willys-Knight Slx: will return
to Chicago In time to lead the ex
pedition jas pilot car early in Oc
tober. , 5 -v .
'Tis a pity tharyW iboys ;
On the street should find your
joys - 1- '": '
How much safer it would be.
If in public parks you'd be, "
Having SAFETY with your toy!"
With this slogan, Gertrude Szyl-
wian, 11 y'ears old, won the Safety
menung ou ids loerea price oil . ikiv.,.vW.(I'
the closed cars. "Only those re
finements were adopted which we I
found 'after exhaustive tests to bel
of practical value and increased
utility, and In keeping with our
policy of building a quality car at
the lowest cost." -
Qd Days Recalled
rath-Finder Car Recalls Days" of
FatheV Marquette Picking
- Motorcar's Route '
' Vividly recalling the old fron
tier day when that Intrepid
French explorer, .Father4 Mar
quette, was the first white man
to drift down the Mississippi riv
er, the Wlllya-Khlght Six patF
f inding car Is now blazing a trail
from Lake Superior to the Gulf
ot Mexico for wealthy Chicago
iiotorists. i
' This Willys-Knight Six left Chi
cago on July 25 in charge of
Frank J. Kroulik, editor of the
Illinois Motorist, official journal
of the Illinois Automobile club
which Is sponsoring the trip for
i'A members.
The unusual venture marks the
beginning of the mosf pretentious
expedition by automobile owners
ever attempted, and will, consume
about three weeks before the "huge
party returns to Chicago. "V- The
trip as taken la closely analogous
with the Club's Safety campaign
among -orphanages in 'the Detroit
area. - "m r - "
" The .prize offered: for the best
slogan was the Ford Motor" Com
pany's Safety float which Von tirst
honors iti Detroit's- Safety parade
tor 1925; . ':'. rr 'i-
Gertrude Is a student 'in the
sixth grade of the Fellcian Sisters
school, and as a consequence ot
her cleverness she and -her- play
mates "will receive 1 the float
mounted with the miniature house
and". school" building." which o de
lighted the youth of the city.
Earl Fonda, formerly of Eugene,
is now with the Valley Motor Com
pany in Salem.' Mr. Fonda has had
several years experience in the au
tomobile business and will be the
promotion .man in the sales de
partment here. ! i v , '
The advertisement, "world wide
good will," which recently ap
peared on poster boards and in
magazines and newspapers every
where, has called forth much dis-
(cussion of the true value to a
business of that highly prized yet
ntangible asset known as "good
"The "good will of every own
er, says Mr. uussen uonesieeie
of the Bonesteele Motor Company,
local Dodge Brothers dealers, "Is
an Ideal whiTH has dominated the
policy of manufacturer and deal
er' alike ever since the .first car
carrying the name Dodge Broth
ers was designed. Public conti
dence -ln the policies back ot the
Mr was as eagerly sought as con
fide nee in the car itself.
'Important among these orig
inal policies back of Dodge Broth
ers good will sound policies
which will be folloyed as long as
Dodge Brothers motor car is built
is the principle ot concentrat
ing on the perfection of a "single
Cl'iBSlS. r '
"Production of an endless series
of annual models was regarded as
an unsound policy, a policy at
wide variance with the avowed
purpose of winning world wide
tood will.
: The slogan . 'Constantly Im
proved but no yearly models'
announced the policy clearly and
showed the public exactly what
they were buying when they chose
cars bearing ' Dodge Brothers'
"Not once in well over ten years
has the car failed to uphold and
enhance Its reputation for faith
ful performance. Not once have
Dodge Brothers departed from
: their announced intention of sup
plying a product of consistent
goodness, and " continued better
ment without recourse' to the
policy of an endless, series .of an
nual models "to stimulate sales."
Llndley H. Hadley. Bellingham.
and John Summers. .Walla Walla,
reviewed one' thousand members
ot the Washington state Ameri
can legion In a ' parade 'here today.
The organization opened a con
vention In this city Tuesday. Drum
corps of Bellingham. Mount Vern
on, Vancouver, Camas and We-
natchee and a band - of Olympla
participated in the parade. James
A. Drain of Toledo, Ohio, national
commander of the American le
gion was to fly here in a seaplane
from Seattle tomorrow to address
the convention.'
1 Radio Goose
i Pkoit Crotltp Pad'9
This coose does not lay cbhlcn
eggs but docs enjoy listening to
radio music
! Chicago now averages a murder
a day- and It they keep it up some
'of these times tt will be a dead
town.- ' .
ftoe TALKS
So fatorably impressed were
United States army authorities by
the new 1 210-foot I high airship
mooring 1 tower at the Ford Air
port that' the designs j are - to be
used torf a similar tower to be
erected at Scott Field, Dayton,
Ohio. . jf ' j- -:
The Aircraft Development Cor
poration I which erected the Ford
tower wil aid in the goverament
work. j; j; '
Have too ever been on a hich-
wiv which oermitted of bat two
lines of traffic and have someoae
Ihold up a'vdozea cars because, of
Itheir " ,nwiUiagiess to travel
faster than 12 or 15 tnltea aa
hour? Such i person b-aown
as a "mope," and several states
have laws against moping.
I A "mope" is a menace because
it is moping which causes so
jmuch cutting in and around. , i
- . . t i .:
I The city of New Haven, ComU
has a safety zone for pedestrians
getting on street cars which com
pels motor cars to : follow ' the
jhreet car on the 'street car
tracks. That means that the
. u-ea between street car and cars
s kept clear for pedestrians. It
s really a good plan.
Soch " signs ass .Dangeros
"urve Eat. Blotzs Macaroni"
ihould be discouraged. If a
motorist should be warned about
a dangerous curve thst message
i enough. His attention shonld
EAT BwnzsW
ifsssjz -rr
not be called to macaroni at the
same time."" ? x
y .
One wonders " why so many
towns do not build highways
around their towns rather than
leading to the center of the city,
adding to congestion. Many a
small town has made the mistake
of routing through traffic along
the main streets.
Seventy-three per cent of all
motor cars are in cities of more
An orjn without' a loose top is
like a man with one liable to go
up in the lf at any time. , This
has been demonstrated time' and
again wltb drying units oi many
different tvDes. The safety de-
to the stirring expedition's1 of" our I partmenf has made lit Vrule tftat
toreiatners wnen tney convoyed there must be some means pro-
from frontier post to post yithlvided Iff all ovens to allow the
o.Ten teams and prajrle e'ehboners. I forte of'. possible explosions? to es-
in auaiuon to oreaaing me i cane wnnout injury to persona ur
property,' .
4.: t i "-v ' '
Leads "Army"
Moreithan 300 employes at the
it I J River Rotige glass plant gathered
TOr iV IQStfJlgUQX kt ' the reaf of the plaint ' Sarin g
1 1 iuncn nour june o ior u cuiuuo-
record qV thrpht has' so- t&r
been admirable. Although glass
manufacture. Is recoenized as one
it.,the isatdp,us"oeupatIpnsi r-
lous accidents among , rora glass
workers : have been virtually un
known ; and" minor accidihts hve
5 jJ i
The !pnited States nHne rescue
car was at the Ford Imperial Iron
mine, Mlchigamme, giving lnstruc
tions on first aid and mine rescue
work during the week of July 6 to
11. ' - i , i
Practically every employe of the
Pequaming mills attended a Safety
meeting at the plant and voluntar
ily pledged themselves io give all
aid possible in preventing acci
A" native Con tabula rr com-
- ujaiiucu vj an American, Major
C. IS. Carter (above), has taken
th; place of the force ef Marines
withdrawn from ruard duty in
Nicaraguaafter: 10 yeart occu
Mexico Is said, to be compiling
a list of claims against the United
States that will exceed the amount
of H the ;-American'- claims against
Mexico.? Wonder why Europe has
not tried that plan ot repayment
If the subject of evolution gets
Into the senate debatg everybody
Glas Vinter Enclosures
Its not too early to see us about a glass enclosure
Perfect vtntilatioW I absolute comfort, clear
vIsionon all -sides; easily operated' sliding pan-
els for signaling. Well designed and construct
ed to outwear the car. We have a very attrac
tive proposition to offer those thinking of
getting an enclosure.
? Sec Us Now and Save Time and Money,
0. J. fliill Autp TpP & Paint Co.
Bear of Fire Department
'. . . " i J '-i 111 ' ' 1
-Tppjf Curtains, Door Rods, Duco and
y arnish Reilnishin, Fender, Radiator
and Body Work-
Gasoline La"n(ern'is Dependable for Use "Around 'Auto Camp
There are many ways of light
ing the camp, but for all around
efficiency and' convenience the
gasoline lantern will beat 'answer
the purpose.' !
The 300 candle power light Will
Illuminate the entire camp and
Its surroundings so that i the
camper may cook or even read
without straining his eyes. An
other advantage ot this pressure
lamp is that it is economical to
use. Under ordinary conditions
where the'lamp is used only an
hour or so each night, one filling
should last for a week. :
It is absolutely safe to use, as
it cannot be filled while It Is
burning, or if it is accidentally
knocked over or dropped no harm
will result. j
It packed each time after using
in the carton in which it was pur
chased, the one eet ot mantels
should last for many weeks.
Where a light is not needed
for any period of time, a spot
light with a. long extension cord
will solve the problem very nice
ly. This can be used attached to
the car or clamped to the tent
pole. The rays can be focused so
that a wide range of lighting is
given , In place ot the concentrat
ed beam. There Is no noticeable
drain on the storage battery as
the day's drive will keep It fully
talner too hazardous for.uae.' Tha
fiber containers are about as dur
able as the metal ones and are
safer. '
In the Ford plant at Barcelona,
Spain, enthusiastic support ot the
Safety committee's educational
campaign resulted in the reduction
of accidents from a rate ot 2S5
per million hours worked, in April
to 74.59 per million hours in May.
A good three-cell flashlight
the miner type with a large flare
will 'come In handy around the
camp, i It is advisable to carry an
extra battery and bulb for emerg
ency use.
Next iWeek Water Containers
. t i . .
Metal powder containers are be- sparks caused by friction or acci-
ing replaced with 'fiber boxes la dental ; blows, but also the near
the Fordson coal mines. Invest!- ness of electric wires Into which
gation by safety Inspectors brought a workman carrying powder might
to light the fact that not 'only walk or fall, made the metal con
Hot Springs
Marion Coumty, Orecoa
Open Under w Management
Hot mineral water baths; bot
mineral nod baths and natural
hot mineral vapor bmtha.
Breitenhush Is famous for Its
hot arsenic spring and unusual
variation of other mineral eon
tent. These waters are excep
tionally beneficial to rheuma
1 1 a m , neuritis, constipation,
skin and blood diseases.
Wonderful Bcenery; fine flah
lnjr; trail hiking and moan tain
climbing; good accommoda
tions; escetleni meals; reason
able rate. -
ICQ Ctty-XtrH BJf wmy iidr ca
vtracttM, wui aov pa taw if a.
Take train fra um City. '
rr rmitatr rarUcalan. Witts
Brett enbnsh Hot Spring
' Detroit, Oregon'
Osiffip cools Pates
aa . ITT . n - mm.
The nation is reducing taxes,
the state is preparing to do the
same thing and also to wipe out
debt. Now If the cities, counties
and townships would catch the
same spirit a taxpayer's life
might again be worth living.
at Tfe&eirn Ami"
Substantial savings are made possible by the reduced prices offered for a limited period at all
"Western Auto" Stores. Every article is standard quality, taken from our regular stock and
guaranteed. Complete your camping oxrtfit now, for immediate and future use. Many other
items not shown here are also offered at reduced prices.
Just Like Cooking
at Home
The same well prepared, appe
tizing meals are made posnlbla
in camp with the Prentlaa
Waber stova. It is easy to light
ante durable and compact.
Two size: both have two
burners. Small. -without wind
break re. (S.t5, CA CO
specially priced ... 4iUU
Medium, with windbreak our
low pric 17.S3. CC Ofl
jiow selling for yCaV
Handy Store Legs
Whether you uaa a' gasoline or
wood - burning camp stove,
theae lega will fit and ralae It
to a height where you can cook
In comfort. Our C ' Qrt
reduced prlca Is ' V w U
Note These Low Prices
Wall Tents
are preferred by a lot of ex
perienced campers. These tents -are
of good quality 10-oz. white
dud. well made. They have 3
foot walls and are of the regu
lation design. Can be folded trp and carried on the running board.
Size 8x10 feet, completely equipped with all A OC
poles,' ropes and stakes, specially reduced to ...-p I4sOv
-u-rrz '
Size 10x12 feet
special price
Sizes 12x14 feet
special price
A Comfortable
. Camp Chair .
is alwaya ' welcom after a
atrenunus day tn tha open. In
this "laiy-back chair you will
spend many rentful. enjoyable
moments. strongly made
folds 'compactly easy to carry.
Reduced for -a limited tlnr
ZT..L. S2.75
Cory Camp Chair
A folding chair with" arms that
alfw1 gives real comfort. Its
-varnished - hardwood (rams
glOs extra strong support to
the can-raa srat and back.
Ideal for irtmp. bearh and
porch uaa. For a QO
limited time only VWa I 9
Standard Auto
Here is some value a 7x7-foot.
khaki 10-oz. duck 'tent with side
door, poles and stakes at our excep
tionally low' price. The Ion j front
flap can be dropped over the car or
The "Eats" Taste
Much Better
when arranged neatly on one
of tbara ligbt-wtight folding ta
bles and you can eat In com
fort. Tha table la strong and
rtnrdy It will not : tip. . Now
offered at tha low QO OO
pric ot y wyy
.. Water Bags
Hang them on the outside of
tha car whether In the un or
ahada, Xhu water will keep oooL
Wa hava two types from which
you can aalect. Tha regular
two-gallon sis fC
reduced to V aWw
staked out to form a canopy. Buy now at 4 O CC
this exceedingly low price 4 fc-aWW
Sanitary type.
reduced to
3 H -gallon size
reduced to
two-ralloa a5."
A Real Bargain in
Quality Cots
Six feet 2 inches Ions by 2 feet
4 inches wide. They are well
made of hizV quality hardwood
frame covered with canvas. Folds into a package C!d A "7
only 3 feet long. Only ... I l. . SpO.4" I
Buy That Icy-Hot !
Bottle Now
jr --- --
No camping or touring equipment is complete
without them. A nice cool drink or a piping
hot cup of coffee available at any time on the
trip. Our special price for the pint size, enam- t
eled. that rerularlv telli for I A a A U
$1.85. is reduced to ..........?) 1 .CO
1. ' . ... i . I
Pint size in the nickel corrugated finish that (J4
regularly sells for $2.40. Now reduced toj ..aj) I P I
Kniyes, Forks,
Spoons and Dishes
Tha--ler-Hot- nrwnlna; board
reeuurant also lncludea .-one
ley-Hot Bottla. cha food Jar.
two ifkl-rltel rune boxaa.
Jelly Jar and napkrna. Bqulp
rnent -enough for tuir peipona.
ncaid In a durabta -patent
athT HnJahad container.
Eultraaa atyla
reduced to
Flv-pareon atsa, rmnTnc-board
toyi:.r.u.:!f. S33.10
Put the Mattress
Out of the Way
The "Poncho" 'mattress folds
Into a small roll bo it can eas
ily b carried on ' the running
board of your car. - The pante
ote back covering protects it
from tha dust.- The mattre
Is cotton tvtth khaki top. Very
comfortable and sanitary. Be
duced from
$?. 8 to..;.
t at . - V
' - I '' I
of ah
ia This
Spaca "T
"w KAUIU as you want it
Permit . Tone 1
j, Volume
Jj Selectivity
L ' Simplicity
U Beauty
7 And an unusual offer- Oui
If announcement will bo rriado
Auto Spade
A necessary yrecantlon on
avtrr motor trip, i .This one has
olid" handle and blade 4H
laehs; - lertgth vr all. 2J
Inches. Reduced
to . . .
.... (....;- . ncsicra
j!qre thpn lZ5 Stores in tbs West- fr
? I.
Salem Store: Comer Court c jlljgfr:
Al?lace f ojr Your
It clamps securaJy n tha rnn
nlng poard of your rar. It Is
extra jaattty material and" ad
Jw stable m hetglrt. -Tha length
ia SS-tnrheav raids "flSHih with
running board when not In tiae.
fllacfc wamel nih. -Bedw4
... V(mU
for, Yquk
.Saturdays "
bJU $s 3$ tmsi nl a smm wis