WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 12. 1025 aiem's Great krket PSac lassmeei d THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM. OIlEGON- G M e-' t V r ( MISCELLANEOUS fil CRAWFORD CANNING PEACHES ARE I i ready. Kgaa. itro 1 mile north of Hopiwre an th Oregon Electric. Phone 3 ri I, 6113 H. ' B. r SEAUROVft FUR3ACK AND , ffaeet metal anon Mtttd to 4181 Mill ', 8k. - -r Slaovf I , f BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM Ifetboda are e4 ia the health iostl ; tute at 353 . 8. Cottage tit. . 8. H. Logan. Phone 2.SI4. ;- 51 RaLEM FUEL TRANSFER CO, T5J Trade 8t flalem. let ua uU ;n 1 aa wood, coal end transfer, moving drifin. .,. Dav nhoaaa 753 aad IS Wlrht phee 1IMWI. BIJ7I I f LOST AND FOUND M ;.'!.. $25 REWARD ' i , je offered (or any information that will lead i to the recovery of bjaek ; horn, with : bald face, weighing alout i l.r. Ibe, which disappeared from my ; place S ml 1m east of Uervei. oa Mm day night, August , Mike Englehardt. i r---.- -' 53al3 PERSONAL 65 , BIZZ TREATMENT I fOR APPENDICITIS ' Tt-Ta-Wonderful, Free information Address Uiaa Cm PertJead. Oragoe oSel 0-192 HONEY TO LOAN &7 FEDERAL FARM LOANS. S. F. L : Wood, 41 btjta at., I7al ! FARM LOANS i r Loaf time, aaay paymauta, law LaUraat an roaa or eommiaamna. PERRINB MAK18TER.S ' 1t Gray Bldg.. SaUm. Or S7J1M WANTED LOANS SO V I PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP i PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP1 PP 1 P PP WANTED PrivaU moaay for vr . PP wall aeearad firat mortgage PP PP lflini. Any amount. Open PP iPP t- evening ., . PF pp . i- ''' PP , PP PARKER MEALTY COMPANY PP PP 40 U. 8. Bank Bldg. PP 1 PP i Telephone 2242 - PP I PP S9J21U PP PFPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPrPPF PPPPPPPlr PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPF BC8IXES8 OPPORTUNITIES 01 HAVE A CUSTOMER FOR A BUSINESS in Salem, Woodnura or Silverton tiroeery, flour and feed or general ; nertrhaadisa preferred. Give full par ',' tiiMilara firat letter. . Must . be . V clean i aad bear rigid iaveatigation.- : y . A. C. BOHRNSTEIT : ' ; Realtor, Ian and Insurance 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon 61aatf REAL KSTATB 3 i Own Your Home NEW HOME : On paved St 4 rooma modern. Price , $2775, $500 down balance $30 per ;. i month. See ns for bargains. - Wi It. (iRABENHORST CO. i i 275 State St. Phone R15 ; 1 . - 1 -. " . 63al2 : ; , BEST BUYS IN HOMES I ' i Special Price for Thi Week. -. ,i f225o Hon, $ rooma, 3 lot, paved .mM' street. r.asy 'terms.' ,: $25oO New coay han?low, S room. H Paved street, good bay. ' -' ! $niOO New modern bungalow, 5 rooma bevt at plumbins, fine basement, fur- nace, 'near Stat St. I - -t'--. ; t ' ' i ' If it'a a home a RFE CHII.DM tt BKCHTEL i 540 Stat Street. fiSalltf BEST HOME BUYS $1000, 2 rooms, plaalerrd and plumbed, feilt block to ear.- r 2too, 4 rooma and sleeping porch, garage. : : '' ' $.1000, S rooms, garage, largo lot south, 'term. ' 1 i . - $3500, , 4 room brand new, farage. I 1' furnace, 500 down. - f .: I $.1450, two house on large lot, terms. i $5000, brand new Spanish, modern, Ub- it' mediate possession, $500 down. I $5K0, . modern . Fairmonnt home. 6 I rooms, and everything. Quick on this. I j v' $oOOO, naw Spanish, immediate posee i : aioa. term. $7500, modern rooma close in north i Summer ereek borne. . . '2 , BECKK HENDRICK8 I Vi 8. Bank Bld.-"t- 63a9tf iNfCE NEW HOUSE. 4 ROOMS, closet .'. sad bnilt-ina, very convenient, . well ' : built; excellent plumbing, paved street, j- full basement, very select electric fix- j tare. Price $2800. Term; 80 yon can - easily pay if yon have a little money nd a job. Phone 1748ft. 63a 15 ' I ROOM SEMI-MODERN HOUSE NEAR ::. 1'nlversity. large corner lot on paved ', : street and atreet ca line, newly peint- ed. A nood buer at f3700. : 5 roomv part basement, lot 16 by 1 1H5. fine- fruit. Summer atreet. $3150. i 4 -room aud nook, stucco, tiled roof. ' elei'tnc' stove, fixture and thndea at : :, 95KO0. ' 1 - - , - 1 H room English home on Fairmount i Hill, the best bur on the market at ! $5500. - r - . ' -t - -. ! t WINNIE' PETTYJOHN. Realtor . 210 Oregon Bldg. 03a9tf Salem t : , 1 - ; ' Heme and building lota. ::....- - . , 1 ....... 0RS0OH - j ...:. I " -.'' '" , Farma any site aad prlea. Service to the Homeeeeke or a tiler nevar eada. Try ear building department, It i figuring oa a new home. ' LIST WITH CS Oregon Incorporated r Realtors - Victor Schneider. See'y. ! Phono 1013. Room 4-5-6 D'Aref Bldg i;. . ., ! . :- 1 . - 1 63j3tf 20-ACRE FARM NEAR EUGENE FOB rat, sole or trade at essy .payment. 5 sere tract near Salem to trade. for j : Salem or Oregon City property. Trade house aad lot for small acreage GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. Realtor. - . - . 492 N. Cottage. 63a4tt ; MIDSUMMER SPECIALS , 3 5t acre ouly , U mile from sn lawn. BS acre In cultivation. Some I fruit. $1500 will trade. Make us r" an offer.! - ' ' ' A good 5 room house ia North Saloin for $ 15. A net her m In North Salem only seven Marks from the i'arrish Jauior High, at $2250. . A new . stucco . house in North Salem. Very- reasonable . at $3500. Easj terms. 1 15 acre:' 6 mile from Salem. No Im 1 provemeat. '.250. : 21 acres 3 mile for Dayton. Will trade ior nenae in good town. W'e have aa income property at $500 per month. , $45,000 or will trade for tocg ranch. . - 22-acre tract, good bottom laail, gooc barn. 4'iae 5 room bungalow, water ystem. A splendid home end e real bargajn at $2500. Terms. 3 5-room bouse, gsras-e. east front .A very g-tod boy at $1800. Easy terms. 6 room bonne in. Corvalli to , trad for Salem nrmoertv. tt-room house, good barn, good well, five lot, plenty of fruit. , A splendid Bargain at $2200. $400 down, bal ance like rent. ' Remember we write Fire Insurance' f -' ULR1CH & ROBERTS " f : 122 K. Corn's. , r - Phone 1SS4 - fJ3 BARGAINS . rUoeco house, 4 room and garage. Price f-J75t. 300 cash, balance te anit. , room and 3 lota. North Salem. Price 4iiH. '0l cash, Lai. 3w and in terest. East front lot 'Oak Addition. Price $I20. North front lot. 50x165 Trade fit., Distant owner. Price O0. : For food value im, Kl EUEU, Realtor , '147 X. ConTI ' - Phone 217 USall FOR SALEACROSS THE 8TREET from Supreme Court building l a beau tiful home, light rooma aud breakfast room, hardwood ; floor, fireplace, fur nace, full basement, lot lOxl 14 giant walnut treea, double .garage. Opened for inspection to interested parties. Phone J489J. I - . , 63aI5 THREE EXCELLENT FARMS CHEAP 23 iwi tkrta mile to Ha lent, good mall dairy and chicken.' 1325U. 2 acres high class fruit and grain. beat land in valley. 14750. 40 aerea bar land, all. in grain, an O. K. aonth. I240U. ; 150 aerea, half : in grain, large barn. no house, gtto acre. It acre north in high atata eultiva tion, on pavement to Salem, 4 milea. fair buildings, "00. KECKK k HENDRICKS ' U, 8. Bank Bldfc C3a9tf FOR SALE 10B EXCHANGE Slodern 5-roora house in N. 8alera. val aed af H20. Will take small or old houite, not oxer $2000, . and term on balanc. , - ! 14 ACRES 12500 r ' Suburban' home.! value $25001 t as - change for home in city. Will aatame : or pay, difference. For tradea 1 C'hilda Bechtel, 540 State Htreer - - ' - I - . : 6.talltf I ARIQH 20 ACRES IN 'FAMOUS 1 acre on higher: ground well tuited for home hnildingi; 6 Vi arrea cream of Lake Labiah land; good adjoining aoil and aome' timber; new houe unfin ikHed but livable, also old holme. Moat faaioua onion land in the world; aee the wonderful crop now growing. Thia property is offered at a very tow fig ure for a anort. tiroe. ArLf3 TRACTS, IN VERT BEST riWrCi .nhurhan loc.tioa. near eitv limit. foo, eauy torma; rapidly ad vancing vaHue. DDollPIT A BEAUTIFUL I 5-ACRE IgV'I,l TRACT ean bo bonrhl for the price of the house it contains if taken at once. Thia ia en emer gency deal : to j settie an estate aad somebody is certain to profit from it Persons! ly inspected and approved val nes. M disappointments. 4 HARRIS " Masonic Temple Phone 795, 1942-1. :.- t - - . . ! 63al 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, GOOD LOCATION 1700 Term, take lot for Dart. V Grocery stock, fixtures, lease, fine lo- cation, nvtnx rooma. anap. $2500. . e-roora bungalow, large lot, snap, $2700, I, nod term a 2g acre farm near Salem good bldg. $5000 term. I . 85 aere Janu 1 close In. nice bids, fruit, bargain, $9000 easy terms. 600 : aerea . sheep ranch for Salem .' acreage. . i 1 - See our list of exchangee - PERH1NE A MARSTKRS ' ' 212 Com. Club.': Bldg. I 63atf - . SNAP ..; Good six-room 1 house, plastered, new .roof, garage, large lot 75x150 on paved atreet ami 'car line. Price for quick sale $1700, $730 down balance time. W. II. ORABEMIOKST CO. 275 State St. i ' : Phone 515 " :'' :--': 3al2 f25 DOWN.BUYS A LARGE LOT 50X 200 feet, located on Rural Avenue just west of South ' Commercial St. Price $500. Term $10 per month, interest 6. .!.'--. .W H. GRABF.NIIORST CO., Realtors 275 State St. ! Phone 515 - . .- -'. . .-j." - 63al2 , THERE'S A NICE 12 Vi ACRES, SMALL house end barn. 4 milea out. 1 acre loganberries, 2 acre Evergreen black berries, 7 Vi acres, 6 year old prunes, owner -wants larger place, 30 or 40 acre wilt do; 5 acre 6 mile out, 5- roora house 'tor' vacant lot, price $1500.;'' 40 aerea near Alsea. Ore- 2 acres . orchard. good building, lots of timber, for Saliem residence and will asanme; -80 aerea near Eddyville on Newport highway, all stocked aad quipped Jpr residence or small ac reage near rlalem, price f 3500. Fine furnished: house for rent $50. nnfnmiahed house on State ' for rent, aao.mj. i . - - MeGlLCHRTST PENNINGTON , 209 U. S. JBank Bldg. Phone 140. ' :.. ' ' -i :..t; - 63alltf I Nothing Succeeds Like Success ,: Daady new f oar-room - and breakfast nook bungalow, basement, furnace. . paved" Bis.. $3000.00. - Terms. , Five aerea, all in fruit and .berries-. Close to - car line, electric light. A anap, $3500.00. "A eash. 80 acre, paved read, living stream, fine fish, good soil, 12 milea from Salem, Or., $4500.00. Vi cash. ; Rich L. Reimann ' Realtor 147 N. Com'l Si : Phono 726 R - V ' ' i 3j22tf DO TOT WANT A JOB IN THE PRY THIS COMING, WINTER Grocery stock and restaurant, good lo cation in Salem, si 750. ' Filling station ia best ot location, in Halem, aiuao. 1 : Filling statioa w th country inelnd in building. S1250. - . Filling station, building and grocery stock in the country, sjii. List that 2, S, 4, 5. !, or room new heXise with os. we will do the rest. 8OCOLOFSKY. 341' State, '- s . ' - r,3stf - - Ki'r.t.iAi, ' . s6 acre with fair building on good road, close to school.: Price $5000. will trade for small track or city property. avi acre witn 6-room house, barn and garage, close in. a bargain for . $2500, including furniture. . 5 -room honse, price $1700. trade -for -light -car or lot a first payment. 4- room new house and garage, $1650, with $200 -down. . THOMASON. 331 k State Street. . -. T. :. 3alltf MINUTE MOVIES REAL ESTATD OUTHEA ECRET4S" EPISODE 19 "THE CALL DOWN jSIER;OM. f AS ME j CLAMS W A , ; ALONE, A3 FAIRMOUNT HILL Xew home 7 rooms, eompleta ia every J way Price $3400. ' Some terms, well located with lot 50x150. W. H. URABENHOHST ft CO. 275 State St. Phone 51S ! C3at2 750.00 BUYS A NICE NEW 4-BOOM Stucco bnagalow, fireplace. bivakfait nook, bath, close to - arhoul nd rar line, term. '1 looo.oo Buy a 4 room hnngalow. larpe lot, near bna line, $100.1o dawn balance easy payment. Several bonnes fo rent.- 11. ; E. Brown or Mel vin Johnson, - 109 H. Commercial St. -i - - ' 6312 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 IF T0U HAVE TOWN OR SMALL suburb acreage and want a roo4 farm, come and talk with as. , Wa may do l.usinexs. . The Fleming Realty to., 341 State EC 56tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP - r . PP PPT 2200 2200 PP PP: EXCHANGES EXCHAX0E3 PP PP ,. . . PI PP CO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE PP il . UL'iriAITlDl'L'bil TD PP! ltr4,tt' U JVAbj a Xj An. J pp PP; pp pp pp pp pp.. Office Salem and Portland The .demand er exchangee ha ' made necessary : oar GREAT MARKET PLACE where tie requirements of all can be matched. We have Just what yon have in mind; just where yon want it; just the rght price. , Our list of exchanges (the ' largest list ing on the Pacific Coast) guarantees yonr complete aatr isf action regardless of your re quireraeat. If yon would iike to - exchange year property TODAT, come t TODAY, Open evening. See PARKER? F O R PROPERTY 409 U. S. Bnk Bldg. Com'l at State. ; Phone 2242 Sijaetf ppt pp pp; ppi PPi pp pp pp p: pp pp PPi PP PP pp pp pp PP PP: pp pp PP! pp PP pp pp PP PP: pp ppi PP pp pp pp pp pp PP PP, PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPI' REAL ESTATE Farms C7 A REALLY GOOD FARM : - Over a 100 aerea.' Owner's age make smaller place desirable.: Will take a small suburban acreage or a good town house, pa it pay. see me. : WM. FLEMING. 341 State St.' vl . i -.- : 67a6tf & A Producing Little Farm -'')' ' :: ' tO acres, good small buildings. Iota of Irnit and berrtea, chickens, -eowa, tim ber, pasture, rnaningnnd well waur. Close to aehool on good road, near pro posed paving. Immediate ; possession. r-nce rignt witajerms. , ; Oregon incorporated Realtors Victor Schneider. See'y. Phone 1013. Rooms 4 5-6 D'Arcy Rldg. - - - 67jl5tf I REAL I1STATK Suburban t9 SPECIAL ' i 10 acres of fine river bottom land lo cated 9 mile North, of Salem, one-half in peachea balance prune, bearing. price for quick aale $1200, cash to handle. 1 W. II. ii RABENIIORST CO. vReHors 375 State St. Phone 515 i ;:'..' - 69eI2 : j SPECIAL BARGAIN I acre home, paved highway. 1 block from ear line, east front, 4 -room plaa- tared, bouse, with wood shed aad gar age, well water and electric light. Price 12200, g 500 down, balance $25 per montu, interest 'Ar. W. H. tTRABENHORST CO. 27S State St, : Phone 513 i i -: - . : t 69al2 240 ACRES 3 .MILES SOUTH OF 8A- Inn. 50 in fruit, 150 ' in cultivation. Want man with plenty ot equipment aad help. 1 . ; E. K. PRASECKI. " : Dallas. Oregon. i 67al4 VIEW PROPERTY 10 aerea 2 milea from Iadd tc Bush Bank, wonderful view ot Salem, and Willamette Valley. : Price $2250. j W. H. G RABENHORST at CO. Realtors 275 State St. , Phone 515 ' : , 69al2 BARGAIN, 22 ACRES BOTTOM LAND, good house, fruit tree, close to town, $2500 mik-ht trade. 700-acre stock ranch located only three mile from paved highway, on gravel road, $30 per acre and we will trade for city property np to $10,000. 5ftO-aer s'ock ranch $10,000 for city or suburban j borne. F. L. Wood. 841 State St.- . .. 67a12tf :' FOR SALE '! :- ' 5 acre unimproved located a : short distance from '. the Salem Height acbool. Price $2000, $200 down, bal ance uer montit. Interest W. H. G RABENHORST OO. Realtor 275 Stat St. ' , Phone 513 '"f ' ' 9a12 ' WANTED REAL ESTATE I 71 t PPPPPPF- P;P P V r P F r P PPPPPJr-PPPFPPFPPPP pp pp PP OAIX . PARKER -' , AND, START PACXniQ pp pp pp pp pp pp pp PP pp FF pp pp PP PP pp PP Selling service without eqnaL P P PP Onr avstam never fail. ScietJ- PP P P lifie eellinc backed by clean. P T Y r Intelligent salesmanship meaaa 1 Y PP RESULTS for YOU. We torn I P PP 'Propeets, into "Buyere.M PP P P We torn "FOR SALE atgaa ia- r.r P P to "SOI.D." All city property PP P P inspected, photegrnphed and sold P P PP without aggravatiag delay.,Open PP P P evenings. See - I' r PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP PP409 U. 8. Nat'l Baak Bidg, P P P P ! Commercial at StaU v v - P P PP ' Telephone 2242 ; PP PP Office its Salem sad Portland P P PP - . -71ml7-tf PP PPPPPP-PPPPPPPPPPP p p p p p p f p p pprppppp CALT L4-vtssl4 1 ero &y the Brt and - mofe tEClDE lb fVT ,1MT0: taboo ' 'VCR- BEPAiR5 REAL ESTATE I'LL T&LL WirA WERE "To GET CFF- ,TD-N6HT- THE SAPHEM SEEMS To TMIK 1M A SORT CP- SERVANT', i AUTOMOBILES WANTED T7 , Eiker Auto Co. We nay cash for Ferda. TTjnJttf USH CARS FOR S.143 7 PACKARD , HCDSOX ..ESSEX Fred M. Powell I Motor Cars . fl.0 N. High Salem, Oregon " Wo are ready to do buiae in our new loralion, 350 N. High. We have nsed car: from $35.00. ap. Some of them are just ont of the paint shop. 1 It yon want some special make in the used line aad we have not it ia a:ock, we will get It for jou at the price you ' want to pay. Come ia end look the new heme ever. 19204 cylinder Essex touring in A-1 shape, new paint, brake relined. motor overhauled. . Thia ia a snap ..375.UO 1921 Bis- Six Stndebaker 7 passen ger with a two-tone finish. I( you ran use m 7-pa)eager car yon can not heat this car .. $li50.0i - . . ' 1923 Hail son Coach -v'h- a new enamel fiaih motor in wonderful rendition. W are selling thia ear with, the new rar ; warranty ; ... -$i0O.00 Buick. this car is in A-1 shape. We have just overhauled thia car from tart to finikh. Why wait any longer, for a good buy! Here 'It is. war ranty ... . ..$250.00 Ford Bug and it run fine, motor In good aiwpe. We are offering thia car for 1 day at special price .. $35.00 We do not misrepresent our need cars. Fred M. Powell , . Motor Cars , PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79atf r Quality Used Cars : Packard Single aix five-paaenger, in exrellent condition, with semi-balloon tires. l'aige 7-passenger iouriag in excellent ronoition. formerly owned by prom inent Salem man. Late '24 Star touring. 1423 Maxwell roup. ' Two 1923 Overland Sedans, like new. 1920 Hupmohile touring. Two "24 Ford cmipea, .. '1923 Ford coupe. 1922 Dodge sedan. These car carry our regular guarantee. Very liberal term. - . We are dealer 4a the Marmoa, Cleve land and Chandler car. . Now at oar old home at Cottage and -" Ferry. . Call and have car demonstrated to your satisfaction. , MacDonald Auto Company Phone 409 ?9aU "DEPENDABLE" USED CARS" 1920 Dodge Roadster $223.00 1920 Buick Roadster 350.00 1925 Oldsmobile Roadster . 750.09 1924 Overland Touring . 425.00 1923 Maxwell Touring 450.00 1923 Dodge panel delivery like new priced to sell; Fords and Chevrolet $50.00 and up. "After We Sell We Serve." F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. $65 X. Commercial St. Phone 1200. , 79a Itf : Quaranteed Used Fords 1929 Coupe, extras L-$325.00 -1924 Model. Fordor Sedan .-$525.00 1923 Tenring, cord tire, extra $2ti5.00 (Aat. . S arWKJ AfAh Ail ' Vintr jncratii usurr f nfu.vv . . VALLEY MOTOR CO. . Authorised Ford Dealer Pheae. 1995. 2 GO Na. Hirh. ' - , : 7altf WHY WALK When yon can get one of the follow ing nsed car at m reasonable price and on easy terms. 1924 Jewett Tonring. - 1924 Gardner Touring. ' - ' 1923 Gardner Touring, . ' Oakland Tourihr. BURDETTE-AI.BKE MOTOR COMPANY 217 StaU Street Stair Distribatora of Ocrdaer Cart. - - 79j25tf Certified Market 1924 Oakland cui 1..... ..$99S 1921 Stndebaker. Bij tear. 550 1917'Steara Knight 25 1923 Maxwell tour. . 473 1922 Ford coupe 290 1922 Overland tour. 275 1921 Overland tour. 175 1923 Ford tour.- 263 1930 Chevrolet tour. 200 1921 Hupmobile tour. . 485 See these before Ton bny. H block N. of Post Office. or Phone 883 for a demonstration. 79atf EIKER' 8 USED CARS. 1923 Touring . J$245 1924 Coupe .S-$435 Our usual guarantee .behind all cars. Eiker Auto Co. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121 7jl8tf Eiker's Two son-starter tooriag Ferda with license. $45 and $55. To much serv ice ia these car wreck. Both good manmg condition. Eiker Auto Co. - Phone 121 '.i 79j1ltf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR ! Ies. - Why py moref -Money buck gnernnte. Seheolar Ante Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day 5rh hone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 Commercial St. 'Built to aave vooeev." 7)-i1 Stf lOI4CK. R,XKEILS CliASH PARIS. Aug. 11. (By Asso ciated 5 Press.) Lively: but not serious tlashej , with (he police of Paris arid Versailles; marked the bank employes' - strike today,- a number ot arrests being made. (All rights protected by The Gorse Uatbtws Adams WELL .THE HELP tt" H SAW ,VAM SCAMP. AM0THC.VC j0 ovs? THE t CLASSIFIED 1 Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE UOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONE8 $09 aad iH3 R. Kay or eight aerviee. fMif AUCTI0VZEE1 - ' i P. X. WOODRT Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate- 1 AUCTIONEER Re. 1C10 N Summer Phone 511 for sale date. ACCOTXHTAJfT O. EDJ ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And . itor. 331 to Bute. Phone X09e-U. aI7-'26 . BATTERY AND SLECTaUCLlKS . R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 Sowtk Commercial. c vmm D Phone 19 COURT ST JOE W I M.I AM BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICT etc aad repairing. 887 Court. XRAKZ RXXJiriMa MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER - cial St. Phone 102. jlf CHINESE REMEDY ' L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company ' Help any known diaaase. 420-426 State. a-3otf CHIROPRACTOR Dr. O. L. SCOTT. U8C. CHIROPRACTOR. Temporary adJreaa, 1360 So. Liberty. Phono 826-U. i H. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. it2 Oregon Bldg Phone 2194. mTtf i DRE88MAKINO " 1 PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY IH" wording, "Dressaiakiag;". price 1 10 cent: each. Statesman Busiaes Office, (iron ad floor. 1 MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, atampiag. button. Room 10, over Mil lar' Store. Phone 117. DRUG STORES i DRUGS, CHEMICALS, .TOILET ARTI- clea. perfume, expert preecriptionmta. Capital lvrug Store, corner Bute aad Liberty. " ; 1 ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY i Co, Phone 1934. 22o X. Liberty. , FLEENEH ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wirina- t,r hear or- cowtrart. Estimate fnrnislied. Phone e.O 471 Court Kt. j . FARM PAPER I IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm naoer Bead, 15c to the raeute Homestead, Salem, Oregoa. for a three monah trial aubecripuoa. Mentioa thia ad. ' : POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent atamna for Decial three anontha . . . . . t . ... - . . u : I triat tor tae ooas unm oiun jvhnm the weat. The erWelvs end advertise- sneuta are of spveial interest to i the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest -Poultry JenrnaU 211 Ooin aaerciai atreet. Salem. Oregon. t FINANCIAL. FOR KALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gage. Trust Deed, t na tract en houa Will net t" to JD-. j BECKK A HENDRICKS IT S. Kil l Baak ' j ! . , ' ' 11-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY-TO loan an rood farm aecuntT. CITY : LOANS We are loaning Pru dential laauranca Compaay money; on ettv residences and business property. nt SliVi. plus a commission. Haw kin ah Jtoberta, lac, 204 Oregon Buildiag. I . - d 14tl Farm Loans ANDERSON Js RUPERT I 400 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIOXS flower for decoration, itennet rur erv Co- 2233 Fairground Road. Phone 1280. i 49a2$ CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral 'wrantha. decoralieee. C. '. r. Hreithaupt, florist. 123 N. Liberty. Phone 3h". FUNERAL DIRECTORS i SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC- tor. 210 Center. Phone 1.V. HAT BLOCRINO ALL WORK GUARANTEED. El.f.S- worth Hal Shop, 847 H Conrt, pla'r. HEMSTITCHING I SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. Pleat- ing. bnltaa. (tamping aad needle work. Hereon Bldg. Phone 3i. IN SUE AN CS t r Insure iTenr bme or ear sow s'hoae 181 -BECKE A HENDRICKS IT. n. Bank Bl2r. KNITTING WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S uort hoae. knit to order. Head t ait- ting. Phone 1778 J. Jll-'.f KODAKS EXPERT AND INDIVIDUAL ATTEX- tion civen- to yonr developing and printing. Capital Drag Store. Bertice -Trade Hark Registered rj. NWUOLE or4 "me. DESERT.ISIE VAN SCAMP -ENDEAVORS "To TEACH ATI ON A A FEW ENGLISH SECRET Of SOUTH GUESS! 1 T f COKE.MV LITTLE SOUTH SEA VDU THE MEftNflMO OF TH5 , . lTON 'wet 1 VNI BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference LAUUDRirS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 316 S. Liberty street. Phei 25. eldtt,'hsrg et and beat. EsUhliahed 19. I TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Phone 171. 135 B Street. jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LACNDRY Phone 5. Service with a smile. Quality wurk. lf4 brosdv. Jl4tf LADIES' TAILORINO f i LADIES' TAILORINU. COATS EN- aembla soil, party aad sense drees. Annette Smith, 594 North Liberty. eagle D. H. MOSHER TAIIR FOR MEN aad women. 474 Court St. I MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE t'apilet City Bedding fs, 11WO North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. 1 AM work rrn:eed Phone 19. fltf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. - MILLINERY BAROAINS THE YEAR AROUND. Fefta aad leather hata $2.0O and: a. Ellsworth Hat Shop. 347 V Court.; ap- atairs. MTJSIC STORES 1 SHERMAN CLAY CO.. PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art apd otbera. Meere'a Muaie House. 415 Court atreet. i I GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapha sewing machine, sheet music. aad biaao stedtea. Kepamag phosu graph and sewing machine. 432 Stat atreet. Salem. ! TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW VU-ter or Bruaswick. 1L L. Stiff Fur- nilti'e t Music Itrvt NEWSPAPERS THE lliRTLtXD TK LEO RAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 9.19. . ( THE ORKOON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered i je'ir home cmrly eacn worrnng. Tel. s.t or .tw.t KTJRSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Peerey Broe.. 237 Stt. ' aan-i - " 1- PACXaNQ AND SHIPPING I roil FXPEKT FCRNRITI.'RK PACKING and shipping, call Stiff firnitare I Store. Phone 941. FAPERHANCINQ AND PAIN TIN 0 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOX HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting.: etc. V.liiliU wnrkmaa i PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED 1'iaue tuner. Leave orders Will a Music Store PRINTING . . i ot" i-,,,xr uv r i una T i u 1T1. let, program, book or aay kiad of printing. . t all at the Mitwatt rn tog Department, 215 S. Commercial. Tel. 53. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabcr Br., 141 Liberty St. Phone S.r'. flll RADIO H'UTIHIRF RADIO. SALES AND ' SERVICE ' No better radio asad at aay- price. VM3&&3VZ) QUALITY CARS High end Trade ' flttf RADIO DOCTORS : j SALEM ELECTRIC CO. jj F. 8. BARTON, Proprietor Masonic. Temple -r- Phone 1200, Radiolas For Every Purpose Erery Part All Standard Sixes; of Radio Tabee HALIK A EOlF ELECTRJC SHOP ; 3 t7 Coort St. Phone 4it ; RESTAURANTS If yon don't eat at th Lunch Boa we both tmwtc. 181 M. IJliertv. a!4 REAL ESTATE ; ;.' i IF YIHJ HAVE FKOPERTV TO SELL) . or if you are looking for a home, farm or bus'nea pronerty, se as. i i j Mr..,.. . ... t , .-a i f 1 e r. m li' .ninunn T. S N'.tiestl Hne Jtf REPAIRING ALVIN.B. STEWART" . i $47 Court St. Umbrella. Cat lory aad Kcye Lawamowera. rater bladea, acissorS, kaive aad tools sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE Garbage aad refaa of all kinda removed by the : month. Ksooeaable rate. Ce pool cleaned aad Aead animal removed. phono Office 95 or 7. Pes ?t:.. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOT He ine end shoe. Heat price paid. Cap ital Exchange. $42 North Commercial Pheae 1S -W. ' STORAGE WE STORE -TOUR HOUSEHOLD Good or anything yon hnve, hv th week, month or yeer. V. A. fcisrr. cemer Liberty and Ferry. Phone 121. d 14U as 8. Patent Office) EVE -NOSE - KIOOTH - SAVVY . ' ' lnun Ce jl ! i EVE NOSE - 1 i El -XH I 3 fa- F) LET TMT 6iRLeVLCNc.VW4 SCAMP .V IP I CATCH VOU BOTHERING- HER. AGAIN. ILL. BLOCK 0PP, Aio 1 iHt-a BOSS 0$ 8T0VES AND 1TOYE REPAIRXKO STAVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED i 4t year' experience. Depw National j fence, site 24 to 36 ia. high. Paiata. i eita aad varanhea. etc, loganberry aad i hep hooks. Salem Fence aad Sieve ' Work. 2'.0 Court ret. Piee 111. TRANSFER AND EAUUTO CAPITAL CITT TRANIFER CO. II ; Mate St. Pheae 933. Diatribe ting, fur i warding aad storage oar specialty. Oet 1 oar rate. WR MOVE, 8TU&R AND SHfP HOUSE 1 hold rood. Onr specially t plaae aad larnitare moving. We aiao make eoaa ' try tripe. We beadle the beat coal aad I weed. Cell oa na for pescea. W give ' good measure, good duality aad good , eervice. Larmer Traaafar to. Pheae MK TKANKFER AND HACUNO OF AIA. kied. ias3. TRANSPORTATION VACATION DATS ARE HERE! That means tripe to the beachea. The Parker Stage Liaea offer throe rowed trip daily to Tiliamewk and ery eeaehes. Daily service from Tilleweok to Bay City, Osriheldi. Siltair, Haekaway. Lek t.ytie. Man haltan, Nehalem. and Seas id. Stage leave Nolo at t :53 a. m. 1:10 p. m, aad 6:10 p. a. OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Silvertea: 7 a. m, II a. m 6 p. m. hi. Angol: 11 n. m 5 p. m. . Indfpendenee: 7 a. m4 t a. m It -IS a. aw 3:10 a. m, 5:15 p. m. Sun- dava ealr :30 o. m. Monmth: tt.n, 11:15 a. . :10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Mnndaya only n:3n p. m. . Dallas: 7 a. m 7:H a. m 9 a. m. II :2 a. m. 1:10 p. m 2:10 p. m. aad 5:15 p. a, rail City: I 1. 2:10 p. m 6:15 J!0tf WASHING MACHINES FOR REST ELECTRIC WASHER with gaa burner. :t In $5 per wonth, Ask for Elmgren. H. L. Sti(."e Furni- "fe fo. all t f ' WATER SALEM WATER.. LIOITT A POWER CO. Office 34 Swath Commercial St. Tea per cent diacennt oa domestic flat rate paid in alvance. Na deduction - for absence r aay raise nolesa water m ahnt off erM'!. ' ANTI-TRUST DUTIES END TWII ClKhTt KS A Iir.ll Ilk !!( HER OF ATTORNEY SEVERAL WASHINGTON. Aup. 11. 'By The Associated Pretts). Closing ot lhe anti-trust offices of the de partment of Justice at Seattle, Wash., tin d Portland. Ore., with the resignations of Special Assist ants Hughes. Hudson and -Ie Bruler, was announced today by I Aiiorncj ucuriai jwrxrui. With the closing of two office the department has abandoned all of its Pacific coast anti-trust units. Tn Che Interest of economy it plans In ' future to maintain only one man in thct section, a special as sistant to the attorney general who will work in clone cooperation with the departtnont here tn anti trust litigation and Investigations. EMBEZZLING. iS CHARGED ASSISTANT IHXK CASHIER IS i HEIJ FOR COXSTIRACY LOS ANGELES. Aug. 11. (By The Associated Press). Jooeph Ward; said to be. wanted in West Virginia on a charge of embezzl ing $300,000 In funds of the Bank if: Ben wood, was arrested here to- aight. Police detectives who took him no custody said be at first de lied his identity ' but later broke down and admitted he was the man they sought. r. Ward is tlsb alleged to have confessed that he, while asoistan rt-hier of the bank; conspired vith other officials of the intuitu tion In the embezzlement of $300, 000. lie said he had .received only a : 1 .. n . v .,!. I niinrw s sue uiuuc, simu was part or a widow trust fund and under control of one of the olher officials. His bank balance today, he added, was but $147. POWER KITE VOX'S D 4 LEWJ3TON. Idaho.. Aog. 10. Annourcement was made today hi the . Clearwater. - Timber company and the Inland Power & Ligh' ccrnparr of plans for "Immediate!, taking up the options on troPrU east of tnd adjoining - Lew 1st oi for a millirg site and power devel opmeut. representing a cost o. $lrti.0ri. The'romp'etlon of th 1 "'"r"" i tvi win be eiiecteu t: ore bepietn I . . 1 per ' By ED WHEEL AN HE'S SPCNDiNtV ALL NS Time, with HER ANT m DOMj ALL THE HARD UTCRK - ti MOTONS CP Hts cniEW Awy noRE.- .IM A"3 COCO, AS HE IS ?. J KNOCK" VDVK- tkmiltm i . iou OF O ?-n - A III FLIGHT IS DISCUSSED BY PILOT Non-Stop Hop From Califor nia to Islands Will be Made . in Short Time SAN ninOO. CaU. Aug. 11. (Rt Associated Tress.) Captain Sanfo-d E. Moses, commander ot the aircraft squadrons, battle fleet, and Hawaiian night project commander arrived In Port from Honolulu late today oa the de- . ntroyer Iji Valletle. The fleet air force commander Immediately held brief conference witn Commnnder John Rodgers, Ha waiian flight unit commander. Captain Moses a!d he returned to San Diego to assume supervi sion of the administrative detail incident to the forthcoming trans oceanic flight lhereby . leaving Commander Rodgers free to pro ceed with his Important work la connection with getting two TN planes and the Hoeing ready fop -the take-off, now scheduled for 2 p. m.. August 2S, from San Fran cisco bay. . Tomorrow morning . Captain Moses, Commander Kodgers and other officers connected with th Hawaiian flight will hold at con ference with Col. Frank l-ohm and H. E. JJ orpin of the contest committee of the National Aero nautic association aad the Federa tion LAeronantIiue Internation ale, regarding the plans for check ing the starting and landing .time of the planes at San FiancUco and Honolulu. The flight will end. Captain Moes said between Rarbouia Point and Pearl Harbor, the ship gliding to a mooring near Ford Island. - The Hrst air force commander said that the new dirigible moor ing mast Is practically completed at Tearl Harbor. At the conclusion of the flight. the aircraft carrier Langley. with VF squadron two. will sail from Honolulu for San Diego. Captain Mose probably win leare here for San Francisco, August 22. Announcement that the Jloelnr seaplane scheduled to hare started from Seattle on a non-stop ntsht Saturday for San Diego will not come here but will proceed direct to San Franclsro.wh6re) It will be made ready for the Ha Italia a flight, was made today at fleei air heaCquartem at North Island. DAMAGES; ARE SOUGHT fX)VER.MEXT TO Kl'E CANAL . CO.tIP.lNV OX TERM CLAt'KK Portland: ore., aus. n By The Associated Press).-The United States government filed suit In federal court here today to annul its grant to the North Canal company of use of part of ' the Destitutes national forest as aa Irrigation' reserve site alleging; the company had failed to live up to the terms of the agreement uri der which the grant was made. The government also asked dam ages of $17,805 to standing t!m !er and also for the cost of clear ing away a dam and other' Im provements made by the Irrigation company. t FORGERY IS ALLEGED . V MIRMI-R TAMP LEWIS t f.lillK IH IIF'I.I) IX X)MrLIM S RATTLE. Anr. 11. It was re ported here today that Rar II. Priest, formerly a clerk la the 'Snance office at Camp Lewi was. befcr; brought here from Dener. olu.. where he was arrested to tay on theft and forjery charea. Tolice hate been eeeklac Prledt lace Jane 15 yhen he la alleged, to. hare paated a number of foig:e.l warrants la SeatUe filled out for I3SS.20 each. Prlent obtain ome of the blank warrant form, while actlng'aa a finance rlerk. COP.DWOCiI WAXTKI Sealed proposals - will be - re ceived on 700 cord 4-foot wood, either round slab woe! first growth fir or second growth flf. f. o. b.. Oregon State Training School abont IH mil" north tr Woodbnrn. Ore., on Pariric High way. . - Didg opened Ann 17. iz. at the oHice of the nndemigned ar. the Capitol Building.', CARLE ABRAMS. Pocretarr. Oregon State Board of Cu'ni .x,. A-5--11.14. notii i: ror. nns Notice 1 hereby given that tte flty council of the City nf Vt lera. Oregon, will, oa the lMh day of AngnM. 192S. rfeite lul t for the rormtrnrtton p B well to t ennitracted In aeonrdance Ith the plana and iKKiriration r,o w n file with city rerorilr-r rf V.'f-t Salem. Council reserre r!-ht to rj any and all bi.l. r.l.ljpr. ar.i'r - nulred to submit rert .'j c) - tor five (Z rer re-n rr r-- s ttcir t;.:.- - uxvuiz ::jll::::. c:?t r - -1 -