THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY 'MORNING, 'AliGUST 5. 1025 V f'it Hy AUDItED "BUN'Cll J Phone 106, - GOLF JIN'THUSIASTS from Sa-cullural college whore she became lem and" Other 'cities of the north west hocked1 to Portland :yestev day to witness the two exhibition mate iiea, on a, in. tha morning, at th Portland. Golf club and, the other in the Afternoon at Waver ley -Country, club btwen nation ally known players. -i 'Aniongr those ! neen Jni actions Rudie Wilhelm. John Junor, Captain" Et P. Car ter, Jim Barnes, Dr, O. P. Willing, MeKSmiih.-Chlck-Kvans and Jock Hutchinson. ; I Salemites attending the matches) affiliated with the Sigma Kappa sorority. .During ' the. past '.year she tanght.atv the. Lincoln School In .the .city. -Mr. McGilchrlst saw service, on, the Mexican border and overseas. . He" is connected with a Portland firm,-- , .? ; . 4 The Civics committee of the Sa lem' Woman's club haa heen ap pointed by Mrs. Wm. Fordyc Far go, president of the organization, to assume responsibility this week for the children's story, hour at X were Mrs. H. II. dinger, Mrs. E. the Fourteenth stee.playground L. Baker, Mrs. John Caughell and Mrs. Ed Glllngham' who motored ddwn for the day. j They returned! last evening. , ' Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner were week-end. vacationists atNes- kowln. They jreturned 1 by motor Sunday evening. Members of the committee include Mrs'. A. M. Chapman, chairman. Mrs. tL. O. Clement,1 Mrs. Ronald Glover,. Mrs. ..U.,,-0. Boye.r. .Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, and Miss Edith. Fletcher. Seyeral members of the, commit tee areTout of the city and it has been necessary. for Mrs. Chapman to appoint substitutes. According to an" announcement made recenjU )y Mrs. Janets Peridergast . Leigh V. " . - ... ... - . ; ' S , - r'Tv- - : , ' . ' " - , V .i '.v-' v. ' : ' ,( ., ... . y A . ; ' V ' ! J :- vs ft. . . '- .- i "" . i 1 1 . - - L'y. : ; Recent guests at the home of -1,7 , 1. - I u r r, had charge of the sfory hour on anMrs;; WaUec Prwden;and;Mis$ 1 M"-i-; ;.rL-W"a-hir- " . I " ::kiJ Z 1--" day,, Mrs; Ronald Gldver this af- ouring .ouweruurn uuu ternoon from thre to tour o'clock. V": w Pa(n pregoH tuve8. Mrg chanman tomorrow at the Harry Sordy aj9o; a recent JjomjB. of Grants 1 Pass was Banie hour, Mrs; Clement on Frl- guest at the Darby r, and Mrs, C.:. nazeitme and.L, day and' Miss Fletcher on Satur day, U ' t'K ' '"rir'v:':,-: X t ' f The first week the health com mittee of which Mrs, F. A; Elliott is chariman took .charge of the story hour and last, week the ln-; D, Darnell of Odesta, Call forma, returned recently from a taur; Of Oregon and Washington, gtitutions committee oT which Mrs mey mijjjci fii wn.u rranic rJricRson . is chairman su friends and relatives in CheTjalis pervised the programs, last iweek-sndjL,1,.' . ; .1-,- . .... ; i ln: ! , j TheWoman's Missionary society An enjoyaoie auair 01 asc sun- ot the- First Christian church will day twas the picnic honoring Mrs. meet Friday afternoon at 2 : 30 Frances uomeu-ana tne Dirtnaay o'clock in Marlon .Square." An ap- of prJ jValterTLooney? in Taylor's propriate out-of-door program has Groye, j near; Mehama. . Those at- been arranged for the afternoon tending the affair were Dr, John and each member, Is requested to Allan and sons, Jottniana Kooertl bring a cud, and saucer. - Mothers of MUl City , aHss Wr4 of Los An, 0 small children: are, extended, a, gelesw a nleceof Dn Alien; Dr,nnd special' invitation" to attend- as Mrti .Walter Lboney, jMr. and Mrs. there wijl be nurses at tli.e square Vlctorj Looney of Jefferson, Mr. to talte care pf the children during ana irsj ueprge uniinn 01 aiem,nne meeting. "'m Oecfg4 - ebergall ; of AJbany and - . . 1. , viaui, otuutuoRu vi.-uiusu-.. , 1 ; Mrs, - ciauaius Tnayer has as i'"J S'f'l' htllil'l Ft j her., house -'guest, James Hays of :! Memners ot tne xoung vomers Berkeley. California " Mr. ilav cluli entertiined tbeij- husbands at was a Salem, visitor' last summer a picnic at i Woodland .Park last and during his sojourn here made Thursday evening.: Those in the a host'of friends who are welcom- gronp wer! Mr. i and Mrs E. J.hng him back to the city. T JsnXnough, for TJUUn Klchrtr to havVachiev4 th r pUttIon 'of n Cot th . f ormoat authorttI-3- jipor' tlqutt "mud . to tw't.hw Huthor f .X1m Ctviw ot Mankind";.out h . hvoki . M4 to hr laurels the'tilstlnctloa of'btnjr advisory ' ditorof Kajj)iioktl- of note.- .- "'r 1 These claims to fame 'are :scT ondary la Importance, Miss Eichler feels, to ht-r Jomeatlo tu:hitvt menta and among -her friendhr culinary skill Is as -well known ?r literary ' ability. , ; -; i-' i 8h . is ' $ particularly miccossful vi-lHr l-3ierts.whicW h t-ousldrr should n4-er b too havy hc-refore: prvfrrs rliostt rhat:ar (lie-ate rth-r than too riqh.i f 'or that reason she la fend of m which she uses In i iany I SO CI All CAIiUNDAIl. I ' ' ThrrBiisv - - ' v t Djetz, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. McLeod, Mr. aid Mrs. Ki Smith, Mr. and Mr jj ii. iviinger jur- ang.irB. Leal, liarber, i Mrand' ;Mrsi ,E. Dlnjbat, Jane and Eileen McLeod, Glen, Smith, Junior Dimbat. Ken- 1 aelha Geneya and Delniar Barter. ;;,Onej of the most: charming wed- Friends of -Mrs. Ej. A -Breyman will regret, to hear of .tier death which occurred in Portland yesfer; day, -Mrs. Breyman wa formerly Miss Minnie EdHdge and was ' a Salem resident for .many years; Ruth Chapman and her Miss M dints of . the summer season was j grandfather, Charles Parker hav$ that of Miss Marjorie Brown, returned from a week's visit in daughter of Judge and Mrs. G.. M. 1 Portland 'Where they were'enter- Brawn, and Thomas McGllchrlst, I talne4 . by .Mrs. Frankf J. Kane nepnew or ir. ana-Airs.- wmiam They also visited "friends In Van McGIIchrlst, Sr., which was. sol- couver, - ... , t4j ' emaized j Sunday morning , at 9 - " 4 ' "' o'clock, at the home or the Dfide sl Mr. and Mrs; E Cooke Patton parents. ReV. Charles Ward of and daurhter' Mfss'I.onella Pattnn thfej F'irst Congregational church Rave returned to their home after ortlciated at the service which was I a dellghtrul outing at Newport, attended by .only vthe immediate I r " - relatives of, the ride and groom. I Miss Helen Ramsden arrived in the bride was lovely In a, gown Salem M6nday" : afternoon -,from oj ; green ana wnita canton crepe Medfovt where she has been spend with a picture hat to match. Her ng the 'summer-as" the house corsage was or briaea roses. There guest of , Miss Jean ,Vilm.; "Miss were on attendants, i I Ramsden and Miss VHm are both green and white canton crepe with j members of the Pi Beta Phi sor a picture hat to match. Her cor- ority. at .the, Oregon Agricultural ia was Of bride's roses, v 1 college. - M1bs Ramsden plans to J-,Fouowimt Ui-,ceremony-. Mr. attend. -college again' Jlbis fall. . and ;.Mrs. McGilchrlst left fori ' Portland: wher6, theyr wlli:make..TMr and:Mrs.7.:.C;it:eikla and their. homei .- Mrs, McGilchrlst is j son, -Ben.s.were week-end.. vl3ilors well known, in Salem where 6he I at Neah-kah-nie.; - They :returned hrf j mad, her home, f or many! to the city Sunday evening. .; . ypuriAshO'jS'a graduato-of Uiel 1 ... - J. - Qregon: normal school-and; a ;forJ, Salemitcs vacationing at Pacific mer,axuuent ?or tne uregon.Agu-icity last w.eekr end were Mr.'an tiumbtr of different .way. - One Of her favorite reclpva la given. - V ,4 Clweolate Charlotte , .. - .?iCUII Boiling .Walr. i. vuff, Kvaporatvd - MUk. J .cup. Crvant ataid-"' . , I H square X'hocolat ' H- eup Cold Wnter- "- cup .Sugar .i . -t1 tbapi CMatine .. yiiiillU,.-:.,' - : ; , , Soak the, gulatloa In.coM watr, add scalded cream to It .vliHr l! Is hot. and. stir until srutlt- I' dissolved. 'Melt chooolatf t.v-r ho; ntaivr, add aiifrar an.l ! hf n ttv boil lftlt.'wAtep. H. Httte lit 'lOiJ A4 t slowly -to gelatine - aiiiurr whli hoih art hot. v Cool r u. 1.1 th "ar-. orated milk and- I tap., of untll-i. and when -well' hi)-- jouri In o fancy molds lint-d t; utly Bi.i'. iV Marion - county Veterans' asso ciation .i will "meet at Sllverton Thursday m o r n I n g at 10; 30 o'cloclc for an all-day meeting! All patriotic orders in the city? are urged. to' attend, - v . 'i i,.: Mrs. H. R DeQuireMr. anAfUri.' T. iL,Hi?Tcs, and Mr. and Mrs. Q. urewer. .... W ' ' . it Miss Olga Gray accompanied by her mother, airs. C. C. Gray; de parted Sunday 'for Newport where tney wm. spend several weeks. Miss Marion Emmons and 'Miss Iva Clair Loye, prominent Salem violinists, made their first appear ance.m, tne city since their return from school In' June yesterday at the KJwanis, club luncheon. ?Mis Love recently; returned from the Cornish. School of Music in Seattle and Miss - Emmons from Chicago where she studied t at the Ainerl cad Conservatory of Music. ? i ) Mr, and Mi. Curtis Cross were dinner hosts last evening at their home on- Lincoln hill. Covers were laid for eight. . ! Mrs. Charles McNary who with her husband, Senator' Charles Mo Nary, has been the house guest of Mr.-and Mtb. John McNary, was called to Chicago the first of tfif weeK Decause or the Illness ot heT sister. She expects to return to Ham Bright and the' hosts. Mr. aiJTilrs. Claud Steulof f. - . Adjutant and iir. n. Rooney, co-leaders of the'Sjilvatloa Army's work In Oregon, will visit Salem today and cqnduct'a special pa&Iic rallin tke a nny'a local hall on I Stat streetv at SoVlock this eve ning.4 They wUt be", assisted by Captain and Mrs. R. Glfford ot the staff of the Portland head, quarters. . " t . Adjutant and Mrs. Rooney have recetly been appointed . to the i command of Salvation, Army op- vianuus luruusnoni me state anu this will be7 their' first official visit to". Salem and ; the: local" -corps. Plenty'of musc, and song., with good speaking, will feature to night's service to whlc& the 'gen eral public Is invited,- " ,m .. j . , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keene left last week-end for Newport where they will spend a several weeks' vaca tion. v 1 . .;. ...' ... , . ;f , Guests of Mr. and Mrs.iW. D. Smith last week-end 'were.MrV and Mrs.Jlirani C, Smtth of Philomath. Oregon.- '- - V ; IIss) EJoIse i .W'hite, Miss . Flor ence Wintermute and Mlsi Anna Wientz are occupying one of the Seacrest cottages at Newport for several weeks. ' j- Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Clifford, left yesterday morning for-a ten-day motor and camping trip In south ern Oregon. They will visit Cra ter Lake and Klamath "Falls and return by way of ' tbe McKenzte Pass.-''-.:.?: : . - Alien . ana Leo. Katoury are spending "thtIr vacation by motor- Ingr tarough Oregon," Washington and over into Idaho. They plan to be-a way 'two "or throe weeks.' -f Mr. anad Mrs. Carl Schmitt, and son. or Oregon City and Mrs. Ma mle.Bropklns and, two children, of Anahlem, CaL, spent yeaterday'af ternoonat.Oie home of ,Mrs. U C, flicsnane it4ir sagmaw street. SIXTY-ddOPLESllCEfiS'b:-a"rt -Z -fTJeiXeraaa and Portland I MORE THAN OXK-IIALF ARK Sixty; marriage licenses, were Is- Mied by the foiintr clerk's olllce during tho month' of July,'-accord ing to records availsble yesterday; Of the U 0" people represented, 73 Tere Salem residents. r . 5ilverton .was next in the otal. Salem the first of September. 1 ; ' Mi M. ' I K . f t ..: a J. il La :. V. Mrs. Clara Patterson and Miss Dorothy Patterson accompanied by Mrs. F. W Durbin - will leave to morrow by motor for a trio that will take them through the McKen- zie Pass from-whererthejr- wiir go to ruamam f alls , and ; to Bend They expect to spend the majority or their time at Crater Lake Miss Charlotte Zelber has as her house guest ' last ;wek-end, 'Miss Elizabeth' Garret of San1 Francisco. miss uarrett who .attends f Smith College.J.4 being "entertained . this week.In.ortland by"Miss Jeanne Elizabeth: Gayt. " 1'. ' a. :y ' :y ...Mrs. F. G.. Franklin and Colonel E.JHofer were- among the Salem members of the Northwest Poetry Bociety who' attenSed the-meeting of. the -group" Sunday at Forest GVove at the home of Dr. and Mrs: Hlnes on'GalejCreek.; ; J -:. -1: ' 1 Dr. and Mrs. E. c. Hickman and famfly are spending the fortnight at Twin Rocks, r ., c I krs. .W; T . Stolz and daughter. Miss Margaret, Stolz, accompanied by Senator" Charles McNary" will motor., up the McKenzle, the . first of next week to meet Mr. Stolz and Richard Stolz who' are enjoying a fishing, trip. ,, . V..,....; .. ... ... j, j. , .Mrs.; Alfred McClintock i (Edna Ackerman) ; ot Weed," California, who. came . up rrom the south to attend the funeraf of" jirs7 Mary rikabeth Qrow,' is the he a guest cf ;.ds3 Anabelle Goldia win, depart for her ' California nome tomorrow. ; Mrs. Karl' TGeck . cox;-. -lirr-nt .l Mrs. '..'iClIntpck'wlth a'ce o'ticck ' yesterday r-or..e; toversera j licei far Mrs. V.'i! Lara Gosser,';:!. 3 Dorothy Patter son, the honor'guest, Mrs. McClia tock and the host -Mrs.iBckei '- ' y - The Clearlaka Christian Endeav or society wilf told, a1 Jaxabouree atur2ay eTenir.TT"AtJfust 8, fron 7:20 to 10 o'clo " , i.i tte Clear :;!:3 ttocl t ?. Clov-s, f:r- tane tellers. Maggie and Jiggs and many other features will make the evening, most , enjoyable. . Ice cream and lemonade will be sold throughout the evening. Mr. and Mrs.U.'J. Ackerman who havo been making their home in Eugene for the last year return ed to Salem jesterday. "... Mr: and Mrs. Ackerman formerly, lived he're ' and "their many friend "will be, pleased to hear that they, plan to ' make ' Salein " their perm'anent home'" ' ' . .The members of the B,,E. club enjoyed a delightful picnic "last Sunday In the Albany park." An bid fashioned, chicken dinner, was served at noon and during the fi ernooii;swimmlni,'was an ;enjbyi able? diversion Club members at tending the affair wre! Mr. and Mrs: John Spong," Mr. and Mrs. D. D; Olmstead, Mr; : and Mrs." Ed Keene, Mr. and Mrs." S." C. Kight liflger', Mr;nd'Mrs: F. K Turner; Dr. ana "Mrs. O. U Scott, Mr. arid irs. , Edward Fandrich, Mr. : and Mrs.- Charles Shaw, Mr; and Mrs. Claude Townsend and Mr. and, Mrs. T. W. Davies: . Additional gnesta included Mr. and Mrs. John Busey and" Mr. and Mrs. G. Craw ford. - ' V; "'.'.'..,.;..,'.. ,'' The Mah Jongg club was charm ingly-entertained last Saturday evening at Hager's Grove by Mr, ancTMrt Claude Steusloff.' Swim ming followed by" 4" picnic : supper served under the trees bes'ide the mill creek made the venfng most jdeligbtfuL Those attendiar the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater..: Mr." and' Mrs. Frederick Deckebach.' Mr J and' Tdn'Z Lewis Griffith, Mr, nnd Mf s. G. Fl Cham- Previous preparation makes for quick - decision. . vv. . . ' oodb;rnIl:Jl,l', Satn is .(a. f red a following in' the order named. " , During the' month" of July most of the appliru&ts for licences were over 23 years of age. In Jane, a high; percentage- of the couples w m a l... Vn r .1.1 .. . ' A large number of people from J . Hi'iint Lr undo a A.-vliiin 1 I ' , w ' . made by tbe legislature. j wtra ftnee at El V-o to kr v t the rum-runner. If Ihey pt ppifl ar.y of th tufr oiv-ti, f . good-fcy ft-nk-e. .' , . n:::c::-3TEtrs;p;LLtr 1 1 w, Ay iii5;N; 'Liberty " jl I ' ' Presenting " ? I y Goats ; t : t Mliiiery t: We Have sold; our lease, good will and ffxljures of our Albany store.--- .. -; - . 4- .) '' i As .we .did not sell our stock we are now compelled to sacrifice. , ; Entire stock-. or highj ; grade ?Gab, Dresses and Millinery moved to Salem for immediate disposal; " " T . .V- Z - ; fGpmmeh 5, 9 a. m."' . We win place bit Sale EvWy'GafmVnt front our Albany Store at- , - : i SENSATIONAL :- REDUCTIONS i'. ,-,-' ENTIRE HAT STOCK ' f DiVdetf into 3 lotk.; One lot of I lata go at . .1 ONE LOT OF HATS Valueto $10.00 too at:i;:.l..::.:.:.; .:.... ONE LOTOF HATS r or tA ,lomdn r ).",'' . '" " '.-"-" , , given that concentrated, at tention through wMch" we Kave gained our repu tation. ,w v Fall Opening , : ! NOW...".;.. SHOWlNfc' 3ers, rorothea Steusloff. Mrs. Wll-u r I AnnTciiinH.QAaR; $1.C0,. frt hr- ' Valuekto $20.tX) togo aULL.LJ; OtD' " ONEtOTOF dresses ;- j! ; ' ; : CO PC 'u . .-...vJ.Ojr : ..$7.05 $10.00 ... ..v. r ".-1'' !.Tl: ' . 1 1 1;; Values to $19.75 to go at. ONELOTOF.DRESSES , 1 Values to $29.50 to go at.i.L.J.. , ;-. : ONE. LOT OF COATS ' r 4 H ; ... : ' ' ', ' - - ' Including Prince of Wales styles-r values to $29.50, at. ONE LOT OF SWEATERS' t : -Vetoes to $12.50 to'frot::.:.!:........:.:.-. t: . t.- : 115 north Liberty Street Disposing of-their Albany Stock v.. r. r . ; , Contcntsjof a jS sren ' R oom; Ipuse - -1-.." rECcrncVNorthHirrh ndlViaHbii'Stireet' - - " Opposite" the High School" -,: ' - Today at l;S0.p; m. sharp. 1 The following: One living-room suite comprising daven- port, 2 chairs, upholstered Baker's cut, Telourtiik n6w; floor lamp; 2' 3x12 rugs; 1 oak dicing room suite, com prising buffet, table and 6 dinersr- 1 sewing .machine; .1 library tabler 2 oak rockers; 1 bookcase; 3 becU,-cmplete, bed; eprlng and mattress,. like new; S.lvory'dressers; chlf- . fonier; bedding and blanketa; : quantity of linoleums;, ,1 breakfast set; 1 lioosier kltcliea. cabinet; l1 kitchen. range; " . S burner oil stove; 1 kitchen table cabinet; table with ; pbrcela la top"; I sinking stand; llaby crib; 1 -baby buggy; 1 go-cart- (collapsible) gardes toolsr-cooking utensils and numerous other useful articles to be sold, t . ' ; The said furniture is like aewvand is" a very good offer Vv Parties wanting furniture, 'shoald attend this sale as everything will be soM, - . 7 , - 'I .- . ; 1 -. - ' Don't forget the Time and Place. '.Northeast Corner North High and Marfoh; opposite' the High School, . v ; f , Tciay, 1:30 pjnl thitpZ -.'Terms Cash -. .vS'- .-"" - f : i . ' '. !v- TJ above furnintre- U belt's moved 'here ' . '. --".'TrcforUtiflt ciSCvenUcee of the public. " , " - ;.-vVK',C:7Co!:in3Prcp.;;.'t ) . , ' . Vcc-J ry ' Cz AVp.qryAtictioneers ' 2 ?i 13 '-f r nri4.A t . . . -. - - ! - . . .. - . - . M. ;, ! When It's Hard to Save - There is always a great feeling of .satisfaction when your Savings Account here at the United States Nation- : i al 1.4 steadily increasing; .. "" ' " J , And especially is this so when such growth is'mrule ' , or fwhatnot,',' to the .winner" comes riot' only' material ' . , reward butalso the pride of Achievement. " : ; 1 "J ' i t; j.i. M r United States - National Bank y ;: . SalcmOfcjgprt 1 t .1 ,J. S n r . am. 7 irm la etock over-llS: irfrj' Tanks ?3 ',r:c "t" t.nyl : ?aclfn.s? . I. rnay have Just, the form jej axe 1: 1L:j fr t.i t" . ''s-iTU.rti'ctJ3p-ic3 to LiaJa iocrJcr femi."' . - - ." , ",-r -Jtii " '-.ry. ':-'( : - ' ' . ' " rca-cf-t! ferns: Ccr.iiact cfe Read Kct!:?,- V.'Q fcn2, ' :! ccni cf Z:;rte, Ucrtzzz forns- Qiili CLdn D:ci -; A!::trr.:'.j f ;r EI3 orrSilvRuilJIA-Ccntract, Pror.hrcry irctca,-' Ir' I.'C - Ccrcrtl "Ltisa.! Power cf Attcrr.ey, Prnne Cocks and Pads, C!- L"' LtcT,"Thes2( ferns are carefully. ?rcp-!rcu fcr the cc:rt3 r.r 1 r r-s. ; pri. ca ferns rar.jes front 4 cents ta lG'cmlJ zilzt z:. . .. ! FIT -i. i '18 Years Exrer: r.rft Phone 75Stcre 217 N: . Ccmrr. ireia! P.csidcntd ; '; 1 . S. Crmrrtrei-l . : ' iYe L.jy usctl f arnitur tr v"l '.1 your f -rt-Jfriref i on cos fr.. . P - - - ' f,- - f