The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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" I. i
.... 'i
Commissioner Stopped of
Authority for Enforce-
ment of Amendment ,
Associated Press.) Prohibition
Commissioner Hayne3 will be
stripped of all authority over pro
hibition enforcement on Sept. i.
Ilia duties will be lodged in the
24 prohibition administrators to
be appointed under the reorgani
zation of the enforcement , forces
effective! the first of next month,
and he wilt act merely in an ad
visory capacity to Assistant Sec
retary Andrews of the treasury.
.; An order authorizing the trans-!
fer of authority was issued today
by Internal Revenue Commission
er "Hlair, who under the law, fe
tains nominal jurisdiction over the
prohibition union. Actual direc
tion of administration wil be lli
ue hrvnds of Mr. Andrews, who
was appoiniea 10 me treasury with
that end in view, -
While the order has been fore
cast. It was much more sweeping
man expected. It takes away from
the commissioner all authority he
had with respect to any matters
relatingi to intoxacting liquors, as
i well as all authority hehas had in
approving; or disapproving acts-of
nrohibition agents in th flot1
Commissioer Haynes was ab- fIed machine on Twelfth, result
r.ent today from WashIngton;but ing in a bent 'axle' and : fender to
X I roniDluon unu
,hat he would remain in his pres-
nt place, and that ' a4 adviser to
whatever force is retained in the
. . : . I
prohibition headquarters after the
reorganisation' becomes fully, ef
fective,: he will have' as many- du
ties as he can attend to:
r While lie has made no formal
the commissioner will relinquish
his of rice later to enter the guber
natorial contest in Ohio as a can
didate for the republican nomina
tion 1n the state primaries next
Trpauilfv nftiniala having t- An
with prohibiUon matrsthleld
comment on theorder. Assistant
Secretary, Andrews referred call
ers to Commissioner Blair, whose
name was signed to the order. Mr,
Plalr kept himself secluded in his
office, (but he sent out word to
inquirers that "the answer to the
crder" was "de-centralization" of
prohibition enforcement. -
West Salem Wreck Badly Injures
Two Sunday Afternoon;
Several Bruised
Fourteen automobile accidents
In three days is the record of thejTOted at the sixth annual meeting"
Salem district for the past week-1 ot that association at Woodburn
entr- revealed in" police ; records. I
Two persons sustained major in-1
juries and several others suffered I
minor! bruises and cuts as theIn tne Church of God grove at
weekly Itoll of heavy traffic and Woodburn. ! A wonderful dinner
avts of carelessness.
Those badly injured were James
Fargo and D. J. Charles ot Salem. I
occupants of a car Which ' went I
over a bank at the west end ofand W. P.. Bonney. secretaries re
the Marlon-Polk countv bridge 8Pctively of the Oregon and
Sunday afternoon and turned over 1
twice i before comine to a stoo. I
Fargo buffered two broken ribsl
and Charles a cut on the head and
5 evere , bruise On his , chest and I
ona arm. The accident occurred!
when Charles', driver, of the car,
chose the ditch in preference to a
rollision with a car driven by Lois
liocker Totom of route 2. i ; ,auu ot me oatuesnip Oregon
One side of a car driven by commission; J. O. Stearns of Port
Misa Helen ,;turcotte bf San Fran- ?and- and W. T. Rigdon of Salem.
Cisco was practically demolished
when it was struck by a car driven
by Jack Kirk of Corvallis on the
Paeific hfehwav ahnnt hri iila
Houtu of i Salem Sunday nYeht.
ho u th of Salem Sunday night
Striking the left side of the Tur
cotte machine, Kirk's car ripped
off a luggage carrier spilling its
contents,;; smashed both fenders,
two hub caps,. the running board
and a tool box, and knocked a hole
in the radiator. . , j
According to the story Miss Tur-
cotte told police, she had stopped
her car to fill the radiator and
was just ; starting up when she
nor I tfiifc ;lftrlr i! martlilii jinwi 4t I '
w" : a ire:" " . r.
iicou-wu. jrati ui uci cor was oil
the highway on the right hand
side of ; the road when the crash
occurred.;; she ; declares. Kirk
failed to come to a stop until he
had gone some 200 yards and then
started aft again, only to be
stopped by a passing motorist, the
report declares.
A small child who played with
the throttle and sUrted the car
.oiki-- - ....
dent on State street Saturday,
Flora L. Rodgers of Independence
Informed police. She had left her
car running while absent from it
and the , child unlntenUonally
sUrted It with the result that it
, ; -m . , . . .
ran into a car in front. A bent
, . . . .k 4v j
ar, bus ivvc.i; ,, - -;
Other car involved In accidents
w. ..,cu
"! ;'
Collision at Court and Commer
clal: ; ' - '
A. Jorgens, driving a state carl
belonging to the '.Feeble Minded
Last : Resting Place of W Jennings Bryan
; i t i
.- The grave of William Jennings Bryan, is in Arlington National cemetery, near the section
shown in this picture. The Arlington amphitheater ij in the foreground, at the right Is tie mast
head of the ill-fated battleship Maine, marking the resting-place rf sailors who died when the Maine
waa Mown up. Arlington is across the j Potomac from Washington, D. C .
school, collision with an unidenti-
the state machine.
r i Kun ?ft v' tm,
Schaeffer of Salem, collision at
iue i inierseciion
of Mill and
Winter. . , v :
G. M. Douglas of route 2 and
Mrs. Ida Van of Rickreall, ; acci
dent In West Salem.
George Nash of 290 South Four-
Martin Geiger of 1097 North
Winter and a bicycle rider- at D
and Cottage.- ' : " ' ! Tr
Edna Newberry of 239 South
1 Kenneth Bayne of 414 Bellevue
"d "enrBrn Elum'
Wash., collision at South Commer
cial and Bellevue. i ; j .-
George D. Alden of Salem and
James Cowden of 490 North
Seventeenth, who was Tiding a
b,CC2l,on State between Twelfth
and. Thirteenth.
Jack Henson of 246 Marion and
A. C. Fielder of the Ryan , Fruit
company, accident on the river
rpad. " . - ''
II. F. Nenens of route 3 and C.
J. Carlton of Portland, accident
on South Commercial
The seventh annual reunion of
the.Bonney clan wilL bo held in
Salem on the first Sunday of
August of next 'year. (This was
n Sunday,
There were a hundred or more
members present on Sunday, held
and ice cream for all present were
enjoyeu,, ana mere were responses
to toasts by several speakers.
Among these were Geo. Hi- Himes
Washington Historical societies
That was quite an honor. Mr,
ponney is a member of the Bon-
Bey dan. by right bfTiirth being
a son or Sherwood Bonney, and
nePQew or the origmal Oregon
Bonney brwhers. v ;
Among otners responding to
toast were Lafe Mahnihg of Port-
umcers elected Tor the ensuing
ML, r Jtwere irB- -'-KODert fccott,
"aourn, presiaenir W. F. Bon-
ne iacoma, wasn., first Vice
President; Hartley Bonney, Wood
burn, second vice nresident: Mrs
AUha Strang, ' Woodburn, secretary-treasurer.
... t
The Statesman is promised a
Lmori extended report of the meet-
WT. n8"ra
one of the most interesting of the
Bonney clan ever held.
sentence for
James- O'Reilly, of Salem,
charged with : embezzlement of
money from the Shell Oil com
pany, yesterday changed . bis plea
of not guilty to guilty. He will
be sentenced at 1 o'clock. Wednes-
do TaMU I. .AM V
" Jws V:,, V o ,
hooks which he charged to Salem
money and using it himself. -
i In a : civil action brought some
r, m7ZZ."r" :77Z,Z
, " V- r ;Vr".V.-!T X
,a tlZ V Tv. 6
i is said that none of this monev
va. . 1M 7 v
jhas ever been collected. In view
KaliowoJ t rt.tMlJ.
" " I"' ! T.T':
MUdicIai clemency.
I Tk rata -nro. PI. !
I Is your lawn in nice condition?
Our many visitors are attentive to
'such things.
-' .-.: '
;. BY . : '
Y. M. C. A. BOYS' CAMP, Nes-I
kowln. Ore.. July j 31.-r-After 'a
hectic morning most of the fellows
have i gone oft to . wash their
clothes and I have a chance to
write this letter. Yesterday aft
ernoon our second team played
the B. B. second team and won
9-8. jThen our first team played
and won 7-0. After that we had
swimming tests and more games
in the camp league. The Syrup
Sloppers beat the Horseflies 70
and the Sea Lions beat! the Milk
Maid 8-3. Tonight the Syrup
Sloppers play the Sea Lions ai)d
the Baboons play the Horse Col
lars, i - - ; .
Ikey White is tfylng to learn
to eat with his right hand and
furnishes lots of entertainment at
meals. I !
This afternoon we are going 'to
have a big Capture the Flag game.
Skeezix" Warner; and "Cough
Drops" Smith are captains. Chief
Bent lis referee. j
A 'horseshoe tournament, both
singles and doubles is to start to
day, j We are also starting a camp
paper. It is rather late, to be
surej but it will furnish some fun
even yet. .-l.V ! I ;
'Everyone in camp sunburned
his hose the first "few. days and
now i they are starting to peel
Theif headlights are so bright that
a stranger might take! the camp
for aj home for incorrigible drunk
ards. w i .,
We had a monkey court this
morning and tried several of
fenders. Some of the fellows took
it for a joke but when they start
ed to carry out their sentence
they found it wasn't so humoroHis.
The rest of ua enjoy " it greatly
however. : H
j August 1, 1925: i I
We had a stunt night last night
at campfire and everyone was sup
posed to do something. For I an
Impromptu affairs it was pretty
gooct. " i ... ,.'
j In the.."Capture the Flag" game
yesterday "Skeezix1!' Warner's side
beat 'Cough Drops" Smith. We
enjoyed it so much we are going
to play it again today. J
: The Sea Lions beat the Srrnn
Sloppers and the Baboons beat the
Horse Collars. Because of lack of
time the . horseshoe tournament
has been abandoned
Chile Prepares Princelv I
Time for British Heir
SANTIAGO. ChilePreparations
are; under way here fore an elab
orate program of; entertainment
for the Prince of Wales during his
oriei visit to Chile in September.
Arriving in Santiago from i the
Argentine .frontier the royal Visi
tor will find the city virtually en
fete and with British and Chilean
emblems on display everywhere.
Some of the streets will specially
illuminated for the (occasion. 1 He
will be called upon to view 'the
Chilean fleet at Valparaiso, the
military nere and also the Chilean
Boy Scout organizations. There
will be a gala day (at the races for
the "Prince of Wales" trophy.
The British heir Will have an op
portunity to play ja game or; two
of polo In Valparaiso and later
wlil witness a display of Chilean
horsemanship at a native rodeo
Another feature of his visit; ac-
cording to present plans, will ie
And Furniture Dealer '"
Buys Used Furniture
Residence and Store j
1010 N. Summer St.
Phone 511
Established Since 1010
;: v.C 3- v. .4. " - . " r- - ;v 3
i,umn-- iirw)1ucf.i' ruiiwi i "i c rr-v;-f?y s t lis. -xf . raft' . C . V 5It.-,:
- . - ' w.
the presentation of a collection of
Aucanian jewels of prelcolonlal
Two grand balls will be given
in his honor, one by the govern
ment and another by the .British
residents in the republic. - On the
night of the prince's arrival 115
huge bonfires, representing as
many years of Chilean national
life, will burn along the foothills
of the Andes within easy visibility
of Santiago. ,
j I?d
he 1 d
Harris, one of the men
when county authorities
broke up a vice ring here some
time ago, appeared In the circuit
court yesterday before Judge L.
H. McMahan,- and had his case
continued until the October term
of coure. Harris was indicted by
the grand jury on a charge ot con
tributing to the delinquency) of a
inree otner men arrested on
the same charge are now serving
jail sentences, one was paroled.
and two others will come up for
trial during the October term of
Automobile Ownership
Is Not Now Safeguarded
i ' ...
; HAVANA. Issuance of a title
of ownership with each automobile
license in Cuba kept the republic
practically free ot automobile
when seTeral machines disappear!
T holll until o onnrt llmo o irr
ed in rapid succession. A general
checkup "by the police, who stop
ped the machines with regularity
demanding that titles be shown
failed to bring the stolen machines
into the hand3 of the authorities
Then twoTural guards found an
underground , storenouse near
here where machines were being
dismantled an-1 sold piece by piece
to unscrupulous garage owners
Rural guards believe all ot the
half dozen or more machines that
had disappeared several months
tgo, were taken to the under
ground workroom for dismantling
as well as many accessories which
sneak thieves removed from park
cd automobiles.
Reopening of Mines Is
Restoring Olden Times
r LONDON. Reports in mining
circles here indicate that some
approach to the old economic or
der in Russia is gradually being
made. In this connection it was
announced recently that the pro
perties of the British Spassky
Copper Mine, Limited, which were
twice nationalized by the Soviet
authorities, were being operated;
privately again, and that a new
issue of capital Is contemplated at
an early date to be offered pro
rata to the shareholders.
This follows the announcement
a few weeks ago of the Lena com
pany, in which American capital
is Heavily Interested, that it had
again been given control of Its pro
perties, which cover, thousands of
acres. . ; ,, .
In keeping wlth.modern de
mands upon our eyes OPTO
METRY has recently per
fected a wonderful new lense
.... . , . 4 . ' ' -' T
' Patients now wearing them say . .
They Are the Best They Have Ever Had
Your Eyes Too Deserve the Best
, " Corner State ami High Streets, Salem,- Oregon
3IAX twicf: saved from gai.
Defense . Attorney Raptel Dy
Jucle for Not AdliereliiR -to
Court Question
CHICAGO. Aug. 3. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Russell T. Scott,
twice snatched from the gallows
by dramatic midnight legal maneu
vers,, had a new day In court to
day. A jury was selected to pass
upon his mental condition. Open
ing statements were made by the
defense and prosecution and to
morrow an imposing array of
alienists will bring the presenta
tion ot reports and conclusions
from which 12 men will shape his
Scott was in court, pale, reflec
tive and calm.. At times he was
the sharp, keen., alert Internation
al - financier, promoter of a
130,000,000 : Canadian -American
Bridge corporation, and- manager
of an organization with branch of
fices in 182 cities. Then he gave
strict attention to the examination
of the veniremen and the blunt
mandates of the court urging
speed. Again he was the bewild
ered and ineffectual peddler of
razor strops, overwhelmed by the
problem of raising two dollars for
room rent. .Then he sat motion
less at the side of the counsel
table, his forehead resting in his
hands, intently contemplating the
rhythmic oscillations of the
udge's eletcrlc fan.
. Scott Is In court by virtue of a
stay of execution granted 10 days
ago by Judge.. Joseph B. David.
based upon a petition hy Thomas
Scott, aged father of the prisoner.
asserting that his son, bad become
Insane since . hls conviction last
December of the murder of Joseph
Maurer, a drug . elerk, who was
slain In a robbery here in April
"We will show through reput
able alienists who have examined
this man within the last week that
he suffers delusions of persecu
tion," William Scott Stewart, the
defense attorney, said In his open
ing statement. When he attempt
ed 'to allude to Scott's numerous
assertions of Innocence, be was
abruptly Interrupted by Judge
David, who ruled pointedly that
guilt or innocence is not even a
remote issue In the sanity proceed
ings. "The supreme court has spoken
on that case. There is but one Is
sue here. It is whether the pris
oner has become Insane since his
conviction. And nothing else will
get into this record."
There was a conversational con-
sulation over the bench. The court
spoke again. "That case Is closed.
This Is a civil trial. That case Is
closed." Impetus eesturea ra
emphasis to the ruling.
The morning newspaper is the
market place of the entire world
An advertisement in it will bring
you larger returns.
' Skew Odor of
-Jonteel .
Rouge . . . . ; ,
Jonteel or
Talc .....C.OC
Jonteel Cold Cream
Face Powder
Jonteel Odor Con- CO ftA
centrated vJUU
Perry Drug Store
' 72 Q&KJO$JL Stir '
115 South Commercial
Salem, Oregon
Hill; "rmSlt L
Young English Farmers -
Sought by Queensland
LONDON. -With the object of
getting as many young English
settlers of a certain type aa pos
sible in the next few. years, the
government of Queensland Is off
ering attractive inducements to
public school boys and . others
who have a little capital of their
own. ;
An Australian Farms College la
being established at Lynford Hall.
Norfolk, bought 'for the purpose
which will be controlled by H. V.
Potts, former principal of the
Hawlesbury Agricultural College.
New South Wales. Students will
receive the necessary training at
this college at a cost or J875 for
six months. They will be expect
ed to possess $12-0 capital on
landing in Australia, which, with
passage money and pocket money,
totals 12500. . The state, how
ev er, will advance to each trained
student with 125 capital, a
sum ot $3750.
It is estimated that the train
ing and acquirement of a fully
equipped, and fully-stocked farm
will amount to JC2S0.
HAVANA Short skirts, peek-a-boo
waists, bobbed, hair and lip
Bticks are not barred from the
Public Works Department In Cuba.
Secretary of Public Works Car
los Miguel de Cespedes made this
statement. In denying that he
planned dress regulations for wo
men employes of his department.
The secretary also praised femi
nine employes for their efficiency.
What you don't
know makes
life interesting.
She'll Work
0. ICNow
Why envy the other man's :
car and wonder how he !
keeps the engine running
smoothly, quietly 'TuH er
pep." He simply had us
to remove the aches and I
kinks. Since then no
troubles at all.
When we say she'll work !
O. K. now, she does. Our !
guarantee covers that. Sp :
if you are tired of vexa-"
tions and troubles and ex
cessive repair bills just 1
drive your car over to ; .
F. W. Pettyjohn Co.
365 X. Commercial St.
Phone 1260 .
KUt A " ! 1 II- fl III V-t III f
- -." '''N.v 'I f .'."' j
Duotone Duco, now intro
duced by Buick, is the
latest, smartest, most
striking color and finish
combination for, motor
cart. Its soft splendor
charmingly enhances, the
beautiful new Buick body
3S8 North Commercial Street
tu'tJy 7
AUGUST 4, 102'
' i
James Hagen. an inmate of the
county jail, was apprehended In
an attempted Jail break Sunday
noon when Deputy Sheriffs Lewis
and Iturkhart. hearing strange
noises from. the basement of the
court j house, investigated and
found Hagen hammering the brick
!i t
Service to the
! When we are asked to make loans, we take
'into consideration the borrower's convenience
as well as his ability of meeting or retiring the
! loan when it is due.
Perhaps you are carrying a straight mort
gage when a monthly payment plan would
prove less burdensome. ; Then let us refinance
your mortgage to better suit your, needs, and
on more favorabje terms, too; ' .
Talk over your borrowing needs
with us.
Mortgage. Loans
rtnw -,.1
. -. . in
-jll' : : 1 '
' I ' I" ' ; . ' .
"I ' : ' ' ' 1
- ! '
I . '
or the Better Buick.
lines. It establishes a new
culIubh vcse m motor. car
dress. AtvT Dnotonc Duco
is ooff, one of cxany 1926
BoiekimproTCiocrUs. The
Better Buick is on display
today m the showroom of
every Btxick dealer.
1 - iAyjr muxict : w i u l-s u i ld thru
wall with a -X' iada w.x e IxiL. .S e t e
ral bricks were destroyed before
he was stopped.
Hagen claims o be from Los'
Angeles and is charged with, the
burglary of the honre of George
Zeek of Woodburn. who returned J
iaie one auernoon to Tina me
prisoner in the house.
It might "be worse. Suppose
every law required a special set of
enforcement officers.
' 1 . ' LiTiVvSCT! i
2n4 Floor. Omccon Btoo
PcrtS r,ff fir!
- Saiem, Oregon
z i . t ...