SITNDAV' MOHNtNO; AtJllUSr 21 32 "nr lassifiecT Section Salem's -Great Market HIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEit, OREGON PI a eei t3 M f! n V REAL ESTATE 63 A SEW 5 ROOM BITSOAI-OW SOUTH, Brar ).. 1. rar and-rhureli. naeed St- under priced at 81250 plus paving.: See roe on this. Terms, wa, Flem.iiK, ,S4 Ktate St. '- HHit S3j3tf FOR "sSALE OR i j TRADE" 45-ACRE fruit farm; eiljr residence; 1UO arrrs I I ea'tern Otoa, As one trad or wp- l arate. What j Sara yonf State all particulars' in. first letter, h i n. M care Mtatesman.- - ;i -fs-5Sa4? N F.W MODERN ,- 4 ROOM i HOl'SE. breakfaat nook. bseu-nt, - furnnee. fireplare, 234 Brooks Ave.', ,$3750. Urns.- Beck ft lieodricka, !U. 8. Hank Bide. --' j- -" . 63j2otf Bt'ILDINO RE8TRICTIOS I OT8 THAI protect, (or medians priced koines. Kott 1 north aad south. HoO lo 800. Kms reliable -Hernia, r Look before you leap. Iierka AT Hendricks.: IT. 8. Bk. Bids. FOR SALE OR TRADE ! Portland Mouse for Property at Salem, acre highly improved, mostly : in rherrie. 4 room house, emeicea nousm C'.' - A fine little place. 10 seres ad ioiaa it for ft 0.00 rent per Tear. Want Portlsnd property, i Price Is 500O all clear of inynmbrance Let ! me aee TAD. - i ' . 1: ' i; room bonne, i14 acre land roes with Iilare on paved!, road and car line, new lease. $500 cash, balance easy. Price 83G50.00 200 acres neap Jefferson snd only 1 miles from Hh el burn. 15 acres under ntfiwatinn. trse for Sslem ap Port ffl'CiK for rood trsde. 1 make farm and city loans, as good j as the best. .1 G. W. LAFLAR 4 TO Oregon Bldg. ; 63a2 WE HAVE 'SPLENDID ACRES MOST-1 ly strawberries and cherries right fn 1 the edce of Kalem With good 4-room house and other buildings for only 95000 and you esn use a residence nart.wav on the naymentr we have a new 4-room I modern bouse worth S.TOOO to trade for a goat ranch close tn Salem: a fine little 4-aere improved place with furniture and all for 93150 sua mayne a utile teas; a spienuia m mi cro 5 room baneslow for 94200 and will consider farm in exchange; 36 Howell Prairie well improved acres on the Silverton highway for 910.000 and J will take a Salem home up to 9000. I MeOILCHRlhT ft PES WGT0N 20 U. 8. Bank Bide. . Phone 4 40. ;l 63j30tf ; "LOOK I 5 room plastered house, paved street. tavement usid. - 92100. , lour own terms. r,0 acres with good buildings. most all bottom land on fine road. eloee to school, price fflOOO, will trade for small tract or eity property. & Portland houses to trade for Salem propertv, will consider vacant lots. Tl I Oil A SOX. 331V State Street . .,i ., : . " 63a2tf 7 ROOMS FURKISHED, VERY CLOSE in. newly painted Inside and out, garares on paved alley, an investment, at itiooo. r 4 S-acre farm all onder cultivation, over half in fruit. berHes. filberts and wal nuts. Good buildings, electric light system, bssemrnt. bath, fireplace. A real borne on good road, will take part trsde and nrKed riKlit at 917.00O. SO-arre farm. 6 acres nops, logan ana strawberries, hops house, new house of 0 room. I All cultivated near S.I100I. 97000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor, ' 21ft Orezon Bldg. 1 er.a.'tt GOOD BARGAIN -Mr. Newcomer; if yon have n few hun dred dollars, see me at once and get. a steady job and 20 acres of good land given to you. i Thii ht a splendid op portunity to get a home ready to move info. (""-' ". 1 '. ' JOHN SCOTT, 305 Oreg. Bldg. .--.-.-.... 3a2 SPECIAL BAHGAIN8 FOR QUICK SALE 5 acre beautifully located booie, EXCELLENT VIEW OF 'CAS CADE and COAST RANGE MOUN- 1 TAINS, on'y ZV miles from Salem, H Troora bouse, electric lights, wood house, garage, i barn and poultry botise. Family orchard, 2 acres filberts. All : good land, 94250. 5 acre home, good J Ipcation, i miles from Salem, S-rooin house, electrie lights, woodhouse, bare, garage, large poultry house and green feeding grounds, anout an acre 01 Hear ing orchard and berries. 5 bearing Hnglish walnut trees, all good land In crops. Crop, Harm implement, fine Jers-y cow, 50 laying hens, all go and possession for I 93850. 91000 cash, good terms oni balance. 37 ares, nice practically new 0 room bungalow, nice bandy built-in features. Wood house adjoining, good sixed new barn. Hog house, poultry home and garage. Good land, parti v in clover, plenty of spring and CTeek water in pasture, also- sev ersl hundred eords of nice ash and fir timber. Just' the place you want for a borne, dairy, land stock ranch. .Good location about 9 miles from Saletii. Price 90000, 91000 ra.h balance good terms. , act BEAUTIFULLY lo cated. 9 room SUBURBAN HOME, oa PAVED HIGHWAY.-mile from car line. About -one acre all kinds bearing fruit. Good location. Urge poultry bouse, barn and garsge, wood house, all extra good lnd. The vetch and oat crop on R ACRES MADE 15 TON'S this vear. THIS PLACE bss V, MILE of NICE FRONTAGE on STVTE PAVED HIGHWAY, and a BEAUTIFUL VIEW nice1 flowing ! spring in pasture. No waste land. We will be proud to how tbia EXCELLENT SUBURBAN HOME, but we advise prompt investigation. Price 97500. good terms on part. Please remember we have over 50 other nice selected country and Salem citv Idimes and -we can certainly match yraTwants if you will only give ns the opportunity. See WELLS TALLMAX A HON. 219 Masonic Temple. Phone 018, Stenographer In office. 63a2 '' : 1 92650 BUTS A good heme located at 985 X. 20th 'St. with five rooms, paved street built last 'year. Terms 9500 down, balance . 430 tier month. . 1 W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. 675 State St. 63a5 BEST BUYS IN HOUSES Lew Price for X Days Special HiH9 Modern bungslow 5 rooms, only 9130 cash down. Snap. New modern bungalow, 5 rooms, basement. 9250 rash. Snap. Vwlv remolded 5 room. Pav ing paid. Small payment down. New modern 5 room bungalow, 2 lots.! Paving paid. "Easy I.HBB. 92500 I 300 . '1 97500 Large one room bouse electric lights, city wster, garage. 2 lots. Half mh. iWkl DSV refit f Nal lisns. 10 rooms, oa Court street, nesr state bouse. Also na f riuiffli on State street i for 9iS0. . Boith suitable tor rooming ar ispartment house. A home with an income or an investment. If! its a home see - - Childs ft Rechtel. 540 State St. We Make a Specialty of Mewses, C3s2tf ' FOR SALE Two fine lota near Richmond School. Price 9 WOO for both, terms 9100 down, 'bslsnre 920 per month. Int. 4V&. W- II. fiRABEMlORST ft CO. 27J State St. i 63s5 . FAIRM0UXT HILL: BARGAIN 4 room atucco home with lot 50x100. fine csrsge. paved istreet. beautiful. View.. Price for quick sale 93000; til 100 down, balance monthly. W. II. GRABENHORST ft 0. 273 Slate St.- i S3a5 GOOD VALUES SI 00 rash sets possession of a 4-room boaso ia North Salem Lot 50120.1 Prire 81000. Art oniek. . SlOtf -dewa buys 8 mom house. 4 lots near Fairrroands. Priea 84500. 8 2 00 bays new 4-room house just o'f North Sth Bt. Price 82300. 50 rood late in North Salem. Tear ehoi-e for A 8.100 50 cash, balaac 10 KitJFOFR. IteaLor. V : ' . ..147 N. Cora'li .. . PUoua SI 7 " 633 1 63 s GOING FAST Beautiful bill sites are fast roicr. One of the bent at .$700. Cheap at tfcat. Kee tins and other, wm. Fleming, 341 State St. , - 6;iji6tf FOR SALE SEW MODERX COTTAGE. fireplace and , furnace, 92850. New buu(low with basement $2650. New seven-room bungalow, very close .in. jnoci. A good aOn-arre farm f 50 per acre. 130 arre farm well located, t.15 per sere. Exchange 15 acre tract well improved for eiiy. 12 a"cre well im proved or highway near Canty fop Sa lem, ;50 acre farm, $10,uo0 for City or suburban borne. Kuoraing house for sale $2500. Apartment Bouse for rent, 1 50. Want. a good car for equity in six-room house. F. L. Wood, 34 1 State Ht. : . ... CHjUltf TEN LOTS ' FACING E-1JT, I Or block four) South Sumn.r street, cor ner Rural Avenue, only $CUU. $100 down, balance easy. W. C. Conner, Statesman office. S3jl5tl LOTS. I BARGAINS 80x100 FEET; paved street, cement walks, corner loi . 910O0 ; anotner 50x100 Fairmoont bill terms, harinaw street 101 50x150. tlSOO pins pavement. Becke h Hendrieka. U. S. Bank Bid. 63i20tf 9300 DOWN BUYS . HOME BALANCE exactly like rent, o rooms close in; pavement and car. Bath and not water. : Total price 93300 and vacant now. Becke ft Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bids. eaj22tf 1'P PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Wing Succeeds Like Success Dandy new four-room and breakfast nook i bungalow basement. ; furnace. ?arcd Sts.. 93000.00. Terms, ive aires, all in fruit and - berries. Close to ear line, electric light. A snip. 93500.00, 'i cash. 30 acres, paved road, living stream, fine fish, good soil, 12 miles from Salem, Ore., 94500.00, Vi cash. Rich ii. Reimann Realtor 147 N. Com' I St. 1 . PboM 726 R 1 v. :!... . ,. ' 63j22tf nOME SPECIALS New 5-room house; furnsce. fire place, Strictly modern. East 'ront. Paving and ! walks ; paid, i 94100; 9400 rash, rest like rent. ' 1 ;j New 8-room 2-story houhe. every , mod ern convenience. Built for permanence. Price 97000; 91000 cash, rest, easy erms. ' l 'iJ'i- i ! pJO-acre fruit farm ;at bargain for quick buyer, i! 11 .acres! bearing prunes,. 7 acres logan : berries, all in excellent t-ondition. 4-itMim house. 'On good gravel road t 3-4 mile from pavement. 12650: terms. ! Actuallv worth double. i HOME REALTY CO. ' tl69 8. High St. H it - 63a5 STRICTLt MODERN BARGAIN -FULL cement ' basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage, Lincoln street, .only 95000. Becke ft Hendricks. U. S. Bank Bldg,, i h i !i S3j26U FURNISHED APARTMENT HOUSE, A anan if taken soon.: Terms. New 9-roora bungalow, two lota, a bar gain ; terms. ;-: New -room bungalow. Just completed. terms to suit. : 10 acres close In.' to exchange for eity 1 troprly. ; 1;. .it . 6 -room bouie, modern except beat, to exchange for amsll tract elosa in. Ex : ghangea and brains, see '- in ! BARBER. '200 Gray Bldg. '-. STOP YOUR RENT 4-ROOM MOD- i ern bouse, large lot, fruit, paved street. 92700. term, close to car' line. Becke ft Hendricks. X5, 8. Bank Bidg. 63j2titf , , 1 ; 1 7 ACRE TRACT MIDB8 FROM SA lem; Bldgs fruit,:. 91800. easy, terms. Fine lot on Umow St 91 30O- terms. 10 acres suburban, close in. 932O0. 20 acres : suburban for fea lent - resi dence. : i Mri vr;-r 1 i1 ': ' 100 acre farm: near Salem, good build ings, fruit, paved road 9 17, OOO. terms. 28 sere fsrnrv good buildings, fruit, . nvsr Salem, 9000, terms. 5 acre trsct. close in. fruit. 91500.' 18 aers suburban. 94500, take - resi dence. ! I'!'' ':':";' 25 acre i farm ' nesr Stsyton, good buildings.)':-.: :-l i.j 6 acres prunes, snap, 95500 terms. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63j29tt BARGAIN H 8ACRAFICE New five-room bungalow, actie, base ment,-garage, furnace, built-ins. Owner leaving : town, 9500.00 -below cost. Terms. Fluid Moore. 655 Hood St. 1: :! !- - 63a2 :r;'i"i'iiSaIem ;:;' Homes and building lata. .:; oregoji Si -i Farms kny sixa and price. . Service to the Homeaeeker or settler never ends. : i 4 : ' : ' 1 1 Try our building department, it : figuring on a new borne. ; i ust with ra Oregon Incorporated i I Realtors ;' Victor Schneider. 8ee'. Phone 1013.: Rooms 4-5-9 D'Arcy Bldg. I'i . ' , .1., ;::;? ,' I !.; ".'i . .: '! 3j3tf FOR SALE 10 ACRES. COUNTRY home, nice house and barn, also wood bouse, prune orchard and strawberries, balance in j grain. ' : 1 3-4 'miles- from city limits -on paved highway, worth 9U500. tate it at f47;0 terms. HOME REALTY CO.. 169 S. HIGH ; i ' ' . iff-: ; ,'.!,!: - 63a3 NEW MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. East front. New and well furnisned. 972O0. New and modern stnecoed bouse beau- tifullv furnished. 912.500. 4-room furnished house, close In, $2750. Easv oavments. - .::,' - 5-room furnished house, close-in. 91750. Half-block i with many trees of all kinds. Attractively located , 96000. Attractive bnnealowj 15275. - Besutiful bome on creek, large grounds. 98500; .- !.-, : " . ; ; - - , Lot close in, 91800.: ; :, ; ! Lo close-in. 91250. ! GERTRUDE J. Jkl. PAGE. Realtor. 492 N. Cottage St-J I " 63j31tf MINUTE MOVIES REAL ESTATE COUTH SEA. SECRETS t:D VDWeeLAM'S' STARTLING SERIAL EPisODC ELEVEN ON THE JDtStKl .ISLE . RESAIM AFTfeR- TWE I t aV a ' -K5r REAL ESTATE 63 TOCK KENT WILL BUY 2 ROOM bouse, well finUbed, city water, Kghta. price 95o, 950 cash balance month ' ly. Beck 4k Hendricks. L'. S. Bank Bidf. esj'ett FOR SALE OR RENT UNFURNISHED 8 room house-at 17 State. ti.laS 1200 BUYS A new three-rvom hem, ' plastered, lo cated on Shipping near N. 5tb St. $:ioO down -balance $iii per month, , If you aie looking 'for something worth . the money let us show you this place, tt. 11. f : KArl t-.XIloKST ft CO. !75 State St. 63a S REAL, ESTATE TRADES S FOR TRADE 7-ROOM RESIDENCE . close-in. Accept 1 smaller to 92500. Balance like rent. 4!) care htateoman. 1 65n4 LIGHT CAR i FIRST PAYMENT ALL balance exactly like rent. On 6-room home clone in. Price 93300. See 1120 Cbemeketa. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 3. Bk. Bids. . C3a5 pppppppppppppppppppprpppppppp PHPi'PPI'PPPPPl'PI'PPPPPPPPPPPl'PP pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp 2200 EXCHANGES 2200 EXCHANGES GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS - I Offices Salem and Portland The demand i for exchanges has made necessary our GREAT MARKET PLACE where the requirements of all can be matched. We bare Just what you have in mind; just where you want it; just the right price. Our list of exchanges (the largest list ing on- the i Pacific Coast) guaranteea your complete sat isfaction regardless of your re-quiremt-ntv. If you would like to exchange your property TODAY, i come in TODAY, See PARKER F O R PROPERTY 409 U. S. Bank Bldg. Com' I at: State. Phone 2242 i 5j26tf VP PP PP PP PP PP pp pp PP pp pp PP PP PP PP pp PP PP PP PP PP pp PPPBPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP v REAL ESTATE Farms 67 i 1 FOR SALE Hish class 1 a-ear old Franqnette wal nut orchartl. Price 700 per acre. terms. Located A miles out. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO 275 State St. Phone 515 . r 1 - 67a5 - 1 AAV 42 acres, all cultivated, good buildings, close to town, good team and all ma chinery and hay in barn goes for 90000. Will take bouse in Salem to 9.1000, at 5 or 10 acres. THOMASON. 331 'x State Street t -. . i 1' 67a3 -FARMS- -FARMS- That must be sold at once.. Prices cut to half value for q-irk deal. A real farm 197 acres to close an estate. gla.OOO. take part in trade. 20 acres 93200. Just east of the state fair grounds., worth 90000. Investors look this up. : Dandy 5 acre trsct 93200. Best of soil. some fruit, good buildings, crop, chick ens and implements. A rare bargain, Choice one acre tract, close in witn a dandy new 4 room bungalow. Price 9200O. Ease terms. For land see Childs ft Bechtei. 540 Siate St. 67s2tf A Producing Little. ;' Farms,' ,V'',-; 20 acres, good smalt buildings, lots of fruit and berries, chickens, cows, tim ber, pasture, running and well water. Close to school on good road, near pro posed paving. Immediate possession. i'rice right with terms. Oregon Incorporated Realtors Victor Schneider, See'y. Phone 1013. Rooms 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. 1 67J15tf 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 111 1 KSasaaga REAL ESTATE Suburban 60 NEW ONE ACRE HOME Located North on River road, base ment, electric lights, garsge, wood- bouse and chicken house, city water, raved road, all kinds of fruit. Price f 1500. 91000 down, balance 925 per month. Int. bvfe. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. : Phone 515 69a5 . 1 j , . .... , . . . . ... 1 Located one mile east off the Fair grounds with a good f ive-riwrn bnnga; 'low. Price for quirk ssle 92100. 9250 down, balance 925 per month. Int. ( W. 11. GRABENHOKST CO. 275 State St. Phone 515 09a 5 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS ON CITY AND smsll suburban homes. W. 11. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. t Phone 515 I 71a3 PPPPPPPrPPPFFPPPP PPPPPPff PPPPf FPPP PP P P PP. CALL P P P P ,-...,,. p P PP PARKER , -. P P PP i PP PP - AND - P P PP PP P P START PACKINQ P P PP I - P? P P Selling service without qusL P P P P Our system never fails. P P tif ic sal inc. backed bv PP intelligent salesmanship means PP PP RESULTS for YOU. We turn PP PP "Prospects" into "Buyers." PP P P We turn "FOR SALE" signs in- P P PP to "SOLD." I All city property PP P P inspected, photographed and sold P P P P without aggravating delays. See P P PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP PP 409 U. S. Nat'I Bank B!dg, P P P P Commercial at State P P PP Telephone- 2243 PP P P Offices la Ssleas and Portland P P P P 7lml7-tf P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Qhe tabooans, BRIBED Ey MIASMA ,EI2E AROMA IN Kill HUT ANL ORRV HER DOWN To' Tr BEACH. QrlAT . . C7 r urn success cr HEf FLAMTo To WrCKI-WAKi. AUTOMOBILES WANTED Eiker Auto Co. We pay easb for Fords. 77a ,1f TxTl USED CARS FOR SAUK PACKARD HUDSON See These ESSEX We, are now In our new location at 310 Nortu lliph street. Everyoue is cordial ly invited to visit and initpect our new home which is one of the finest serv ice and sales garsge in the northet. We are offering ihe foliowin;- ed cars: Seven passenger Big Six Studebaker Touring. Two-tone finish new pi tuus. uMttor in A-1 ' shape, new rare warranty ... . 95u.oo Buick five passenger touring, new psim. good tires, this is good buy ....9-5 M1 Ford touring, good paint, snap at tires, motor and 92G5.0U Ford Hon ... Bug, O. K. running eondi ; 950.00 Another Ford Bug, Bebore, new pi4ons and transmission, lol of extras, only 915U.W1 IFred M. PoweP. Motor Cars 350 N. High. HUDSON PACKARD ESSEX 79a-.'tf SELL OR TRADE Ford coupe, good tires, extras, runs good. Terms. 4U0. Marion St. A GOOD CHEVROLET BUG FOR SALE -Come and see. 1818 N. Capitol. 79a7 Guaranteed Used Fords 1922 Coupe, extras 9325.00 1924 Molel. Fordor Sedan 3J..m -1'J3 Touring, cord tires, extras 85.00 Other Models Lnder 910.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealer Phone 1995. 260 No. High. 79altl HUDSON SUPERrS'X. . 7-PASSENGKR; 1923 model; first class condition. 9800. For sale by owner. Call 991-J. 79al WHY WALK When yon can get one of the follow ing used cars at a reasonable price 'and on easy terms. 1924 Jewett Touring. . 1924 Gardner Touring. 1923 Gardner Touring. Oakland Touring. I BURDETTE-ALBEE MOTOR COMPANY 217 State Street State Diatributors of Gardner Cars. 7UJ25U SACRIFICING MY STOCK OF USED Salem property on Tel. 80O-J. 79a2 cars. Will take any model J have. 1924 SPORT JEWETT TOURING WIT" good tires. New paint and plenty of extras. 9925.00. Better hurry. : BUKUMifc Ai.r-r.r, uuiuu iu. i Gardner Distributors 79az Certified Market Guaranteed Used Cars 1924 Oakland Youpe 91115 1923 Durant-8 Sedan 91175 1921 Studebaker Lt. 6 Touring . 9 525 1923 Maxwell Coupe with new motor 1910 Oakland Touring 1923 Essex Touring 1922 Ford Panel Delivery 1924 Star Sedan 1923 Chevrolet Touring .. ! 1923 Ford Touring 1918 elie Touring 1920 Maxwell Touring 1923 Overland Touring .. I 1917 Stearns Knight 1923 Maxwell Touring .. I 1919 Dodge Coupe rords CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET Block N. of Post Office. 79j26tf EIKER'S USED CARS I 1923 Tonring .. 9245 1924 Coupe . 9435 Our nnal guarantee behind alt cars. Eiker Auto Co. LibertT Street at Ferry. Thone 121. 79jl8tf Dependable Used Cars 1924 Overland fully equipped ..940 00 1923 Chevrolet Coach ; 9550.00 1920 Buick Roadster , . 9400.00 1925 Olds Roadster 9775.00 We also have Fords and Chevrolets at 950.00 and np. 'Afte s sell we serve." F: W. Pettyjohn Co. 3C5 N. Commercial St. Phono 1260 79jl4tf Eiker's Two non-starter touring Fords with license. 945 and 955. Too much serv ire in these Cars to wreck. Both in good running condition. Eiker Auto Co.V i Phone 121 79j31tf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR I less. Why psy morel Money back - guarantee. Sc-healar Anto wreck m i Co. Iotr for the orange front. ls phone 819. Night phone 503. 108 N. Commercial St. "Built to save ! money." . 7S-518tf . S. A. HKAI liKSIOXS SEATTLE, Aug. 1 After 43 td9m nl tunlMi In Ida Salvntlnn ' " . .. . " . . ", :ZZ .. 9 750 9 175 9 590 9 275 9 700 9 335 S -28i- 9 2',5 150 9 370 J 9 i2. ..S 475 9 290 ... 945 ft 950 Scicn- PPiarmy in cotiana, uanaaa anu me dean, PPlTJnited Slates. Lieutenant Colonel John D. Sharp, Washington divi sional commander, isto retire from active service August 5. when special farewell services are to be held here. ' Lieutenant Col onel Sharp is to be succeeded by State Captain A. D. Jackson of Los Angeles, second in command ' the-southern California divi sion. : (All riKhU protected hy Th Oortre Mathews Adam ' -ijtL "-a'.- '..' Z'I v- :.' -.v". NlSHTi AMP NC O90JJ ifJ-XHZ KING'S 1 . I f.Or4. SHALL DC) aV a a. ae at r nirs c e. wrA'.fcd. yut- CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE GOLD KM AMBULANCE I1IUNKS 909 and 8M3-K. lsy or-night service. fMtf AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODRY Expert LivetOf-k. fr.ruiture, real estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1C10 N Sumiuejr Phone 511 for sale dates. WOODRY ft WOODRY Expert Livestock. Furniture. Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. Id years experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Kes. 9G S. Commercial; Phone 75 for ssle date. ACCOUNTANT O. ED. KOSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 331 Vi State. Phone 2098 R, Bl7-,2fi BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS IS. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. Phone 19 COURT St JoK WILLIAMS BICYCLES A1IO REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles snd repairing. ?-T Court. BRAKE RELINLXO RAYUESTOS BRAKE STATION 275 South Coinmercisl St. Phone 102 Jtf CHINESE REMEDY - L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any knows disease. 420-429 State. s Sott CHIROPRACTOR Dr. O. L. SCOTT. USC. CHIROPRACTOR. Temporary address, 1300 So. Liberty, Phone 828-R. H. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon BUg. Phone 2194. m.ttf DBESSaiAXXBGr PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7Vi wording, "Dressmaking;" price 10 rents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor.! MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil lar's Store. Phone 117 DRUG STORES DRUGS, CHEMICALS. TOILET ARTI- tie, nerfumes. exuert prescription's. Capital Drug Store, corner State and I.!trty. ELECTRICIANS 8 A LEM ELECTRIC CO, MA80NIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934. 22V. . Liberty. FLEENER : ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract, r.stimatea fnrninned. Phone 90 471 Court St FARM PAPER IF YOU WAXT TO GET THE BEST farm naoer send 15c to the l'aeilie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three i months' trial subscrip ion. Mention tkis'adi"' POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three snontns trial for tho best and oldest journal in tlie west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to tii poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street. Ssiem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mori gsges. Trust Heeds, i on tracts oa nouses Will net 6',c to ju. BECKE ft HENDRICKS ' IT S. Nat l Bank Jl tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan on rood farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pnt- deutial Insurance Company mowy eitv residences and business property, st Sk'c, plus a commission. - Hawkins ft Roberta, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d 14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 4A Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaopt. florist. 123 N. Liberty. Phone 30. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC- tors. 210 Center. Phone IBad. HAT BLOCKING ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . Et.LS worth Hat Shop, 847 H Conrf. np'tairs. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. ing. buttons, stamping and needle work. :i?H Or-gnn Bldg. Phone 379. INSURANCE Insure Your biroe or esr now tOione 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS ' C. !. Bank Bldg. KNITTTXO WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S port base, knit to order. Hsnd kait- tinr. Phne 1778 21'.f KODAKS EXPERT AND INDIVIDUAL I ATTEN tion given to ynnr developing and - printing. -Qhvital Drug STre. Rervlce Trade Mark IVsateredTJ. r)JEAH ; VUrilLE VAN SCAMPS' VACHT.. . i n - a STCAN 'J OH T6AlAr3S The stucco islands : emu) BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference : 1 ii . LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY SIC M. Liberty street. Phone 25, oldot, larg est ai.d best. Established 19H9. TRY THE HOME WKT WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171. 1351 B Street. Jl'tf CAPITAL CITY L-sUNDKY Phono 15. S-rTice with a smile. ' Quality work. lCI Broadway. j!4tf LADIES' TAILOKXKQ LADIES TAlIiORING. COATS EN semble suits, party and house dresses. Aanette Soitb. 694 North Liberty. u19 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and vtmri.. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES M ATT K ESSES RENOVATED BY THE Cap tol City Bcldmg Co.. 110 North Caoitol. Called fur and delivered. All work r"ranted. Phone 19. flHf MEDICAL I MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 7-W. MILLINERY AKGAIN8 THE YEAR AROUND, relta and leather bats 92.00 and . Ellsworth Hat Shop, 347 Court, np- tairs MTJSIO STORES SHERMAN ClJsY ft CO.. PIANOS Steiawaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore s Music House. 415 Court street. GEO. C WILL PIANOS, PHOSO- grsphs sew. tig machines, sheet music, and ' piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 State street. Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOK A NEW Victor or Brunswick. II. L. Stitf Fur niture Co.. Music Dept. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early earn rrorning. T-l. 2.1 r -e.i. C3z m - 1 - - - - NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE 237 State. TREES Fearcy Bros. PACKINQ AND 8 HIPPING FOR EXPERT FCRNRITURE PACKING and ahipprng, call Stiff s furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPERHANOINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Relisble workmen. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Lrsve orders will a Music Store. PRINTING FOK STATIONARY. CARDS. PAMPH lets. Drorrams. books or any kind oi nrintiar. Call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 S. Commercial Tel. 583. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabcr Bros, 141 Liberty ft Phone 550. . IfJt RADIO SPHTDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any prica. 0 ttur Case QTJAUTT CARS liifh and Trade I13tf RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. r. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone- ltOO Radiolas For Every Purpose Every rurse All Standard Sixes of Radio Tubes HALIK ft EOFF ELECTRJC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 484 RESTAURANTS ' If Von don't eat at the Lunch Box w both loose. 181 S. Lfhertr. a14 M REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE rROPERTY TO SELI or ii yon are lookiug for a Luie, farm or bus ne properly, see us. ItKCFK Ic IIENDUIfKS P. S f nsl Bank BniM-ey. itf BXPAIRINO ALVIN B. STEWART r 347 Court St. Umbrellja, Cutlery and Keys Lswnmnwers, rasor blades, scivsors. knives and tool sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE Garbage and refuse S)f all klada removed by the month. Reaawaable rates. Ceaa pools ' cleaned and aead animals removed 1' Cffiea S or 7. R-s. VO'.H SECOHU HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH iug and shoes. Best prices paid- Cap ' ital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Phone I3M-W. ' STORAGE WE STOKE -0UR HOUSEHOLD Goods or anjthing yoa have, br the week, month or year. P. A. Eiker. comer Lilrtv and Ferry. Phone 121. d-14if B. Patent Office) iMlORMINGr FINDS THEN) AT A rVSTERlCUS LtTTLE isle as. r FAR rTSOrA Tr ISLAND Of TABOO TfttS AiR. tLRE IS jcio Dun tuTVT 1 I 71 ,r '"1 -r- I I SHOULD J I STOVES AJTS STOVE XEPAJXUfG STOYF4 REBUILT AND REPAIRED ' 4u years' experience. Depot Natioaal fence, sire 29 te 58 ia. high. Paiata. oils and varnishes, etc, logaaberry sad hop books. Salem. Fence and Steve Works. J.".il Court treet. Phon IS4. I TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TR INS PER CO. 22C i Mate St. Phone 33. D.otribetiag, for warding and storage ear specially, tiet our rates. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP BOUSE ; bold rooda. Our specialty ia piaao and ; fuiDitnre moving. Wa also asake eoua- i try trips. Wa handle the bast rnl sad I wood. Call an aa for prieea. We give 1 geed meevure. gowd quaMty and god i seevkrei. Laraner Traasfer Co. Phoae 930. TRANSFER AND H4ULING OF. ALL kieds. Phore 10F. ' , ; TRANSPORTATION VACATION DAYS ARE HERE! That means tripa to tbe beaches. The Parker Stage Lines offer thr ronad trips daily to Tuiameok aad ararby beaches. Daily service from Tillamook e Bay City. Garibaldi. R.!t air, Rekaway. Lake L)tle, Ataa buttan. Nebalru. auj bessids. . Stagea leave-Salem at 7:55 a. m. 110 p. as., aad 5:10 p. as. OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Silvertoa: 7 a. m, 11 a. as.. 5 p. at. Jtt. Aagei: 11 a. m, p. as. Independence: 7 a. 9 a. as.. 11 -IS a. as.. 3:10 p. as, 3:13 p. ss Sua ' Jsys only 8:30 p. m. MenauMtb; 7 a. 11:13 a. m- 3:10 p. 5:1.5 p. m. ttuadaya eely 8:30 n. m, Dal!j: 7 s. 7:1 a. as.. 9 a. m, 11:25 a. m, l:l p. m, 2:10 p. m. - and 3:15 p. m. Falls City: 7 a. as. 2:10 p. nu, 5:1S r. m. J20tf WATER SAIEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 304 South Cmasereial St. Tea pr cent diacouat oa domestie flat rsl-s paid ia advance. Na dedactioa for absence or aay canse unless water i.i.Hat off veir premisre. Y.M.C.A CAMP NEWS - BY - THOMAS CHILDS : NESKOWIN. Oregon. July 30 Vesletday hiked to the Nesowin river on a clam cUging and lish !nstrlp. The reiult of the fish ing! pail was four mud-cats and one lonely trout, but the clam dig gers pot a nice bunch. Some of the fellows went to the bay snd did j not get dinner until about thrte o'clock. S T'j nights ago we had an eve ning given entirely to the gentle art jot telling fUh stories. - Some of them were whoppers, too. No official award was made but sev eral of the fellows surely deserved prjies. Last night we told ghost stories, but everyone slept sound ly all nignt In spite of that. The camp Indnor baseball league haj been started with six cani3 playln?. The Sea Lions, Milk Maids and Hose Collars each won their first game while the Syrup Stoppers, Horse Flies and Baboon.t lost. In the second found the ; Baboons beat the lorse Flies. The other teams Dave L'Jt played their second ames yet. The second team Is to play the Bnal Brich second team (his afternoon over there. Our first team beat their first team again the other day and they are Out; for revenge. tyhlf Bent took a party of six over the Mils to tne soutn tie thr day to look for mussels. We fu;mri a fine cave with dsndv fishing. We got about liO pounds or musseis and s'nn- tn sacks to long poles so we could farry them.' The poles rubbed our tun-burnt shoulders and we nought we had ISO tons uf mus- iel by the time we got back Neskowln. but they are fine eat- tngj and worth the trouble. In The Statesman the other day yoa published two letters snd blgned my name to both. Irving Hale wrote the second letters and chould be given credit. Silverton . SILVETITON. Ang. 1 (Spe cial to Tha Statesman) Wallace Harmon continue to lead in the pun club shoots now being held at Silverton, the third of which was held last Sunday at the clu grounds in 1 North Silverton. Of thise members who shot at 150 blrrla Harmon leads with 140 bro V en. George W. Steelhsmmer and A. rw. Simmons are tied with 136 By ED WHEELAN NisCsfiar f lAriGLEP Or KJAN tKW. CHVCKLt CBRIMLV AT-- .MwAr is ABOUT To tOCVCDAYS.EPlSpDS .i g. i -.V Y rJjA apir and W. W. Cooley Li third with 134. .Intr! Ia LinR stoucJ In Silverton over folf am!, althousa nothlnt definite his bwn done, it is possible that a niae bole. coure may be laid out. - Several mpet ingi by srlf oathuiasta hare Wen held recently and a number of plani dlcnsaed. Should the rnat Inx of s link" b decided upon It i probable that a tract of lant would be? leased for annmber of vear and a club financed by th etlinir, of utock nnd l.y yearly dnea. FieMs about Siirerton are beln t . , rapidly cleared of grain shocks as threshing; crew are st work on sll aide. Some of the reports from farmer, are to the effect that yield.t are not equal to thoe of Ust year. Wheat, in general, last year areraged around forty bush- . t-ls to the acre and some Yrle tiea went as high as fifty or over. This year average yield are from tvt-nty to thirty and the beat about thirty-five. , The sauie decrease la shown In the yie!d of oats ako fifty lo nivty .huftels lo the acre thia urn-"" against seventy to ninety, f ." last year. The train appeared very promising this spring but a late cold spell while the grain was still growing and a few days,., of extreme heat in the early sura- mer as the heads were filling out aus?d the yields to be consider-' ably less than was at first expect- ed. Stalks- are as tall or taller than usual so there Is no lack of straw. i . ..- il It is, reported that Pilverrjn Salem road through the Brush Creek district is lo be Improved fiom the city limits to Scandi u station. The work done will be , . I scarifying, grading, rolling and, 1 1 t .W- ll I. ii'" IlirilUh, IU lur rcuuk, said. s mile of pavement. Is to ba laid. a. I PERSONALS I . Mr. and Mrs. Ilobert Oilsson of Falls City were Salem visitors ywi terday, - ;.-, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornoier,,,, left early Saturday morning for a motor trip to Baker where they-, will visit relatives. . ... , n. ..'. Mrs. Dora R. Aufranc and -daughter. Yvonne, will 1 leave to- -morrow for a 10-day vacation to be spent at Seaside and the Tilla- . mook beaches. A. J. Anderson, local contractor, returned recently from a week's vacation at Newport. - , . Dr. Estella Ford Warner of the : Marion County Child Health dem onstration left Saturday for east- ern Oregon where she will address the Eastern Oregon Medical socie ty at the annual convention in La -Grande, and Enterprise Monday and Tuesday.. She will speak on "The Community and a t'hildi Health Program." Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burkhart ex pect to leave Monday for a motor trip to British Columbia." Mr. Lurkhart is a Marion County dep uty sheriff. Miss Florence Tope, stenog rapher at the Chamber of Com merce, was a Portland visitor yes terday.' While there she was tn guest of one of the employees 'of the General Petroleum company at a banqut of Its workers. Leland Chapin. 1925 Willamette graduate, will leave Salem today for Seattle from where he is soon" to sail for China to assume his position on the faculty of the Can ton Christian college. Albert" Logan will accompany him to S3 ' toatl1'. returning to Salem Monday. ,r nd Mrs. Leonard KramtH of Toledo are spending the ek- n witn-air,. and Mrs. Al Krause, CAXNEHY IS DESTROYKn VANCOUVER, B. C. Ang. A fire of unknown origin here early today destroyed the entire plant of the National Conners, Ltd.. with sb estimated loss of $200,000. Grain Future PORTLAND. July 1 Wheat- aara Trnue- b'-ni. baart Aug Is. s . - 1"". B"'1" B"a I as aek a, 4V Sr d r a a as. - I rtnBUl - ceptemner weater V Whlte' AnBt I General Markets T $i.u." srlnterMi ti.45: ' uTa August ei.4s, September rrjrtbern spring August $r.4$. Ueptember $1.44: western red. ' j August $1.42. September $1.41;,., B. a. B. hard white. Aurnst. September $1.50. " . Oau No. 2 white feed August $31.00; September $30.00; No. 2 gray August. September $30.00. , : Barley. 44 poand August. Se-i tember $31.00. " ' ; . Corn No. 3 yellow August. Scd- l tember $46.00. Mill run, standard. August 2$.'50. September $26.00. . . lkalry I-rtuMige Qaotatlons , Butter extras 4S; standards 47: ' prime firsts 46; firsts 43 V4. t.ggs. extras 38; firsts 3C: nnl- lets 32; current receipts 30 . Hay Buying prices. Talley flmotby $10,00 6 19.00; do eartern Ore- ' r-on $21.00024.50:, - alfalfa' $19.00; clover $16.50; oat hay $15.50; cheat $15.00; oat snd vetch $16.50; - straw $?.5QQ t.Cl per ton. . . . . r. , , felltnt; prices $2.00 a ton jaorp., shrdltt euoia shrdla hrdl'