THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGOU ,i .WEDNESDAY. HORNING, AUGUST 12. 1D23 G. W.'Johricon.& Co. 469 State v For Correct KJGGtire'QF Come in and see our assortments All the latest patterns '.J jSce Our - Windows ; t Straw Hats at Half Price Here Is your chance to set a nice Overland touring la Up top shape at 4 00. A Chevrolet toaring which looks good and also runs like new, 1924 model, at $350. And a 1922 Ford touring with wire wheels at $150. 'WOT Judge in 150,000 Cases Now Insane CHERRY ASSOCIATION - POOL RETURNS MADE labor-; 'council: meets Revenue Is Increased V Since May 28 the Marion county clerk has turned over to the state treasurer $10.5 received as a re sult of the increase in the filing costs of divorce papers. The in crease was authorized by the 1925 legislature and raises the fee from $5 and $10 to $10 and $15. Prop erty or money Involved In the case determines the cost. For amounts under "$500. the cost Is now $10, for over that amount the registra tion lee Is $15. , .... i - -. ' i . t-- ...-: .. .v -w . ; 1 : ;Y ;: ;i Ln J . . . CENTS dxxgat;l3 to state fedee ATION 'ACXHOEIZED GTiOWERS RECEIVE 11 found for RFrrr: 'i t - - - 1, ..... . . . ' Marlon Brand Ftodnrt Cornrnaad Higher Prices Thau Others j Through East ' , Woodry Buys Furniture- Store at Summer and Norway streets. Phone 511. JIBtf! CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Fair in, the Interior; generally cloudy near the coast, cooler; light west winds. Max. 8i Min 53: River 1.9, stationary; Rain fall none; Atmosphere partially cloudy; Wind southeast,. .1 At Si The Theater Today in . r ... - Y' . v - ' - - Y i OregonAnna Qv Nllsson, Ben Eyon, Ma Jorle Daw in "OnoWay Street," i "Craitd Adolphe V Mcnjou Greta Nissen-in ."tost A ' Wife.' ! IUlgh Eva isWak In "Ra clna for L4fe.M;; y y : : , ' ; ,YY'f'j.":;t':s',-!;Y:'.V".'' ?J" ' the estate as exempt and as be longing to Samue N. Martin who died recently after being appoint ed executor of the Briggs estate. G. F. Mack has now been named administrator. . Checks Are Mailed - Checks were placed l,n the mail i 3trday by the Producers Pack ing & Canning company for their growers who this year will receive 5 Wc per pound for their logans, Virtually all of their pack this year went tq foreign markets. The price is somewhat higher than the average price paid here. which be gan at 5 cents and eneded up later in the season at 5 cents. I Scotch to Hold Picnic People of Scotch descent are to hold a picnic of their own at the state fair grounds on Thursday Sunday night. while the superin-a on tendent was cutting wood, j The kairn,na wnrM. A basket dinner Is to be served at six o'clock. - Those who .'plan to attend have been asked to meet . Market returns received by tke Salem Black Cherry Growers' as sociation indicate that the grow ers will this year receive slightly more than 11 cents per pound fer the fruit packed by the assocla tion. It was announced yesterday hr O E. Brooks, manager. T The association price Is from 1 tolH cents more than wis paid by fruit brokers, during the season. ; . Marion brand cherries packed by the association brought from 30 cents to a -dollar more on the eaat rm markets than any other ears In ompetltioa with the local cars from any district. Thexoolyex ceptlon to the consistently higher prices received by the association was a car shipped from Hood I River with the cherries faced lu the boxes while none of the asso ciation cherries were so faced. In one combination car tarry ing partly Marlon brand - cherries of the association and other, cart of a competitor; the Marion brand brought TO cents higher than the Others.' In one of the cars shipped RRAMWP1 I Fll P5 RPTIIR T boxes were stolen en. route aud v"avl wmm m 9 mm toW I to I W III. .vY. .VI . Via a inoiuer luiymcui icw :uv After presiding in ' Chicago courts for 43 years, Judge George M. Kentcn has been de clared insane and placed ia cus tody of his wife. -He heard more than 150.000 cases, mostly crim inaL . i . . j fingers -were struck by an axe at the point where: they are joined to the hand wlrUeJIr.'Purvine was cutting wood "Jar'.the fire in the shed where wiJsr4s heated for the use of tourists. The cut made was so deep that even if the fingers are saved he will not be able to use them actively it was said. PAPERS ATTACK POKITIOX OF LOCAL PUBLISHER Frank C. B ram well, state ; su- I . . . . . on Cnnrcn street Between, tnei r"iujnaeni ol winis, nas uiea court house and postofflce at one I returns and demurrer to tne o'clock in the afternoon. I alternative writ of mandamus in the circuit court in . the case of Rumor Fouud Untrue I the State of Oregon in the rela- ' ' Reports published in the Capital 1 tion of George Putnam, demand Jonrnal reeentlv to the effect that I Intr ' t hn mtum f mtata hinVln. ol . 1 I 7 .. I ; o v cum.! . . . la ivmnithT itrlra wna imiwnHlnf I ti..j.n.ri... a a o n l A irv. . oijl-iuuui mouern oungaiow, at the Salem hospital because 01 per a were filed yesterday. half block from car line, taken on the departure of Miss Steele sup- ia the demurrer, Bramwell's foreclosure; will sell tor exact erintendent, on September 1, were attorney declares that the relator, amount of mortgage I $1950.00. found to be untrue by the execu- George Putnam, is without legal Terms $250 cash, balance $25 tive - committee of the hospital capacity to maintain the proceed monthly. Ralph H. McCurdy. of- which gave consideration to ' the iBe. .n,t th.t ihrA i. .nMW.c were missing when the fruit ar rived - at its - destination. ;These constituta outstanding claims In , favor of the association and when these are collected there will be Mfor 'damai (015.42 and The Salem Trades and Labor counen is sending James Turner, president, and S. B. Davidson, business agent, as delegates to the State Federation of Labor in Marshfleld August 24. The mat ter of financing the delegates oc cupied much time at the labor meeting last Bight. . J. w. Brant was elected trustee to succeed Roy BVodgetL.-'who . recently moved to Bend. . Several of the local unions reportde that they were sending one 6r two delegates to the Marsh- field me-ting.' Dr. John E. Long, chiropractor, appeared before the council to ob tain 1 support of organised labor looking toward a change In the law that will permit men coming under the workmen's eompensa tion act to go to a chiropractor if they desire and not be compelled to seek the services of a member of i the medical fraternity. Dr. Long stated that bills sent to the Mate industrial accident 'commis sion for services rendered oy member of the drug less healing fraternity -were not being recog hired and " the workmen were forced to psy for treatment where as bills rendered by the medical men were allowed. ages aggregating . d the fsxce'.latlcn c rff&t 'graVii? 1 ly the Torm, ser vkefor rlfiU l s ia tiJ'Dcsi chutes forcet. The land in the Deschutes tor est Is kgpwn as Crane Prairie. The KLENZO TREATMENT CANAL1 COMPANY SUED HIGH DAMAGES ARB ASKED - FROM HAGOOD AXD WEST PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. 11. (By' ' Associated Pre.) Forest E. Littlefield, deputy - United man for distribution to the SUtes district attorney, today III- fice over Miller's i Store, Young People Optomlstic ' The young ; married people of the First Presbyterian church are optomistic over the possibilities for relief here "from the recent heat spell. Yesterday they an nounced that In case of rain the picnic which they are planning for tonight at Hager's . grove, will be held in the parlors of the church. Sounds like the good old days, someone has. remarked. an Trial Date Set I ; ' j ' The case of the State of Oregon against Jesse Sheeman of iWest Stayton, charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, ia scheduled to come up in justice court Monday, August 17, at 10 o'clock. The case will be herd before Brazier C. Small, .Justice of the peace for1 the Salem dis trict. ,,Y, . Y.J , y -i : matter yesterday. Besides the nurse and dietician, whose resig-l nations had been submitted some time ago, none of the staff ex pressed a desire to leave. groyera above the 11' cents.J j Of the seven cars shipped by the association two were sent to Xew York; ne went to Boston; two to Pittsburgh, and two to Chicago. . Six cars of Lamberts were sent out and one of Blngs. About 1(0 tons were packed in alL In addition to the yield of the association members the pool also packed several lots for outside growers, charging them a 7 V4 per cent commission. ed suit in the federal court against the North Canal company of Port land of which R- W. Hagood is president and Oswald West, ex- governor of Oregon, Is secretary. Klenzo Dental Creme Klenzo Antiseptic and a Klenz , Brush together make a com- pleta treatment lor tccth,gums ' and mouth. Clean and healthy teeth, mouth and gums help maintain a. healthy body. Use the Klenzo. treatment dally. Perry Dryg Stote 113 South Cora mere lal . Ralem. Orecbn Cherrlans; Enjoy Vlxit. ' Members of the local . Cherrian organization "ho ' Monday night participated in the Junket trip to Dallas where .a.coricert was given by- the Cherrian "band "came back .... . liU' nosntlnn Undergoes Operatloi . Charles Ferrell, operator of one of the Salem street cars' for the past 18 years, underwent an oper ation for appendicitis at a local hospital recently.:.-- ; 'yj j To Inspect Irrigation District . United 'States Senators McNary and Stanfield, and Representatives Sinnott and Crumpacker, accom- Luper and Assistant Engineer "ttn,n oeaaquaners irom , tne Chadwlck are to meet in Bend to-1 pam oiuce to roruana. it is morrow later to make an inspec-Jde:lared hy Putnam that i the tion. tour of the north unit irrlga-1 move w. entirely, unapthorlzed tion project. The congressional landthat it .was done merely to tion pending ; between tne same also declared; that the writ of FIRE LOSS IS HEAVY! mandamus does not state or con tain facts sufficient to constitute a cause of . action against B ram- well, or entitle the relator to re lief. : .. - : ; ' ' . , The case was started some lime ago r when Bramwell moved ' the NEARLY MILLION REPRESENT ED IX JULY BLAZES Light Six Studebaker Bargai At Certified Public Motor Car Mkt. This Is a 1924 model tour ing, original paint, looks like new, good tires and car - has .been drlv- there. A program was given In Jen only a few thousand miles. See addition to the concert. ' Among J tnis one or pnone lor oeraonstra- the Boeakerawere King Bing J.I "on. : a A. Perry.f Oscar Haeter, Dallas at torney, W, O..Holcombe, and Fred A. Williams, , 4- . ! ' : . '' ''t: :y- Choice Gladiolus- Funeral designs. D. H. Upjohn, 964 S. Liberty. Phone 1700. l al2 Clothesline Robbed Fifteen fancy jshirts, and six pair of mens" socks were stolen from a clothesline, at her home be tween 6:30 and 9:43 o'clock:Mon day night,, Mrs. W. L. West of 1515 Court reported to police yes terday. . " : .' " Y ' Ware Plans Trip Harold Ware, local Boy -Scout executive, will leave today for Se attle where he-will remain until next' week on. private business. Upon his return he will begin n sories of hikes which have been panned for the local Scouts. Hike Found- A blue, frame bicycle brought "to - police i headquarters earlv thU mornine by Officer Davis who reported having found it abandoned on Liberty? street near the Salem Bank of ' Com merce. The wheel awaits identi fication and claim ot.lts owner at police headquarters. : Weather Report Denied t : State Forester F. A, Elliott has taken exception to newspaper re ports, that records for the longest continued dry Spell i have been broken : this summer. Quoting yeathcr reports in his office he asserts that In 1917 Portland was was! S9 days, without rain, Tillamook ill days, KoseDurg 3 4 days, Med ford 119 days. Port Orford 1 days. Bend .-130 days, and Baker 102 days.; In' 1914, he declares, there was-no rain In the timber- land districts of the state between" June 23 and September 6, a total of 74 days. ' Hearing Set for Today . ! " -i.?8 Bf I and Iren. Thoms' delegation made the trip by train, accommodate the superintendent. w"ci fct u mm Jrceny, will 06 tried in Justice vourt this morning at 10 o'clock. The couple, arrested a snort time ago in a local room ing house where they are said to have been living as husband and wife, are declared to have stolen some jewelry from a Salem firm. Luper. and Chadwlck leaving" by auto yesterday. ' ,' "' i - PERSONALS 1 I w- Sa- DlTorre Is Asked ! Eva May TIndall has entered suit for divorce from Charles M. Tindall, alleging cruel and Inhum an treatment. They were married in Salem in October, 1914. jThey nave one child, 22 months old. The plaintiff . declares that her husband has struck her and cursed her on numerous occasions.; She asks custody of the child, an un divided two-thirds Interest In real property and the recovery of all her own personal household property.- : i W. Yunker of Suver was a Iem visitor yesterday. , , , . Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gooding of Monmouth were In the city yester day. ' ' .- ,. '.';..,. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rabef were Salem visitors yesterday from Cor vallls. " ' Martin Zelin ski of 1060 Union received treatment at a local hos pital Monday night for an infected hand. ' " , The action has been carried' on for a. number of months, and a. short time ago resulted in. the assess ment of a fine or $50 against Bramwell when" he was charged with contempt of court. in that he did. not appear in, court to show reason why he filed a motion for change of .venue and a -declaration that'ndge L. II. MeMahan was prejudiced against him: The case - has been appealed from the .-circuit to the supreme court, ' r - -r ' SHIPPING BOARD WANTED Remains Sent South . ; Remains of Nathan Starker. 27. and his Infant twin daughter, Le-KroT. under the auspices of the SEATTLE. Aug. 11. A meeting LnuRF Tn Hn n P nN n ' Portland Friday to organise a . W . w i .... . .. I x-aciuc normwest .snippers' advis ory hoard for the American Rail way .association was announced here today. . . Funerals : I Fire In Oregon during July, out side of Portland, caused an -esti mated loss of $921,030, according to a report from the fire marshal's department. Lumber mills and contents at-Linnton, $500,090; Cherry City Milling, and Fred E. Wells' wood yard, Salem, $133,,- 600.. and mill equipment at Hood River, $100,000,- were tbt i heavi est losses, y ';'": . . i" In addition to. the above j listed, Salem, is recorded as having lost a dwelling. . $1500. while, three other fires in the county amount ed to $450. ' ! The $ 8. fires Included 28 dwell ings and contents and 21 farm dwellings and contents, while the eight sawmills, equipment, and lumber destroyed are valued, at $629.725.. . . , . . j. ..f Overheated, or . defective .flues caused - 10 fires, rubbish and sparks 8, and open fires 7. Thirty- six of the fire causes are listed as nnVnown i . . - i . MWA AND ROYAL NEIGHBORS TO GATHER SUNDAY TONY Horse DUKE Doff and A basket dinner or the MWA and Royal Neighbor will be given Sunday, August 16. at Rickreall oh .Bene, seven montns, ; were forwarded to Santa Cruz, CaL,1 from the Rigdon mortuary last night. The bodies were placed In a single casket.Jhe baby; resting on her father's arm. .Mr. Sharkey and the baby , were' killed .last Fri day when the machine he was driv- Money to Loan- By payment of $13.60 per month for 110 months a loan of $l,00fr may be retired, principal and In terest. See Ralplr H. McCurdy, over Millet's store. ; Phone 86. Time to Can Salmon . Fine fat deep sea troll fish at Fitts Market.: : - - J26tt Summer 'House-Planned - Permit or the construction of a summer house at. his residence at 680 North Liberty wai granted to W. D.I Albright through the of fice of City Recorder Poulsen yes terday; i, "-.;---.;..,, Pfcuieers Hold Homecominjr About 330 ; members of the Ajumsville - Pioneer association were present at the -fifth annual homecoming: that was held in Highberger's grove Sunday. The program lasted throughout the day with speeches of reminiscense by old timers as one of the most popular features f of the program- Tile Warchousej Planned . The Northwest . Canning ! com pany Is to build a tile warehouse Blot ion Is Overruled Judge Percy R. Kelly yesterday afternoon overruled a motion for at the earner of Liberty and. Ferry j modification of the decree granted to cot $1500.; A building permit , for the new structure was issued by City-Recorder . Poulsen yester day. A permit was also issued to J, G. Merchan tot the alteration 'and repair of : his residence at . 1010 South Twenty-second to ccst $1800. recently when Mattie A. McElroy was granted a divorce from WU Ham IL; McElroy. r Attorneys for Mpciroy enierea a motion to re duce the amount ' of ; the money allowed for the support and main tenance of Mrs. MeElroy and i minor child. r Yon Telephone Ua, 110 We'll deliver it. no Tmatter how mall the item. Capital Drug. - ' J22tf Camp Superintendent Injured E. C. Furvine, superintendent 'of the Salem auto camp, may lone the first and second fingers of one hand as the result of an accident County Court" Reversed Circtit . Judge.' Percy R. ' Kelly yesterday signed an order revers- ing the;; decision, pt . the Marlon county court, in the case of the estate of Lucinda Briggs, deceas ed. ; Judge Kelly declares that the county cotfrt erred la setting aside some , real prcrerty belonging to YJOODRY Stora Sammr ni Krwy Cts. Salem camp. An invltatloon has been extended to all the camps in Claekamaa, Marlon, Polk. Linn and Benton counties, and a big crowd is expected. .Portland also will be represented. , The principal address will be made by Governor Pierce, who is ing left the highway' eight miles (state lecturer or the order south of Salem and crashed into! Johnson Smith of Portland, state concrete culvert. A baby and deputy, will also speak. Good girl were seriously Injured, though j musit will be furnished by a male several other members of the party quartet. escaped with minor injuries. Board Sleeting Postponed ' The scheduled meeting of the local school board failed to attract quorum last night and the ses sion was postponed until the next regular meeting dater August 25. Power Rat Reduced ' ' iteauciion in electrical power rates In the state; ordered recently by the state public service com mission and brings the tariff down to $27 per horsepower for re quirements running to 4.000 horse power or more, will affect one-Sa lem industrial plant -the Oregon Pulp & Paper company. The pa per mill is the only Salem plant which uses lhe. minimum require ment. The mill is now on a slid ing scale, which- under the new rate, will entitle the company to a rate of $27 per horsepower when the mill's load reaches 4,000 kilo watts. '. - . Coffee, cream and sugar will be furnished free. " McDonald Cleaners 783 Highland Avenue y Telephone 2217 Work called for and delivered 'I.?.'".. "- KnnUon ; The funeral of Isabell Knutson will be held at the Webb Funeral parlors today at-2. p. m. , Rev. Koehler will have charge of serv ices. Interment ' will be In the City View cemetery. . - ' tn. TEETH?: ; ' . MejMrick . . The funeral of. Mrs. Julia Mej- strlck will be held at the Catholic church at Jefferson, Ore. today at 10 a. m. Interment will be In the Jefferson cemetery. . Webb Fu neral parlors in charge of arrange ments. : , III- Starts -Friday in; The Little Necesities That Mean So Much I ... - f ! t t In the New Fall attiro the ;b'tt!c. things, pby I a far more important role than ever before. I Milady must surely .have at least two parrs of gloves for wear with her short jacket ?uit. I And every frock or at least a largp majority i "will not be complete without a collir and 'cuff set of lace or linen. I We have taken extra pains this year with:lho - "necessities of dress . ' ' 1 ' ' '.-' (7 0 Painting and Decorating by Skilled Mechanics Kennedy Paint Shop Now located at -Gabriel Powder & Supply. Company 173 Bouth Commercial ; . Telephone 7SJ 1 LADD C: BUSH- Banlicra . i ;'.. Published 18C3 , . . General Banians Buzmcia Crflce Hours from 10 sum. to 8 p-m. - Wbbdry &. Woodry Pay Cash for Furniture Phone 73 : . ' REDUCED" SODIinr RATES ; . TO CAUFORXlA ..; BY PICVICK STAGES: Sa rnaelwo, M wy. flfja ' ; . kmd Trip, 1 30.00. . 9 , Xs AnnlM, Bswtr. r KoantX Ii-.a, $60.00. ... - SpcU1 mu U PftTtUs af Clsfet sr Ur- ! ' , Jtn XiifnBMMi- bS K4rvsUas rhons 69, or caU at , ; CEXTn-lL STAGE TERMEfAI ' Salem. Oregon ' i Electric f .-; 1'r? y " " h M - 111 'J?yY ' j . Y " v Y'J K Ji ' If It Is To Bd Efficisnt y ' i I- . : ; . . , the:mortuary establishment must be really . homelike, for if the cheery comfortable atmosphere of the private residence is absent, then the funeral parlors cannot serve their purpose completely. ''I j ; " It ia for this reason that we have taken great care to make our es- tablishment a place where all who call upon us will feel instantly at homo and at ease FHilEHA1. , ir - - K A-f W' ..&-K....wC JIC' if--