The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 14, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    til' M-
! I' 1.
5 . '
"7 "'
:-- . r . :?r PRICE-FIVE CENITv
south d.kota fasolt are
01 KM
wail smmm
connn ecu f.nn c
mm beer si
f l nrrmrn rnn mirii
M.t G. Palmer Meets it Death
Last Month in foolhardy
- Demonstration ;
Man Who Was Kidnaped by Ea-
j caped Convicts Falls to Re-
;', port to Officers "
Police are looking for- C. V.
ivitts lor further questioning. He
Thousands View Dead Desperado;
Sweeney and Holman to-
Be Buried Hero ; '
Three Vicious Convicts Will Face
Death on, Gallows If Cap
' tared Alive
Pierce Declares Escaped
Convicts Must Be Re
turned Dead or Alive i
Two Investigations into he des
perate escape at the penitentiary
mm are attacked '-: cmi?EMPST::TSpraouslwii.-ti--V'ltS-SU!1
.' ! f ! : r i! ?N !'. ;W i I State .nosnltal" who" waa -idnanedf J mt14...j.. I . ... . . . . . . .
i taio p homo. ncauu d"'". i mnuesi win oe neia loaay u do-
Prohibition Department Un
' . able to' Check Supply of ;
Banned Liquor '
DrlTer Is Declared to IITe Been
; ( Unaware of Approaching --
Pasaencer Train ' "
One of-Three Convicts Bs
'fieY'ed Located In UnlQrt "
r 'Hill District "vr-- :
Btrike Made With Intention of
Frightening Bandits' FataT to
V ..." ' Tmrty; Om iayi iwc
' HARBIN. Manchuria, Ang. .13.
'(By Associated Press.)
' Palmer, the American
state hospital who was kidnaped I
by the three conricts who escaped
; fromr the, penitentiary Wednesday
night. ' He was ordered to remain
In' town by the coroner, tts" he is
wanted at the inquest slated lor j
After returning to the city Wed
nesday night, IvStts complained of
Morgan gVfti f . Z
Governor Issues Order That $l6oo
; Be1 'Appropriated for tap- ?
i " tore of Each of Vicious'
7" 1 Murderers
Rewards V aggregating $3,000
will be recommended to the '1927
legislature for the capture, dead
announced yesterday that the body termine, If possible, which of the
escaping convicts Killed j. M4
Holman and Jnhn flwMnf. niarifa
aay.ior iniermenu ae arranKw- and , wounded mto . Savage, ao-
ments are being completed "by Dee I cording to L T.'RIgdon, Marlon
Jones, a brother of the dead man, county coroner. Evidence ana
T: w Hall and Mrs. Bessie Hall. Photographs obtained by John II.
hellered to be brother-in-law and Carsoffdistrlct attorney, lmmedi-
sister and ; S. Greco, ? who ' came lelT iouowing tne escape, win oe
rAm T.rtiani, ' i I offered and preserved in event the
Plans were delayed owing to the pea, consul are
an? B iuu pruugui, ueig tur uiw.
Total of fl.000 Barrels, Valued at
$100,600, Is Taken in the
i" - Last SO Days; Drlvo
- Being Made ,
EUGENE. Or., Aug. 13-(By
Associated-press.) Four persons
were killed and' two injured at
&30 o'clock tonight when a South
Dakota car. was hit by Southern
Pacific trsln No. 33. south bouhd
at Harrisburg. 18 .miles north of
I here. The dear are Mr. and Mrs. Contingent ef Guardsmen Sent to
Ulid far t!htnes I hkndita' at his I Uft wnrif fnr-'tiiw. - L.1.. ' i T.- Mnn Vila-1
. . ! .: ' . ' . . . .... I shall have a full and com-
NEW YORK, Aug. 13. (By
Associated Press.) A rising tide
of real pre-war beer is flowing
through ' the east, challenging
S. W. Castle of Rapid City, C. D.,
and their two daughters. Sylvia,
15 and Bertha. IS. The Injured
are Evelyn Castle. another
daughter,- and Merwyn Castle, 1C,
of Portland, a cousin.'
The "boy. was driving the ma
chine and turned squarely in front
of the oncoming train at a cross-
Sections . New Lead iscw
Being Followed. Up bj
- . Foseer Authorities -
Four - armed guards -were - dis
patched last night to the Union
Hill region, about 30 miles. from
Salem on the Sliver Creek Falls
month met death while staging a
partment to check Its circulation
iiiruuiu iuo can, cuuiciiimt . - n I " - -
ranch on the Snngarl f river last tho district lattorney, at 9 o'clock WOrth Kelly and James Willos. cllned persons who continued Ho . ft of antha effort of the .prohibition de-fin ";t"" -ution not know- h4 uadc t,B,troc"8";, "V?
iithi. mnminr xty, i, u ' ? - w HJ,-B v.v I Pleo invesUgation made of all the I . . ,,..,.,- et Harrlsburg sution, not k-- , d.tMrtt tad taki bp ibi
. ' 1 .MAprflnv n .iwtjtlamaT mvi aanni w - - - j - -jiiii.-.
the morning but not since that
warlike demonstration Intended to f?;.vA.."PLfroin! lata t-r.t wonoV waiter How many W viewed the f tt tnree ft, nr. j?
frlfhten awav the bandits. i U8 oeeii - ; "j 7-. dead desperado Is not known, but - Eawon Kellr and James
r . seen arounn mt nni mitir mmtib m. riprce.1 ibb mrea nameu meuiu . . it - v-i i .v .
, , . - T - . , - . . ilk is esuuuiicu uj luwa iu viuus,
were convicts at the penltentlArylthat jt fg we!l Into the thousands.
I A A . J It.-I 11 J1 J I
4 uu v b m cusi ays vuwuti vvr -
who shot i their: T way to " liberty
about 6 o'clock Wednesday night
after killing two guards, serious-
the sonf Dr. Harvey J. Howard hbeve
of the Rockefeller 1 hospital in Pe- police are checklug hlm at the
"ttU r'0 k railroad stations.
tte 1 me.V ' I' 1 0W& W i 5Z 7lTUts hadalarge check in his ly wounding one guard" and beat-
v ,v i 5.; T V 1 V". and came j down town
by the bandits and st 11 Is held tor Wednetsday afternoon to : get it
Mrs. Palmer said that her son, K,,., n . ntrai .n -
July 20, declared his intention to ta.t frnrn thft lnatItnfirtn a. va
.'take guns and go by automobile entered ti. utflmnMh fh .
. r. m-v.. w v , - I convicts appeared ' on the ecene
II pared, for them lt-they; .commandeered the car Wne
v v tack his ranch. Dr. Howard Join- tha mnrirt .h... m..
S J dt Palmer's party with his son. chlne inev reiieTed him of 14E0
n. 1 a I - w
The others were a Russian chauff
eur, Palmer's Chinese servant and
a Russian ;bdy. Arriving at the
village adjacent! to the bandit's
stronghold, the party got out and
sent the car j back for reinforce-
In cash, $40 of which was returned
to him. He had been' employed at
the hospital for about a year and
received $27 a month.: ' V
ing another. . Oregon Jones', the
fourth , member vt, the escaping
party, was killed by a guard.
"On Wednesday evening, Aug.
12, at about 6 o'clock p. m., four
prisoners, ' namely Bert : Jones,
James Willos Tom, Murray and
Ellsworth Kelly; escaped from the
state nenitentiary at Salem, mur
dering J. H. Holman and John
Sweeney, guards, and sariously
So numerous were the callers that
the - owners of the establishment
were forced to , . spread ; blankets
over the carpets to protect these
from the constant tread of . feet.
Funeral arrangements for John
Sweeney, 59, and J. H. Holman,
55, murdered guards, had not yet
been completed late Thursday, att-
ernoon but it was thought, the
services would be held Saturday.
Lute Savage, guard, was. pro
nounced out of danger today. He
was shot a few inches beneath the
heart, the bullet entering between
the fifth and sixth ribs. ' James
Nesmith, turnkey, was still de-
lerious and the extent of his' In-
the major commodity
of syndicate bootleggers, accord
ing to Prohibition Director Mer
rick. -
' Three, carloads-of beer were
seized today, by prohibition agents
from Mr. Merrick's office, bring
ing the total' seizures during the
past 30 days to 6.000 barrels, and
valued at $100,000. .
The increase In the beer traffic
is traceable to the . manufacture
of real beer by supposedly defunct
breweries' located in the main in
New' Jersey,. Pennsylvania and
Massachusetts, the director said.
' A comparative famine of hard
ray. Ellsworth Kelly and ' James
Willos." Governor Pierce said.
'At this time I 'can see-nothing
in the facts as 'presented to me
that shows any cowardice or lack
of management on the part of the
warden or any of his subordin
ates.'! 1
Friends of Warden A. M. Dal-
rymple and guards . at the peni
tentiary were! bitter in their de
nunciation of the interview In a
Portland afternoon paper yester
day in which Oswald West, former
governor, attacked the warden.
whom he held solely to blame for
the entire occurrence. It is point
ing me iraxa was com,uB. .iu- KATch tof OM of tB6 three-con-nesses
said. It was sUted the , wno e,caped ' Wednesday
engineer did not see the machine nllhtt' fon0wlng a report about
until -It loomed up In thglare f.,0 0.cloclt frera m famer-rrite
of. the headlight an Instant before o tQ4t yiCinitr.- - . -
l"..-" . .; ' Awakened by the barklng'Of
;.The,dead were frightfully mnti- do Kaowlng that the eon
lated. while the injured children. TlcU wepe ta tn.
wno were orougnt on nere xo a i ,v. oat of the
hospiui; will recover, according!. do . uv . man running
of the escape, as related by West
do not agree with the accounts in
other, columns' of the same paper
that were given by newspapermen
ter the escape became known.
Should any; of the ' three con-
tha proclamation reads. "Bert
n.vt,B, auwtuuvuv jones. one oi tne escamns: conncis i j u icb wm uol do - .avwn uuui i . .
1,lnn . V . ..' , .... . .... i .Z - . . i- . .-, iwno were Ull vuo oceu- buuimjw
V.4 14V. fill.... .-..J 1 I . - - - I cm uuc. VJ -'-mwv,ii'i. J """'J " "
4 -Tiii ; i 7 6 ' m ""ont or tne prison garage at guard. 1 and It is believed to be fractured
fThemurder of these two faith- There Is also the possibility that
lX 1SZIa 1VT, 1 01 ine escape ana me anver laucea ful guards was an atrocious crime, I he has a . clot of blood on his
D " I lO .rusiy HI IBB Si.TO.ubU1 I Inri T foci thaf arv ftffirial ' in I hmiln nKnMo-. ..M" T- AAt.
. - i ami tuen uiBiupearea inins , ah norr nMs M crrnrf tn ofro-t thA In .
? ra!j 4; :,10t- recUo5 of the hospital; that Ivitts capture of these escaped convicts convict.
caea me iarge cnecK ana mai l and return them to the Oregon
i I
Palmer, however. Insisted In go- the ordered taxi arrired almnl-
ing on. He led his party to a taheouslr with the scan of th
ruined temple, ' fjur miles from convicts is being, regarded as sus-
iuo, ranca ana miaway oeween i picious by oHiclals and more than
two villages. ' Baldwin climbed to I a mere coincident.
the top of the temple , to recon-J
nolteA palmer. Dr. Howard andl
the Chinese and Russian boys-en-1
tered ! a nearby cornfield, while
State, penitentiary tor punishment
as provided by law. ; '
i tTheref ore, L-' Walter M. Pierce,
governor of Oregon, by virtue of
the authority in me vested, do
hereby proclaim thai - I shall re
commend to the next succeeding
legislature of the state of Oregon
"4 ;
young Howard remained alone in
the car. j
i From the; top of the temple
Baldwin saw the bandits mount
and Tirenare ta bii. a anrtla TTa
Wdeacended and .t-rt-A i- a -ft. I (By The Associated Press). Roy
HI Pursuit of Palmer and his group ?r Wilcox of Eau Claire was homt
and at the same time the bandits Hated by tne republican party In
rJ made a, mart, to, cut off thaiF - te convention here tonight for
OSHKOSH. Wis., Aug. 13.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 13. (By
Associated Press.) Claud Hol-
NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPHER I comb and C Stephens were con-
RUSHED BY TAXI DRIVER ' victed 1 In superior . court tonight
I of conspirinr to kidnap Mary Pick-
Humor was injected Into thelfn and Knld her for 1200.000
that a reward of $1,000 be ' paid I hunt for the three escaped convicts I ransom, r 'A ' j third defendant,
by the state of Oregon to the per- Thursday morning when Z. J. Adrian Wood J was ncouitted. J
factor giving Impetus to Its pop
ularity. "Investigation by agents
has disclosed that the greater
part of. the beer flowing into east
ern cities is coming from brewer
ies located in and about Scranton,c
Pa., Mr. Merrick said. "But we
have seized considerable been con
signed by freight from New Jer
sey and Massachusetts
Lowell, Mass., is another flag
rant violator. On one day seve
ral weeks ago federal agents lo
cated and 'seized In Mayfair.lN.
T Providence. R. I., and Jersey
City, N; Y-. an agrregate of seven
carloads consigned, to these points
from that city."
; To combat the new situation
rpecia! Investigators have been as
sirned to "mop -up' of rending dis-tricts-
in the .middle Atlantic
states, Mr. Merrick said. .
to physicians.
Merwyn is the son of J. E.
Castle of 385 East Davis street.
Portland, brother of the dead man.
The party had driven down from
Portland to pick hops In the Har
rlsburg vicinity, survivors said.
(By Associated Press.) After
bitter legal tilt over the admlsa-
ability In evidence of the confes
sion made by Dorothy Ellin gson to
police tb JiT of her arrest on a
charge - of the murder - of her
mother, Mrs. Anna Ellin gson, the
prosecution completed its case to
day at the trial of the 17-year-old
Jaxx- girL Although-defense
counsel stroffgly opposed the in
troduction of the confession on the
through the cabbage patch she
reported. Union Hill Is located
in a sparsely settled district and
the presence of a man that hour
of the nighf.was regarded ' with
suspicion and alarm. The guards
left th prison about '10 o'clock
and took up a position at the fafm
house.' ''.? -
Acting npon telephone tnforma
tion from a man in the King's
ranch section, about 9 miles from
Stayton. Capt. Paul Hendricks. Ia.
charge of a detachment of national
seat a posse to the ranch district
about 11 o'clock. . .
, Another 'ray, of .hope broke,
through the clouds late this "ait
ernoon. when it was reported by
George LC Oliver that tracks ms5e'
by three men had been found near
Shaw . and. that . these resembled'
the- prints of prison shoes. Deputy
Warden J. W- Llllia tntesUjaUd .
and found nothing. , -. ' -
Nearly 75 square, miles have
son or persons Instrumental In the I Zinn, driver of the commandeered
apprenension and return of each I taxi, . objected ( to being photo
of the said convict, James Wil-I graphed by newspapermen. The
los, Tom Murray and - Ellsworth
Kelly, dead or allvei-
treat, whereupon Baldwin swerv
ed. to pick up others of the party,
who from the running board of
xae auiomooiie carried vn a run
ning fire while making a dash for
jthe- ranch. j ; '
i Meanwhile' Palmer and those
with him were erictrcled - by an
other group of bandit horsemen
Dr. Howard and the Russian boy
the office of United States senator
on the fourth ballot of the conven
tion. The nomination- was made
unanimous after W. L. Pieplow of
Milwaukee threw his ivote of 183
to Wilcox.
The candidacy of Mr. Wilcox
ran" a' hectic course through the
convention, the lead having at' one
time' gone to Dean H. L. Russell I
lliraw Anmtrt fVnl. .41- . A I of agricultural college of the Uni-
hit eisns of surrender, but Palmer Tereity of Wisconsin-who with-
resentatlve that he was unable , to
make-the race. f - -
'Fourth and first ' formal ballot
gave Wilcox 339,' McGovern 53;
! NOME, Alaska, " Aug.. 13 (By
Associated; Press.) ---Advices re
ceived here today stated-that the
gasoline schooners Baychino and
Brown were at Herschell Island,
50 ' miles "east of. the Canadian
Alaska boundary line, in the Are-
tic ocean, August '5, to stay ten
da VS. ... . a ' f
party accompanied a group Of
Portland police officers to the
schoolhouse where Zinn and Ivitts,
a passenger, had been tied up by
the convicts. Cautiously poling his
camera between the arms of two
of the police, ' a photograph was
obtained." Zinn,' upon learning of
this, Immediately grabbed a club
and went after the offending cam
eraman, who fled. with a pipe In
his mouth and his camera and tri
pod in one hand. Zinn was held
by four of the officers and gradu
ally calmed down.
The case went to the Jury late I
today after a! trial lasting three
weeks. ' The Jurors . deliberated
about six hours before signaling
that they had reached an agree
ment. 'I i "
Neither of the convicted men
showed any emotion when the
verdict was read at 9:47 p. m.,
nor did the acquited defendant
evince any surprise over his ex
oneration. Holcomb and Ste
phens will be brought into court
for sentence at' 10 a. m., tomor
row at which time their attorneys
plan to present a plan for a new
trial. ! ! ' .
aroy insane at the time It was
made the statement was finally
admitted Into the record. . The
first witnesses called by the de
fense was Dorothy's-father, Joseph
Ellingson, who testified that he
believed the girl to be mentally
I 'Police corporal Alexander. Mc
Daniel, to whom the Ellingson girl
made the confession, "was placed
on the stand and told of Dorothy's
arrest and of her confession made
at 4 o'clock in the morning. When
first questioned, McDantel - testi
fied -the young matricide franticai-
VOTING CAUSES- SPLIT had shot her mother,- but later
she broke down and admitted' the
ground that the girl was tempor- placed under guard vita
YAKIMA, Wash.. Aug. 13.
Seven automobile loads of federal
prohibition agents, sheriffs and
deputies swept Into Cle Elum.'7S
miles north of here In Kittitas
county, shortly before noon today. 1
staged a series of raids which
netted 2 S arrests, and seized and
(CoaUa4 aai par V)
and: his Chinese servant continu
ed firing.' f 'riM,-f'-.-: vh;
j According to the Russian youth
the1 bandits dismounted and crept
up behind Palmer, : Indian , fash-
A- close range, and then kill
I ed the Chinese hoy la a" similar
. -way. h VTj ii"; ; -J ::.
, Later the outlaws seat messen-
'-!. sera to the Palmer ranch demand
ing money and ammunition. The
defenders there. Who had gather
ed around Palmer's mother,' col-
, lected all the available funds and
cartridges and .went . to". tnaVa
ft h ur iu release oi ine pris-
- doners who had surrendered, but
i found the bandits had descamped.
The Russian boy; was found: In
rine village where he had been car
suffering , from . 'gunshot
i J "wounds In both thighs. The cap-
i , r (Caaliaoai a ( 7J
ll.TItu 15, scattered 3 3.
Early . in the : baHotine a boom
of some pretensions was started'
tor George W. Blanchard of.Ed-1
garton, the permanent chairman
of Jhe convention, but after' re
ceiving a sizeable vote, he with-'
drew leaving the convention race
to Wilcox and William L. Pieplow
of Milwaukee! Front this time on
the vote for Wilcox kept steadily
mounting. v t
''' f i'. 'if
? PORT TOWNSEND. Aug. 1 3.-4-
By AssoclaUd Press.) ' It was
reported here tonight that three
men lost all their clothlnr and if or
four days were without food; or
ater when they were trapped; by
torest flrei which is at oresen
under control In the United States
'orest reserve near Quilcene J
The first meal after their forc
ed last consisted of deer ' meat
; aa - ' :
i ney killed a 'deer after it had
been crippled by a falling tree.
The trio were badly burned but
were picked up and 4 taken to
camp and given . medical treat
anent. r' ., - , .--t
They reported that hundreds of
deer were-killed by the fire. ' In
one creek the carcasses of 30 deer
were found, the animals in their
euori to escape were j severely
uumeo. ana wnen tfr . r'rtp
federal elk ere fouil. :
r. j I fc, - I ' w'V ". i
SILVERTON. Or.. Atig. 13.
(Special, to. The Statesman.)
Company I of the Oregon national
guard, headed by Capt.v Henry
Hutton. is stationed ia the Waldo
Hills. The men went out during
the" night, as soon as word was
sent, and have not returned, to
town since. Word ' has .Teach ed
Silverton- tharTJiey are stationed
in the vicinity -of Wlllard, where
the Zinn ear was abandoned, in
stead of at Prat urn as was at first
given out. Wlllard is about three
and a half miles east of Pratum
and five miles south of SUverton.
A number of the farm women from
the Wlllard district came to Sil-
verton thla morning and 'elated
their intention of remaining here
for a' short time. Underbrush and
timber ia reported te be so thick
in this neighborhood that many
good hiding places would be avail
able. -C 'Those who are acquainted
with the district rtport that should
the convicts reach'jthe Drift creek
canyon they 'would; have an un
broken line of densu timber and
underbrush in. which ie travel un-t'l-'tfccy
-reach-, izto. tts nosn-
' - "V
- : - , .
rt " " -i - ii. ., i nMjair
-y icv 7
; i ,
sy , '
13. (By Associated Press.) The
Washington American legion
meeting here in Its seventh an
nual convention, adjourned its
first session early. today when a
dissension over a report of the
rules and order committee arose.
- The majority report ruled that
each legion post was entitled to
but one vote In district caucuses
which select district commanders.
This would' place the post' with
one delegate on the plane with a
post with 20 delegates. ' The mi
nority report read that each post
could cast as many rotes as they
ihacT delegates. - '". ' .
The msjority report won by a
murder, i ' -
Another battle Is expected at
tomorrow's session if defense at
torneys attempt to Introduce the
full transcript of the Jury'r ver
dict, returned at Dorothy's insan
ity .hearing, declaring the girl In
sane, .";'
. i
, ...... . '
1 ! , . I .
armed men stationed at every
road in the district. - Men ' are
guarding as far. north1 as the
Pudding river bridge and the Jef
ferson bridge to the south. Armed
parties are patrolleg the roads
continually. . -
Just .how many possemea are
in the field Is not known but the'
number Is estimated at front 110
to 200.: . Independent parties and
groups of armed fanners make the
count Impossible. The posses are'
under. the direction- of. Deputy
Warden Llllle. who was recalled
from his vacation at the coat'to
take charge,-; and UaJrTota
Rtisa, :of the .National. Gaard.
Twenty-five -National Guards-: t a
under Captain rani Usadrlcks u&d
(Coiisaa4 pr a.)
s t , ' ...
PORTLAND Ore., Aug. 1 J
(By The AssocUted Press) The l
Southern Pacific railroads pro-' :
posal to increase freight rates en
fruit and vegetables between Cali
fornia and Oregon and Washing
ton points from 49 cents to CZ
cents a hundred was opposed at
the Interstate commerce eomznis-,
aion hearing here today.
This hearing was a eoa tin nation
of the one held Is San Francisco '
August 10 and- by Paul Carter.
NOME. Alaska. Aug. 13. (By
Associated Press.) The . United
Btatts coast .guard cutter Bear
wnicn was aground in Bering
strait, twenty-three hours, has an-
cnored off Nome. None of her I
single vote, but a point of order! crew has come ashore yet.
was raised when It was learned The Bear reported by wireless -ram m-- f- f..-...
tht oalr posts were repre- that the gasoline schooner Maude merce commission in Washington
sented and It took 07 to make a which was reported yesterday to Mr. Carter allow daU parties un-
conyention majority. However, have broken away from the grip tU October 15 to file briefs. Deci-
addltional posts registered tonight, of the Arctic Ice near east rars .ion in th r... mnt k. i-
The matter was to be Uken up Siberia, on the northw m. f l-nra.trf-, wKnn-b, a v-tn
tomorrow morning. " 1 Berin atralt. wonM r.iiotf. kt. tv. -,....'
from A Ttnulin atr-nf-ivt tshlaV I itnAA Wltn&su. A A -
CROP AVcoAGE IS LESold: passed her by la the night, tx Increase the rate12' teats a
' ; The two ships later got In touch! hundred would necessitate an en- '
OFFICIALS DECLARE YIELD LSI with each other by wireless and de additional coat being passed
'liOWEST, u. 3 -aEAiBS . 1 after refueling t-e Maud Is to pro-1 00 t0 the eonrumer or would re-
ceea to Nome. iquire ine jooner to snouider tbe
14. (By! ; Ueutenant rnmmiiui.. t,- - I loss. It was stated that in the
The Associated Press). The aver- Covell, commander of the Bear re-1 c8e of P159. ud as an exam
age prospective yield per acre of ported that the vessel la not d'am-l Jobber operates on a 10
me la-
SUtes Is lower now. the depart- time while lying on the outer ed re onli hTa to pa" on
ment of agriculture estimated to- of a- f f Q creased coat or be wiped c
day. ha, been at this per- 0a thtt - - x " Xl ?fie, '
. anaiav. .. . -
iod In
twelve "years, except ; in
If it were not for an increase of HUGE BLAST PREPARED
2.3 per cent In tne area planted to
these crops, . officials asserted, a
serious crop shortage might have
been Impending. As it is the total
production outlook was placed at
three per cent lower than it was
this time last year.
The acre yield figure "was '4.6
per cent lower man a year ago
and 6.4 per cent "under ' the lo
year average due chiefly, the ex
perts fftint. to rtrooRht ia the
corn belt and souti.wcj:cra states.
and in spite ol a slipht Increase
or:r lYo fire j-ear atcrarc for
airing '" .' "
BAKERSyiELD. Cal.. Aug. If. Slisht earthquake .hocks were
--(By Associated Press) Enough felt here and. In other ' parts cf
dynamite to cause nearby moun- Gallatla rouuty tMs aftrrnocn at
3:30 o'cinclt, Manhattan. Tire
lain peaks to do thm !-,-,-
will be set off on August 23 at
lu - "uaoina rocit qtiarry, n
ieaacani. m an erfort to loosen
sn Inmccsc tonza-5 0f rocks.
Thirty tons of th- cir'fre wn
b nei. F'reral sclecf'.; r-.-n
ar.i f-r!-cr tir r-.i' i'z
tu rt :-.rl tt.3 it:: .. tr lie fr
Forks and other sectfona iu tfco
ear I rath ft tie r.aaVej during the pm
ttpki or :nce June 27, tx-
rcrl.ncei t.rcral sLoc'ks tfurSi:,
tv , - v , r . . .... 3 , .. ,
(-.'.-- - ' r : ' - -
il ' 5 I ! i r .
I'- : - ' ' 7:53 lrt r.;-'.