- THURSDAY; MOnNlKrAUOyST 6rlG-S , S3 ' H 1! . ' t Jl i T"5 jv. r. fs -1 . Jii V Hi t a r I T: V ; 1 i 1 :i.:iV:r;iiii!?ry h m i' :if M 1 i! i.. :, i .'-.i "-1.. Many to choose front: ' .-r Except cloudy i or foggy along tbe.cdast; continued warm In in terlor; light weat winds. Wednes day Max. 89: Mm. 51 Riverri? falling; Rainfall - none; - Atmos phere' clea,r; Wiijd norths' D i- disappeared accordingly yesterday morning,- Superintendent r I Gilbert reppttfeclf . Tbir departure was discovered a few minutes af ter they had left but thetrio werf able to lud- their -pursuers in the heVy underbrush around' the school. 1 'All, three - wore m khaki troysers" and shlrtJ The" three lads were Toni Gray. Clyde j Stevens and Bob IIowa,rd It is thought that they1 aie. beaded south. Comnleto line ; r r : "famous Kimball Pianos? , and others. Moore's Music House, a 9 ran v v n a. r ' i--t sJ i We have one QverUnd tour-, ting,- looks and runs like new. ,t 1400. Also one Overland sedan, in fine mechanical ' condition; with new paint job, at $550. And one extfa good Overland coupe sedan at $595; r v ' "... . II u. ehange by the Knights of Colum bus' 4 3rd annual sunreme con- ventton'just before the seas foil ad-i otel.fqr tie. night .shortly af ter 7 p. m. - The program j calls " for wide spread organization of the Colum bia h 'Squires; a junior organiza tion of which circle one was ex emplified at the cathedral audi torium here last night, for.main tenanie of scholarships and for orgonization of a post graduate school in "bpyology" to train lead ers of boys at Notre Dame uni versity. All the supreme officers, and all supreme directors up for re-ele tlon.. were re-elected . this after noon. Rainier above Paradise Inn. The Nisqually glacier Is full of wide and deen crevasses at this time of year and tourists are warned not to travel over it. Kev. ir Taylor ' wilf attend the Ep worth League Institute at Tails City this wek"' where he, Is V member of the faculty.' He. will occupy rthp puipu j oi First ,Aietnpaisi cnurcn next sunqay morning, A Children Frev Aiatinee z p., m. toaay. m Duncan" In "Wolves of the North. Bligh Theater. a 6 privileged itne "gist of "the" reply filed "yesterday by W. C. Winslow and S. M. Endieott. local attorneys, to the' $10,000 damage suit of WHl E.' Purd'y for libel allege'4 to have beW made'by the attorney by ac cusation of fbrgery." The state ments were made j. 't j i -. , . . , i Rey.', vans to Rpeak-- Kiv. J. J Rvan nantnr f the First Cbristian church, will deliver the main' address in .the union outdoor services in YUlson park Sunday afternoon. The. remaind er of the. program has , not yet been, completed. WPULD. AjD, IRRIGATION SOLUTION' TO KILTER LAKK PJIOBLRH OFFERED INCREASiUSHOVM Oky POTASH INDUSTRY HERE GERMAN . CIIKAHCALk MOXOP. OLT I)ErL.REI BROKEN Product, Reins; Mannfarturcil In Vnited State; Raw Mate. rUI Plentiful i ' ROUTINptAVORK HAMPERS DEPARTMENT' OR STATE -INSIDE IHJPE.; OV SECRl T.IRY'S JOU IS GIVEX Wnilam Delzell Telia Uons Fri day That Walter Ioeiit. Kerp Secret George Griffith IJmphig--, As a result dt slTpping on a wet stone : while awimmine Sundav. without anvC!e?rM P. , Griffith," deputy . state tare delinquent in taxes in the sum A solution to the problem of an irrigation' district upon, the verge of bankruptcy was offered mem bers of the state irrigation securi ties commission 'yesterday by Col. E. M. Place; colonisation agent of the Western t Pacific , railroad, in connection .with the 'Silver' Lake district In; Lake county.' The. sug gest ion brought expressions of ap proval from, a majority . of . the board though no action was taken. '.Col. Phac4' would organize the bondholders of the project and sell to the settlers' land, on terms to be repaid on the crop payment basiM over a period of years'neces sary until tbq pojec is developed and can niee interest on the bond. " i At present the. project is bonded for $250,000, Col. Place said, and there are only IS settlers. These feelfng' of maHce'toward 'Purdv. lras.u?e : former, state com- tne reply asserts. ! The assertions man?f? of. the; American Legion, are admitted with the ' statemerif l?,!nnP j?Tay about ffi with the aid .61 a cane. Mr. Grif- fijb.sllpped . and, fell with one leg ' Tko Theater Today ; !!I -Milton Sills and Oregoi Doris Kenyon In "I "Want My Man." - MV-Tli'liUMI Mir:!:' Grand Alice Joyce, . Neil HamUlon ri "The ; Little French j Girl by Anne Douglas Sedgewick. ' f:E Hj'. : . Invitation Extended , ; Vj ; An invitation has been extended to Barbara . Frletcbie tent No.' 2 Daughters' of Veterans, to attend the meeting of the Marlon County Veterans at Silvertox i Thursday, Aug. e. It was announced . yester day, i added that the same . claim " by them which Purdv claims was libel M'rK i""' w.o o,0 .w ;i oeneain. nis Doay. court. " -V ''!'. License. Is-R;yokelfr - j. In' the sentence of Police Judge Poujsen Qft ,-I)ayi.4 I;;Wareham, convicted, of. operating . hia car while Intoxicated a suspension of Wareiiam'a ' drivers' ; llceriset "for , a period of ? 90 days was Included that wa "nt reported tW the ffrst announcement by local . papers of the verdict: 1 r Wareham pleaded guilty and .iB' liddUion to: the susr pension of his license was sen tenced to par "a fine ofl$100" and serve ' ten1 days in jail. The fine has" not yet beij! paid 'and ihdlca" tlons are that he will "lay it out" in. Jan.. t1:':''' ';-'yyA;:.-:t Drs. . Mor" AR5hertsoin ' - 'S Announce the "a'ssociaVioniof Dr M, L, Brfdgeman with the firm Practice limited" to Internal medl- cne and . obstretrics, Residence: The' Marion hotel. a$ Bargains In Used Fnrnfture ; . Stiff's Used Furniture Store. a6 Dakota Club to Meet ' , Governor ! ' Pierce " and Bardl .Skuleaon, Portland attorney, will be among the principal speakers at the. 1925 picnic of. the North Dakota club i Id ; be held at the state'" fairgrounds on i August 23,' according to recent announcement. A . basket i picnic ; lunch Is , to be served at noon. An invitation has been' extended to ;.all former resi dents of the state to attend. Alt O. Nelson, Siiverton attorney', is president of the organization.- Held on Contempt Charge -v: John OUon. was arrested by, th sheriff's office yesterday on charge of. contempt of , court in the case of tatate vs. Greta T. Ol son. He will appear ."before Judge L. H. McMahan Friday. Bail was fixed at-$500 Tubes $2.50 We are now. selling all 1 styles radiotrums af$2.50 each. Salem Ele'ciric'Co.rF. S.' Barton, owner. Mgsbhic Temple. PhOrie 1200. a WantecU- i 1 T Am&n for light work- Box 24. care Statesman. Address a6 Vklt.Stjff a t'aea FurnijuKw- ! btore on High street opposite tt ' nnMctAlii . ...... In - . inv7i rui ncuyiB lurmerivir.i AM n . - lr-JT Vt T SZr - nnied soverndr-s office yes Jll -10'4- 7iC.b P Old Cham- terday honoring requisition pi . K "s . p,c Z Prs.v He will . be returned " by 7 f.1?"7' .AUv John Shomate. wiuiohy luviip auv ninera Tram i lu onuS lue.r luflcn uq Complete Line jy.il lum. 1 lie UlClIIC KlUUUa IS I . Vomon. VfmKll Dl. "1 . ,y' u?uiuu others. Moore's Music House. a9 je ior aunuay gainering. " ' Howell In this eityj Aug. 4th.. Grace May nowell. age 39 years, wife pt Lewis C. HowelY, mother of Grace Minerva and jewel Howell, daugh ter of; Arthur, Q. Griswoid of Sa lem, sister of Mrs. Hugh White of Klrby. Ore.. and Mrs. Fayne HulJ of Los Angeles. Announcement of funeral liter from the Rigdon mortuary. j LOS ANGELES. Aug. 5. (By Associated Press.) Growth of the American potash, industry until it broke the shackles of a former Carman monopoly, was described today, by J. W. Turrentine of the bureau of soils. United States de partment of agriculture, 'before the American' Chemical society, which is in session here. I i " In the face of" the bitterest European competition, the American-industry, which is of vital Importance agriculturally and In dustrially. Is octually gaining ground steadily, showing Its tech nical and economic soundness, the speaker said. ' ! ' I He said that the manufacture of the chemical, when fully de veloped, will be distributed i orer the' country, owing to a wide di versity of potash bearing raw ma terials. -H In" another section of today's meeting, drastic reforms in the teaching methods of .high schools and .colleges were urged, by more than a dozen speakers represent ing' universities and -technical schools In an parts'of the Country. -" Prof. Alexander Silverman hia-l of the department of chemistry In the University of Pittsburgh, de clared that laboratories ' are too large and advocated a reorgani zation of the existing systems sa is to greatly multiply their num ber. He said that not more than 2 students should be erouDed In any one laboratory. Such an arran;e4 it j nt. It was said, would enablf universities to send thoroughly reliable men into public and in dustrial service. . which the governor" was Tell your eastern friends about the progressive spirit of the city of Saletn. We want more people here, not only to share the city with us. but to help us build it. Home spells life. The governor, the secretary of state and. the state treasurer all have a world of burdensome rou tine work that should be taken from, their shoulders. William Delzell. secretary to Governor Pierce, told members of the Salem Rotary Uah-yesterday in an ad dress n nnonnced ."Wbjeft of . "Thi J iade dope on ' how . it feels to be secretary to a Demo- caac;"Coyeror. - 'Each "lrhee : executives has work outside of his own depart ment that If he were compelled to do it personally would require all of his time," : Delzell explained. If the governor was to sign per sonally all of the checks for claims against the state, according to the intention of the old law he would be permitted to do nothing else, and there would not be enough hours in the day for him io' do all of it." i Much of the "inside dope" of a secretary was explained with ante- dotes.' One story .wos told of an Irishman who compiled a book of the names of the men in his town who he thought be could , whip. One' neighbor, whose name ap peared on the list.-challenged this clarm;i to which- the author re plied j "You ' say I can't lick you?" The statement was reiter ated, by the neighbor. "Well, then, I'll take your name off the list." "With ttw approach of the com ing political campaign." Delzell explained, "the governor, is busy scratching off the names of people he can't lick." '- ' "The word 'secretary means one who keeps. secrets, and keep ing secrets is supposed to be my job." he told In another part of his address. "But Walter doesn;t keep secrets; he tells everybody, so I don't keen ' busy on that score," he added.' Spesklng in a more serious vein he explained some of the work fe.-..!r, t . to do. 'For eri,rople.; In -tc W.fr Item' ot'. pardons" alone. ke de clared. rif Jntervlews-.wJta.ihi Xt eraor were' granted to all those who apply for executive clemency for prisoners, ' 50. per cent of . the governor's time would be occupied -f oy inis um- u, Three new, members were r ceived Into membership yterdsy. They were FJoriahY6n Eichen, HT HoffTiell ana Anarewfi,. cruvKa is .cn'ciuxced: a- WASHINGTON. Aug. 5, - The condition '6t JohoiTeapIe." CraTes': veteran southern writer, editor"" and orator, who la critically ill at his home here, was said by"em bers of hTjhoueh;oldt6nTgarl " hav ahowa little or no " chaaga r during the day. ' LOS .' ATCCEXES CHOSEN! SEATTLE. Aug. I. (By Asso ciated Press.) Banker of It Pa-' citic coast and , Rock. Mountain-' states, closing a. two-day cohfer ence here today, selected1 Lb "X gelee for their 112 eonye-ntUm place. To Whiten Skin : ;l : 'vyitli Lerport',' The- oaly harm less way to bleach the sklh white 1 to'mix the juke otl two'' lemons': wtttr three onces.of, Orchard TAhlt6. which" any" dr- HH.w-J H.Dplrt for . a few cntri,,f Shake, well in a bottle, and y oar hare a whole quarter-plat"of thf.t roosf 4 wonderful skin; whtB,er,( softener and" bautifierr ' Massage thia sweetly' fragrant; lemon bleach into the face,' seek. J arms and, hands. It can not irrl-; tale. , Famous stage. beahtfea uie " it to bring that ' clear; youthful skin and. rosy: white complexion: . also at a freckle, aunburn and tan . bleach'. Ton' must' inlx ,th"Is reV markable -lotion yourself. It 'caa , not be' bought ready to use becauae It acts best Immediately;, after It U-v I prepared. Adv' "." ' '.. . tight six Stmlebaker Bareain At Certif led Public Motor Car Mkt. This is a 1924 model' tout-. ing, original paint, looks like new, Fishing Streams Closed Fanno creek in Polk county and Frog lake In Wasco county have been closed to fishing by the state I good tires and car has been driv- ame commission In a recent' or; ar-. 4Bs:orar oi ips commissi slpn declares that "because bt et"- ceasive. fishing. in, the two places the trout and other fish are threat-! ened with extermination and that the. measure is necessary to .pro tect therstreama for future, sport. The order takes effect August-25. en only a few thousand miles. See this one or phone for demonstra tion. . v': 7-7 5a4 Leave for Breitenbush I. H, Van Winkle, 'attorney gen eral, and Mrs. Van Winkle, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. U R. M. Pierce, left Wednesday for: Breit- enbnsh where thav will menrt tda kiMiui yiK r next.twQiweeks. Arthur S Ben- Rev." Dr. Charles A. Edwards son. clerk of the supreme court, I of The Dalles. Oregon, was called W -i - lU and .Mrs. Benson are leaving for Breltenbush Friday morning on iueir auuuai vacation. Dr. Marshall. Osteopathlc- Physlcian and surgeon. aC Petite Shop. Is Soh . Notice of the transfer, of an as sumed , business name - has been filed with th county, clerk, by Anna M". Busfck, prbprietor'of the Petite Shop' at 193 JVorth Com- Toa Telephone Vf 110 I merctal sinceof." 19. "1923. The We'll deliver it, no matter fcow j qew owners, Addle. R. Spong, 232 mall the Item. Capital Drue, Hteevcs Gets Com minion ' According to word received here Dr. Laban A. Steeves of Salem, haa North ! i'ront; and.ElIzabeth"Wb ife, 1509 North Twelfth. (wlll conduct the business" uijde'r Ihe'oIdT name;" to Walla Walja, Wash., this week to. conduct, the, funeral of Mr. Olin S. Hodsdon of College Place, Wash. Mr. Hodsdon was a nephew of Rer. Daniel Lee. and a grand nephew, of , Rev. Jason Lee:; His father, was a minister of .the Methodist Episcopal church for over thirty yeara. -t' i ? - ' . . . . .. "m m y i i "f .! X Dance Saturday Night Stayton Community, club open received the commission, of first I air, pavilion;". Al wonderful' place lieutenant in tos. meaicai omcersii to dance aetigniiuuy qoou.. ai: reserve corns. -He -is the son oflmadse's All-Stars nlayihg. a 6 Dr. B, L.j Steeves of this city. I Get Marriage License Complete line ' - i ' One marriage license was issued "Famous i Kimball Pianos" and yesterday" from the cftice of the others. Moore's Music House. a9 1 county clerk. This was to Leo D. Reimann; clerk. 1680, South Rev. Bender tp Visit- . . .. I High, and Bessie Plessinger, tele- Rev. G.: S. Bender- superintend fphone operator, 544-North EIgh dent of the Oregon conference of J teenth. the United Brethren., church, will 1 : A. . .1 . . M W 1 db iu oniem BHnaay io conanci i tune to um aumont- , . , both morning and evening services I Fine fat. deep sea. troll. fiah at In the" local church: : Aspeclal I Fltta Market. ' ; U business ' meeting is to be held Monday evening at the church! i' , TVoodrr Buy Fiirniture ' - Stor at Stnnmer and Norway streets. Phone i"8 11V " JIBtf Blue Rook FIBed There remains but only, one va- cancy.In the Oregon ,bue book for the current' year '' gnd " tht fa Place on the medical board. The BOY PROGRAM' OUTLINED vacancy will be filed in the near future,. bJLGqyeroor. Pierce. J , Iv .QtLCL ADOCI, FLANS rjaJK- PARED BY BOY ORGANIZER Rev. Taylor Returns Fred C. Taylor and f am-1 DU.LUTIL Minn AugS. (Br Illy have returned from a week's! Associated Press.) -The boy prq-lt auiu inp io seauieraoa uainier usran., wnicn uroiner iiarnaDas.,1 National Park. They attended the nationally knbwn boy leader, has I f Wayfarer in Seattle and spent a sP?n? three years In preparing was I V of vour life is socht within the four walls of your home. Gray; dingy' : orr deJapidateoV they, make every day a disaprintrrKnt, ' " . But-rbright and cay. with fresh clean mint and; varnish, working and leiaire. nours are a constant - Veterans' Meet Today " The annual meeting- of the-Vet-' erans "association wlirbe'heTdaf Siiverton today. Stages will'leave the Terntiaaf hotel promptly ' at' 9 o'clock. '- Those iwisfilhc'toRO Plcnlis Plana -Progress I Should notlfre'rtfier the Terminal Phil Elker was yesterday named or R. R. Ryanat l898 North. Cdm- chairmaa of the' committee of the I merclaU - r ! Rotary clab which is to meet with I f : committees from the' other' t two j Attorneys Reply to Purdy local senrlce clubf forthe purpose J .eaUUmenfrvhleh; they of arranging a joint picnic. The I made In " the ' Marlon county clr- ABOyT RAILROAD TXUF8 Pbope 727 OREGON ;a ELECTRIC 1 Loose Wheels Ttepaired at MlKEPANEieS BRAKE STATION: 275'6ptbCoPUoerclar picnic ia" to" be! held" al" the fair grounds some time next week. jiiyirL-j.-. n. 4"- BOO Hop Pickers Wanted t See Lane.Morley. cori C a4 17th; all! cuit court that, a note had been altered by adding the word? "also Interest to June 10th on 12500 note., were pertinent to the is sues Involved and ' were therefore , Palnt,lng and. Decorating 4y Skilled Mechanics " ! T ! cam a K ..a u Itehnedy ? Pjuntj SI;6p ' Nowlocate?i. at - Gabriel Powder, &-Supply, , 173 Southf'Cmercl4 - Telephone 72S ' ; Three Escape' i - Three' youths of the state train ing- school thought freedom more attractivJthan V Job'rof.'balerng1 hay4 Jt JierCnear the. school and i ..... . i L LADD 4 BUSH, Bankers - EstablUhed jl 868 C' - Pay Caslt for nrniture Phone 73, The pleasure 'and efficiency of those . -: living indoors. Justifies the trifling cost of repaintins.- Andthejnpressed vatu;' of yoiir properly (because it is freshlyV rjaimed.and pxesettegqst'delapkia-' " ; tion) makes, paioting; an: actual vihg Ai your deqUr for Color Cards'. AjAyour pointer for an esUma .WATCH FOR NEW 0LDSM0B1LE- . ApOUriCEMEWT AUGfSt'13 It - :..v REDUCED SUMMER , RATES; BY: PICKWICK STAC ! Ba rnseuco, ea "vy. nui , t' ; r t fsa.00. . Let AnfUt, est .wsy etT.tS. ' ' Kooaft trip, 50.00. 8ar Us U TartiM t : titit ct Mors ' For InfsrmiBoa n4'krystteBJ y Ftoas 66, or! csil t CEJRAL 6TAG TERJIiyAL fT ' ' ''"-' ' ! ...t-.. ' r1 Efectric le - gives art opaque ; washable, finish for intir iors. Because of its .excellent covering capaci ity and opacity,' two coats .are usually suff- cient. EWes with.ejthtif fiat or velvet glois , finish, i '" !'-!- ; VyjXira jfFTat cr Velva) C&s !s cia&-" y abl jq a chre.rahg?.of cplors. ' - ' OUierBasrWissen Paint frcAicts fc interior . use; Inside Fbor Paint; Oil Stains: Spar.Var- - nishFlgoraridyirrx ai" I IIUTCHKOX 134 South Commercial si MT. ANGEIj PAINT CpMPAXr vml L ana ' AVOODRURX , Kalem, Oregon 'MOXlTOrn ? - fH'm- tea 4 I i n i X; Becker Son V. CarmJch(ii-- For; f dflcd Ilorr from ltf aun. to 8 pjn. , J JL 1 I't . Ciys' Furniture 4 ' P.' St Smith EATS