The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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Special On
Ladies' Holepr Hobe
- z Regular $1.60 Value I
Pure thread silk leg with mercerized lisle heel and toe J
Special 95c, or 3 Pairs for $2.75
All t Straw Hats Regular 55 Bathing Suits
Half Price j Special 3.95 j
G. W. Johnson & Go
We hare a 1922 Overland
touring carrying extra good
tires, inl exceptionally fine
running (condition, with lots
of extras, tor $300; a 1S18
Buick touring in fair condi
tion and good rubber with a
spare at! $250.
of 950 Electric; a baby boy to Mr
and Mrs. 'Edwin. M. Anderson of
2010 South Church on August 7;
Kenneth Ray to Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Luckenbeal ! whose home Is
four miles! north of Salem. The
reports .were made by Dr. Pember-
ton. :
ordinance goes Into effect. No
exception was !' made for motor
cycles which will have consider
able difficulty ! in conforming to
the new regulations. The steel
stands of the machines are on the
back wheel and it will be exceed
ingly inconvenient to park them
head-on toward the curb. Drivers
with a side car would also have
difficulty through being required
to push the heavy machines back
ward into the street. Information
available yesterday was to the ef
fect that the- cycle owners were
simply up against it and forced
to grin and bear it. The parking
ordinance was signed by Mayor
Giesy yesterday and will go Into
effect ten days from that time.
How About- '
Your children's eyes?
out to Dan M. Jones. Salem, and THREAT BY ADMIRAL IS
Curtis. 245 Myers street; Joseph
E. Johnson. 2047 Frederick, and
Zelloe Ratcllff. 1495 Lee; Ken
neth O. Thompson, 765 N; Sum
mer and Alta Mae Brown ot Eu
gene, s
Merchant Marine Fleet Should Re-
maia at Portland, Is View
. . . of Senator
was to secure geographical attri
bution of the fleet in "orde to
serve every large port.
Before he left Washington', he
declared, he had occasion to talk
he matter over with Presraent
Coolldge who expressed similar
desire for decentralisation ot Jhe
merchant marine. .......
Is a great handicap.
Principal Is Named
W. H. Dailey, formerly Marion
county school supervisor, has been
appointed principal of the j Wood-
burn grade school, and will take
that office when school opens In
September. Mr. Bailey was in Sa
lem yesterday on school work.
I Complete line
"Famous Kimball Pianos' and
others. Moore's Music House, as
Berry Shippers Move-
Baker, Kelly and McLaughlin
have re-located in the Salem Fruit
Union bulldfng where they are
now receiving all kinds of black
berries for barreling. During the
first ot the season they occupied
the plant ot the Northwest Fruit
Hug Returns Soon 1 Products company. Remodeling
Superintendent George W. Hug at tne Northwest plant necessltat-
i will return to Salem this week I ea tne move. Tne, Diackberrles
from a vacation at Ocean View, I will continue jto come in until
(Wash-" where he has spent two J along in September, according to
weeks at jthe Hug summer home I expectations.
with his family. , i
lie Met -Sweet Georgia Brown"
At "Twilight" "Beside a Silvery
Stream." They were "All Alone.'
Just "Waiting for the Moon." and
he was "Yearning" to tell her he
had "Forgotten" the ("Cross
Words" at Moore'a Music! House.
Records and sheet music Phone
983. a9
I f Fair
Continued warm; light north
erly winds. Thursday Max. 93;
Mtn. 55; Rainfall none; River
-1.8 falling; Atmosphere clear;
Wind northwest.. ' v "
The Theaters Today
. I; ' ' V -
Oregon Corlnne. Griffith
in ' Declasse" by Zoe Akin.
Grand Florence Vidor
and Edward Everett Hor-
ton , in "Marry Me" from
the Play "The Nest Egg."
IMlgh Hippodrome
Vaudeville and pictures.
were referred to positions and 18
were Tepprtea piacea. . Agricul
ture claimed the largest number
of workers of any "one. type of
work, 37 1 men and women being
placed in 'that work. , ;
rhnlra r:1-llrwlii
Funeral designs, b. H. Upjohn.
964 S. Liberty. Phone 1700.
- : A9
Union Services Planned
Rev. Jf:3, Evans, pastor of the
First Baptist" church , of this city,
will be the principal speaker at
the union services in Willson park
tomorrovr afttrnoon. His subject
will be "When Is a Man Lost?"
Leon Jen nison is to offer a solo,
accompanied by Mrs. Jennison; C.
R. Muston is to lead the singing;
and Harry White is to preside.
Yon Telephone Us, 110 .
" We'll deliver it. no matter how
small the item. - Capital Drug.
today from their Camp Cascadia
American Passion Play and Is j where the organization has en
soinetimes called the modern Pil- joyed a two weeks outing, j j A
grim'8 Progress. .Rev. Taylor j number of Salem people made the
with his family! attended the pa-1 trip to Cascadia yesterday to bring
geant last week; while he was in l back a load of the boys by auto-
Seattle in connection with the con- j mobile.
rention there of 'the Knights Tem
Cannot Open Hunting Seasoi
Scout Returning . j j Seasons closed to bunting by
Salem ' Boy Scouts will return an act ot . the legislature cannot
do openea oj tne state game com
mission, is the answer made by
the attorney general's office to F.
M. Brown, chief deputy for the
game commission. The seasons in
Two. Divorce Granted i
Sevah Agnes Rrown was given
a divorce rrom David Brown, and
Gladys-Tucker received a decree
from Curtis C. Tucker yesterday
In Judge L. H. McMahan's court
The Browns were married in Sa
lem in May, 1922. Crnel and in
human treatment was alleged. In
both cases the women were grant
ed $25 a month alimony and re
covered costs of the trial.
Have the
question were not divulged in the
inquiry from i the game commis
sion. . .
Eyes examined.
Tubes S2.50 f
! We ar now selling nil at vIpa
radiotrons at $2'.50 each. SalemVRep,llp,, BWng Mad
Electric Co., F. S. Barton, owner
Masonic Temple. Phone 1200
"Ah Ha!" !
"Boy Friend." she said, "I'm
"Nobody's Child." Let's have
"Just a Little Drink" and let "Rv.
several minor repairs are oeing KOne... ba -By-rones" but "Don't
made at (the high school In prep-1 Bring Lulu." i At Moore's Music
arauon lor tne opening oi scnooi i House. Phone 983. a9
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank the many
friends of our beloved wife and
daughter for the many beautiful
floral offerings to her memory and
for the kindness and sympathy
extended ns in our great loss. L.
Grant Crow and mother; Mr. and
Mrs Jnhn IbTiiff an A fMlliv a1
"If Admiral Palmer, as news
paper reports say. Is threatening
to take the merchant marine fleet
rrom Portland he is acting with
out legal authority In my opin
ion." United States Senator
Charles McXary declared In an in
formal statement here yesterday.
ith reference to press reports
that Palmer was planning such
action. 'The senator further ex
pressed the opinion that indica
ttons pointed to the possibility
that Patmer was seeking to con
centrate control of the merchant
marine In the hands of a few
which, he declared, would be con
trary to the intent of the mer
Qhant marine act.
if the senate commerce. committee
tnd of., the 'sub-rommiitec tna
framed the present merchant mar
ine act.
"I ni nnt In vmnath with
.he resolution paused -by the ship
ping board transferring the con
frol ofrthe emergency fleet cor
poratlon to the shipping board.
believe that It was contrary to the
letter and the spirit of the mer
chant marine act and consequently
I BIeel that Admiral Palmer. In
threatening to take the fleet from
Portland. Is acting without legal
authority." One of the primary
principles of the act, he explained,
Add similies As .uaconflned as
flapper's legs. 'As much talked
about as the monkey. As mac a
cussed as humidity. As hard to
find as a girl wearing high shoes.
As hard to get as a right number.
Newell Williams
311 Masonic Bldg.
TeL 1109
Tako Tar
of their eyes.
Riflemen to Shoot
A competitive shoot between
10-men teams of Headquarter
company, coast artillery and Com
pany F, ONG, will be staged on
the federal range beginning - ai
9:30 o'clock this morning. Com
pany F will hold their weekly
drill after the shoot, it is announe
ed by Captain j Paul Hendricks.
The range is located on the Dr. W.
this fall. New paint has been used
to brighten up several places, sev
eral blackboards have been re
novated, and new linoleum has
been installed in the rooms con
necting with the office of the city
superintendent. . ?
Ferrell In Hospital
C, Ferrell, local streetcar man.
is at the Salem hospital under
going an operation for appendici
tis. Mr. Ferrell has been with
the company for 18 years.
Forfeits Fine . !
. A. j Newberry of 239 South
Twenty-second, forfeited bail ot
$10 in the police court yesterday
, In, preference to appearing before
Police Judge Poulsen on a charge
of 1 drunkenness.. -.Newberry was
'arrested Friday, night by Officer
. Bean Picking i
iAt MInto yard will start Mon
day. August 10.' f a9
Officer Release 5Ian
" Floyd Mack was released from
police custody-yesterday after
night spent in the city Jail while
officers investigated his past' re-.
cord.; Nothing of a criminal na
ture was found. Mack was ar
rested by Officer ' James and
Wright Friday night! ' ,
. J22tf I Carlton Smith firm, about: a mile
thi3 side of Turner
Family Plans Reunion- -
Frank1 P. Tyler and his wife ot
ValliacaJ Iowa, are visiting here
with Mrs! E. J. Tyler and family
of this city and will be the guest
of honor at a family reunion at
the J. F Tyler home here tomor
row. Frank Tyler, is in the ice
cream manufacturing business in
Valllsca land Is a very successful
merchant there. He has motored
to the coast and comes to Salem
after a trip to LaGrande and later
through Washington. Among
those who will be. present at the
family gathering tomorrow .are
Roy Tyler of LaGrande, who is al
so In the ice-cream business and
who will be accompanied by his
family; R. E. Tyler and family of
Willamina; Dr. S. H. Tyler and
family of Portland; and Mr. and
Mrs. EjL. Reaney, Mr. and . Mrs.
Lloyd Hackett, and Inez and .Ver
non Tyler, all of Salem. R. E
Tyler, Mrs. E. L. Reaney, Mrs.
Lloyd Hackett and Inez and Ver
non Tyler are sons and daughters
of MrsJ E.-J. Tyler of this city.
More than fifteen will be present
at the reunion. :
Money to Loan
By payment of $13.60 per month
for. 110 months a loan of $1.X00
may ibe retired, principal and 'In
terest. See Ralph H. McCnrdy,
over Miller's store. Phone 96.
Parkins Canutes Fines . , .
Fines of one dollar r each for
' parking their cars in the down-'
i t'owri district for more than two
hour limit were imposed In police
f court yesterday upon M. M. Joy,
Ixuis Ashliman. Lowell Will, Wil
liam Stezak, and W. C. Brown. .
Dr. White, Osteopathy
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment. A9
Opening September 1, 1925, at
1570 Conrt street. Lita Waters.
Phone 1184-M. ' . a9
Alleged Speeder Arrested .
.Harry Densen was .arrested by
Officer! Edwards late yesterday on
a eharge of, speeding and has been
cited to appear before Police
Judge ! Poulsen August 10 at
Dr. J. E. Albrich
: Announces the opening of his
dental office in the Oregon build
ing, rooms 427-428, phone 2216
for Jhe ' general practice; of den
Little Illness Reported
No new cases of contagious dis
eases were reported to' Dr." Wilt
iamB. Mott, city health officer,
during the paet week, he reported
IJght SU' Stutlebaker Bargain
At Certified Public Motor Car
Mkt, This is a 1924 model tour
: Ing, original paint, looks like new,
good tires and car has been driv
en only a few thousand miles. See
, this' one or phone for demonstra
' I tlon. :"' : I u- a 4
Time to Can Salmoi
Fine fat deep sea troll fish at
Fitts Market. j I 26tf
"At the End of a Winding Ijne-
"Honest and Truly." "Dear
One," I heard that "Song of
Songs," f'The Melody That Made
You Mine." "No Wonder." "Hon-
ey, I'm n Love." "Hold Me In
Your Arms" Is all she said. At
Moore's Music House. Phone 983.
Ioctor leaves :
Dr. Johann Loenhartsberger,
who for two months has been con
nected with the Marion " county
Divorce Is Granted
Mary. e. Thrirt was granted a
decree of divorce from James E.
Thrift yesterday in circuit court
by Judge L. II. McMahan. Crnel
and inhuman treatment was
charged. They were married In
Fairfield. Cat. in October. 1917.
The plaintiff mas granted the cus
tody of two minor children and
$40 a month for their support.
Pheasants Are Liberated
Chinese pheasant hunting should
be better than ever in the district
a few miles north of Salem as
tienry Stevenson, deputy game
warden, yesterday liberated 300
lot the game birds between Ciuin-
aby and Waconda.
211 Oregon Bldg. Phone 185
Buy Vision
Some people look upon
glass as something
they have to wear,',
when as a matter of
fact, they should think
only of better or easier
It is knowledge and
skill and service that
you really - want and
Buy Vision! .
Morris, Optical
SO 1-2-3-4 Oregon Bid-.
Many Children Examined
Forty-seven children were ex
amined at Middlegrove during the
past three days in connection wl.h
the Marion county child health
demonstration. The examinations
were made on the rsual voluntary
basis. f
Freighter to Remain
The river freighter Relief,
which for several months has been
tied up at the dock of the Spauld- child health demonstration! here,
ing Logging company here, , will J left for his home in Vienna Thnrs-
not be moved to Portland until day where he is to be an officer
fall, it was 'indicated here yeeter-1 in the bureau of public health. He
day. The present owners wolwas sent to this county by the'
were successful bidders when the I commonwealth fund from Austria
boat was auctioned, planned to and since his arrival last January
late it to Portland at once ha been connected with vHnn.
pairs dui tne inp. was aeiayea ana demonstrations. He will sail from I
present low water has made tne New York on Saturday, August 15.
cnangs now impractical unm inei
Four Licenttea I.Nuel
, Four marriage licenses were ap-
. . I a . i a 1 . l .
piiea ior in cue county cier p i
office yesterday. Only two of the
eight applicants were not resident!
of Salem. The licenses were made
" IJfe Insurance Co.
Res. 140 N. 21st
Phone 1100
Specials on Wood
1 Larpp load 16-!n. slah wood
1 Cgrtl 4-M. slab wood ..........
1 Cord large second growth fir
4' Cords large second pro win nr. . . .
16 Inch old fir ft
4 FU oak a
4 Ft. ash : O
i M '
$ i.7- t
Fi $ l.0 per cord
0 $6.50 per cord'
rt $6.00 per rord
$8.00 and $H-50 per load
$ft.0Q and $S.50 per cord
$7.50 and $&.00 per cord
4 FL Maple $7.00 per cord
river lists In the fall, it was said.
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic-
Physician and surgeon.
Complete Line I
"Famous Kimball Pianos" and
Moore's Music House. a9
Motorcyclists Worried ; H i I
Motorcycle owners have begun
to winder what their fate is to be
Paul Lewi Injured
Paul Lewis, son of C. I. Lewis',
ct Salem, suffered a painful cut! when the new "head-In" parking
on tne Knee during a Boy scout
hike to Hurricane Deck last week
near Camp Cascadia where the
Scouts are camping, it was learned
yesterday. He tell while descend
ing from the bluff, cutting .his leg
to the bone. j i
Complete line
"Famous Kimball Pianos" and
others. Moore's Music House. a9
Births Announced--.
1 Births were ; announced yester
day of a baby daughter; to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Silvers of 1463
Fir on August 5; Lucile Genevieve
to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson of
1322 North Fifth; a son to Mr.
and Mrs. Orvell B. Bowers of 730
South Nineteenth; Eugene Edgar
to Mr. and Mrs. Harley M. Smalley
i Mirkebton
LilliejK. Mickelson died at 220
D. street August 8. at the age of
10 yeans. She is survived by her
parents, Mr. . and Mrs. August
Mikelson. ; Private funeral ser
vices will be held at the Lee Mis
sion cemetery today at 3 p.m.
Webb ! Funeral parlors in charge
of arrangements.
Woodry & Woodry
Pay Cah for Furniture
' Phone 73
Is Featured: s
The August 1 iasue ot Liberty
carries a feature etory regarding
Earle j Sande, ' premier American
jockey, and a; former Salem boy.
Mr. Sande's parents reside in Sa
Woodry Buys Furnltu
Store at Summer and Norway
Greets. Phone 511. JlCtf
Slany Find Work
A-total of 139 persons were
placed In jobs through the federal
employment! bureau at the YMCA
during the past week, the report
ot the bureau yesterday shows." A
total of 155 men registered for
worki there were 157 ' calls for
-male help. 132 were referred to
jobs, and 121 were reported plac
rsL Of the women, 32 registered,
there were 21 calls for help, 19
To Describe, Wayfarer
Rev. IF. C. Taylor who this morn
ing will occupy the pulpit.of the
First Methodist church will de-
! scribe the Wayfarer which he wit
nessed In Seattle last week In con
nectlon with his sermpn, - "The
Vision of Jesus. The religious
pageant presented annually In the
itadlum of the University of
Washington is far famed the
iter SsaoMT ins Wotvay Sta
. Buys Furniture
McDonald Cleaners
783 Highland Avenue
Telephone 2217
Work called for and delivered
, ' ; I WATCH FOR.
j j j AUGUST 13
Painting, and Decorating by
. Skilled Mechanics
Kennedy Paint Shop
Now located at
Gabriel Powder & Supply
Company ; ?
173 South Commercial '
Telephone 728
LADD & BUSH, Banlcera
XtabUshed 1BB3
General Banking Business
- - i
. Office Hour from 10 ua. to S
Need Attention
The eyes of every school child should be thoroughly tested .
before entering school this fall. UTis surprising the effect
of faulty vision on the progress ,of young folks in their
studies. v I -. ,
. j i. . ! .
Be Safe-Have Their Eyes
i .
i . i
It is better to be safe than sorry. If glasses are not needed
there is a great satisfaction in knowing everything is all
right. If glasses are needed we have many sturdy, com
fortable frames especially made for. children. Do hot put
this off until school time for we can better serve you now.
' Baa TraacUea, ana way. I15J0
: . Boaad Trip, 30.0.
Las Aaalt, way. $27.48.
i-r Boand Tnp, f 60.00.
Special Bates U Partias at
: ; Eight ar Mora
for Xnfarmatfoa and Bawvatloas
', p Phona 696, or call at
Salem, Oregon
Phone 625 for appointment
II Electric
J 'n; Cafe
DrCB. O'Neill
UddDush Dank Du&lirrrf
yncc:jyme apt
i ; "