The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 13, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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. See Our
' Fair .
Cloudy near the coast and fair
in the Interior; V continued warm
iu the interior; light west winds.
Max. 75; Min. 54; River 1.9.
stationary: Atmosphere partially
cloudy;-Wind southwest.
The Theaters Today
i hi : : ;
Oregon Anna Q. Nilsson.
Ben; Lyon, Marjorie Daw
in -One Way Street."
Grand Adolphe Menjou
Greta Nissen in' "Lost-r-A
Wife." j I- " '
IUigh Eva Novak in "Ra
clna for Life." .
Portland Man Fined
P. Mi Wallace of Portland was
fined J ir in the Justice court yes
terday on a charge of speeding.
The arrest was, made by Olin O.
Nichols, Btate traffic officer.
1 :;..u, : !.
j ! New I 4-room bungalow with
garage ' on paved street (paving
paid ). on street car line, with
three extra lots; taken on mort
gage, price.l $2775 for all. Terms,
$475 cash, balance monthly' pay
ments, t See "Ralph H. McCurdy,
office over Miller's store. . ala
Assault Bring FlneV
i Walter H. Fleming was fined
$50 in justice court yesterday j
wufn ne appearea Deiure oreiier
C. Small, justice of the peace, on
a charge of assault and battery
The complaint wa sworn out by
his wife, Dorothy Fleming. The
fine was paid late In the after
nooov 1 " '"'' : -
Ixwrt Rnifolcl
Name Lewfsi Skirvln inside.
iRetum to Statesman office. al3
Woodry Boys Furniture
Store, at Summer and Norway!
tretts. Phone 511. JIBtt
Birth Is Reported "
; : To Mr.' and! Mrs. James A. Car
son, 499 N. 24th street, Sunday,
August 9. a "son., to-be called
Laurehce Eugene.
Kalnion for Canning
w....--. .
lbf8LCe. 1 i'
it Market. al;
! 14c per
3:.c. Midget
HaptiKt Women to'Meec
The women's society of the
First Baptist church will hold a
program meeting at the state fair
grounds Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock Mrs. Warnegle. a return
d missionary from Nicaragua,
will. speak. 'Other addresses will
be made; Husbands and families
of the women are Invited to join
in a picnic supper at 6; o'clock.
Time to Can Salmon-
Fine fat deep sea troll fish at
Fltta Market. . . 2tf
Two Licences Issoed
Two marriage licences were 1s-
Isned yesterday i In the county
rlerk's office.; --They were taken
lout by Claude C. White, 461 South
V-) . - i i j
i image sireei. a earner. uu moi -
ie Angelina Letand. 2325 State
treet; Haney H. Peters, a farmer.
md Bernice Scott, both of Sub-
imity; '
Dance Satarday Kite
Stayton Community club open!
sir pavilion. A wonderful place!
in dance -delightfully cool. Tal-
liiadge'g All-Stars playing. ' al3
r - 1 i--r.
flnardlan Is Named
G.Wa Johnson & Go.
469 State
For Correct
Come in and see our
All the latest patterns
fl I : a .- 1
pointed guardian of Elsie Huds
peth, declared incompetent. Frieda
M. Oehlerf William H. Trindle
and Martin Fereshetian have been
named appraisers of the estate.
Tbe order ! was Bigned by Circuit
Judge L. II. McMahan, in the ab
sence of J,
T. Hunt, Marion coun-
ty judge. :
Many Useful Articles
In our basement household de-
Stiff's Furniture store.
4 al3
ton Telephone Us, 119
We'll deliver It, no matter how
mall th Item. Capital Drug.
L J2Ztf
Suicide Buried Today
The body of Jim Sullivan, found
dead on ' the bank of the Willa
mette river .here last Sunday, will
be buried today, it was announced
by Coroner L. T. Rig-
don. Officials have been unable
to locate relatives.
Kindergarten '
Opening 1925, at 1570
Court St.
Lita WateTs,, phone
. . a!3
Salem Grange Meets
An all-day meeting of the Salem
Grange will be held at the labor
temple Saturday, starting at 10:30
o'clock.; Drlglnally the Saturday
meeting was planned for a picnic
at the fair grounds but inability
to obtain' a speaker and music
caused a postponement.
Visit Stiffs Used Furnit
Store on High street,, opposite
court house. I . I , . . al3
Jtoard Meets j
Rev, F
C. Taylor, pastor, pre
sided at the monthly meeting of
the official board of the First
Methodist church last night.5 .;
Rain Reported
Salem people who had occasion
to start tb .work at a fairly early
Wednesday morning were
to find a heavy mist
breaking the monotony of the last
two months and many wore heavy
he cloudy weather pre
vailed until about noon when the
sun broke through the clouds and
remainder of the day . was
bright an
d clear.
Salmon for Canning t -
l"4"c per pound, sliced; 2' lbs. for
c. Midget Market.. ai3
Parked Too Long -
For parking overtime five per
sons wer fined $1 in the police
Keunsting, O. - J. Hayes, Jri G.
Shaw, Dr. JL. J. Williams and
E. M. Rowland. . 1
Money to Loai
By payment ot $13.60 per month
Ifor 110 months a loan of $1,000
oar Retired, principal and in-
terest. feee Ralph H. McCurdy.
over Miller's stpre. . Phone 36.
i .
Marls Is Visitor .
Paul V. Maris, director of the
extension service of, the Oregon
Agricultural college was a visitor
at the Chamber vf Commerce yes
I Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic
Physician and surgeon.
Doctors Return "
Dr. Walter H. Brown and Miss
i Thompson, 1 both connected here
here with the Marion county child
health demonstration returned re
cently from a 12-day visit in Ber-
aeiy, wh(wnert iney. boom De-
turw iui - Auicriiau uuiue ciuu
omics association.
Natatoi lum Filled
The new natatorium at the cor
ner of Ferry and South -Liberty
streets has been filled with water
Itors SaaMr ind Korriy gts,
i JHOKE ill
Bays Furniture
Straw Hats at
Half Price
,ur lu ursi time and will be
4 1. . . .
opened to the nubile within
short time, it was announced yes-
iwoay. water was secured from
a 1 300-foot well sunk last spring
in xne Dasement of the building.
Merchant Lunch, 4fte . J
(Cnoice of 4 entrees.
Grill. . i
For Sale
j six-room modern bungalow,
half block from car line, taken oa
ml m ..j
foreclosure; will sell for exact
amount of mortgage $1950.00
terms xzso cash, balance 25
monthly. Ralph H. McCurdy. of
ice over Miller's Store. al3
Approves Local Plan
!j Dr. John Brown, head of the
physical work of the YMCA in
North America, who visited Salem
Tuesday night to inspect the new
building declared hearty approval
of the equipment which is going
into the building. Dr. Brown is
one of the foremost authorities in
the country on the subject of gym
nasium equipment and speaks with
authority. The ; Salem building
will have many features which are
seldom found in a like building
in a city the- size of Salem, he de
clared. f
Light Rlx Rtudebaker Bargain
HA Certified Public Motor Car
Mkt. This is a 1924 model tour
ing, original paint, looks like new.
good tires and car has been driv
en only a few thousand miles. See
this one or phone for demonstra
tion. " ,i a4
To Drain Basement
I In an effort to prevent water
from seeping into the basement of
Waller hall at Willamette univer
sity, drainage pipes are being laid
to lead off the surplus water. Each
year there has been an accumnla
tton of , water there. Last winter
it reached five inches.
Salmon for Canning
14c per lb., sliced;
2 1 lbs.
35c. Midget Market.
A. W. Sefton. age 60 years, died
at his home, 535 North Nineteenth
street, August 12," He is survived
by his wife, and small son, Wayne
Edward, by his! mother' In Los
Angeles, and by two brothers
Fred, of Yoncalla, and John of
Oakland, Cal. Announcement of
funeral will be made later by the
Ha e
In this city, on August 12.
Joseph W. Hayes, age 67 years.
Father of Harlan D. Hayes, of
John Day, Oregon. Mrs. Veda
"runa- . A,IU"
and Mis8Lelah Hayes, of
Carton, Oregon.! Son of Thomas
Swarts, of Portland. Miss Alma
P- ayes. oi canton, and brotner
i or j!.. u. Hayes : oi uauas, j. u.
Hayes, of Toledo, S, A. Hayes, of
Carlton, Mrs. Laura Archibald, of
Shaw, end Mrs; Maggie Easter.
brooks, of BelHngham, Wash. An-
- 1 nouncement of i funeral win be
made later by the Rigdon & Son
mortuary. 1 ,
Funeral services for E. F. Mer
rell of Blue Ridge, Or., who died
at a local hospital August 9, was
held from the Terwilliger home
Mission cemetery.
LADD& BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868 ,
General Banking Business
Office Hour from 10 us. to 8 pjn
We have a very fine. 1923
Oakland coupe with excep
tionally good rubber, and a
8 pa re tire which has never
been used. This In a dandy
buy at C2S. . Also a 1923
Overland touring which looks
and runs like new money.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. (By
Associated Press.) Each side 1
having rejected the first proposal
put forward by the other, the
American and Belgian debt com
mission found themselves tonight
in the position of having to seek
new ground ujon which to renew
tomorrow the negotiations look
ing to the refunding of Belgiam's
war debt to the United States.
There was no official statement
as to how wide a gulf had been
developed in the presentation of
the Belgian offer aud the Amer
ican counter proposal but events
of the day indicated clearly that
the commissions were quite far
apart in their viewpoints.
While there was no expression
of pessimism at the conclusion of
the day's conversations, neither
waa there the show of optimism
so evident after the first day of
the negotiations. The Americans!
will meet early tomorrow for fur
ther consideration of the situation.
and then will go into joint session
again with the Belgians in the
hope that a way to an accord will
be found.
. SEATTLE. Aug. 12. A tenta
tive report of an examiner for the
Interstate commerce commission
received here today pronounced
railroad rates on grain from Utah
and southern ' Idaho to ICorth Pa
cific ports and to San Franciscir
and Los Angeles just and right.
The report suggested changes to 1
tome interior California points."
Testimony was taken at Sail
Lake City on these tariffs, con
stituting the Ogden Grain rates
New Governor of
Virgin Islands;
CapU Martin E. Trench,
above, commandant of the Sixth
naval district at Charleston, S.
C, ha been appointed by Presi
dent Coolidge to be governor of
the Virgin Islands. He will also
command the St. Thomas naval
station. '
McDonald Cleaners
t 7K5 Highland Avenue
Telephone 2217
Work called for and delivered
Painting and Decorating by
Skilled Mechanics
Kennedy Paint Shop
Now located at
Gabriel Powder & Supply
, Company -
175 South Commercial
Telephone 728
. "jiin in -1'iMPJUufi.'r!T?'W4!
Viola Dand in
X it
9 4 ' v ' Jr v -riA
'f i iv
-3 i J in
Maurice B. "Lefty" Flynn, htro of Yale's football gridiron,1
of numerous reel romances an-i several real ones, is Cupid's captive;
again. His latest bride is Viola, Dana, screen star, Thcj are shown.1
case. Seattle participated in the
hearing with a view to asking
elimination fo a differential of
three cents ta hundred pounds In
favor of Portland, if new 'rates
were made.- Ogden shippers asked
lower rates to the coast. j
Colonization Project I si De-
i dared to Have Netted
j Promoter Fortune j
! .
! civ rniVPKm inr i " .
(By Associated Press.) Charged
with using the mails in an attempt
to defraud in connection with the
promotion of a land colonization
scheme in Mexico, Dr. John Carle
ton Dysart of El Paso, Texas, was
arrested In a hotel here today by
the postal inspector's! office Dy
sart is in the city jail pendn? ar
raignment, probably tomorrow, be
fore a United States commissioner.
The arrest was made on a war
rant based on an indictment re
turned two days ago by a federal
grand jury in El Paso. The in
dictment charges Dysart j with
sart with gross misrepresentation?:
of the holdings. in Old Mexico of
the Loft us-Dysart Development
company .headquarters in I-os An
geles. William Lofus of Los An
ueles, said to be a partner of Dy
sart. is not cited in any of the
counts against the El Paso man.
The indictment against Dysart
recites that he fraudulently repre
sented the company's holdings in
Chihuahua and Durango, Mexico,
as in excess of 200,000 acres: when
they aggregated only Co, 000
acres; that he printed circular?
pictured the land as irrigable and
fertile when it was found to be
arid and nearly worthless;! that
settlers lured there suffered un
told hardships and even died from
starvation and exposure; that p!c
tures of water wells reported U
Encourage the children
to use
Healthy teeth now mean
good teeth later
25c . '
Peiry.Drug StoJ
"lfS Booth Commercial
, , . Salem, Oregon .
, i
Real Romance
be located on the property were
more than 10 miles urwayjand
rtiat other pictures of growing
crops also were not on the proper
ty, as claimed. ' f
- The company originally jwas
known as the Dysart-Van Gass
Slaughter Land company, officials
here said. Later it was reor
ganized and renamed the Lortus
Dysart Development company, j
Dysart is said recently to have
tiansferred his activities froir
Texas to California and for sonar
time is reported to have been en
gaged in attempting to interes.
Oklahoma capitalists and -pros
pective colonists in the Mexico
land promotion scheme. The. ex
trm of his success up to the timi
4f his arrest has not ben deter
mined by authorities here, i '
i !
A process has been developed
for making coarse papers from
fibrois peat instead of wood pulp.
Phone 727
TONY Horse
In .
Woodry & Woodry
Pay Cash for Furniture
Phone 73
faa rralac. a 1S4
t , Tit, 130.00.
.lAs AacI. B vy. 1 97.4 k.
k ' JtMaa Tna. S60.M.
" - Elgkt s Mar 'j j" .
for Inform tU ma XMarntloaa
, raa r U at
. Salem, Oregon : '
I !
Electric !
" Cafe
j i
.-fr Por f
' T I
r t? a rr a
The city Tencir which met ".In
special session Tuesday night for
the intended purpose of reconsid
ering iu anion on the award of a
con tr art -for a new city ronrrete
mlxer."dlcuad the matter brief-j
ly. decide (bat nothing could be
done, and adjourned without tak
ing action. -
At the time the contract was let
there wa a verbal agreement be
tween the-contractor and the coun
cil that" the machine would be
delivered within three days. The
company later failed to deliver
within that time, declaring that
they wished to bring a machine
from San Francisco that had later
Improvements on it, but offering
the 'city' use of a second-hand 'ma
chine until t'.te new one was (de
livered. The offer was unsatisfac
tory to several members of the
council and a move was made to
rescind the grant of the contract
by a special council meeting. The
proposal failed in the special meet
ing Tuenday, night.
Better Teeth
for Everybody
THE . H. Partcr System in Den
tistry lias done for the masses
what. old-style dentistry did for the
jfew. It has made it possible for
everybody to have their teeth skill
fully cared for at prices they can af
' ford to pay.
i The work done by dentists using
the E. R. Parker System is so good
that it can be widely advertised. It
is so good that it can be guaranteed.
It is so good that, no matter what
price you pay others, you can not be
better satisfied.
An important part of the E. R.
Parker System is to educate the public about the b'eneflls
of good teeth and the dangers to health of bad teeth.
This is right in line with the welfare work for better
health now being done all over the country.
There are twenty-four dental offices where the E. R.
Parker System is used by Registered Dentists, .who com
prise the largest and most successful organization in the
world practicing dentistry. Under this System, exam
inations and advice are free to alL' ,
Hopyard, Trip. or Picnic
Lehman's QualityGroceries
190 S. Com'l Between State and Ferry. Phone 305
and . ,
River Road Grocery
North Front Street Phone 494 -
These stores will
10 lb. sack Flour .
Gloves, 3 pair for... .:..'. ;
Vienna Sausage, 3 cans . ....
Canned Pork and Beans " 10c5
Soups, any kind
Gootl Canned Teas..
Pancake Flour, large package..
Large bottle Catsup L.L '.
Easily Cook Oats, large pkg...
Good WTiite Beans,
Corn SyTirp, 2Vt lb.
Corn Syrup, 5 lb. (white) .
Fresh Milk, dairy qt....l". . ....
And say We haVe Bread, Butter, Meat;
all kinds of Quality Canned Goods, Fresh
Crisp Vegetables and Luscious Fruits.
Come in and let us supply your Home Needs. You will
find this fa a good place to trade
We Extend Short Time Credit ;
V.. Whitens Skin
The only harmless
way to bleach, the
skin white U to mis
the juice, of , two
lemons with three
ounces, ot Orchard
White, which any
druggist will supply
for a few cents.
Shake w-U In a tot-
tie. and yon have a whole quarter-pint
ot the most wonderful
akin whitener, softener and bean
tifier. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lemon bleach into the face. neck,
arms and hands. It ran not irri
tate. Famous ata,e beauties use
It to bring that clear, youthful
akin and rosy-white complexion;
also at a freckle, sunburn and tan
bleach. Yon must mix tnls re
markable lotion yonrseif. : It ran
not be bought ready to use be
cause It acta best Immediately
after It is prepares. Adv.
Painless Parker Dentist
Vsine; the E. R. Parker Kystera
State and IJbeHy Streets Kalem
offer you for the next
49 c
49 c
. ... '
15c 3ror44c
3 lbs. for... 24c
(white) ......... 23c
' '
I A.- N. Dalrymple has been ap-