The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 16, 1925, Page 17, Image 17

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Sunday mohntnc; August ic-a
H, R. Speck Gives -ldoa of
the Handling of Gasoline
Before Used
x. i v- f x r . . . -.
ml 9 r t :
1 U--.:.
The roan who drives up to a
freen and white pump and has
ten or fifteen gallons of General
fUHolIne pumped into the tank of
his car seldom stops to reflect Just
bow far and in what ways that
gasoline has traveled before it gets
into the station of the independent
dealer, who supplies him, 'states
W. R. Speck, distributor of Gen
eral Petroleum Products.. 'J
"If we could foliow It from the
wells where it Is produced, per
haps In the Taft, California, field,
through miles of pipe line across
mountains and over deserts to the
refineries; ; thence j through -other
pipe lines to the harbor, where it
is pumped (into the huge ocean
going tankerB that: transport it to
the, storage tanks at Portland;'
.thence by rail to our distribution
tanks; thence by tank to the ser
vice station; and if he could see
all the care with which it must be
handled at every stage of its jour
ney, be could realize better just
what Is necessary to bring his gas
oline to him. I
"The pipe line department of
the General Petroleum Corpora-1
tion. has a mileage of over 400
miles in California! and last year
handled over 25,000,000 barrels of
V oil. In pumping j it over .the
mountains it is necessary to have
stations which heat the oil in the
winter so that it will flow more
I freely. Oil is routed and dispatch-
d through the pipe lines in much
the same manner that trains are
dispatched on the railroad. ; ,
"In thia connection, a recent re
port showed that I in connection
with Its pipe lines, the General
Petroleum". Corporation operates
approximately 1,000 miles of tele
phone and, telegraph wire, with
200 telephones and six telegraph
offices. With the aid of these in
struments and close observation of
tank gauges, the operators and e:-.
gineers are able to -i operate the
pumps in synchronism, and the dis-.
patcher is able to keep in touch!
with every barrel of oil In transit."
::: : '" 1 : - ;w I J iJ Mi
I I j ! 1116 01dsmobile Six Touring ' Tll iT--Trr! J'
V j jThe Qldsmobile Six Coach , ' ' . J' ' -j
all the way from one machine to f V""- fl 7A i
"We have felt a pronounced Uie ow operating costs make? 5 Vi ' w ' w IJ- w .-.
the motorcycle in great demand .-.-- ! j Jf V "
:. i I . I ? W
Announcement is i made from
Willys Overland Sine.,- Toledo.
Ohio, of sweeping ! price reduc
tions on all models effective at
once and covering both ieix and
four cylinder models In the Over:
land and the Willys-Knight lines.
The cuts on the six cylinder
"Willys Knight models range from
95 on the open-models to $200
on the Sedan and the Brougham;
on the four cylinder Willys Knight
line the cuts are $100 on all mod
els with the exception of the se
dan which has dropped $125.
The new low prices on the
Overland Six were announced two
weeks ago. j j !
On the Overland, Four, the cut
on the lie Luxe .Sedan is $45. and
on the Standard Sedan and the
Coupe, $35 Prices on the Tour
ing car remain the 'same a in the
pan. ."; j H .
The pronounced drops In price
on the six cylinder models In both
the Overland and the Willys
Knight lines comes as a distinct
surprise after the low prices nam
el on these models when they
-1 ere introduced. . ! j
The new prices on the Overland
Font maintain for ' this car the
1 1
Toledo-Made Spark Plugs
in Winning Engines on
Land and Water
great speed events both In Ainef-j contest. tLe Crnd.irix Tourlsrne,
lea and ETurope. j
In the recent Grand Prix of
France, held over tti Montulei
Course, rvnolvt won with a Cnarrt
p;m Huiptted lk-Ltge. Wagner. Ui
another lielage. power with tlw
same type spark plugs, was sec
ond. " '
All the Al.'a Romeou, withdrawn
run over tho same course. Iioillot.
driving a Peugeot, was the win
ner In the five litre , (300-cubic
inrhl dbilae-jTent class. All rar
With-whir a. Lieut. Wade., of UhiK
world airplane fliers, drove-fropt j
Io Acge!e:io New TorkUa
non--tn. run. , was'equlpped
riianipitm-. as wn the Wills St e.
ia t-ach o The three piston dU-iC'laiie )iich L 11. Miller use4 In
establishing a new cofst to coat
record of 102 hour and 4 5 minutes.
Ten of the 15 spd boats par-
rhnnpion spark plugs rontimir t
o play a leading p-rt In vttriujs
liacement t lasses were Ch-iiipioaj
On Julj 20. Ralph DePatma
drove a pretty race tit win the an-
when Antonio A.scarl. leading Eu-i nual Denver event with his Vliller j titrating la the rei-ut farannah
rup-an uriv-r. was wt-rt? j Speriat. urtrin ly fu-iMiou i. f Tia. water carnival ra.--s nid
riiuiptx-d ith t'hawpious, Li-, 7, ,., ipa,k j,iUgH wre ! rhauipiftn. Baby Sunh!ne. wlu
cludins As:ti'd car. an Important fartor in two greut tt-r ia Loth nain rveuts, and Mis;
lUe ('.land irix toiioed :;'.or-1 cross-conntry .'drives during tlieif.i. I eter.burg. the moner-up.
ly ufler the great touring ear lat few weeks. The Packard were both Champion equipped.
distinctibn of 'being the lowest
priced four cylinder f car on the
market eotiHd-witli . alandard ,
three-forward speed Iransmissicn.
Reports from the Pacific coast
territory indicate that the demand
f r all raodel3 has been above the
quotas set toe the territory while
all over the country, the price
drop comes in the face of a sus
tained demand which has kept
Willys Qyerland production at the
highest point ever reached in the
hkstory of the company.
No changes in specifications or
equipment are announced or con-
emplated, " the price; drop being
iUBtifiedj by the .high output rec
ords of .the factory which have
ktpt the manufacturing ; ; coats
. Local - representatives for Over
load a n(J Willys Knight when in
terviewed regarding the price
drop. said. "That It was entirely
unexpected is borne out by the
fact thatj pur regional sales meet
ing Just I closed, Saturday and at
that time we : had no Information
regarding the change.- -"
"It comes only a day after the
arrival ht. Mr. John N. Willys,
president of the Willys Overland
Inc., from a trip to Europe and Is
; undoubtedly a part of his general
. ; ;
1 a .
cr which" he hascalledthV
"pup" because it is Ihe smallest
real radio set in the world.'
'I'll, t r-m inH ri i iifwliilin fJ
I ilvnry rord 01 Radio, ne want- ciintes ia his Cincinnati plants
,cd to buy a one-tube radio re- makes it possible to sell the set
1TP HE lire ambition of Powel
V Cro-ley. Jr.. is about to be
irealized. tour years ago. be-
lore ne was reierrea 10 as mc
r t-iver for his son to play with.
.He was informed it would cost
3 1 30.00. Feeling that was en
tirely too much money to spend
for a boy's toy and also realiz
ing there must be other fathers
who would like to give radio
sets to their children, he made
up his mind to someday build
a radio set which would be
within the pocket-book reach
f everybody. 1
, Success has crowned the ef
forts of the inventor of the new
for S9.7& A radio of this kind
makes it possible to "lake your
entertainment . with" you. - It
weighs about a pound and is
only 3yvby 4Vby-4K Inches.
Experiments - have demon
strated this single-tube receiver
will pick-up signals from dis
tant broadcasting stations with
excellent, volume and the super
power stations ;pound right
in. Its .inventor believes that
it will not be long until foreign
nign-power stations ; win De
l&inslc-tube regenerative receiv. beard with a one-tube receiver
piogram which is aimed at keep
ing the high production figures of
his-company up to their present
rate til during the fall and winter
seasons. !
We have felt a pronounced
trend toward Willys Knight and
Overland products this year, not
particularly became of price but
because of the recognition on the
part of the-car . buying public ol
the values we have to offer. Theso
new pricee make this value moie
evident than ever before. :
j "On our standard production
they are the lowest ever reached
in . the history of the organiza
tion. .We are mdre than ever ; In
a; position of being able to serve
th price demands of betler than
7e of the entire car buying
public from one organization with
one basic source of responsibility,
j "This will add. to the strength
of our position and at the present
tme we rank as the,third largest
a,nd strongest motor car manufac
turing company In the world."
Police and sheriff's, depart
ments throughout the country are
fast turning to the motorcycle as
a! solution of handling their .fast
increasing traffic problems. This
swift, 'economical : means of trans
portation for officers In chasing
speeders, running down '-bootleggers
and drunken drivers has
made the motorcycle very popular
with all law enforcement depart
ments. '
j There are now 2433 depart
ments using Ilarley-Davidson
equipment in the United State3.
says Harry W. Scott, local cycle
dealer, and these departments
purchased during. the past season
a, total of 2236 motorcycles: These
were purchased In varied amounts
Yosemlte National Park Mo
torists by the' hundred arrived Jn
Yosemite National Park over the
Wawona road thia week and ex
pressed much satisfaction with the
abolition of controls between In
spiration Point and the floor of
the valley.
The road between these points
as Improved by the National Park
Service during the summer, prov
ed plenty wide for up-going and
down-going machines to pass.
Relegation to the scrap-heap of
the old regulations permitting as
cent of a the grade only on e?en
hours and descent on odd hours
made a hit with Mr. Motorist.
It may be time to remark that,
in spite of the generwal uneasi
ness about 1 von Hlndenburg's
election, the kaiser does not seem
to be geting nearer to Potsdam.
Accessories and Oil
I00.1 North Capitol
Willard Battery
Fits practically all cars made
The Battery Man
531 Court Street ; Phone 19S
Member Willard Battery Men
one -But All Three
With one swift sure stride, Oldsmbbile at-
...... I j '
tains a position of commanding importance.
Here is greater 'beauty 'and finer per
formance an impressive achievement
that becomes doubly so with the drastic
reduction of Oldsmobile prices! In fairness
to yourself, your pocket book and your sense
of satisfaction arrange to see and drive this
latest Oldsmobile at the earliest opportxinity.
Touring '875 Coach '950 Sedan '1025
f. o. i. Lansing, plus lax
-'. , i ...
I j
F. W. Pettyjohn
363 North Commercial Salem, Oregon
' " - VTA 7wiir.rUo..t K oV