The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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. " W
Iiud D$ly Except II on day by
Sl5 8oN Commercial Slem, Oregoa
rfd . Tooz MBf inf-Kditor
C. K. Iogxn ...''-.': . . CitrKJitar.
LIU Smith . Telegraph Editor
Avdrtft Bunch i . Society Editor
.W. H. Hendenoa - Clreuhtioa Manager
Ralph H. K letting AdrertlatBK liaaager
Frank Jukoskl . - .Uanagor Job l-pt.
K. A. Rhoten - - ... - LItc-mock Editor
W. C. Conner '-,- Poultry Editor
LTtf."!!2?f4 Kt U 3,e,ttif,y tte to the . for iblicaioa W aTT iewg
ln J2't? i' r otherwise credited ia this paper and alio tht local
1 BUSINESS OFJICE: :. L v'v ' ; -'
VTVf'J''01" C- Slat St.: Chirac, MiVriBrtti Bid??;
Ity ft fayae. Sharon Bldg, Saa rraneiaco, Calif.; Higgiai BtdgVLo, Angel'., CalA
Batlaea 0ffie3 or 583
. Boclrty Editor .
' TELEPHOXES: -VCj; ""!;"'"
Circulation OffieaJM v Kewa Depart ment23-iO
-10 . . Joh npTtmMt ' "-'fH
Eatwd at the Poat Offieo ia Salem. Oregon, ai aeeond-ctaas matter.
One of the first requisites in advertising is to make the
surroundings of the place attractive. V T . : " -
A well-kept lawn, neat fence, clean show-stands and
neatly written bill board announcements aid in selling pro
duce on the farm to tHo same extent-that attractive ! windows
and well-arranged goods do in the city.
j Absolutely essential to permanent success is, of course,
full measure, good quality and fair prices. - , , , .
The naming of farms is important. It provides reference
which is invaluable in a business way. Every, satisfied pur
chaser is a living1, advertisement and it is necessary that he
should be impressed with the name of the farm from which
he made his purchase so that he can readily use it when
directing his friends or when repeating his own transactions.
ITie.'name shoukj be simple but distinctive. v'V , '
The present tendency is toward increased advertising
as an aid to solution-of the farm market problem.
CrnSR OR, BLESSLVO, WHICH? -He that withhoid4th: corn.' the
people shall corse him; but blessing shall be upon the Jhead of him
: An engineer representing the city (or the people) and
oncj representing the water, company could in a very short
time get! the true, and just 'valuation of the Salem water
system f - - - : .. r
. i For the, records of the water company are'well kept. '
An engineer whose word is abbvereproach anct ! whose
ability is unquestioned recently' stated that the records of' the
Sa(em water cotopahyVare among the best Jn the whole
country; that theV. have been kept with unusual faithfulness
and are accurate far above the usual. ;
In border td voe intelligently upon the purchase of the
water .works4,, the people should be shown very completely
what they are proposing to buy. But competent engineers
could make up the . itemized statement in a verysshort time.
The rules are well marked, through long experience and by
many-court decisions. V ;
i The cost "should be what the rules allow, not more, nor
necessarily any less -," - v
i Ji And &t that cost there is no doubt that it "would be a
good buy for the municipality for the reason that the city
can borrow., money at a lower rate than is possible for, a
private individual or company; also, arid for the same reason,
thij city" will save money by making improvements on a more
permanent basis, looking to the growth of the future- !,' ;
i j ; And there is vastly greater' possibility of getting moun
tain water .with municipal ownership than with private own
" ership. In fact, such an investment might be considered a
vcry hazardous ope by a private individual or company, and
impossible, indeed,! to finance ithrough" borrowirig; while it
might be snown to ; be a good investment for the city, on
acpount of lower interest rates and the fact that; the city
could afford to go to some lengths, for thadxertisjupg-value
: oft mountain water" : V'- . ,;;-v'v'4 r--
i Though there is in fact "not a great - ideal 'of Teal virtue
in this, i , This is well illustrated ;by the - fact that SeattJe,
having mountain water, treats its supply, Just as -the Salem
water company treats its supply,; brought from wells sunk
in the sands. There is no absolute safety otherwise, in any
jarge water supply. . vu ;
The use of identification Jabels, cards ;o'rl stamps with
every container of -farm orchard or garden products would
be profitable investment for the .seller. It is a type of effec
tive advertising, a sort of affidavit a3 to quality which creates
confidence in both the product and tne producer.
; Salem is adopting head-in parking It will : have the
virtue of accommodating many more machines, which is not
to be disregarded.' But the number of accidents will hot
likely be decreased. Perhaps we will before long hear a
demand for some other style of parking. , , -
Adele, Garrison .'New Phase of
opyrtht bj . Newspaper Feature
t . Serric
'"Olemargarines and other butter substitutes are owned
and controlled by the large meat packers and Standard Oil
interests, who are now reaping enormous profits on the sale
of .their products resulting from the high prices oncreamery.
These interests can well afford to write off a loss on a limited
amount of natural butter when they can make millions out
of, the, increased prices for. their own products. ,
ii The above paragraph is-from the Produce News, the
grca t . market paper. No' one is likely-to dispute the. truth of
that statement from that source.- I v v "Y
v-'Ui .Wonder" f ihe 'dairymen of .'Oregon are busyC doing any
thing towards protecting their interests against the encroach
ments of tKccoconut;cow of the Orient? . ' ' .1 ,r .,
Jlj Oregonf ought to: be the greatest dairying state in the
Union, in which distinction, there would be a high tide of
prosperity r and not a single loyal voter in this state ought to
refuse to respond to a reasonable demand for. protection by
our dairy interests. . . '. . ,
Jerry Ticer'g excited request for
something' to eati in 'a hurry for
hii father and himself,' because the
state troopers wished them to help
capture a man, apparently save his
mother no Incentive to haste. She
smiled -at 'the boy, and said calm
ly:' -r.l;-5
"Bring me in a couple of s tie Its
of -wood; and then ' trash your
face and bands and put-on a clean
shirt and tie." M :
Jerry patiently knew, better than
to Question her, and as he disap
peared around the" corner of the
house,; she turned to us -with
charming courtesy.)
Don't you think you'd better
;ome in, untiV we find out what
this is all about? 1 1f there's any
escaped criminal in the neighbor
hood,' yon- ought to know, about
ft." -; -? ---- -
'Of course,: we.'ll. x:ome In. I
answered promptly. .for .1 realized
that every second she spent-wlth
na was delaying .her own task.
'But you mustn't let ua be 4n the
way." ' f"rf .v: , 1
"I won't," she said, smiling, as
she turned and-leisurely, led the
way Into, her bright, cheery kitch
en, -with its shelf of blossoming
geraniums and begonias. "If you
will U3t sit over on those chairs In
the corner for a few minutes I'll
get things ready In a jiffy."
She was measuring coffee into
the pot ' as she ' spoke, and when
she had added hot water,' she pnt
the pot -on the stove, pulled a fry-
lng-pan over-and laid thin slices
of bacon in it.
While the . bacon sizzled appe
tizingly, she broke eggs into a big
plate, then replaced the -bacon
with the eggs, and in the intervals
of watching the pan, set places for
two at the end of the table.;
Khit It Short. Jerry." 4'
Katherine and I watched her.
fascinated. She didn't make a
Quick or. flustered, movement,' but
every one counted, and by the
time stalwart Sam Ticer, red-faced
and breathing hard, reached the
kitchen door, a bountiful meal of
cold meat, bread, bacon and eggi
and steaming coffee was In readi
ness for hinu ' . . -, ;
Jerry , rushed back Jnto- the
kitchen at the same time, and
father and son, wjth muttered
apologies to us, drew their chairs
to the table and proved themselves
valiant as well as swift, trencher
men. - It wasn't five minutes be
forebig Sam Ticer pushed -ba'cli
his chair and declared himself sat
isfied, although Jerry still linger
ed over a last tantalizing mouth
fui. ;"V- . 'r ;
"Cut it short, Jerry." his -pa
ternal ancestor commanded. "This
ain't no church socIabre'we"te otf,"
"Ler tbe boy alone. SamMrs1.
Ticer interrupted with ' placid
authority. "You've got twoJminf
utes yet, and you aren't going a
step put of -this house. either of
you. until you tell me .whit's up."
Sam - Ticer bridled loran an-
stant like, an insulted Mtnrkey
gobbler, while his wife- quietly
waited for him to speak.-'-Then,
with ' the resignation to the 'In--evi
table which weli-tra ine d has
bands have, he told i -what 'h'e
knew, while Mrs. TIcerK quietly
and efficiently brought out coats
and caps h and mufflers for her
men folk.
Disquieting News. .
rolled Into one. while' one of the
fellers -layman the ground nearby
with t about twenty knife wounds
into him. They picked him -up
and took him to the hospital, and
started to loo for the other man."
"Were they anybody from
around here?" Mrs. Ticer 'asked.
' "No, they were foreigners liv
ing over Amagansett way. One
of 'em has a good boat down there.
and I guess they've been doing a
pretty'stlff business. .1 s'pose one
of 'em thought the other, was. do
ing him, so he knifed him-- The
cops'think'he made for some 'ol
his relatives -all that tribe .are
related" down through here so
they're going over everything with
a fine-tooth comb. You'd better
lock up and go over to Mis' Cra
ham's till we come back.
'IU take care of things," Mrs.
Ticer promised, non-committing,
and with that assurance her hus
band and , son .Lurried out' of the
door. -". ' ' : ' t ' "-' ' ,
'Cant we take you back with
us?" I asked anxiously.
With this disquieting news, I
wa intnuc 10 get oack to my
home, but I couldn't leave Mrs.
Ticer alone in the face of her hus
band's warning. I think she saw
my anxiety, for she suddenly
smiled comprehendlngly. -"Don't
you worry about any
thing Sam says." she remarked,
as she cleared the food from the
table. "He's the beatlnest man
for. making mountain out, of a
molehill I ever saw . in my life
But I know you're anxious to get
back home, so I'll just lock up and
come with you. May, Junior hare
a cookie?"
"He wouldn't think the day was
complete without one," I returned
trying to match her lightness, bnt
the minutes seemed endless until
we were back at the farmhouse.
Iymay get
burned.. .
wet, but won't get
Bridget saw an airplane for the
first time. It came down with a'
great swoop and landed in the
yard next door. J
"Holy Moses!", she cried tn
great excitement, rushing to her
mistress; "all the saints be
jedged. marm. If the stork hasn't
brought a full-grown non to Mrs.
Maloney. and the wee booties she
be a-knittln yesterday will no
more'n fit his great toe." j
Bits For Breakfast
Speeding tc harvest
1 Most of th grain In the Salem
district has een .'threshed. , and
the work of finishing goes forward
with all possible speed.
If you can help the Slogan edl
tor on the subject of national ad
vertlalng, please do so, today.
, . .-V "b "U
Denney ;fc Co. are sending
checks for their Bing aod Lambert
cherry pool. -They are paying1 a
little bettej than. 8H cents; a
pound, and promising further pay
ments' in case they can collect -for
the ; neglect' of the express com-'
Pnj. I.!"- ;..
; j -' S V
J. wj Veateh Is visiting In Sa
lem and other valley towns. As a
young; man he worked on-. The
Statesman. He is row manager
of the Evening Capital News, of
Boise. Idaho, a very " successful
ne-spaper. "Jobnale" Veach. as
he, was 'known to his familiars
here was raised In Salem. He
is a brotherof A. W. Veateh of
Salem. ', His Utherr-4. P. Veatch,
long a resident of . Salem.' where
he built many 'of the early, cement
walls. Is now. living at. Cottage
Grovel ! " ' . .
There -Is. every appearance that
a great! majority of the people of
Salem are" rarln -to go; to vote
to have the '.city take over. the
waterworks..; If. the .matter, is
properly presented the vote will
be all but unanimous.-
. ' i - ;.
Polk county is furnishing about
a third of the flax crop this year.
It would seem that the people of
old Polk might back thesecond
linen j mill even a little stronger,
getting a couple or three scutching
mills i for the treatment of their
: ' ' . S m
rais is a paragrapn mat u go
ing the- rounds: "i have just
learned of an editor who started
poor 20 years ago and retired
with a comfortable fortune of
150,000. v This was acquired
through. Industry, economy, con-.
attentions- effort. Indomitable per
severance, -and the death of an
uncle who left him JIJ.O00.
Now taat everything else has
been vdl-sco vreL the explorers
might. start expeditions to find the
reputed -dry" spots la the United
By Ordering: Your
Gasco kDriqu3ls
Phone 1855
llillman Fuel Co.
"It's a bootlegging ; murder.-
guess, Sam said importantly.
"The fellow hain't dead yet. butl
he s over at the hospital, and
they don't think he'll pull through
ney was two lellows on the
truck '.over -at Brldgehampton and
I .guess they got to quarrelling.
-Paderewskl arrived lir a small
western town about noon one day
and!decided to take a walk in the
afternoon. While strollng . along
he heard a piano,' and. following
the. sound, came to a bouse 'on
jrhlch was a sign reading:
"Miss Jones. Piano lessons 25
-cents an hour.".
Pausing to listen he. heard the
young woman trying to play one
of Chopin's nocturnes, and not
succeeding very well. ' , .
F . Paderewskl walked nn In the,
house and knocked. Miss Jones
came to the door and rirornltod
im at once. Delighted, she In
vited him in and he sat down' and
played the nocturne as only Pad
erewskl can. afterward sDendlnr
kn"h6ur In correcting -her mis-
Kakei. Miss Jones thanked him
hand he departed.
' Some, months afterward he re
turned', to the . town, and agaih
took the same walk.
-; He soon came to the home of
piles Jones, and, looking at the
sign, be read:
."Miss Jones. Piano lessons
$1.00 an. hour. (Pupil of Padere
wskl.) '.'
Picture postcards of a hotel car
ry this message:
. ,"rhls hotel fully equipped with
automatic sprinklers. Statistics
show . loss of .life has never oc
currea in a sprinkled building. In
case of fire you may get wet, but
not burned." t-. .
-To one traveler .this" brought
some thought and be wrote there
under the following prayer:
, "Now .I lay me down fo "sleep;
statistics guard- my' slumber Heep
tree, smelling like - forty saloons If I should die, I'm not concerned:
for;! readiiiSg; :
r COSTS a small f ortiihe to make one watch,
automobile or fountain pen. It takes a large
part of (the brains and of the factory to make
justpne of any manufactured product but if."
a thousand or & million can be made, the cost
' of each comes toppling down. ; ;;
Advertising, ! by multiplying the. number
sold, makes it possible, to slash costs. Advef--Using;
by opening up undreamed-of markets, "
r has broujght within reach of the people thou- .
sands of thingsl which formerly were luxuries
only of the richl. J .1 . ' :
."' .:r'Whenj you buy? an advertised arirdeyou ;
- join in the popular movement to cut down pro- -.
duction costs. America's millions of shoppers, -
by buying -. advertised goods; are; every day
.forcing factories to be made larger and com-;
modities to be produced for less. ; -
' To buy advertised goods is" to start savings:"
on their way to your pocket. ' ; : .
Read the advertisements to know Low to
save money in the daily business v
r-.-. . "- i ;of purchase V . v; ;
-rr . . ! . j.. ' ' . - ' .....
-:.''.,.. I . .... - . ' " ' : . . .
Atlycrtisins farm products judiciously offers one means
' for increasing profits for the producer, j Farmers know Jiow
to raise crops but generally depend upon others to fix prices
; for fiiera and often the result is loss upon the investment in
-iote - how. persistently other producers advertise 'their
- The tobacco and ice cream manufacturers, thenilk
cuiVJciiarica and raisin' growers are among thoe who
acquaint the world continually with the presence and quality
, of their wares and they find such advertising prof itable.
; Recently certain railroads launched a campaign adver
tising the use of apples in their dining service. "They printed
booklets containing: bills of fare in which apples figured con
. They Issued also .booklets ! of recipes featuring
apples and J these have been copied .wide'y in household
magazines. The effect has been to increase very greatly the
'uac.of apples,-'; ;t!.h fX'.riX ;''1;V' '" ;
The psychology of printed advertisements is to leave
imrressions cm the mind which will.rcact toward tho object
shown. This is" the basis of newspaper and billboard adver
tising which carries with it information also. L - : r ;
Tlio products of the farm can be brought -to public atten
tion at very little coxt through Mocal:, newspapers.'-and: M
streamers' strung along the highway,: on home-made; bill-V-rCs
cr exhibited in boxes on stands erected ' for this
. ;,; : j .- : ' ::- ' -
" ' i:c--..!iLj i'cl!Ir:g:of farm' products is -Increasing- rry
Tl.-j f.-.rr.i U :t Li: incss establishment today with produce -to
;:-v:j, tz i tr.!:c.3 the country ipurch" -rrs who li'-a
BILLY'S UriCLE . - - ' . , . " . .. ; - - : ; - .; ... . .... ....
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Ey Charles Ildliflcs
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