The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 02, 1925, Page 19, Image 19

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IX. i
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Packard Driven From Eos
New York
I t nil i a-i r. ii - r- - v-', -:. j
i Ml ;:!.-' riii. " -' 'T
e ; i U . - ' . -. " . x -l
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..; : ii - . " . .; :-. .
it: -uc,. - -w - ' A v $ u .
IJentiurat Iielzh Wade, pilot
aeated at the wheel of hl Packard
route' 3000 miles long wlthont once stopping the car.' btanaing Desiae tne car is ion ton wells, news
paper man who was his companion en the trip- Wells is the man who stowed away in Wade's plane at
Calcutta, India and rode 3,000 miles. ' The non-stop cross country run
the .American Automobile Association." The average speed for the
tnllea an hour' as one of the most Important features of the drive was the plan for an unswerving ob
servance of the law over the full distance. The slow speed made the test of both the motor car and the
highway' system even more difficult. ; I
Neivs From Beach Resorts
f:j ; 5IANZAMTA ; -
'ITIVam sa 4 ha WaaV-nnil TA
Arch cape from Manzanita report
that the survey of the road around
Neahkahnie mountain, , the pros
pective Roosevelt highway, has ad
vanced to a short distance beyond
Short Sand Beach .One wonders
t when the construction work on
the road- is started the fabled
treasure of Neahkahnte mountain
may not be unearthed. , There
must be one it one is to judge by
the diligence of the efforts which
various persons have, put forth in
digging for it. One man Pat
Smith, apparently has faith. in the
existence of the treasure for , he
has come every summer .for twen
ty years to try bis luck, so far
with no results. -But he has the
space narrowed "down to an acre
by ; his calculations so perhaps hp
may find it eventually.
, Mrs. Herbert S. McCutchan, -with
her father Col. S. V Blasdel. and
M iss Muriel McCutcban,- of -Fort
land have, the Ernst Rosen cottage
for two weeks. -l-f;; -H
Mrs. L. E. Cornell and her niece
Virginia Hale of Portland are dom
iciled in the Cederson cottage for
several days. Mrs. Hale and Mr.
J E Cornell were visitors over
the week-end.
1 1 pri I and - Mrs. M. Hf Oyamada
and sons Abe and Paul, of Port
land have taken the Fieldhouse
Cotta ge .. forthfoma indw-ot-tht
Reason. i . ' '-. " .','..."'-'''
Mr.! and Mrs. A. S. Roberta, The
Palles, Miss Alice Graham, Miss
Agnes Graham. Lodl. California,
Our patrons and owners qf Packard, Hudson and Essex
Cars will be pleased to learn that we are now located in
pur, new-home which is considered to be one of the finest
arranged and equipped sales and service buildings in the
state, j' It has long been our desire' o situated that
we could render the very best of service and to that end
have spared no expense in equippuig our new home with
all the modern appliances with which to expedite efficient
and economical service -: .
While every department is not yet entirely completed and
may appear in a somewhat chaotic : state, we cordially
invite you to pispect our facilities and bear with us for a
f ew days as we are rushing everything to completion as
rapidly as possible. In the meantime we are prepared to
render excellent service.
' . - - - . - -
X- ,. : '.-:'..''.:-.'' :
:Kei W. PovB; Moto Cars
350 North High Street Phone 2126' ; , A
of the airplane Boston, on the V.
eight car in which he drove from
Mrs. Emmett Meacham, Eugene,
Oregon; and Miss Yelma Farnhan
of Tillamook, were at the Wilson
cottage for several weeks. C i
I Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Storey, Port
land, and Misses Jennie M. Storey
and Etta H. Storey,; Bluff ton, In
diana, spent several days in the
Lawrence cottage. ? - "
Mrs. J. J. Dunning and parly of
Portland have taken one of the
Wakanda Lodge cabins for several
days.' " f :
: Mrs. E. Hanson of Portland has
been the guest of Mrs. Tom Swen
nes for a week or so. ! .
Miss Jennie Hay, Miss 011a
Grade Davis and Mrs.- Lane of
Portland have one of the Smith
Cottages for a weekor ten- days:
1 Mr. and Mrs; . W. Clent King
spent the week-end at Manzanita.
Mrs. Gunderson of Santa Bar
bara, California-; spent a week at
Lane's camp ground. r: i"
V Mr, -Shaw Phillips of Hood River
was among the .numerous j week
end visitors at the beach. "
Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and
family of Wheeler, Oregon,- spent
several days at the Inn.. ,
T.' A.Joes and. Miss. Edit)
Jones of Portland were week-end
visitors at. Manzanita Inn. .
" Mr. Harvey Freeze of Oregon
City, spent the week-end. with .his
family who are domiciled at the
Geijsbeek cottage. , '
.,,M- H, Gaft-and party of Husnm,
Washington Jen joyed the 'hospital
ity of the camp ground for several
days.' . . - . ' . V -
Mr: and Mrs.?W. F. Bisk and
Get th$ New Address Firmlu
Fixed in Your Mind
Angeles to
S. army's around-the-world flight.
Lm Angeles to New York orer a
was made under the auspices of
entire trip was scheduled at 24.3
family of Portland, spent several
days, at Lane's camp ground.! . j
Others who sojourned at the
camp . ground during the wees
were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reddlng-
ton, Portland, - J. D. Dugan and
family of Portland, Mr. an.d Mrs.
Bill Johnnings of Los Angeles and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vivret and
daughter Dolores of Portland.
Mr.' C -Harmon and .daughter
are at their cottage for a short
stay. , r -
Miss Nita B Crail and D. W.
Driscoll, . Grace Driscoll and Jack
Driscoll , of Tillamook, Oregon,
dined at the Inn on Wednesday.
Among the guests at Manzanita
Inn this week were A. B. Mattley,
Oregon City, Albert Tubbesing,
New York City, W. G. Magee, Ne-
halem, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs., Rob
ert W. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
German, and Lois German, all of
Portland. - i
Visitors last week were
Grace Litchfield visiting with Mr.
and. Mrs. Palmer' at the Glencoe
for a .few days. Mr, and Mrs. Ev
erett ' Craven are also guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. j ,
. Miss Rose Robwitz is spending a
few days with Mr.' and Mrs. J. L.
Dill at Bee Hive cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bower from
Portland, Oregon; Mrs. C. E. Greg,
San Francisco, Calif.; Margaret
McAlister, Portland, Ore., Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. McNeil from Portland,
Ore., are at the Sallis cottage.
. .John Hawey and Tambuge Wells
and Mr. London, i y- " - j ;
Mr. and . Mrs. E. L. Duns' and
daughter argaret were spending- a
week -at the Dor; Ratta cottage.
They have as a guest Miss Anna
Johnson of Portland, Ore.
Mr. Charles Schyler, Miss Vir
ginia Lea Miller, Mr. A. S. Lea,
and Mr. Ellis Lea are enjoying
themselves for the week-end . at
the Dillon and Miller cottage:
. Miss Edith Woliott. Janet Wol
iott. Doris Hicks, Lillian Fitzpat
rick, Evelyn Kelly, Mldred .Ohm.
Mary Adell Campbell, Katherine
Rodmer, Bertha Miller and Cora
Quarnstrom of Portland are spend
ing a week at Manhattan.
Miss Helen Gustafson is stay
ing with her. mother and sister
Florence for two weeks in the Ne
vada cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Armbuster are va
cationing in Mrs. C. A. Newton's
Iowa cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Stover from Mil
ton, Oregon, were visitors for a
week in the Dan cottage. . Mrs.
Earl Charters, Miss Mary Doss and
Ruth Forrest of Portland spent
Tuesday at Manhattan.
' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Switzer and
family of Portland are spending
the season at the Welch cottage.
. Miss Mamie Welch of Portland
Is spending the season at the Welch
cottage. j
Mrs. Tes Schmoil with her, son
and daughter Marguerite and Cecil
are at their cottage at Manhattan
beach. . .. -'.
.-H ' . K' '
The Standard
Sedan: .
$895 n
. o. b. Tolido
Visiting at the Baker cottage for
two weeks Is Mrs. Mary Albright of
Mrs. A. E. Graves has returned
to the beach after a visit in Port
land; Ore.
Beginning on Tuesday of this
week and lasting until August 10
the eighth summer convention of
the Christian Endeavor of the Ore
gon yearly meeting of the Friends
church will be held on the con
vention grounds here. Mrs. Bess
Ownes Runyan of Portland, is mu
sical director, and the meetings
are in charge of the prominent
leaders of the conference. A splen
did program has been planned and
delegates are expected from ad
joining states as well as from Ore
gon, jj
The "Cottage Unique" has been
opened by its owners, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Zeller and daughter, Dor
othy, for the remainder of the sea
son. Mrs. H. Durand of Portland.
Is visiting with them for a few
weeks. .- . . .
Mrs, S. W. Lawrence and child
ren of Portland, and their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smedley,
also of Portland, are domiciled in
the new. Lawrence cottages, the
Laddington Court, which is one of
the most attractive summer homes
You make
way that astonishes you, and the rough spots seem to smooth out to boule
vard comfort as you flash along. ; ' . . .. .
J.-",--.--.., , .... A- . . , - - .
. For there is real power in the smooth running six cylinder motor, real com
fort in the low hung chassis, and luxurious riding ease in the roomy seats.
And at the end of the day, as you roll up to your destination you have the
coW ortable feeling of assurance that in performance and appearance, your.
err is a leaaer many company.
on the Oregon coast.. - -
Mrs. Robert Cardnes was hostess!
on Tuesday afternoon to a bridge
luncheon honoring- Mrs. Eugene
Comstock of Belllngham, Wash.
The guests were: Mesdames I J. B.
Sum, Leland Stanford. Charles
Brant, Arthur Bohosky, R. E.
Jackson, Clyde Osborn, and Eu
gene Comstock. j
R. E. Jsney of Portland, , has
joined his wife and children at the
Kressman cottage. ' j
Mrs. H. F. Hamilton of St.! Paul
Minn., and her daughter. Mrs! Earl
Mead of Portland, are in the Bo
zorth cottage for several weeks.
' Mrs. J, T. Combes of Portland.
who has been visiting with her
daughter and son-in-law, left; Wed
nesday for her home. MrsJ Van
Scyoc and daughter. Patsy", return
ed to Portland with her for a few
days stay. 1 !
Mrs. H. H. Benton and daugh
ter. Miss Wilms, of Nanatook are
vacationing in Twin Rocks for a
few weeks. , I i
Mrs. U. Hurlburt of Milwaukie,
arrived in Twin Rocks this week
and has taken one of the Scott
cottages for a few weeks. ; j
In one of the new Sampson cot
tages for two weeks are Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kraits and two children of
Portland. I I
Mrs. C. M. Schedler of Portland,
Make This the
you want to go
or the country but beyond, hedged
guarded by tortuous trails - the,
open road to the Overland Six,
the toughest climbs with surprising ease, the
lis spending a few .weeks In one ofland. are speeding two weeKs
the Scot cottages,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Spears and
sons, Thomas and William of Port'
Augusts Bruggcman, profes
curs a I'lnsttut d'UrbanUme de
I'Univcrsite de Paris, is quoted
is saying that ""the present vital
roblcm of traffic in every mod
ern town is largely the result of '
n inadequate or insufficient
'street plan. The methodical re
. -iearch made by city planners of
traffic experts to improve the
actual conditions .of street cir
culation, as well as the various
temporary remedies lor conges
rion, show that no definite solu
tion is to be found in police reg
ulation, which only gives an ap
parent relief, in spite of the fav
orable results obtained from their
What Professor Ernggeman
points out is the experience of
every community large enough to
have a real traffic problem.
Police control of traffic is only
part of the solution.
Jhose who planned our cities
years ago knew nothing about
motor cars. If. they had been.
Outstanding Qar of the Year
Yosemite, Crater LakeMt,
Twin Rocks. Mr. Spears Is prtn-
(CoBt!.nurd PT C)
5 3
gifted with vision our cities would
look much different today. "
The problem of city builders is
to anticipate the traftic problem
of ten, twenty and thirty years
from now. Our traffic problems
become more serious as the num
ber of motor- cars increase, as
the number, of tall buildings in-'
crease, and as our cities grow.
The wise city is the city which
. plans its future. That city will
begin now to anticipate its prob
in by steeps
route is an
miles roll by in a
ESSEX , , , . HUDSdN
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