ti-vrv-,. -,.r--,-w,,... . ( nrpy, , , KmmimiK. li .uj , ,jj ,).4.lj.JCT).rg,,y,Jtf..TOltjiJ .. . . . , . t - m ' 4; ;, : ,, ;.. THE OREGON "STATESMAN,1 OiflEGdNy j ' : . : . THURSDAY MOKING. AUGUST 61925 - 1 Issued Dktlly Except Monday by THE STATESkCAH M7BUSHIHO COMPAMT i ,i 115 Soo'N Ccanmercial St, Salem, Oregon ; R. J. Headrleks Fred J. Tooxe C K. Logs 1 -Lottie Smith - Aadrcd Bench , Manager Managing-Editor City Editor Telegraph Editor - Society Ekiitor W. H. Henderson Cireolatio Manager Ralph H. KleUiCf Advertising; Manager Frank Jatkoski E. A. Rhoten I i W. C. Conner Manager Jb Dept. ' Livestock Editor Poultry Editor lji'THi:;; iCEMBEm1 OF TBX ASSOCIATED . PRESS ''-..Z " 1,1 Tha Associated Press if exclusively entitled to tha tim for publication of all mwi lispaWhea credited to it or not otherwise credited ia this paper and also the local ews published herein. , , t ' lili'l MHll Jl i l i I BUSINESS OFTICE: .. . Then a F.. Clark Co' New York 128136 W. Stat 8t.: Chicago, Marquette Bid.; ! Doy A Perner Sharon Bide. Ban Francisco. Calif.; Hieeuis Bide.. Lo Angelea. Calif. Besloest OffieeX-23 r 58S Society T.$nr t TELEPHONES: , Oirt-nlitUn Offfe KXS - Kewa Ttan&rtmaiit ' 21.11 I 1AA T.V T . . tit . yu iuai luirn . ....iw n 1 M' Entered at the Poat Officio la Salem, Oregon,' as aeeond-elaaa matter. -ULADNES3 IN SERVICH J Serve the Lord with gladness Enter Into his gates with thanksojrlng, and Into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bletfe Ms Dame. For the Lord Is good. Psalm NATIONAL ADVERTISING ONE OF THE GREATEST HELPS IN STABALIZING OUR GROWTH AND PROSPERITY h It columns of H. S. GUe deserves attention. : He likely knows I i whereof he speaks - .: . . : ; And his prediction ought by. all means to come true; it should be made to come true, by the organization of the loganberry industry, for one thing, under the right leader ship. v! M : '. , -; k This is one of the j most attractive fields of the kind in this country, or any country. There is a gigantic industry, right within the grasp of our people. All that is required is leadership, and the kind of organization that will stay organized. LET US BE CONSISTENT Bits For Breakfast I does not: cost appreciably more in freight charges to HI m A : I' ll reach the 100,000,000 pe3ple east of the Rockies than it does to-reach the 12,000,000 .on the western slope; it costs Very much less to land a car af fruit or vegetables or other of our products iri New York on Boston or Chicago than to send the same car to Denver ' . And this takes in6o consideration only rail freight - r i It is inconceivable that the local chamber of commerce will endorseopposition to the extension of the Oregon Trunk Railroad into the Klanynath section of this state. f I The following resolution -in part in the hands of a committee from the chamber is clearly in the interest of the Southern Pacific railroad and expresses denial of right of competition from another line : " j "Resolved, that the Chamber of Commerce of Salem, Oregon, express its confidence in the in- . tention and ability of the Southern Pacific to adequately serve and develop the territory its construction program penetrates and be it fur- ther resolved we oppose duplication of expendi ture and operation in territory that is, or will be, adequately served by one line, and be it further resolved that future railroad construe- tion should be directed to the opening of new territory in our productive state." It is proposed to; send copies of the resolution to the I. C. C. and to the public service commission of Oregon. j This section of the state has been and is still friendly to rr,rro' Tr,o voWrwUf f c,?,w i. lor-co .!. tM Southern Pacific Dut to.seex.to deny to tne people ot any bvwatPrmAkP thp Hiffflrenci in fnvnr nf thA Pflstpm mar. section of the state or to another railroad equal rights m kets in many sections eveln more favorable to our producers rear? to Patronage is neither right nor good policy for any and our manufacturers 'and shippers of local products , ending ox tummeae. And the freight rates! to parts of Europe and the Orient ! Thls matter of competition must be settled by the Inter on Salem products are lower than to many parts of the state Commerce.Commission finally.. If the two lines will not United States; and thus t3ie wide world is our market, and W this same commission can allow common user privileges, it will pay to advertise andotherwise exploit the high quality Ald if Eastern finances want to take a chance on the invest things we have to sell in all-lands, and to market the products ment u is hardly consistent for a chamber of commerce of our soil as they are harvested or in manufactured form usually putting forth frantic efforts to encourage the invest- in every country; and we ;We already doing this. Scotland mt of outside money in this state, to pass resolutions .is one of the best markets Cor Oregon prunes. England has designed to keep it out. i ; been taking large quantities! of our prunes almost ever since The Salem Chamber should find some other mode of we have produced prunes. , He list is extending constantly, expressing good will to the Southern Pacific and take a stand I J i With national and international advertising, Salem is no ut wwaru au bwuuiu aim an interests oi tne state, pent up Utica - ; I On the contrary, the worJd is her oyster. We will draw i an increasincr stream of monley from wider and wider dis tances for the products of our isoil and it will be new money, I ine automobile industry ranks first among the and the resources instead of Jbeing exhausted will increase country's manufactures. The v growth of the industry keeps ! constantly; and this will come 'about with the aid of general Pace with the development of better roads. The registration advertising. ' tees Ilcenses and. gasoline taxes go largely into the construe ill! So national advertising is a subject of vital importance Hon and maintenance of the state highways. to Salem and the Salem district 1 Last year these two items of highway costs paid from 'i 1 ; Coupled with quality products, proper distribution and license tax funds amounted to $305,226,742 which was more ellimr i enenrv. it means the stabilizing of market demand than twice the amount of federal tax. i Dver this country and throughout the wide world for what i " If . the? rate of registration since the. beginning of 1925 ! we raise arid manufacture and pack and ship J continues the amount received from the automobiles of the ' ' i i Immediate market demand; and it means the creation of country will far exceed that of any previous year. a cood will demand that in a measure gives control to our i But tremendous as the .total receipts are from automo- producers ; makes for what amounts to a franchise; compels J bile sources there is demand for both construction and main- the cooperation of the dealers all down the line; not only for tenance of highways far beyond the amounts thus raised. the crops of a season or a year, but throughout the years , In Oregon the cost of maintenance will increase rapidly And it insures a sure and steady expansion. . since the main highways of the state were built before it It has been said that advertising is the life blood of busi- was evident that they must stand the traffic over them by . - i : i. : i J 1 1 a J i 1, i M .. neSS. It IS alSO tne most powerxui agciit vl uiuusiriai aim uie ircuicuuuus irut&s auu uaiicis wiiiuii iiuw use meiu community expansion and prosperity. . , almost continuously. 1 J i All this goe3 almost without saying now. j To levy taxes against the heavy auto transportation ' ' i'1 J L j " trucks and busses commensurate with their damage to the i - Salem ought not to lose the cumulative- value of the highways is a perplexing problem. The last Oregon legisla advertising that has been done for her prunes of various ture tried to require them to pay more than they are now brands; of her dehydrated fruits and vegetables,: of her paying toward highway maintenance, by passage of the bill loganberry juice, and other products. 4 the operation "of which is held up at present by referendum. ! Concerning her loganberry juice, the letter in the blogan ? In the meantime, the highways are giving way under AdTertlie and stahilize ' ' V S- Orsanixe and Oregonlze Tell the world only ot the things we hare or can do better than aay other section. We have plenty to adTertlse in that manner. , V W There is a kind of effectlre ad vertising that will not cost one cent the advertising of our own people by word of month. That is the way California Is best ad vertised. ,We ire losing several million dollars worth nf i(tT,r. tising annually I here in Oregon from the fact that oar own peo ple, who know best, do not per sistently talk about the wonderful advantages we have here in "Ore gon. S V Loganberry juice ! is coming back. It will come back through its sheer excellence. There is nothing as good. A man with vision and one with organizing ability could get the growers be hind a movement that would put over loganberry ju'ce in a large way, and this world stabilize the whole industry, and be worth mil lions annually to the Salem dis trict. Si We have many men of that stamp here. Which one shall it be? The whole thing Is ready. Now is the accepted time. There is no time like the present. la They are boring for oil again down at Astoria, and they are sure they are going to strike it rich. Let's all hope they may not be disappointed. m Next week the Slogan editor must prove that we lhave a great field here for a seed Industry of immense proportions. ' If you can help, you are hereby invited. Lodge Roster nUTXKXAl ORDER OP EAGLES, maoet lit a ad Srd Wad. W. O. W. BaU. . X. Wllltt. gee'y. Tel. 13 84-K, mnox sosro TYPOGRAPHICAL NO. 10 SECOXD Saturday, t p. m. m. D. Filkiartoa, yreaideat: Roy 8. Blodrett. arretary. small, and may make, the stars also appear as near as we please. However, It Is admitted that at this time it is -impossible to know whether Bacon actually Invented a telescope or merely worked out the theory upon which all mag nifying glasses are based. As to the possibility ot Digges, an Oxford man, being the Inven tor, It is said that in the middle ot the 16th centnry he found Bacon's ideas in a Bacon manu script, now lost, and went to work to produce glasses in accordance with them. Digges died young with his work unfinished and It remained tor his son. Thomas, to assert the father's claim as an inventor. The son Is quoted as saying his father often demon strated his glasses by reading from a distance the numbers and letters on coins thrown by friends on open fields. t tT" o ta-1 es Dial Paaliahed ovary aaormiaf (exevyt Mea- fcaJem, tao capital m uregoa. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Eaaday 3 eoata par vsrd .5 orato Mt verd ceata poc rr Oao tiaie.. Taxoo tueoa- Bix tn One aioata. daily aad Baay 20 eaau pr wore la order to oar tao aaoro taao oao tlmo rata, ad Tart i mom at taut rma is eeaaoeatiro iaaaea. ! AA. take for reaa Uiaa IS oeata. 1 Ada. raa Sua day OXIT ekarcod at eae-tiao rata. - r- I AdTertUeatoata (except Poraoaala aad SiHtaiioaa Wasted) will bo takea over tao telepaoao if tao adrartiaor to nWrlbff to pkoaa. . Tko Btateeaiaa will roeeir adrar tieoBemta at'BT tiato-of tko day or aifha. To laauro pro par elataUiea tioas ads. akoold ao La Wafer 1 , aa. TELEPHOKI tl or SSI FOR REXT Boobs . , S3 PLEASANT EOOM CLOSE IX. 584-W. rnoxE 25a HOUSEKEEPIXQ OS SLXXPI50 roe. til S. Caarca. J5J34tf FOB RXXT TO WlIXA.il ETTE GIRL rooai aad board ia pleaaaat eoaatry boaio. Traaeportatioa f-maraateed. ' Piaao. .oleetrie lirhta, borne yririlereo. 34 car SUtosmaa. . SSaStt PRIKTXO CARDS, BUS 14s BT f H wordiar. "Ko Bot" l coat oaeb. Bute Baaiaaaa eifio, . (rvaad floor. . . - . BOOkt FOB RXXT IS MODERN BOMB. Uroo blocks inm state aoaao. All roBTeaiaacaa. Ooatiaaaa refarr4 Ptoaao civa reiarosoos aad addreee A B, ear StaUaajaa. 341 FOB REST ROOM SUITABLE TOM etadeata. wit aloopaua pore pnruo(oa odor. Keferameoo ar ra r aUatoeaaa. Everytkiaff aeodera. ejoJrad. Adoroas FOR KEXT Ho 37 i ! CONCERT CURTAILED Money to Loan ' O Real Ettato T. K. FORD (Oeor Lodd Baab Baak) 3ZF0BK TOU I.EATK TOUB HOVE OB CAR HAVE IT Insured Properly Pkoaa 161. Boeko A Beadrteka, V. 8. Baak Bid-. 1 4-1 S-U WHICH WAY OUT? INVENTION ' IS CLAIMED OXFORD DECLARES TELE SCOPE IS OWN PRODUCT OXITJRD. Eng. Not satisfied that credit for the invention of the telescope had been properly placed, the subject has been gone into recently at Oxford with the result that a claim is made that the instrument - was Invented at Oxford by an Englishman, and that the only question to be decid ed is whether that Englishman was Roger Bacon, or the Eliza bethan philosopher, . Leonard Digges. Supporters of the Oxford claim credit Galileo with being the greatest advertiser" of the tele scope but insist that he did not Invent it, nor did the Dutcn spec tacle makers, who i are accorded credit as the first who made the telescope an article ot commerce r In favor of the Oxford claim It 1 pointed out that in the 13th century Roger Bacon wrote may be so formed that the most remote ' objects may appear- Just at hand, and the contrary, so that we may read the smallest letters at an Incredible distance, and may number tnings, though ever so AUTOMOBILES LEIPSIC. For the first time since the founding of the Gewand haus concerts in 1781 a visiting orchestra, the Saxonlan State, will be Included In the season's pro gram. The extraordinary duties imposed upon the Gewandhaus ordhestra by the reconstruction ot the Lelpslc municipal opera has caused the city council to curtail the concerts. "The Gewandhaus orchestra will be available' for only 18 concerts during the sea son, while the Saxonlan State will general repairing, tires and mbea. acresaorira, .raa aad oil. MtU- FOR RENT 7 ROOM BCXOALOW ITnfBrnUhed. garage, zirdem. and frait. 102) Court Stroet. S74lf HOUSES FOR RENT 10 TO $4 BECKE A UEXDR1CX& V. 8. Bk. Bid. - T,f HOUSE FOB REXT CLCSX IV. JX eairo Hotel Ar. STJlett FOB RE XT T reoai good flattered aoaao t vortt Salaai; X blocka freai ttraoa oar. Frai tree aad rarde. f 10 04 par aieotb. ririek aad Roberta, in k'a. Coai'W Pkeao 1M. - Wanted Mlscellaeon C5 WE WRECK EM Porta far all ear.. We eell for lea. Get oar prices trailers. Balem Aato Wreckiac Co, 403 &. Ckmrab Street. PAoao 3159. . laSU SCHEELER AUTO WBECKIXO CO, will bay year old car. Hifbest caab priee paid. 1QS5 N. Comtrril gt. ljltf AUTO REPAIRING be heard in two. Now that everything else has been discovered, the explorers might start expeditions to find the reputed 'dry" spots in the United States. I.KRA I.EBENUOOU OARAGK.' Pboao 54. Miller aad 8. I'ona-rcial 8ta. jWa apecialixe ia reeoaditioaing Botara. 1 - Satitf i AUTO TOPS SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hull Aato Top A Paiat BWy. !Rear fire derertBiat. S-al6f I General Markets I - HELP WANTED PORTLAND. Aug. 5. -Portland dairy exchange: Butter, extras 50c; standards 49c; prime firsts 47c; firsts 45c. Eggs, extras' 37c; firsts 36c; pullets 32c; current: receipts 30c. HOP PICKERS WASTED (For two of oar yarde. tbe Ifitoaa 1 Ranch ar ladepeadeaeo. 117 aerea. i aad tke Cartia Kaaek. near Talbot ata l tioa. 80 arrea. Uaaal aceoaiaoda- tioaa furaiahed. Tarda' ia oxeelleat fahaao. Piekinr w:tl btri a boat Sep tra be r 1st. Reriater aow at Oaorfa Watera cirar atoro. or 1araia Jk Coraorer. Bos 63. over Poaaey's eter - - , SjSStf PORTLAND,. Aug. 5. Hay: Buying prices, 'valley timothy 18 19; . do eastern Oregon 121 & 24.50; alfalfa 119; clover $16.50; oat. hay $15.50; cheat $15; oat and vetch $16.50;' straw $7.50 8 ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more. HOP PICKERS WANTED FOR THE I Williams bop yard. 101 aerea, 4 aaile weak of Saleas. Usual aeceaaasoda tioas furnished. Tard la oxeelleat eoa- ditioa. Picking will Mart aboat Sept. 1st. Register at Uaited Cigar Store, or Lane Morley'a, eoraar 17tb aad C UTel 1151 IS. - aat- HELP WANTED Male 11 WASTED A MAN FOR LIGHT WORK Address Box 4. care Btatesnaa. ll6tf BRICK FOR THE UAULIXO. APPLT Oregon Packing Co, 2s5 Soath IZth St. WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BtTTS aaoA tarn tare tor eaeb, Fao 911. . aissi WANTED 50 USED FOLD I SO CHAIRS. School Disk Ko. 31, Gates, Oreg. . 35aS WANTED WOOD OLD FIB AND oak. ill axchango brand new phonograph for wood. Write box 233 ear btt--ta. . - . ; , SJaS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USER atovoa, tools, laraitoxe. stui l uM Qoods Dopk, appooits ooart booaa. -. tsu cash paid for false texth deatal go id. platiaam aad discarded Jswelry. Hok Baieltiag aad Kofi aery Co, Otaago. Michigan. tiiil WAXTED PRIVATS MONET FOB farm loans. Wo have aoreral appltra rioao on baad. Hawkins d Roberts lac.. tOS Or row BH-. SSdietf FOR SALS HAT FOR SALE FETCH AND OAT, by tbo balo. ton or ear load. Mark McCallietcr. pboao S1S-J. J7s GOOD VIOLLS FOB 8 ALE. TEU 3044-W. FOR SALE A CAR OF CLOVER HAT also a ear of oats and vetch ha. J. A. Gardner. Phone SIKH -. . 3Ta7 FOR SALE FIVE GOOD COWS FRESH thro moDlha. New aopamsor sd - cream caaa. Tad Wkitehead, Toraer, Oregon. - 7at PORTLAND, Aug. 5. Grain fu tures: Wheat, hard white. BS. Baart. August, September $1.52; soft white, August, September $1.52; western white, August, Sep tember $1.51; hard winter Aug ust. September $1.52; northern spring August. September $1.50; western, red, August, $1.47; Sep tember $1.48; BBB hard white. WANTED SHEET. METAL WORKERS. State age and experieaee. Lastmaa Brothers, 8ileerton. Oregon. llaS WANTED 3 OR THREE GOOD HI' STL era to work in tire factory. Exper ienced preferred. Call at 315 Caster. llaft ALFALFA. GRAIN. . HAT. TIMOTHT. oat, barley aad wheat, jruaraateed oaality, prompt shipment. Prices application. Richard Kyman. Wsi!a Walla. Wash. ; . 3TS FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEH eoata a baadle. ClrcalatioB departoiMt Oregon Btatoaman. . - - STU MAN WANTED AS COLLECTOR FOR I established business. Mast devote ea tire time, aad prefer one who has had some mercantile experience. Address 1760 care Hta teaman, gi'iag fall par tirnlsrs. llsfltf HELP WANTED Female 13 present traffic and the owners of the smaller cars are being wanted neat housekeeper, caii j; aj a. ii . n. e I ' at Director's Iepsrtment 8tre. "13sS with those of the huge transportation" cars. The owners of WANTED Employment 19 the ordinary touring cars resent higher license the ordinary 2?vJ cilmiS.la commercial or farm truck: owner orinoses anv additional coat I . . by way of license. All want improvements and efficient rnain- ob garden plowing, basement ,,. . ..... Ili SJs and team work, aboae 19FS. tenance The onlv obvious wavs orjen for meetinc the situa-1 imi4U tion in the future are to defeat the referendum, add more youso woman with girl wants m . - - ; I j nWBMCSr-yiuz m VFSVVa oat .ssai J am w-m taxes to property values or pass tne nat. . i BILLY'S UNCLE , i ; ; - . ; . . Twf' i lOs:Tr rSSS&ikTU wwxw,- hjizr. .1. Wk XaV'Af ' 'J R ls8 FOR RENT 21 FOB REST STOREROOM OS STATE street. Iaqaire Hotel Arg. 31J3SU PRINTED CARDS, SIZS It BT 7km , warding vror Meat. ' price IS seats each. Stateaamaa Jtaalaaas Of tie a, a groand floor. FOR RENT LOWER HALF OF LARGE resideaeo at 2031 State, garage, S25 laeradiiHt water and lirnts. WINNIE PfcTT T JOHN. : Realtor. 31aVf FOR RENT ApartmetUa 23 ATTRACTIVE 4 ROOM 310 N. 14 th. APARTMENT tSall Trespass Notices For Sale Trorpass Katleea. " stxo Hit larkes, priatod oa good 10 oanee aaatasa oas lag tko werda. "Notieo la Horoby vie- , on Tkat Trespassing ia Strictly Forbid den Oa Theo Prom Use Under PoaaMy t Proaoostio. Price 15 sock or. , for SSe. Su teaman Fab. Co, Salem. Oregoa. - . . tlstf W ATKINS PRODUCTS TERRITORY ope for rustler 1330 ear 8tteemaa. S'all SELI US TOUR USED FUSNITCBCR H. U Stiff FarnJtar Co. Used Oooda Dept. Opposite eovrt boaao. I7m11tf BFCirPT BOO KB SIZE S" BT SH. 0 raeoipt forms la book, IS oeois pos book or two far ti ma. State.. man1 of (ice, SIS Sootk Commercial St. Salam. - STftMf FOR BALE UTerUKk: Z9. FRESH COW INQUIRE 745H BELLE ' St. . ' Sa VETERINARIAN DR. PATTERWN.-i PVoao 303S-W. Bt. 3. Boa 39. Stjltf FRED W.-LAXGE. VETERINARIAN ' Office 420 8. Commercial. Pheae 1199. JjykjiHMJIMNljH WOOD ' FOR SALE 4& FURNISHED 133A 8Ute. 3 ROOM APARTMENT. 33al0 FOB REST APARTMENTS S91 M. Cm- EiaL. - 33tf APARTMENT FOR REST 3-ROOMS aad kitchenette. $21.50. 1-reosa aad kitchenette. SIS. Cioso-ia. 5J mar ion. 33atl DOROTHY DAHNIT By Charles Mcllanus ! iifK " frXTc-cTrtN STfJi " jrX-&cS??) lSra?aroS ,A SfF) 3 ! f " U !i 1 i - ; : ' . .. . . : . ' -'.j'.- , . ' ...... .. ... ..... ...... . , August, September $1.54. Oats, No. 2. 38-pound white feed, August. September $40; do S 8, pound gray, August, Septem Jber $10... - Barter. No. 2, 44 pound Autrcr September $$1. . - Corn. No. 2 EY shipment Aug tut. September $4450. -r Mlllrun, standard. August $28.50; September $28.50. SALTTT.T . UAJmUTS OXAZX . . . '. t wbit ', $133 Ke, 1 red. aacked . 1.3S PORK. ITtJTTOM . AJTS BRET Top nose . , ,13- eowa , S9.au l is.o Dressed hoga - .It Top ateer .o Cow . 33O5.00 Bella ; L ; 3 m r e Kpnag Uaba. SO Iba aad aader tcwH Heavier n.::. r : .oH Veal . tetjl Aresao veal - US O . . t . UiU htas . Heavy boas . Old roosters , Broiler f : FOCXTXT .13clS aoj2o 4eJ30 -ESasV BUTTXB AKD XUTXXX7AT Buuerfst .49 Ossmi,ybtur . ., ;, t 4e4 Args 'ti, .24 . . A ei . ,, ... .JO Standards Vieot- UUX. per swt, - BEST 6RADE OF WOOD 4 t, 4 ft. asd IS lack. Dry mill wo. Oroe mi wood. Dry see4 growtk fir. . . Dry aad old fir. ' Dry 4-fU ash. ass pit sad eoA. ' FRED E. WELLS, -Frompt delivery sad raaeeeeals ' pH a 3 SO Soath Ckwrck. Thoao 1S4S. 43 ami 1S-TNCH OLD FIR SECOND QROWT1 oa aa ask, Fkon 19F3. U. D. May fisid. . 3flM OOD COAL DBF WOOD PROMPT- DELIVERIES. . HILLMAN FUEL CO. " TELEPHONE 1S5S. 4tf POULTRY AND EGGS ,43 PURE BRED BARRED ROCK COCK- ere Is. $1.20 ock. 9 - nnlee eost o Garde Road. i. 8. Marshall. .K. .. Box I03E. 5s NURSERY STOCK . 49 FOR SALE CHEAP 37 ACRES ' OF fiaa laad, six mile from Salem. Good now batldinga,. abont half raHrratod. balaaco psitore. Rwnaiag Water, aomo timber. Will giv good terms. Itigbt accopt seme trade. J. i. MaUis, w or, Telepboso 105F3,. Balem. Ore, Rt T. 4Q llLSCELLANEOUa 01. H. ' B. SEAGROVE FURNACE AVD shoei aaeul shop moood to 4l Milt St. . . . olaotf BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM , kfethods are asod in the health Usti tote at tH 8. CoiUje St. 8. H. Loss. Pboa 3314. ' . 1U SALEM FUEL A TBAXSFEB CO til Trad 8V Salom. - Lot oa et on- weed, seal and iraaafer, movlag sad drayaga. Day pboao 133 od IS. Kirtt te !.- ' ,frt IpST AND: FQCND LOST GREEN - SrXTKT 'tjWKATV B. Ftador retarn to butesma. . Rted. - - ' " ' . HIZJ TREATVfT , . , FOR AFPLSiIlCiri8 ." "Tt-Is-Wooderfal." Free iafonnailo. Aiiroas Em Cow FertUaA, Oroe, - " .. . f5i-i;i - I t V (1 ft ft A-