The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 13, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Ho Taught School Tlidre in the Old Days, and Started' the
First Falls City NewspaperPersonal" and General
News of the Live City on the West Side of . Old Pbik
Calls on Exterprish
P. P.' Rowley, a former resident
of, Falls Cit jr. now editor and own
er, of the" Turner Tribune, - was a
visitor to the Epworth'' league in
stttute last week; and called. upon
the Enterprise, force'. He" wasf a
Scout Master while here, and" Is
atlli a Scout Master, bringing a
group of his boys oyer for the
VMKend -
. ""V- Old Friend Vlsltii Editor
Among other attendants at the
Epworth League institute was the
Rev. J.' Sand ford Moore, who Is
now pastor of the Rockwood M.
E; church. He was in Willamina
in' 1914, 1915 and 1916, and he
and the Enterprise editor became
firm friends. .Mr. Moore called at
the office last, Monday, enjoying
a chat over old tlmei.
League Institute Successful'
The Epworth League institute,
which closed with the Sunday eve
ning service was about the same
In joint of numbers as the one
held the year ;beforen but in work
accomplished J was probably - the
bes ever helot Two hew5 iiepart
i menls were carrjed on this year,
i the'iunlor drnflrtmptif nndoi- tha
charga of Mary, Flndley.of Salem,
with 45 children, under 14 years
of age registered, and ;with a reg;
ular plan of Bible study, was rery
sucfssful,' and was carried out
under plans worked out during
the past year.! A new department
91 study of intermediate and jun
V Vl mpthnils vi linear iha !rni.
i f oi.airs., Mcimyre of First
fcfurch, Salem, and ' had, a large
if id successful class.
1 The sermons.jind'ay; jnoratllg
and evening were delivered by DW
I. m..'. Hargett. and in -,$be after
noon a . gospel service was held.
Mis$ Ferris; who . is .editor, of! the
Epworth League' Quarterly-,, came
from Chicagbp tind-her work was
very pleasing. Many new faces
were seen, both among faculty
and students. All missed Blaine
E. Kirkpatrlck, and will be glad
to know he plans to be present at
the institute next year. .
xne work of cleaning ud the
sgroundr and putting away equip
ment, is progressing rapidly; A
number of stumps are being blown
out; and other changes made. The
institute managers had to make a
general cleanup before their mem
bers" came this year as pitiilc par
ties' enjoying; the park earlier in
the (season had neglected to leave
I a clean camp, though that is the
i uawrmen iaw or good campers
everywnere. -
Falls City Hotel Changes Hands
, un Wednesday, .Aagv 12, Mr.
VI Mrs. -S. P. Wise and' A. Van
Iddleson, who came here from
. grander. Wash., took over the
4anagement iof the FaUsi City ho-
iw, waich they recentlr mirchased
rrom Mr. and Mrs. George E. Rob-
inBon. The new proprietors have
been engaged in the hotel and res
taurant business for the last-20
years, operating In Salt Lake City,
ferent places; In Wyoming, and
have been in! Oregon, .most of the
time for the past two years. Tbey
are , planning' to , tnake-.- ' several
changes In the equipment of the
hotel, and extend a cordial Invi
tation to residents of the commun
ity to come in and get acquainted.
ir. and Mrs. Robinson o from
Falls City to Oregon. City where
they will rest for awhlle berore
deciding upon definite plans for
the future.- - fc
if, i
iJLeavitt Visits OW Home
Hon. Scott Leavitt member of
congress for the second district of
Montana, is Inthe.cfty the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. "Frin!?. Mrs.
i-eavitt has been here for several
weeks vtettlag with ther parents.
They jwin leave Thureday'for Mon
'ana wherei thov wttt
onth or sir.'weeks -before going
; - J a VUU1 IK a
xo Washington.
Mr. Leavitt first cam to Fall
ty in January; 19011 With T?na
"ii Davenport and Tom Duns
'"urp. WHO SIT ra tn a want'
- ... w nt..) iUlU
aiichiganj he took a hbmestnil A
es from Falls ntv ' iAnfh
'he Grand Ronde Indian rm.
i on, and they used to nacV all
'heir suppling ta from f-i,- nu
Mr Leavitt n llivht ath.1 I. ...... ...
fails City in 1901 i9An4 ten
H also started the first newspa-
Kpermg the news a ht
tk.' . . '--J
-.r;prmng:aone in Independence.
' paper, was started td ; boost
lO neiD In ROrnHnr tho r.ll
road. ' i . .....
Parinir thin vtnft xtv r.i v-
J nd many ; old-time friends, re
newing acquaintances nt nan
ago. He hn i . .M -..r
lection of paintinr th Ti.o kniii
w ,.a Thlch'tne Enterprise now
na it8 h0me a 4t tbat tm9 he
t reak, h leg.
Falls City as. seemnany chang
esince, the conHngi of the rafl
bnt hve -come and gane,
tne early residents iwho
me back nite(!n praise of tha
people and th vhy,,ii- j...
yC-"1;:11' days. Thoe
? J? to in perpetuating
ia 9Q4c.9mmunlty. spirits-
i f
mm fulls tm
I Mr. and Mrs; John' i Chappell
drove up from Tillamook and
spent' the week-end visiting rela
tives, also, iobking after their
property here. Mrl and Mrs.
dbappell 'are Veil phased with the
prospects' for the Sanitary' Bakery
brTiila'taoQK 1n .which they have
acquired, an Interest, being asso
ciated : with" Fred Siewertj who
formerly operated the Falls City
Bakery: y -t '
Syan! Anderson, local mail car
rier,; has.h new red cart with
green- wheels ln: which' to trans
port the mall between" the post or
Ilce and -the Southern Pacific
Mrs. Wm. Ellis was over from
Pallas, Friday, Saturday and Sun
day, the guest of Mr. and Mrs
Geo. TIce.
Mrs. Arthur Porter and chil
dren left on 'Tuesday for the Coop
er Hop Yardj near Independence,
where they wiir camp , and pick
bops. As Mrs. Porter has rela
tives there they enjoy a visit" while !
on the trip.-
Mrl and Mrs. J. Rl Roger and
son Glenn, of Herlngton; Kansas,
returned1 from Fresno,, CaV last
week for their second visit with
their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A: Bowman. . They left Sunday
for Portland and Centraf Oregon,
where ihey. expect' to spend a few,
days. From there they will re
turn to their home in Kansas. Mr,
and " Mrs, Koger Were' much I in-
pressed with this community, and
regretted they could not make a
longer stay. '
Mr. and Mrs. Hancock: Anderson
and George,; were over from Silver-
ton for a week end visit at the J.
A.- Bowman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Patton
were Monday -visitors in Falls City:
They will soon com to get their
home settled before "the opening
of school.. Mr.,. and iMrs. Patton
will be "at home" in : -'Faculty
House" just East of ; the High
school. -
Mr. and .Mrs. Henry I Otte.and
daughter, Mrs. Orrln. Postv and
her children, spent Sunday in Sa
lem, where they went . to --visit
Mrsi Oliver Jory.a --neighbor of
Mrs. Otte'a in. her girlhood I when
she resided in Brainerd. Minn.
Mrs. Otte and Mrs., Jury's daugh
ter, Mrs. Geo. Robison were girl
hood chums, and while visiting
her chum during their recent visit
in Brainerd Mrst - Otto learned of
the mother's residence Salem.
The Robispn's are now on their
way west, nad will stolln "Wash
Ington, probably coming later for
a visit with Mr, and Mrs. otte.
Mrs. Rachel Camel and son, ol
Sheridan, were week end .visitors
at the honie of F. A. Jones.
Miss Elsie Kneebone, who re
cently met with a severe accident
while driving a horse for hay load
ing. Is improving nicely, and will
soon be able: to return home from
the hospital in-Dallas.
Mrs. John Reasnor, of. Dallas,
was a, Monday visitor at the home
of , her brother, E. P. Brown.
Ike Stewart, of Woodburn. is
in town for a few days, L making
Some repairs and improvements
upon the Gem Theatre, for his
Bister-inXlaw, Mrs. M, A. Pugb.
The theatre will have a new floor,
iso built as to givel all a better
view of the stage, and other
change will probably be made.
:A?nry . Otte. . is. again , employed
as engineer for the W. Grier
mill at Pedee. j
Mr. and Mrs. R; jG. White re
turned home 'Sunday f rom a ,va-i
cuiiou inp ,xo oeaiiie ana i acorna
un their , return they visited,
among other places.: in Raymond,
Washington. Long Beach and Sea
sideNedonfia and other Oregon
Beaches. f . .
Mr, and, Mrs. H. Mather Smith,
the Auctioneers'
The Jfwo who have ransedVmach
pain. They have; now opened
up for bttsiiN-m In th-cttjr of
Sunshine and Rain. You have
nordoabt heard airaoont us;
thoogh we hare riot advertised
much. But' leave that to some
jf .the. oUers,whc( are trying to
.- u v tun j ft sum
niany sales round the country
and - quite a ; few in around;
town. ' Our name standa-- for
good satisfaction which In some
cases is not found. Anywhere
you may roam this country, yon
will he9 of Wbodry & Woodry,
who have come to the city of
alem,"and do not intend far to
roanu- For wel have now taken
vovera.. big store, and are goinr
t o make saiemi our home. You
no doubt havo heard iof we ras-
kels, and. have wondered 'Just
what we were like. So when
evertyOTr-coTOq tcrthe city; you
stop, at 271 Nerth CbmmerciaL
YonTl set the- Anctioneersr
VWoodry Wociy
, " It's a step that you'C-i
4 never regret
Phones. 73 or 1S43W-
Mr. and . Mrs. Roy McDonald and
son "Ronald,; were week-end nrlsl-
tors at the Smith cottage on
Nedonna Beacn. : They - report
weather conditions ideal for'swlm-
ming. " -''
Much speculation resulted from
the inturruption of electric serv
ice last Saturday night. - This was
caused by an aerial pole belonging
to W. II. Porter falling across the
lines, causing a break and short
circuit The Gem Theatre had
juice' for .the operation of the pic
ture machine from the special D.
C. line, while the office was'light
ed by "eandle" power.
Emmitt Balnter and small
daughter, Marjorie, drove up from
Sheridan last Sunday for a short
visit with Mrs. Balnter. While
here they, .attended, , the. Sunday
meetings of the .ppwerth League
where Mr. and Mrs. Balnter found
several old friends from other
parts of the state. Mr. Balnter's
niece; Mrs.v J. ;'L. Hammer, re
turned home' 'with ' them, after
having spent a week here with
Mrs. Balnter. A visit to Hazel
Dell Ranch, the home of Roque
fort cheese, proved very interest
ing1, at least one member of the
party was permitted to help milk
the goats, and the small member
of the party was very sure she
needed one goat for a pet. The
entire' party sampled the Roque
fort cheese, which they all liked,!
also drank goat's milk, and.,came
away very favorably Impressed. .
Mrs. Bertha Spawn and daugh
ter, Mrs. Chas. Mattson of Marsh-
field, and . Mr. and Mrs! Edgar
Jett, daughter tEdra and!, her
friend. Miss Pearl , T)h.(malsonJ
fivm Washougal, Wash., are
gaests of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mott.
tWf. and .Mrs. O Aurland re-l
tarried home Saturday' from Rick
reall. where they have . been' for
Lseveral weeks, as Mr Aurland had
a contract on a new nuiiding over
' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kersten were
week-end visitors to Pacific City.
; Miss Barbara Cable came out
from. Portland last week to attend
the , Epworth t League , Instituted
She is the niece of W. T.. Brown,
and will visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Brown at their camp in McTim-
mond's Valley, before-'., returning
home. 1 '::' t" z'
The many friends ''of- El don R.
Frink will -be pleased to learn that
he is well on the road to i recov
ery, j follbwing his recent - severe
liiness, ana xne reiapse arter nis
first Improvement, and is now able
to sit up for a little while each
Miss Sybil, Wilson, foster daugh
ter of Mrs. L K. Ford, .who now
teaches school 1q Los Angeles, ar
rived in Salem last week, having
driven up with friends from Los
Angeles, and has now gone to
"Newport where Mrs. Ford and
Nelle Sears are on a vacation. She
will come to Falls City with them
In a few days, to finish-her visit
of two or three weeks. , .
Miss Mildred Thompson visited
with i Sybil Wilson in Salem last
Ted Harlan, and friend." John
Coble, were: over from Blodgett
Sunday, visiting . with his, parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Harlan, at the
Blue Bird Confectionery.
Mrsi M.' L. Thompson returned
from the Dallas hospital last Fri
day, and her hosts of friends will
be pleased to know, she is much
Improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Driggs had
as guests last week Miss Marion
Driggs, their grand daughter, and
her friends Hazel Pro and Dorothy
Sawyer, all of Salem, who. were
students at the Epwbrth League
Last-Sunday" W. J. West drove
to McMinnville where he was one
of. a party of , forty-nine relatives
who helped his Aunt, Mrs. Mary
?ear wno reaides.Jjn McMinn
ville, -telebrate her eighty-third
Wrthday. They had a picnic din
ner in the Auto Park,1 and her chil
dren came "from -Portland. New-
bfrf'and Amity, witi yther rela
tives from different places 4n the
State to enjoy the "occasion. Mr.
West was" station ; agent in St.
Charles, Minnesota, 30 .years ago
Relieve .Coughs, Golds;
Headache, Rheuraatisnl f
and All Aches and Pains
with :
?ll ! .
An irmititrSc n4 C5 !r u4 tvbea.
ChUdraa'i MMtccate (mild or form) J5.
Better than a Mustard Plaster
ChiIdrpJ? Special
1 ! I
. This
new British
unusuai;photo shows,
high commissioner to.
Jerusalem, and' Udy George photographed at a dinner given Sir George in London on the eve f his
departure for, his new .post. The Egyptian premier's personal visit to London,, during which he
stated frankly his country's hopes arotwed much interest.' : : ! "
and sold the family party tickets
to the', West and this occasion is
the first" time he had. seen all of.
them since that time. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hudson and
children visited relatives In Van
couver, last, week, return
ing home. Sunday. .
I, Several of the high school girls
enjoyed a party . at the. home, of
D. ; C- - Ward ,r Monday evening,
where, the, D. S ; girls .practiced
some of -the cookery learned last
winter. Those present were. Mrs.
Ward;- and - the Misses Isabel
Hatcher,- Bobby iHall, Roberta
Hawk,. " Juanita Hawk, Frances
G nth ridge .and Violet Hawk.
Mr. and Mrs. R. VanDenBosch
were In townTTuesday from their
ranch and mill near Peaee. They
report everything fine, the planer
recently installed as behaving
nicely but were in search of parts
for the cream separator, which is
operated regularly twice a day, re
gardless of other shut downs.
Mrs.L. R. Kimes has as guests
this week her nephew, Walt; Ma
son, and his bride,, whose home is
in Hillsboro. : They have been
travelling around "seeing. Oregon
first" and ; have . visited almost
every part of the state. After
a short visit, at the . Kimes home
they will go to Hillsboro, where
they will resided
Mrs.. J. C. Moyer came over
from Salem Saturday afternoon
and has been the guest of her son,
John - Moyer, and Mrs. Moyer, re
turning to Salem Tuesday" even
ing. Mrs. Moyer lived in Falls
City, many years. In fact the Moy
era were here before Fails City
was incorporated, so she still calls
this borne, and always enjoys
meeting old friends and forming
new friendships. Of course we are
pleased that Mrs. Moyer likes the
improvements in the looks of our
The Falls City Canning com
pany expects la begin the pack on
blackberries next week. Their
first shipments of bartlett pears
will arrive soon.
Bert Keller has gone to Port
land to-attend the annual camp
meeting of the free Methodist
church. Mrs. Keller Went down
last week. They will return next
Monday. ;
Randolph jBatler Dell C. Ward.
Clarence Lee and iBen McDowell
"RacingLfor Life"
The Big Thrill Picture
'WOtvris OF
5c Matinee 2 p. m.
' IT ?i n r
"t. 1 " t. !- "yr1'' mii -7 r 1 1
' TOOT dorse ; . j ' " - FRIDAY' i 1
DUKE Dog 1 . : " j ' aoa
,U,: Lr . " SATURDAY
GRAND -; ! vW?f J
" " Y . Ye I .
l'M If i OREGON: v
!'t , ... ...... .f ... - . " . ; ' I 1 ' ' 1 , " '
V 1 1 V-'t ' v. ' - - - - .
- - '5
kft to right Zi war Pasha, premier of EgypU Sir George Lloyd
Egypt; bir Ronald Stores, new iBritish
are. the" committee . of the ; local
lodge of Odd Fellows to meet with j
like committees from, other lodges
in Polk county to make arrange
ments for Polk county's participa
tion V in," the meeting of the Sov
ereign Grand lodge to be.hejd ln
Portland, beginning : Sept;? ;20th.
They atladetf, committee meet
ing in tadepeBdence Augusv 5th,
and . Monmouth 5 tr
10th, torfakehnal arraagements.
This committee' lids charge of the"
arrangements for banners, cos
tumes; etc. to be used Ili the Grand
parade, . All the I. O. O. F. lodges
fa. Polk countyj will march together-
t I I' 'i : . ' : ' ;. " ' ': '
j Falls City has another park. The
splendid fir grove Just east of the
rade school has- been the scene
of many neighborhood gatherings.
Last Sunday the "Thompson and
Gardner . Park: ; was the meeting
placet for about twenty-rive resi
dents and former residents of
Falls City, who enjoyed the hos
pitality of Mrs. Anna Gardner and
Mrs. S. W.'Wlngo. Those present
ahd partaking of the picnic umner
werert M. L. Thompson and fam
ily, Sol. Wingo and family, C. L.
McSherry and family of pedee, A.
G. Ross and family of YalSetz,
Albert Cook from Pedee, Mrs. Lot
Gardner and children, of YalSetz,
Mrs. Wallace Gottfried and Mrs.
Anna Gardner, i All present joined
in praise of the delicious repast
yrepared by Mrs. Wingo and Mrs.
G'ardner. , ;
A. , H.
W t - ! H
jwas. a -Visitor In
Dallas last Thursday.
Miss Dorothy Guthridge re
turned, last week from a visit to
Trout Lake, at the foot of Mt.
Adams.', She was the guest of her
; oAntiitptic
St Rellevei
Sore Throat
ifire Your
a:-i , .
J i Comfortable :
a . . ,
. aWv
:..,!, We SrwvlaJbA in ' Making GLwse That Are f '
' , Put Your Eyefc ih Our Care and Be Unpi
rples GptiiGal, Comnany
Aunt, Mrs. .Lillian HUP and
cousin .Mrs. S. P. Osborne.
Mrs. D. D. Bell of Independence.
and Mrs JL- Fv..Pye,tof Forest
Groves were guests, at the W. p.
Bencroft home last Saturday.
I Miss GrelaX'bamberlaln has re
turned to her home in Salem, after
11. few. days' visit at the Geo
Chamberlain home. j
Mrs. Edith Flett is here from
Modesto. Cal.f jfor a visit with her
daughter. -Mrs. J. A. Reiber and
ir. jna- avrs. a. "KeiDer'ate
receiving congratulanons.upon the
;Oirth of a son, July 29th
(Contmnrd from par 1)
appruacn irom me opposite side
of the street and bark across the
street in order that they may
park In at a 45 degree angle run
ning in the same direction as pas
senger cars. This, especially on
State and Commercial streets and
auring rush hours, will be a de-l
cided hazard to traffic, it has been
pointed out.
under the new ordinance It is
Last Times Today
"a n c
1. . '
fialcm, . Oregakl
. - t v - ...Miu. m j i ((?:. m w - n r
AUGUST 13, 1925
ualawiul to park longer tha a two
hours between f o'clock la the
motninr and 6 o'clock'at.nJght in
the district "bounded by Commer
cial from the. north side of Ferry
to t Be'sonthside of "Chenis keta ;
Liberty, from' thelnorth aide' of
State 49 the oarta, side f Court;
State, from U vast side of Com
mercial to the . west side of High:
Court' from. 4 tie east aide of Go
mercial to the vest aide ef High.
A)L" motor ffhlcles parked ;or
left stnadinjC' on be. east aide of
High between Stat a and Ferry, the
west, side .of High, "between- Ferry
and' Mill, or4,spoBeither.side of
Ferry -between ; Winter, and Front
musi ie narked parallel to and
not exceeding" V2 laches from the
eurb. "4 " Lv.- - .
: Where not otherwise. deslgnat-
edH motor' .Vehicles shall be
j '. ... . .
ot-aueq to.. ne rignr;au parted
either parallel to and
as near the jbol ala as pracUcabl.
me iwo-noar provision does not
apply to' the parking of automo-
blie on'sunday. i ' '!" '
, f i ' ? ' ' "-I
' '-' V " V'"" '. f" '"'it '
OREGON CITY. Of., AuiC 12.
Mrs. Llinan DifC, or Chemawa,
died i" a hotpital here this after
nocm as'thV" result of irfinrlei sfls
tained l .an' autotnobileaccfdent
en th Pacific aigiwiky fhree miles
south oft this cltyt .
Mri Iliff'was tiding in an auto
mobile driven rh be non. Joseph
IlifJ;artlac superintendent of the.
I'm" 1 '
i 1 ;
i ;
1 -
j t
i i ' :
: !
: t
I ...
i -
! S
Yellow and s
gli tints ot orange actually put siinshine(
in your home, create an atmosphere of happi
ness and inspiration. And they make rooms
appear more roomy too. , .
Even a little touch of some Rasmussen sun
shine color will do wonders for your hame. '--.
And when you use Ras
mussen Paint you can be
sure of a fine finished job.
Ask your dealer for cdor cards.K
Ask your painter for an estimate,
! )rr; -.-VARNISHES ;;" f.
lii WALL-DURA. i
for interior walls and
a sanitary" washable,
durable, high grade paint -.
that dries with either a beau
tiful flat fmish7 or with a
vdvety gloss.' Supplied in
a variety of colors. ' '
jtttiiwmMii C Cemtfiaqy
sJ-mtmtmtd bimls .
M i
ISt South Commercial
! I. N. Smith N. Becker Bon C. V. Crmlchael . .
f 111 ' in i mi, i V i'iii .11- mi. i
""T"":'- ' rr,r V'-
--. - '-. - ii , im. w-w. .... .....
t 1
i !
- i
-f Consisting of 32 head of Milch Cows fresh and coming.
fresh; 6 or more good work horses; 20 or more Shrop
shire ewes j farm .machinery;, furniture ot 7-roomed
house; range; fruit jars r tools; and a lot of other mis-
;cell3neous articles, z Terms; cash. v . -:'
3 j .Lunch Served on the Grounds. . , . I
j Farmers: Bring In what you have to sell-'IalcsAhls
' J ' ! ' . V -:t, gale your sale." ; 7
' F..N. W00DRY
Salem's Leadinir Auctioneer for. the isast 10 Years
I am not connected with any other firm. 'See me"per
j " sonally about -yotrr sales -
Residence and Stcre 1610 N. Samfrfer Str Phone 511
'a ! . Iqnt lVDectiTed: ' -
Chemawa l&dUa school. The- ,
party was traveling south behind
large true . 'tftrVeii TbV 'aHoU';
V.Mdner 6f Portland: Mn!lttrat
tempted ;to pt tfie'vanv hut ft
turned suddenly; to the ieft. forc
ing the automUite'off.the high
way against the prot'rud'iBg rbiks
Other members of the. party
which Included Mr. llifri wUe, .
daughter and son.. alt. of Chema -wa.
were .slightly Injured '
flies, bugs,
FLY-DI Is noo-poLaocs, will
ztctstftin, ad has a yteaiaot ana
refrwbJng odor. - - - - -
Too need FLY-DI all tha year
round lw ft keep a bottle oa
hand. " '
If ye e 4mim nmm pplr na wins
- VfA AffUf-.
'Urwuij ri2- "'Ur.
I Ml IP I III 1 1 I
- : 11-
nirn fUlem. ftreewi
XU. a. ni