.1 : THE OJlEvON 7 'fSilASALOI; OREGON; TOURSDAYIORXING, AUGUST 13r i02 ! i (; i I i I J. t, f IstMd Dlly Except Moods? 1y ' iu';lHS 8TATE8HAH I fUBLXSHZHO C0MPAJT1 .-,v-..v.' ' - r tis-Soa Commercial. 8t, 8lem, f -fo. V contention of the writer.that the loganberry industry can be r suits' For Breakfast (wTw successfully organized and permanently stabilized by the I : . , JjtLjt , "' - - -. - " , -' " "y -irifir.i 'We hare seed boom right man, with avyision ; taking advantage of all marketing ; s channel including the juice business. Wanted, a man with a vision. The thing can be put over on absolutely safe lines. R. . HttiSrieki ' - . Msnarcr Fr4 J. Toom -.. MMtiiic Kditor . t Citr Editor O. K. Lor an llU Bmijth Andred Bntqh - - Society Editor ki n i. n. - . - . W. H. Hedeig , Ciralotloa Maaairer Ralph H. Kltsia .Mvwnisiag Manager Frank 4kM &ftfatt J" "pt. E A- hot V.- IrfTwitoeL Editoi W, CL Ooa&ei' - Totiltry Editor But it cannot be overdone. S , i We hare the best district in the United States for a great seed in dustry. .!. nfilno- rrn r nnor In rnanv The necessity of a protective -tariff is continuously ap- hjnes. witness the many upeciai- narpnt t vprv nnnreiudiced observer. - Amonsr the Indus- ties mentioned in the Slogan UNDERMINING THE TARIFF ..... ; ... ... 'iBMXZB. Or THE ASSOOTAIBIV PBBSt" ' ' ' " ' - Tho-Aisorfatrd Praaajt MclasivelT entitled to tie a a mmhutht' Vi rw . dlapatohea credited to It 'or to otkerwiaa credited ttte vavac amA alae. taa Keai awa pabliabed kereiaf-J - - '-"'. ,'..: A " BUSINESS ; OFFICES , f-. : .; " . Albert Byera, 83d Worretter Bldr. Portland, Ore. . ' . .,, : Thomas T. Clark Ce New Tork, 128-136 W. 8Ut St.: ChfS. Marxt" I . . , : U.mi r V, Qt.0 minprl in fnur I ' Doiy Parma, sharoa Bug. San Franeiwo, Calif.: n.P(tin. BwTiia Miaa. caiu. potteries and paper mills of the country are minea in iouritry some of the mineral industries of the country. i ' PiVhtPPn ! tipY . rent 'of clav Droducts for use in the 4 1"Baitnaaa iOHieSS'or S8S : Boelaty Editor.. , ,, ,. TELEPHONES: arenlatioa 0ffiea.583 Newa' XiLrtaMnt .23- M 10 : Job, tepartnient ' "' ' .583 S ! Salem district seeds will sell on quality. That is the best, kind of a foundation for a great Indus- Trie world will want our southern states! And through tariff protection ana mien- seeds when it is certain that they be had. i Kntered at the Post Offiee ia Salem, Oregon, aa aeeond-elaaa .att' 'i rrr Jr .rtJUJLES FOR RIGHT.LIVINGr Let all irftteniessv and wrfeth, and anger, a pd clamor, and eril Bpeaklng; be put way. from you, with all milln' anil ho v klnrt nna ts anothfiTj tpndpr-hpartfitl. foreivin? one " V another, eveni asjGod for Christ's sake hatnforglven, you. f Ephesians a Possible gigantic seed industrV A lot of progress has been made in the seed industry in J ! tjie Salem district sinceltfee.annuil Slogan numbel on Seeds i nf last vpar. nf The Statesman iO' iii. 1 k' A lot more since these issues were begun; J But the possibilities are very great. Only a fair start has so -far been-made A number of years agor when he was agriculturist of Marion county, Luther J Chapm? said: sive effort to improve methods of production and preparation c th best that can . r - . , . . ... .j..x II... u:il 1 great progress has been maae in mis inuusiry. iuuwiuic Some of the b,s ea8tern seed tP marwifapturG of this Droduct has increased rapidly espec- houses see the ylsion already. Hut r.rl r-onfral states. A' tariff DfOtects the what We need ls organization here. imijr, in vc .mwuuvih w.. . - on a gentle 8Caie. This is no workmen7 from competition with lower wages paid, to the pent up vtica. it is an4ndustry labor, of England from whence is imported to this country that can be made world wide in both raw and finished pottery material. ! ' ; 1 1 - At this time there is before the Interstate Commerce h As long as men are kept in pen commission application for reduction in ocean and rail rates itentiaries or put into, jail i there n the English clav imported for manufacturing purpose and " .fLTL1! .!LS "J in comoetition with our own American product mined Dy policy to make escapeas small in our own workmen at American wages which encourage and number as is Poibie by proper sustain the American standard of living. . II i i If this ocean and inland freight rate reduction is maae i it is a pity there cannot bq many J - -j :i Affwfnf ViP Picistinff tariff thousands of copies of this Slo- ipr tnis imporxea - v.. ""T "V gan number of The Statesma, ... . 111 1 4ln enma rmaltmn Wit n I TViis is the is nuiiiiied ana tne proaucer wm ue m , Into tne nand8 of tne riRnt men reference to wages. as if there were no tanu. ahu umess the manufacturer can 'and will absorb the differential the producers , of j the raw product and of the manufactured articles will suffer wage reduction; The commission should consider. unusually carerui tne ir t---'. - ? - I 1. . Ui-V. U n -tA-' KAnA miran ftti which the nata.pl conditions obtiinrns in this effect of the redaction injes soa, t and ; w v. . ,1,, .Ji' ,i a TYioriVan in'Hnstrv before rendering decision. i section-warrant. ine wiuamene vauey is p auapicu w - . . . . ' . ."r-... , . ' jjJ ...i .i'Lf li , j i ( rthe pToducwott ot mgn class seeas, not,oniy(oi uienwui fem orq crops, or ' grains,' but also of flower an; garden cedsSiTheJ-ious, types kof ; soil,everal of which jmay be iliound inaery. limited area, and, the usually dry summers, ' adpt thi locality to the production of high priced, flower and ganfoh' seeds.' on ABYICEl' THE At that time, that was hke a voice crying in the wilder- liessJ But "rapid changes have come since ;then, and many people begin to sens.e the great future of our seed industry, the maxxkiv proclaims .There must be volume, and certainty of a continuous supply. MAN But these things are entirely possioie. . , i u is marvellous (as many oth- Tro pp1 inrliistrv of which Salem is the center now runs ers before me have remarked) how hut that of Justice -:i,:. n,.. Kf f ic r-oWp f vast arirl ranid Uverv man's individuality (that isL is lair to Denere u to oe a I II I. II II11111U11S Alill Uail T WUW ACT .uuw.v. " . X I I w .1, mon -wtln l o a wt development. Realizing the possibility of being accused of fo say. the union of a definite char- conscJence In gmall thlng3 will Le acier wjm a uemnic 'uicucvw bi RCOundrel In bie things lous and selfish behavior in small I terestlnj things that a. sentiment ot justice is foreign to his disposition, he should not be trusted with a penny Unless on dn security. For the man who every day shows he ls unjust In small mat ters other than those which con cern property, and whose unself ishness everywhere protrudes through small affairs of ordinary life which are subject to no scrutiny,- will not, it is certain, act honorably in more important mat ters without any other incentive throughout the country it would start many people this way to en gage in various branches of the s?ed industry. We need them; men of vision and practical knowl edge, and willing to learn more. s s s Read that larkspur story in the Slogan columns. .The high, walks of agriculture are wonderfully In- STOCK JUntiE ANNOUNCED YAKIMA. Aug. 12. W. L. Car lyle, manager of the Prince of Wales ranch near Calgary, Alta.. wiU judge beef cattle at the Wash ington state fair this fall.! it was announced today by A. R. Lawson, fair secretary, who said Mr, Car lyle has judged at several big fairs and expositions in the: middle west and east. flocked to the vicinity ; of the evening early in the evening. A guard waettatioaed. t n. en trance to the prison grounds to prevent those, who had no business from hampering the activities of the prison officials. Cars were parked for blocks In the vicinity of State and,. Twenty-fourth. ; Orders were received by the na- tlnnal rnard late last night to mobilhe about 40 ex-service men members ' and others who t had proven, proficient on the rifle range-' and these took the field at daybreak. . t Ilolman's body was taken to tne nininn moriuarr while tnat 01 Sweeney was taken to Webb's fu neral parlors. i ; Doth Holman and Sweeney were woti-Vnnwn in Marion and Polk counties ai'iertrad 'beiTr' resi dents of Dallas for years berore coming to the penitentiary; as mards. Holman is a brother or J Mrs. Dalrymple, wife of the, war den. . . : I Jones, the dead convict, was re ceived from - Josephine county January to. .1922, to serve 20 years tor assault and robbery, j Ellsworth Kelly was received January 20. 192S, from Josephine county-to serve 20 years for aiding a prisoner to escape. ,! Tom Murray was received from Lane county December 12, 1923. tn serve 20 years on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and larceny in conection with the robbery of the bank at Florence. Prison record, show that he has served time In Sad Quenttn. Neva da, Sacramento and fortiana.; James Willos was received from Umatilla county April 13 1924. to kerve not to exceed seven years for burglary. Prison records, show that he had previously served -in San Quentin and the Oklahoma reformatory. - I ' 1 Jones, Kelly. and Murray were three of the five convicts who Mcanert over the prison! wall the morning of March 28. 1924. all five being returned. Jones was at liberty nearly a year and was brought back to the . prison early In the spring from Sacramento where he was under a 30-day sen tence for pettit larceny.; Stars of Big Circus .Lnjoy Many Jbuxuriies f ( - : - AM II - l i-.tr ; .k I -.Ft. . s' - y-y. yp , 1 fey end far cpen air "Dressrig Roan' 9 Kings and queens of the circus J i'y of world famous acrobats. This don't mind life on Jhe road now adays. Traveling with a giant or ganization liie Ringling Brothers Ay T)ana XV 111 ! ista mmKlnOri MAY CANCEL' INSUnAiiCc that boasts more than 100 extra length railroad cars, is a far cry THREE KILLED IN I STATE PRISON BREAK (Continned from par 1.) CANCKIXATIOX OF SCHWARTZ INSURANCE NOW ASKED iLH44n Vio irrraTi" oHitnr is willinor tn risk his reDutation ICUHtUIIKi fcil. 'Vfc".' -- ... . I . . . . . . , t I ! -'.XilK that if it were possible fbr.tWs issue of The a the .o....- J.' Statesman to fall into he right hands, this one copy would be important details, as though it tWp nutnut of a rich sold mine to Salem and were a dye that pervaded Jhem T v.i Lii - - . w r. . 1 - I . . .1 "I. , l nncanuonna a mnn'a whole course of life his in- Fox the result w6uld be. the building up here-of a gigan-lner and outer history turns out j !.!.. j!ivntiAiinn nf cnnrmniis niiiin. so absolutely different from an- tities of quality seeas oi grams i;raaocv j aulco flowers. ' Tne natural conditions are right. - What we need is the right man- i 4 As a botanist knows a plant in its entirety from a single leaf; as zoologists, from a single bone con struct the whole animal, so an ac curate knowledge of a man's char A" man Vith very large capital or able to organize that acter may be attained from a sin i . j. . ...ji. ,rtdnr, ;,naMa nf hf.rQnin'no-lfle characterlfitle act. K.1I1U OI CaUlUll, or a V"Q"11- Vi I Tk.t , n r.imlf mav cooperatively ouagroweri Such a man would be able to make! to some extent be constructed his lifetolint for great things; v He would be able to make not from it, even though the act in only two blades of grass grow where only one grew before --v- lie would be able to produce values running into the millions j These actg ;0f trifling conse- Lome stores. olW jmiall worth existed before. tquece are, after all; the best key That.when you buy from home m YTIuVL L ; ZA'j A alrparlv. h man's character, for In a mat- merchants you are sure of getting ! Ill -TOiinwrm mica-, yvc c " : I ter of importance ' people are on Talae received We are growing the.kale Seed for the wnoie OI tne umieq thelr guard; in trifles they follow That you can't send money away crV'"- '.: , j their natural bent, without reflec-1 from home and then expect to sit - ' i . : . . . l . it.!- : .tnlnli ooaH I llOu. ; This IS the only district in tms cuumiy wncic v.v, That ,a vhy Seneca's ! remark. t , that even the smallest things may Did You Ever Stop To Think? Bt E. R. Waita. Secretary Shawnea. Okla Board ot Commerca That the merchants of your city are offering you the best yarietjr of real bargains ever offered. The extent and quality of these bar gains are amazing. That you should always read the advertisements of your mer chants before you buy. You can save money by buying from them. That you should never buy from a catalog or a peaaier uniu you first price the same article at his home suffering from shock, a possible fractured jaw and other face wounds. j OOregon Jones was shot by John Davidson, guard, as he left the foot of the tower; One bullet struck him in the right hip and another in the side of 'the head. As the other men left the tower. Warden Dalrymple, from SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 12. (By Associated Press.) Suit o cancel a $25,000 insurance policy held by Charles Henry Schwartz. perpetrator i of the 'too perfect crime" at Walnut Creek, on the ground of fraud; was filed in fed eral court here today by the Nor thern Life Insurance company of Seattle. This Is believed to be from the little wagon show that bumped its way over the rough country roads a quarter ot a cen tury ago. The stars of the sawdust world do not envy Ihe railroad president his palatial private car. They al most pity the average mortal who is forced to ride in an ordinary Pullman, so splendidly are their own trairrj fitted with conveni ences. Ib produced profitably. j Our 'farMier rdceiv and watch the home city grow It won't. ..That money sent' away from TtkeiVe1 lanre 'sums '-"annually- for their red j be taken as evidence of character, home helps to build some other - l' - " I la i'4iiia I ntlw ttm1 Villa rAn a is so true. And it is why trained and dis-j cerning psychologists can get. at We raise the best oat seed m the nitea caates, au r"1 " 3t7" " ' clover! eed. 'and for their. Aisike clover seed., j We have the greatest bulb farms in the United States. tiey are world embrac- i in a wide marked covering, this and, ottier countries ; and w V 2.r u ..:f o err on the North Amencan.con raise me iicancaw, v. e--- - ; v' tinent, sending car load lots to j the manufacturers of bra: fast foods, who prefer our kind.! . ' : : ' j ! ;jyfth the aid of our Oregon Agricultural college, we jiave put oyer a new industry, in growing Purple vetch seed-j-and o cittrpfltr virforv in this line is now going over, inj the production of the new Hungarian vetth seed. One farmer say iBJs alone Will be worth annually all our experiment station has cost us. " I ! MAtiv 'other lines bf eed growing are well under way or lavet5ecureda strfrt here. " . ' s JV the opportunities are great ; t 0. Dickinson, a pioneer seedsman, demonstrated long ago thai the Salem district was ideal for the production oi quaiuy garden and flower and grass and grain seeds. He raised them her. and found a' market for them, j yj y j While his business was a considerable one for the piotv- rpr.tavR. the nresent onrwrtunities are immensely greater; Again, the money would ', come n increasing amounts frfwniear to year, by the thorough organization of the grow ers' themselves. They haVe the capital nowIn their indus lryfcand in their land. - . j , ! : -Thiswould be new money, each year' brought here by our sunshine and our showers and the fruitfulness of our soils, properly organized to do the work that they are by nature calculated to do. r. This matter-is all irery plain now. There are n dif f icul titliUt might not be easily overcome. -Here is a distinct call for the creation of a great industry, the building up of which would confer much good upon the world, and which would 1 'faring here:immeiise sums of 'tnohfy eaclf ' year, ' honesty a city and kills yours In order for a city to grow and Its people to prosper, everyone must keep busy helping it grow Cities can't grow without the aid of better business. Better If a man shows by his unscrupu-4 business builds better cities. across the street, fired into the group with his shotgun and one of the men w-as seen to waver as though hit. Later reports were; to the effect that: Murray was the man wounded by the warden, j Leaving the. prison the three men beaded for the. state hospital. where they found themselves in tuck as C. V. Ivltts. an attendant at the hospital who had just been discharged; was stepping Into Z. J. Zinn's taxi. The machine was commandeered. While the body of Sweeney was being removed from the tower, convicts in the north wing ot the prison staged a demonstration. Shouts of i "hurray" were heard, catcalls and whistles filled the air while the tumult was increased by banging on the cell doors' and rat tling the bars. ' 1 Hundreds of persons, iriany of them women, viewed the! remains of Oregon Jones at the Rigdon mortuary.' while ' as -word of the escape spread;' other hundreds Powerful Gentle Poslam Heals Eczema Poslam is the most concentrated of skin remedies, yet its medica tion is so safe and gentle that it mav be used freely, even on a baby's tender skin. ' It stops itch ing INSTANTLY and quickly oyer comes tormenting, disfiguring eruptions. At all druggists' only 50c. On the circus lot the leading performers' are likewise favored. "7" 9n,..'.l.ury enough to be uh- j Gil ered Knind rhl' mysterious . red curtain ne win see almost a aozen gaily decorated little tents, or tops" as the circus people call them. Thee are the private dress ing and rest rooms of the ptars. One of the biggest or the "spe cial section" departments Is that allotted to the great Nelson fam- troupe conUts ot fatuer. mother, -n seven daughters and a wa. TUlrXf I costumes alone occupy 11 Jrunks. I J Another special teat, divided." ' ., into several sections, is that u-'IV,, h- Iha u in met -nn t In pnf of itii- ' , bijr double circus. This tent hous es .20 men and women who d nothing with the cirrus t-ave giv" rouch-riding exhibitions. There ii a separate tent for their i0 hors s. Among the mot arlLtic an!. ' at the same time lomfortabic , the smaller tents, are tbo. wni- pied by May Wirth. greatest i.f J all somersaulting enuestrtcnn'vs: ; and Lily Lcitzel. aerial ii-en ot i the circus. The tents rntsii i wardrobe, trunks, a drtvi:;r tjl"" i and chairs. Dainty cretonne ,ox- ering give the boudoir imnh dear to the feminine hear?, ru der the marquee In frtit ar steamer chairs and hamrn'k. where ahe artists rest aft r th'ir strenuous performance. The big circus with H !"'"?'' ; of features, hundreds of prforn- ors. Including the rtars with 1 1 ir private dressing "tops.", will en to Salem Saturday, August 29. To Retain Your Youthful .Wo rocommond the daily use of Boauty Which contains lfi sf Poslam Ointmont i.y ! i . Adv. the only policy held by Schwartz on which there was any possibil ity of cancellation. The policy Is payable to his widow. Schwartx carried insurance in excess of $100,000. His suicide, after mur dering a wandering missionary n an asserted death hoax, made void all other policies. Th Northern Life company contends that although Schwar applied for the policy on 'August 2, 1924, it was not dated nntil August 14. and therefore void since Schwartz killed himself within a year after the policy was written. The companv In complaint fnr- hwattx rjf) ind. in tiiv ' ther contends that Son tained the policy by fra he stated he contem;Ut.l Jy "change of residence ct otu I j t ion. whereas he Intended to nyr ! ! teriously disappear, jeadinc tV f company to believe he ha-I V"c killed"; that be voided the poM.t by "engaging in blasting" tn tV. night of the .Walnut Creek r- ;. , plosion and by "handling r' manufacturing explosives" on tb-. fcame occasion.- Radio enthusiasts in IJurm have formed a -lub at Rah ; - and plan to do their own broal casting. i 1 -earned s 1 The Statesman of yesterday, iiji this department, re- lerrea XO ine Closing OI ine loganuerr jjwi ui me irfuuucco Canning & Packing Company, at five and five-eights cents a pound.! Yesterday this Icorhpahysent" out checks on their black raspberryVwfi it 1$ cents a pound, and on their straw hcxry pool at fl. cents a : pound, . This i3 all in support of the Jll .U" YNfacwfcxwsK-T'll (I - I -. j ' II " I . I . . T ..... II- I . ' Jl I ' aT t JU- i ; .; " :; . : : ' " ,. ... . i ! DOROTHY D ARNTT ; '? I ' . By Charles McJlano. j j VHERE HAVE "i f UP N "THE ) ( THEY HAVE. "71 11 C -r-r-' .' 1 WMATS H I ' I " 1 ') 1L ,1 mmmwmmmwmmmmmmmmm, m-mmmm , mmmmmmm : J.J.;.:;:. . ' .j.;.1J: ' - ' '