r 3 THE OREGON STATESMAN SALEM, OREGON ii J 4, it i lit , 5 I I i if it M t ,1 -'I V : s IaeeV Daily Except Haaday hj i !THX ITATESMJUf fUBUSBXYO COMPACT i 215 Soa Coanaareial St, Salem, Ortroo R. J. Hmdricka Vr4 J, 'l'ooae . C. JC. Logea . Lea Lie Smith ' Aadred bunch . Manager 1 Managing Editor City Editor Telegraph Editor fUelaty Editor W. H. Henderson - Clrealatiea Maaager Ralpa H. Kleuiaf Adrertiaing Manager Fraak Jaakoeki - Manager Job Dj). K. A. Rhotea Lietock Editor W. C.Coaaer y . . . Poultry Editor ., !''.' .( MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED ,' PRESS, :,' .- .-l' jt.JrAMoHi.P'1 c,'e,r tUIed to the ae for publication a f all new. iUMUbrad'kehLrt ? thwrwiM "itd la tkia paper and alio tba local ; BUSINESS OPFICE: loty V Payee. Sharon Bldg, Kan Fraacico, Calif.; Higglna Bldg , Lo, Aagelca. C Calif. Baalaacs Office. Boeioty Editor., S3 or 583 TELEPHONES j -Cireulatloa Offiee.683 :;. Kewa DepartmntM-10fl .,-.108 ' Job Dprtmiit ; ,, ,: ffaa Enured at tha Poit Office la Salem, Oregon, as eocond claaa matter. ' t ' ; ' '" " i-" August 4, 1923"--;';. -.- , : 1 .- "'.-'- .- ADMIT THE MASTER: Behold. I Stand nt tht Hnnr nnl"1mwV if any man hear my Tolce, and open the dooi I will come in to htm', and will sup with him, and he with me. He that hath tin ear, let him -ar wuai me spirit saitn. Keveiations 3 : Z0. ' 22. - ,. : ". .. ' 9 V GOOD BUSINESS OUTLOOK The opening paragraph of the current (July 30) Weekly financial news letter of Henry Clews & Co., the Wall Street authorities, is very encouraging. It is as follows : I "A remarkable midsummer stock market has continued during the past week. . Under the stimulus of increasingly satisfactory business prospects and encouraging reports from all "parts of the country, prices for special stocks have been materially advanced and general' optimism has prevailed, although profit , taking at -the close of the week was more or less of a feature.; Sqme of the,,cxhief factors, which have combined to promote this situation m the market have Jbeen renewed assurances front the administration that cuts in " taxation, even larger than - had been promised, may be re garded as practically assured, with a probable curtailment of surtaxes to a figure not over 20 per cent; the excellent rail road earnings that are reported, with an advance in June of 35'per cent in gross over 1924 on forty-six roads, the improv ing condition of affairs jn the steel trade with" very good earnings statements and an increasing volume of business, and the unusual demand for consumption goods" that is being . felt by distributers in general." STEPS TOWARD PEACE The Journal could add that theW.is Jio iother place in iKe unuea suites,-or in isortn America, -where line iiDer tiax can be prbduced .-7i '...iy v -.. . . . No place outside of western Oregon and Washington, and small section of northwestern California. The Journal could prove this by Lyster H. Dewey, botanist in charge of iber plant investigations of the United States department of agriculture, which position he has held for 25 years. - Mr. Dewey is jthe highest-authority in the United States on this point; and he told the writer 'of this .article' that very thing, a feW evenings ago, during his recent visit here in the Salem district, i . ' . ' ' ' t j . 'More 1 than this, there is no other district in the.worfd as wel adapted to both the growing of fine f ibered flax and he jnaking of fine linens; where the fields may be almost within eyeshot of the factories ; where all the conditions favorable to both growing and manufacturing are found. jThe linen industry of North America is ours by natural right -beginning at Salem and extending throughout western Oregon and Washington, and. into northwestern California. j Salem has a right to be the Belfast o t .the , New World; canjattain to, that preeminence by keeping on keeping !on. to the end of the chapter in fostering flax manufacturing here. IHUSBID'S LOVE Adele GarHaon's New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE opTTtht Vt Newspaper, Teator ." ' ;-Service - VciAPTER F 75 donbt everything will be all right But your mother-in-law, poor old lady 1 suppose' she's fit to be tied; isn't she T. It's too bad Celia Is away. Let me thinkl" Madge Marvels at Mrs. TIcer. r LoT2-;i'8laEa"ncgtri sJ6ke3theiu ut l.did not pay & v - . a. " m. . . . I niuu--muaa menial aryv anenuon naa oeen arrestee by; that ": aIV4obfamlllar phrase "atross the road." Only too Tirid was the, remem brance of the man of that family in the tumble-down house opposite the farmhouse the man who with Tim, Grace Draper's tool, had spirited Junior away upon that awful night which . was to have been the highwater mark of the girl's revenge. "Surely." I stammered, paling, "you, don't, mean n , Mrs. Ticer did not appear, to hurry her words, but I realized afterwards that she had not per- mltted-me to. finish the sentence. - "That family 4 , moved . . away weeks ago." she ' said. "This Is another family, a very different kind. Hasn't your mother-in-law told you ?' .... . . j. 1 1 do not-; think-she -heard my negative,- for Jerry caraw tearing round , the corner of the house In wild: excitement. - ! "Maw, kin you fix some coffee and eggs or something in a hurry? The state troopers want Paw and me to help 'em catch a man, and we've got to start In 15 minutes. raw maae me run on ahead to tell you." ' , (To be continued) SanrtT Wit nrirM In a atrl iho. a few days before her nln (enth birthday, succumbed to the prevailing craze and bad her hair bobbed. All her girl friends con gratulated her on her Improved '? Strong criticism has been urged for some years against some of the Subject matter of text books now in use in our schools and colleges. And why and what this criticism is the question which immediately arises in the minds of men and women who have not noted any defect in the texts used in modern Schools. 'm Today there is being put forth strong effort for the establishment of world peace and to this end the elimination of world misbnderstendingsshouldbe sought. J And in this connection the propo'sition to revamp our textbooks on geog raphy and. history is , demanding increased attention J in educational and civic circles ;. : It is currently stated that it is not in politics but in the sdiools that the' most effective work can be done to insure mutual understanding among the different nationalities both here and - abroad. All the signing of pacts, friendly agree ments, or other, diplomatic formalities will ' not be abiding where there is hatred or revenge harbored and taught either through thejpress, byvoral expression or through the lise of tfxtbooks. U. ' v';v - ' . '-V ..And so dangerous isthe dormant spirit of opposition and hatred , engendered in jurious ways tht the subject of ''eliminations of nationalmisunderstanding" occupied prom inent place on the program of the "World Federation , of Educational Associations" which recently held conference in Edinburgh . p. This distinguished educational bodv urcred anneal in the younger .generation whose attitude toward world matters is i; kfinS determined largely in the classrooms to study without : prejudice the world's people s and world problems. History books, it was held, .should exalt peace, not glorify war. We should commend those who accomplish . notable things in education, industry, and moral progress as highly as those whose generalship wins battles and fame. I Geographies should not emphasize more the differences which degrade, comparatively, some races than' those things which are of common interest and helpfulness. It is difficult to understand either individuals or nations when taught to despise or hate them. But it is rather the effort to under stand others that drives away distrust and encourages amicable political relationships. v And to the ideals of a correct understanding of other nations or individuals true patriotism, is not sacrificed'. Emphasis on the greatest good for all nations and individuals M the highest type' of sound patriotism for it shatters the artificial barriers which in various ways are raised between the nations of the world.. And to this same end current opin ion is urging against tne empjiasis on war and comparative shortcomings of ; other peoples of the world. Every means cuuujuuuai iiu oiuerwise snoum oe empioyea to avoid mis understandings and to promote peace. LIXEX INDUSTRY OURS BY NATURAL RIGHT THE PLANS MRS. TICER MADE AND THE NEWS JERRY .1 i BROUGHT V ' j "When : Gabriel blows his last ! - ' t ... i ' ' i trumpet Mrs. Ticer may be dis turbed, but I doubt It. I am very sure! that! nething less than the final bugle could upset her plac idity, i ' L-v any emergency she is a tow er of strength, and she acts quick ly and effectually. Yet she nev er appears to hurry. Intuition told j me that she must be a bit uneasy concerning the urgent whistled summons for Jerry from his father, but having dispatched her son on his errand, , she, to all appearances, dismissed every thought of her family i from her .mind, and gave her attention en tirely to;us.(. ' ' ' f -j "Come right In." she urged hos pitably, ri; set the tea-kettle on ufcoti live minutes ago. and I'll have a cup of tea and 'some of those fresh Out cakes in no time. "I can think of nothing more tempting," I replied sincerely. "But. traly we haven't a spare second. We have something very! serious on hand. You remem: ber Mrs. Durkee?" - ! "Yes, yes." she replied with the quaint little mannerism so famil ial ;to me. "I do hope nothing has happened to her, she was cuch a dear little woman." . "Nothing s as yet," I answered and then in as few words as pos sible I told her of the probabil ity! that Dr. Edwin Braithwaite would come' east to operate' upon airs. Dur&ee, of the need of Katherine for her uniforms, and of Mother ! Graham's j projected wile; orgy , of housecleaning be fore; the arrival of, her daughter and her Illustrious son-in-law. .Tm so sorry about Mrs. Dur kee. Mrs. " Ticer commented. when I had v finished. "But, If Dr. ! Braithwaite la to onerate.-no ' , ' (Portland Journal.) 1 " t. T "Oregon, with Us possibilities for flax culture, should, become a heavy producer of linens," said Edward T. Pickard, chief of the textile division of the United States bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, recently .in Portland. He said that because of Oregon's i proximity to ithe Orient and its adequate harbors It should develop a big trade, not only. in linens but In woolens and other textiles, with countries bordering on the Pacific;; Can government officials, with i full information on trade and commerce before them and making ; a specialty of spreading, that information before the country for the benefit of the people, be mistaken? t Isn't Mr. Pickfard's insistence relative to a linen Industry?ln Oregon of . some value?. ;, Isn't' the insistence J( Thomas B. Kay, experienced textile man, that there Is r 'sreat field In Oregon for a profitable linen industry, of some value? 'i lien why doesnl Tortlahd subscribe her quota for the Salem linen The above from the Portland' J ournal of Sunday is is line with other utterances of that paper, in an attempt to arouse She stared at the wall, while Katherine. and I waited docilely Experience ; with Mrs. Ticer had taught us that she would evolve something practical" from her meditation, and the present mom ent was to prove ho exception to the rule for It 'was scarcely a minute before' our " hostess spoke briskly;--:'- f rt - - - - ' - "You 7 won't 'iieed those -uniforms before 'tomorrow night, win you?" ; ! j She a?ddressedr Katherine, who promptly 'assured her that anoth er day's leeway could be given. : "You'd v better not take a chance.'.' Mrs: Ticer returned. '"! can get 'em done tomorrow easy, but I won't start 'em today. They ought to dry outside In the sun, so I'll get up extra early to morrow and get them out. Then I can Iron em tomorrow night after I cornel home from your house."1- . j I looked at' her ample figure, confined In the old-fashioned tight corset, without which tl6 one ever sees 'her at-work or'at pjy, reiieciea, mai sne is woman past middle-age' and maV veiled as I J- had done many times beforeat the energy ato'd capacity for accomplishing work which she possesses. Besides do ing 'her own heavy work,- she wa planning " to clean - house' "fo"r Mother Graham and '"lalrndeY Katherine'g uniforms before afrd after her other arduous hourgJot . x o.i0't "Your house does'nt need cleaning any more than avVat needs two tails,", she announced at last. "I never ;c,Ould wprk very; long with Katie in a kitih- en she s too j uppish, , but''pi- a rirr ueara me Bt . Sne doesn't keep a house as clean, as they make 'em. t , "But the T?ay your mother-in- law ,wiu turn the house upside down will keep us all hustling to get it done'in the time she wants' Mrs. Ticer stalled Indulgently and then continued. "As long as Celia can't be here, I guess we"5 better have the girl . acrosA."the road come over. She's pretty young, only about 15, but. she's awful good ?.ielp herTmother's quite smart for a foreigner" , The prejudice of Qver.two.cen labor. You-Don't Mean ' Did You Ever Stop . To Think? By E. K. Wait. Secretary Shawnee, Okli, Board at Coamerca rM j m J appearance and it' was therefore without any misgivings that she showed herself to her sweetheart. But Sandy viewed her with grave disapproval. "It's hard on me, lassie." he said; "verra hard. After I've Jnst bought ye a packet o' hairpins for your birthday." ,. any children, we will send them to your Sunday school." . A Idy in a aoathprn T2rn was approached by her colored jmakl. WelU Jennj?" ke asked, see ing that ikometbintr was la the air. 'Plesse, Mis Mary, fnijht I have the aft'noon off three weeks frum Wednesday?" Then, noticing an undecided look in her mistress' face, she added hastily: "I want to go to my fiance'e funeral." ' "Goodness me." answered the lady. "Tour finance's funeral! Why, you don't know that he's even going to die. let alone the date of his funeral. That is some thing we can't any of us .be sure about when we are going to die." 'Yes'xa," said, the girl doubt fully. Then, with a triumphant note in her voice.: "Use sure about him. Mis' 'cos he's -going to be hung!" Young Jones, who was of very limited means, presented the min ister, after the wedding ceremony. Ith a couple of frayed, bank notes and some loose change, say ing: "I'm sorry, parson, but this is all I've got." . Then, observing the faint look of disappointment which the poor parson was -unable to restrain, he LAKE TROUT ARE ATTACKED added haatily: "But, f we. have af(ected. TACOMA. Wash. Silver trout In American Lake, ten miles south of here, are dying by the thou sands this summer. Dr. .Hinton D. Jonez, county health officer. has found the cause to be a para site or scale which attacks - the gills. No other species have been To illustrate the extraordinary versatnity of the Haynes unit, a Washington headline reads: "Dry Ageflts Disguised as Gentlemen lavadeilotels." SBffertdl3ye2r$-Ccrtiia2l!cntIu ar4 far IS yean vtt PILES, aeta a aargtcal prratioa. caaear. )MWUii vrme- My yHAT this womaa writes b typical cf huadreds ol extreme cases of PILES which my celebrated Doo-turgScaJ meth od has permanently CURED. Ua't it wort a few treatments by a rcwocnueJ Specialist, who will CUARANTLE to CLKX ymm m retwra ymmr rv: ratharthaa ar4rrostf ttmd BrfU.c,buWka)Pliaaa4aah' KCTALa4 COLON aaaraVra. at canat rau h a.1 araeaptir. . ... m m- roai Dr o DEAN. MDlnf OUrni: VATT1 na-e-irr- That the place to spend money is. in the home city. That when you shop at home you reap the benefits. -So does your 'home cityjv-.i That you can find ' complete stocks of seasonable 'merchandise in -the home city. r-i. That If. a visit -should be made through all the storee? you would be surprised at the amount of de pendable merchandise carried by them. That no matter what articles you desire .you will find them there at a reasonable price That those who go out of the city to shop are only fooling themselves when they think that they can, do better away from home. . That local merchants deserve the first consideration. That they deserve the trade. i That they should get it. That they are a part of the city. 1 That they have dune everything to, meet your every want. Tnat they do their share "to make your city a good city In which to live. That their profits are spent In your cfty. . That their success means the Uy'ii success. : ; You help . yourself when' you buy at' home. JAPAXESE PROPOSES GUILD .TOKYOt-A guild which would handle the Russo-Japanese Import and export trade- has been pro posed by Viscount Shimpei Goto, according to the vernaculars. . It is said the proposed guild would be capitalized at 150,000.000 yen. The trade with Russia, according to Viscount Goto'a scheme, would be handled by the Japanese guild and ..the Soviet bureau of trade. The -guild would also look after any concessions granted by Russia to Japanese. ITCH1NGS I . ; . See your doctor. Vkka, bow I . ever, win allay the irritation.' VAPO RUD i 1 Paid for.reatdm 1': -J. aaverusementi 4 , ir COSTS a small f ortune to make one watch, automobile; or fountain pen. It takes a large part of the brains and of the factory to make just one of any manufactured product but if a thousand or a million can be made, the cost of each comes toppling down. Advertising, by multiplying the number sold, makes it possible 16 slash costs. Adver tising, by opening up undreamed-of markets, has brought within reach of the people thou sands of things which' formerly were luxuries only of the rich. ----- V When you buy an advertised article,, you join in the popular movement to cut down pro-"" . duction costs.! America's millions of shoppers, by v buying advertised . goods, are . eyery ; day 'iJ rorcing factories to be: made larger and. "com modities to be produced for less. '-. To buy advertised goods is to start savings on 'their way to your pocket. -. ! . A.J v si i. 4 4 - Read the advertisements to know how to save money in the daily business of purchase " Z'm. BILLY'S UNCLE h mfsXm hSWstW !' ww- ik cu . r-r m M;M,p mwM ' h I v:;.vy ;,i-,.'t:..t.l; j.---. v ..: a-..; ""fr; " J .S' ' ": ;. i . c'-.. V Br Charles, McManns " V V.:o rccls.of Portland. . - -