THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST f, 1925 EFITI1EIS ; -J 'A SLATED FOSt PARK Salem Senators to Meet Se lected All-Stars oh Ox ford Diamond Sunday . BASEBALL'. r By Aioolted Pratt "; -" I L-l : , " National ; "": .. St. Louis 14; Boston 2. ; ; . Chicago 7; Philadelphia 6. Brooklyn- Pittsburgh postponed, rain. Cincinnati-New York, post poned, rain. ' - 01 SI s nil The Salem Senators will meet a picked alltar team from the local Svodown League at Oiford park Sunaar, It was announced yester day , The game Is to be a benefit f-: affair to help cover the f 250 de ficit ,ihar the i local club has in eyrrad this reason, but aside from aU'that the mix promises to offer one of the liveliest ; sessions Of niirt rtn iha 1nnl wrniin An this eeaaon. The games with outside clubs have given Salem, some real tiport rp far, but when the locals meet locals Sunday it la going to bo wore than the proverbial situ ation where-Greek meets Greek, say the prophets. I -i ; ' j'iTiii; A field day program in which members of both teams will take -part ii being arranged as a side feature to the event Sundaywlth .a, schedule including a 100-yard dash, f ungo hitting, accuracy throwing, distance throwing, clrci i ing bases, and kindred sport allied No the baseball game. : Both teams will donate their services free of charge in order that the largest .amount possible can be raised. i Th nmatAiir all-star tftam will (eirms of thendown league by American . All pames postponed rain. - Pacific . ! Portland 4j Vernon 3. -Oakland 7 r Seattle 5. ., Los Angeles 2; Salt Lake 1. San Francisco 6; Sacramento 0. BATTLE OF WORDS WA6ED0VERFIGHT Proposed Dempsey -.Wills Bout Turns. Loose. Con 1 jtradictory Statements NEW YORK; Aug. 5. (By As sociated Press).- The trans-con tinental battle of words over the proposed : heavyweight champion ship clash between Jack Dempsey and Harry Wills in 1925 waged furiously today., iy , . : Verbal broadsides of contradict tory statements were turned loose in ' three sectors, but after being Fast Contest Is Slated for Oxford Park Friday Eve ning at 6 O'Clock mann Is successful, Munn said be would quit j wrestling and return to the rlngr.' . Munn made' his debut as a fighter with, little or no success before taking to the mat. OREGON COACH SOUGHT HUNTINGTON APPROACHED I1Y MISSISSIPPI COLW-IGK The' American Legion baseball team, winners of the ' city; league series, will meet the Heckert team of Corvallis on the Oxford field in a seven-inning game beginning at fi o'clock Friday night; it was announced yesterday! by P. H. Acton, manager. . The visitors are playing under the name of a Cor vallis contracting firm. ' The American Legion team com pleted a successful season, being defeated but once during the sea-! son! by the Kn'ghts of Columbus. In the three-game finals with the United States Bankers, the Legion lost one and won two games and cinching the championship for the third consecutive year. - More than the ordinary amount of Interest has been taken in the city league this year, and for the deciding game of the season more than 350 persons paid admission and obtained their money's worth. A. small admission fee will be charged Friday as the. Legion has some obligations to meet and is putting the ; money J in a good cause. Manager Acton said. . Arrangements have been made with the manager of the Corval lis team to play there next week. EUGENE, Or.. Aug. 5.- Missis sippi college, Clinton. Miss., is seeking Shy" Huntington, ex University of i Oregon coach, to guide its gridiron destinies. Hunt ington tonight admitted he had been definitely approached by the southern school. He has made no decision as yet, as his business here is most active during the summer and fall' seasons. He Is in the fuel business here. BIM STATUTE IS TO BE ATTACKED Scopes' "Defense to Deter mine Constitutionality ot Tennessee Measure BEAVERS GET PLAYER sifted, thev all appeared to arree De Barrick of the YMC.V and that Dempsey and Wills will climb Blinkers team, and by Carl Ga-1 into the ring to fight it out with brtWson of the American legion, blows. Instead of words, some time The-league has been furnishing a next year. lively brand bf ball during their The high spots of the day's long reason and with a combination or " snarpauooung iohows; the bent that the whole league has Jack Dempsey. Los Angeles ia ftffpr a roil contest is etnected I Telegraphs Tex Rickard: "Defi- de'pile the record of: the semi proiessionals.L ! , 1 : j' Tickets are to be placed on sale nil o7er the city and a wide pat ronage is being asked in order to Icet'p baseball here on the stan dard set thld season. The price if to be 50 centi. ji Those who cannot attend are boing urged to buj tickt-ia ! nevertheless to help the club onto iu ieft. T The reason s for the failure oi the local Club to meet expense? Ibis year is explained by the fact th&t ! subscriptions this season anointed to only $800 compared with the $2200 secured last year. The ruling of the interstate league compelling aj (0-40 per cent split on gate receipts has also decreased ttie amount takeu into the clubV coffers this year. . ; M LINN WOULD FIGHT JACK WRESTLER WANTS TO TACKLE I HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP PLAN NOVELTY TOURNEY ILLIHKK GOLFRRa MUST WEAR i J..j WOMEN'8 CLOTHES - ! A novelty tournament is being arranged by the tournament com mitted for the lllihee Country club Sunday-,: according to G. P. Shark ey, professional.'- ' - ! Only members .wearing ladies' wearing! apparel will be admitted to ineu grounds, r as mere . are some. substantial prizes offered for the matcb?3i a rlarga turnout la anticipated u , . f , j A Country club "cop" will be stationed.; ft! the entrance to Lth? grounds and, will admit no one not properly attired. All male mem hers. of the club have been given ample notice of the tournament. CHEMISTRY' HEAD NAMED "! SPOKANE.' Aug. 5. Miss Con- stance West of Seattle has been! named head of the department of I r chemistry at i Spokane university and ' lit ' axdume her duties this fall." Miss West nrocurcd hen master -of Wrjnce' degree at thel - University of Washington., nitely eliminating New York Btate" as a site for the match, but hold ing open prospect of engagement with Rickard or "any responsible promoter"; anywhere else. Asserts agreement! with Rickard only ver bal and tentative and not binding. Willing to fight for Floyd Fitz- timmons' near Chicago if Wills agrees. . -y-y Jack Kearns, Chicago An nounces on way to New York to iron out-all difficulties with the New York boxing commission on both the Dempsey - Wills and Shade - Walker matters;" that Dempsey will fight Wills only nn- ler his (Kearns) management. Difficulties with Dempsey not con cerned with ring, affairs and will receive bids for Wills', fight from any promoter In" the world willing to post forfeit of, half million dol- ars up. figures nig-matcn win Iraw two million dollar gatev Tex Rickard, New York Insists Dempsey will fight only; under his direction and confident battle with nrni - in i i t-- x i t tits win yule iu nev 1 U1K i iround Julv 4. 1926. Has'under- )tanding" with Dempsey and is ready - to stage battle here or in Jersey City4 Brands talk of fight going elsewhere as -'hot air." take k canadian pacific EMPRESS LINEflS -JAPAN BOISE, Idaho. Aug. 5. (By As sociated Press.) Wayne "Big"! Munn, who held the world's heavyweight wrestling title, for a short time recently, wants to-fight Jack Dempsey for the world's heavyweight boxing crown. The giant former University of Nebraska football player, who hat been working on a farm near CaUl- well for the past month keeping in shape, announced here tonight that his manager. Cube Kauff mann is in Los Angeles seeking a match with Dempsey. If Kauff- TULSA, Okla.. Aug. 5. (By Associated Press.) The sale of Lyman R. Lamb, centerfielder and former manager of the Tulsa Oil ers to Portland- ot the Pacitir Coast league was announced to day by J. R. Friel. Oilers' bus iness manager. A foreigner is one you do not understand. She'll Work O.K. Now Why envy the other man's, car and wonder how he keeps the engine running smoothly, quietly "full er pep." He simply had us . to remove '.the aches and kinks. Since then no troubles at all. When we say she'll work. O. K. now, she does. Our guarantee covers that. So If you are tired of vexa tions and troubles and ex cessive repair bills just drive your car over to F. W. Pettyjohn Co. ftfl.l X. Commercial St. Phone 1200 CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn., Aug. 5. -(By Associated Press.) Not only does defense counsel, for J. T.' Scopes, Rhea county teacher, convicted of violation of the Ten nessee evolution law, hold that the theory of evolution denies and is In conflict with the story of the Divine creation of man, as taught by the Bible, as published yester day in connection with the riling of a petition for Injunction in fed eral court here, but this theory will be-more strongly reiterated in a companion petition to be filed tomorrow. Such was the statement ton'ght of Dry John It. "Neal. senior coun sel for Scopes In the trial at Day ton, who remained in the city and drafted' what he designated as the taxpayers' bill. The bill will be riled in the name of J. Robert Wilson of Rhea county. In behalf of himself and other fathers and children "like situated." and attacks the con stitutionality of the evolution law both as taxpayer and as a parent The bill will allege the sane grounds of complaint as the pe tition filed yesterday that the Tennessee law ia In conflict with the United States constitution in that it deprive the plalnttr: or liberty to teach his children ifce truth, and that by barring the teaching cf evolution the money of the taxpayers is being wrong fully used. Dr. Neal stated that the bill will be predicated on the theory that evolution is In conflict with the story of Divine creation of aian as taught in the Bible. j BARGAINS L 7x9 Auto Tent. $9.85 12x14 Wafl Tent $19.85 Army Shoes $4.95 Oil Stones .....35c 5 Auger'........$2.00 i Bass Plugs ... 50c 3 Tnnis Ballsl.:. $1.25 6 Fox Razor Blades 40c HAUSER BROS. PAINTS TOOLS - SPORTING GOODS PORTLAND MAN VICTOR MACKIE DEFEATS MIM.KR OF PALO ALTO AT TENNIS i and Robert Kendall." Portland; "put out Bartlett. Portland. 6-1, 6-2. In the men's doubles. Robert Kendall and J. II. Mackle gave the visiting Callfornlans, Herbert Suhr and Stanley Almquist. the closest match of the day. losing 6-4. 6-3. Mrs; Golda Myer Gross. San Francisco, wont two straight sets from Miss Stella Fording, Port land. 1 6-0, 6-2. .Miss Carolyn Swartz. San Francisco, won from M isa Toluk u'HorlwaTte.'IIonoIalu." 61, 6-2. in an Interestlngtnatch' In which the San Francisco' girt displayed her usual ability. Mrs. Ream Leachman. Vallejo. who has made a clean sweep of the tourna ment to date, winning all ' her matches In love sets, eliminated Mrs. J. . Carr. Portland. 6-0, 6-0. Prohibition Is worktng smooth ly now, and the only job left is to stop the tale of liquor.' PORTLAND. Aug. 5. Upset ting the dope in today's play of I the Oregon tennis championship. J-. H. Mackie, Portland, won from Sutton Miller, Palo Alto, in a mree-set matcn. Macule .was steady throughout and carried too much experience for his younger opponent, winning 6-4. 3-6. 6-2. Catlin Wolfard. San Francisco, went into the semi-finals by de feating Harry S. Gray 6-1, 6-2, EIKER'S GUARANTEED v USED - FORDS PRICED RIGHT ; THE BLUE FRONTr ! V liberty and Ferrv V Sale of OdiSedroom Pieces u i 3 All our fixtures AND SUPPLIES- ARE THE BEST THAT MONEY BUYS - ' t - . M i NELSON BROS. 333 Chemeket a Phone 10oe SPEED. jrYc tad comfort mtk Caoidiaa Pscific tb prt erred method ot trml to rfa Oriat Every two wtk BMgsiflont Kmnrw : Lar tail from Van eoUTtr lor tru-Ps-eific pons, - ; on your locat far run. fltt infnmlitn. Attractiv aocoad" csbia fatMsnslso SToilsbl. Canaflianftaflc We are oftering at Special Midsummer Prices many Handsome Bedroom Pieces in Walnut, Ivory and French gray Now is your opportunity to obtain that odd piece i' to complete your bedroom Bed, Spring A BALLOON TIRE i f - .-ri 'It 1 b'.n"::' it For Every Car "JIM Guaranteed to Cost Less per Mile BILL" SMITH cz WATKINS Court at High Street Phone 44 $g g 50 , , i . ...... Complete and Mattress Outfit See Our Windows Oregon Pulp & Paper Co. ;:Q:BUIWiEKS'i-'. We have just received a large shipment of the newest in fireplace fixtures. Some very attractive hand forged pieces in; this lot. Come in and make your selection now. Salenif Oregon !itj.ii.f :i '..) .-.rh'hH !,'v n f a vmc a rrrmp na .IL.1 . I HUUlV'OVAUMWIIW Sulphite and Manila Wrapping also Batchers Wrap plns, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine, Dni2 Ecnd, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties. . Where You Can Always Do Better L ' ' - ...'. . Credit Gladly Without Interest Maniy I I - ! ; i in Youir Miles Motor? And What Do They Cost? The answer Is not in the pribe per 'quart of oil, but how'much per 'mile. Nor are: the higher priced oils necessarily the best For example: There isn't a better motor oil in the world than Aristo Motor OiL It i refined in Cali fornia, from selected west era crude. Because of volume pro duction, and low freight rates, it easily under-scllj the eastern oils. - Some people think that the higher price means a better, eiL Nothing could be farther from the truth. Aristo, as an instance, is made ! without rczard tor costwith concern only for quality. And it couldn't be a better lubricant if .you paid twice as much tor it. Aristo combats' the for mation of carbon. It is an unexcelled lubricant. Its saving is thus in service as well as price. Made by the Union Oil Company, sold at Union Oil service stations and by independent dealers of the first class every where. LJ? ' -I i ybtof Oi BEST ALL WAYS I i . " - j . mi Also Producers of Union Qaxlint