The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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It i
mwn tmi
rou ' or cincAco ar
lltUlilUll UU katllh.ll
bobby .sTarrett cviTnvf;.
ly creates rumpus
f 1.-0,000 DAMAGE
"' f :
, li ! - , A , v ,
4 . .1
Outline of ; Budget ' Slicing
Program" Presented io
- . President Coolidge '
Available Guards and- Convicts Are
Rushed to Hank or Mill
Creek Monday , -
Official prisondora was thrown
i Into a chaotic condition Monday
20 f.JILUQMS SLASHED following reports of the drowning
iof Hobby Sterrett,15, son of J. V.
Reduction -of Tinge Sam Is In Line Every guard oTf duty, five or six
convicts known to be good wlm-
TVith Suggestion Offered
by Executive; Meeting
lleld Later-
Biers and divers, a physician froln
the city and a pulmoter from In
j dependence ( were rushed to the
scene. In the midst of the excite-
Iment ' Bobby appeared - seeking
SWAMPSCOTT, Mass., Aug. 10. 1 knowledge of the cause of U the
-IBv Associated Press.) Tn a activity. j
: , Throat. I Bobby, It was learned, was
ii U me north of the prison reser-
r::r,hr:r';;;:;;: lotion, with ; two -companions
7 '"J These had started back, to - town
. TJv - - . r h no f tawtl wnen tbey lieard, ot thought they
Tnaun " pi c?or d oftbe f Bl;g
budget presented to the executive l Jhe' r - Bo J
, . . . was not tn he found. Thev dashed
a tentative nuagei esumaie s ior i - - - -- - -- A .j,
the next fiscal rear, calling tor t'0' th !tnt,ary ffke Dd
Reports From Many Oregon
Points Say Fighters Are
Winning Over Fire
Considerable Parnate la tleported
From Widely Scattered
" Blazes in Southern
t)regon Holdings ,
Man Responsible for Law Enforce
ment Held Trafficker In
'in Narcotics ,
Dlroverjr Is -Made Sanday When
Man Goes to' River Bank
to Cat Willows
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 10
Oregon forest fires were being put
under control today. -
' Donkey . engines, a pile driver
and considerable length of Tall
road "trc-j :Je were destroyed on Ihe
holdings' of-the JJehalem Timber
& Lo.TKing 'company, near Scap
poose. Ore.,'8wept by flames today
and Sunday;'; .
Mtssrer reports of the" burning
bt a sawmill at Trail, Ore.,' were
a reduction of $20,000,000 In;ap- fe " " Vachinr the scene of the ! Tn r was put under
?taVr;Jld?n ?VS? pCa rowSing the convicts patrol and eight other small fires
set by the president., and.heap- Af ,ithtnr were controlled.- Two serious
proves! the rofm m wnicn tnei . .w
budget chief tentatively has all: tjfff fll"
cated the hew figures.
i ming hole 'for the body of. the
drowned boy. lir. Starrett paced
With increases necessary In
'some 'departments, heavy slashes
have' been called for In 'others,
and it is understood the new
budget hlti hard on the army and
naito annrnnrtillftnt - lXIV fTrtftl
m-J vih.tfwi.tTa -h-laown the creek he noted the pres-
'wanted adequate, -defense, he e- eDC 0t til2iTJnK paFtl "11
Heves It should be maintained on
the . banks almost trantic with
; grief. . j . fv-; r
Bobby had deeided to furth
er up the) creek: when his com
panions left him. 'Coming back
the 'smallest sum necessary. -Although
ft Is likely -next tear's
' budget will pare down the mill-
rtary appropriations It also -is un
derstood that the aviation branch
es will not suffer. About $20,-
' 000,000 for aviation was author
ized ' for this year and this sum
is declared to be all that can be
consumed in the annual output of
the present aviation manufactory,
i , i The Joint congressional ! post
office committee which Is conduct
.' ing hearings In this section on
postal rates met with .the presi
dent ! late today.
to the creek to wee what it was
all about; , ' i.'--AJ:'- M '
, Just i what remarks passed be
tween father- and son were not
learned, but Bobby presented a
serious face when' he returned to
the guards' quarters ' near the
FRESNO, Cal.; Aug. 10. (By
T?mrsrnfifTvAl Associated Press. VsDa mare esti-
White of Maine, rankinr renubll-1 mated at ! more than $1,500,000
can on merchant marine and fish- W be done by a . raging fire
""""Iries l committee. Informed the which is tonight. destroying 700,-
presldent bat a rigid policy ot con- 000 barrels of high gravity refin-
servatlonfmust be pursued In the Ing oil stored In a huge Shell Oil
Alaskan fisheries. He had Just company reservoir nine mllea east
returned ; from Alaska and said of Coalings on the west side of
the dearth of fish there has fieri- Fresno county. The fire, which
ously- handicapped Industry and
business' generally in- that terri-
t6ry.- Mr. White, who was chair
man of the committee : which in-
ffres, however, resulted from
lightning, one at Butte Falls and
one at Noon Fralrie, all towns" in
Jackson county. , Cdmmerclal tim
ber In the Crater lake national
forest was threatened by them
The forest service Is fighting the
Smoke at Roseburg was said to
be the densest Blnce the fires of
1910 hung a pall over the region.
Ten small fires, widely scattered.
were reported : by .the Douelas
county fire patrol. Four fires
were burning oh- Elk creek. ; be
tween Elkton and Drain.' two in
the Lane mountain - district, ten
miles- east of Roseburg. one at
Millwood, one on Paradise creek
north ot Elkton. one near Camas
valley ' and ' one ' near ' Eldhead
With the exception of the Paradise
creek fire, all were coming under
control. .
Late reports said that there
wer,e 21 fires In or near the Crater
national forest, 16 in government
land and five In state land. ; .
The largest of this group dt
fires, all ."caused bv electrical
storms, was near Mmnana. ereex.
six miles southeast ot Prospect. It I
waa mill gyieauiug. : . -
The Noyes-Holland lire south of
CHICAGO. Aug. 10.(By The
Associated Press). While twenty
squads of detectives and federal
agents, comprising more than 100
men In all, swooped down on a
score of south side resorts suspect
ed of selling narcotics. Cot. Will
Gray Beach, head of the narcotic
agents. In this district, was form
ally placed under . arrest " and
turned over to the custody of a
deputy United States marshal to
night' I- ; r; .
Colonel Beach was charged with
grafting. It being alleged that he
has disposed of narcotics to nar
cotic peddlers In' exchange for
bth money, and Jewelry. ; 1
The raids followed .a long 'in
vestigation, part Bald to have
been conducted by Chinese secret
service, men. Three of his T)est
known agents were also arrested
with Col. Beach. . All are charged
with having sold narcotics seized
by them In raids to narcotic-ped
dlers In exchange for stolen mer
chandise. '
Those under arrest besides
Beach are Harry Dettertch, Alouto
Baxter and Dennis J. O'Briens
The raids were made tn the
Chinese district and among those
arrested were several peddlers who
operatives say had traded with
the agents. Their names, , how
ever, were kept secret. The act!
vities of the accused agents have
covered a period of more than
year, those directing the raids
said, and refused to hazard a guess
as to the amount of money and
merchandise Involited. '
, t i
Police Relieve Murderer Who
Killed Self May Wave Had ;
Accomplices , j
Five Hurt; Only Two Buildings in
Rtxkwood Left Rtandin
on Origlaaf Sites
Salem Water Company Wil
ling to Sell to City Ac
cording to President
vestigated the shipping board., an-J noon today.
la expected to5 burn" uncontrolled
for several days, started when the
750,000 ,i barrel reservoir was
struck by lightning shortly before
nounced he would call the com
mittee together in the fall to com
pile a report on Its hearings.' No
recommendations or suggestions
Company officials said tonight
the entire. loss will be. covered by
With the cover of the. reservoir
to be embodied. in the report have I burned away surface of hun-
.been formulated by him. ; : ; I dred of square feet is in a mass
of roaring flames leaping 250 feet
I I y rtn al anil vmAVInop V n nnfli
ADOPTED GIRL LtAVcS unbearable wlthtn-100 yards of
i the inferno.
ANNULMENT FAPEIW sout.HTi Because of the terrifie heat and
IN BROWNING WARD CASK l the amount of oil burning virtual
ly nothing can be done ."by com-
NEW YORK, Aug. 10. (By As- rany crews other than to drain as
eociatEd Press.) Final prepar-j mucb oil as possible from the res
atlons were made today for the J enroir to the Shell tank ' three
severance of the legal relations! mijea distant. .
between Mary Louise Spas Brown-1 Company" official say . that
ing,. would-be modern Cinderella I probably 60.000 barrels of on cau
, ana Edward A. Browning, wealthy 1 1 saved Tn Ibis way.
t -nl estate operator and. dieiuu
sioned fairy godfather... . '
with the Queens county author!- BRI AND VISITS ENGLAND
ties and District Attorney New-
(Continaed on put 5) . 1
Aug. 10.- (By Associated Press.)
A.record sum of $50,500 for a
thoroughbred yearling was paid
today by James Cox Brady in a
purchase at - auction of a daugh
ter ot Man O'War, bred in Virginia
by Rear Admiral Carey T. Gray
son former physician to Woodrow
Wilson. . ;
A grand jury investigation of
F. W. Starr and Chartea Haight
formerly of Portland, is asked o
the Multnomah county district at
torney by W. E. Crews, state cor
poration commissioner. The two
men were former salesmen -con
nected , with te Northwest DrjJM
ing Syndicate and the Nbrthwest
Hotel Syndicate, " both ' concerns;
now defunct. iJ-; '.' ; ; ':
An examination of papers of the
hotel syndicate revealed an VI-
leged "sucker list," with names ot
prominent, people, occupation and
best appeal through which they
could' be reached. The Investiga
tion is sought upon the complaint
of purchasers of stock In the two
discontinued businesses.
Both Starr and -Haight are be
lieved to have left the state. .'
; ARer being at' the morgue for
nearly 4 hours, the body of a
man. found on the banks of the
Willamette river between the
ends of Center and Chemeketa,
was Identified Monday afternoon
by Mrs. E.- L. Van Allen as that
of Jim Sullivan, of San Diego, who
had registered " at the Eldrldge
lodging'house early in May.,
. Sullivan was discovered Sunday
by Joe Kallstrom who had gone
to the river to cut some willows.
Sullivan had evidently taken bis
life by drinking a amall bottle ot
lysol and then shooting himself
above the .right ear, with a .33
calibre revolver. One shell show
ed tl;at the firing pin had missed
and the man .had been forced to
pull the trigger the second time.
Because all marks of identifi
cation had been removed positive
identification was delayed. Police
and severaltbers who viewed the
body were certain that they had
seen him In .the city and had
talked to him. It was later learn
ed that Sullivan, Until a few days
ago, bad worn whiskers. When
found he was smooth shaven.
The dead man was 55 years old,
with gray hair. Remarks made at
various times around the lodging
house led the police to believe that
family . troubles caused him to
take his life. He Is believed to
have a son In San Francisco.
The remains were taken In
charge by the coroner. Sullivan
w missed from his rooms Fri
day and a report was made to the
police that a shot was heard about
t o'clock. Mrs. Van Allen said
that she had talked to him Satur
day mprnlng. '
The police wrote to the San
liego authorities yesterday to
learn more about the dead man
The view was taken that Sullivan
might not be his real name.
Sheriff Declare Ferpretrator , of
. Death Hoax Had Visiters
Shortly Before Blast !
"Took Place t !
OAKLAND. Cal., AK. 10-(By
Associated Press.). Another
phase loomed tonight In. the case
of Henry Schwartz, soldier of tor
tune, chemist, business man and
murderer, who shot and killed
himself yesterday In an apartment
here a police were battering at
ROCK WOOD, Cal., Aug. 10.
(By Associated Pres.) Damage
estimated at from $125,000 to I
$175,000 resulted from the tor
nado which late-yesterday ripped;
this little Imperial Valley town
oft Its foundations. A check-up
of property losses and casualties
revealed "tonight that only two of
the town's approximately '20
buildings were resting on their
original sites and that five of the
Zl'd residents were nursing minor
A freak feature of the storn
was the fall ot hail that accom
panied It. One ot the slightly. In-
Three Engineers Proposed; FpecUl
Committee Will Act la Ad .
vbsory Capacity Voder
rreent Plan
Ninety representative citizens
who "met at the Chamber ot Com
merce last tight went on reeori
as approving municipal owterst!?
jured men was knocked down by of the Salem water, supply ani
a hailstone and chickens were unanimously approved arbitration
slaughtered- by the hundreds. as the most Batisfactory.method ct
An Associated Press represents- I aetermining tn vaiue ot.
hTaoor .rVe,r him Or the live surveying the scene could not In Water company plant. .
i?.vii?,f ! and at Sicken anywhere la High light, of the session were:
ZSL erttion tn T,Inity. though thousand. Announcement by C. A. Parks
tempted -perpetration of an insur- v... v., w oresident of the water comcanr.
anre hoax. , -, . !' ; I w v,,, i .v. i that If th ctt rlhp.l ta bnr thm
l itucyai suu uuukuuiucii m 1 J
The newest, angle was the.pos- I fnnr ,. fh Tt,. .... laTDunt. the company would be will-
slblllty that Schwartx might have BCattered tDout aa thoutn ,t bad Dg to sell.
had confederates In the case which I mi.j .Kivni I Passaxe of a resolution with
authorities have reconstructed to I . I onlr two dissentinr votes favorics
show an attempt to collect In ex-j , . . . I municipal ownership ot the water
cess ot $100,000 Insurance by the ITALIAN DEBT UlbUUbbtU system.
iany isabled -HrEN irAVE
murder of a man now identified
by three persons as G
an itinerant minister. ;
Search for confederates assumed
definite, proportions when Sheriff
R. E. Veale of Contra Costa aa-
Passage of a resolution favoring
arbitration as the method of ar
riving at sr valuation of the water
; company's plant by which the city
ROME. Aug. 5 10. (By Assocl-j would appoint an expert engineer
ated Press.) To prepare Italy's I to represent It. the water company
nounced that Sehwarts had several CaBe for Presentation In the nego- would appoint a second, and tha
visitors during the days he re
mained In hiding. The sheriff,
said his Information had come
from the proprietor of the apart
ment house where the chemist fled
after the explosion and flre'which
destroyed his laboratory at the
Pacific Cellulose 'company near
Martines. i ,
Aug. .10. (By The Associated
Press). Heavy rainstorms that
swept the central part of the state
of Chihuahua Saturday night and
Sunday caused three train wrecks
and Injury to three persons.
tiations over payment of her war two would appoint a third.
debts, .with special reference to T. M. Hicks, president of tio
the debt owed the United States, Chamber of Commerce, and Mayor
the government's highest financial John B. Geisy authorized to ap
authorities met today with Count point a committee of five to seven
Volpl. minister of finance.- presld- representative citizens to act as
Ing. The meeting's significance is an advisory committee to the city
emphasized by the fact that Gla- council and . special committees
como de Martino. Italian ambaa- dealing with the water system.
udnr tn Vi A TTnttd States T,n...ln -..v..
Sheriff eale declare that In-lfr0m vew York Satnrdar ta dis-Lfth. v.,
formation he had was 0t suclra cuss the debt situation with his placing the' Question of a new
B.ui n m,ni reopen me jovernment. mounUin water source before tha
entire Investigation. "Schwartx The discussion dealt-with the people.
had visitors during the time he definite shape to be given docu- Mr. Hicks acted as chairman ej,
was In hiding," Veale said, "and mentary material which It Is plan- the evening and Introduced Mayor
we now are looking for two men." ned to submit to the American Gelay who announced as the pri-
He refused to reveal the identity debt funding commission and the mary question for consideration;
ot the men. , United States congress concerning the problem of how an appraisal
The -end-ot -the-"tnystery that IUly'a financial ttaatioa and aUo Cf the water-plant" could be re-
puxiled authorities for nine days statisticsbearing en Italy's popu- cared Ja iuch rnaanef ai to glTa
came , dramatically. . Trapped 1 la ,at,on broblem. This material will complete assurance to the voters
SEATTLE, Aug. 10.- (By Asso- e apartment in which he had 1UUH proBpcius uowmg tDat thft transaction was perfectly.
elated Press.) Irvlna: W. ChaniMlen reiu lD nignt or July 30l"" p7ineoi woicuirair
manof Spokane, state commander 1 eng nre to the laboratory "'"ow i ni-n5, ia uw "Nothing -is more Intimately,
of the Disabled American Veter-of the Pacific Cellulose company "8C fre8fttr now . xerted connected with he development ot
ans. who is to attend the annual lo cover P his crime. Swart sent " preprwon io e
convention of the American legion hullet through his brain. He wUh nd rTenae8 of th nt,on
at Port Angeles Thursday, an- chose death to capture and almost eornPred to the same pressure
v . certain conviction, for the offor " other countries.
m.ui. t nnA teKi a I had reconstructed th hanneninrl Dr- Mario AlbertI, who was as-
xxtia .... .vi. I In the isolated imitation aiiv ni.nt sociated with Ambassador De Mar-
eligible for compensation, have not Walnut creek too accurately to S"0.1" tfhe. Mrl'r fotUtIoni at
. v I leave him anv hone. . . I W ashlngton, .presented an organic
uiauo u pt' u u iui iurui i lti j. iv tiv
"Mftct t ih.Y.t.rn..ralii th. I So It was that when DOlIeemenI"-" ' l"e-
IUKI UIO Lt 11 IS. li V Ililt U BAIU . I "' au mix
"altbouch there are between 700 I u"l apartment house, they heard
and 800 In Seattle who through muffled shot and. breaking fn.l MONDAY BRINGS RFL IFF
K w " w ar mum aaaai
lack of understapding as to bowl"una mm aying.
to file an application have made
no attempt to obtain compensa
tion to. which they are entitled.
An explanatory note addressed I COOL BREEZE AND TEMPERA-
(Contiauad oa par T)
cembe announced that tomorrow I JOINT REPLY WILL BE MADE
be will present a retitlon for the TO GERMANY'S MESSAGE
annulment of the adoption on the
grouid that the girl deceived Mr. LONDON-Aug.-10. (By Asso
Browning into believing her only mated Press.) The French mis-
16 yeaia old when she was ac-J sion which Is to endeavor, to- for
tuariv 21. imulate with Great Britain a re-
The girl left the home of Mr. ply to Germany's recent note on
Browning's secretary last might,! the question ''of security, -arsjvfcd
but eince she departed with the I In London tonight from Paris,
agent of a syndicate for which she J Arlstlde Briand, the French for
intended to write the story of her I eigu minister; :ihead the , -mission,
brief .romance, little concern was! The -delegation' was - welcomed, at
felt' concerning the fact that her j the .railway station by Austen
whereabout remained a mystery! Chamberlain, the British foreign
today. ; . 1 V s secretary and other foreign office
Mr. Browning's secretary offer-1 ofilclals the jFench ambassador,
ed a reward of $500 for her' re-1 M. De Fleurlau.
cover? but Mr. Browning denied! Conversations on the Bote will
'thH was done on his orders. , I begin tomorrow at the foreign of
fice. Premier ; Baldwin and his
ministers are rpmainln? in town
MILL VISITOR KILLhU to be In reidlness to hold a cab
, v ' ' I inet council to discuss and give
WOMAN IS FATALLY INJURED approval to the draft reply to the
WEN GUY POLE CRASHES I German communication. If the
conversations are successful. It Is
TACOMA, Wash Aug. 10. I expected they will lead later to a
(By The Associated Press). Mrsi! more formal conference at which
Eunice FItzer of Eatonville1 was J representatives of Germany will
killed this afternoon at Fitter saw) be presented.
mill two miles east of Morton.
According to information avail
able here, the victim was one of a
party from Eatonville who were
visiting at the mill. The visitors
were seated in a group, when sud
denly a guy pole became, loosened
and crashed down on. the party.
Mrs. Fitter was struck by the fall
(By Associated Press.) The San
Francisco office of the Standard
Oil company today announced
purchase of 64$ acres of land aa
ing pole, receiving the full forceja tsite for. what was described as
ot the impact and was almost in
stantly killed. She is survived by
her husband, Rudolph FItzer, four
sons and one daushtert
a larger reservoir tnan any now
existing. The reservoir will have
a capacity of 2,0 0 0.0 0 0 ; barrels
and will cost $100,000t :
bolt helps paralytic hr ot pat few
I aays and the official temperature
for the day was 87 degrees. A
WHEN LIGHTNING 1UTS MAN coo hreeze replaced the hot breath
or Saturday and Sunday. No rain
BAKERSFIELD. CaL. Aur.: 10.1 has fallen since June 11. one of
(By Associated Press.) It anthe longest dry spells In the hls-
111 wind that blows nobody good; 1017 or in tllT' Saturday 9f de
sud today's freak thunder lightn- eree wa reached, with the mer
: ing nd rain storm brought to touching 91 degrees Sunday.
Noah' W. MIers. e?,, a measure of NerIr everyone who could do so
zooA luck for which h. U rtnlv ul nB eea-ena at me coast.
the city than the matter cf R3
water supply." Mayor Geisy de
clared in opening the meeting for
discussion. "I have no crltlcisn
of the Salem Water company, t :t
It is apparent that sometLir
must be done, and the sooner V. i
better. I am hoping that it caa
be done in such a way as to leara
grateful. For nearly three months
past'Mlers has been ' suffering
from a paralytic stroke which left
him Without the use-of -his; left
arm., . Neighhr -of Miers, ;who
' lives alone in a tent.' have helped
Mm get around his tiny yard and
assisted him with his cooking."
Smoky atmosphere continues,
but with av lesser degree of in
tensity. .While Sunday was smoky
In this vicinity, it was much more
pronounced in and around Port
land.. .
Mrs. Harry N. Craln, wife of
the managing editor of the Cap!-
tall Tts rw m 1 w V ra ..A.4.a.JI
While lylnr la his tent i this c.'VL ". "'
. . as recovering yesterday. Her con
dition at no time was serious.
morning, a .. bolt , of
struck the tent, hit a metal cook
ing utensil near the suffering man
and then struck Miers." A spot
about six inches In diameter was &ELGIAN PARLEY OPENS
uuiucu uuutr .nirio icil irm, ana
he yas rushed to a hospital.; Dr.
S. C. Long was called la and later
declared the patient will make a
pooa recovery; out sners ts cnier-i WASTTTvmvw m
lr nloa-ed to rind that .iv f
..r jAssociatea i ress.) wnn an as-
tirely recovered the use of his
paralyzed am.
Rain gauges recorded .IS of an
Inch for the storm.
surance from Ambassador Decan
tier that .Belgium will honor all
her: just obligations and with
(CatlTCS 8)
SNAKE serum prepared
NEW YORK.' Aug.' -10. (L 7
Associated Press.)- With a Q'-irt
of powdered American rattle ezn'. 1
venom, Raymond ; L. Dltmar-,
curator of reptiles of the N. ?
York zoological park, is going n
BravII next Saturday to arranz
for production of snake serum.
More than 100 persons die an
nually la the United States from
snake bites, he said. Thou.a-.'
of requests for serum'are receitc I
by him at the zoo but cannot t ?
filled. Brazilian laboratcrl: i
manufacture a snake serum Irc-i
venom of the South American r" '
tler. he explained, but this is I -effective
.against Lilts ct t
American Tarltty. He will taka a
quart of venom f long to ''
manufacturers sock thing to wc: ;
With. ' It was obtained f re -
2.5 00 rattlers collected t-y tie z
and by V,'. A. (Fnake) Klr.g r!
Brownsvi!!?, Texas. It i irjc" 1
Into horses in incrc as::. !y 1 2 r
doses until after t!;:M ;;or.. t
anti-bodlrs fern in V. - .
which Is dran oil ia n.ili l...
titles ta rr.&V ::.e f
promise by Secretary Mellon that
ftttH VI 1 1 Vj DtVfi 1 -ftV
IMAM I Mn nnnu ...
WUUAIi d UUUI 16 fUUUU in her capacity, ihe American asi
C'dglan debt commission opened
today the negotiations for the re
funding of the Little Kingdom's
I t.ovi :.i (;c:.:;r. gat:
. DE3 MOINES. Ia., Aug. 10.
(Uy Associated Press.) The body
of a won an with the skull frac
tured la three 1 laces was foarij in
a straw r.!e'tLit had teen partly
burned, near Carlisle, 15 miles
from here, late this afternoon. The
partly bun.ed uraw pile tad been
there for two cr three weeks. Two
mm, faFo!r.g the fpot. found the
body and notified the V'arren
coarjty coroner, who tonight is
makins efforts . to identify the
United States.
war debt to tfc
MONTREAL. Aug. 10. Or.-.n-Ized
bartenders In the United
Stales are f .-.tinuirg the
wotk thfy C.l lefore prchiliti-n
i:jarj Flcre. pre .-!d"r.t cf th-- i.--ternatiosal
alianr a:. 1 r
tenders' Int. rtiilonsl l--z;r:
today, ant c.'.:-i!tte T" 5 - r.
cr the r:.:;) cf t:.? t v.. C
i-li- n. "
I Vn
'. I-'
r, v. . 0
1 th t
tcdir, ;
ion, tri!-'-- Cf tl
was fiijihle frcra 1
ani tr.!-p?ri- ; t
Slriu-?, who l:j :
for f:'h a t:id. -.