The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1925, Page 18, Image 18

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NEWPORT 98 miles from Salem Splendid road. An ideal place to spend your vacation,
for a dajy week or month. "Bathe Where Beauty Beckons". j ;
Excellent accomodations
... ' : -.V ; .
Homelike Rates $1.00 per day
Centrally located. At city park
'- 1 and pos office, v ;
' MRS. G. C. ALLEN, Prop.
Cherry City Cottages
.H Two. and four rooms. Near
the beach. Wood, light, wa
ter and afo shed. Every-" .
thlag - furnished but linen ,
ilver and top bedding.
Newport, Oregon '-
Pool Card Games Candy
, Soft Drjnks Tobacco
w- ed Austin; Prop.
!i Newport, Oregon
. " Confectionery and meals. '
Home made bread and pastry.
. At Nye Beach ;
It. KASBOHM, Prop. V
r ., "... ! " 'v -
Dry goods, notions, novelties,
gents furnishings.!
i . I -
Nye JBcach, Newport, Oregon
r . Under New Management
Strictly modern Hot and .
- .
cold water. Steam heat in
. all rooms. Newly reno
vated. ' ... - ' " , " . . ' ,
Opposite Boat landing on
Front Ktreet
J. J. Tobin. Manager
Sea Crest Cottages!
'Directly Fronting the Reach
2 and 3 -room furnished
Cottages., - ii
Electric light. ttf water, wood,
free auto "shed. Two blocks
north of Nye Beach business
center. - Write for folder. ; ;
Agate, cutting and mounting.
Oregon pictures, agate JewelTy.
If you are interested in buying
a cottage or lot. to build on.
Price right, terms easy. .
Phone 7451
Hardwood floor i 123x53. You
will find this an1 ideal place to
spend your evenings. Half way
between bay and ocean. .
T H, E G L E N W 0 O D
j Furnished rooms and ' auto
camp grounds, 3 minutes walk
from Nye Beach. Sheltered
from ' winds and pleasantly lo
cated. P. O. Box C01
Newport, Oregon
Cabin Inn
Sea Foods a Specially
Chicken dinner 11:30 Sundays
V Short orders all day.
Dinner 6:30 week days.
Ice Cream and Soda Fountain
in connection.
Gilchrist & Emrich
Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon.
News From Beach Resorts
Agate Beach Inn
Most scenic beach on
Pacific coast. Three
floors of solid comfort,
dining room in connec
tion. ; American plan.
Ideal ! bathing and ag
ate beach;; sheltered
from the strong; wind.
For rates and reservations
:i " i address- ' -
.Katherine George
Agate Beach, Oregon
Located on Roosevelt Highway
j Newport, Oregon
i Wood and, water furnished.
Sheltered from the wind.
Five blocks from the beach. .
J. C. FERGUSON, Proprietor
Visitors last week were Mrs.
Lundstrom j and J sons, Vincent,
John, Bernhard and Allen. ;.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Hendy and
children, Velma, Sylvia, and Syd
ney are at the Salley cottage ' for
a couple of weeks. 5 r
Jimmy Fleming! and family are
at the Coles cotUge for a couple
of weeks. " J . - V ,
Mr. arid Mrs. Swltzer are return
ing, to Portland 'on a business trip
but -will return jSunday for the
season. 1 - l
Mrs. Ruth Warren and daughter
Marion and Verne are spending a
few weeks at the
Mrs. Frank Bailey of Portland,
Oregon are in Hamilton;, Cottage
by, the seaf-ro threo weeks."
Mrs. It. D. Kelly and daughter.
Marjorie from The Dalles are at
Cottage Kelly Ka-Ban. t ; ; ;
Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan and
son, Alvin.l spent! a few days visit
ing the Schmidts at Manhattan.
Miss Henrietta jCapen from Port
land are at Mrsi Welch s t;ottage
at Manhattan beach. f
Mrs. Hulten and daughter, Ann,
from Porltandare'Vt Mrs. Welch's
cottage at Manhattan Beach. .
, Mr. Guy Bagley from 'Portland
is at Manhattan hotel at Manhat
tan beach.
' Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Watson have
been the guests of Mrs. F. Dalr
the past week, j .
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Watson are
spending a few days at the Virgin
ia cottage.
. When you put mors effort Into
your work you will get more
profit but of it; when you put
ntw spark' plugs in your car yon'
will ! get more power out of it.
Stands to reason, doesn't it?
"LmAfl 0id tk motor ef,
hmd jutt kU$d kir, "yon o you'
ftty mil$ an knur."
"lmfottiblt," xelrtmd tks Udp
Mifnantlf, ky, 1 kovnt It
, cut mm komr ytt."
Miss Bernice Walker is a guest
of Mrs. M. A. Sheaver for a week
Miss Amy Card and Miss Louise
Ivondide are spending a week with
Mrs. Graves Seaford. -,"
Roberts Seaten. is staying at
California cottage for a few weeks
Mrs. Claude Martin and daugh
ter, Catherine And Jean and Miss
tuyeiyn nooay j oi Portland are
spending two weeks at the Cosy
Nest. Cottage.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pick
ett, are i Mrs. Jos. Bits, Seaside
Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus
of Pickett, N. Y.
; Packard Single, six five
passenger, in excellent con
dition, with semi-balloon
tires, i
Paige 7 passenger tour
ing in excellent condition.
-Formerly owned by t prom
inent Salem man. . ,
Late24 Star touring. .
1923 Maxwell coupe
Two 1925 Overland. Se
dans, like new.
1920 Hupmobile touring.
Two 24 Ford coupes.
1923 : Ford coupe.
1922 Dodge sedan.
Theso cars " carry our regular
;'j guarantee -
' Very Liberal Terms 4
We are dealers in the Marmon,
Cleveland and Chandler cans.
Now at our old homo at Cottage
and Ferry. : . ' -
Call ind have cars demonstrat
ed to your. satisfaction
; . . - -.-
r.Tr.cDonoId Auto
. , -v'.Ccinpnny 1 :
- . ... t .: -vr! '
Mrs, C. H. Hodson and daugh
ter. Miss Helen, returned to Twin
Rocks Monday aTternoon after a
week's visi in Portland, and The
Dalles. Tbey"yere accompanied by
Miss Nine and Miss Ada Ferguson
of The Dalles who will visit with
them until the close of the season.
I Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Spears and
sons, Thomas and William, of
Portland, have taken one of Mrs.
Nettle Thompsett's apartments
for a couple of weeks. Mr. Spears
is principal of the 'Sunnyaide
school in Portland.
Mrs. J. Jolly, and James Rob
ertson of Portland, who were
house guests of Mr. and Mrs
George McLelland and daughter.
Miss Bella, at their Rennard Cove
Silver Fox Farm here, motored
back; to , Portland last Sunday,
They were accompanied by Mrs,
Lawrence Araway of Twin Rocks
who will visit with Portland rela
tives for a week.
Mrs. Robert, Gardner , was host
ess last Wednesday at a Driuge
luncheon honoring Mrs. Frank!
McGettigan ,of Portland. Guests
Were Irs. " Frank McGettigan,
Mrs. Clyde Osborn, Mrs. E. D.
Curtis and Mrs. Leland Stanford.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGetti
gan; returned to Portland last
week after spending the past two
months in their delightful summer
home at Twin Rdcfcs. Mr. McGet
tigan. is manager of the Orpheum
theatre in Portland. i
Miss Dorothy Brant of Salem,
who with her mother and sister.
Mrs. Charles Brant and daughter,
Miss Marjorie, is "spending the
season at their Purdy:Arden cot
tage; gave a.4inner party on Mon
day evening honoring 'Miss Helois
Plank, Miss Ruth Dougherty and
Miss Alva . Amsler of Salem and
Miss Virginia Albert of Portland.
M Mr. and Mrs. . Elton Shaw and
children and Mr. and Mre. T. C.
Tarrand and children of Portland
and. spending two weeks In. the
Leslie cottage. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brice and
children, Gordon and Gylneth of
Portland, spent ten days in their
Rock Bed camp at Twin Rocks,
returning to their home this week.
Visiting with Mrs. Charles
Brant and daughters, Dorothy
and Marjorie, for two weeks, at
the Purdy-Arden cottage is Mrs.
Brant's niece, Miss Virginia Al
bert of Portland. Mr. Brant and
his father, J. A. C. Brant, return
ed to Salem Sunday after spending
a few days at Purdy-Arden.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bnssard,
son Felix and daughters Virginia
and Evelyn, of Portland, are
spending two weeks in the Eliot
Mrs. ; J. J. Cage and Francis
Neil of Portland, are vacationing
at the James cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Politte and
son, Kenneth, or Portland, nave
taken one of the James cottages
for two weeks.
Minnehaha cottage for two weeks.
Mra. James Pettlt of Portland
Is domiciled in one of the Astman
cottages for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Prickett of
Forest Grove are spending the
week in one of the Astman cot
tages. Mrs. B. O'Hara and grandson,
Paul House, of Portland, are in
tbe Hyacinth cottage for two
Mrs. j. u. Hawkins and son,
James of Portland, are domiciled
In one of the Adamses cottages
for the month of j August. Mr.
Hawkins will spend the last two
weeks in the month with his
' In the Mann Nakiwisl cottage
are Mr. andMrs. H. H. Arkhardt
and' children of Portland, who
are j spending two weeks , at the
seashore. .
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Maling arid
daughter, Eleanor ' Virginia and
their house guest. Catherine
Mahre of Hillsboro, are spending
two weeks in the Pocahontas cot
tage.. Mrs. Sadie" Atkins and daughter
of Portland and Mrs. W. W. Goff
and ' daughter, Genevieve of For
est Grove, are in the Wallula' cot
tage for a couple of weeks. .
In the Adamsen Tulip cottage
fori two weeks are Mrs. Harriet
Heppner. Miss R. Ricks and Miss
Ruth Brooks of ' Portland and
Harvy C. Ricks of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Doty of
Portland, are in one of the Ast
man cottages for three weeks.
Mrs. Lester Boyd, Irene Boyd
and 'Ted and Bernice Stout of
Portland, are in one of the attrac
tive Adamsen cottages for a few
weeks. I ,
Mr. and Mre. Percy Canfield
and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Beatty of
Oregon City are vacationing in
one of the Astman cottages.
Guests at the Driftwood Inn
this week include: ! Miss B. Gunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canfield. E
W. LCooper, R. D, Cooper, Flor
ence Bafyklle, Mrs. Martha Pietile.
L. Ai Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James
M. Douglas. Don Guffing, C. O.
Minton, J. H. Waters, E. W. Coop
er, R. D. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J
W, Knight and eon Jack. Don
Griff ring, Paul J. Kennedy, Nick
Barroll, Charles D. Boyd, B. W
Rutherford, E. Almqutet. Lillian
Lundquist, Laura Ross, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Rawson, Katherine Jenk
Ins.! Katherine Stone, Jack and
Jessie Walton, Bill Darby, Flor
ence, A W. Curry, J. Daniels of
house guest. Miss Sally Elizabeth
Marshall were dinner guests at
the Inn Sunday. 1
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brooks
of St. Helens, Ore., motored in
and spent the week-end at the
Inn. .
" Miss Ada Werner of Klnnikin
nlck cottage has as her house
guest her niece, Misa Winona Ken
nedy of Morriss, HI., and Misa
Olive Moss of Portland.
Other dinner guests at the Inn
were Miss Mable Irons, Theresa
Irons. Thelma MacDonald and;
Hazel Irons who motored in from
Salem on Tuesday. j
Week-ending at the Inn were
A. K. Nelson. Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Underal and child and
Mrs. I. Underal; Mrs. A. Sabeo,
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Hudson, all of
Mr and Mrs. Jack Driscoll hare
the Hill cottage for the remainder
of the month. . . - j
Mrs. Zulah If. Smith with nel
son Stevenson Smith, and daugh
ters. Helen and Georgia of Port
land, have taken the Outan' Ina
cottage for the month of August.
In Wakanda Court for several
days are Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Ger-
lach, Portland; C. Zerkel. Oregon
City; Mrs. G. N. Thornton and two
sons. Stanley and Leslie, of Ever-
Mre. R. H. Friauf and children
of Portland, is vacationing in the
Fink cottage for a fe"w weeks
Visiting them for a few days last
week were. Ml, .and Mrs. D. M
Averill and daughter," Beatrice, of
Portland. : :
Miss Dorothy Giles of Portland
is in the Nanatook cottage for
brief stay. , .
. Mrs. John Wick and baby of
Metzger and Herbert Joy of Port
land, are in the O'Joy cottage for
a few weeks.:
J'ln the D. W. Mann Hiawathia
cottage for a couple of weeks are
Mrs. Leonora Brewster and her
daughter and mother and Mrs.
Stella Hyde, all of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BIgham and
son, Jacob Jr., of Oregon City,
are epending a week ia Saltair.
Captain and Mrs. Harry Han
sen and children of Portland; are
in tbe Mann Kamama cottage fori
a few days. ' . '
Mr. and Mrs. William Wrood of
Waahougal, Wash., are vacation
ing in one of the Astman cottag
es." V , 'V
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Toby and
daughters, Margaret and Marian,
Mrs. William Foster and daugh
ter, Gladys, and Richard Rasch
of Portland, have taken the D. W.
Mann Sacajawea cottage for -two
Col. and Mrs. J. J. Crossby and
daughter of Portland, are in the
ett. Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Laus-
mann, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Laus-
mann and two sons, Joe Junior
and . Harry, and Mr. and Mrs. O.
N. Haaraldsen, all of Portland.
are domiciled at Wakanda Lodge
for the remainder of the month. !
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dowell, Fort
ieavenwortn, Kansas, made a
short stay at the camp ground.
Mr. P. B. Van Nice with his
young sons and their grand
mother, Mrs. Hawley and his
niece. Miss Bernice Van Nice. all
of Portland have the GeiJsbepk
cottage for the month of August.
Alta J. Thibault and family of
Portland enjoyed the hospitality
ot Lanes camp ground tot several
days. 1
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Baker mo
tored to Portland fro a short stay.
At the camp ground tor the
week-end were J. W. Richardson,
and Mrs. Richardson. Yakima:
Mr. . and Mrs. T. C. Amnions.
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Irons, Salem and Mrs. W. N.
Dunkel. also of Salem; D. J. Sid
well, Portland; A. G. Fisher, Port
land; W. L. Tupper and daughter,
Portland: Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Len
ihan. Portland and Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Nauratil. Portland. f.
Where Navy Will Build Great Pacific Air Base
MAXZAXITA Ore., Aug. 8.
(Special.) Gorgeous moonlight
nights have inaugurated evening
bathing and some of the bathers
claim that it is warmer than in
the sunny daylight. The cottagers
and members ot beach parties
were thrilled by the close ap
proach of a four-masted sloop.
One wonders whether this boat
dealt in fish or rum, but it wasn't
wrecked so tme's curiosity Is still
unsatisfied. t
jj Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Jubits ot
Portland and sons, Guy and Mon
roe, and daughter Anne, are at the
Manzanita Inn for two weeks.
They are enthusiastically watch
ing the progress of their cottage
which Is nearing completion,
i .Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor,
Clarence Field and Mrs. Rose
Field of Portland have the Ruseel
Cottage on Classic Ridge for a
I Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Dwyer and
Miss Althea Dwyer of Portland
are domiciled in Miss Werner's
new cottage for two weeks.
Major McMurray, U. S. A., of
Portland, and family have taken
Cranny Crow cottage for two
N. C. Lundin and family of
Portland have taken the Field
house cottage for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Dunlap of
Portland spent the week-end at
the Inn.
! Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Bell with
Joyce and Pauline Bell and their
I J.
We have been appoint
ed an authorized light
adjusting station and
can give complete and
correct road illumin
ation. Come in and let us test
your lights and tell you
what you need to com
ply with the law which
goes' into effect Sep
- tember 1. '
Don't wait for thtrlast
minute rush.
343 Ferry Street. Open
evenings till Nine :
The navy department it preparing to move its dirigible base from Lakehunt, N. J., to San
count, ine pnow
TVr-r. CaL.1 where an airport wui ca constructed at a eott cz canr muiioss ex
.Vnvi the tltv frca the air. Icki. tits U. C. B. Cbemsiiih. cJ cf Uncle S&a'i
-Mh with' the.U. S.S. Lcs Ar-:!?stjr21ce at tos at Can D!f bti futsre.
two larstit dlrl-Illca
Day or Night
! We have an up-to-date tow car WITH WRECK
ING CRANE that is at your service
. day or night
V Day Phone 43
Night Phone 1744AV.
Quick Reliable Service We do General Repairing
. ' G. A. Coffey S. M. Hayes
S3T 2forth Church Street Ihone 43 i Sijht Phone 1744-W
(Next to Certiriei Motor Car Market)
! Why Sena Away
For Tires ?
Best Bargains Right Here
l What do you pay for a "mail order", Tire?
! List price, plus money order cost, plus post
S age, plus express or parcel post charges
And the delay
I And the work of mounting it yourself.
Then what have you got?- A TIRE YOU
j DONT KNOW. No possible service behind
j it. We beat that. We offer you a better tire,
i made by the world's best and largest manu
! facturer, right here for you, no delay, no
j mounting charge, our responsible service.
The Pathfinder Tire
Fabrics and Cords
Clincher and Straight Sides
All Popular Sizes
j At a price that cant be beat!
j ' Will you let us quote you the figures?
! 294 North Commercial Telephone 66
Waitc Lowered Prices
Will Gave You Eloney,
WHITE Truck prices have
always been cost of manu
factureplus a. fair profit. So,
savings made possible by improve-'
ments in manufacturing methods
and expansion of plant are passed
along to White customers in the
form of lowered prices.
At these chassis pries, Whites
' are greater money-earners than
3fToa (Dump) $4,800
5-Ton . .$ 4.300
5-Ton (Dump)..
Model SO-A Bus 54.953
'-Toa (Special) $2,953
AH chassis price f. o. b. Cleveland
We hare booklets detailing the experiences of owners
of White Trucks in your line of business. Write, phone
or caH for them.
The White Company, Cleveland
Marion Auto Company
K-Ton... $2,150
2-Ton.l. . $2.9S0
2-Ton (Dump) $3,550
2!fTon $3,750
3fTon". $4,200
5 South 1'oinnirrrial