The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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tn&i&'-'t .'r :
''i r i jtvs
Many to choose from
G. tW. Johnson & Co.
.'v . - H.
469 State
If yen art looking lor a food 1M4
C-orrolet is nnt daaa ikapo at
$375.00 go to Vkk Broi'. sao
If m want 1924 Tard 4-4oor
Sosaa at 1 428.00 go' to tto aaao
Roundsman for the Willamette I The total will like.7 be somewhat
unl varsity bine, received a broken I more than 1000 tons
ec In an r accident at Centralia. I : - r i ,V m : '
Wash., according to word received The outside newspaper! are now
by Coach Guy Rathbun yesterday, broadcasting the tact that the Ore-
t.aiauaa bad been counted on Tor lron tate flax nlant has the larr
arrest Saturday night by Officer
James. Grant was able to secure
his release Sunday after posting
120 afl.
Many Cam Reglste rrd .
A total ot 1200 were registered
at the Salem municipal camp
ground during the month of July,
according to the report yesterday
ot C D. Punrine,, superintendent
Durinc . the same month ot last
year 1440 made uee of the camp
Last nlKht between 40 and SO
were registered.
No CaniMvy Row . '
Mrs. Emily Fandrlck seeks to
correct an impression gained from
an article printed July 13 that
there was any sort ot "row" be
tween she and another cannery
worker. Mrs. Fandrlck declares
that she was struck accidently by
Jennie R. Presnell, As a result
of the accident Mrs. Fandrlck says
she was unable to work for nearly
month. The incident occurred
Jnne 17 and on July llMrs. Fan
drlck filed a complaint In the jus
tice court charging . the other
woman with assault and battery.
Continued warm in the interior:
light northwest winds. Max. 82;
Mln. 60; RlT0r,r-1.7. stationary;
vA Atmosuhere clear: Wind, north-
ty.'j-L ; At
. . The Theaters TocLaw
; -
' The Theaters Today
Oregon i Claire Windsor,
Pat O'Malley In "The
White Desert.'
Grand Percy Marmont,
Zasu pitta in '.'The Legend
of Hollywood?? .
I Salem, reported to the sheriff's
office yesterday. The killing of
the stock took place Sunday night.
There were no teeth marks on the
animals and absence of a struggle.
The dead animals were found ap
parently crushed to death by a
blunt . instrument. ;! :
Woodry Boys Furniture . 1
Store at Summer and Norway
streets. Phone 511. JlStf
.Ltit r- . 11 ' --v ,
BarTH Enjoy Outine- .1
Barbers and their families from
the Salem district enjoyed the all-
day t picnic Sunday. on the banks
of fbe-'Bantiam near - Jefferson.
While there was not so .great a
turn-out as attended the picnic
last - year, a large crowd was on
$2500 and $1000 to
L Three . to five years on Salem
homes. . Becke & Hendricks. U
S. Bank Bldg. . a-4
A. D. Tillson. 145 Jefferson street.
Eugene, and Martha Moore, 8 68
West Fifth street, Eugene.
Time to Can Salmon
Fine fat deep sea troll fish at
Fitts Majcluot. i J26tf
Administrator Named-
Thomas Strand was appointed
administrator of the estate ot Ole
O.' Stand yesterday by J T. Hunt,
county, fudge. Appraisers ot the
propertyWare T. P. Risteigen, Ed.
R. Adams' and Dagna Larson. The
estate Is valued at approximately
$10,000. " i '1 j
Lawrence "Purrlnc Returns-
Lawrence Purvine returned to
Salem Sunday night to remain here
with his parents until September
when he will return to his teach
ing position in the public schools
ot Phoenix, Ariz. The trip from
Phoenix was made by automobilo
through California. ' His father,
C D. Purvine Is superintendent of
the Salem camp ground.
500 j Hop Pickers Wanted
See Lane Morley, cor. : C
17th. i
Convict Is Captured
j . David Jackson, trusty, who es
caped! from the prison garden last
Thursday afternoon, .was captured
soar Jefferson Sunday., Jackson
Was serving two years for forgery
In iKlamath county. With him was
Phillip Davles,' serving seven years
ferlareeny committed in Wallowa
i county. Davles darted tlfitb. the the Bide'of the road and
escaped. v a. ? ! ; .
Ml) Mnrdock Wishes .
To meet'' Salem housewives and
show them.' what a pleasure ,1 is
to cook on a ' Universal electric
range. "Halik & -Eoff -Electric
shop. . AH this week., . Phone 488.
' , ,
Xebraskajis Picnic
,1 Nearly 140Oa former residents
of , Nebraska attended the second
annual ' picnic at Colorado lake,
near . CorvaJlls, Sunday , in com
parison with -the -600- present a
year . ago A. t J - An
derson ' and William '- Nelmeyer,
wh6 ,fere presents ; Dr. c. O. An
"derson i was , re-elected president,
and R. jJGnnn ; secretary. . "Both
are Corvallls ; residents. . Two
Man1 Botmd Over
Eiarl Meyers, arrested by' city
police Saturday night when they
said: they found him attempting to
I enter the Bishop clothing store,
appeared-Jn justice court yester
day! and was bound oyer to the
grand jury. , Keys, a? powder puff
and j a compact are said to have
been found In Meyer's possession.
He Is employed at, the paper mill.
DuBois' popular dances. Crystal I ,
Gardens. a4 ''."' . .--
Rom; Apartment Couple ::
i . We have - three small V homes
with everythlnit ''you want . and
privacy. - Hardwood, - furnace, ga
rage, fireplace' "etc. For sale at a
prlee and terms .that will suit yo.
One- has stoves, water'- heater,
drapes, etc. arid even wood in
basement. Immediate possession
or September First. Come get
one. -' Becke 'IIendr!cks, U. S.
Bank Bldr T' ' " -
ing of each other's presence from
the register of visitors. One lives
near Sclo and the other near En-
gene. Plans -were formulated to
hold the -picnic at the same place
next year, with an effort ' being
made to consolidate the Salem-
Nehraska picnic With-the annual
affair.-'- V:---.'"- 'T- '-:'.. ":
Drsj Morse & Robertson
Announce the association of Dr
M. L. ! Brldgeman with; the firm
Practice limited to internal medi
cne and. obstretrics.
The! Marion hotel.
! ' a8
WJ H. . ' Osborne, held on
charge of non-support. Will appear
in justice court today after having
had! his case continued from yes
terday. Bail was -set at $500 and
was not furnished. ,
the football lineup this spring.
Editor on Vacation
During the absence of Miss
Audred Bunch., society editor for
The Oregon Statesman, the work
of her department is in charge of
Miss Mary West, a student at the
University ot Oregon. Miss West
had charge of the society depart
ment of The Capital Journal dur
ing the absence of Miss Rosalie
Keber while she was on her vaca
tion. .
. W. H. McKay and Henry Zorn,
of Champoeg, was in Salem yes
terday on road business.
A. B. Browning and family, ot
Salem, left tor Newport yesterday
est scutching mill in the world.
This has been well known here tor
a long while. There is space In
the room ot the present plant tor
double the number 'of machines
and that many (fifty) will be used
before long.
Some of the finest gladioli ever
grown are on the inside ot tne
state penitentiary grounds In the
front yard. One of the men se Ty
ing time has charge, and he Is
Justly very proud of his flowers.
Lovers of fine flowers are Invited
to see them. " '
An exchange carries this, news.
which but . shows .the modern
trend in education: "Found guilty
ot bad posture. Improper shoes
and other foot defects 150 girls at
the Colorado Agricultural college
have been sentenced to learn a
new game, "How to play marbles
with your toes," by the athletic
department as a corrective exer
The oil which Is used by watch
makers is made from the head of
the porpoise. It does not become
rancid and neither does it thicken
and become gummy.
It cannot be pretended that the
Chinese troubles are exclusively
ot soviet manufacture, .but it is
plain that Great Britain's foreign
minister thinks the soviet lias
-4 -
.On July 31 the Scappoose drain
age district, filed with the state
engineer an application for the ap
proval of their plan; of reclama
tion which Is required before the
construction contract may be let.
The' district will not ask for cer
tification of its. bonds, nor the
state guarantee of Interest.
Description: 5,762 acres Colum
bia river, bottom land lying be
tween the Willamette lowland or
the mnltnomah channel, and the
high ground to the -west. It is
20 miles north ot Portland, and
directly 'east of the town of Ccap-
poose. j.
The land will be protected from
the annual overflow from the riv
er by means of dikes surrounding
the district and the water Inside
tne aixe wiu be removed by means
of gates and pumps.
Motor Trip Enjoy
L. J. - SlmeraU- accompanied by
his wife and niece. Miss Alice
Thomas, returned recently from a
motor trip to Portland, the Colum
bia highway, and the Mt. Hood
loop. The trip was thoroughly en-
f.. w vuVt' vacitlnn. Mr.
Browning is. janitor at the Salem bfn J? Shanghai and else-
. . ...4!.. I where In China, M. Zinoviev has
.. talked copiously and loud with
Mr. ana Mrs. it. U. Arcniuaia,
and daughter. Roberts, of Tan
gent, were Salem,, visitors yester
Mr. and Mrs. CA -McKnight,
and son, Donald, of. Seattle, nave
getting heavy j
A petition asking that the rotS.
to the Champoeg state park b
graveled has been presented it the -
Marion county court by members
of road district 61. The pctUkik -calls
for new construction to roer
the gravel In front of the'W." ll. - -
McKay farm. No action was taken
by the" county court. - "' " ' .
The petitioners state thaf uB-'
usually heavy travel is now goiar? -on
over the road and that largo
numbers of 'people -visit the parlr
each Sunday. A large amount ot V
money could be saved now. they
say. If gravel was used. ' 1 enr
Zorn and W. R. McKay presents J,
the petition to the court. ,
From Prohibition Commission
er Haynes recent speeches S. got"
the Impression that Prohibition
has put a stop to everythiss ex
cept drunkenness. . : i
joyed, they report, and the route been visiting friends in Salem.
is recommended for those who : n. S.- Savage, secretary at Wu-
wifk a very enjoyable vacation by I lamette .university, has returned
form a two weeks' vacation to
Crater Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Dickson,
of Independence, were Salem vis
itors yesterday.
Miss Florence, Beardsley, of In
dependence, was In Salem Mon
day. .
Miss Henrietta Wolfer, of Hub
bard, visited Salem friends yes
George Hug. superintendent of
Salem schools, was in Salem yes
terday, staying for only one day.
Klls Goes to -Camp
C. A. Kells left early this morn
lug for Neskowin to bring bacx In
his car a load of boys who have
been attending the YMCA camp
there. A considerable number of
other Salem people are making
the same trip today and tomorrow
to bring back the some 60 lads
vho have been vacationing t.t the
camp. i
meaning that no diplomatist in his
senses can disregard. The British
and Japanese governments have a
perfect right to exert pressure
against this world nuisance, for
all M. Tchitcherin's sharp notes
and M. Raskonlkoff's wild(
speeches. Even the MacDonald
government at the end could not
stomach the Russian workings in
Great Britain - and called a halt
when it was plain that the Russian
idea ot relations with a friendly
power was to push In the roof and
then blow up the foundations. The
Russian people is not the object
ot our dislike, for that people has
suffered terribly. It Is the grotes
que and criminal oligarchy set
over It that constitutes the world
nuisance of today.
Chang Goes East
Cedric Chang, 1925 graduate of View, Washington.
He'ls. taking a vacation at Ocean Mormon MuSeUftl DfaWS
Willamette university, is to leave
today for Springfield, Mass., where
he is to enter the Springfield col
le$e. On his trip east he will stop
at Boise, . Idaho, to visit with
friends whose acquaintance was
made at his home in China. Dur
Hiram Fasnacht, ' Willamette
athlete, will return to school
again this fall, according to a let
ter received yesterday. He is now
working in a-steel mill at Litch
field, Penn.. his home town.
Thousands of Tourists
of ancient Utah cliff dwiw
weapons, agricultural Implements
and other relics, declared by some
archeologlsts to be amnr the fin
Burgess Ford, superintendent of est specimens in existence, an
ing the early part of the. summer Jnchools at Amity, and also a trus- house in the small museum of the
he was employed in the Portland tee of Willamette-university, was Mormon church, located on Tem-
ossociation ot the YMCA. a Salem visitor yesterday. - I pie block here. The museum via.
Custer Robs, attorney of Sifter- ited annually by thousands of
Chehalis Man Arrested ton,'. was ta Salem yesterday, and tourists, also contains manv relics
A charge of operating his. car leaves today , for Boston on legal of Mormon pioneer days such as
Here's Small Investment
;Twelve large lots . for-' $1000.
Taxes S10 a year on all; In a dis
trict, that will look lots better
soon. -! "Investigate. ' Becke - &.
Hendricks. U. S. Bank Bldg. ar4
without a driver's license has been affairs,
charged against Joe Vandehoe off Mr. and Mrs. A. CV Sample, ot
Chehalis, Wash., by local police. I Salem, returned yesterday from
le was arrested Sunday by Traf-1 Seattle, where they attended the
If Yon Wish to nave
Typhoid .Patients Better
The three boys who were con
fined to their beds by typhoid
fever are apparently improving,
according to X.. M. Gilbert, super
intendent of -the. boys' training
Your eyes 4ittd with the.rignt school. . It . is believed that the
glasses' or ybuwish to have ' bl-1 crisis Is passed and there have
fruatd' VrvTtilrV trlf rivals I v" j
. , . .,,,.. . , - -. . - uec-i no UVW'CUCS DWICU.
pie, as l win wave you neiween za
,1 . A. . . 1. . T A a
U " ilSZ- "1- Bargai
.herefore no daA'dictates prices to v w Z , i
i --.. I Met. This, is a 1924 model tonr-
kne, Phdne Ko72S ior appoint
ments.!, ;Dr.i,Mendelsohn, United
Btates rvatjona--BanK building, a 4
Ton Trionej-ITs.llO
I ...We'll Hleliter-it; no matter how
small U item. Capital Drug.
.: '..-"..; ; j 32211
iteal-In Parking 'Opposed
I Pertinent comment on the prob
lem of automobile parking Is con
tained in an editorial of the Ben
ton , Independent ' of CoTvallis,
which has the following ' to offer:
"It' has been announced that some
Corvallls citizens favor, the head
lor system of. parkin. Let them
look toy the records of the. unwise
custom.' More accidents have hap
pened through" backing out from
ing, original paint, looks like new.
good tires and car has been driv1-
en only a few thousand miles. See
thlone of phone for demonstra-
Births "Are Reported j ; I
" liwo birth 1 reports jwere file)d
yesterday, with the city health of
ficer. . i A boy was born , to Mr.
and: Mrs. Carl T. Morris, -route 9,
on August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward L. Herman, 589 North High
street, announce the birth of ;a
son who has' been named Edward
Lewis. ' - - ! .
Two Escape School
Carroll Harvey, 15. and Roy
Tomilson. 13. escaped from the
Btate school for the feeble-minded
Sunday. Efforts to apprehend the
pair have been unsuccessful.
Ricks on Vacat io
"Cappy- Rlcks, disabled World
war jveteran who hae the conces
sion at the state house, -Is on his
annual vacation at present. The
twp weeks r are , being; spent at
Rockawajs t . lV.r :? . p
Gray Improvement Shoppe
Expert marcelling, 413 Oreg.,
Tel. 187, t 1 L - . 4
McXarys in Accident' . I
. Mr..: and Mrs. John H. McNary
were slightly shaken up . Sunday
when a. car in 'which i they , were
driving ran into ditch. , Neither
was' hurt badly. 1 : -
i : .... '; -r'- i
Mill Man Is Hurt j j
ii Joseph Lula was -severely in
Jured in a sawmjll accident near
Scio yesterday, and was brought
to Salem tor medical; attention.
His : right forearm .was t badly
mashed although no bones were
broken. ; -A ' ' '. '
Bays Store-. -
, The - People's Furniture store.
a curb than from all the other J located at 271 North Commercial.
mod.--rf rtArlr!n- ttit ; tosether:! w tKen over jraday, by Woodry
There have, been accidents bere Woodry. iTbe new owners have
in .Corvallls when parked cars m Business successiuuy ior
have put out front the curb- head yeap -neiore ommg tosaieni.
first. Can we dare to raess what I ney nave . naa wiae experience
would be the result if everybody " farnitnre dealers and in; aac-
: . ..-.2- ..;... IHnnMrnr .... ? j.
were to nacK oniz u is 10 lauga.- i
Snerlal Notice , " i . oOce
i Hand knllUnrWarna.' We sell! If yon wlsb to t: your. eyes
the Afavnole band knlttlnr yarns. I lted by Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye-
irrbese yams 'are manufactured by lht specialist, see him before he
2-'-. . . . i . . . I tvna An Vt vapatlAA - . TT t a f na
ine uregon worstea to. at isei"i -
iwood Oreeon. an Oregon mm lis-be closed from the 17th untU
llna-Orernn woola for Oresron knit- I the 30th. of this month. - ' Phone
Klwanis Meet Today '
J. H. Hallock, of the Hallock &
Watson - Radio company, of Port
land, will be the principal speak
er today at the noon luncheon of
the Klwanis today. General radio
"subjects will be discussed. . j
. .j ; . : : i
Warrham FInert $ 10 1 - ' - j
Dave I. Warrham was a&eessed
a fine of $10 when he - appeared
before Police Judge Mark Pouisen
yesterday on a charge of drunken
hess. Warrham was arrested Sun
day night by Officers Cutlerand
Thompson, h -i;.5 ;- - H '.'.'"
iters. - We catry them In - all 'sixes j
end cojors; they .have been on the
' . . - . - . . -.i
v uiaraci some a Tein ina mio
No, 723 for appointments.- United
States National Bank building, a 4
sDaar aatlafa-tlnn
jllishop's Clothing & Woolen Mill
store. -"T'.v - i a
' ,
Rabbits Arelaln w' '
i-Onl el)i f.fvH tro1 riVi!f o-
Three licenses Issued Z ' vi
U. G. Boyer. Marlon county r.
clerk, issued three marriage li
censes yesterday. They were taken
by Thomas M. Gilchrist, Portland,
and,. MarJorie--Wr r Brown, -1040
icaned. ihia. mTstertons alanrtater I Center street; Harold M. Mclntyre,
that accounted for 47. C. J. Chan- Buperiorixeei, ana worouiy
v 'xtettronrtetcg pt a rabbltry soinetteWllls g415
Alleged Speeder Nabbed '
Roy Powers was hailed into po
lice headquarters Sunday night on
a charge of speeding filed by Traf
fic! Officer Hickman. J
Grant Faces Charge f
,R. B. Grant of Dallas Is facing
a charge of drunkenesa in the-city
police court as the. result ot bis
Stora gtuniMr ana Jfonrajr Eta.
- PSOKB.sil,
'..jv ,'Uoys' Fonittnrft VI iJ
tic Officer EdwardSi
Owner Regains Car-
Auto thieves stole his car, drofe
t out on Belmont street, and there
abandoned it after having remov
ed two tires, was the "report of W.
E. Vincent of Salem to police Sun
day night. The car was taken near
the corner of Liberty and State
streets and less than an hour later
as found by its owner on Bel
Knights Templar convention and
visited." friends. "
, Mr. and Mrs. George White have
returned from a vacation to New
port and Cascadla. Mr. White Is
a sergeant" on the city police rsree.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller, ac
companied by Miss Myrtle Pelker,
returned to. Salem from a short
stay at Netarts Bay, .'
Sim Phillips, head of the Salem
employment bureau. Is spending a
two weeks vacation at Yachats. -
Uit 'For Breakfast
Car Is Looted " ' .T -
Fred Gahledorf bf .9S5 North
Church reported to police Sunday
night the theft from his -car of an
Indian blanket and five gallons f
gasoline. The theft wag. accom
plished while the machine was
parked in front of his home.'
Flax over halt in k
About 1200 tons up to Saturday
night had been received-at -the
state flax plant; this year's crop:
Loose : Wheels Repaired at
S75 Booth Commercial
Moore Goes to Neskowli
John W. Mocre accompanied byi
bis daughter, motored to Nesko
wio Saturday where they Mill re
main until Wednesday. On the
trip home thy will be acrotrpau-
led by -Kelly Moore who has been
vacationing at the YMCA camp!
there. j
T - Phone 727 '
Kalahan Breaks Les
. E Iwood Kalahan, stella;
Crandall :
Clarence Lucius Crandall died
at his residence south east of -Sa
lem August 2 at the age of 61
years. He is survived. l)y" hii
widow. Lulu S. of Salem. " Funeral
services will be held at the Port
land crematorium' today at 1:30
p. m. Webb Funeral parlors in
cnarge ot arrangements: ':-
To Whom It May
.vm.. ;v..Concern 2-.'
. I wiak U (Ut te aiy muam aad
U yatlU taat X aav aa sat wlU
ar aataorlaaA aay T 4alryaia
t' suu ttat Z av ralaaa tka silea
.tf.stuk freaa 10 U 1S a f .art.
; While Fir Dairy '
Slai XU &, Box 130. raeaa SW
spinning wheels and household im
What is declared to be the first
house built In Utah It Is nearly
100 years old stands just outside
the main museum building.
If your are suspicious you sim
ply have not enough to do.
Painting and Decorating by
Skilled Mechanics
Kennedy Paint Shop
Now located at
Gabriel Powder & Supply
173 South Commercial
Telephone 728
Woodry & Woodry
Pay Cash for Furniture
Phone 73
; , , t ' ,,.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
. ! EsUbllshed 18 ' - .
t . . . .... , ! - .
General Banking Bdsihes - -
I Office nonrs from 40 a-m. to 3 p.m. . -
- ...
Baa rraadaeo. an Viy, 1150
. In AactJ'.a, om way, $27.45.
aa Trip, $60.00.
' kpaelal Katas U rartUa of ,
Elfk or Mora
' Tor Zafotmatloa aa4 Xaorvatloa
. nt IH, or caU at
x Salem, Oregon. ! .
Nite, 7 p. m.
At Woodry's New Auction Market
and Furniture Store
At Summer and Norway Streets
' Furniture, lings. Ranges, Heater, Bed, Springs,
i - v Mattresses, Tools, Etc
Terms Cash: Store open for business at all times .
F.'N. Woodry- Auctioneer and
Furniture Dealer .
Phone 511 '. ' " Established 1915
If you have anything; for; sale Phone 511 .
Not connected with any . other Woodry
of Furniture
Contents of a Seven Room House ' '
N. E. Corner North High and Marion Street
Opposite the High School
On Wednesday, August 15,
' at 1 :30 p. m. sharp ;
The following: One llrlifr room salte comcrl'slnr daTcn-
pdrt, 2 chairs, upholstered Baker's cut relour. like new;
floor lamp; 2 9x12 rng-s; 1 oak dining room suite com-"
prlslns buffet, table and 6 diners; 1 sewing, machine; I.
library table; 2 oak rockers; 1 bookcase; 3 beds, complete,
bad. spring and mattress, like new; 3 irory dressers; chlf-r '
lonier; neaamg and blankets; Quantity of linoleums; 1
breakfast set; 1 Hoosieh kitchen cabinet; I kitchen range:
3 burner oil stove: 1 kitchen table cabinet: Mibln with
! porcelain top; 1 smokinr stand: 1 babr crib: 1 hab bntrr:
j 1 go-cart (collapsible); garden tools; cooking utensils and"Tl
numerous other useful articles to be sold. . . ... .
j . The said furniture i like new and is a rery good offojp-
Ing. Parties wanting furpiture should attend this sale as"'
everything will be sold. ;
' i
Don't forget the Time and Place. Northeast Corner
North High and Marion, opposite the High School, Wed-
, nesaay, i:jo p.m. sharp. Terms Cash ' '
' The above furniture is being moved here '' " '
for the convenience of the public.
; ' . ' r C. Collins, Prop.
Woodry 6V Woodry Auctioneers, '.
Appraisers and Furniture Dealers T
18 Years Experience
Phone 75 Store 217 N, CommercialResidence
'- ' U9G S. Commercial " ! -
We buy ne4 fornlrnre or will sell yoop ftrrnltare 1
' cmmlsBioa , f.jIj . ,
:. . ,rhone,73 for appolntracnta .
- . - For- - -
... - - . J i
. ' ' ,-- '
When You
: i: - .:, :
Are Ready
To Move .
Call on us, for we have padded Vans and F.eece
lined covers for your furniture and planow First
doss piano and furniture movers.
Wc also handle Brooder Stoves. Furnace
: . Coals and Diamond Briquettes !
:tarmer Transfer & V
Storage Co.
! ' . . ' PEcaa 020