The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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, . . . ...... v . ... I , '
'.A , i ,-.. ,'"
rJ V A- !'. v. : Y
. .. 1 ; : , f --: -
ri. U'-u'..ww ;
Many to choose from
G. M.L Johnsoii & Co.
469 State
S - I 4 f
We have soma real bargains
in 1$22 Ford, tourings and a
real glassy, 19 23 Ford coape
with lots of extras. It looks
and run like a new car. .
toxicated and Ylolation of the pro
hibition ordinance, is composed ot
the following: Ad elf h Qutffroy,
Elmer E. tins;, J. W. Chambers,
John Bertelson,.Georg.H. Grab-
enhorst, and J. A. Duncan. Alter
nates are Claude II. Morse and
Elmer J. Manila. The case Is to
be heard In theiollce court this
afternoon .before Tolice Judge
Ponlsen. Able has pleaded not
i'gatliy. -
! Choice GUdioU ' : .
Funeral designs, - D. H. Upjohn,
865 S. Liberty. Phone 1700. a5tf
No License Charged ".
Trarric Officer Edwards last
night brought to police headquar
ters Richard LaytOn of 8alem who
today 'will be charged . in police
Wilbanks came to -blows after
their children had fought.-and
that when she attempted to separ- court with operating his automo-
ate the men, Wilbonks struck her.
The case will be heard In Justice
courts ;
bile without a drirer's license.
Veterans Given Notice
The president of the WItC has
asked that. all. those who .wish to
Scotch Pirate
.Fairgrounds, August 13. Bag
pipe band. Dinner at S. Bring
own eats.' Coffee free. as
the First. Congregational church
of this city, left yesterday with his
family on his annual vacation. lie
ill b gone about a month, to
return. In time to fill bis pulpit on
the first Sunday. In September. '
Cedrlc Chang, June graduate of
Willamette" university, left yester
day for Springfield. Mass.. where
he will enter the Springfield Inter
national YMCA college of that
W. T. Ramsden of 771 North
Cop me re la I returned recently
from San Francisco with nis son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Un.
Charles Parker,- residents of San
Francisco. 4Mrs. , Ramsden .will
return to Salem August 10 and
will be accompanied by the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Parker.--' ,
; . -
mus. el nf n:. . jlikes ' vx.
(Continued from page 1) ! f
log to the account giren by Mr.
Inglls, chairman ot the operators'
committee. ' .
."In rlew of the differences b
tween us,- came a second, ques-
go to the meeting of the Marlon FtaridtiirA AnctW JUle .
county reterans at Sllrerton At 1: SO this afternoon at north. I tloa. do you flatly reject the pro-
Tnursday by stage notify the local least 'corner of North High and
-mil t 1 L37 . Tr- , i
.i Fair ' - '
Continued warm la Interior
lirh t west winds. Max. 8 6 : Min.
61:,Rlver 1.7, stationary; Rain
fall none; Atmosphere dear; Wind
The Theaters Today
i xv . : , -;.,
Oresjosi' Matinee: v Pat
, 'OTdalley and Claire Wind
sorln fThe White Desert."
; - Evening: Milton Sills; and
' Doris JCenyon In. VI' Want
My Man."
Grand--Alice Joyce.Neil
; Ilamllton la "The Little"
.'French . Girl' by Anne:j
Douglas Sedgenwlckf v
... ; I ,t. .,'.'i rrr. i::f
the result of an error Major Simp
son made during the war when in
settling - an account he overpaid
the Stock Growers' bank of Chey
enne, Wyo.'. The bank caught the
mistake and mailed the major a
check for the one cent. It took a
long time and a lot of red tape to
get. around to tnis one cejji eiror
and forward the check.; but thete
it Is in the major's pocket, the one
cent check requiring Just as large
a niece of naoer and lust aslnuch
writing as the "check idf li.OO,-
000. Oregonlan.
the rrounds. turninr off ,t itta
right, and raising 'an annoying
dust lor campers while the visi
tors circle the camp and leave at
once. As many as 40 cars a day
hare come to the camp merely t6
inspect the' grounds' and'Xhe pro-
committee. They are asked to tel
ephone 15S3W.
Board aieets Tlinrsclay-
Routine - business will be the
subject matter of the meeting of
the YMCA board Of directors at
the association Thursday, accord
ing to .announcement yesterday.
Matters' pertaining to the new
Marlon streets.- The-contents of
a seven room house will be told.
Nearly good -aiNnew. ' Nothing re
served. Woodry A Woodry are
the auctioneers.. - C. Collins, pro
prietor. r ( ',- aS
1 U.IWI1 Hill II I V . .
Bid What I on .Want
' At auction sale of furniture this
afternoon. N6rthr High and Mar-
building are also scheduled for jion. opposite the;high school. a3
would "wash olt the baruir.j; zc.l
from the todies of tie
The tlaie. vi-as Bin . citicgaIit i."
IatoiI tn KaiVnirl. 'Ttiiit" TTIa
eedure has, caused campers there, family will remain at the resort
Fnrnltam at Own PHre 1
Vacation at Coast ' . ' AnMinn of tha fnrnltur of a
Claude A. Kelts, secretary off.. en room hnnit il 1SA aharn
the, YMCA, with bis family .mo-1 this afternoon, at northeast corner
of North High and Marion. Nearly
considerable annoyance.'. The row
of. posts will also keep ears .from
the space in front Of the new com
munity house.. : r
, for a while. Mr. Kells will return
today with a group of boys, who
have been attending the summer
I camp of the Y near Neskowln.
posal that all matters In dispute
be aubmlttsd to Impartial arbltra
tlon under conditions ensuing ad
judication fair to all parties eon
cerned, work: to continue at pres
ent wage pending the result of
such arbitration?"-
Lewis-replied, according to In
glis, quoting from his-letter to
Warrlner to the effect that arbi
tration wpuld not be accepted.
' Mr.. Inglls later charted Mr.
Lewis' with, deliberately .wrecking
the wage conference. - V
Mr. Lewis said he stated his po
sition on this point tn, that part of
his letter- to Warrlner whin he
Furniture at your own i , . . . .
price. Woodry & Woodry. auc-1 J" . - pruit 1
tioneers . - ' .k followed in.wage conferences that
operators' repre-
WASinNCTON. Ang. 4. (By
Associated Press) - The brain of
Mrs. Helen IL Gardener, cItII
service commissioner who died re
cently,, was .removed before the
body .was .cremated and will be
sent to Cornell university In ac
cordance with terms of her will.
but interested parties here de
clined, tonight to throw more llsht
on the strange case. -
After conflicting statements had
been made by attending physicians
and others as to what disposition
had been made of the organ, Guy
Moffett, one ot the estate's execu
tors, declared the braia had been
removed and that It would be sent
to the university.
Asked who had performed the
operation and where the brain Is
ow, Md -whn it wil-be sent to
the university, Mr. Moffett said:
"I can. tell, but I won't.-
. Mrs. Gardener believed that in
the past sclentists'had studied the
brains ot wptnen. ot low mentality
inoznparUon with those of Ihe
highest in'0 men- " Prom
ised in her will that her own brain.
If found to bA uninjured by her
Illness and In- suclt condition as to
represent "women vho use their
Drams ' ior am , puut
should be sent to Cornell.
n-ovn n.VLL AnsrxT from
Bargain in Used Furniture .
Stiffs used furniture store.": aS
Two Licenses Issued-- . . . . . :
7 - Two marriage, licenses were ap
plied for at the county clerk's of
fice yesterday. They - were, issued
Ioj Afredriynr1215 North Fif
teenth, and Anna L.-JCrueger, 540
North Summer,, and Hubert Good-
win, Portland,, and Veva Robeson,
Check Jlallroad .WorMri KtS'-i1-IL
Spencer. railroad engineer
lor the interstate commerce- com
tnls8ion, has notified the public
eertice; commission . to send L- H
Sherwood, commission railroad en- southern Oregon for the
purpose of checking up . the rail
. road construction . between ' Kirk.
f OrM and Weed. CaL The work wUl
begin August 10. ' 1 : t: : ;
YlrtroU at BIsj Reductions
II. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Money , 'Suit Started ,
Mi U Prunk has tiled suit
against J.. H. .WUlett to- collect
1350.. . Prunk : declares, .he. pur?
chased :& dru; store frdia Willett
and that the latter sord-the-faxn?
IshinKs of the building wnen-ne
was pot atfthqrlzed to. do' so.; The
Canoeists Stop Ilenu. r -
Two . canoeists, en route from
Coryallis to Portland, stopped on I small the. item.
We bank of the Willamette river
for camp near here Monday night
You Telephone Us, 119
Well deliver it. no matter how
Capital Drug.
and yesterday proceeded on their Speeding Charged ? ' "
trip to the Rose City by water. Leland Moore of route 5 is
The two came from ; Newport. haT- charged with speeding in a com
ing shipper the; canoe to Corral- plaint filed with police yesterday
lis. . They renoirted harinr left h Tr.fru nrrio n,
Corvallis shortly after daylight, to complaint 'alleges that Moore
arrive, nere about 8, o'clock in thr drove his car at the rate "of 32
evening. . I miles an hour on South Twntr.
first. . " - ' '
PhllUpii Suffer Injury'.
McBride'ls Humorist-
Chief Justice Thomas A. Mc-
Brlde of the supreme court at Sa
lem recently . wrote - to Judge
George Bagley ot the Washington
county circuit court, asking him
if he would call at the county
clerk's office and collect a war
rant due to the supreme bench.
"I am. an ornithursyncus," wTote
the chief justlcel 'In' event you
don't know what that is, I might
add it is a beat "with a bill "
Merle Phillips of West Salem. Traffic Offense Chanrcd .
who TecenUy. suffered; the loss of J ' -Police yesterday filed complaint
ne inumo on nis left hand while tn police court against' C. N. Cof-t
cutting wood,' v returned Uo his fey. of 1260 Tile road, charging
none. yesterday after, treatment aim with operating his car with
-npaputi ior ine injury, i oui a muuier. . Tne arrest was
His thumb was severed at the! made br Traffic Officer rdwar.
nv juiui. ,.,-'" . : ..ion oiaie. . . : .
fixtures are valued at. $550. ,
Light Six Stndcbaker Bargain
A.t Certified Public Motor: Car
Mkt. v,This is . 1924 "model tour
ing. originarpatnV looks like new,
good tires and, car has been dri-.
en only a few. thousand miles. -See
Armr Viirkiw VlcU . . . I Two TtfcelvM IWmli
Adjutant Robert Robney, newt " Building. permiU-were yester-
state commander of the Salvation atT issued by City Recorder Mark
Army,; will pay his first official Poulsen to E. H. Batson for. the
Tislt to Salem Wednesday for con-1 repair of a-dwelliag at S5 5 'North
ference with the local army corps. Twenty-fourth, to cost $300, 'and
will be- accompanied by. Mrs;! 10 w. Polka. tor the erection o
Roonpy, and Capt; and Mrs. j R.' I ne-story dwelling at u 2360
this one or phone for demonstra- JGifford of the Portland :headquar- Cherry. avenue, to cost-$3,)00.
tlon. - -; " v .' , 1 " 1 1. la special public, meet-1 ; . ; . . ; ' .' . :
mg win ne neid Wednesday night lvoupi is Jaueo
with tSou fnm 4. ,rv.l" riasrir Ull THM .
T rrnnt Marlon ronntv I "8 w BO aeiu ai s o cipca 1 " c e m me cquniy jau yes-
jLiJ,:... a- -r .-. t I at 7 : P-. m. . . - ; I ta.tion. Besides the morals charge
the anthracite
sentatlres in the Atlantic City con
ference are under positive instruc
tions from the anthracite operat
ors' meeting to continue to refuse
any concessions regardless ot the
logic of merit of any Of the mine
workers' wage demands.
Floyd Hail.' for more than two
ears a trusty at the penitentiary. ..
escaped early last night . wh:l
working on the prioa lawn, lie- ;
was seen- bout-7:30 ocioca vy
Warden A. M. Dalrympie dui",
a count ot the prisoners was ciaJa
at 8 o'clock he was mUs!n.
Hall was received Sept. . 2?.
1J22. to. serve six years lor aa
assault with intent to kill, lron
Umatilla county. Ho was recom
mended for a conditional "prdou
Dec. 4, 1924. lie Is 5 foct 7
Inches tall, weighs 145 pound-,
has blue eyes and walks with a
"MtcbTas one leg Is shorter than,
. .
The morning newspaper is the
market place of the entire' world.
An advertisement in it will 'triad.
you larger Teturns.
i ' f ' - ' i - - - -
i:- , . : ' - 1
I NEW YOnK. Aug. h. (By As
sociated; Press.) Naked firemen!
adopted war tactics toaay in ex
tinguishing a $30,000 blare wnicn
followed an explosion ot "phos
gene gas and other chemical at
the college of the city ot New
York. Tour flrmeen and two
chemistry students were badly
burned, i
The gas routed a laboratory
class, members ot which turned la
I a, fire alarm.. Firemen who en
tered the building were driven out
I IW whan flimM.
a uia
One fireman who had oeen -in
Associated Press )-Harry Flood M ,V"Tc.k -.IZ 71 a ,
Byrd of Winchester led G. Walter ITT? li - ZiTtZ.
Mapp of Accommac by almost 20,- V,7'o Jl .V-:L
000 voles for the gubernatorial 1 ma .
.nn,in,u. i ,,. ,(.mu.r..i, men. entirely .nuae, were-pam
- I . . . . k. tn
rniu Oil 1111 1 - -. y . v v. w j. . u . w . t - - 1 - , .
Because -ot the heavy demands precincts In the state heard from T". carrying on we w.
upon .the county, it is estimated
that only $25,000 will be spent on
the poor instead of the $35,000
last year, according to J. T. Hunt,
county judge. : This- Includes the
county poor farm and the Deacon
ess hospUat-exi,sffsJ lsr addition
up to midnight. Their total votes! ting the fire under control-
ln these precincts were:
48,047; Mapp, 28,070.
Byrd.l A h ahift'eame out.hosemen
We have a Tile for evrri'
ncctl in ii' " i -v
Home ' -
: Offirv
tr Stliool
" 1
Headquarters for
fcTbitJ stavict;
Commercial Book '
If it's for the off lee
e have it T
MAR3YVILLE, Cal., Aug. 1
WlllUm trvfr tAt r-n Paf'fli!
id the needy.cases. there i. n great raIlway conductor.' was. arrested
too. long at a
number of unworti ?and the h for TrJaUag the traffic
time, has come Jia'the.contri-kf u.nvT.,i. m- i.
nuus iu mesa ve 0iscjavioHcu. Inarkinr his
street crossing.
New Tariff Filed
Under: a new tariff Wed with
the -public' service - 'commission,"
local rate, charges -tacked on. the
transcontinental shipments des
tined to branch line Ore
gon .have been reduced from 20 to
25 per cent. - The reduction Is ap
plicable to -points - on ; the - Bend,
Condon, ! Pilot Rock. Heppner,
Shanllio. and Joseph branches of
ther OWR&N- railroad, "'The new
rate Is etfecGve Sept; 1. 1 ' '
' Drs.Iors ATidbertson
Announce the association ot Dr.
M. L. ; Brldgeman with the firm,
rractlte llmlted to' Internal medl
ene and obstretricsv Residence:
The Marlon hotel.- . ' " " ; a 8
as administrator of the estate of
Lawrence F. '.Bowser. The ap-r
praisers of the ' property are M
G. Gunderson, C. A. Reynold! and
P, L. ; Brown.-.
Two 3fen Hnrt -
Oscar Hanson received a broken
leg and'nls brother George Han
son was cut on the hand. when a"
Four Births Reported
' Birth reports to the city health
officer in the last two davs an
bounced the v arrival of Delbert
Earl to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wro
ten on August l; jDoris Hazel to,
Mr. and Mrs.. Earl E'TahHti. n
August 3; Loretta Marie to Mra. I Stt Wards .Recuperating
ana, Mrs, Carl. A. Hanzel on-Aug-1 . The three boys of the state
Bell js also held for larceny. Po
lice declare be Is responsible for
a. jewel theft from a Salem store.
The palr was arrested Monday
night, in "a local rooming-house
where they , had .been living las
husband and wife. ,
aVeJrinfKh Perl to Mr. training School who recently con
3. went into a, ditch on the River ,nd wr. Ammrt p w,.. rnhnu r.. tJ
: HaMw4 m. JB. IkeVI VU I v J wuwaa V- v- a a A V Ul rVSa'
road about two miles north 'of
Salem. Monday, according to re
ports lled-wlth the sheriff. The
car. " Is said ; to r have beeri ditched
to avoid hitting another machine.
July 31.
tamlnated water in a well at the
new training school near Wood
burn have passed the crisis point
lUlinearingXvstponed '
Hearing of the. petition of west
ern railroads scheduled for Sept;
1 at Chicago has -been, postponed
one fWeek,. according to word re
ceived by the, public service co m-
misston.. , '
COO , Hop Pickers Wanted y. . '
See Lane Morley, cor. - 0 and
17th: : -j " . ;aii
Many Articles jof Furniture'
-For- less at Stif fs used furni
ture department, on High- street,
opposito court house. - -?a5
Slarrlage Is Performed i1-
Hubert.-Goodwin, 24 6 "Argyle
street; Portland, and Miss Veva
Robeson x of , Colton, Clackamas
countj; were married yesterday by
Braxier. C- Small, justice ot the
peace for. the Salem district.
District to Interfere 1 ;
The Klamath Irrigation "district
has been granted the privilege, of
interfering in the application of
Woodry Eaya Tstnre -
. Store at Summer and. Norway
treets. .phone, 51. t ; JlStt
Prize Cow Sold
i Model Segla Prllle Gelschie, blue
ribbon ."llolsteln' cow belonging. t6
C. , J, BernIng-,-.ot,iIt.-- Angel.r'-as
the Oregon trunk-railroad devel-J sold recently to the Billiwock
Dclzell Rotary Speaker I
William A. DelzelL secretary to land are well on tbe.wav to recov-
Governor Pierce, Vill be the speak. I eryj Superintendent L. M. Gilbert
er at todays luncheon of the Sa-1 of the .training school reported
lem Kotary club. Announcement I yesterday. The bovs ar Edwin
is that he will not speak upon poll-1 Porter of Portland, Edward Webb
tics but upon "general subjects of of Marshfleld, and Edward "Bonnet
interest." . I of Portland. No further cases
have been reported and all torecan
Action Delayed ' ' , I tions have been taken for the ouri
Construction of a wadinar oool I f icatlon of Ihe water, he declared.
ior jsaiem youngsters bv the Sa-1 f
lem Kiwanls club was postponei 1 Plan for Picnics i
unui next summer, by action off Two committReii wr nnolnfed
the club at Its luncheon yesterday. J at the noon luncheon of the Salem
Fred Erlxon, chairman of the com I Kiwanls cliab 1 yesterday each to inTesiigaiing me aavisabll-1 arrange a picnic for the organiza
Uy of the plan, reported that the J tlon: One will confer with coin
omy suuaDie piace would be at mittees of the two other service
dubs in Salem on plans for a joint
picnic of all three clubs. The sec
ond grpup will organize plans for
a. joint picnic of all the Kiwanls
clubs ot the district to be. held In
August. . - - - ?
John W.;.Veatch, business man
ager .of the Boise, Idaho.'. Capital
News, and ; former Salem news
paperman; is vidRlng here, renew
lag old acquaintances. - - -
Mrs. ; Charles; J '- MeNary, left
Monday for.Chlcago where she was
called .by. the Illness of her sister
TTbe condition of Adjutant .Gen
eral White Is improving slowly
and it is expected that he will be
back In his office within a week.
according to announcement yester
day. . He has been. confined to his
home for several weeks with in
testinal flu.'! " ' . ' .
, Kenneth' M.Zell of Salem, form
er .manager of the Oregon Aggie
football squad and. prominent OAC
graduate, is now employed as 4
plant man at the new 'Associated
Oil company plautTIn" Corvallis,
according to .word 'received here
recently. rr. ' '
; Miss Eva Cox,' employe of. the
Terminal cafe, "left .yesterday
morning for , a; two weeks stay
with friends, at Newport.
Rev., Charles Vird, pastor ot
. . Howell .
Died yesterday. .Aug. 4. Mrs.
Grace HowelL ' The remains are
in care of .the Rlgdon Son mor
tuary. '. Announcement of funeral
will be made later.
Mi car- 11,1
W. B,
Summer is the Tirne to Get
and - miOLSTERY .
Lei Fs FUraate On
'. . Your Next Job - v
tin: RIGHT
A Trial Will Cuih
vioco You
J. II.
' . . Wood
In this city, Aug. 4 Alfred N.
Woods, ace-48 years. - Remains
will-be forwarded by the Rigdon
it Son mortuary to Portland for1
funeral services and interment. I
W oodry i Woodry
, Pay Cash for Furniture
opment program and will glve tes-
tlmonjrat the hearing.
- j- ,'
Time to Can Salmon " -1 r v
rFlne".fat deep sea troll fish at
Fltts Market. . - J26tf
Fotmer. Guard VWts ;
W. T. Brown, former guard at
the state prison, was a r3lem vis
itor yesterday;; 'Ir.. Broa n : re
cently returned from several years
"spent in Juneau. Alaska, and-13
now located on" a tsmall larm near
Sapdy, whic!j h has" purchased.' ,i
t: V" r- --
?els,'Cax? Kjrcs-r:-":.; 11 r..-'
i "-.H. L.- Stiff I'umitisre Co. a3
stock farm of Santa Paula, Cal.,
of f which " August Rusbel -is the
owner. The . prize animal set a
record of .1026 .pounds rtbutter-
fat In one year several years ago.
the playgrounds around the Lin
coln achool," and-that-because ot
the fact that there would be no
fund to maintain the pool the
school board had objected to con
struction there. ;Upoa motion the
matter was delayed until next vear
- " I ' -
Because of the present lateness of jury List Drawn
".e"n construe The8,x jarymen drawn from the
V4Uit iUiyractlCcii., t, I Tan sat vnofo v v w
J wvv i yuv a v UCai fcii vsl Po
of the city vs. Ray Able, charged
.1-ia t!:s wallet
One CeBt-CliCtli' I"
'; -Two 'checks rest
of Major-W. T. Elaron- 'then he
;was',ln -Portland -yc-sterc y.- The
'major U secretary cf -tha, Gl.ror3'
..bozus- C0Er:-l;;:!D3- asd ..-was -la
;;rortIaal.C!x l" 'ztzz. ,Ore;tcc:.
Rall Is Furnished
w.- ii: usborne, arrested on a
non-support" charge, was released
from the county jafl yesterday af
ter ho had posted a bond, of $300'
Osborne's case 13 scheduled ' to
come up in." the Justice court some
time this week. - ' "; ;
Assault Is Charged s '
- Roy Wilbanks was arrested yes
terday on a warrant sworn to by
Mrs. Iule Betker. charging as
sault and battery. Wilbanks post
ed a bail of $25 in the - Justice I
court. The arrest 13 said to La
the result of a neighborhood row
started by children. Mrs. Betker
declares that her lliusband and!
with operating his car - while ln-
Loo'se 'Wheels Repaired at
r.IIKE PAWEirS-'-'
. UT3 South CommcrtLtl
Auto Cam? IntproTfd -
- - A .row. of posts alons; tha nrth
Biae oi me roaa er.tcrirg tr,3 .i
lem auto camp vras complete 4 re
cently and motorists are now pro
hlbltcJ ty tiem fron dr! , 3 i- 3
LABD c:' EU5H,.:D2n!:2r3
Estalll.hed 1ZZ3
B 'bW' w "
a y WATCH FOR " -
V AT2 f J 0 U Ti C EM EfiT
. 1- ' AUGUST 15.
Saa rranc'c. wif.' HMD
- Xaal Trip, 130.00.
La AnrIi, ea wir. 137.45.
.... Jloanl Trip, 150. CO..
' ' B;ecUI XstM t Forties f
. -.Eijit er Mart
Tor lBfraUt n4 f.rvkUoas
ruon 8S, r tJ at , .
. "-'-. 1
" Salem; Oregon
1 s L'. L j
r" mTmmmmm mmmmm mmmm
Painting and. Decorating by
. Skilled Mechanics
Kennedy. Paint Shop
Now located at -
Gabriel Powder & Supply.
, Company. .;
175 South Commercial .
Telephone 7U8 .
That Cough iWill Vanish
if you use
i ?
. . . COUGH CURE '.' ;
1 - . .. w
f - The best and most economical cough TTJ
j . i-. . ; r . : remedy made - ' . ' .
Schaefer's Drug Store
I : The Yellow Fronts The Tenslar Slore
135 N. Commercial Street " . . Phono 1ST
' -Ol -' - -'- l j i '.'.-JJ-V--" A-' v
; ,-, , ,, . ,-, 'R"i "'
y - i - a s .
A Greater Conception
of the work done by the modern
funeral director would be surpris
ing to the average individual, who
1 has no idea of the great work being
done by. this profession.
;. The work of the funeral director
as a sanitarian, 'guardingJ.cp
JIc health, for example, is never
thought ot by the pullli, yct it h
a most important duty. .
'was for aa t- : 'tLCJOta. re